/* Copyright (c) 2010, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html version: 3.3.0 build: 3167 */ YUI.add('charts', function(Y) { /** * The Charts widget provides an api for displaying data * graphically. * * @module charts */ var ISCHROME = Y.UA.chrome, DRAWINGAPI, canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); if(document.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure", "1.1")) { DRAWINGAPI = "svg"; } else if(canvas && canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext("2d")) { DRAWINGAPI = "canvas"; } else { DRAWINGAPI = "vml"; } /** * Graphic is a simple drawing api that allows for basic drawing operations. * * @class Graphic * @constructor */ var Graphic = function(config) { this.initializer.apply(this, arguments); }; Graphic.prototype = { /** * Indicates whether or not the instance will size itself based on its contents. * * @property autoSize * @type String */ autoSize: true, /** * Initializes the class. * * @method initializer * @private */ initializer: function(config) { config = config || {}; var w = config.width || 0, h = config.height || 0; if(config.node) { this.node = config.node; this._styleGroup(this.node); } else { this.node = this._createGraphics(); this.setSize(w, h); } this._initProps(); }, /** * Specifies a bitmap fill used by subsequent calls to other drawing methods. * * @method beginBitmapFill * @param {Object} config */ beginBitmapFill: function(config) { var fill = {}; fill.src = config.bitmap.src; fill.type = "tile"; this._fillProps = fill; if(!isNaN(config.tx) || !isNaN(config.ty) || !isNaN(config.width) || !isNaN(config.height)) { this._gradientBox = { tx:config.tx, ty:config.ty, width:config.width, height:config.height }; } else { this._gradientBox = null; } }, /** * Specifes a solid fill used by subsequent calls to other drawing methods. * * @method beginFill * @param {String} color Hex color value for the fill. * @param {Number} alpha Value between 0 and 1 used to specify the opacity of the fill. */ beginFill: function(color, alpha) { if (color) { this._fillAlpha = Y.Lang.isNumber(alpha) ? alpha : 1; this._fillColor = color; this._fillType = 'solid'; this._fill = 1; } return this; }, /** * Specifies a gradient fill used by subsequent calls to other drawing methods. * * @method beginGradientFill * @param {Object} config */ beginGradientFill: function(config) { var alphas = config.alphas || []; if(!this._defs) { this._defs = this._createGraphicNode("defs"); this.node.appendChild(this._defs); } this._fillAlphas = alphas; this._fillColors = config.colors; this._fillType = config.type || "linear"; this._fillRatios = config.ratios || []; this._fillRotation = config.rotation || 0; this._fillWidth = config.width || null; this._fillHeight = config.height || null; this._fillX = !isNaN(config.tx) ? config.tx : NaN; this._fillY = !isNaN(config.ty) ? config.ty : NaN; this._gradientId = "lg" + Math.round(100000 * Math.random()); return this; }, /** * Removes all nodes. * * @method destroy */ destroy: function() { this._removeChildren(this.node); if(this.node && this.node.parentNode) { this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node); } }, /** * Removes all child nodes. * * @method _removeChildren * @param {HTMLElement} node * @private */ _removeChildren: function(node) { if(node.hasChildNodes()) { var child; while(node.firstChild) { child = node.firstChild; this._removeChildren(child); node.removeChild(child); } } }, /** * Shows and and hides a the graphic instance. * * @method toggleVisible * @param val {Boolean} indicates whether the instance should be visible. */ toggleVisible: function(val) { this._toggleVisible(this.node, val); }, /** * Toggles visibility * * @method _toggleVisible * @param {HTMLElement} node element to toggle * @param {Boolean} val indicates visibilitye * @private */ _toggleVisible: function(node, val) { var children = Y.Selector.query(">/*", node), visibility = val ? "visible" : "hidden", i = 0, len; if(children) { len = children.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { this._toggleVisible(children[i], val); } } node.style.visibility = visibility; }, /** * Clears the graphics object. * * @method clear */ clear: function() { if(this._graphicsList) { while(this._graphicsList.length > 0) { this.node.removeChild(this._graphicsList.shift()); } } this.path = ''; }, /** * Draws a bezier curve. * * @method curveTo * @param {Number} cp1x x-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp1y y-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp2x x-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} cp2y y-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. */ curveTo: function(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) { this._shapeType = "path"; if(this.path.indexOf("C") < 0 || this._pathType !== "C") { this._pathType = "C"; this.path += ' C'; } this.path += Math.round(cp1x) + ", " + Math.round(cp1y) + ", " + Math.round(cp2x) + ", " + Math.round(cp2y) + ", " + x + ", " + y + " "; this._trackSize(x, y); }, /** * Draws a quadratic bezier curve. * * @method quadraticCurveTo * @param {Number} cpx x-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} cpy y-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. */ quadraticCurveTo: function(cpx, cpy, x, y) { if(this.path.indexOf("Q") < 0 || this._pathType !== "Q") { this._pathType = "Q"; this.path += " Q"; } this.path += Math.round(cpx) + " " + Math.round(cpy) + " " + Math.round(x) + " " + Math.round(y); }, /** * Draws a circle. * * @method drawCircle * @param {Number} x y-coordinate * @param {Number} y x-coordinate * @param {Number} r radius */ drawCircle: function(x, y, r) { this._shape = { x:x - r, y:y - r, w:r * 2, h:r * 2 }; this._attributes = {cx:x, cy:y, r:r}; this._width = this._height = r * 2; this._x = x - r; this._y = y - r; this._shapeType = "circle"; this._draw(); }, /** * Draws an ellipse. * * @method drawEllipse * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height */ drawEllipse: function(x, y, w, h) { this._shape = { x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h }; this._width = w; this._height = h; this._x = x; this._y = y; this._shapeType = "ellipse"; this._draw(); }, /** * Draws a rectangle. * * @method drawRect * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height */ drawRect: function(x, y, w, h) { this._shape = { x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h }; this._x = x; this._y = y; this._width = w; this._height = h; this.moveTo(x, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y); this._draw(); }, /** * Draws a rectangle with rounded corners. * * @method drawRect * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @param {Number} ew width of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners * @param {Number} eh height of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners */ drawRoundRect: function(x, y, w, h, ew, eh) { this._shape = { x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h }; this._x = x; this._y = y; this._width = w; this._height = h; this.moveTo(x, y + eh); this.lineTo(x, y + h - eh); this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + h, x + ew, y + h); this.lineTo(x + w - ew, y + h); this.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y + h, x + w, y + h - eh); this.lineTo(x + w, y + eh); this.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w - ew, y); this.lineTo(x + ew, y); this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x, y + eh); this._draw(); }, /** * Draws a wedge. * * @param {Number} x x-coordinate of the wedge's center point * @param {Number} y y-coordinate of the wedge's center point * @param {Number} startAngle starting angle in degrees * @param {Number} arc sweep of the wedge. Negative values draw clockwise. * @param {Number} radius radius of wedge. If [optional] yRadius is defined, then radius is the x radius. * @param {Number} yRadius [optional] y radius for wedge. */ drawWedge: function(x, y, startAngle, arc, radius, yRadius) { this._drawingComplete = false; this.path = this._getWedgePath({x:x, y:y, startAngle:startAngle, arc:arc, radius:radius, yRadius:yRadius}); this._width = radius * 2; this._height = this._width; this._shapeType = "path"; this._draw(); }, /** * Completes a drawing operation. * * @method end */ end: function() { if(this._shapeType) { this._draw(); } this._initProps(); }, /** * Specifies a gradient to use for the stroke when drawing lines. * Not implemented * * @method lineGradientStyle * @private */ lineGradientStyle: function() { }, /** * Specifies a line style used for subsequent calls to drawing methods. * * @method lineStyle * @param {Number} thickness indicates the thickness of the line * @param {String} color hex color value for the line * @param {Number} alpha Value between 0 and 1 used to specify the opacity of the fill. */ lineStyle: function(thickness, color, alpha, pixelHinting, scaleMode, caps, joints, miterLimit) { this._stroke = 1; this._strokeWeight = thickness; if (color) { this._strokeColor = color; } this._strokeAlpha = Y.Lang.isNumber(alpha) ? alpha : 1; }, /** * Draws a line segment using the current line style from the current drawing position to the specified x and y coordinates. * * @method lineTo * @param {Number} point1 x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} point2 y-coordinate for the end point. */ lineTo: function(point1, point2, etc) { var args = arguments, i, len; if (typeof point1 === 'string' || typeof point1 === 'number') { args = [[point1, point2]]; } len = args.length; this._shapeType = "path"; if(this.path.indexOf("L") < 0 || this._pathType !== "L") { this._pathType = "L"; this.path += ' L'; } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { this.path += args[i][0] + ', ' + args[i][1] + " "; this._trackSize.apply(this, args[i]); } }, /** * Moves the current drawing position to specified x and y coordinates. * * @method moveTo * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. */ moveTo: function(x, y) { this._pathType = "M"; this.path += ' M' + x + ', ' + y; }, /** * Generates a path string for a wedge shape * * @method _getWedgePath * @param {Object} config attributes used to create the path * @return String * @private */ _getWedgePath: function(config) { var x = config.x, y = config.y, startAngle = config.startAngle, arc = config.arc, radius = config.radius, yRadius = config.yRadius || radius, segs, segAngle, theta, angle, angleMid, ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, i = 0, path = ' M' + x + ', ' + y; // limit sweep to reasonable numbers if(Math.abs(arc) > 360) { arc = 360; } // First we calculate how many segments are needed // for a smooth arc. segs = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc) / 45); // Now calculate the sweep of each segment. segAngle = arc / segs; // The math requires radians rather than degrees. To convert from degrees // use the formula (degrees/180)*Math.PI to get radians. theta = -(segAngle / 180) * Math.PI; // convert angle startAngle to radians angle = (startAngle / 180) * Math.PI; if(segs > 0) { // draw a line from the center to the start of the curve ax = x + Math.cos(startAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * radius; ay = y + Math.sin(startAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * yRadius; path += " L" + Math.round(ax) + ", " + Math.round(ay); path += " Q"; for(; i < segs; ++i) { angle += theta; angleMid = angle - (theta / 2); bx = x + Math.cos(angle) * radius; by = y + Math.sin(angle) * yRadius; cx = x + Math.cos(angleMid) * (radius / Math.cos(theta / 2)); cy = y + Math.sin(angleMid) * (yRadius / Math.cos(theta / 2)); path += Math.round(cx) + " " + Math.round(cy) + " " + Math.round(bx) + " " + Math.round(by) + " "; } path += ' L' + x + ", " + y; } return path; }, /** * Sets the size of the graphics object. * * @method setSize * @param w {Number} width to set for the instance. * @param h {Number} height to set for the instance. */ setSize: function(w, h) { if(this.autoSize) { if(w > this.node.getAttribute("width")) { this.node.setAttribute("width", w); } if(h > this.node.getAttribute("height")) { this.node.setAttribute("height", h); } } }, /** * Updates the size of the graphics object * * @method _trackSize * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @private */ _trackSize: function(w, h) { if (w > this._width) { this._width = w; } if (h > this._height) { this._height = h; } this.setSize(w, h); }, /** * Sets the positon of the graphics object. * * @method setPosition * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the object. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the object. */ setPosition: function(x, y) { this.node.setAttribute("x", x); this.node.setAttribute("y", y); }, /** * Adds the graphics node to the dom. * * @method render * @param {HTMLElement} parentNode node in which to render the graphics node into. */ render: function(parentNode) { var w = parentNode.get("width") || parentNode.get("offsetWidth"), h = parentNode.get("height") || parentNode.get("offsetHeight"); parentNode = parentNode || Y.config.doc.body; parentNode.appendChild(this.node); this.setSize(w, h); this._initProps(); return this; }, /** * Clears the properties * * @method _initProps * @private */ _initProps: function() { this._shape = null; this._fillColor = null; this._strokeColor = null; this._strokeWeight = 0; this._fillProps = null; this._fillAlphas = null; this._fillColors = null; this._fillType = null; this._fillRatios = null; this._fillRotation = null; this._fillWidth = null; this._fillHeight = null; this._fillX = NaN; this._fillY = NaN; this.path = ''; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this._x = 0; this._y = 0; this._fill = null; this._stroke = 0; this._stroked = false; this._pathType = null; this._attributes = {}; }, /** * Clears path properties * * @method _clearPath * @private */ _clearPath: function() { this._shape = null; this._shapeType = null; this.path = ''; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this._x = 0; this._y = 0; this._pathType = null; this._attributes = {}; }, /** * Completes a shape * * @method _draw * @private */ _draw: function() { var shape = this._createGraphicNode(this._shapeType), i, gradFill; if(this.path) { if(this._fill) { this.path += 'z'; } shape.setAttribute("d", this.path); } else { for(i in this._attributes) { if(this._attributes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { shape.setAttribute(i, this._attributes[i]); } } } shape.setAttribute("stroke-width", this._strokeWeight); if(this._strokeColor) { shape.setAttribute("stroke", this._strokeColor); shape.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", this._strokeAlpha); } if(!this._fillType || this._fillType === "solid") { if(this._fillColor) { shape.setAttribute("fill", this._fillColor); shape.setAttribute("fill-opacity", this._fillAlpha); } else { shape.setAttribute("fill", "none"); } } else if(this._fillType === "linear") { gradFill = this._getFill(); gradFill.setAttribute("id", this._gradientId); this._defs.appendChild(gradFill); shape.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + this._gradientId + ")"); } this.node.appendChild(shape); this._clearPath(); }, /** * Returns ths actual fill object to be used in a drawing or shape * * @method _getFill * @private */ _getFill: function() { var type = this._fillType, fill; switch (type) { case 'linear': fill = this._getLinearGradient('fill'); break; case 'radial': //fill = this._getRadialGradient('fill'); break; case 'bitmap': //fill = this._bitmapFill; break; } return fill; }, /** * Returns a linear gradient fill * * @method _getLinearGradient * @param {String} type gradient type * @private */ _getLinearGradient: function(type) { var fill = this._createGraphicNode("linearGradient"), prop = '_' + type, colors = this[prop + 'Colors'], ratios = this[prop + 'Ratios'], alphas = this[prop + 'Alphas'], w = this._fillWidth || (this._shape.w), h = this._fillHeight || (this._shape.h), r = this[prop + 'Rotation'], i, l, color, ratio, alpha, def, stop, x1, x2, y1, y2, cx = w/2, cy = h/2, radCon, tanRadians; /* if(r > 0 && r < 90) { r *= h/w; } else if(r > 90 && r < 180) { r = 90 + ((r-90) * w/h); } */ radCon = Math.PI/180; tanRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.tan(r * radCon)).toFixed(8)); if(Math.abs(tanRadians) * w/2 >= h/2) { if(r < 180) { y1 = 0; y2 = h; } else { y1 = h; y2 = 0; } x1 = cx - ((cy - y1)/tanRadians); x2 = cx - ((cy - y2)/tanRadians); } else { if(r > 90 && r < 270) { x1 = w; x2 = 0; } else { x1 = 0; x2 = w; } y1 = ((tanRadians * (cx - x1)) - cy) * -1; y2 = ((tanRadians * (cx - x2)) - cy) * -1; } /* fill.setAttribute("spreadMethod", "pad"); fill.setAttribute("x1", Math.round(100 * x1/w) + "%"); fill.setAttribute("y1", Math.round(100 * y1/h) + "%"); fill.setAttribute("x2", Math.round(100 * x2/w) + "%"); fill.setAttribute("y2", Math.round(100 * y2/h) + "%"); */ fill.setAttribute("gradientTransform", "rotate(" + r + ")");//," + (w/2) + ", " + (h/2) + ")"); fill.setAttribute("width", w); fill.setAttribute("height", h); fill.setAttribute("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"); l = colors.length; def = 0; for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { alpha = alphas[i]; color = colors[i]; ratio = ratios[i] || i/(l - 1); ratio = Math.round(ratio * 100) + "%"; alpha = Y.Lang.isNumber(alpha) ? alpha : "1"; def = (i + 1) / l; stop = this._createGraphicNode("stop"); stop.setAttribute("offset", ratio); stop.setAttribute("stop-color", color); stop.setAttribute("stop-opacity", alpha); fill.appendChild(stop); } return fill; }, /** * Creates a group element * * @method _createGraphics * @private */ _createGraphics: function() { var group = this._createGraphicNode("svg"); this._styleGroup(group); return group; }, /** * Styles a group element * * @method _styleGroup * @private */ _styleGroup: function(group) { group.style.position = "absolute"; group.style.top = "0px"; group.style.overflow = "visible"; group.style.left = "0px"; group.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none"); }, /** * Creates a graphic node * * @method _createGraphicNode * @param {String} type node type to create * @param {String} pe specified pointer-events value * @return HTMLElement * @private */ _createGraphicNode: function(type, pe) { var node = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg:" + type), v = pe || "none"; if(type !== "defs" && type !== "stop" && type !