/********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2012 SugarCRM Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ /** * Namespace for Sugar Objects */ if (typeof(SUGAR) == "undefined") { SUGAR = { /** * Creates a namespace if it doesn't exist and then returns it. * * Note: this implementation only creates a top-level namespace. Extend this function if * multi-level namespaces are needed. * @param ns */ namespace: function(ns) { SUGAR[ns] = SUGAR[ns] || {}; return ((typeof SUGAR[ns] === "object") && (SUGAR[ns] !== null)) ? SUGAR[ns] : false; }, /** * Add properties of an object to target object. * @param target * @param obj */ append: function(target, obj) { for (var prop in obj) { if (obj[prop] !== void 0) target[prop] = obj[prop]; } return target; } }; } // Namespaces SUGAR.namespace("themes"); /** * Namespace for Homepage */ SUGAR.namespace("sugarHome"); /** * Namespace for Subpanel Utils */ SUGAR.namespace("subpanelUtils"); /** * AJAX status class */ SUGAR.namespace("ajaxStatusClass"); /** * Tab selector utils */ SUGAR.namespace("tabChooser"); /** * General namespace for Sugar utils */ SUGAR.namespace("utils"); SUGAR.namespace("savedViews"); /** * Dashlet utils */ SUGAR.namespace("dashlets"); SUGAR.namespace("unifiedSearchAdvanced"); SUGAR.namespace("searchForm"); SUGAR.namespace("language"); SUGAR.namespace("Studio"); SUGAR.namespace("contextMenu"); SUGAR.namespace("config"); var nameIndex = 0; var typeIndex = 1; var requiredIndex = 2; var msgIndex = 3; var jstypeIndex = 5; var minIndex = 10; var maxIndex = 11; var altMsgIndex = 15; var compareToIndex = 7; var arrIndex = 12; var operatorIndex = 13; var callbackIndex = 16; var allowblank = 8; var validate = new Array(); var maxHours = 24; var requiredTxt = 'Missing Required Field:'; var invalidTxt = 'Invalid Value:'; var secondsSinceLoad = 0; var inputsWithErrors = new Array(); var tabsWithErrors = new Array(); var lastSubmitTime = 0; var alertList = new Array(); var oldStartsWith = ''; /** * @deprecated * * As of Sugar version 6.2.3 (MSIE Version 9) this function is deprecated. The preferred method is to use the * user agent check supplied by YUI to check for IE: * * for checking if a browser is IE in general : if(YAHOO.env.ua.ie) {...} * * or for checking specific versions: if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie >= 5.5 && YAHOO.env.ua.ie < 9) {...} * */ function isSupportedIE() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() ; // IE Check supports ActiveX controls if (userAgent.indexOf("msie") != -1 && userAgent.indexOf("mac") == -1 && userAgent.indexOf("opera") == -1) { var version = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (.\..)/)[1] ; if(version >= 5.5 && version < 10) { return true; } else { return false; } } } SUGAR.isIE = isSupportedIE(); var isSafari = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari')!=-1); // escapes regular expression characters RegExp.escape = function(text) { // http://simon.incutio.com/archive/2006/01/20/escape if (!arguments.callee.sRE) { var specials = ['/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|','(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\']; arguments.callee.sRE = new RegExp('(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g'); } return text.replace(arguments.callee.sRE, '\\$1'); } function addAlert(type, name,subtitle, description,time, redirect) { var addIndex = alertList.length; alertList[addIndex]= new Array(); alertList[addIndex]['name'] = name; alertList[addIndex]['type'] = type; alertList[addIndex]['subtitle'] = subtitle; alertList[addIndex]['description'] = replaceHTMLChars(description.replace(/
/gi, "\n")); alertList[addIndex]['time'] = time; alertList[addIndex]['done'] = 0; alertList[addIndex]['redirect'] = redirect; } function checkAlerts() { secondsSinceLoad += 1; var mj = 0; var alertmsg = ''; for(mj = 0 ; mj < alertList.length; mj++) { if(alertList[mj]['done'] == 0) { if(alertList[mj]['time'] < secondsSinceLoad && alertList[mj]['time'] > -1 ) { alertmsg = alertList[mj]['type'] + ":" + alertList[mj]['name'] + "\n" +alertList[mj]['subtitle']+ "\n"+ alertList[mj]['description'] + "\n\n"; alertList[mj]['done'] = 1; if(alertList[mj]['redirect'] == '') { alert(alertmsg); } else if(confirm(alertmsg)) { window.location = alertList[mj]['redirect']; } } } } setTimeout("checkAlerts()", 1000); } function toggleDisplay(id) { if(this.document.getElementById(id).style.display == 'none') { this.document.getElementById(id).style.display = ''; if(this.document.getElementById(id+"link") != undefined) { this.document.getElementById(id+"link").style.display = 'none'; } if(this.document.getElementById(id+"_anchor") != undefined) this.document.getElementById(id+"_anchor").innerHTML='[ - ]'; } else { this.document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none'; if(this.document.getElementById(id+"link") != undefined) { this.document.getElementById(id+"link").style.display = ''; } if(this.document.getElementById(id+"_anchor") != undefined) this.document.getElementById(id+"_anchor").innerHTML='[+]'; } } function checkAll(form, field, value) { for (i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { if(form.elements[i].name == field) form.elements[i].checked = value; } } function replaceAll(text, src, rep) { offset = text.toLowerCase().indexOf(src.toLowerCase()); while(offset != -1) { text = text.substring(0, offset) + rep + text.substring(offset + src.length ,text.length); offset = text.indexOf( src, offset + rep.length + 1); } return text; } function addForm(formname) { validate[formname] = new Array(); } function addToValidate(formname, name, type, required, msg) { if(typeof validate[formname] == 'undefined') { addForm(formname); } validate[formname][validate[formname].length] = new Array(name, type,required, msg); } // Bug #47961 Callback validator definition function addToValidateCallback(formname, name, type, required, msg, callback) { addToValidate(formname, name, type, required, msg); var iIndex = validate[formname].length -1; validate[formname][iIndex][jstypeIndex] = 'callback'; validate[formname][iIndex][callbackIndex] = callback; } function addToValidateRange(formname, name, type,required, msg,min,max) { addToValidate(formname, name, type,required, msg); validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'range'; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][minIndex] = min; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][maxIndex] = max; } function addToValidateIsValidDate(formname, name, type, required, msg) { addToValidate(formname, name, type, required, msg); validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'date'; } function addToValidateIsValidTime(formname, name, type, required, msg) { addToValidate(formname, name, type, required, msg); validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'time'; } function addToValidateDateBefore(formname, name, type, required, msg, compareTo) { addToValidate(formname, name, type,required, msg); validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'isbefore'; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][compareToIndex] = compareTo; } function addToValidateDateBeforeAllowBlank(formname, name, type, required, msg, compareTo, allowBlank) { addToValidate(formname, name, type,required, msg); validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'isbefore'; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][compareToIndex] = compareTo; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][allowblank] = allowBlank; } function addToValidateBinaryDependency(formname, name, type, required, msg, compareTo) { addToValidate(formname, name, type, required, msg); validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'binarydep'; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][compareToIndex] = compareTo; } function addToValidateComparison(formname, name, type, required, msg, compareTo) { addToValidate(formname, name, type, required, msg); validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'comparison'; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][compareToIndex] = compareTo; } function addToValidateIsInArray(formname, name, type, required, msg, arr, operator) { addToValidate(formname, name, type, required, msg); validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'in_array'; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][arrIndex] = arr; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][operatorIndex] = operator; } function addToValidateVerified(formname, name, type, required, msg, arr, operator) { addToValidate(formname, name, type, required, msg); validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'verified'; } function addToValidateLessThan(formname, name, type, required, msg, max, max_field_msg) { addToValidate(formname, name, type, required, msg); validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'less'; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][maxIndex] = max; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][altMsgIndex] = max_field_msg; } function addToValidateMoreThan(formname, name, type, required, msg, min) { addToValidate(formname, name, type, required, msg); validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][jstypeIndex] = 'more'; validate[formname][validate[formname].length - 1][minIndex] = min; } function removeFromValidate(formname, name) { for(i = 0; i < validate[formname].length; i++) { if(validate[formname][i][nameIndex] == name) { validate[formname].splice(i--,1); // We subtract 1 from i since the slice removed an element, and we'll skip over the next item we scan } } } function checkValidate(formname, name) { if(validate[formname]){ for(i = 0; i < validate[formname].length; i++){ if(validate[formname][i][nameIndex] == name){ return true; } } } return false; } var formsWithFieldLogic=null; var formWithPrecision =null; function addToValidateFieldLogic(formId,minFieldId, maxFieldId, defaultFieldId, lenFieldId,type,msg){ this.formId = document.getElementById(formId); this.min=document.getElementById(minFieldId); this.max= document.getElementById(maxFieldId); this._default= document.getElementById(defaultFieldId); this.len = document.getElementById(lenFieldId); this.msg = msg; this.type= type; } //@params: formid- Dom id of the form containing the precision and float fields // valudId- Dom id of the field containing a float whose precision is to be checked. // precisionId- Dom id of the field containing precision value. function addToValidatePrecision(formId, valueId, precisionId){ this.form = document.getElementById(formId); this.float = document.getElementById(valueId); this.precision = document.getElementById(precisionId); } //function checkLength(value, referenceValue){ // return value //} function isValidPrecision(value, precision){ value = trim(value.toString()); if(precision == '') return true; if(value == '') return true; //#27021 if( (precision == "0") ){ if (value.indexOf(dec_sep)== -1){ return true; }else{ return false; } } //#27021 end if(value.charAt(value.length-precision-1) == num_grp_sep){ if(value.substr(value.indexOf(dec_sep), 1)==dec_sep){ return false; } return true; } var actualPrecision = value.substr(value.indexOf(dec_sep)+1, value.length).length; return actualPrecision == precision; } function toDecimal(original, precision) { precision = (precision == null) ? 