/********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ YAHOO.namespace("SUGAR"); (function() { var sw = YAHOO.SUGAR, Event = YAHOO.util.Event, Connect = YAHOO.util.Connect, Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; /** * Message Box is a singleton widget designed to replace the browsers 'alert' * function, as well as provide capabilities for pop-over loading bars and * other small non-interactive pop-overs. * TODO:Still needs configurable buttons in the footer as well as * auto building of a loading bar. */ sw.MessageBox = { progressTemplate : "{body}
", promptTemplate : "{body}:", show: function(config) { var myConf = sw.MessageBox.config = { type:'message', modal:true, width: 240, id:'sugarMsgWindow', close:true, title:"Alert", msg: " ", buttons: [ ] }; if (config['type'] && config['type'] == "prompt") { myConf['buttons'] = [{ text: SUGAR.language.get("app_strings", "LBL_EMAIL_CANCEL"), handler:YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.hide },{ text: SUGAR.language.get("app_strings", "LBL_EMAIL_OK"), handler:config['fn'] ? function(){ var returnValue = config['fn'](YAHOO.util.Dom.get("sugar-message-prompt").value); if (typeof(returnValue) == "undefined" || returnValue) { YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.hide(); } // if } : YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.hide, isDefault:true }]; } else if ((config['type'] && config['type'] == "alert")) { myConf['buttons'] = [{ text: SUGAR.language.get("app_strings", "LBL_EMAIL_OK"), handler: config['fn'] ? function(){YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.hide(); config['fn']();} : YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.hide, isDefault:true }] } else if((config['type'] && config['type'] == "confirm")) { myConf['buttons'] = [{ text: SUGAR.language.get("app_strings", "LBL_EMAIL_YES"), handler:config['fn'] ? function(){config['fn']('yes');YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.hide();} : YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.hide, isDefault:true },{ text: SUGAR.language.get("app_strings", "LBL_EMAIL_NO"), handler:config['fn'] ? function(){config['fn']('no');YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.hide();} : YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.hide }]; } else if((config['type'] && config['type'] == "plain")) { myConf['buttons'] = []; } // else if for (var i in config) { myConf[i] = config[i]; } if (sw.MessageBox.panel) { sw.MessageBox.panel.destroy(); } sw.MessageBox.panel = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog(myConf.id, { width: myConf.width + 'px', close: myConf.close, modal: myConf.modal, visible: false, fixedcenter: true, constraintoviewport: true, draggable: true, buttons: myConf.buttons }); if (myConf.type == "progress") { sw.MessageBox.panel.setBody(sw.MessageBox.progressTemplate.replace(/\{body\}/gi, myConf.msg)); } else if (myConf.type == "prompt") { sw.MessageBox.panel.setBody(sw.MessageBox.promptTemplate.replace(/\{body\}/gi, myConf.msg)); } else if (myConf.type == "confirm") { sw.MessageBox.panel.setBody(myConf.msg); } else { sw.MessageBox.panel.setBody(myConf.msg); } sw.MessageBox.panel.setHeader(myConf.title); if (myConf.beforeShow) { sw.MessageBox.panel.beforeShowEvent.subscribe(function() {myConf.beforeShow();}); } // if if (myConf.beforeHide) { sw.MessageBox.panel.beforeHideEvent.subscribe(function() {myConf.beforeHide();}); } // if sw.MessageBox.panel.render(document.body); sw.MessageBox.panel.show(); }, updateProgress: function(percent, message) { if (!sw.MessageBox.config.type == "progress") return; if (typeof message == "string") { sw.MessageBox.panel.setBody(sw.MessageBox.progressTemplate.replace(/\{body\}/gi, message)); } var barEl = Dom.getElementsByClassName("sugar-progress-bar", null, YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.panel.element)[0]; if (percent > 100) percent = 100; else if (percent < 0) percent = 0; barEl.style.width = percent + "%"; }, hide: function() { if (sw.MessageBox.panel) sw.MessageBox.panel.hide(); } }; sw.Template = function(content) { this._setContent(content); }; sw.Template.prototype = { regex : /\{([\w\.]