== "linearGradient") { node.setAttribute("pointer-events", v); } if(type != "svg") { if(!this._graphicsList) { this._graphicsList = []; } this._graphicsList.push(node); } return node; }, /** * Creates a Shape instance and adds it to the graphics object. * * @method getShape * @param {Object} config Object literal of properties used to construct a Shape. * @return Shape */ getShape: function(config) { config.graphic = this; return new Y.Shape(config); } }; Y.Graphic = Graphic; /** * Set of drawing apis for canvas based classes. * * @class CanvasDrawingUtil * @constructor */ function CanvasDrawingUtil() { this.initializer.apply(this, arguments); } CanvasDrawingUtil.prototype = { /** * Initializes the class. * * @method initializer * @private */ initializer: function(config) { this._dummy = this._createDummy(); this._canvas = this._createGraphic(); this._context = this._canvas.getContext('2d'); this._initProps(); }, /** * Specifies a bitmap fill used by subsequent calls to other drawing methods. * * @method beginBitmapFill * @param {Object} config */ beginBitmapFill: function(config) { var context = this._context, bitmap = config.bitmap, repeat = config.repeat || 'repeat'; this._fillWidth = config.width || null; this._fillHeight = config.height || null; this._fillX = !isNaN(config.tx) ? config.tx : NaN; this._fillY = !isNaN(config.ty) ? config.ty : NaN; this._fillType = 'bitmap'; this._bitmapFill = context.createPattern(bitmap, repeat); return this; }, /** * Specifes a solid fill used by subsequent calls to other drawing methods. * * @method beginFill * @param {String} color Hex color value for the fill. * @param {Number} alpha Value between 0 and 1 used to specify the opacity of the fill. */ beginFill: function(color, alpha) { var context = this._context; context.beginPath(); if (color) { if (alpha) { color = this._2RGBA(color, alpha); } else { color = this._2RGB(color); } this._fillColor = color; this._fillType = 'solid'; } return this; }, /** * Specifies a gradient fill used by subsequent calls to other drawing methods. * * @method beginGradientFill * @param {Object} config */ beginGradientFill: function(config) { var color, alpha, i = 0, colors = config.colors, alphas = config.alphas || [], len = colors.length; this._fillAlphas = alphas; this._fillColors = colors; this._fillType = config.type || "linear"; this._fillRatios = config.ratios || []; this._fillRotation = config.rotation || 0; this._fillWidth = config.width || null; this._fillHeight = config.height || null; this._fillX = !isNaN(config.tx) ? config.tx : NaN; this._fillY = !isNaN(config.ty) ? config.ty : NaN; for(;i < len; ++i) { alpha = alphas[i]; color = colors[i]; if (alpha) { color = this._2RGBA(color, alpha); } else { color = this._2RGB(color); } colors[i] = color; } this._context.beginPath(); return this; }, /** * Specifies a line style used for subsequent calls to drawing methods. * * @method lineStyle * @param {Number} thickness indicates the thickness of the line * @param {String} color hex color value for the line * @param {Number} alpha Value between 0 and 1 used to specify the opacity of the fill. */ lineStyle: function(thickness, color, alpha, pixelHinting, scaleMode, caps, joints, miterLimit) { color = color || '#000000'; var context = this._context; if(this._stroke) { context.stroke(); } context.lineWidth = thickness; if (thickness) { this._stroke = 1; } else { this._stroke = 0; } if (color) { this._strokeStyle = color; if (alpha) { this._strokeStyle = this._2RGBA(this._strokeStyle, alpha); } } if(!this._fill) { context.beginPath(); } if (caps === 'butt') { caps = 'none'; } if (context.lineCap) { // FF errors when trying to set //context.lineCap = caps; } this._drawingComplete = false; return this; }, /** * Draws a line segment using the current line style from the current drawing position to the specified x and y coordinates. * * @method lineTo * @param {Number} point1 x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} point2 y-coordinate for the end point. */ lineTo: function(point1, point2, etc) { var args = arguments, context = this._context, i, len; if (typeof point1 === 'string' || typeof point1 === 'number') { args = [[point1, point2]]; } for (i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; ++i) { context.lineTo(args[i][0], args[i][1]); this._updateShapeProps.apply(this, args[i]); this._trackSize.apply(this, args[i]); } this._drawingComplete = false; return this; }, /** * Moves the current drawing position to specified x and y coordinates. * * @method moveTo * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. */ moveTo: function(x, y) { this._context.moveTo(x, y); this._trackPos(x, y); this._updateShapeProps(x, y); this._drawingComplete = false; return this; }, /** * Clears the graphics object. * * @method clear */ clear: function() { this._initProps(); this._canvas.width = this._canvas.width; this._canvas.height = this._canvas.height; return this; }, /** * Draws a bezier curve. * * @method curveTo * @param {Number} cp1x x-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp1y y-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp2x x-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} cp2y y-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. */ curveTo: function(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) { this._context.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y); this._drawingComplete = false; this._updateShapeProps(x, y); this._trackSize(x, y); this._trackPos(x, y); return this; }, /** * Draws a quadratic bezier curve. * * @method quadraticCurveTo * @param {Number} cpx x-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} cpy y-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. */ quadraticCurveTo: function(controlX, controlY, anchorX, anchorY) { this._context.quadraticCurveTo(controlX, controlY, anchorX, anchorY); this._drawingComplete = false; this._updateShapeProps(anchorX, anchorY); return this; }, /** * Draws a circle. * * @method drawCircle * @param {Number} x y-coordinate * @param {Number} y x-coordinate * @param {Number} r radius */ drawCircle: function(x, y, radius) { var context = this._context, startAngle = 0, endAngle = 2 * Math.PI; this._shape = { x:x - radius, y:y - radius, w:radius * 2, h:radius * 2 }; this._drawingComplete = false; this._trackPos(x, y); this._trackSize(radius * 2, radius * 2); context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false); this._draw(); return this; }, /** * Draws an ellipse. * * @method drawEllipse * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height */ drawEllipse: function(x, y, w, h) { this._shape = { x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h }; if(this._stroke && this._context.lineWidth > 0) { w -= this._context.lineWidth * 2; h -= this._context.lineWidth * 2; x += this._context.lineWidth; y += this._context.lineWidth; } var context = this._context, l = 8, theta = -(45/180) * Math.PI, angle = 0, angleMid, radius = w/2, yRadius = h/2, i = 0, centerX = x + radius, centerY = y + yRadius, ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy; this._drawingComplete = false; this._trackPos(x, y); this._trackSize(x + w, y + h); context.beginPath(); ax = centerX + Math.cos(0) * radius; ay = centerY + Math.sin(0) * yRadius; context.moveTo(ax, ay); for(; i < l; i++) { angle += theta; angleMid = angle - (theta / 2); bx = centerX + Math.cos(angle) * radius; by = centerY + Math.sin(angle) * yRadius; cx = centerX + Math.cos(angleMid) * (radius / Math.cos(theta / 2)); cy = centerY + Math.sin(angleMid) * (yRadius / Math.cos(theta / 2)); context.quadraticCurveTo(cx, cy, bx, by); } this._draw(); return this; }, /** * Draws a rectangle. * * @method drawRect * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height */ drawRect: function(x, y, w, h) { var ctx = this._context; this._shape = { x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h }; this._drawingComplete = false; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.lineTo(x + w, y); ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + h); ctx.lineTo(x, y + h); ctx.lineTo(x, y); this._trackPos(x, y); this._trackSize(w, h); this._draw(); return this; }, /** * Draws a rectangle with rounded corners. * * @method drawRect * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @param {Number} ew width of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners * @param {Number} eh height of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners */ drawRoundRect: function(x, y, w, h, ew, eh) { this._shape = { x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h }; var ctx = this._context; this._drawingComplete = false; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x, y + eh); ctx.lineTo(x, y + h - eh); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + h, x + ew, y + h); ctx.lineTo(x + w - ew, y + h); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y + h, x + w, y + h - eh); ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + eh); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w - ew, y); ctx.lineTo(x + ew, y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x, y + eh); this._trackPos(x, y); this._trackSize(w, h); this._draw(); return this; }, /** * @private * Draws a wedge. * * @param x x component of the wedge's center point * @param y y component of the wedge's center point * @param startAngle starting angle in degrees * @param arc sweep of the wedge. Negative values draw clockwise. * @param radius radius of wedge. If [optional] yRadius is defined, then radius is the x radius. * @param yRadius [optional] y radius for wedge. */ drawWedge: function(cfg) { var x = cfg.x, y = cfg.y, startAngle = cfg.startAngle, arc = cfg.arc, radius = cfg.radius, yRadius = cfg.yRadius, segs, segAngle, theta, angle, angleMid, ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, i = 0; this._drawingComplete = false; // move to x,y position this.moveTo(x, y); yRadius = yRadius || radius; // limit sweep to reasonable numbers if(Math.abs(arc) > 360) { arc = 360; } // First we calculate how many segments are needed // for a smooth arc. segs = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc) / 45); // Now calculate the sweep of each segment. segAngle = arc / segs; // The math requires radians rather than degrees. To convert from degrees // use the formula (degrees/180)*Math.PI to get radians. theta = -(segAngle / 180) * Math.PI; // convert angle startAngle to radians angle = (startAngle / 180) * Math.PI; // draw the curve in segments no larger than 45 degrees. if(segs > 0) { // draw a line from the center to the start of the curve ax = x + Math.cos(startAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * radius; ay = y + Math.sin(startAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * yRadius; this.lineTo(ax, ay); // Loop for drawing curve segments for(; i < segs; ++i) { angle += theta; angleMid = angle - (theta / 2); bx = x + Math.cos(angle) * radius; by = y + Math.sin(angle) * yRadius; cx = x + Math.cos(angleMid) * (radius / Math.cos(theta / 2)); cy = y + Math.sin(angleMid) * (yRadius / Math.cos(theta / 2)); this.quadraticCurveTo(cx, cy, bx, by); } // close the wedge by drawing a line to the center this.lineTo(x, y); } this._trackPos(x, y); this._trackSize(radius, radius); this._draw(); }, /** * Completes a drawing operation. * * @method end */ end: function() { this._draw(); this._initProps(); return this; }, /** * @private * Not implemented * Specifies a gradient to use for the stroke when drawing lines. */ lineGradientStyle: function() { return this; }, /** * Sets the size of the graphics object. * * @method setSize * @param w {Number} width to set for the instance. * @param h {Number} height to set for the instance. */ setSize: function(w, h) { this._canvas.width = w; this._canvas.height = h; }, /** * Clears all values * * @method _initProps * @private */ _initProps: function() { var context = this._context; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)'; // use transparent when no fill context.lineWidth = 1; //context.lineCap = 'butt'; context.lineJoin = 'miter'; context.miterLimit = 3; this._strokeStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)'; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; //this._shape = null; this._x = 0; this._y = 0; this._fillType = null; this._stroke = null; this._bitmapFill = null; this._drawingComplete = false; }, /** * Returns ths actual fill object to be used in a drawing or shape * * @method _getFill * @private */ _getFill: function() { var type = this._fillType, fill; switch (type) { case 'linear': fill = this._getLinearGradient('fill'); break; case 'radial': fill = this._getRadialGradient('fill'); break; case 'bitmap': fill = this._bitmapFill; break; case 'solid': fill = this._fillColor; break; } return fill; }, /** * Returns a linear gradient fill * * @method _getLinearGradient * @private */ _getLinearGradient: function(type) { var prop = '_' + type, colors = this[prop + 'Colors'], ratios = this[prop + 'Ratios'], x = !isNaN(this._fillX) ? this._fillX : this._shape.x, y = !isNaN(this._fillY) ? this._fillY : this._shape.y, w = this._fillWidth || (this._shape.w), h = this._fillHeight || (this._shape.h), ctx = this._context, r = this[prop + 'Rotation'], i, l, color, ratio, def, grad, x1, x2, y1, y2, cx = x + w/2, cy = y + h/2, radCon = Math.PI/180, tanRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.tan(r * radCon)).toFixed(8)); if(Math.abs(tanRadians) * w/2 >= h/2) { if(r < 180) { y1 = y; y2 = y + h; } else { y1 = y + h; y2 = y; } x1 = cx - ((cy - y1)/tanRadians); x2 = cx - ((cy - y2)/tanRadians); } else { if(r > 90 && r < 270) { x1 = x + w; x2 = x; } else { x1 = x; x2 = x + w; } y1 = ((tanRadians * (cx - x1)) - cy) * -1; y2 = ((tanRadians * (cx - x2)) - cy) * -1; } grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2); l = colors.length; def = 0; for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { color = colors[i]; ratio = ratios[i] || i/(l - 1); grad.addColorStop(ratio, color); def = (i + 1) / l; } return grad; }, /** * Returns a radial gradient fill * * @method _getRadialGradient * @private */ _getRadialGradient: function(type) { var prop = '_' + type, colors = this[prop + "Colors"], ratios = this[prop + "Ratios"], i, l, w = this._fillWidth || this._shape.w, h = this._fillHeight || this._shape.h, x = !isNaN(this._fillX) ? this._fillX : this._shape.x, y = !isNaN(this._fillY) ? this._fillY : this._shape.y, color, ratio, def, grad, ctx = this._context; x += w/2; y += h/2; grad = ctx.createRadialGradient(x, y, 1, x, y, w/2); l = colors.length; def = 0; for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { color = colors[i]; ratio = ratios[i] || i/(l - 1); grad.addColorStop(ratio, color); } return grad; }, /** * Completes a shape or drawing * * @method _draw * @private */ _draw: function() { if(this._drawingComplete || !this._shape) { return; } var context = this._context, fill; if (this._fillType) { fill = this._getFill(); if (fill) { context.fillStyle = fill; } context.closePath(); } if (this._fillType) { context.fill(); } if (this._stroke) { context.strokeStyle = this._strokeStyle; context.stroke(); } this._drawingComplete = true; }, /** * @private */ _drawingComplete: false, /** * Regex expression used for converting hex strings to rgb * * @property _reHex * @private */ _reHex: /^#?([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i, /** * Parses hex color string and alpha value to rgba * * @method _2RGBA * @private */ _2RGBA: function(val, alpha) { alpha = (alpha !== undefined) ? alpha : 1; if (this._reHex.exec(val)) { val = 'rgba(' + [ parseInt(RegExp.$1, 16), parseInt(RegExp.$2, 16), parseInt(RegExp.$3, 16) ].join(',') + ',' + alpha + ')'; } return val; }, /** * Creates dom element used for converting color string to rgb * * @method _createDummy * @private */ _createDummy: function() { var dummy = Y.config.doc.createElement('div'); dummy.style.height = 0; dummy.style.width = 0; dummy.style.overflow = 'hidden'; Y.config.doc.documentElement.appendChild(dummy); return dummy; }, /** * Creates canvas element * * @method _createGraphic * @private */ _createGraphic: function(config) { var graphic = Y.config.doc.createElement('canvas'); // no size until drawn on graphic.width = 600; graphic.height = 600; return graphic; }, /** * Converts color to rgb format * * @method _2RGB * @private */ _2RGB: function(val) { this._dummy.style.background = val; return this._dummy.style.backgroundColor; }, /** * Updates the size of the graphics object * * @method _trackSize * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @private */ _trackSize: function(w, h) { if (w > this._width) { this._width = w; } if (h > this._height) { this._height = h; } }, /** * Updates the position of the current drawing * * @method _trackPos * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @private */ _trackPos: function(x, y) { if (x > this._x) { this._x = x; } if (y > this._y) { this._y = y; } }, /** * Updates the position and size of the current drawing * * @method _updateShapeProps * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @private */ _updateShapeProps: function(x, y) { var w,h; if(!this._shape) { this._shape = {}; } if(!this._shape.x) { this._shape.x = x; } else { this._shape.x = Math.min(this._shape.x, x); } if(!this._shape.y) { this._shape.y = y; } else { this._shape.y = Math.min(this._shape.y, y); } w = Math.abs(x - this._shape.x); if(!this._shape.w) { this._shape.w = w; } else { this._shape.w = Math.max(w, this._shape.w); } h = Math.abs(y - this._shape.y); if(!this._shape.h) { this._shape.h = h; } else { this._shape.h = Math.max(h, this._shape.h); } }, /** * Creates a Shape instance and adds it to the graphics object. * * @method getShape * @param {Object} config Object literal of properties used to construct a Shape. * @return Shape */ getShape: function(config) { config.graphic = this; return new Y.Shape(config); } }; Y.CanvasDrawingUtil = CanvasDrawingUtil; /** * CanvasGraphics is a fallback drawing api used for basic drawing operations when SVG is not available. * * @class CanvasGraphics * @constructor */ Y.CanvasGraphic = Y.Base.create("graphic", Y.CanvasDrawingUtil, [], { autoSize: true, /** * Sets the size of the graphics object. * * @method setSize * @param w {Number} width to set for the instance. * @param h {Number} height to set for the instance. */ setSize: function(w, h) { if(this.autoSize) { if(w > this.node.getAttribute("width")) { this.node.style.width = w + "px"; this._canvas.style.width = w + "px"; this._canvas.width = w; this.node.setAttribute("width", w); } if(h > this.node.getAttribute("height")) { this.node.style.height = h + "px"; this._canvas.style.height = h + "px"; this._canvas.height = h; this.node.setAttribute("height", h); } } }, /** * Updates the size of the graphics object * * @method _trackSize * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @private */ _trackSize: function(w, h) { if (w > this._width) { this._width = w; } if (h > this._height) { this._height = h; } this.setSize(w, h); }, /** * Sets the positon of the graphics object. * * @method setPosition * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the object. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the object. */ setPosition: function(x, y) { this.node.style.left = x + "px"; this.node.style.top = y + "px"; }, /** * Adds the graphics node to the dom. * * @method render * @param {HTMLElement} parentNode node in which to render the graphics node into. */ render: function(node) { node = node || Y.config.doc.body; this.node = document.createElement("div"); this.node.style.width = node.offsetWidth + "px"; this.node.style.height = node.offsetHeight + "px"; this.node.style.display = "block"; this.node.style.position = "absolute"; this.node.style.left = node.getStyle("left"); this.node.style.top = node.getStyle("top"); this.node.style.pointerEvents = "none"; node.appendChild(this.node); this.node.appendChild(this._canvas); this._canvas.width = node.offsetWidth > 0 ? node.offsetWidth : 100; this._canvas.height = node.offsetHeight > 0 ? node.offsetHeight : 100; this._canvas.style.position = "absolute"; return this; }, /** * Shows and and hides a the graphic instance. * * @method toggleVisible * @param val {Boolean} indicates whether the instance should be visible. */ toggleVisible: function(val) { this.node.style.visibility = val ? "visible" : "hidden"; }, /** * Creates a graphic node * * @method _createGraphicNode * @param {String} type node type to create * @param {String} pe specified pointer-events value * @return HTMLElement * @private */ _createGraphicNode: function(pe) { var node = Y.config.doc.createElement('canvas'); node.style.pointerEvents = pe || "none"; if(!this._graphicsList) { this._graphicsList = []; } this._graphicsList.push(node); return node; }, /** * Removes all nodes. * * @method destroy */ destroy: function() { this._removeChildren(this.node); if(this.node && this.node.parentNode) { this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node); } }, /** * Removes all child nodes. * * @method _removeChildren * @param {HTMLElement} node * @private */ _removeChildren: function(node) { if(node.hasChildNodes()) { var child; while(node.firstChild) { child = node.firstChild; this._removeChildren(child); node.removeChild(child); } } }, /** * @private * Reference to the node for the graphics object */ node: null }); if(DRAWINGAPI == "canvas") { Y.Graphic = Y.CanvasGraphic; } /** * VMLGraphics is a fallback drawing api used for basic drawing operations when SVG is not available. * * @class VMLGraphics * @constructor */ var VMLGraphics = function(config) { this.initializer.apply(this, arguments); }; VMLGraphics.prototype = { /** * Indicates whether or not the instance will size itself based on its contents. * * @property autoSize * @type String */ initializer: function(config) { config = config || {}; var w = config.width || 0, h = config.height || 0; this.node = this._createGraphics(); this.setSize(w, h); this._initProps(); }, /** * Specifies a bitmap fill used by subsequent calls to other drawing methods. * * @method beginBitmapFill * @param {Object} config */ beginBitmapFill: function(config) { var fill = {}; fill.src = config.bitmap.src; fill.type = "tile"; this._fillProps = fill; if(!isNaN(config.tx) || !isNaN(config.ty) || !isNaN(config.width) || !isNaN(config.height)) { this._gradientBox = { tx:config.tx, ty:config.ty, width:config.width, height:config.height }; } else { this._gradientBox = null; } }, /** * Specifes a solid fill used by subsequent calls to other drawing methods. * * @method beginFill * @param {String} color Hex color value for the fill. * @param {Number} alpha Value between 0 and 1 used to specify the opacity of the fill. */ beginFill: function(color, alpha) { if (color) { if (Y.Lang.isNumber(alpha)) { this._fillProps = { type:"solid", opacity: alpha }; } this._fillColor = color; this._fill = 1; } return this; }, /** * Specifies a gradient fill used by subsequent calls to other drawing methods. * * @method beginGradientFill * @param {Object} config */ beginGradientFill: function(config) { var type = config.type, colors = config.colors, alphas = config.alphas || [], ratios = config.ratios || [], fill = { colors:colors, ratios:ratios }, len = alphas.length, i = 0, alpha, oi, rotation = config.rotation || 0; for(;i < len; ++i) { alpha = alphas[i]; alpha = Y.Lang.isNumber(alpha) ? alpha : 1; oi = i > 0 ? i + 1 : ""; alphas[i] = Math.round(alpha * 100) + "%"; fill["opacity" + oi] = alpha; } if(type === "linear") { if(config) { } if(rotation > 0 && rotation <= 90) { rotation = 450 - rotation; } else if(rotation <= 270) { rotation = 270 - rotation; } else if(rotation <= 360) { rotation = 630 - rotation; } else { rotation = 270; } fill.type = "gradientunscaled"; fill.angle = rotation; } else if(type === "radial") { fill.alignshape = false; fill.type = "gradientradial"; fill.focus = "100%"; fill.focusposition = "50%,50%"; } fill.ratios = ratios || []; if(!isNaN(config.tx) || !isNaN(config.ty) || !isNaN(config.width) || !isNaN(config.height)) { this._gradientBox = { tx:config.tx, ty:config.ty, width:config.width, height:config.height }; } else { this._gradientBox = null; } this._fillProps = fill; }, /** * Clears the graphics object. * * @method clear */ clear: function() { this._path = ''; this._removeChildren(this.node); }, /** * Removes all nodes. * * @method destroy */ destroy: function() { this._removeChildren(this.node); this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node); }, /** * Removes all child nodes. * * @method _removeChildren * @param node * @private */ _removeChildren: function(node) { if(node.hasChildNodes()) { var child; while(node.firstChild) { child = node.firstChild; this._removeChildren(child); node.removeChild(child); } } }, /** * Shows and and hides a the graphic instance. * * @method toggleVisible * @param val {Boolean} indicates whether the instance should be visible. */ toggleVisible: function(val) { this._toggleVisible(this.node, val); }, /** * Toggles visibility * * @method _toggleVisible * @param {HTMLElement} node element to toggle * @param {Boolean} val indicates visibilitye * @private */ _toggleVisible: function(node, val) { var children = Y.one(node).get("children"), visibility = val ? "visible" : "hidden", i = 0, len; if(children) { len = children.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { this._toggleVisible(children[i], val); } } node.style.visibility = visibility; }, /** * Draws a bezier curve. * * @method curveTo * @param {Number} cp1x x-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp1y y-coordinate for the first control point. * @param {Number} cp2x x-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} cp2y y-coordinate for the second control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. */ curveTo: function(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) { this._shape = "shape"; this._path += ' c ' + Math.round(cp1x) + ", " + Math.round(cp1y) + ", " + Math.round(cp2x) + ", " + Math.round(cp2y) + ", " + x + ", " + y; this._trackSize(x, y); }, /** * Draws a quadratic bezier curve. * * @method quadraticCurveTo * @param {Number} cpx x-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} cpy y-coordinate for the control point. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. */ quadraticCurveTo: function(cpx, cpy, x, y) { this._path += ' qb ' + cpx + ", " + cpy + ", " + x + ", " + y; }, /** * Draws a circle. * * @method drawCircle * @param {Number} x y-coordinate * @param {Number} y x-coordinate * @param {Number} r radius */ drawCircle: function(x, y, r) { this._width = this._height = r * 2; this._x = x - r; this._y = y - r; this._shape = "oval"; this._draw(); }, /** * Draws an ellipse. * * @method drawEllipse * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height */ drawEllipse: function(x, y, w, h) { this._width = w; this._height = h; this._x = x; this._y = y; this._shape = "oval"; this._draw(); }, /** * Draws a rectangle. * * @method drawRect * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height */ drawRect: function(x, y, w, h) { this._x = x; this._y = y; this._width = w; this._height = h; this.moveTo(x, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y); this._draw(); }, /** * Draws a rectangle with rounded corners. * * @method drawRect * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @param {Number} ew width of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners * @param {Number} eh height of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners */ drawRoundRect: function(x, y, w, h, ew, eh) { this._x = x; this._y = y; this._width = w; this._height = h; this.moveTo(x, y + eh); this.lineTo(x, y + h - eh); this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + h, x + ew, y + h); this.lineTo(x + w - ew, y + h); this.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y + h, x + w, y + h - eh); this.lineTo(x + w, y + eh); this.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w - ew, y); this.lineTo(x + ew, y); this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x, y + eh); this._draw(); }, /** * Draws a wedge. * * @param {Number} x x-coordinate of the wedge's center point * @param {Number} y y-coordinate of the wedge's center point * @param {Number} startAngle starting angle in degrees * @param {Number} arc sweep of the wedge. Negative values draw clockwise. * @param {Number} radius radius of wedge. If [optional] yRadius is defined, then radius is the x radius. * @param {Number} yRadius [optional] y radius for wedge. */ drawWedge: function(x, y, startAngle, arc, radius, yRadius) { this._drawingComplete = false; this._width = radius; this._height = radius; yRadius = yRadius || radius; this._path += this._getWedgePath({x:x, y:y, startAngle:startAngle, arc:arc, radius:radius, yRadius:yRadius}); this._width = radius * 2; this._height = this._width; this._shape = "shape"; this._draw(); }, /** * Generates a path string for a wedge shape * * @method _getWedgePath * @param {Object} config attributes used to create the path * @return String * @private */ _getWedgePath: function(config) { var x = config.x, y = config.y, startAngle = config.startAngle, arc = config.arc, radius = config.radius, yRadius = config.yRadius || radius, path; if(Math.abs(arc) > 360) { arc = 360; } startAngle *= -65535; arc *= 65536; path = " m " + x + " " + y + " ae " + x + " " + y + " " + radius + " " + yRadius + " " + startAngle + " " + arc; return path; }, /** * Completes a drawing operation. * * @method end */ end: function() { if(this._shape) { this._draw(); } this._initProps(); }, /** * Specifies a gradient to use for the stroke when drawing lines. * Not implemented * * @method lineGradientStyle * @private */ lineGradientStyle: function() { }, /** * Specifies a line style used for subsequent calls to drawing methods. * * @method lineStyle * @param {Number} thickness indicates the thickness of the line * @param {String} color hex color value for the line * @param {Number} alpha Value between 0 and 1 used to specify the opacity of the fill. */ lineStyle: function(thickness, color, alpha, pixelHinting, scaleMode, caps, joints, miterLimit) { this._stroke = 1; this._strokeWeight = thickness * 0.7; this._strokeColor = color; this._strokeOpacity = Y.Lang.isNumber(alpha) ? alpha : 1; }, /** * Draws a line segment using the current line style from the current drawing position to the specified x and y coordinates. * * @method lineTo * @param {Number} point1 x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} point2 y-coordinate for the end point. */ lineTo: function(point1, point2, etc) { var args = arguments, i, len; if (typeof point1 === 'string' || typeof point1 === 'number') { args = [[point1, point2]]; } len = args.length; this._shape = "shape"; this._path += ' l '; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { this._path += ' ' + Math.round(args[i][0]) + ', ' + Math.round(args[i][1]); this._trackSize.apply(this, args[i]); } }, /** * Moves the current drawing position to specified x and y coordinates. * * @method moveTo * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point. */ moveTo: function(x, y) { this._path += ' m ' + Math.round(x) + ', ' + Math.round(y); }, /** * Sets the size of the graphics object. * * @method setSize * @param w {Number} width to set for the instance. * @param h {Number} height to set for the instance. */ setSize: function(w, h) { w = Math.round(w); h = Math.round(h); this.node.style.width = w + 'px'; this.node.style.height = h + 'px'; this.node.coordSize = w + ' ' + h; this._canvasWidth = w; this._canvasHeight = h; }, /** * Sets the positon of the graphics object. * * @method setPosition * @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the object. * @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the object. */ setPosition: function(x, y) { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); this.node.style.left = x + "px"; this.node.style.top = y + "px"; }, /** * Adds the graphics node to the dom. * * @method render * @param {HTMLElement} parentNode node in which to render the graphics node into. */ render: function(parentNode) { var w = Math.max(parentNode.offsetWidth || 0, this._canvasWidth), h = Math.max(parentNode.offsetHeight || 0, this._canvasHeight); parentNode = parentNode || Y.config.doc.body; parentNode.appendChild(this.node); this.setSize(w, h); this._initProps(); return this; }, /** * @private */ _shape: null, /** * Updates the size of the graphics object * * @method _trackSize * @param {Number} w width * @param {Number} h height * @private */ _trackSize: function(w, h) { if (w > this._width) { this._width = w; } if (h > this._height) { this._height = h; } }, /** * Clears the properties * * @method _initProps * @private */ _initProps: function() { this._fillColor = null; this._strokeColor = null; this._strokeOpacity = null; this._strokeWeight = 0; this._fillProps = null; this._path = ''; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this._x = 0; this._y = 0; this._fill = null; this._stroke = 0; this._stroked = false; }, /** * Clears path properties * * @method _clearPath * @private */ _clearPath: function() { this._shape = null; this._path = ''; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }, /** * Completes a shape * * @method _draw * @private */ _draw: function() { var shape = this._createGraphicNode(this._shape), w = Math.round(this._width), h = Math.round(this._height), strokeNode, fillProps = this._fillProps; this.setSize(w, h); if(this._path) { if(this._fill || this._fillProps) { this._path += ' x'; } if(this._stroke) { this._path += ' e'; } shape.path = this._path; shape.coordSize = w + ', ' + h; } else { shape.style.display = "block"; shape.style.position = "absolute"; shape.style.left = this._x + "px"; shape.style.top = this._y + "px"; } if (this._fill) { shape.fillColor = this._fillColor; } else { shape.filled = false; } if (this._stroke && this._strokeWeight > 0) { shape.strokeColor = this._strokeColor; shape.strokeWeight = this._strokeWeight; if(Y.Lang.isNumber(this._strokeOpacity) && this._strokeOpacity < 1) { strokeNode = this._createGraphicNode("stroke"); shape.appendChild(strokeNode); strokeNode.opacity = this._strokeOpacity; } } else { shape.stroked = false; } shape.style.width = w + 'px'; shape.style.height = h + 'px'; if (fillProps) { shape.filled = true; shape.appendChild(this._getFill()); } this.node.appendChild(shape); this._clearPath(); }, /** * Returns ths actual fill object to be used in a drawing or shape * * @method _getFill * @private */ _getFill: function() { var fill = this._createGraphicNode("fill"), w = this._width, h = this._height, fillProps = this._fillProps, prop, pct, i = 0, colors, colorstring = "", len, ratios, hyp = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(w, 2) + Math.pow(h, 2)), cx = 50, cy = 50; if(this._gradientBox) { cx= Math.round( (this._gradientBox.width/2 - ((this._x - this._gradientBox.tx) * hyp/w))/(w * w/hyp) * 100); cy = Math.round( (this._gradientBox.height/2 - ((this._y - this._gradientBox.ty) * hyp/h))/(h * h/hyp) * 100); fillProps.focussize = (this._gradientBox.width/w)/10 + " " + (this._gradientBox.height/h)/10; } if(fillProps.colors) { colors = fillProps.colors.concat(); ratios = fillProps.ratios.concat(); len = colors.length; for(;i < len; ++i) { pct = ratios[i] || i/(len-1); pct = Math.round(100 * pct) + "%"; colorstring += ", " + pct + " " + colors[i]; } if(parseInt(pct, 10) < 100) { colorstring += ", 100% " + colors[len-1]; } } for (prop in fillProps) { if(fillProps.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { fill.setAttribute(prop, fillProps[prop]); } } fill.colors = colorstring.substr(2); if(fillProps.type === "gradientradial") { fill.focusposition = cx + "%," + cy + "%"; } return fill; }, /** * Creates a group element * * @method _createGraphics * @private */ _createGraphics: function() { var group = this._createGraphicNode("group"); group.style.display = "inline-block"; group.style.position = 'absolute'; return group; }, /** * Creates a graphic node * * @method _createGraphicNode * @param {String} type node type to create * @param {String} pe specified pointer-events value * @return HTMLElement * @private */ _createGraphicNode: function(type) { return document.createElement('<' + type + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsft.com:vml" class="vml' + type + '"/>'); }, /** * Converts a shape type to the appropriate vml node type. * * @method _getNodeShapeType * @param {String} type The shape to convert. * @return String * @private */ _getNodeShapeType: function(type) { var shape = "shape"; if(this._typeConversionHash.hasOwnProperty(type)) { shape = this._typeConversionHash[type]; } return shape; }, /** * Used to convert certain shape types to the appropriate vml node type. * * @property _typeConversionHash * @type Object * @private */ _typeConversionHash: { circle: "oval", ellipse: "oval", rect: "rect" }, /** * Creates a Shape instance and adds it to the graphics object. * * @method getShape * @param {Object} config Object literal of properties used to construct a Shape. * @return Shape */ getShape: function(config) { config.graphic = this; return new Y.Shape(config); }, /** * Adds a child to the node. * * @method addChild * @param {HTMLElement} element to add * @private */ addChild: function(child) { this.node.appendChild(child); } }; if(DRAWINGAPI == "vml") { var sheet = document.createStyleSheet(); sheet.addRule(".vmlgroup", "behavior:url(#default#VML)", sheet.rules.length); sheet.addRule(".vmlgroup", "display:inline-block", sheet.rules.length); sheet.addRule(".vmlgroup", "zoom:1", sheet.rules.length); sheet.addRule(".vmlshape", "behavior:url(#default#VML)", sheet.rules.length); sheet.addRule(".vmlshape", "display:inline-block", sheet.rules.length); sheet.addRule(".vmloval", "behavior:url(#default#VML)", sheet.rules.length); sheet.addRule(".vmloval", "display:inline-block", sheet.rules.length); sheet.addRule(".vmlrect", "behavior:url(#default#VML)", sheet.rules.length); sheet.addRule(".vmlrect", "display:block", sheet.rules.length); sheet.addRule(".vmlfill", "behavior:url(#default#VML)", sheet.rules.length); sheet.addRule(".vmlstroke", "behavior:url(#default#VML)", sheet.rules.length); Y.Graphic = VMLGraphics; } /** * The Shape class creates a graphic object with editable * properties. * * @class Shape * @extends Graphic * @constructor */ function Shape(cfg) { this._initialize(cfg); this._draw(); } Y.extend(Shape, Y.Graphic, { /** * Indicates the type of shape. * * @property type * @type string */ type: "shape", /** * Indicates whether or not the instance will size itself based on its contents. * * @property autoSize * @type string */ autoSize: false, /** * Determines whether the instance will receive mouse events. * * @property pointerEvents * @type string */ pointerEvents: "visiblePainted", /** * Initializes the graphic instance. * * @method _initialize * @private */ _initialize: function(cfg) { if(!cfg.graphic) { cfg.graphic = new Y.Graphic(); } this._setProps(cfg); }, /** * Updates properties for the shape. * * @method _setProps * @param {Object} cfg Properties to update. * @private */ _setProps: function(cfg) { this.autoSize = cfg.autoSize || this.autoSize; this.pointerEvents = cfg.pointerEvents || this.pointerEvents; this.width = cfg.width || this.width; this.height = cfg.height || this.height; this.border = cfg.border || this.border; this.graphics = cfg.graphic || this.graphics; this.canvas = this.graphics; this.parentNode = this.graphics.node; this.fill = cfg.fill || this.fill; this.type = cfg.shape || this.type; this.nodetype = this._getNodeShapeType(this.type); this.props = cfg.props || this.props; this.path = cfg.path || this.path; }, /** * Draws the graphic. * * @method _draw * @private */ _draw: function() { var cx, cy, rx, ry, parentNode = this.parentNode, borderWeight = 0, fillWidth = this.width || 0, fillHeight = this.height || 0; if(!this.node) { this.node = this._createGraphicNode(this.nodetype, this.pointerEvents); parentNode.appendChild(this.node); } if(this.type == "wedge") { this.path = this._getWedgePath(this.props); } if(this.nodetype == "path") { this._setPath(); } if(this.border && this.border.weight && this.border.weight > 0) { borderWeight = this.border.weight; fillWidth -= borderWeight * 2; fillHeight -= borderWeight * 2; } this._addBorder(); if(this.nodetype === "ellipse") { rx = this.width/2; cx = this.width/2; ry = this.height/2; cy = this.height/2; rx -= borderWeight; ry -= borderWeight; this.node.setAttribute("cx", cx); this.node.setAttribute("cy", cy); this.node.setAttribute("rx", rx); this.node.setAttribute("ry", ry); } else { this.node.setAttribute("width", fillWidth); this.node.setAttribute("height", fillHeight); this.node.style.width = fillWidth + "px"; this.node.style.height = fillHeight + "px"; } this._addFill(); parentNode.style.width = this.width + "px"; parentNode.style.height = this.height + "px"; parentNode.setAttribute("width", this.width); parentNode.setAttribute("height", this.height); this.node.style.visibility = "visible"; this.node.setAttribute("x", borderWeight); this.node.setAttribute("y", borderWeight); return this; }, /** * Adds a path to the shape node. * * @method _setPath * @private */ _setPath: function() { if(this.path) { this.path += " Z"; this.node.setAttribute("d", this.path); } }, /** * Adds a border to the shape node. * * @method _addBorder * @private */ _addBorder: function() { if(this.border && this.border.weight && this.border.weight > 0) { var borderAlpha = this.border.alpha; this.border.color = this.border.color || "#000000"; this.border.weight = this.border.weight || 1; this.border.alpha = Y.Lang.isNumber(borderAlpha) ? borderAlpha : 1; this.border.linecap = this.border.linecap || "square"; this.node.setAttribute("stroke", this.border.color); this.node.