2 : precision; num = Math.pow(10, precision); temp = Math.round(original*num)/num; if((temp * 100) % 100 == 0) return temp + '.00'; if((temp * 10) % 10 == 0) return temp + '0'; return temp } function isInteger(s) { if(typeof num_grp_sep != 'undefined' && typeof dec_sep != 'undefined') { s = unformatNumberNoParse(s, num_grp_sep, dec_sep).toString(); } return /^[+-]?[0-9]*$/.test(s) ; } function isDecimal(s) { if (typeof s == "string" && s == "") // bug# 46530, this is required in order to return true; // not check empty decimal fields if(typeof num_grp_sep != 'undefined' && typeof dec_sep != 'undefined') { s = unformatNumberNoParse(s, num_grp_sep, dec_sep).toString(); } return /^[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$/.test(s) ; } function isNumeric(s) { return isDecimal(s); } if (typeof date_reg_positions != "object") var date_reg_positions = {'Y': 1,'m': 2,'d': 3}; if (typeof date_reg_format != "string") var date_reg_format = '([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})'; function isDate(dtStr) { if(dtStr.length== 0) { return true; } // Check that we have numbers myregexp = new RegExp(date_reg_format) if(!myregexp.test(dtStr)) return false m = ''; d = ''; y = ''; var dateParts = dtStr.match(date_reg_format); for(key in date_reg_positions) { index = date_reg_positions[key]; if(key == 'm') { m = dateParts[index]; } else if(key == 'd') { d = dateParts[index]; } else { y = dateParts[index]; } } // Check that date is real var dd = new Date(y,m,0); // reject negative years if (y < 1) return false; // reject month less than 1 and greater than 12 if (m > 12 || m < 1) return false; // reject days less than 1 or days not in month (e.g. February 30th) if (d < 1 || d > dd.getDate()) return false; return true; } function getDateObject(dtStr) { if(dtStr.length== 0) { return true; } myregexp = new RegExp(date_reg_format) if(myregexp.exec(dtStr)) var dt = myregexp.exec(dtStr) else return false; var yr = dt[date_reg_positions['Y']]; var mh = dt[date_reg_positions['m']]; var dy = dt[date_reg_positions['d']]; var dtar = dtStr.split(' '); if(typeof(dtar[1])!='undefined' && isTime(dtar[1])) {//if it is a timedate, we should make date1 to have time value var t1 = dtar[1].replace(/am/i,' AM'); var t1 = t1.replace(/pm/i,' PM'); //bug #37977: where time format 23.00 causes java script error t1=t1.replace(/\./, ':'); date1 = new Date(Date.parse(mh+'/'+dy+ '/'+yr+' '+t1)); } else { var date1 = new Date(); date1.setFullYear(yr); // xxxx 4 char year date1.setMonth(mh-1); // 0-11 Bug 4048: javascript Date obj months are 0-index date1.setDate(dy); // 1-31 } return date1; } function isBefore(value1, value2) { var d1 = getDateObject(value1); var d2 = getDateObject(value2); if(typeof(d2)=='boolean') {// if d2 is not set, we should let it pass, the d2 may not need to be set. the empty check should not be done here. return true; } return d2 >= d1; } function isValidEmail(emailStr) { if(emailStr.length== 0) { return true; } // cn: bug 7128, a period at the end of the string mangles checks. (switched to accept spaces and delimiters) var lastChar = emailStr.charAt(emailStr.length - 1); if(!lastChar.match(/[^\.]/i)) { return false; } //bug 40068, According to rules in page 6 of http://www.apps.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3696.html#sec-3, //first character of local part of an email address //should not be a period i.e. '.' var firstLocalChar=emailStr.charAt(0); if(firstLocalChar.match(/\./)){ return false; } //bug 40068, According to rules in page 6 of http://www.apps.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3696.html#sec-3, //last character of local part of an email address //should not be a period i.e. '.' var pos=emailStr.lastIndexOf("@"); var localPart = emailStr.substr(0, pos); var lastLocalChar=localPart.charAt(localPart.length - 1); if(lastLocalChar.match(/\./)){ return false; } var reg = /@.*?;/g; var results; while ((results = reg.exec(emailStr)) != null) { var original = results[0]; parsedResult = results[0].replace(';', '::;::'); emailStr = emailStr.replace (original, parsedResult); } reg = /.@.*?,/g; while ((results = reg.exec(emailStr)) != null) { var original = results[0]; //Check if we were using ; as a delimiter. If so, skip the commas if(original.indexOf("::;::") == -1) { var parsedResult = results[0].replace(',', '::;::'); emailStr = emailStr.replace (original, parsedResult); } } // mfh: bug 15010 - more practical implementation of RFC 2822 from http://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html, modifed to accept CAPITAL LETTERS //if(!/[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?/.test(emailStr)) // return false //bug 40068, According to rules in page 6 of http://www.apps.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3696.html#sec-3, //allowed special characters ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` . { | } ~ in local part var emailArr = emailStr.split(/::;::/); for (var i = 0; i < emailArr.length; i++) { var emailAddress = emailArr[i]; if (trim(emailAddress) != '') { if(!/^\s*[\w.%+\-&'#!\$\*=\?\^_`\{\}~\/]+@([A-Z0-9-]+\.)*[A-Z0-9-]+\.[\w-]{2,}\s*$/i.test(emailAddress) && !/^.*<[A-Z0-9._%+\-&'#!\$\*=\?\^_`\{\}~]+?@([A-Z0-9-]+\.)*[A-Z0-9-]+\.[\w-]{2,}>\s*$/i.test(emailAddress)) { return false; } // if } } // for return true; } function isValidPhone(phoneStr) { if(phoneStr.length== 0) { return true; } if(!/^[0-9\-\(\)\s]+$/.test(phoneStr)) return false return true } function isFloat(floatStr) { if(floatStr.length== 0) { return true; } if(!(typeof(num_grp_sep)=='undefined' || typeof(dec_sep)=='undefined')) { floatStr = unformatNumberNoParse(floatStr, num_grp_sep, dec_sep).toString(); } return /^(-)?[0-9\.]+$/.test(floatStr); } function isDBName(str) { if(str.length== 0) { return true; } // must start with a letter if(!/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\_0-9]*$/.test(str)) return false return true } var time_reg_format = "[0-9]{1,2}\:[0-9]{2}"; function isTime(timeStr) { var time_reg_format = "[0-9]{1,2}\:[0-9]{2}"; time_reg_format = time_reg_format.replace('([ap]m)', ''); time_reg_format = time_reg_format.replace('([AP]M)', ''); if(timeStr.length== 0){ return true; } //we now support multiple time formats myregexp = new RegExp(time_reg_format) if(!myregexp.test(timeStr)) return false return true; } function inRange(value, min, max) { if (typeof num_grp_sep != 'undefined' && typeof dec_sep != 'undefined') value = unformatNumberNoParse(value, num_grp_sep, dec_sep).toString(); return value >= min && value <= max; } function bothExist(item1, item2) { if(typeof item1 == 'undefined') { return false; } if(typeof item2 == 'undefined') { return false; } if((item1 == '' && item2 != '') || (item1 != '' && item2 == '') ) { return false; } return true; } trim = YAHOO.lang.trim; function check_form(formname) { if (typeof(siw) != 'undefined' && siw && typeof(siw.selectingSomething) != 'undefined' && siw.selectingSomething) return false; return validate_form(formname, ''); } function add_error_style(formname, input, txt, flash) { var raiseFlag = false; if (typeof flash == "undefined") flash = true; try { inputHandle = typeof input == "object" ? input : document.forms[formname][input]; style = get_current_bgcolor(inputHandle); // strip off the colon at the end of the warning strings if ( txt.substring(txt.length-1) == ':' ) txt = txt.substring(0,txt.length-1) // Bug 28249 - To help avoid duplicate messages for an element, strip off extra messages and // match on the field name itself requiredTxt = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'ERR_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS'); invalidTxt = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'ERR_INVALID_VALUE'); nomatchTxt = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH_FIELD'); matchTxt = txt.replace(requiredTxt,'').replace(invalidTxt,'').replace(nomatchTxt,''); YUI().use('node', function (Y) { Y.one(inputHandle).get('parentNode').get('children').each(function(node, index, nodeList){ if(node.hasClass('validation-message') && node.get('text').search(matchTxt)){ raiseFlag = true; } }); }); if(!raiseFlag) { errorTextNode = document.createElement('div'); errorTextNode.className = 'required validation-message'; errorTextNode.innerHTML = txt; if ( inputHandle.parentNode.className.indexOf('x-form-field-wrap') != -1 ) { inputHandle.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(errorTextNode); } else { inputHandle.parentNode.appendChild(errorTextNode); } if (flash) inputHandle.style.backgroundColor = "#FF0000"; inputsWithErrors.push(inputHandle); } if (flash) { // We only need to setup the flashy-flashy on the first entry, it loops through all fields automatically if ( inputsWithErrors.length == 1 ) { for(var wp = 1; wp <= 10; wp++) { window.setTimeout('fade_error_style(style, '+wp*10+')',1000+(wp*50)); } } if(typeof (window[formname + "_tabs"]) != "undefined") { var tabView = window[formname + "_tabs"]; var parentDiv = YAHOO.util.Dom.getAncestorByTagName(inputHandle, "div"); if ( tabView.get ) { var tabs = tabView.get("tabs"); for (var i in tabs) { if (tabs[i].get("contentEl") == parentDiv || YAHOO.util.Dom.isAncestor(tabs[i].get("contentEl"), inputHandle)) { tabs[i].get("labelEl").style.color = "red"; if ( inputsWithErrors.length == 1 ) tabView.selectTab(i); } } } } window.setTimeout("inputsWithErrors[" + (inputsWithErrors.length - 1) + "].style.backgroundColor = '';", 2000); } } catch ( e ) { // Catch errors here so we don't allow an incomplete record through the javascript validation } } /** * removes all error messages for the current form */ function clear_all_errors() { for(var wp = 0; wp < inputsWithErrors.length; wp++) { if(typeof(inputsWithErrors[wp]) !