*)\}/gim, append: function (target, args) { var tEl = Dom.get(target); if (tEl) tEl.innerHTML += this.exec(args); else if (typeof(console) != "undefined" && typeof(console.log) == "function") console.log("Warning, unable to find target:" + target); }, exec : function (args) { var out = this.content; for (var i in this.vars) { var val = this._getValue(i, args); var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "g"); out = out.replace(reg, val); } return out; }, _setContent : function(content) { this.content = content; var lastIndex = -1; var result = this.regex.exec(content); this.vars = { }; while(result && result.index > lastIndex){ lastIndex = result.index; this.vars[result[1]] = true; result = this.regex.exec(content); } }, _getValue: function(v, scope) { return function(e) {return eval("this." + e);}.call(scope, v); } }; /** * SelectionGrid is simply a YUI Data Table with row selection already enabled. */ sw.SelectionGrid = function(containerEl, columns, dataSource, config){ sw.SelectionGrid.superclass.constructor.call(this, containerEl, columns, dataSource, config); // Subscribe to events for row selection this.subscribe("rowMouseoverEvent", this.onEventHighlightRow); this.subscribe("rowMouseoutEvent", this.onEventUnhighlightRow); if (config.forceMulti){ this.subscribe("rowClickEvent", function(o){ o.event.preventDefault(); this.clearTextSelection(); o.event = SUGAR.util.clone(o.event); o.event.ctrlKey = o.event.metaKey = true; this.onEventSelectRow(o); }); } else { this.subscribe("rowClickEvent", this.onEventSelectRow); } // Programmatically select the first row this.selectRow(this.getTrEl(0)); // Programmatically bring focus to the instance so arrow selection works immediately this.focus(); } YAHOO.extend(sw.SelectionGrid, YAHOO.widget.ScrollingDataTable, { //Bugfix, the default getColumn will fail if a th element is passed in. http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528034 getColumn : function(column) { var oColumn = this._oColumnSet.getColumn(column); if(!oColumn) { // Validate TD element var elCell = this.getTdEl(column); if(elCell && (!column.tagName || column.tagName.toUpperCase() != "TH")) { oColumn = this._oColumnSet.getColumn(elCell.cellIndex); } // Validate TH element else { elCell = this.getThEl(column); if(elCell) { // Find by TH el ID var allColumns = this._oColumnSet.flat; for(var i=0, len=allColumns.length; i]*>)/gim, _removeIdRegex : new RegExp("(<.[^\\/<]*)id\\s*=\\s*['|\"]?\w*['|\"]?([^>]*>)", "gim"), _resizeProxy: function() { this.constructor.superclass._resizeProxy.apply(this, arguments); var dragEl = this.getDragEl(), el = this.getEl(); Dom.setStyle(this.pointer, 'height', (this.rowEl.offsetHeight + 5) + 'px'); Dom.setStyle(this.pointer, 'display', 'block'); var xy = Dom.getXY(el); Dom.setXY(this.pointer, [xy[0], (xy[1] - 5)]); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, 'height', this.rowEl.offsetHeight + "px"); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, 'width', (parseInt(Dom.getStyle(dragEl, 'width'),10) + 4) + 'px'); Dom.setXY(this.dragEl, xy); }, startDrag: function(x, y) { var dragEl = this.getDragEl(); var clickEl = this.getEl(); Dom.setStyle(clickEl, "opacity", "0.25"); var tableWrap = false; if (clickEl.tagName.toUpperCase() == "TR") tableWrap = true; dragEl.innerHTML = "" + clickEl.innerHTML.replace(this._removeIdRegex, "$1$2") + "
"; //Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "color", Dom.getStyle(clickEl, "color")); Dom.addClass(dragEl, "yui-dt-liner"); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "height", (clickEl.clientHeight - 2) + "px"); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "backgroundColor", Dom.getStyle(clickEl, "backgroundColor")); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "border", "2px solid gray"); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "display", ""); this.newTable = this.ddtable; }, clickValidator: function(e) { if (this.row.getData()[0] == " ") return false; var target = Event.getTarget(e); return ( this.isValidHandleChild(target) && (this.id == this.handleElId || this.DDM.handleWasClicked(target, this.id)) ); }, /** * This function checks that the target of the drag is a table row in this * DDGroup and simply moves the sourceEL to that location as a preview. */ onDragOver: function(ev, id) { var groupTables = this.ddtable.getGroup(); for(i in groupTables) { var targetTable = groupTables[i]; if (!targetTable.getContainerEl) continue; //We got a table id if (targetTable.getContainerEl().id == id) { if (targetTable != this.newTable) { // Moved from one table to another this.newIndex = targetTable.getRecordSet().getLength() - 1; var destEl = Dom.get(targetTable.getLastTrEl()); destEl.parentNode.insertBefore(this.getEl(), destEl); } this.newTable = targetTable return true; } } if (this.newTable && this.newTable.getRecord(id)) { // Found the target row var targetRow = this.newTable.getRecord(id); var destEl = Dom.get(id); destEl.parentNode.insertBefore(this.getEl(), destEl); this.newIndex = this.newTable.getRecordIndex(targetRow); } }, endDrag: function() { //Ensure the element is back on the home table to be cleaned up. if (this.newTable != null && this.newIndex != null) { this.getEl().style.display = "none"; this.table.appendChild(this.getEl()); this.newTable.addRow(this.row.getData(), this.newIndex); try{ //This method works, but throws an error under IE8 this.ddtable.deleteRow(this.row); }catch(e){ if(typeof(console) != "undefined" && console.log) { console.log(e); } } this.ddtable.render(); } this.newTable = this.newIndex = null var clickEl = this.getEl(); Dom.setStyle(clickEl, "opacity", ""); } }); /** * A YUI panel that supports loading and re-loading it's contents from an Asynch request. */ sw.AsyncPanel = function (el, params) { if (params) sw.AsyncPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, params); else sw.AsyncPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, el); } YAHOO.extend(sw.AsyncPanel, YAHOO.widget.Panel, { loadingText : "Loading...", failureText : "Error loading content.", load : function(url, method, callback, postdata) { method = method ? method : "GET"; this.setBody(this.loadingText); if (Connect.url) url = Connect.url + "&" + url; this.callback = callback; Connect.asyncRequest(method, url, {success:this._updateContent, failure:this._loadFailed, scope:this}, postdata); }, _updateContent : function (o) { //Under safari, the width of the panel may expand for no apparent reason, and under FF it will contract var w = this.cfg.config.width.value + "px"; this.setBody(o.responseText); if (!SUGAR.isIE) this.body.style.width = w if (this.callback != null) this.callback(o); }, _loadFailed : function(o) { this.setBody(this.failureText); } }); sw.ClosableTab = function(el, parent, conf) { this.closeEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("close", this); if (conf) sw.ClosableTab.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, conf); else sw.ClosableTab.superclass.constructor.call(this, el); this.setAttributeConfig("TabView", { value: parent }); this.get("labelEl").parentNode.href = "javascript:void(0);"; } YAHOO.extend(sw.ClosableTab, YAHOO.widget.Tab, { close : function () { this.closeEvent.fire(); var parent = this.get("TabView"); parent.removeTab(this); }, initAttributes: function(attr) { sw.ClosableTab.superclass.initAttributes.call(this, attr); /** * The message to display when closing the tab * @attribute closeMsg * @type String */ this.setAttributeConfig("closeMsg", { value: attr.closeMsg || "" }); /** * The tab's label text (or innerHTML). * @attribute label * @type String */ this.setAttributeConfig("label", { value: attr.label || this._getLabel(), method: function(value) { var labelEl = this.get("labelEl"); if (!labelEl) { // create if needed this.set(LABEL_EL, this._createLabelEl()); } labelEl.innerHTML = value; var closeButton = document.createElement('a'); closeButton.href = "javascript:void(0);"; Dom.addClass(closeButton, "sugar-tab-close"); Event.addListener(closeButton, "click", function(e, tab){ if (tab.get("closeMsg") != "") { if (confirm(tab.get("closeMsg"))) { tab.close(); } } else { tab.close(); } }, this ); labelEl.appendChild(closeButton); } }); } }); /** * The sugar Tree is a YUI tree with node construction based on AJAX data built in. */ sw.Tree = function (parentEl, baseRequestParams, rootParams) { this.baseRequestParams = baseRequestParams; sw.Tree.superclass.constructor.call(this, parentEl); if (rootParams) { if (typeof rootParams == "string") this.sendTreeNodeDataRequest(this.getRoot(), rootParams); else this.sendTreeNodeDataRequest(this.getRoot(), ""); } } YAHOO.extend(sw.Tree, YAHOO.widget.TreeView, { sendTreeNodeDataRequest: function(parentNode, params){ YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', 'index.php', { success: this.handleTreeNodeDataRequest, argument: { parentNode: parentNode }, scope: this }, this.baseRequestParams + params); }, handleTreeNodeDataRequest : function(o) { var parentNode = o.argument.parentNode; //parent.tree.removeChildren(parentNode); var resp = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(o.responseText); if (resp.tree_data.nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < resp.tree_data.nodes.length; i++) { var newChild = this.buildTreeNodeRecursive(resp.tree_data.nodes[i], parentNode); } } parentNode.tree.draw(); }, buildTreeNodeRecursive : function(nodeData, parentNode) { nodeData.label = nodeData.text; var node = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(nodeData, parentNode, nodeData.expanded); if (typeof(nodeData.children) == 'object') { for (var i = 0; i < nodeData.children.length; i++) { this.buildTreeNodeRecursive(nodeData.children[i], node); } } return node; } }); /** * A 1/2 second fade-in animation. * @class TVSlideIn * @constructor * @param el {HTMLElement} the element to animate * @param callback {function} function to invoke when the animation is finished */ YAHOO.widget.TVSlideIn = function(el, callback) { /** * The element to animate * @property el * @type HTMLElement */ this.el = el; /** * the callback to invoke when the animation is complete * @property callback * @type function */ this.callback = callback; this.logger = new YAHOO.widget.LogWriter(this.toString()); }; YAHOO.widget.TVSlideIn.prototype = { /** * Performs the animation * @method animate */ animate: function() { var tvanim = this; var s = this.el.style; s.height = ""; s.display = ""; s.overflow = "hidden"; var th = this.el.clientHeight; s.height = "0px"; var dur = 0.4; var a = new YAHOO.util.Anim(this.el, {height: {from: 0, to: th, unit:"px"}}, dur); a.onComplete.subscribe( function() { tvanim.onComplete(); } ); a.animate(); }, /** * Clean up and invoke callback * @method onComplete */ onComplete: function() { this.el.style.overflow = ""; this.el.style.height = ""; this.callback(); }, /** * toString * @method toString * @return {string} the string representation of the instance */ toString: function() { return "TVSlideIn"; } }; /** * A 1/2 second fade out animation. * @class TVSlideOut * @constructor * @param el {HTMLElement} the element to animate * @param callback {Function} function to invoke when the animation is finished */ YAHOO.widget.TVSlideOut = function(el, callback) { /** * The element to animate * @property el * @type HTMLElement */ this.el = el; /** * the callback to invoke when the animation is complete * @property callback * @type function */ this.callback = callback; this.logger = new YAHOO.widget.LogWriter(this.toString()); }; YAHOO.widget.TVSlideOut.prototype = { /** * Performs the animation * @method animate */ animate: function() { var tvanim = this; var dur = 0.4; var th = this.el.clientHeight; this.el.style.overflow = "hidden"; var a = new YAHOO.util.Anim(this.el, {height: {from: th, to: 0, unit:"px"}}, dur); a.onComplete.subscribe( function() { tvanim.onComplete(); } ); a.animate(); }, /** * Clean up and invoke callback * @method onComplete */ onComplete: function() { var s = this.el.style; s.display = "none"; this.el.style.overflow = ""; this.el.style.height = ""; this.callback(); }, /** * toString * @method toString * @return {string} the string representation of the instance */ toString: function() { return "TVSlideOut"; } }; })(); /** * Problem: SODA tests rely on grabbing report field names by IDs. However, * these ID's don't always seem to be consistent as they are auto-generated by YUI. * Here I have replaced the constructor to set the id of the row element to the modulename * concatenated with the fieldname if the report flag has been set, otherwise proceed as normal. * * Peter D. */ (function() { var temp = YAHOO.widget.Record.prototype; YAHOO.widget.Record = function(oLiteral) { this._nCount = YAHOO.widget.Record._nCount; YAHOO.widget.Record._nCount++; this._oData = {}; if (YAHOO.lang.isObject(oLiteral)) { for (var sKey in oLiteral) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(oLiteral, sKey)) { this._oData[sKey] = oLiteral[sKey]; } } } if (SUGAR.reports && SUGAR.reports.overrideRecord) { this._sId = this._oData.module_name + "_" + this._oData.field_name; } else { this._sId = Dom.generateId(null, "yui-rec"); //"yui-rec" + this._nCount; } }; YAHOO.widget.Record._nCount = 0; YAHOO.widget.Record.prototype = temp; })();