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", this.border.linecap); this.node.setAttribute("stroke-width", this.border.weight); this.node.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", this.border.alpha); } else { this.node.setAttribute("stroke", "none"); } }, /** * Adds a fill to the shape node. * * @method _addFill * @private */ _addFill: function() { var fillAlpha; if(this.fill.type === "linear" || this.fill.type === "radial") { this.beginGradientFill(this.fill); this.node.appendChild(this._getFill()); } else if(this.fill.type === "bitmap") { this.beginBitmapFill(this.fill); this.node.appendChild(this._getFill()); } else { if(!this.fill.color) { this.node.setAttribute("fill", "none"); } else { fillAlpha = this.fill.alpha; this.fill.alpha = Y.Lang.isNumber(fillAlpha) ? fillAlpha : 1; this.node.setAttribute("fill", this.fill.color); this.node.setAttribute("fill-opacity", fillAlpha); } } }, /** * Completes a drawing operation. * * @method end */ end: function() { this._setPath(); }, /** * Updates the properties of the shape instance. * * @method update * @param {Object} cfg Object literal containing properties to update. */ update: function(cfg) { this._setProps(cfg); this._draw(); return this; }, /** * Converts a shape type to the appropriate node attribute. * * @private * @method _getNodeShapeType * @param {String} type The type of shape. * @return String */ _getNodeShapeType: function(type) { if(this._typeConversionHash.hasOwnProperty(type)) { type = this._typeConversionHash[type]; } return type; }, /** * Sets the visibility of a shape. * * @method toggleVisible * @param {Boolean} val indicates whether or not the shape is visible. */ toggleVisible: function(val) { var visibility = val ? "visible" : "hidden"; if(this.node) { this.node.style.visibility = visibility; } }, /** * Adds a class to the shape's node. * * @method addClass * @param {String} className Name of the class to add. */ addClass: function(className) { var node = this.node; if(node) { if(node.className && node.className.baseVal) { node.className.baseVal = Y.Lang.trim([node.className.baseVal, className].join(' ')); } else { node.setAttribute("class", className); } } }, /** * Positions the parent node of the shape. * * @method setPosition * @param {Number}, x The x-coordinate * @param {Number}, y The y-coordinate */ setPosition: function(x, y) { var pNode = Y.one(this.parentNode), hotspot = this.hotspot; pNode.setStyle("position", "absolute"); pNode.setStyle("left", x); pNode.setStyle("top", y); if(hotspot) { hotspot.setStyle("position", "absolute"); hotspot.setStyle("left", x); hotspot.setStyle("top", y); } }, /** * Used to convert shape declarations to the appropriate node type. * * @property _typeConversionHash * @type Object * @private */ _typeConversionHash: { circle: "ellipse", wedge: "path" } }); Y.Shape = Shape; /** * The Shape class creates a graphic object with editable * properties. * * @class CanvasShape * @extends CanvasGraphic * @constructor */ function CanvasShape(cfg) { this._dummy = this._createDummy(); this._canvas = this._createGraphic(); this.node = this._canvas; this._context = this._canvas.getContext('2d'); this._initialize(cfg); this._validate(); } Y.extend(CanvasShape, Y.CanvasDrawingUtil, { /** * Indicates the type of shape. * * @property type * @type string */ type: "shape", /** * Indicates whether or not the instance will size itself based on its contents. * * @property autoSize * @type string */ autoSize: false, /** * Initializes the graphic instance. * * @method _initialize * @private */ _initialize: function(cfg) { this._canvas.style.position = "absolute"; if(cfg.graphic) { cfg.graphic.node.appendChild(this._canvas); } this._setProps(cfg); }, /** * Updates properties for the shape. * * @method _setProps * @param {Object} cfg Properties to update. * @private */ _setProps: function(cfg) { this.autoSize = cfg.autoSize || this.autoSize; this.width = cfg.width || this.width; this.height = cfg.height || this.height; this.border = cfg.border || this.border; this.graphics = cfg.graphic || this.graphics; this.fill = cfg.fill || this.fill; this.type = cfg.shape || this.type; this.props = cfg.props || this.props; this.path = cfg.path || this.path; this.props = cfg.props || this.props; this.parentNode = this.graphics.node; }, /** * Draws the graphic. * * @method _validate * @private */ _validate: function() { var w = this.width, h = this.height, border = this.border, type = this.type, fill = this.fill; this.clear(); this.setSize(this.width, this.height); this._canvas.style.top = "0px"; this._canvas.style.left = "0px"; if(border && border.weight && border.weight > 0) { border.color = border.color || "#000"; border.alpha = border.alpha || 1; this.lineStyle(border.weight, border.color, border.alpha); } if(fill.type === "radial" || fill.type === "linear") { this.beginGradientFill(fill); } else if(fill.type === "bitmap") { this.beginBitmapFill(fill); } else { this.beginFill(fill.color, fill.alpha); } switch(type) { case "circle" : this.drawEllipse(0, 0, w, h); break; case "rect" : this.drawRect(0, 0, w, h); break; case "wedge" : this.drawWedge(this.props); break; } return this; }, /** * Updates the properties of the shape instance. * * @method update * @param {Object} cfg Object literal containing properties to update. */ update: function(cfg) { this._setProps(cfg); this._validate(); return this; }, /** * Sets the visibility of a shape. * * @method toggleVisible * @param {Boolean} val indicates whether or not the shape is visible. */ toggleVisible: function(val) { var visibility = val ? "visible" : "hidden"; if(this.node) { this.node.style.visibility = visibility; } }, /** * Positions the parent node of the shape. * * @method setPosition * @param {Number}, x The x-coordinate * @param {Number}, y The y-coordinate */ setPosition: function(x, y) { var pNode = Y.one(this.parentNode); pNode.setStyle("position", "absolute"); pNode.setStyle("left", x); pNode.setStyle("top", y); }, /** * Adds a class to the shape's node. * * @method addClass * @param {String} className Name of the class to add. */ addClass: function(val) { if(this.node) { this.node.style.pointerEvents = "painted"; this.node.setAttribute("class", val); } } }); Y.CanvasShape = CanvasShape; if(DRAWINGAPI == "canvas") { Y.Shape = Y.CanvasShape; } /** * VMLShape is a fallback class for Shape. It creates a graphic object with editable properties when * SVG is not available. * * @class VMLShape * @constructor */ function VMLShape(cfg) { this._initialize(cfg); this._draw(); } VMLShape.prototype = { /** * Indicates the type of shape. * * @property type * @type string */ type: "shape", /** * Initializes the graphic instance. * * @method _initialize * @private */ _initialize: function(cfg) { if(!cfg.graphic) { cfg.graphic = new Y.Graphic(); } this._setProps(cfg); }, /** * @private */ width: 0, /** * @private */ height: 0, /** * Updates properties for the shape. * * @method _setProps * @param {Object} cfg Properties to update. * @private */ _setProps: function(cfg) { this.width = cfg.width && cfg.width >= 0 ? cfg.width : this.width; this.height = cfg.height && cfg.height >= 0 ? cfg.height : this.height; this.border = cfg.border || this.border; this.graphics = cfg.graphic || this.graphics; this.canvas = this.graphics; this.parentNode = this.graphics.node; this.fill = cfg.fill || this.fill; this.type = cfg.shape || this.type; this.props = cfg.props || this.props; }, /** * Draws the graphic. * * @method _draw * @private */ _draw: function() { var path, borderWeight = 0, fillWidth = this.width || 0, fillHeight = this.height || 0; this.graphics.setSize(fillWidth, fillHeight); if(this.node) { this.node.style.visible = "hidden"; } else if(!this.node) { this.node = this.graphics._createGraphicNode(this.graphics._getNodeShapeType(this.type)); this.graphics.node.appendChild(this.node); } if(this.type === "wedge") { path = this.graphics._getWedgePath(this.props); if(this.fill) { path += ' x'; } if(this.border) { path += ' e'; } this.node.path = path; } this._addBorder(); if(this.border && this.border.weight && this.border.weight > 0) { borderWeight = this.border.weight; fillWidth -= borderWeight; fillHeight -= borderWeight; } this.node.style.width = Math.max(fillWidth, 0) + "px"; this.node.style.height = Math.max(fillHeight, 0) + "px"; this._addFill(); return this; }, /** * Adds a border to the shape node. * * @method _addBorder * @private */ _addBorder: function() { if(this.border && this.border.weight && this.border.weight > 0) { var borderAlpha = this.border.alpha, borderWeight = this.borderWeight; borderAlpha = Y.Lang.isNumber(borderAlpha) ? borderAlpha : 1; borderWeight = Y.Lang.isNumber(borderWeight) ? borderWeight : 1; this.node.strokecolor = this.border.color || "#000000"; this.node.strokeweight = borderWeight; if(borderAlpha < 1) { if(!this._strokeNode) { this._strokeNode = this.graphics._createGraphicNode("stroke"); this.node.appendChild(this._strokeNode); } this._strokeNode.opacity = borderAlpha; } else if(this._strokeNode) { this._strokeNode.opacity = borderAlpha; } this.node.stroked = true; } else { this.node.stroked = false; } }, /** * Adds a fill to the shape node. * * @method _addFill * @private */ _addFill: function() { var fillAlpha; this.node.filled = true; if(this.fill.type === "linear" || this.fill.type === "radial") { this.graphics.beginGradientFill(this.fill); this.node.appendChild(this.graphics._getFill()); } else if(this.fill.type === "bitmap") { this.graphics.beginBitmapFill(this.fill); this.node.appendChild(this.graphics._getFill()); } else { if(!this.fill.color) { this.node.filled = false; } else { if(this.fillnode) { this.graphics._removeChildren(this.fillnode); } fillAlpha = this.fill.alpha; fillAlpha = Y.Lang.isNumber(fillAlpha) ? fillAlpha : 1; this.fill.alpha = fillAlpha; this.fillnode = this.graphics._createGraphicNode("fill"); this.fillnode.type = "solid"; this.fillnode.color = this.fill.color; this.fillnode.opacity = fillAlpha; this.node.appendChild(this.fillnode); } } }, /** * Adds a class to the shape's node. * * @method addClass * @param {String} className Name of the class to add. */ addClass: function(val) { var node = this.node; if(node) { Y.one(node).addClass(val); } }, /** * Sets the visibility of a shape. * * @method toggleVisible * @param {Boolean} val indicates whether or not the shape is visible. */ toggleVisible: function(val) { var visibility = val ? "visible" : "hidden"; if(this.node) { Y.one(this.node).setStyle("visibility", visibility); } }, /** * Positions the parent node of the shape. * * @method setPosition * @param {Number}, x The x-coordinate * @param {Number}, y The y-coordinate */ setPosition: function(x, y) { var pNode = Y.one(this.parentNode); pNode.setStyle("position", "absolute"); pNode.setStyle("left", x); pNode.setStyle("top", y); }, /** * Updates the properties of the shape instance. * * @method update * @param {Object} cfg Object literal containing properties to update. */ update: function(cfg) { this._setProps(cfg); this._draw(); return this; } }; Y.VMLShape = VMLShape; if (DRAWINGAPI == "vml") { Y.Shape = VMLShape; } /** * The Renderer class is a base class for chart components that use the styles * attribute. * * @class Renderer * @constructor */ function Renderer(){} Renderer.ATTRS = { /** * Hash of style properties for class * * @attribute styles * @type Object */ styles: { getter: function() { this._styles = this._styles || this._getDefaultStyles(); return this._styles; }, setter: function(val) { this._styles = this._setStyles(val); } }, /** * The graphic in which drawings will be rendered. * * @attribute graphic * @type Graphic */ graphic: {} }; Renderer.NAME = "renderer"; Renderer.prototype = { /** * @private */ _styles: null, /** * @protected * * Method used by styles setter. * * @method _setStyles * @param {Object} newStyles Hash of properties to update. * @return Object */ _setStyles: function(newstyles) { var styles = this.get("styles"); return this._mergeStyles(newstyles, styles); }, /** * @protected * * Merges to object literals so that only specified properties are * overwritten. * * @method _mergeStyles * @param {Object} a Hash of new styles * @param {Object} b Hash of original styles * @return Object */ _mergeStyles: function(a, b) { if(!b) { b = {}; } var newstyles = Y.merge(b, {}); Y.Object.each(a, function(value, key, a) { if(b.hasOwnProperty(key) && Y.Lang.isObject(value) && !Y.Lang.isArray(value)) { newstyles[key] = this._mergeStyles(value, b[key]); } else { newstyles[key] = value; } }, this); return newstyles; }, /** * @protected * * Gets the default value for the styles attribute. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { return {padding:{ top:0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }}; } }; Y.augment(Renderer, Y.Attribute); Y.Renderer = Renderer; /** * The Axis class. Generates axes for a chart. * * @class Axis * @extends Renderer * @constructor */ Y.Axis = Y.Base.create("axis", Y.Widget, [Y.Renderer], { /** * @private */ _dataChangeHandler: function(e) { if(this.get("rendered")) { this._drawAxis(); } }, /** * @private */ _updateHandler: function(e) { if(this.get("rendered")) { this._drawAxis(); } }, /** * @private */ _positionChangeHandler: function(e) { var position = this.get("position"); if(position == "none") { return; } this._layout =this.getLayout(this.get("position")); if(this.get("rendered")) { this._drawAxis(); } }, /** * @private */ renderUI: function() { var pos = this.get("position"); if(pos && pos != "none") { this._layout =this.getLayout(pos); this._setCanvas(); } }, /** * @private */ syncUI: function() { this._drawAxis(); }, /** * @private */ _setCanvas: function() { var cb = this.get("contentBox"), bb = this.get("boundingBox"), p = this.get("position"), pn = this._parentNode, w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"); bb.setStyle("position", "absolute"); w = w ? w + "px" : pn.getStyle("width"); h = h ? h + "px" : pn.getStyle("height"); if(p === "top" || p === "bottom") { cb.setStyle("width", w); } else { cb.setStyle("height", h); } cb.setStyle("position", "relative"); cb.setStyle("left", "0px"); cb.setStyle("top", "0px"); this.set("graphic", new Y.Graphic()); this.get("graphic").render(cb); }, /** * @protected * * Gets the default value for the styles attribute. Overrides * base implementation. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { var axisstyles = { majorTicks: { display:"inside", length:4, color:"#dad8c9", weight:1, alpha:1 }, minorTicks: { display:"none", length:2, color:"#dad8c9", weight:1 }, line: { weight:1, color:"#dad8c9", alpha:1 }, majorUnit: { determinant:"count", count:11, distance:75 }, top: "0px", left: "0px", width: "100px", height: "100px", label: { color:"#808080", alpha: 1, fontSize:"85%", rotation: 0, margin: { top:4, right:4, bottom:4, left:4 } }, hideOverlappingLabelTicks: false }; return Y.merge(Y.Renderer.prototype._getDefaultStyles(), axisstyles); }, /** * @private */ _handleSizeChange: function(e) { var attrName = e.attrName, pos = this.get("position"), vert = pos == "left" || pos == "right", cb = this.get("contentBox"), hor = pos == "bottom" || pos == "top"; cb.setStyle("width", this.get("width")); cb.setStyle("height", this.get("height")); if((hor && attrName == "width") || (vert && attrName == "height")) { this._drawAxis(); } }, /** * @private */ _layout: null, /** * @private */ getLayout: function(pos) { var l; switch(pos) { case "top" : l = new Y.TopAxisLayout({axisRenderer:this}); break; case "bottom" : l = new Y.BottomAxisLayout({axisRenderer:this}); break; case "left" : l = new Y.LeftAxisLayout({axisRenderer:this}); break; case "right" : l = new Y.RightAxisLayout({axisRenderer:this}); break; } return l; }, /** * @private */ drawLine: function(startPoint, endPoint, line) { var graphic = this.get("graphic"); graphic.lineStyle(line.weight, line.color, line.alpha); graphic.moveTo(startPoint.x, startPoint.y); graphic.lineTo(endPoint.x, endPoint.y); graphic.end(); }, /** * @private */ _drawAxis: function () { if(this._drawing) { this._callLater = true; return; } this._drawing = true; this._callLater = false; if(this.get("position") != "none") { var styles = this.get("styles"), majorTickStyles = styles.majorTicks, drawTicks = majorTickStyles.display != "none", tickPoint, majorUnit = styles.majorUnit, len, majorUnitDistance, i = 0, layoutLength, position, lineStart, label, layout = this._layout, labelFunction = this.get("labelFunction"), labelFunctionScope = this.get("labelFunctionScope"), labelFormat = this.get("labelFormat"), graphic = this.get("graphic"); graphic.clear(); layout.setTickOffsets(); layoutLength = this.getLength(); lineStart = layout.getLineStart(); len = this.getTotalMajorUnits(majorUnit); majorUnitDistance = this.getMajorUnitDistance(len, layoutLength, majorUnit); this.set("edgeOffset", this.getEdgeOffset(len, layoutLength) * 0.5); tickPoint = this.getFirstPoint(lineStart); this.drawLine(lineStart, this.getLineEnd(tickPoint), styles.line); if(drawTicks) { layout.drawTick(tickPoint, majorTickStyles); } if(len < 1) { this._clearLabelCache(); return; } this._createLabelCache(); this._tickPoints = []; layout.set("maxLabelSize", 0); for(; i < len; ++i) { if(drawTicks) { layout.drawTick(tickPoint, majorTickStyles); } position = this.getPosition(tickPoint); label = this.getLabel(tickPoint); label.innerHTML = labelFunction.apply(labelFunctionScope, [this.getLabelByIndex(i, len), labelFormat]); tickPoint = this.getNextPoint(tickPoint, majorUnitDistance); } this._clearLabelCache(); layout.setSizeAndPosition(); if(this.get("overlapGraph")) { layout.offsetNodeForTick(this.get("contentBox")); } layout.setCalculatedSize(); for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { layout.positionLabel(this.get("labels")[i], this._tickPoints[i]); } } this._drawing = false; if(this._callLater) { this._drawAxis(); } else { this.fire("axisRendered"); } }, /** * @private */ _labels: null, /** * @private */ _labelCache: null, /** * @private */ getLabel: function(pt, pos) { var i, label, customStyles = { rotation: "rotation", margin: "margin", alpha: "alpha" }, cache = this._labelCache, styles = this.get("styles").label; if(cache.length > 0) { label = cache.shift(); } else { label = document.createElement("span"); label.style.display = "block"; label.