='undefined' && typeof inputsWithErrors[wp].parentNode != 'undefined' && inputsWithErrors[wp].parentNode != null) { if ( inputsWithErrors[wp].parentNode.className.indexOf('x-form-field-wrap') != -1 ) { inputsWithErrors[wp].parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(inputsWithErrors[wp].parentNode.parentNode.lastChild); } else { inputsWithErrors[wp].parentNode.removeChild(inputsWithErrors[wp].parentNode.lastChild); } } } if (inputsWithErrors.length == 0) return; if ( YAHOO.util.Dom.getAncestorByTagName(inputsWithErrors[0], "form") ) { var formname = YAHOO.util.Dom.getAncestorByTagName(inputsWithErrors[0], "form").getAttribute("name"); if(typeof (window[formname + "_tabs"]) != "undefined") { var tabView = window[formname + "_tabs"]; if ( tabView.get ) { var tabs = tabView.get("tabs"); for (var i in tabs) { if (typeof tabs[i] == "object") tabs[i].get("labelEl").style.color = ""; } } } inputsWithErrors = new Array(); } } function get_current_bgcolor(input) { if(input.currentStyle) {// ie style = input.currentStyle.backgroundColor; return style.substring(1,7); } else {// moz style = ''; styleRGB = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(input, '').getPropertyValue("background-color"); comma = styleRGB.indexOf(','); style += dec2hex(styleRGB.substring(4, comma)); commaPrevious = comma; comma = styleRGB.indexOf(',', commaPrevious+1); style += dec2hex(styleRGB.substring(commaPrevious+2, comma)); style += dec2hex(styleRGB.substring(comma+2, styleRGB.lastIndexOf(')'))); return style; } } function hex2dec(hex){return(parseInt(hex,16));} var hexDigit=new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"); function dec2hex(dec){return(hexDigit[dec>>4]+hexDigit[dec&15]);} function fade_error_style(normalStyle, percent) { errorStyle = 'c60c30'; var r1 = hex2dec(errorStyle.slice(0,2)); var g1 = hex2dec(errorStyle.slice(2,4)); var b1 = hex2dec(errorStyle.slice(4,6)); var r2 = hex2dec(normalStyle.slice(0,2)); var g2 = hex2dec(normalStyle.slice(2,4)); var b2 = hex2dec(normalStyle.slice(4,6)); var pc = percent / 100; r= Math.floor(r1+(pc*(r2-r1)) + .5); g= Math.floor(g1+(pc*(g2-g1)) + .5); b= Math.floor(b1+(pc*(b2-b1)) + .5); for(var wp = 0; wp < inputsWithErrors.length; wp++) { inputsWithErrors[wp].style.backgroundColor = "#" + dec2hex(r) + dec2hex(g) + dec2hex(b); } } function isFieldTypeExceptFromEmptyCheck(fieldType) { var results = false; var exemptList = ['bool','file']; for(var i=0;imaximum) { isError = true; add_error_style(formname, validate[formname][i][nameIndex], validate[formname][i][msgIndex] +" " +SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'MSG_IS_MORE_THAN')+ ' ' + validate[formname][i][altMsgIndex]); } } break; case 'more': value=unformatNumber(trim(form[validate[formname][i][nameIndex]].value), num_grp_sep, dec_sep); minimum = parseFloat(validate[formname][i][minIndex]); if( typeof minimum != 'undefined'){ if(value showErrorsOn.len.obj){ invalidLogic=true; showErrorsOn[i].show=true; showErrorsOn.len.show=true; } } if(min!='undef' && max!='undef' && _default!='undef'){ if(!inRange(_default,min,max)){ invalidLogic=true; showErrorsOn.min.show=true; showErrorsOn.max.show=true; showErrorsOn._default.show=true; } } if(min!='undef' && max!= 'undef' && min > max){ invalidLogic = true; showErrorsOn.min.show=true; showErrorsOn.max.show=true; } if(min!='undef' && _default!='undef' && _default < min){ invalidLogic = true; showErrorsOn.min.show=true; showErrorsOn._default.show=true; } if(max!='undef' && _default !='undef' && _default>max){ invalidLogic = true; showErrorsOn.max.show=true; showErrorsOn._default.show=true; } if(invalidLogic){ isError=true; for(var error in showErrorsOn) if(showErrorsOn[error].show) add_error_style(formname,showErrorsOn[error].value, formsWithFieldLogic.msg); } else if (!isError) formsWithFieldLogic = null; } } if(formWithPrecision){ if (!isValidPrecision(formWithPrecision.float.value, formWithPrecision.precision.value)){ isError = true; add_error_style(formname, 'default', SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'ERR_COMPATIBLE_PRECISION_VALUE')); }else if(!isError){ isError = false; } } //END BUG# 15102 if (isError == true) { var nw, ne, sw, se; if (self.pageYOffset) // all except Explorer { nwX = self.pageXOffset; seX = self.innerWidth; nwY = self.pageYOffset; seY = self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) // Explorer 6 Strict { nwX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; seX = document.documentElement.clientWidth; nwY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; seY = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) // all other Explorers { nwX = document.body.scrollLeft; seX = document.body.clientWidth; nwY = document.body.scrollTop; seY = document.body.clientHeight; } var inView = true; // is there an error within viewport of browser for(var wp = 0; wp < inputsWithErrors.length; wp++) { var elementCoor = findElementPos(inputsWithErrors[wp]); if(!(elementCoor.x >= nwX && elementCoor.y >= nwY && elementCoor.x <= seX && elementCoor.y <= seY)) { // if input is not within viewport inView = false; scrollToTop = elementCoor.y - 75; scrollToLeft = elementCoor.x - 75; } else { // on first input within viewport, don't scroll break; } } if(!inView) window.scrollTo(scrollToLeft,scrollToTop); return false; } disableOnUnloadEditView(form); return true; } /** * This array is used to remember mark status of rows in browse mode */ var marked_row = new Array; /** * Sets/unsets the pointer and marker in browse mode * * @param object the table row * @param interger the row number * @param string the action calling this script (over, out or click) * @param string the default background color * @param string the color to use for mouseover * @param string the color to use for marking a row * * @return boolean whether pointer is set or not */ function setPointer(theRow, theRowNum, theAction, theDefaultColor, thePointerColor, theMarkColor) { var theCells = null; // 1. Pointer and mark feature are disabled or the browser can't get the // row -> exits if ((thePointerColor == '' && theMarkColor == '') || typeof(theRow.style) == 'undefined') { return false; } // 2. Gets the current row and exits if the browser can't get it if (typeof(document.getElementsByTagName) != 'undefined') { theCells = theRow.getElementsByTagName('td'); } else if (typeof(theRow.cells) != 'undefined') { theCells = theRow.cells; } else { return false; } // 3. Gets the current color... var rowCellsCnt = theCells.length; var domDetect = null; var currentColor = null; var newColor = null; // 3.1 ... with DOM compatible browsers except Opera that does not return // valid values with "getAttribute" if (typeof(window.opera) == 'undefined' && typeof(theCells[0].getAttribute) != 'undefined') { currentColor = theCells[0].getAttribute('bgcolor'); domDetect = true; } // 3.2 ... with other browsers else { currentColor = theCells[0].style.backgroundColor; domDetect = false; } // end 3 // 4. Defines the new color // 4.1 Current color is the default one if (currentColor == '' || (currentColor!= null && (currentColor.toLowerCase() == theDefaultColor.toLowerCase()))) { if (theAction == 'over' && thePointerColor != '') { newColor = thePointerColor; } else if (theAction == 'click' && theMarkColor != '') { newColor = theMarkColor; marked_row[theRowNum] = true; } } // 4.1.2 Current color is the pointer one else if (currentColor!= null && (currentColor.toLowerCase() == thePointerColor.toLowerCase()) && (typeof(marked_row[theRowNum]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[theRowNum])) { if (theAction == 'out') { newColor = theDefaultColor; } else if (theAction == 'click' && theMarkColor != '') { newColor = theMarkColor; marked_row[theRowNum] = true; } } // 4.1.3 Current color is the marker one else if (currentColor!= null && (currentColor.toLowerCase() == theMarkColor.toLowerCase())) { if (theAction == 'click') { newColor = (thePointerColor != '') ? thePointerColor : theDefaultColor; marked_row[theRowNum] = (typeof(marked_row[theRowNum]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[theRowNum]) ? true : null; } } // end 4 // 5. Sets the new color... if (newColor) { var c = null; // 5.1 ... with DOM compatible browsers except Opera if (domDetect) { for (c = 0; c < rowCellsCnt; c++) { theCells[c].setAttribute('bgcolor', newColor, 0); } // end for } // 5.2 ... with other browsers else { for (c = 0; c < rowCellsCnt; c++) { theCells[c].style.backgroundColor = newColor; } } } // end 5 return true; } // end of the 'setPointer()' function /** * listbox redirection */ function goToUrl(selObj, goToLocation) { eval("document.location.href = '" + goToLocation + "pos=" + selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value + "'"); } var json_objects = new Object(); function getXMLHTTPinstance() { var xmlhttp = false; var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() ; // IE Check supports ActiveX controls if (userAgent.indexOf("msie") != -1 && userAgent.indexOf("mac") == -1 && userAgent.indexOf("opera") == -1) { var version = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (.\..)/)[1] ; if(version >= 5.5 ) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (E) { xmlhttp = false; } } } } if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } return xmlhttp; } // NOW LOAD THE OBJECT.. var global_xmlhttp = getXMLHTTPinstance(); function http_fetch_sync(url,post_data) { global_xmlhttp = getXMLHTTPinstance(); var method = 'GET'; if(typeof(post_data) != 'undefined') method = 'POST'; try { global_xmlhttp.open(method, url,false); } catch(e) { alert('message:'+e.message+":url:"+url); } if(method == 'POST') { global_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } global_xmlhttp.send(post_data); if (SUGAR.util.isLoginPage(global_xmlhttp.responseText)) return false; var args = {"responseText" : global_xmlhttp.responseText, "responseXML" : global_xmlhttp.responseXML, "request_id" : typeof(request_id) != "undefined" ? request_id : 0}; return args; } // this is a GET unless post_data is defined function http_fetch_async(url,callback,request_id,post_data) { var method = 'GET'; if(typeof(post_data) != 'undefined') { method = 'POST'; } try { global_xmlhttp.open(method, url,true); } catch(e) { alert('message:'+e.message+":url:"+url); } if(method == 'POST') { global_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } global_xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if(global_xmlhttp.readyState==4) { if(global_xmlhttp.status == 200) { if (SUGAR.util.isLoginPage(global_xmlhttp.responseText)) return false; var args = {"responseText" : global_xmlhttp.responseText, "responseXML" : global_xmlhttp.responseXML, "request_id" : request_id }; callback.call(document,args); } else { alert("There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n" + global_xmlhttp.statusText); } } } global_xmlhttp.send(post_data); } function insert_at_cursor(field, value) { //ie: if (document.selection) { field.focus(); sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = value; } //mozilla: else if(field.selectionStart || field.selectionStart == '0') { var start_pos = field.selectionStart; var end_pos = field.selectionEnd; field.value = field.value.substring(0, start_pos) + value + field.value.substring(end_pos, field.value.length); } else { field.value += value; } } function checkParentType(type,button) { if(button == null) { return; } if(typeof disabledModules != 'undefined' && typeof(disabledModules[type]) != 'undefined') { button.disabled='disabled'; } else { button.disabled = false; } } function parseDate(input, format) { date = input.value; format = format.replace(/%/g, ''); sep = format.charAt(1); yAt = format.indexOf('Y') // 1-1-06 or 1-12-06 or 1-1-2006 or 1-12-2006 if(date.match(/^\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{2,4}$/) && yAt == 4) { if(date.match(/^\d{1}[\/-].*$/)) date = '0' + date; if(date.match(/^\d{2}[\/-]\d{1}[\/-].*$/)) date = date.substring(0,3) + '0' + date.substring(3,date.length); if(date.match(/^\d{2}[\/-]\d{2}[\/-]\d{2}$/)) date = date.substring(0,6) + '20' + date.substring(6,date.length); } // 06-11-1 or 06-1-1 else if(date.match(/^\d{2,4}[\/-]\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{1,2}$/)) { if(date.match(/^\d{2}[\/-].*$/)) date = '20' + date; if(date.match(/^\d{4}[\/-]\d{1}[\/-].*$/)) date = date.substring(0,5) + '0' + date.substring(5,date.length); if(date.match(/^\d{4}[\/-]\d{2}[\/-]\d{1}$/)) date = date.substring(0,8) + '0' + date.substring(8,date.length); } else if(date.match(/^\d{4,8}$/)) { // digits only digits = 0; if(date.match(/^\d{8}$/)) digits = 8;// match for 8 digits else if(date.match(/\d{6}/)) digits = 6;// match for 5 digits else if(date.match(/\d{4}/)) digits = 4;// match for 5 digits else if(date.match(/\d{5}/)) digits = 5;// match for 5 digits switch(yAt) { case 0: switch(digits) { case 4: date = '20' + date.substring(0,2) + sep + '0' + date.substring(2, 3) + sep + '0' + date.substring(3,4); break; case 5: date = '20' + date.substring(0,2) + sep + date.substring(2, 4) + sep + '0' + date.substring(4,5); break; case 6: date = '20' + date.substring(0,2) + sep + date.substring(2, 4) + sep + date.substring(4,6); break; case 8: date = date.substring(0,4) + sep + date.substring(4, 6) + sep + date.substring(6,8); break; } break; case 2: switch(digits) { case 4: date = '0' + date.substring(0,1) + sep + '20' + date.substring(1, 3) + sep + '0' + date.substring(3,4); break; case 5: date = date.substring(0,2) + sep + '20' + date.substring(2, 4) + sep + '0' + date.substring(4,5); break; case 6: date = date.substring(0,2) + sep + '20' + date.substring(2, 4) + sep + date.substring(4,6); break; case 8: date = date.substring(0,2) + sep + date.substring(2, 6) + sep + date.substring(6,8); break; } case 4: switch(digits) { case 4: date = '0' + date.substring(0,1) + sep + '0' + date.substring(1, 2) + sep + '20' + date.substring(2,4); break; case 5: date = '0' + date.substring(0,1) + sep + date.substring(1, 3) + sep + '20' + date.substring(3,5); break; case 6: date = date.substring(0,2) + sep + date.substring(2, 4) + sep + '20' + date.substring(4,6); break; case 8: date = date.substring(0,2) + sep + date.substring(2, 4) + sep + date.substring(4,8); break; } break; } } date = date.replace(/[\/-]/g, sep); input.value = date; } // find obj's position function findElementPos(obj) { var x = 0; var y = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { x += obj.offsetLeft; y += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } }//if offsetParent exists else if (obj.x && obj.y) { y += obj.y x += obj.x } return new coordinate(x, y); }//findElementPos // get dimensions of the browser window function getClientDim() { var nwX, nwY, seX, seY; if (self.pageYOffset) // all except Explorer { nwX = self.pageXOffset; seX = self.innerWidth + nwX; nwY = self.pageYOffset; seY = self.innerHeight + nwY; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) // Explorer 6 Strict { nwX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; seX = document.documentElement.clientWidth + nwX; nwY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; seY = document.documentElement.clientHeight + nwY; } else if (document.body) // all other Explorers { nwX = document.body.scrollLeft; seX = document.body.clientWidth + nwX; nwY = document.body.scrollTop; seY = document.body.clientHeight + nwY; } return {'nw' : new coordinate(nwX, nwY), 'se' : new coordinate(seX, seY)}; } /** * stop propagation on events **/ function freezeEvent(e) { if(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; } } /** * coordinate class **/ function coordinate(_x, _y) { var x = _x; var y = _y; this.add = add; this.sub = sub; this.x = x; this.y = y; function add(rh) { return new position(this.x + rh.x, this.y + rh.y); } function sub(rh) { return new position(this.x + rh.x, this.y + rh.y); } } // sends theForm via AJAX and fills in the theDiv function sendAndRetrieve(theForm, theDiv, loadingStr) { function success(data) { document.getElementById(theDiv).innerHTML = data.responseText; ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); } if(typeof loadingStr == 'undefined') SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_LOADING'); ajaxStatus.showStatus(loadingStr); oForm = new YAHOO.util.Element(theForm); if ( oForm.get('enctype') && oForm.get('enctype') == 'multipart/form-data' ) { // the second argument is true to indicate file upload. YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(theForm, true); var cObj = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', 'index.php', {upload: success, failure: success}); } else { YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(theForm); var cObj = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', 'index.php', {success: success, failure: success}); } return false; } //save the form and redirect function sendAndRedirect(theForm, loadingStr, redirect_location) { function success(data) { if(redirect_location){ location.href=redirect_location; } ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); } if(typeof loadingStr == 'undefined') SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_LOADING'); ajaxStatus.showStatus(loadingStr); oForm = new YAHOO.util.Element(theForm); if ( oForm.get('enctype') && oForm.get('enctype') == 'multipart/form-data' ) { // the second argument is true to indicate file upload. YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(theForm, true); var cObj = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', 'index.php', {upload: success, failure: success}); } else { YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(theForm); var cObj = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', 'index.php', {success: success, failure: success}); } return false; } function saveForm(theForm, theDiv, loadingStr) { if(check_form(theForm)){ for(i = 0; i < ajaxFormArray.length; i++){ if(ajaxFormArray[i] == theForm){ ajaxFormArray.splice(i, 1); } } return sendAndRetrieve(theForm, loadingStr, theDiv); } else return false; } // Builds a "snapshot" of the form, so we can use it to see if someone has changed it. function snapshotForm(theForm) { var snapshotTxt = ''; var elemList = theForm.elements; var elem; var elemType; for( var i = 0; i < elemList.length ; i++ ) { elem = elemList[i]; if ( typeof(elem.type) == 'undefined' ) { continue; } elemType = elem.type.toLowerCase(); snapshotTxt = snapshotTxt + elem.name; if ( elemType == 'text' || elemType == 'textarea' || elemType == 'password' ) { snapshotTxt = snapshotTxt + elem.value; } else if ( elemType == 'select' || elemType == 'select-one' || elemType == 'select-multiple' ) { var optionList = elem.options; for ( var ii = 0 ; ii < optionList.length ; ii++ ) { if ( optionList[ii].selected ) { snapshotTxt = snapshotTxt + optionList[ii].value; } } } else if ( elemType == 'radio' || elemType == 'checkbox' ) { if ( elem.selected ) { snapshotTxt = snapshotTxt + 'checked'; } } else if ( elemType == 'hidden' ) { snapshotTxt = snapshotTxt + elem.value; } } return snapshotTxt; } function initEditView(theForm) { if (SUGAR.util.ajaxCallInProgress()) { window.setTimeout(function(){initEditView(theForm);}, 100); return; } if ( theForm == null || theForm.id == null ) { // Not much we can do here. return; } // we don't need to check if the data is changed in the search popup if (theForm.id == 'popup_query_form' || theForm.id == 'MassUpdate') { return; } if ( typeof editViewSnapshots == 'undefined' || editViewSnapshots == null ) { editViewSnapshots = new Object(); } if ( typeof SUGAR.loadedForms == 'undefined' || SUGAR.loadedForms == null) { SUGAR.loadedForms = new Object(); } editViewSnapshots[theForm.id] = snapshotForm(theForm); SUGAR.loadedForms[theForm.id] = true; } function onUnloadEditView(theForm) { var dataHasChanged = false; if ( typeof editViewSnapshots == 'undefined' ) { // No snapshots, move along return; } if ( typeof theForm == 'undefined' ) { // Need to check all editViewSnapshots for ( var idx in editViewSnapshots ) { theForm = document.getElementById(idx); // console.log('DEBUG: Checking all forms '+theForm.id); if ( theForm == null || typeof editViewSnapshots[theForm.id] == 'undefined' || editViewSnapshots[theForm.id] == null || !SUGAR.loadedForms[theForm.id]) { continue; } var snap = snapshotForm(theForm); if ( editViewSnapshots[theForm.id] != snap ) { dataHasChanged = true; } } } else { // Just need to check a single form for changes if ( editViewSnapshots == null || typeof theForm.id == 'undefined' || typeof editViewSnapshots[theForm.id] == 'undefined' || editViewSnapshots[theForm.id] == null ) { return; } // console.log('DEBUG: Checking one form '+theForm.id); if ( editViewSnapshots[theForm.id] != snapshotForm(theForm) ) { // Data has changed. dataHasChanged = true; } } if ( dataHasChanged == true ) { return SUGAR.language.get('app_strings','WARN_UNSAVED_CHANGES'); } else { return; } } function disableOnUnloadEditView(theForm) { // If you don't pass anything in, it disables all checking if ( typeof theForm == 'undefined' || typeof editViewSnapshots == 'undefined' || theForm == null || editViewSnapshots == null) { window.onbeforeunload = null; editViewSnapshots = null; // console.log('DEBUG: Disabling all edit view checks'); } else { // Otherwise, it just disables it for this form if ( typeof(theForm.id) != 'undefined' && typeof(editViewSnapshots[theForm.id]) != 'undefined' ) { editViewSnapshots[theForm.id] = null; } // console.log('DEBUG : Disabling just checks for '+theForm.id); } } /* * save some forms using an ajax call * theForms - the ids of all of theh forms to save * savingStr - the string to display when saving the form * completeStr - the string to display when the form has been saved */ function saveForms( savingStr, completeStr) { index = 0; theForms = ajaxFormArray; function success(data) { var theForm = document.getElementById(ajaxFormArray[0]); document.getElementById('multiedit_'+theForm.id).innerHTML = data.responseText; var saveAllButton = document.getElementById('ajaxsaveall'); ajaxFormArray.splice(index, 1); if(saveAllButton && ajaxFormArray.length <= 1){ saveAllButton.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } index++; if(index == theForms.length){ ajaxStatus.showStatus(completeStr); window.setTimeout('ajaxStatus.hideStatus();', 2000); if(saveAllButton) saveAllButton.