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; Y.one(label).addClass("axisLabel"); this.get("contentBox").appendChild(label); } label.style.position = "absolute"; this._labels.push(label); this._tickPoints.push({x:pt.x, y:pt.y}); this._layout.updateMaxLabelSize(label); for(i in styles) { if(styles.hasOwnProperty(i) && !customStyles.hasOwnProperty(i)) { label.style[i] = styles[i]; } } return label; }, /** * @private */ _createLabelCache: function() { if(this._labels) { if(this._labelCache) { this._labelCache = this._labels.concat(this._labelCache); } else { this._labelCache = this._labels.concat(); } } else { this._clearLabelCache(); } this._labels = []; }, /** * @private */ _clearLabelCache: function() { if(this._labelCache) { var len = this._labelCache.length, i = 0, label, labelCache = this._labelCache; for(; i < len; ++i) { label = labelCache[i]; label.parentNode.removeChild(label); } } this._labelCache = []; }, /** * @private */ _calculateSizeByTickLength: true, /** * @private */ getLineEnd: function(pt) { var w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), pos = this.get("position"); if(pos === "top" || pos === "bottom") { return {x:w, y:pt.y}; } else { return {x:pt.x, y:h}; } }, /** * @private */ getLength: function() { var l, style = this.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), pos = this.get("position"); if(pos === "top" || pos === "bottom") { l = w - (padding.left + padding.right); } else { l = h - (padding.top + padding.bottom); } return l; }, /** * @private */ getFirstPoint:function(pt) { var style = this.get("styles"), pos = this.get("position"), padding = style.padding, np = {x:pt.x, y:pt.y}; if(pos === "top" || pos === "bottom") { np.x += padding.left + this.get("edgeOffset"); } else { np.y += this.get("height") - (padding.top + this.get("edgeOffset")); } return np; }, /** * @private */ getNextPoint: function(point, majorUnitDistance) { var pos = this.get("position"); if(pos === "top" || pos === "bottom") { point.x = point.x + majorUnitDistance; } else { point.y = point.y - majorUnitDistance; } return point; }, /** * @private */ getLastPoint: function() { var style = this.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, w = this.get("width"), pos = this.get("position"); if(pos === "top" || pos === "bottom") { return {x:w - padding.right, y:padding.top}; } else { return {x:padding.left, y:padding.top}; } }, /** * @private */ getPosition: function(point) { var p, h = this.get("height"), style = this.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, pos = this.get("position"), dataType = this.get("dataType"); if(pos === "left" || pos === "right") { //Numeric data on a vertical axis is displayed from bottom to top. //Categorical and Timeline data is displayed from top to bottom. if(dataType === "numeric") { p = (h - (padding.top + padding.bottom)) - (point.y - padding.top); } else { p = point.y - padding.top; } } else { p = point.x - padding.left; } return p; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * @protected * * Difference betweend the first/last tick and edge of axis. * * @attribute edgeOffset * @type Number */ edgeOffset: { value: 0 }, /** * The graphic in which the axis line and ticks will be rendered. * * @attribute graphic * @type Graphic */ graphic: {}, /** * Contains the contents of the axis. * * @attribute node * @type HTMLElement */ node: {}, /** * Direction of the axis. * * @attribute position * @type String */ position: { lazyAdd: false, setOnce: true, setter: function(val) { if(val == "none") { this.bindUI(); } return val; } }, /** * Distance determined by the tick styles used to calculate the distance between the axis * line in relation to the top of the axis. * * @attribute topTickOffset * @type Number */ topTickOffset: { value: 0 }, /** * Distance determined by the tick styles used to calculate the distance between the axis * line in relation to the bottom of the axis. * * @attribute bottomTickOffset * @type Number */ bottomTickOffset: { value: 0 }, /** * Distance determined by the tick styles used to calculate the distance between the axis * line in relation to the left of the axis. * * @attribute leftTickOffset * @type Number */ leftTickOffset: { value: 0 }, /** * Distance determined by the tick styles used to calculate the distance between the axis * line in relation to the right side of the axis. * * @attribute rightTickOffset * @type Number */ rightTickOffset: { value: 0 }, /** * Collection of labels used to render the axis. * * @attribute labels * @type Array */ labels: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._labels; } }, /** * Collection of points used for placement of labels and ticks along the axis. * * @attribute tickPoints * @type Array */ tickPoints: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { if(this.get("position") == "none") { return this.get("styles").majorUnit.count; } return this._tickPoints; } }, /** * Indicates whether the axis overlaps the graph. If an axis is the inner most axis on a given * position and the tick position is inside or cross, the axis will need to overlap the graph. * * @attribute overlapGraph * @type Boolean */ overlapGraph: { value:true, validator: function(val) { return Y.Lang.isBoolean(val); } }, /** * Object which should have by the labelFunction * * @attribute labelFunctionScope * @type Object */ labelFunctionScope: {} /** * Style properties used for drawing an axis. This attribute is inherited from Renderer. Below are the default values: *
Properties used for drawing ticks. *
Position of the tick. Possible values are inside, outside, cross and none. The * default value is inside.
The length (in pixels) of the tick. The default value is 4.
The color of the tick. The default value is #dad8c9
Number indicating the width of the tick. The default value is 1.
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the tick. The default value is 1.
Properties used for drawing the axis line. *
Number indicating the width of the axis line. The default value is 1.
The color of the axis line. The default value is #dad8c9.
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the tick. The default value is 1.
Properties used to calculate the majorUnit for the axis. *
The algorithm used for calculating distance between ticks. The possible options are count and distance. If * the determinant is count, the axis ticks will spaced so that a specified number of ticks appear on the axis. If the determinant * is distance, the axis ticks will spaced out according to the specified distance. The default value is count.
Number of ticks to appear on the axis when the determinant is count. The default value is 11.
The distance (in pixels) between ticks when the determinant is distance. The default value is 75.
Properties and styles applied to the axis labels. *
The color of the labels. The default value is #808080.
Number between 0 and 1 indicating the opacity of the labels. The default value is 1.
The font-size of the labels. The default value is 85%
The rotation, in degrees (between -90 and 90) of the labels. The default value is 0.
The distance between the label and the axis/tick. Depending on the position of the Axis, only one of the properties used. *
Pixel value used for an axis with a position of bottom. The default value is 4.
Pixel value used for an axis with a position of left. The default value is 4.
Pixel value used for an axis with a position of top. The default value is 4.
Pixel value used for an axis with a position of right. The default value is 4.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * Algorithmic strategy for rendering a left axis. * * @class LeftAxisLayout * @extends Base * @param {Object} config * @constructor */ function LeftAxisLayout(config) { LeftAxisLayout.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } LeftAxisLayout.ATTRS = { /** * Reference to the Axis using the strategy. * * @attribute axisRenderer * @type Axis * @protected */ axisRenderer: { value: null }, /** * @private */ maxLabelSize: { value: 0 } }; Y.extend(LeftAxisLayout, Y.Base, { /** * Sets the length of the tick on either side of the axis line. * * @method setTickOffset * @protected */ setTickOffsets: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), majorTicks = ar.get("styles").majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, halfTick = tickLength * 0.5, display = majorTicks.display; ar.set("topTickOffset", 0); ar.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); switch(display) { case "inside" : ar.set("rightTickOffset", tickLength); ar.set("leftTickOffset", 0); break; case "outside" : ar.set("rightTickOffset", 0); ar.set("leftTickOffset", tickLength); break; case "cross": ar.set("rightTickOffset", halfTick); ar.set("leftTickOffset", halfTick); break; default: ar.set("rightTickOffset", 0); ar.set("leftTickOffset", 0); break; } }, /** * Draws a tick * * @method drawTick * @param {Object} pt Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect. * @param {Object) tickStyle Hash of properties to apply to the tick. * @protected */ drawTick: function(pt, tickStyles) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, tickLength = tickStyles.length, start = {x:padding.left, y:pt.y}, end = {x:tickLength + padding.left, y:pt.y}; ar.drawLine(start, end, tickStyles); }, /** * Calculates the coordinates for the first point on an axis. * * @method getLineStart * @return {Object} * @protected */ getLineStart: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, majorTicks = style.majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, display = majorTicks.display, pt = {x:padding.left, y:0}; if(display === "outside") { pt.x += tickLength; } else if(display === "cross") { pt.x += tickLength/2; } return pt; }, /** * Calculates the point for a label. * * @method getLabelPoint * @param {Object} point Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect. * @return {Object} * @protected */ getLabelPoint: function(point) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"); return {x:point.x - ar.get("leftTickOffset"), y:point.y}; }, /** * Updates the value for the maxLabelSize for use in calculating total size. * * @method updateMaxLabelSize * @param {HTMLElement} label to measure * @protected */ updateMaxLabelSize: function(label) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles").label, rot = Math.min(90, Math.max(-90, style.rotation)), absRot = Math.abs(rot), radCon = Math.PI/180, sinRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), cosRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), m11 = cosRadians, m12 = rot > 0 ? -sinRadians : sinRadians, m21 = -m12, m22 = m11, max; if(!document.createElementNS) { label.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' + m11 + ' M12=' + m12 + ' M21=' + m21 + ' M22=' + m22 + ' sizingMethod="auto expand")'; this.set("maxLabelSize", Math.max(this.get("maxLabelSize"), label.offsetWidth)); } else { label.style.msTransform = "rotate(0deg)"; if(rot === 0) { max = label.offsetWidth; } else if(absRot === 90) { max = label.offsetHeight; } else { max = (cosRadians * label.offsetWidth) + (sinRadians * label.offsetHeight); } this.set("maxLabelSize", Math.max(this.get("maxLabelSize"), max)); } }, /** * Rotate and position labels. * * @method positionLabel * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @param {Object} pt hash containing the x and y coordinates in which the label will be positioned * against. * @protected */ positionLabel: function(label, pt) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), tickOffset = ar.get("leftTickOffset"), style = ar.get("styles").label, labelAlpha = style.alpha, filterString, margin = 0, leftOffset = pt.x, topOffset = pt.y, rot = Math.min(90, Math.max(-90, style.rotation)), absRot = Math.abs(rot), radCon = Math.PI/180, sinRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), cosRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), m11 = cosRadians, m12 = rot > 0 ? -sinRadians : sinRadians, m21 = -m12, m22 = m11, maxLabelSize = this.get("maxLabelSize"), labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth), labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); if(style.margin && style.margin.right) { margin = style.margin.right; } if(!document.createElementNS) { label.style.filter = null; labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth); labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); if(rot === 0) { leftOffset = labelWidth; topOffset -= labelHeight * 0.5; } else if(absRot === 90) { leftOffset = labelHeight; topOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; } else if(rot > 0) { leftOffset = (cosRadians * labelWidth) + (labelHeight * rot/90); topOffset -= (sinRadians * labelWidth) + (cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.5)); } else { leftOffset = (cosRadians * labelWidth) + (absRot/90 * labelHeight); topOffset -= cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.5); } leftOffset += tickOffset; label.style.left = ((pt.x + maxLabelSize) - leftOffset) + "px"; label.style.top = topOffset + "px"; if(filterString) { filterString += " "; } if(Y.Lang.isNumber(labelAlpha) && labelAlpha < 1 && labelAlpha > -1 && !isNaN(labelAlpha)) { filterString = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=" + Math.round(labelAlpha * 100) + ")"; } if(rot !== 0) { if(filterString) { filterString += " "; } else { filterString = ""; } filterString += 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' + m11 + ' M12=' + m12 + ' M21=' + m21 + ' M22=' + m22 + ' sizingMethod="auto expand")'; } if(filterString) { label.style.filter = filterString; } return; } label.style.msTransform = "rotate(0deg)"; labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth); labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); if(rot === 0) { leftOffset -= labelWidth; topOffset -= labelHeight * 0.5; } else if(rot === 90) { topOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; } else if(rot === -90) { leftOffset -= labelHeight; topOffset += labelWidth * 0.5; } else { if(rot < 0) { leftOffset -= (cosRadians * labelWidth) + (sinRadians * labelHeight); topOffset += (sinRadians * labelWidth) - (cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.6)); } else { leftOffset -= (cosRadians * labelWidth); topOffset -= (sinRadians * labelWidth) + (cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.6)); } } leftOffset -= tickOffset; label.style.left = (this.get("maxLabelSize") + leftOffset) + "px"; label.style.top = topOffset + "px"; label.style.MozTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.MozTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.webkitTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.msTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.msTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.OTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.OTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; }, /** * @protected * * Calculates the size and positions the content elements. * * @method setSizeAndPosition * @protected */ setSizeAndPosition: function() { var labelSize = this.get("maxLabelSize"), ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles"), leftTickOffset = ar.get("leftTickOffset"), sz = labelSize + leftTickOffset, graphic = ar.get("graphic"), margin = style.label.margin; if(margin && margin.right) { sz += margin.right; } sz = Math.round(sz); ar.set("width", sz); ar.get("contentBox").setStyle("width", sz); Y.one(graphic.node).setStyle("left", labelSize + margin.right); }, /** * Adjust the position of the Axis widget's content box for internal axes. * * @method offsetNodeForTick * @param {Node} cb Content box of the Axis. * @protected */ offsetNodeForTick: function(cb) { }, /** * Sets the width of the axis based on its contents. * * @method setCalculatedSize * @protected */ setCalculatedSize: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles"), label = style.label, tickOffset = ar.get("leftTickOffset"), max = this.get("maxLabelSize"), ttl = Math.round(tickOffset + max + label.margin.right); ar.get("contentBox").setStyle("width", ttl); ar.set("width", ttl); } }); Y.LeftAxisLayout = LeftAxisLayout; /** * RightAxisLayout contains algorithms for rendering a right axis. * * @constructor * @class RightAxisLayout * @extends Base * @param {Object} config */ function RightAxisLayout(config) { RightAxisLayout.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } RightAxisLayout.ATTRS = { /** * Reference to the Axis using the strategy. * * @attribute axisRenderer * @type Axis * @protected */ axisRenderer: { value: null } }; Y.extend(RightAxisLayout, Y.Base, { /** * Sets the length of the tick on either side of the axis line. * * @method setTickOffset * @protected */ setTickOffsets: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), majorTicks = ar.get("styles").majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, halfTick = tickLength * 0.5, display = majorTicks.display; ar.set("topTickOffset", 0); ar.