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } if(typeof savingStr == 'undefined') SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_LOADING'); ajaxStatus.showStatus(savingStr); //loop through the forms saving each one for(i = 0; i < theForms.length; i++){ var theForm = document.getElementById(theForms[i]); if(check_form(theForm.id)){ theForm.action.value='AjaxFormSave'; YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(theForm); var cObj = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', 'index.php', {success: success, failure: success}); }else{ ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); } lastSubmitTime = lastSubmitTime-2000; } return false; } // -- start sugarListView class // js functions used for ListView function sugarListView() { } sugarListView.prototype.confirm_action = function(del) { if (del == 1) { return confirm( SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'NTC_DELETE_CONFIRMATION_NUM') + sugarListView.get_num_selected() + SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'NTC_DELETE_SELECTED_RECORDS')); } else { return confirm( SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'NTC_UPDATE_CONFIRMATION_NUM') + sugarListView.get_num_selected() + SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'NTC_DELETE_SELECTED_RECORDS')); } } sugarListView.get_num_selected = function () { if(typeof document.MassUpdate != 'undefined') { the_form = document.MassUpdate; for(var wp = 0; wp < the_form.elements.length; wp++) { if(typeof the_form.elements[wp].name != 'undefined' && the_form.elements[wp].name == 'selectCount[]') { return the_form.elements[wp].value; } } } return 0; } sugarListView.update_count = function(count, add) { if(typeof document.MassUpdate != 'undefined') { the_form = document.MassUpdate; for(var wp = 0; wp < the_form.elements.length; wp++) { if(typeof the_form.elements[wp].name != 'undefined' && the_form.elements[wp].name == 'selectCount[]') { if(add) { the_form.elements[wp].value = parseInt(the_form.elements[wp].value,10) + count; if (the_form.select_entire_list.value == 1 && the_form.show_plus.value) { the_form.elements[wp].value += '+'; } } else { if (the_form.select_entire_list.value == 1 && the_form.show_plus.value) { the_form.elements[wp].value = count + '+'; } else { the_form.elements[wp].value = count; } } } } } } sugarListView.prototype.use_external_mail_client = function(no_record_txt, module) { selected_records = sugarListView.get_checks_count(); if(selected_records <1) { alert(no_record_txt); return false; } if (document.MassUpdate.select_entire_list.value == 1) { if (totalCount > 10) { alert(totalCountError); return; } // if select = false; } else if (document.MassUpdate.massall.checked == true) select = false; else select = true; sugarListView.get_checks(); var ids = ""; if(select) { // use selected items ids = document.MassUpdate.uid.value; } else { // use current page inputs = document.MassUpdate.elements; ar = new Array(); for(i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if(inputs[i].name == 'mass[]' && inputs[i].checked && typeof(inputs[i].value) != 'function') { ar.push(inputs[i].value); } } ids = ar.join(','); } YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest("POST", "index.php?", { success: this.use_external_mail_client_callback }, SUGAR.util.paramsToUrl({ module: "Emails", action: "Compose", listViewExternalClient: 1, action_module: module, uid: ids, to_pdf:1 })); return false; } sugarListView.prototype.use_external_mail_client_callback = function(o) { if (o.responseText) location.href = 'mailto:' + o.responseText; } sugarListView.prototype.send_form_for_emails = function(select, currentModule, action, no_record_txt,action_module,totalCount, totalCountError) { if ( typeof(SUGAR.config.email_sugarclient_listviewmaxselect) != 'undefined' ) { maxCount = 10; } else { maxCount = SUGAR.config.email_sugarclient_listviewmaxselect; } if (document.MassUpdate.select_entire_list.value == 1) { if (totalCount > maxCount) { alert(totalCountError); return; } // if select = false; } else if (document.MassUpdate.massall.checked == true) select = false; else select = true; sugarListView.get_checks(); // create new form to post (can't access action property of MassUpdate form due to action input) var newForm = document.createElement('form'); newForm.method = 'post'; newForm.action = action; newForm.name = 'newForm'; newForm.id = 'newForm'; var uidTa = document.createElement('textarea'); uidTa.name = 'uid'; uidTa.style.display = 'none'; if(select) { // use selected items uidTa.value = document.MassUpdate.uid.value; } else { // use current page inputs = document.MassUpdate.elements; ar = new Array(); for(i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if(inputs[i].name == 'mass[]' && inputs[i].checked && typeof(inputs[i].value) != 'function') { ar.push(inputs[i].value); } } uidTa.value = ar.join(','); } if(uidTa.value == '') { alert(no_record_txt); return false; } var selectedArray = uidTa.value.split(","); if(selectedArray.length > maxCount) { alert(totalCountError); return; } // if newForm.appendChild(uidTa); var moduleInput = document.createElement('input'); moduleInput.name = 'module'; moduleInput.type = 'hidden'; moduleInput.value = currentModule; newForm.appendChild(moduleInput); var actionInput = document.createElement('input'); actionInput.name = 'action'; actionInput.type = 'hidden'; actionInput.value = 'Compose'; newForm.appendChild(actionInput); if (typeof action_module != 'undefined' && action_module!= '') { var actionModule = document.createElement('input'); actionModule.name = 'action_module'; actionModule.type = 'hidden'; actionModule.value = action_module; newForm.appendChild(actionModule); } //return_info must follow this pattern."&return_module=Accounts&return_action=index" if (typeof return_info!= 'undefined' && return_info != '') { var params= return_info.split('&'); if (params.length > 0) { for (var i=0;i< params.length;i++) { if (params[i].length > 0) { var param_nv=params[i].split('='); if (param_nv.length==2){ returnModule = document.createElement('input'); returnModule.name = param_nv[0]; returnModule.type = 'hidden'; returnModule.value = param_nv[1]; newForm.appendChild(returnModule); } } } } } var isAjaxCall = document.createElement('input'); isAjaxCall.name = 'ajaxCall'; isAjaxCall.type = 'hidden'; isAjaxCall.value = true; newForm.appendChild(isAjaxCall); var isListView = document.createElement('input'); isListView.name = 'ListView'; isListView.type = 'hidden'; isListView.value = true; newForm.appendChild(isListView); var toPdf = document.createElement('input'); toPdf.name = 'to_pdf'; toPdf.type = 'hidden'; toPdf.value = true; newForm.appendChild(toPdf); //Grab the Quick Compose package for the listview YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(newForm); var callback = { success: function(o) { var resp = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(o.responseText); var quickComposePackage = new Object(); quickComposePackage.composePackage = resp; quickComposePackage.fullComposeUrl = 'index.php?module=Emails&action=Compose&ListView=true' + '&uid=' + uidTa.value + '&action_module=' + action_module; SUGAR.quickCompose.init(quickComposePackage); } } YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST','index.php', callback,null); // awu Bug 18624: Fixing issue where a canceled Export and unselect of row will persist the uid field, clear the field document.MassUpdate.uid.value = ''; return false; } sugarListView.prototype.send_form = function(select, currentModule, action, no_record_txt,action_module,return_info) { if (document.MassUpdate.select_entire_list.value == 1) { if(sugarListView.get_checks_count() < 1) { alert(no_record_txt); return false; } var href = action; if ( action.indexOf('?') != -1 ) href += '&module=' + currentModule; else href += '?module=' + currentModule; if (return_info) href += return_info; var newForm = document.createElement('form'); newForm.method = 'post'; newForm.action = href; newForm.name = 'newForm'; newForm.id = 'newForm'; var postTa = document.createElement('textarea'); postTa.name = 'current_post'; postTa.value = document.MassUpdate.current_query_by_page.value; postTa.style.display = 'none'; newForm.appendChild(postTa); document.MassUpdate.parentNode.appendChild(newForm); newForm.submit(); return; } else if (document.MassUpdate.massall.checked == true) select = false; else select = true; sugarListView.get_checks(); // create new form to post (can't access action property of MassUpdate form due to action input) var newForm = document.createElement('form'); newForm.method = 'post'; newForm.action = action; newForm.name = 'newForm'; newForm.id = 'newForm'; var uidTa = document.createElement('textarea'); uidTa.name = 'uid'; uidTa.style.display = 'none'; uidTa.value = document.MassUpdate.uid.value; if(uidTa.value == '') { alert(no_record_txt); return false; } newForm.appendChild(uidTa); var moduleInput = document.createElement('input'); moduleInput.name = 'module'; moduleInput.type = 'hidden'; moduleInput.value = currentModule; newForm.appendChild(moduleInput); var actionInput = document.createElement('input'); actionInput.name = 'action'; actionInput.type = 'hidden'; actionInput.value = 'index'; newForm.appendChild(actionInput); if (typeof action_module != 'undefined' && action_module!= '') { var actionModule = document.createElement('input'); actionModule.name = 'action_module'; actionModule.type = 'hidden'; actionModule.value = action_module; newForm.appendChild(actionModule); } //return_info must follow this pattern."&return_module=Accounts&return_action=index" if (typeof return_info!= 'undefined' && return_info != '') { var params= return_info.split('&'); if (params.length > 0) { for (var i=0;i< params.length;i++) { if (params[i].length > 0) { var param_nv=params[i].split('='); if (param_nv.length==2){ returnModule = document.createElement('input'); returnModule.name = param_nv[0]; returnModule.type = 'hidden'; returnModule.value = param_nv[1]; newForm.appendChild(returnModule); } } } } } document.MassUpdate.parentNode.appendChild(newForm); newForm.submit(); // awu Bug 18624: Fixing issue where a canceled Export and unselect of row will persist the uid field, clear the field document.MassUpdate.uid.value = ''; return false; } //return a count of checked row. sugarListView.get_checks_count = function() { ar = new Array(); if(document.MassUpdate.uid.value != '') { oldUids = document.MassUpdate.uid.value.split(','); for(uid in oldUids) { if(typeof(oldUids[uid]) != 'function') { ar[oldUids[uid]] = 1; } } } // build associated array of uids, associated array ensures uniqueness inputs = document.MassUpdate.elements; for(i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if(inputs[i].name == 'mass[]') { ar[inputs[i].value] = (inputs[i].checked) ? 1 : 0; // 0 of it is unchecked } } // build regular array of uids uids = new Array(); for(i in ar) { if((typeof(ar[i]) != 'function') && ar[i] == 1) { uids.push(i); } } return uids.length; } // saves the checks on the current page into the uid textarea sugarListView.get_checks = function() { ar = new Array(); if(typeof document.MassUpdate != 'undefined' ){ if(document.MassUpdate.uid.value != '') { oldUids = document.MassUpdate.uid.value.split(','); for(uid in oldUids) { if(typeof(oldUids[uid]) != 'function') { ar[oldUids[uid]] = 1; } } } // build associated array of uids, associated array ensures uniqueness inputs = document.MassUpdate.elements; for(i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if(inputs[i].name == 'mass[]') { ar[inputs[i].value] = (inputs[i].checked) ? 1 : 0; // 0 of it is unchecked } } // build regular array of uids uids = new Array(); for(i in ar) { if(typeof(ar[i]) != 'function' && ar[i] == 1) { uids.push(i); } } document.MassUpdate.uid.value = uids.join(','); if(uids.length == 0) return false; // return false if no checks to get return true; // there are saved checks } else return false; } sugarListView.prototype.order_checks = function(order,orderBy,moduleString){ checks = sugarListView.get_checks(); eval('document.MassUpdate.' + moduleString + '.value = orderBy'); document.MassUpdate.lvso.value = order; if(typeof document.MassUpdate.massupdate != 'undefined') { document.MassUpdate.massupdate.value = 'false'; } //we must first clear the action of massupdate, change it to index document.MassUpdate.action.value = document.MassUpdate.return_action.value; document.MassUpdate.return_module.value=''; document.MassUpdate.return_action.value=''; document.MassUpdate.submit(); return !checks; } sugarListView.prototype.save_checks = function(offset, moduleString) { checks = sugarListView.get_checks(); if(typeof document.MassUpdate != 'undefined'){ eval('document.MassUpdate.' + moduleString + '.value = offset'); if(typeof document.MassUpdate.massupdate != 'undefined') { document.MassUpdate.massupdate.value = 'false'; } //we must first clear the action of massupdate, change it to index document.MassUpdate.action.value = document.MassUpdate.return_action.value; document.MassUpdate.return_module.value=''; document.MassUpdate.return_action.value=''; document.MassUpdate.submit(); return !checks; } else return false; } sugarListView.prototype.check_item = function(cb, form) { if(cb.checked) { sugarListView.update_count(1, true); }else{ sugarListView.update_count(-1, true); if(typeof form != 'undefined' && form != null) { sugarListView.prototype.updateUid(cb, form); } } sugarListView.prototype.toggleSelected(); } sugarListView.prototype.toggleSelected = function() { var numSelected = sugarListView.get_num_selected(); var selectedRecords = document.getElementById("selectedRecordsTop"); var selectActions = document.getElementById("selectActions"); var selectActionsDisabled = document.getElementById("selectActionsDisabled"); if(numSelected > 0) { $(selectedRecords).removeAttr("style").addClass("show"); $(".selectActionsDisabled").hide(); jQuery('ul[name=selectActions]').each(function () { jQuery(this).removeAttr("style").addClass("show"); }); } else { $(selectedRecords).hide(); $(".selectActionsDisabled").removeAttr("style").addClass("show"); jQuery('ul[name=selectActions]').each(function () { jQuery(this).hide(); }); } } /**#28000, remove the unselect record id from MassUpdate.uid **/ sugarListView.prototype.updateUid = function(cb , form){ if(form.name == 'MassUpdate' && form.uid && form.uid.value && cb.value && form.uid.value.indexOf(cb.value) != -1){ if(form.uid.value.indexOf(','+cb.value)!= -1){ form.uid.value = form.uid.value.replace(','+cb.value , ''); }else if(form.uid.value.indexOf(cb.value + ',')!= -1){ form.uid.value = form.uid.value.replace(cb.value + ',' , ''); }else if(form.uid.value.indexOf(cb.value)!= -1){ form.uid.value = form.uid.value.replace(cb.value , ''); } } } sugarListView.prototype.check_entire_list = function(form, field, value, list_count) { // count number of items count = 0; document.MassUpdate.massall.checked = true; document.MassUpdate.massall.disabled = true; for (i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { if(form.elements[i].name == field && form.elements[i].disabled == false) { if(form.elements[i].checked != value) count++; form.elements[i].checked = value; form.elements[i].disabled = true; } } document.MassUpdate.select_entire_list.value = 1; sugarListView.update_count(list_count, false); sugarListView.prototype.toggleSelected(); } sugarListView.prototype.check_all = function(form, field, value, pageTotal) { // count number of items count = 0; document.MassUpdate.massall.checked = value; if (document.MassUpdate.select_entire_list && document.MassUpdate.select_entire_list.value == 1) { sugarListView.prototype.toggleSelected(); document.MassUpdate.massall.disabled = true; } else document.MassUpdate.massall.disabled = false; for (i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { if(form.elements[i].name == field && !(form.elements[i].disabled == true && form.elements[i].checked == false)) { form.elements[i].disabled = false; if(form.elements[i].checked != value) count++; form.elements[i].checked = value; if(!value){ sugarListView.prototype.updateUid(form.elements[i], form); } } } if (pageTotal >= 0) sugarListView.update_count(pageTotal); else if(value) sugarListView.update_count(count, true); else sugarListView.update_count(-1 * count, true); sugarListView.prototype.toggleSelected(); } sugarListView.check_all = sugarListView.prototype.check_all; sugarListView.confirm_action = sugarListView.prototype.confirm_action; sugarListView.prototype.check_boxes = function() { var inputsCount = 0; var checkedCount = 0; var existing_onload = window.onload; var theForm = document.MassUpdate; inputs_array = theForm.elements; if(typeof theForm.uid.value != 'undefined' && theForm.uid.value != "") { checked_items = theForm.uid.value.split(","); if (theForm.select_entire_list.value == 1) { document.MassUpdate.massall.disabled = true; sugarListView.prototype.toggleSelected(); } for(var wp = 0 ; wp < inputs_array.length; wp++) { if(inputs_array[wp].name == "mass[]") { inputsCount++; if (theForm.select_entire_list.value == 1) { inputs_array[wp].checked = true; inputs_array[wp].disabled = true; checkedCount++; } else { for(i in checked_items) { if(inputs_array[wp].value == checked_items[i]) { checkedCount++; inputs_array[wp].checked = true; sugarListView.prototype.check_item(inputs_array[wp], document.MassUpdate); } } } } } } else { for(var wp = 0 ; wp < inputs_array.length; wp++) { if(inputs_array[wp].name == "mass[]") { inputs_array[wp].checked = false; inputs_array[wp].disabled = false; } } if (document.MassUpdate.massall) { document.MassUpdate.massall.checked = false; document.MassUpdate.massall.disabled = false; } sugarListView.update_count(0) } if(checkedCount > 0 && checkedCount == inputsCount) document.MassUpdate.massall.checked = true; } /** * This function is used in Email Template Module's listview. * It will check whether the templates are used in Campaing->EmailMarketing. * If true, it will notify user. */ function check_used_email_templates() { var ids = document.MassUpdate.uid.value; var call_back = { success:function(r) { if(r.responseText != '') { if(!confirm(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings','NTC_TEMPLATES_IS_USED') + r.responseText)) { return false; } } document.MassUpdate.submit(); return false; } }; url = "index.php?module=EmailTemplates&action=CheckDeletable&from=ListView&to_pdf=1&records="+ids; YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',url, call_back,null); } sugarListView.prototype.send_mass_update = function(mode, no_record_txt, del) { formValid = check_form('MassUpdate'); if(!formValid && !del) return false; if (document.MassUpdate.select_entire_list && document.MassUpdate.select_entire_list.value == 1) mode = 'entire'; else mode = 'selected'; var ar = new Array(); switch(mode) { case 'selected': for(var wp = 0; wp < document.MassUpdate.elements.length; wp++) { var reg_for_existing_uid = new RegExp('^'+RegExp.escape(document.MassUpdate.elements[wp].value)+'[\s]*,|,[\s]*'+RegExp.escape(document.MassUpdate.elements[wp].value)+'[\s]*,|,[\s]*'+RegExp.escape(document.MassUpdate.elements[wp].value)+'$|^'+RegExp.escape(document.MassUpdate.elements[wp].value)+'$'); //when the uid is already in document.MassUpdate.uid.value, we should not add it to ar. if(typeof document.MassUpdate.elements[wp].name != 'undefined' && document.MassUpdate.elements[wp].name == 'mass[]' && document.MassUpdate.elements[wp].checked && !reg_for_existing_uid.test(document.MassUpdate.uid.value)) { ar.push(document.MassUpdate.elements[wp].value); } } if(document.MassUpdate.uid.value != '') document.MassUpdate.uid.value += ','; document.MassUpdate.uid.value += ar.join(','); if(document.MassUpdate.uid.value == '') { alert(no_record_txt); return false; } if(typeof(current_admin_id)!='undefined' && document.MassUpdate.module!= 'undefined' && document.MassUpdate.module.value == 'Users' && (document.MassUpdate.is_admin.value!='' || document.MassUpdate.status.value!='')) { var reg_for_current_admin_id = new RegExp('^'+current_admin_id+'[\s]*,|,[\s]*'+current_admin_id+'[\s]*,|,[\s]*'+current_admin_id+'$|^'+current_admin_id+'$'); if(reg_for_current_admin_id.test(document.MassUpdate.uid.value)) { //if current user is admin, we should not allow massupdate the user_type and status of himself alert(SUGAR.language.get('Users','LBL_LAST_ADMIN_NOTICE')); return false; } } break; case 'entire': var entireInput = document.createElement('input'); entireInput.name = 'entire'; entireInput.type = 'hidden'; entireInput.value = 'index'; document.MassUpdate.appendChild(entireInput); //confirm(no_record_txt); if(document.MassUpdate.module!= 'undefined' && document.MassUpdate.module.value == 'Users' && (document.MassUpdate.is_admin.value!='' || document.MassUpdate.status.value!='')) { alert(SUGAR.language.get('Users','LBL_LAST_ADMIN_NOTICE')); return false; } break; } if(!sugarListView.confirm_action(del)) return false; if(del == 1) { var deleteInput = document.createElement('input'); deleteInput.name = 'Delete'; deleteInput.type = 'hidden'; deleteInput.value = true; document.MassUpdate.appendChild(deleteInput); if(document.MassUpdate.module!= 'undefined' && document.MassUpdate.module.value == 'EmailTemplates') { check_used_email_templates(); return false; } } document.MassUpdate.submit(); return false; } sugarListView.prototype.clear_all = function() { document.MassUpdate.uid.value = ''; document.MassUpdate.select_entire_list.value = 0; sugarListView.check_all(document.MassUpdate, 'mass[]', false); document.MassUpdate.massall.checked = false; document.MassUpdate.massall.disabled = false; sugarListView.update_count(0); sugarListView.prototype.toggleSelected(); } sListView = new sugarListView(); // -- end sugarListView class // format and unformat numbers function unformatNumber(n, num_grp_sep, dec_sep) { var x=unformatNumberNoParse(n, num_grp_sep, dec_sep); x=x.toString(); if(x.length > 0) { return parseFloat(x); } return ''; } function unformatNumberNoParse(n, num_grp_sep, dec_sep) { if(typeof num_grp_sep == 'undefined' || typeof dec_sep == 'undefined') return n; n = n ? n.toString() : ''; if(n.length > 0) { if(num_grp_sep != '') { num_grp_sep_re = new RegExp('\\'+num_grp_sep, 'g'); n = n.replace(num_grp_sep_re, ''); } n = n.replace(dec_sep, '.'); if(typeof CurrencySymbols != 'undefined') { // Need to strip out the currency symbols from the start. for ( var idx in CurrencySymbols ) { n = n.replace(CurrencySymbols[idx], ''); } } return n; } return ''; } // round parameter can be negative for decimal, precision has to be postive function formatNumber(n, num_grp_sep, dec_sep, round, precision) { if(typeof num_grp_sep == 'undefined' || typeof dec_sep == 'undefined') return n; n = n ? n.toString() : ''; if(n.split) n = n.split('.'); else return n; if(n.length > 2) return n.join('.'); // that's not a num! // round if(typeof round != 'undefined') { if(round > 0 && n.length > 1) { // round to decimal n[1] = parseFloat('0.' + n[1]); n[1] = Math.round(n[1] * Math.pow(10, round)) / Math.pow(10, round); n[1] = n[1].toString().split('.')