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); switch(display) { case "inside" : ar.set("leftTickOffset", tickLength); ar.set("rightTickOffset", 0); break; case "outside" : ar.set("leftTickOffset", 0); ar.set("rightTickOffset", tickLength); break; case "cross" : ar.set("rightTickOffset", halfTick); ar.set("leftTickOffset", halfTick); break; default: ar.set("leftTickOffset", 0); ar.set("rightTickOffset", 0); break; } }, /** * Draws a tick * * @method drawTick * @param {Object} pt Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect. * @param {Object) tickStyle Hash of properties to apply to the tick. * @protected */ drawTick: function(pt, tickStyles) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, tickLength = tickStyles.length, start = {x:padding.left, y:pt.y}, end = {x:padding.left + tickLength, y:pt.y}; ar.drawLine(start, end, tickStyles); }, /** * Calculates the coordinates for the first point on an axis. * * @method getLineStart * @return {Object} * @protected */ getLineStart: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, majorTicks = style.majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, display = majorTicks.display, pt = {x:padding.left, y:padding.top}; if(display === "inside") { pt.x += tickLength; } else if(display === "cross") { pt.x += tickLength/2; } return pt; }, /** * Calculates the point for a label. * * @method getLabelPoint * @param {Object} point Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect. * @return {Object} * @protected */ getLabelPoint: function(point) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"); return {x:point.x + ar.get("rightTickOffset"), y:point.y}; }, /** * Updates the value for the maxLabelSize for use in calculating total size. * * @method updateMaxLabelSize * @param {HTMLElement} label to measure * @protected */ updateMaxLabelSize: function(label) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles").label, rot = Math.min(90, Math.max(-90, style.rotation)), absRot = Math.abs(rot), radCon = Math.PI/180, sinRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), cosRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), m11 = cosRadians, m12 = rot > 0 ? -sinRadians : sinRadians, m21 = -m12, m22 = m11, max; if(!document.createElementNS) { label.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' + m11 + ' M12=' + m12 + ' M21=' + m21 + ' M22=' + m22 + ' sizingMethod="auto expand")'; this.set("maxLabelSize", Math.max(this.get("maxLabelSize"), label.offsetWidth)); } else { label.style.msTransform = "rotate(0deg)"; if(rot === 0) { max = label.offsetWidth; } else if(absRot === 90) { max = label.offsetHeight; } else { max = (cosRadians * label.offsetWidth) + (sinRadians * label.offsetHeight); } this.set("maxLabelSize", Math.max(this.get("maxLabelSize"), max)); } }, /** * Rotate and position labels. * * @method positionLabel * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @param {Object} pt hash containing the x and y coordinates in which the label will be positioned * against. * @protected */ positionLabel: function(label, pt) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), tickOffset = ar.get("rightTickOffset"), style = ar.get("styles").label, labelAlpha = style.alpha, filterString, margin = 0, leftOffset = pt.x, topOffset = pt.y, rot = Math.min(Math.max(style.rotation, -90), 90), absRot = Math.abs(rot), radCon = Math.PI/180, sinRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), cosRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), m11 = cosRadians, m12 = rot > 0 ? -sinRadians : sinRadians, m21 = -m12, m22 = m11, labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth), labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); if(style.margin && style.margin.right) { margin = style.margin.right; } if(!document.createElementNS) { label.style.filter = null; if(rot === 0) { topOffset -= labelHeight * 0.5; } else if(absRot === 90) { topOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; } else if(rot > 0) { topOffset -= (cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.5)); } else { topOffset -= (sinRadians * labelWidth) + (cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.5)); } leftOffset += margin; leftOffset += tickOffset; label.style.left = leftOffset + "px"; label.style.top = topOffset + "px"; if(Y.Lang.isNumber(labelAlpha) && labelAlpha < 1 && labelAlpha > -1 && !isNaN(labelAlpha)) { filterString = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=" + Math.round(labelAlpha * 100) + ")"; } if(rot !== 0) { if(filterString) { filterString += " "; } else { filterString = ""; } filterString += 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' + m11 + ' M12=' + m12 + ' M21=' + m21 + ' M22=' + m22 + ' sizingMethod="auto expand")'; } if(filterString) { label.style.filter = filterString; } return; } label.style.msTransform = "rotate(0deg)"; labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth); labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); if(rot === 0) { topOffset -= labelHeight * 0.5; } else if(rot === 90) { leftOffset += labelHeight; topOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; } else if(rot === -90) { topOffset += labelWidth * 0.5; } else if(rot < 0) { topOffset -= (cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.6)); } else { topOffset -= cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.6); leftOffset += sinRadians * labelHeight; } leftOffset += margin; leftOffset += tickOffset; label.style.left = leftOffset + "px"; label.style.top = topOffset + "px"; label.style.MozTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.MozTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.webkitTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.msTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.msTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.OTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.OTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; }, /** * Calculates the size and positions the content elements. * * @method setSizeAndPosition * @protected */ setSizeAndPosition: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), label = ar.get("styles").label, labelSize = this.get("maxLabelSize"), tickOffset = ar.get("rightTickOffset"), sz = tickOffset + labelSize; if(label.margin && label.margin.weight) { sz += label.margin.weight; } ar.set("width", sz); ar.get("contentBox").setStyle("width", sz); }, /** * Adjusts position for inner ticks. * * @method offsetNodeForTick * @param {Node} cb contentBox of the axis * @protected */ offsetNodeForTick: function(cb) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), tickOffset = ar.get("leftTickOffset"), offset = 0 - tickOffset; cb.setStyle("left", offset); }, /** * Assigns a height based on the size of the contents. * * @method setCalculatedSize * @protected */ setCalculatedSize: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles").label, ttl = Math.round(ar.get("rightTickOffset") + this.get("maxLabelSize") + style.margin.left); ar.set("width", ttl); } }); Y.RightAxisLayout = RightAxisLayout; /** * Contains algorithms for rendering a bottom axis. * * @class BottomAxisLayout * @Constructor */ function BottomAxisLayout(config) { BottomAxisLayout.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } BottomAxisLayout.ATTRS = { /** * Reference to the Axis using the strategy. * * @attribute axisRenderer * @type Axis * @protected */ axisRenderer: { value:null }, /** * Length in pixels of largest text bounding box. Used to calculate the height of the axis. * * @attribute maxLabelSize * @type Number * @protected */ maxLabelSize: { value: 0 } }; Y.extend(BottomAxisLayout, Y.Base, { /** * Sets the length of the tick on either side of the axis line. * * @method setTickOffsets * @protected */ setTickOffsets: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), majorTicks = ar.get("styles").majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, halfTick = tickLength * 0.5, display = majorTicks.display; ar.set("leftTickOffset", 0); ar.set("rightTickOffset", 0); switch(display) { case "inside" : ar.set("topTickOffset", tickLength); ar.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); break; case "outside" : ar.set("topTickOffset", 0); ar.set("bottomTickOffset", tickLength); break; case "cross": ar.set("topTickOffset", halfTick); ar.set("bottomTickOffset", halfTick); break; default: ar.set("topTickOffset", 0); ar.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); break; } }, /** * Calculates the coordinates for the first point on an axis. * * @method getLineStart * @protected */ getLineStart: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, majorTicks = style.majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, display = majorTicks.display, pt = {x:0, y:padding.top}; if(display === "inside") { pt.y += tickLength; } else if(display === "cross") { pt.y += tickLength/2; } return pt; }, /** * Draws a tick * * @method drawTick * @param {Object} pt hash containing x and y coordinates * @param {Object} tickStyles hash of properties used to draw the tick * @protected */ drawTick: function(pt, tickStyles) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, tickLength = tickStyles.length, start = {x:pt.x, y:padding.top}, end = {x:pt.x, y:tickLength + padding.top}; ar.drawLine(start, end, tickStyles); }, /** * Calculates the point for a label. * * @method getLabelPoint * @param {Object} pt hash containing x and y coordinates * @return Object * @protected */ getLabelPoint: function(point) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"); return {x:point.x, y:point.y + ar.get("bottomTickOffset")}; }, /** * Updates the value for the maxLabelSize for use in calculating total size. * * @method updateMaxLabelSize * @param {HTMLElement} label to measure * @protected */ updateMaxLabelSize: function(label) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles").label, rot = Math.min(90, Math.max(-90, style.rotation)), absRot = Math.abs(rot), radCon = Math.PI/180, sinRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), cosRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), m11 = cosRadians, m12 = rot > 0 ? -sinRadians : sinRadians, m21 = -m12, m22 = m11, max; if(!document.createElementNS) { label.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' + m11 + ' M12=' + m12 + ' M21=' + m21 + ' M22=' + m22 + ' sizingMethod="auto expand")'; this.set("maxLabelSize", Math.max(this.get("maxLabelSize"), label.offsetHeight)); } else { label.style.msTransform = "rotate(0deg)"; if(rot === 0) { max = label.offsetHeight; } else if(absRot === 90) { max = label.offsetWidth; } else { max = (sinRadians * label.offsetWidth) + (cosRadians * label.offsetHeight); } this.set("maxLabelSize", Math.max(this.get("maxLabelSize"), max)); } }, /** * Rotate and position labels. * * @method positionLabel * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @param {Object} pt hash containing the x and y coordinates in which the label will be positioned * against. * @protected */ positionLabel: function(label, pt) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), tickOffset = ar.get("bottomTickOffset"), style = ar.get("styles").label, labelAlpha = style.alpha, filterString, margin = 0, leftOffset = Math.round(pt.x), topOffset = Math.round(pt.y), rot = Math.min(90, Math.max(-90, style.rotation)), absRot = Math.abs(rot), radCon = Math.PI/180, sinRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), cosRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), m11 = cosRadians, m12 = rot > 0 ? -sinRadians : sinRadians, m21 = -m12, m22 = m11, labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth), labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); if(style.margin && style.margin.top) { margin = style.margin.top; } if(!document.createElementNS) { m11 = cosRadians; m12 = rot > 0 ? -sinRadians : sinRadians; m21 = -m12; m22 = m11; label.style.filter = null; labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth); labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); if(absRot === 90) { leftOffset -= labelHeight * 0.5; } else if(rot < 0) { leftOffset -= cosRadians * labelWidth; leftOffset -= sinRadians * (labelHeight * 0.5); } else if(rot > 0) { leftOffset -= sinRadians * (labelHeight * 0.5); } else { leftOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; } topOffset += margin; topOffset += tickOffset; label.style.left = Math.round(leftOffset) + "px"; label.style.top = Math.round(topOffset) + "px"; if(Y.Lang.isNumber(labelAlpha) && labelAlpha < 1 && labelAlpha > -1 && !isNaN(labelAlpha)) { filterString = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=" + Math.round(labelAlpha * 100) + ")"; } if(rot !== 0) { if(filterString) { filterString += " "; } else { filterString = ""; } filterString += 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' + m11 + ' M12=' + m12 + ' M21=' + m21 + ' M22=' + m22 + ' sizingMethod="auto expand")'; } if(filterString) { label.style.filter = filterString; } return; } label.style.msTransform = "rotate(0deg)"; labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth); labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); if(rot === 0) { leftOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; } else if(absRot === 90) { if(rot === 90) { leftOffset += labelHeight * 0.5; } else { topOffset += labelWidth; leftOffset -= labelHeight * 0.5; } } else { if(rot < 0) { leftOffset -= (cosRadians * labelWidth) + (sinRadians * (labelHeight * 0.6)); topOffset += sinRadians * labelWidth; } else { leftOffset += Math.round(sinRadians * (labelHeight * 0.6)); } } topOffset += margin; topOffset += tickOffset; label.style.left = Math.round(leftOffset) + "px"; label.style.top = Math.round(topOffset) + "px"; label.style.MozTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.MozTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.webkitTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.msTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.msTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.OTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.OTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; }, /** * Calculates the size and positions the content elements. * * @method setSizeAndPosition * @protected */ setSizeAndPosition: function() { var labelSize = this.get("maxLabelSize"), ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), tickLength = ar.get("bottomTickLength"), style = ar.get("styles"), sz = tickLength + labelSize, margin = style.label.margin; if(margin && margin.top) { sz += margin.top; } sz = Math.round(sz); ar.set("height", sz); }, /** * Adjusts position for inner ticks. * * @method offsetNodeForTick * @param {Node} cb contentBox of the axis * @protected */ offsetNodeForTick: function(cb) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"); ar.get("contentBox").setStyle("top", 0 - ar.get("topTickOffset")); }, /** * Assigns a height based on the size of the contents. * * @method setCalculatedSize * @protected */ setCalculatedSize: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles").label, ttl = Math.round(ar.get("bottomTickOffset") + this.get("maxLabelSize") + style.margin.top); ar.set("height", ttl); } }); Y.BottomAxisLayout = BottomAxisLayout; /** * Contains algorithms for rendering a top axis. * * @class TopAxisLayout * @constructor */ function TopAxisLayout(config) { TopAxisLayout.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } TopAxisLayout.ATTRS = { /** * Reference to the Axis using the strategy. * * @attribute axisRenderer * @type Axis * @protected */ axisRenderer: { value: null }, /** * Length in pixels of largest text bounding box. Used to calculate the height of the axis. * * @attribute maxLabelSize * @type Number * @protected */ maxLabelSize: { value: 0 } }; Y.extend(TopAxisLayout, Y.Base, { /** * Sets the length of the tick on either side of the axis line. * * @method setTickOffsets * @protected */ setTickOffsets: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), majorTicks = ar.get("styles").majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, halfTick = tickLength * 0.5, display = majorTicks.display; ar.set("leftTickOffset", 0); ar.set("rightTickOffset", 0); switch(display) { case "inside" : ar.set("bottomTickOffset", tickLength); ar.set("topTickOffset", 0); break; case "outside" : ar.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); ar.set("topTickOffset", tickLength); break; case "cross" : ar.set("topTickOffset", halfTick); ar.set("bottomTickOffset", halfTick); break; default: ar.set("topTickOffset", 0); ar.set("bottomTickOffset", 0); break; } }, /** * Calculates the coordinates for the first point on an axis. * * @method getLineStart * @protected */ getLineStart: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, majorTicks = style.majorTicks, tickLength = majorTicks.length, display = majorTicks.display, pt = {x:0, y:padding.top}; if(display === "outside") { pt.y += tickLength; } else if(display === "cross") { pt.y += tickLength/2; } return pt; }, /** * Draws a tick * * @method drawTick * @param {Object} pt hash containing x and y coordinates * @param {Object} tickStyles hash of properties used to draw the tick * @protected */ drawTick: function(pt, tickStyles) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles"), padding = style.padding, tickLength = tickStyles.length, start = {x:pt.x, y:padding.top}, end = {x:pt.x, y:tickLength + padding.top}; ar.drawLine(start, end, tickStyles); }, /** * Calculates the point for a label. * * @method getLabelPoint * @param {Object} pt hash containing x and y coordinates * @return Object * @protected */ getLabelPoint: function(pt) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"); return {x:pt.x, y:pt.y - ar.get("topTickOffset")}; }, /** * Updates the value for the maxLabelSize for use in calculating total size. * * @method updateMaxLabelSize * @param {HTMLElement} label to measure * @protected */ updateMaxLabelSize: function(label) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles").label, rot = Math.min(90, Math.max(-90, style.rotation)), absRot = Math.abs(rot), radCon = Math.PI/180, sinRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), cosRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), m11 = cosRadians, m12 = rot > 0 ? -sinRadians : sinRadians, m21 = -m12, m22 = m11, max; if(!document.createElementNS) { label.