[1]; } if(round <= 0) { // round to whole number n[0] = Math.round(parseInt(n[0],10) * Math.pow(10, round)) / Math.pow(10, round); n[1] = ''; } } if(typeof precision != 'undefined' && precision >= 0) { if(n.length > 1 && typeof n[1] != 'undefined') n[1] = n[1].substring(0, precision); // cut off precision else n[1] = ''; if(n[1].length < precision) { for(var wp = n[1].length; wp < precision; wp++) n[1] += '0'; } } regex = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while(num_grp_sep != '' && regex.test(n[0])) n[0] = n[0].toString().replace(regex, '$1' + num_grp_sep + '$2'); return n[0] + (n.length > 1 && n[1] != '' ? dec_sep + n[1] : ''); } // --- begin ajax status class SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass = function() {}; SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass.prototype.statusDiv = null; SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass.prototype.oldOnScroll = null; SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass.prototype.shown = false; // state of the status window // reposition the status div, top and centered SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass.prototype.positionStatus = function() { //this.statusDiv.style.top = document.body.scrollTop + 8 + 'px'; statusDivRegion = YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion(this.statusDiv); statusDivWidth = statusDivRegion.right - statusDivRegion.left; this.statusDiv.style.left = YAHOO.util.Dom.getViewportWidth() / 2 - statusDivWidth / 2 + 'px'; } // private func, create the status div SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass.prototype.createStatus = function(text) { statusDiv = document.createElement('div'); statusDiv.className = 'dataLabel'; statusDiv.id = 'ajaxStatusDiv'; document.body.appendChild(statusDiv); this.statusDiv = document.getElementById('ajaxStatusDiv'); } // public - show the status div with text SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass.prototype.showStatus = function(text) { if(!this.statusDiv) { this.createStatus(text); } else { this.statusDiv.style.display = ''; } this.statusDiv.innerHTML = ' ' + text + ' '; this.positionStatus(); if(!this.shown) { this.shown = true; this.statusDiv.style.display = ''; if(window.onscroll) this.oldOnScroll = window.onscroll; // save onScroll window.onscroll = this.positionStatus; } } // public - hide it SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass.prototype.hideStatus = function(text) { if(!this.shown) return; this.shown = false; if(this.oldOnScroll) window.onscroll = this.oldOnScroll; else window.onscroll = ''; this.statusDiv.style.display = 'none'; } SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass.prototype.flashStatus = function(text, time){ this.showStatus(text); window.setTimeout('ajaxStatus.hideStatus();', time); } var ajaxStatus = new SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass(); // --- end ajax status class /** * Unified Search Advanced - for global search */ SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced = function() { var usa_div; var usa_img; var usa_open; var usa_content; var anim_open; var anim_close; return { init: function() { SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_div = document.getElementById('unified_search_advanced_div'); SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_img = document.getElementById('unified_search_advanced_img'); if(!SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_div || !SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_img) return; var attributes = { height: { to: 300 } }; SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.anim_open = new YAHOO.util.Anim('unified_search_advanced_div', attributes ); SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.anim_open.duration = 0.75; SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.anim_close = new YAHOO.util.Anim('unified_search_advanced_div', { height: {to: 0} } ); SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.anim_close.duration = 0.75; //SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.anim_close.onComplete.subscribe(function() {SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_div.style.display = 'none'}); SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_img._x = YAHOO.util.Dom.getX(SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_img); SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_img._y = YAHOO.util.Dom.getY(SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_img); SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_open = false; SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_content = null; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener('unified_search_advanced_img', 'click', SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.get_content); }, get_content: function(e) { query_string = trim(document.getElementById('query_string').value); if(query_string != '') { window.location.href = 'index.php?module=Home&action=UnifiedSearch&query_string=' + query_string; } else { window.location.href = 'index.php?module=Home&action=UnifiedSearch&form_only=true'; } }, animate: function(data) { ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); if(data) { SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_content = data.responseText; SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_div.innerHTML = SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_content; } if(SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_open) { document.UnifiedSearch.advanced.value = 'false'; SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.anim_close.animate(); } else { document.UnifiedSearch.advanced.value = 'true'; SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_div.style.display = ''; YAHOO.util.Dom.setX(SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_div, SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_img._x - 90); YAHOO.util.Dom.setY(SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_div, SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_img._y + 15); SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.anim_open.animate(); } SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_open = !SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.usa_open; return false; }, checkUsaAdvanced: function() { if(document.UnifiedSearch.advanced.value == 'true') { document.UnifiedSearchAdvanced.query_string.value = document.UnifiedSearch.query_string.value; document.UnifiedSearchAdvanced.submit(); return false; } return true; } }; }(); if(typeof YAHOO != 'undefined') YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, 'load', SUGAR.unifiedSearchAdvanced.init); SUGAR.ui = { /** * Toggles the header */ toggleHeader : function() { var h = document.getElementById('header'); if(h != null) { if(h != null) { if(h.style.display == 'none') { h.style.display = ''; } else { h.style.display = 'none'; } } } else { alert(SUGAR.language.get("app_strings", "ERR_NO_HEADER_ID")); } } }; /** * General Sugar Utils */ SUGAR.util = function () { var additionalDetailsCache; var additionalDetailsCalls; var additionalDetailsRpcCall; return { getAndRemove : function (el) { if (YAHOO && YAHOO.util && YAHOO.util.Dom) el = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(el); else if (typeof (el) == "string") el = document.getElementById(el); if (el && el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); return el; }, paramsToUrl : function (params) { url = ""; for (i in params) { url += i + "=" + params[i] + "&"; } return url; }, evalScript:function(text){ if (isSafari) { var waitUntilLoaded = function(){ SUGAR.evalScript_waitCount--; if (SUGAR.evalScript_waitCount == 0) { var headElem = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; for ( var i = 0; i < SUGAR.evalScript_evalElem.length; i++) { var tmpElem = document.createElement('script'); tmpElem.type = 'text/javascript'; tmpElem.text = SUGAR.evalScript_evalElem[i]; headElem.appendChild(tmpElem); } } }; var tmpElem = document.createElement('div'); tmpElem.innerHTML = text; var results = tmpElem.getElementsByTagName('script'); if (results == null) { // No scripts found, bail out return; } var headElem = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var tmpElem = null; SUGAR.evalScript_waitCount = 0; SUGAR.evalScript_evalElem = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { if (typeof(results[i]) != 'object') { continue; }; tmpElem = document.createElement('script'); tmpElem.type = 'text/javascript'; if (results[i].src != null && results[i].src != '') { tmpElem.src = results[i].src; } else { // Need to defer execution of these scripts until the // required javascript files are fully loaded SUGAR.evalScript_evalElem[SUGAR.evalScript_evalElem.length] = results[i].text; continue; } tmpElem.addEventListener('load', waitUntilLoaded); SUGAR.evalScript_waitCount++; headElem.appendChild(tmpElem); } // Add some code to handle pages without any external scripts SUGAR.evalScript_waitCount++; waitUntilLoaded(); // Don't try and process things the IE way return; } var objRegex = /<\s*script([^>]*)>((.|\s|\v|\0)*?)<\s*\/script\s*>/igm; var lastIndex = -1; var result = objRegex.exec(text); while(result && result.index > lastIndex){ lastIndex = result.index try{ var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type= 'text/javascript'; if(result[1].indexOf("src=") > -1){ var srcRegex = /.*src=['"]([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\&\/\.\?=:-]*)['"].*/igm; var srcResult = result[1].replace(srcRegex, '$1'); script.src = srcResult; }else{ script.text = result[2]; } document.body.appendChild(script); } catch(e) { if(typeof(console) != "undefined" && typeof(console.log) == "function") { console.log("error adding script"); console.log(e); console.log(result); } } result = objRegex.exec(text); } }, /** * Gets the sidebar object * @return object pointer to the sidebar element */ getLeftColObj: function() { leftColObj = document.getElementById('leftCol'); while(leftColObj.nodeName != 'TABLE') { leftColObj = leftColObj.firstChild; } leftColTable = leftColObj; leftColTd = leftColTable.getElementsByTagName('td')[0]; leftColTdRegion = YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion(leftColTd); leftColTd.style.width = (leftColTdRegion.right - leftColTdRegion.left) + 'px'; return leftColTd; }, /** * Fills the shortcut menu placeholders w/ actual content * Call this on load event * * @param shortcutContent Array array of content to fill in */ fillShortcuts: function(e, shortcutContent) { return ; /* // don't do this if leftCol isn't available if (document.getElementById('leftCol') == undefined) { return; } spans = document.getElementById('leftCol').getElementsByTagName('span'); hideCol = document.getElementById('HideMenu').getElementsByTagName('span'); w = spans.length + 1; for(i in hideCol) { spans[w] = hideCol[i]; w++; } for(je in shortcutContent) { for(wp in spans) { if(typeof spans[wp].innerHTML != 'undefined' && spans[wp].innerHTML == ('wp_shortcut_fill_' + je)) { if(typeof spans[wp].parentNode.parentNode == 'object') { if(typeof spans[wp].parentNode.parentNode.onclick != 'undefined') { spans[wp].parentNode.parentNode.onclick = null; } // If the wp_shortcut span is contained by an A tag, replace the A with a DIV. if(spans[wp].parentNode.tagName == 'A' && !isIE) { var newDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); var parentAnchor = spans[wp].parentNode; spans[wp].parentNode.parentNode.style.display = 'none'; // Copy styles over to the new container div if(window.getComputedStyle) { var parentStyle = window.getComputedStyle(parentAnchor, ''); for(var styleName in parentStyle) { if(typeof parentStyle[styleName] != 'function' && styleName != 'display' && styleName != 'borderWidth' && styleName != 'visibility') { try { newDiv.style[styleName] = parentStyle[styleName]; } catch(e) { // Catches .length and .parentRule, and others } } } } // Replace the A with the DIV newDiv.appendChild(spans[wp]); parentAnchor.parentNode.replaceChild(newDiv, parentAnchor); spans[wp].parentNode.parentNode.style.display = ''; } } spans[wp].innerHTML = shortcutContent[je]; // fill w/ content if(spans[wp].style) spans[wp].style.display = ''; } } }*/ }, /** * Make an AJAX request. * * @param url string resource to load * @param theDiv string id of element to insert loaded data into * @param postForm string if set, a POST request will be made to resource specified by url using the form named by postForm * @param callback string name of function to invoke after HTTP response is recieved * @param callbackParam any parameter to pass to callback when invoked * @param appendMode bool if true, HTTP response will be appended to the contents of theDiv, or else contents will be overriten. */ retrieveAndFill: function(url, theDiv, postForm, callback, callbackParam, appendMode) { if(typeof theDiv == 'string') { try { theDiv = document.getElementById(theDiv); } catch(e) { return; } } var success = function(data) { if (typeof theDiv != 'undefined' && theDiv != null) { try { if (typeof appendMode != 'undefined' && appendMode) { theDiv.innerHTML += data.responseText; } else { theDiv.innerHTML = data.responseText; } } catch (e) { return; } } if (typeof callback != 'undefined' && callback != null) callback(callbackParam); } if(typeof postForm == 'undefined' || postForm == null) { var cObj = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', url, {success: success, failure: success}); } else { YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(postForm); var cObj = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', url, {success: success, failure: success}); } }, checkMaxLength: function() { // modified from http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/maxlength.html var maxLength = this.getAttribute('maxlength'); var currentLength = this.value.length; if (currentLength > maxLength) { this.value = this.value.substring(0, maxLength); } // not innerHTML }, /** * Adds maxlength attribute to textareas */ setMaxLength: function() { // modified from http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/maxlength.html var x = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea'); for (var i=0;i') .html(helpText) .dialog({ autoOpen: false, title: SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_HELP'), position: { my: myPos, at: atPos, of: $(el) } }); var width = $dialog.dialog( "option", "width" ); var pos = $(el).offset(); var ofWidth = $(el).width(); if((pos.left + ofWidth) - 40 < width) { $dialog.dialog("option","position",{my: 'left top',at: 'right top',of: $(el)}) ; } $dialog.dialog('open'); $(".ui-dialog").appendTo("#content"); }, getStaticAdditionalDetails: function(el, body, caption, show_buttons) { if(typeof show_buttons == "undefined") { show_buttons = false; } $(".ui-dialog").find(".open").dialog("close"); var $dialog = $('
') .html(body) .dialog({ autoOpen: false, title: caption, width: 300, position: { my: 'right top', at: 'left top', of: $(el) } }); if(show_buttons) { $(".ui-dialog").find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').css("display","none"); $(".ui-dialog").find('.ui-dialog-title').css("width","100%"); } var width = $dialog.dialog( "option", "width" ); var pos = $(el).offset(); var ofWidth = $(el).width(); if((pos.left + ofWidth) - 40 < width) { $dialog.dialog("option","position",{my: 'left top',at: 'right top',of: $(el)}) ; } $dialog.dialog('open'); $(".ui-dialog").appendTo("#content"); }, closeStaticAdditionalDetails: function() { $(".ui-dialog").find(".open").dialog("close"); }, /** * Retrieves additional details dynamically */ getAdditionalDetails: function(bean, id, spanId, show_buttons) { if(typeof show_buttons == "undefined") show_buttons = false; var el = '#'+spanId; go = function() { oReturn = function(body, caption, width, theme) { $(".ui-dialog").find(".open").dialog("close"); var $dialog = $('
') .html(body) .dialog({ autoOpen: false, title: caption, width: 300, position: { my: 'right top', at: 'left top', of: $(el) } }); if(show_buttons) { $(".ui-dialog").find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').css("display","none"); $(".ui-dialog").find('.ui-dialog-title').css("width","100%"); } var width = $dialog.dialog( "option", "width" ); var pos = $(el).offset(); var ofWidth = $(el).width(); if((pos.left + ofWidth) - 40 < width) { $dialog.dialog("option","position",{my: 'left top',at: 'right top',of: $(el)}) ; } $dialog.dialog('open'); $(".ui-dialog").appendTo("#content"); } success = function(data) { eval(data.responseText); SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id] = new Array(); SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['body'] = result['body']; SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['caption'] = result['caption']; SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['width'] = result['width']; SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['theme'] = result['theme']; ajaxStatus.hideStatus(); return oReturn(SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['body'], SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['caption'], SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['width'], SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['theme']); } if(typeof SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id] != 'undefined') return oReturn(SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['body'], SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['caption'], SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['width'], SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCache[id]['theme']); if(typeof SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCalls[id] != 'undefined') // call already in progress return; ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_LOADING')); url = 'index.php?to_pdf=1&module=Home&action=AdditionalDetailsRetrieve&bean=' + bean + '&id=' + id; if(show_buttons) url += '&show_buttons=true'; SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsCalls[id] = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', url, {success: success, failure: success}); return false; } SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsRpcCall = window.setTimeout('go()', 250); }, clearAdditionalDetailsCall: function() { if(typeof SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsRpcCall == 'number') window.clearTimeout(SUGAR.util.additionalDetailsRpcCall); }, /** * A function that extends functionality from parent to child. */ extend : function(subc, superc, overrides) { subc.prototype = new superc; // set the superclass // overrides if (overrides) { for (var i in overrides) subc.prototype[i] = overrides[i]; } }, hrefURL : function(url) { if(SUGAR.isIE) { // IE needs special treatment since otherwise it would not pass Referer var trampoline = document.createElement('a'); trampoline.href = url; document.body.appendChild(trampoline); trampoline.click(); document.body.removeChild(trampoline); } else { document.location.href = url; } }, openWindow : function(URL, windowName, windowFeatures) { if(SUGAR.isIE) { // IE needs special treatment since otherwise it would not pass Referer win = window.open('', windowName, windowFeatures); var trampoline = document.createElement('a'); trampoline.href = URL; trampoline.target = windowName; document.body.appendChild(trampoline); trampoline.click(); document.body.removeChild(trampoline); } else { win = window.open(URL, windowName, windowFeatures); } return win; }, //Reset the scroll on the window top : function() { window.scroll(0,0); }, //Based on YUI onAvailible, but will use any boolean function instead of an ID doWhen : function(condition, fn, params, scope) { this._doWhenStack.push({ check:condition, fn: fn, obj: params, overrideContext: scope }); this._doWhenretryCount = 50; this._startDoWhenInterval(); }, _startDoWhenInterval : function(){ if (!this._doWhenInterval) { this._doWhenInterval = YAHOO.lang.later(50, this, this._doWhenCheck, null, true); } }, _doWhenStack : [], _doWhenInterval : false, _doWhenCheck : function() { if (this._doWhenStack.length === 0) { this._doWhenretryCount = 0; if (this._doWhenInterval) { // clearInterval(this._interval); this._doWhenInterval.cancel(); this._doWhenInterval = null; } return; } if (this._doWhenLocked) { return; } if (SUGAR.isIE) { // Hold off if DOMReady has not fired and check current // readyState to protect against the IE operation aborted // issue. if (!YAHOO.util.Event.DOMReady) { this._startDoWhenInterval(); return; } } this._doWhenLocked = true; // keep trying until after the page is loaded. We need to // check the page load state prior to trying to bind the // elements so that we can be certain all elements have been // tested appropriately var tryAgain = YAHOO.util.Event.DOMReady; if (!tryAgain) { tryAgain = (this._doWhenretryCount > 0 && this._doWhenStack.length > 0); } // onAvailable var notAvail = []; var executeItem = function (context, item) { if (item.overrideContext) { if (item.overrideContext === true) { context = item.obj; } else { context = item.overrideContext; } } item.fn.call(context, item.obj); }; var i, len, item, test; // onAvailable onContentReady for (i=0, len=this._doWhenStack.length; i-1; i--) { item = this._doWhenStack[i]; if (!item || !item.check) { this._doWhenStack.splice(i, 1); } } this._startDoWhenInterval(); } else { if (this._doWhenInterval) { // clearInterval(this._interval); this._doWhenInterval.cancel(); this._doWhenInterval = null; } } this._doWhenLocked = false; }, buildAccessKeyLabels : function() { if (typeof(Y.env.ua) !== 'undefined'){ envStr = ''; browserOS = Y.env.ua['os']; isIE = Y.env.ua['ie']; isCR = Y.env.ua['chrome']; isFF = Y.env.ua['gecko']; isWK = Y.env.ua['webkit']; isOP = Y.env.ua['opera']; controlKey = ''; //first determine the OS if(browserOS=='macintosh'){ //we got a mac, lets use the mac specific commands while we check the browser if(isIE){ //IE on a Mac? Not possible, but let's assign alt anyways for completions sake controlKey = 'Alt+'; }else if(isWK){ //Chrome or safari on a mac controlKey = 'Ctrl+Opt+'; }else if(isOP){ //Opera on a mac controlKey = 'Shift+Esc: '; }else{ //default FF and everything else on a mac controlKey = 'Ctrl+'; } }else{ //this is not a mac so let's use the windows/unix commands while we check the browser if(isFF){ //FF on windows/unix controlKey = 'Alt+Shift+'; }else if(isOP){ //Opera on windows/unix controlKey = 'Shift+Esc: '; }else { //this is the default for safari, IE and Chrome //if this is webkit and is NOT google, then we are most likely looking at Safari controlKey = 'Alt+'; } } //now lets retrieve all elements of type input allButtons = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); //iterate through list and modify title if the accesskey is not empty for(i=0;i