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' + m11 + ' M12=' + m12 + ' M21=' + m21 + ' M22=' + m22 + ' sizingMethod="auto expand")'; this.set("maxLabelSize", Math.max(this.get("maxLabelSize"), label.offsetHeight)); } else { label.style.msTransform = "rotate(0deg)"; if(rot === 0) { max = label.offsetHeight; } else if(absRot === 90) { max = label.offsetWidth; } else { max = (sinRadians * label.offsetWidth) + (cosRadians * label.offsetHeight); } this.set("maxLabelSize", Math.max(this.get("maxLabelSize"), max)); } }, /** * Rotate and position labels. * * @method positionLabel * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @param {Object} pt hash containing the x and y coordinates in which the label will be positioned * against. * @protected */ positionLabel: function(label, pt) { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), tickOffset = ar.get("topTickOffset"), style = ar.get("styles").label, labelAlpha = style.alpha, filterString, margin = 0, leftOffset = pt.x, topOffset = pt.y, rot = Math.max(-90, Math.min(90, style.rotation)), absRot = Math.abs(rot), radCon = Math.PI/180, sinRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), cosRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)), m11, m12, m21, m22, maxLabelSize = this.get("maxLabelSize"), labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth), labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); rot = Math.min(90, rot); rot = Math.max(-90, rot); if(style.margin && style.margin.bottom) { margin = style.margin.bottom; } if(!document.createElementNS) { label.style.filter = null; labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth); labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); m11 = cosRadians; m12 = rot > 0 ? -sinRadians : sinRadians; m21 = -m12; m22 = m11; if(rot === 0) { leftOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; } else if(absRot === 90) { leftOffset -= labelHeight * 0.5; } else if(rot > 0) { leftOffset -= (cosRadians * labelWidth) + Math.min((sinRadians * labelHeight), (rot/180 * labelHeight)); topOffset -= (sinRadians * labelWidth) + (cosRadians * (labelHeight)); topOffset += maxLabelSize; } else { leftOffset -= sinRadians * (labelHeight * 0.5); topOffset -= (sinRadians * labelWidth) + (cosRadians * (labelHeight)); topOffset += maxLabelSize; } topOffset -= tickOffset; label.style.left = leftOffset; label.style.top = topOffset; if(Y.Lang.isNumber(labelAlpha) && labelAlpha < 1 && labelAlpha > -1 && !isNaN(labelAlpha)) { filterString = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=" + Math.round(labelAlpha * 100) + ")"; } if(rot !== 0) { if(filterString) { filterString += " "; } else { filterString = ""; } filterString += 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' + m11 + ' M12=' + m12 + ' M21=' + m21 + ' M22=' + m22 + ' sizingMethod="auto expand")'; } if(filterString) { label.style.filter = filterString; } return; } label.style.msTransform = "rotate(0deg)"; labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth); labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight); if(rot === 0) { leftOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5; topOffset -= labelHeight; } else if(rot === 90) { leftOffset += labelHeight * 0.5; topOffset -= labelWidth; } else if(rot === -90) { leftOffset -= labelHeight * 0.5; topOffset -= 0; } else if(rot < 0) { leftOffset -= (sinRadians * (labelHeight * 0.6)); topOffset -= (cosRadians * labelHeight); } else { leftOffset -= (cosRadians * labelWidth) - (sinRadians * (labelHeight * 0.6)); topOffset -= (sinRadians * labelWidth) + (cosRadians * labelHeight); } topOffset -= tickOffset; label.style.left = leftOffset + "px"; label.style.top = (this.get("maxLabelSize") + topOffset) + "px"; label.style.MozTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.MozTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.webkitTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.msTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.msTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; label.style.OTransformOrigin = "0 0"; label.style.OTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)"; }, /** * Calculates the size and positions the content elements. * * @method setSizeAndPosition * @protected */ setSizeAndPosition: function() { var labelSize = this.get("maxLabelSize"), ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), tickOffset = ar.get("topTickOffset"), style = ar.get("styles"), margin = style.label.margin, graphic = ar.get("graphic"), sz = tickOffset + labelSize; if(margin && margin.bottom) { sz += margin.bottom; } ar.set("height", sz); Y.one(graphic.node).setStyle("top", labelSize + margin.bottom); }, /** * Adjusts position for inner ticks. * * @method offsetNodeForTick * @param {Node} cb contentBox of the axis * @protected */ offsetNodeForTick: function(cb) { }, /** * Assigns a height based on the size of the contents. * * @method setCalculatedSize * @protected */ setCalculatedSize: function() { var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"), style = ar.get("styles").label, ttl = Math.round(ar.get("topTickOffset") + this.get("maxLabelSize") + style.margin.bottom); ar.set("height", ttl); } }); Y.TopAxisLayout = TopAxisLayout; /** * AxisType is an abstract class that manages the data for an axis. * * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters for the Chart. * @class AxisType * @constructor * @extends Axis */ Y.AxisType = Y.Base.create("baseAxis", Y.Axis, [], { /** * @private */ bindUI: function() { this.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._dataChangeHandler, this)); this.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._dataChangeHandler, this)); this.after("minimumChange", Y.bind(this._keyChangeHandler, this)); this.after("maximumChange", Y.bind(this._keyChangeHandler, this)); this.after("keysChange", this._keyChangeHandler); this.after("dataProviderChange", this._dataProviderChangeHandler); this.after("stylesChange", this._updateHandler); this.after("positionChange", this._positionChangeHandler); this.after("overlapGraphChange", this._updateHandler); this.after("widthChange", this._handleSizeChange); this.after("heightChange", this._handleSizeChange); this.after("alwaysShowZeroChange", this._keyChangeHandler); this.after("roundingMethodChange", this._keyChangeHandler); }, /** * @private */ _dataProviderChangeHandler: function(e) { var keyCollection = this.get("keyCollection").concat(), keys = this.get("keys"), i; if(keys) { for(i in keys) { if(keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) { delete keys[i]; } } } if(keyCollection && keyCollection.length) { this.set("keys", keyCollection); } }, /** * @private */ GUID: "yuibaseaxis", /** * @private */ _type: null, /** * @private */ _setMaximum: null, /** * @private */ _dataMaximum: null, /** * @private */ _setMinimum: null, /** * @private */ _data: null, /** * @private */ _updateTotalDataFlag: true, /** * @private */ _dataReady: false, /** * Adds an array to the key hash. * * @param value Indicates what key to use in retrieving * the array. */ addKey: function (value) { this.set("keys", value); }, /** * @private */ _getKeyArray: function(key, data) { var i = 0, obj, keyArray = [], len = data.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { obj = data[i]; keyArray[i] = obj[key]; } return keyArray; }, /** * @private */ _setDataByKey: function(key, data) { var i, obj, arr = [], dv = this._dataClone.concat(), len = dv.length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { obj = dv[i]; arr[i] = obj[key]; } this.get("keys")[key] = arr; this._updateTotalDataFlag = true; }, /** * @private */ _updateTotalData: function() { var keys = this.get("keys"), i; this._data = []; for(i in keys) { if(keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this._data = this._data.concat(keys[i]); } } this._updateTotalDataFlag = false; }, /** * Removes an array from the key hash. * * @method removeKey * @param {String} value Indicates what key to use in removing from * the hash. */ removeKey: function(value) { var keys = this.get("keys"); if(keys.hasOwnProperty(value)) { delete keys[value]; this._keyChangeHandler(); } }, /** * Returns a numeric value based of a key value and an index. * * @method getKeyValueAt * @param {String} key value used to look up the correct array * @param {Number} index within the array * @return Object */ getKeyValueAt: function(key, index) { var value = NaN, keys = this.get("keys"); if(keys[key] && keys[key][index]) { value = keys[key][index]; } return value; }, /** * Returns an array of values based on an identifier key. * * @method getDataByKey * @param {String} value value used to identify the array * @return Object */ getDataByKey: function (value) { var keys = this.get("keys"); if(keys[value]) { return keys[value]; } return null; }, /** * @private */ _updateMinAndMax: function() { var data = this.get("data"), max = 0, min = 0, len, num, i; if(data && data.length && data.length > 0) { len = data.length; max = min = data[0]; if(len > 1) { for(i = 1; i < len; i++) { num = data[i]; if(isNaN(num)) { continue; } max = Math.max(num, max); min = Math.min(num, min); } } } this._dataMaximum = max; this._dataMinimum = min; }, /** * Returns the total number of majorUnits that will appear on an axis. * * @method getTotalMajorUnits * @return Number */ getTotalMajorUnits: function() { var units, majorUnit = this.get("styles").majorUnit, len = this.get("length"); if(majorUnit.determinant === "count") { units = majorUnit.count; } else if(majorUnit.determinant === "distance") { units = (len/majorUnit.distance) + 1; } return units; }, /** * Returns the distance between major units on an axis. * * @method getMajorUnitDistance * @param {Number} len Number of ticks * @param {Number} uiLen Size of the axis. * @param {Object} majorUnit Hash of properties used to determine the majorUnit * @return Number */ getMajorUnitDistance: function(len, uiLen, majorUnit) { var dist; if(majorUnit.determinant === "count") { dist = uiLen/(len - 1); } else if(majorUnit.determinant === "distance") { dist = majorUnit.distance; } return dist; }, /** * Gets the distance that the first and last ticks are offset from there respective * edges. * * @attribute getEdgeOffset * @type Method * @param {Number} ct Number of ticks on the axis. * @param {Number} l Length (in pixels) of the axis. * @return Number */ getEdgeOffset: function(ct, l) { return 0; }, /** * Calculates and returns a value based on the number of labels and the index of * the current label. * * @method getLabelByIndex * @param {Number} i Index of the label. * @param {Number} l Total number of labels. * @return String */ getLabelByIndex: function(i, l) { var min = this.get("minimum"), max = this.get("maximum"), increm = (max - min)/(l-1), label; l -= 1; label = min + (i * increm); return label; }, /** * @private */ _keyChangeHandler: function(e) { this._updateMinAndMax(); this.fire("dataUpdate"); } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Hash of array identifed by a string value. * * @attribute keys * @type Object */ keys: { value: {}, setter: function(val) { var keys = {}, i, len, data = this.get("dataProvider"); if(Y.Lang.isArray(val)) { len = val.length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { keys[val[i]] = this._getKeyArray(val[i], data); } } else if(Y.Lang.isString(val)) { keys = this.get("keys"); keys[val] = this._getKeyArray(val, data); } else { for(i in val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(i)) { keys[i] = this._getKeyArray(i, data); } } } this._updateTotalDataFlag = true; return keys; } }, /** *Indicates how to round unit values. *
Units will be smoothed based on the number of ticks and data range.
If the range is greater than 1, the units will be rounded.
numeric value
Units will be equal to the numeric value.
No rounding will occur.
* * @attribute roundingMethod * @type String * @default niceNumber */ roundingMethod: { value: "niceNumber" }, /** *Returns the type of axis data *
Manages time data
Manages stacked numeric data
Manages numeric data
Manages categorical data
* * @attribute type * @type String */ type: { readOnly: true, getter: function () { return this._type; } }, /** * Instance of ChartDataProvider that the class uses * to build its own data. * * @attribute dataProvider * @type Array */ dataProvider:{ setter: function (value) { return value; } }, /** * The maximum value contained in the data array. Used for * maximum when autoMax is true. * * @attribute dataMaximum * @type Number */ dataMaximum: { getter: function () { if(!this._dataMaximum) { this._updateMinAndMax(); } return this._dataMaximum; } }, /** * The maximum value that will appear on an axis. * * @attribute maximum * @type Number */ maximum: { getter: function () { var max = this.get("dataMaximum"); if(this.get("setMax")) { max = this._setMaximum; } return max; }, setter: function (value) { this._setMaximum = parseFloat(value); return value; } }, /** * The minimum value contained in the data array. Used for * minimum when autoMin is true. * * @attribute dataMinimum * @type Number */ dataMinimum: { getter: function () { if(!this._dataMinimum) { this._updateMinAndMax(); } return this._dataMinimum; } }, /** * The minimum value that will appear on an axis. * * @attribute minimum * @type Number */ minimum: { getter: function () { var min = this.get("dataMinimum"); if(this.get("setMin")) { min = this._setMinimum; } return min; }, setter: function(val) { this._setMinimum = parseFloat(val); return val; } }, /** * Determines whether the maximum is calculated or explicitly * set by the user. * * @attribute setMax * @type Boolean */ setMax: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return Y.Lang.isNumber(this._setMaximum); } }, /** * Determines whether the minimum is calculated or explicitly * set by the user. * * @attribute setMin * @type Boolean */ setMin: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return Y.Lang.isNumber(this._setMinimum); } }, /** * Array of axis data * * @attribute data * @type Array */ data: { getter: function () { if(!this._data || this._updateTotalDataFlag) { this._updateTotalData(); } return this._data; } }, /** * Array containing all the keys in the axis. * * @attribute keyCollection * @type Array */ keyCollection: { getter: function() { var keys = this.get("keys"), i, col = []; for(i in keys) { if(keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) { col.push(i); } } return col; }, readOnly: true }, /** * Method used for formatting a label. * * @attribute labelFunction * @type Function * @param {String} val label to be formatted. * @param {Object} format temlate for formatting a label. * @return String */ labelFunction: { value: function(val, format) { return val; } } } }); /** * NumericAxis manages numeric data on an axis. * * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters for the Chart. * @class NumericAxis * @constructor * @extends AxisType */ function NumericAxis(config) { NumericAxis.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } NumericAxis.NAME = "numericAxis"; NumericAxis.ATTRS = { /** * Indicates whether 0 should always be displayed. * * @attribute alwaysShowZero * @type Boolean */ alwaysShowZero: { value: true }, /** * Formats a label. * * @attribute labelFunction * @type Function * @param {Object} val Value to be formatted. * @param {Object} format Hasho of properties used to format the label. */ labelFunction: { value: function(val, format) { if(format) { return Y.DataType.Number.format(val, format); } return val; } }, /** * Hash of properties used by the labelFunction to format a * label. * * @attribute labelFormat * @type Object */ labelFormat: { value: { prefix: "", thousandsSeparator: "", decimalSeparator: "", decimalPlaces: "0", suffix: "" } } }; Y.extend(NumericAxis, Y.AxisType, { /** * @private */ _type: "numeric", /** * @private */ _getMinimumUnit:function(max, min, units) { return this._getNiceNumber(Math.ceil((max - min)/units)); }, /** * @private */ _getNiceNumber: function(roundingUnit) { var tempMajorUnit = roundingUnit, order = Math.ceil(Math.log(tempMajorUnit) * 0.4342944819032518), roundedMajorUnit = Math.pow(10, order), roundedDiff; if (roundedMajorUnit / 2 >= tempMajorUnit) { roundedDiff = Math.floor((roundedMajorUnit / 2 - tempMajorUnit) / (Math.pow(10,order-1)/2)); tempMajorUnit = roundedMajorUnit/2 - roundedDiff*Math.pow(10,order-1)/2; } else { tempMajorUnit = roundedMajorUnit; } if(!isNaN(tempMajorUnit)) { return tempMajorUnit; } return roundingUnit; }, /** * @private */ _updateMinAndMax: function() { var data = this.get("data"), max = 0, min = 0, len, num, i, key, setMax = this.get("setMax"), setMin = this.get("setMin"); if(!setMax && !setMin) { if(data && data.length && data.length > 0) { len = data.length; max = min = data[0]; if(len > 1) { for(i = 1; i < len; i++) { num = data[i]; if(isNaN(num)) { if(Y.Lang.isObject(num)) { //hloc values for(key in num) { if(num.hasOwnProperty(key)) { max = Math.max(num[key], max); min = Math.min(num[key], min); } } } continue; } max = setMax ? this._setMaximum : Math.max(num, max); min = setMin ? this._setMinimum : Math.min(num, min); } } } this._roundMinAndMax(min, max); } }, /** * @private */ _roundMinAndMax: function(min, max) { var roundingUnit, minimumRange, minGreaterThanZero = min >= 0, maxGreaterThanZero = max > 0, dataRangeGreater, maxRound, minRound, topTicks, botTicks, tempMax, tempMin, units = this.getTotalMajorUnits() - 1, alwaysShowZero = this.get("alwaysShowZero"), roundingMethod = this.get("roundingMethod"), useIntegers = (max - min)/units >= 1; if(roundingMethod) { if(roundingMethod == "niceNumber") { roundingUnit = this._getMinimumUnit(max, min, units); if(minGreaterThanZero && maxGreaterThanZero) { if(alwaysShowZero || min < roundingUnit) { min = 0; } roundingUnit = this._getMinimumUnit(max, min, units); max = this._roundUpToNearest(max, roundingUnit); } else if(maxGreaterThanZero && !minGreaterThanZero) { topTicks = Math.round( units / ((-1 * min)/max + 1) ); botTicks = units - topTicks; tempMax = Math.ceil( max/topTicks ); tempMin = Math.floor( min/botTicks ) * -1; roundingUnit = Math.max(tempMax, tempMin); roundingUnit = this._getNiceNumber(roundingUnit); max = roundingUnit * topTicks; min = roundingUnit * botTicks * -1; } else { if(alwaysShowZero || max === 0 || max + roundingUnit > 0) { max = 0; roundingUnit = this._getMinimumUnit(max, min, units); } else { max = this._roundUpToNearest(max, roundingUnit); } min = max - (roundingUnit * units); } } else if(roundingMethod == "auto") { if(minGreaterThanZero && maxGreaterThanZero) { if(alwaysShowZero || min < (max-min)/units) { min = 0; } roundingUnit = (max - min)/units; if(useIntegers) { roundingUnit = Math.ceil(roundingUnit); } max = min + (roundingUnit * units); } else if(maxGreaterThanZero && !minGreaterThanZero) { if(alwaysShowZero) { topTicks = Math.round( units / ( (-1 * min) /max + 1) ); botTicks = units - topTicks; if(useIntegers) { tempMax = Math.ceil( max/topTicks ); tempMin = Math.floor( min/botTicks ) * -1; } else { tempMax = max/topTicks; tempMin = min/botTicks * -1; } roundingUnit = Math.max(tempMax, tempMin); max = roundingUnit * topTicks; min = roundingUnit * botTicks * -1; } else { roundingUnit = (max - min)/units; if(useIntegers) { roundingUnit = Math.ceil(roundingUnit); } min = this._roundDownToNearest(min, roundingUnit); max = this._roundUpToNearest(max, roundingUnit); } } else { roundingUnit = (max - min)/units; if(useIntegers) { roundingUnit = Math.ceil(roundingUnit); } if(alwaysShowZero || max === 0 || max + roundingUnit > 0) { max = 0; roundingUnit = (max - min)/units; if(useIntegers) { Math.ceil(roundingUnit); } } else { max = this._roundUpToNearest(max, roundingUnit); } min = max - (roundingUnit * units); } } else if(!isNaN(roundingMethod) && isFinite(roundingMethod)) { roundingUnit = roundingMethod; minimumRange = roundingUnit * units; dataRangeGreater = (max - min) > minimumRange; minRound = this._roundDownToNearest(min, roundingUnit); maxRound = this._roundUpToNearest(max, roundingUnit); if(minGreaterThanZero && maxGreaterThanZero) { if(alwaysShowZero || minRound <= 0) { min = 0; } else { min = minRound; } if(!dataRangeGreater) { max = min + minimumRange; } else { max = maxRound; } } else if(maxGreaterThanZero && !minGreaterThanZero) { min = minRound; if(!dataRangeGreater) { max = min + minimumRange; } else { max = maxRound; } } else { if(max === 0 || alwaysShowZero) { max = 0; } else { max = maxRound; } if(!dataRangeGreater) { min = max - minimumRange; } else { min = minRound; } } } } this._dataMaximum = max; this._dataMinimum = min; }, /** * Calculates and returns a value based on the number of labels and the index of * the current label. * * @method getLabelByIndex * @param {Number} i Index of the label. * @param {Number} l Total number of labels. * @return String */ getLabelByIndex: function(i, l) { var min = this.get("minimum"), max = this.get("maximum"), increm = (max - min)/(l-1), label; l -= 1; label = min + (i * increm); if(i > 0) { label = this._roundToNearest(label, increm); } return label; }, /** * @private * * Rounds a Number to the nearest multiple of an input. For example, by rounding * 16 to the nearest 10, you will receive 20. Similar to the built-in function Math.round(). */ _roundToNearest: function(number, nearest) { nearest = nearest || 1; if(nearest === 0) { return number; } var roundedNumber = Math.round(this._roundToPrecision(number / nearest, 10)) * nearest; return this._roundToPrecision(roundedNumber, 10); }, /** * @private * * Rounds a Number up to the nearest multiple of an input. For example, by rounding * 16 up to the nearest 10, you will receive 20. Similar to the built-in function Math.ceil(). */ _roundUpToNearest: function(number, nearest) { nearest = nearest || 1; if(nearest === 0) { return number; } return Math.ceil(this._roundToPrecision(number / nearest, 10)) * nearest; }, /** * @private * * Rounds a Number down to the nearest multiple of an input. For example, by rounding * 16 down to the nearest 10, you will receive 10. Similar to the built-in function Math.floor(). */ _roundDownToNearest: function(number, nearest) { nearest = nearest || 1; if(nearest === 0) { return number; } return Math.floor(this._roundToPrecision(number / nearest, 10)) * nearest; }, /** * @private * * Rounds a number to a certain level of precision. Useful for limiting the number of * decimal places on a fractional number. */ _roundToPrecision: function(number, precision) { precision = precision || 0; var decimalPlaces = Math.pow(10, precision); return Math.round(decimalPlaces * number) / decimalPlaces; } }); Y.NumericAxis = NumericAxis; /** * StackedAxis manages stacked numeric data on an axis. * * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters for the Chart. * @class StackedAxis * @constructor * @extends NumericAxis */ function StackedAxis(config) { StackedAxis.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } StackedAxis.NAME = "stackedAxis"; Y.extend(StackedAxis, Y.NumericAxis, { /** * @private */ _updateMinAndMax: function() { var max = 0, min = 0, pos = 0, neg = 0, len = 0, i = 0, key, num, keys = this.get("keys"); for(key in keys) { if(keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) { len = Math.max(len, keys[key].length); } } for(; i < len; ++i) { pos = 0; neg = 0; for(key in keys) { if(keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) { num = keys[key][i]; if(isNaN(num)) { continue; } if(num >= 0) { pos += num; } else { neg += num; } } } if(pos > 0) { max = Math.max(max, pos); } else { max = Math.max(max, neg); } if(neg < 0) { min = Math.min(min, neg); } else { min = Math.min(min, pos); } } this._roundMinAndMax(min, max); } }); Y.StackedAxis = StackedAxis; /** * TimeAxis manages time data on an axis. * * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters for the Chart. * @class TimeAxis * @constructor * @extends AxisType */ function TimeAxis(config) { TimeAxis.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } TimeAxis.NAME = "timeAxis"; TimeAxis.ATTRS = { /** * @private */ setMax: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { var max = this._getNumber(this._setMaximum); return (Y.Lang.isNumber(max)); } }, /** * @private */ setMin: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { var min = this._getNumber(this._setMinimum); return (Y.Lang.isNumber(min)); } }, /** * The maximum value that will appear on an axis. * * @attribute maximum * @type Number */ maximum: { getter: function () { var max = this._getNumber(this._setMaximum); if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(max)) { max = this._getNumber(this.get("dataMaximum")); } return max; }, setter: function (value) { this._setMaximum = this._getNumber(value); return value; } }, /** * The minimum value that will appear on an axis. * * @attribute minimum * @type Number */ minimum: { getter: function () { var min = this._getNumber(this._setMinimum); if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(min)) { min = this._getNumber(this.get("dataMinimum")); } return min; }, setter: function (value) { this._setMinimum = this._getNumber(value); return value; } }, /** * Formats a label. * * @attribute labelFunction * @type Function * @param {Object} val Value to be formatted. * @param {String} format Pattern used to format label. */ labelFunction: { value: function(val, format) { val = Y.DataType.Date.parse(val); if(format) { return Y.DataType.Date.format(val, {format:format}); } return val; } }, /** * Pattern used by the labelFunction to format a label. * * @attribute labelFormat * @type String */ labelFormat: { value: "%b %d, %y" } }; Y.extend(TimeAxis, Y.AxisType, { /** * Constant used to generate unique id. * * @property GUID * @type String * @private */ GUID: "yuitimeaxis", /** * @private */ _dataType: "time", /** * Calculates and returns a value based on the number of labels and the index of * the current label. * * @method getLabelByIndex * @param {Number} i Index of the label. * @param {Number} l Total number of labels. * @return String */ getLabelByIndex: function(i, l) { var min = this.get("minimum"), max = this.get("maximum"), position = this.get("position"), increm, label; l -= 1; increm = ((max - min)/l) * i; if(position == "bottom" || position == "top") { label = min + increm; } else { label = max - increm; } return label; }, /** * @private */ _getKeyArray: function(key, data) { var obj, keyArray = [], i = 0, val, len = data.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { obj = data[i][key]; if(Y.Lang.isDate(obj)) { val = obj.valueOf(); } else if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(obj)) { val = new Date(obj.toString()).valueOf(); } else { val = obj; } keyArray[i] = val; } return keyArray; }, /** * @private (override) */ _setDataByKey: function(key, data) { var obj, arr = [], dv = this._dataClone.concat(), i, val, len = dv.length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { obj = dv[i][key]; if(Y.Lang.isDate(obj)) { val = obj.valueOf(); } else if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(obj)) { val = new Date(obj.toString()).valueOf(); } else { val = obj; } arr[i] = val; } this.get("keys")[key] = arr; this._updateTotalDataFlag = true; }, /** * @private */ _getNumber: function(val) { if(Y.Lang.isDate(val)) { val = val.valueOf(); } else if(!Y.Lang.isNumber(val) && val) { val = new Date(val.toString()).valueOf(); } return val; } }); Y.TimeAxis = TimeAxis; /** * CategoryAxis manages category data on an axis. * * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters for the Chart. * @class CategoryAxis * @constructor * @extends AxisType */ function CategoryAxis(config) { CategoryAxis.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } CategoryAxis.NAME = "categoryAxis"; Y.extend(CategoryAxis, Y.AxisType, { /** * @private */ _indices: null, /** * @private */ GUID: "yuicategoryaxis", /** * @private */ _type: "category", /** * @private */ _updateMinAndMax: function() { this._dataMaximum = Math.max(this.get("data").length - 1, 0); this._dataMinimum = 0; }, /** * @private */ _getKeyArray: function(key, data) { var i = 0, obj, keyArr = [], labels = [], len = data.length; if(!this._indices) { this._indices = {}; } for(; i < len; ++i) { obj = data[i]; keyArr[i] = i; labels[i] = obj[key]; } this._indices[key] = keyArr; return labels; }, /** * @private */ _setDataByKey: function(key) { var i, obj, arr = [], labels = [], dv = this._dataClone.concat(), len = dv.length; if(!this._indices) { this._indices = {}; } for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { obj = dv[i]; arr[i] = i; labels[i] = obj[key]; } this._indices[key] = arr; this.get("keys")[key] = labels.concat(); this._updateTotalDataFlag = true; }, /** * Returns an array of values based on an identifier key. * * @method getDataByKey * @param {String} value value used to identify the array * @return Array */ getDataByKey: function (value) { if(!this._indices) { this.get("keys"); } var keys = this._indices; if(keys[value]) { return keys[value]; } return null; }, /** * Returns the total number of majorUnits that will appear on an axis. * * @method getTotalMajorUnits * @return Number */ getTotalMajorUnits: function(majorUnit, len) { return this.get("data").length; }, /** * Returns the distance between major units on an axis. * * @method getMajorUnitDistance * @param {Number} len Number of ticks * @param {Number} uiLen Size of the axis. * @param {Object} majorUnit Hash of properties used to determine the majorUnit * @return Number */ getMajorUnitDistance: function(len, uiLen, majorUnit) { var dist; if(majorUnit.determinant === "count") { dist = uiLen/len; } else if(majorUnit.determinant === "distance") { dist = majorUnit.distance; } return dist; }, /** * Gets the distance that the first and last ticks are offset from there respective * edges. * * @method getEdgeOffset * @param {Number} ct Number of ticks on the axis. * @param {Number} l Length (in pixels) of the axis. * @return Number */ getEdgeOffset: function(ct, l) { return l/ct; }, /** * Calculates and returns a value based on the number of labels and the index of * the current label. * * @method getLabelByIndex * @param {Number} i Index of the label. * @param {Number} l Total number of labels. * @return String */ getLabelByIndex: function(i, l) { var label, data = this.get("data"), position = this.get("position"); if(position == "bottom" || position == "top") { label = data[i]; } else { label = data[l - (i + 1)]; } return label; } }); Y.CategoryAxis = CategoryAxis; /** * Utility class used for calculating curve points. * * @class CurveUtil * @constructor */ function CurveUtil() { } CurveUtil.prototype = { /** * Creates an array of start, end and control points for splines. * * @protected * @param {Array} xcoords Collection of x-coordinates used for calculate the curves * @param {Array} ycoords Collection of y-coordinates used for calculate the curves * @return {Object} */ getCurveControlPoints: function(xcoords, ycoords) { var outpoints = [], i = 1, l = xcoords.length - 1, xvals = [], yvals = []; // Too few points, need at least two if (l < 1) { return null; } outpoints[0] = { startx: xcoords[0], starty: ycoords[0], endx: xcoords[1], endy: ycoords[1] }; // Special case, the Bezier should be a straight line if (l === 1) { outpoints[0].ctrlx1 = (2.0*xcoords[0] + xcoords[1])/3.0; outpoints[0].ctrly2 = (2.0*ycoords[0] + ycoords[1])/3.0; outpoints[0].ctrlx2 = 2.0*outpoints[0].ctrlx1 - xcoords[0]; outpoints[0].ctrly2 = 2.0*outpoints[0].ctrly1 - ycoords[0]; return outpoints; } for (; i < l; ++i) { outpoints.push({startx: Math.round(xcoords[i]), starty: Math.round(ycoords[i]), endx: Math.round(xcoords[i+1]), endy: Math.round(ycoords[i+1])}); xvals[i] = 4.0 * xcoords[i] + 2*xcoords[i+1]; yvals[i] = 4.0*ycoords[i] + 2*ycoords[i+1]; } xvals[0] = xcoords[0] + (2.0 * xcoords[1]); xvals[l-1] = (8.0 * xcoords[l-1] + xcoords[l]) / 2.0; xvals = this.getControlPoints(xvals.concat()); yvals[0] = ycoords[0] + (2.0 * ycoords[1]); yvals[l-1] = (8.0 * ycoords[l-1] + ycoords[l]) / 2.0; yvals = this.getControlPoints(yvals.concat()); for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) { outpoints[i].ctrlx1 = Math.round(xvals[i]); outpoints[i].ctrly1 = Math.round(yvals[i]); if (i < l-1) { outpoints[i].ctrlx2 = Math.round(2*xcoords[i+1] - xvals[i+1]); outpoints[i].ctrly2 = Math.round(2*ycoords[i+1] - yvals[i+1]); } else { outpoints[i].ctrlx2 = Math.round((xcoords[l] + xvals[l-1])/2); outpoints[i].ctrly2 = Math.round((ycoords[l] + yvals[l-1])/2); } } return outpoints; }, /** * @private */ getControlPoints: function(vals) { var l = vals.length, x = [], tmp = [], b = 2.0, i = 1; x[0] = vals[0] / b; for (; i < l; ++i) { tmp[i] = 1/b; b = (i < l-1 ? 4.0 : 3.5) - tmp[i]; x[i] = (vals[i] - x[i-1]) / b; } for (i = 1; i < l; ++i) { x[l-i-1] -= tmp[l-i] * x[l-i]; } return x; } }; Y.CurveUtil = CurveUtil; /** * Utility class used for creating stacked series. * * @class StackingUtil * @constructor */ function StackingUtil(){} StackingUtil.prototype = { /** * @protected * * Adjusts coordinate values for stacked series. * * @method _stackCoordinates */ _stackCoordinates: function() { var direction = this.get("direction"), order = this.get("order"), type = this.get("type"), graph = this.get("graph"), h = graph.get("height"), seriesCollection = graph.seriesTypes[type], i = 0, len, xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), prevXCoords, prevYCoords; if(order === 0) { return; } prevXCoords = seriesCollection[order - 1].get("xcoords").concat(); prevYCoords = seriesCollection[order - 1].get("ycoords").concat(); if(direction === "vertical") { len = prevXCoords.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { if(!isNaN(prevXCoords[i]) && !isNaN(xcoords[i])) { xcoords[i] += prevXCoords[i]; } } } else { len = prevYCoords.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { if(!isNaN(prevYCoords[i]) && !isNaN(ycoords[i])) { ycoords[i] = prevYCoords[i] - (h - ycoords[i]); } } } } }; Y.StackingUtil = StackingUtil; /** * Utility class used for drawing lines. * * @class Lines * @constructor */ function Lines(){} Lines.prototype = { /** * @private */ _lineDefaults: null, /** * Creates a graphic in which to draw a series. * * @method _getGraphic * @return Graphic * @private */ _getGraphic: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(!this._lineGraphic) { this._lineGraphic = new Y.Graphic(); this._lineGraphic.render(graph.get("contentBox")); } this._lineGraphic.clear(); this._lineGraphic.setSize(graph.get("width"), graph.get("height")); this.autoSize = false; return this._lineGraphic; }, /** * Draws lines for the series. * * @method drawLines * @protected */ drawLines: function() { if(this.get("xcoords").length < 1) { return; } var xcoords = this.get("xcoords").concat(), ycoords = this.get("ycoords").concat(), direction = this.get("direction"), len = direction === "vertical" ? ycoords.length : xcoords.length, lastX, lastY, lastValidX = lastX, lastValidY = lastY, nextX, nextY, i, styles = this.get("styles").line, lineType = styles.lineType, lc = styles.color || this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "line"), lineAlpha = styles.alpha, dashLength = styles.dashLength, gapSpace = styles.gapSpace, connectDiscontinuousPoints = styles.connectDiscontinuousPoints, discontinuousType = styles.discontinuousType, discontinuousDashLength = styles.discontinuousDashLength, discontinuousGapSpace = styles.discontinuousGapSpace, graphic = this._getGraphic(); lastX = lastValidX = xcoords[0]; lastY = lastValidY = ycoords[0]; graphic.lineStyle(styles.weight, lc, lineAlpha); graphic.moveTo(lastX, lastY); for(i = 1; i < len; i = ++i) { nextX = xcoords[i]; nextY = ycoords[i]; if(isNaN(nextY)) { lastValidX = nextX; lastValidY = nextY; continue; } if(lastValidX == lastX) { if(lineType != "dashed") { graphic.lineTo(nextX, nextY); } else { this.drawDashedLine(lastValidX, lastValidY, nextX, nextY, dashLength, gapSpace); } } else if(!connectDiscontinuousPoints) { graphic.moveTo(nextX, nextY); } else { if(discontinuousType != "solid") { this.drawDashedLine(lastValidX, lastValidY, nextX, nextY, discontinuousDashLength, discontinuousGapSpace); } else { graphic.lineTo(nextX, nextY); } } lastX = lastValidX = nextX; lastY = lastValidY = nextY; } graphic.end(); }, /** * Connects data points with a consistent curve for a series. * * @method drawSpline * @protected */ drawSpline: function() { if(this.get("xcoords").length < 1) { return; } var xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), curvecoords = this.getCurveControlPoints(xcoords, ycoords), len = curvecoords.length, cx1, cx2, cy1, cy2, x, y, i = 0, styles = this.get("styles").line, graphic = this._getGraphic(), lineAlpha = styles.alpha, color = styles.color || this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "line"); graphic.lineStyle(styles.weight, color, lineAlpha); graphic.moveTo(xcoords[0], ycoords[0]); for(; i < len; i = ++i) { x = curvecoords[i].endx; y = curvecoords[i].endy; cx1 = curvecoords[i].ctrlx1; cx2 = curvecoords[i].ctrlx2; cy1 = curvecoords[i].ctrly1; cy2 = curvecoords[i].ctrly2; graphic.curveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y); } graphic.end(); }, /** * Draws a dashed line between two points. * * @method drawDashedLine * @param {Number} xStart The x position of the start of the line * @param {Number} yStart The y position of the start of the line * @param {Number} xEnd The x position of the end of the line * @param {Number} yEnd The y position of the end of the line * @param {Number} dashSize the size of dashes, in pixels * @param {Number} gapSize the size of gaps between dashes, in pixels * @private */ drawDashedLine: function(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, dashSize, gapSize) { dashSize = dashSize || 10; gapSize = gapSize || 10; var segmentLength = dashSize + gapSize, xDelta = xEnd - xStart, yDelta = yEnd - yStart, delta = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xDelta, 2) + Math.pow(yDelta, 2)), segmentCount = Math.floor(Math.abs(delta / segmentLength)), radians = Math.atan2(yDelta, xDelta), xCurrent = xStart, yCurrent = yStart, i, graphic = this._getGraphic(); xDelta = Math.cos(radians) * segmentLength; yDelta = Math.sin(radians) * segmentLength; for(i = 0; i < segmentCount; ++i) { graphic.moveTo(xCurrent, yCurrent); graphic.lineTo(xCurrent + Math.cos(radians) * dashSize, yCurrent + Math.sin(radians) * dashSize); xCurrent += xDelta; yCurrent += yDelta; } graphic.moveTo(xCurrent, yCurrent); delta = Math.sqrt((xEnd - xCurrent) * (xEnd - xCurrent) + (yEnd - yCurrent) * (yEnd - yCurrent)); if(delta > dashSize) { graphic.lineTo(xCurrent + Math.cos(radians) * dashSize, yCurrent + Math.sin(radians) * dashSize); } else if(delta > 0) { graphic.lineTo(xCurrent + Math.cos(radians) * delta, yCurrent + Math.sin(radians) * delta); } graphic.moveTo(xEnd, yEnd); }, /** * Default values for styles attribute. * * @method _getLineDefaults * @return Object * @protected */ _getLineDefaults: function() { return { alpha: 1, weight: 6, lineType:"solid", dashLength:10, gapSpace:10, connectDiscontinuousPoints:true, discontinuousType:"solid", discontinuousDashLength:10, discontinuousGapSpace:10 }; } }; Y.augment(Lines, Y.Attribute); Y.Lines = Lines; /** * Utility class used for drawing area fills. * * @class Fills * @constructor */ function Fills(cfg) { var attrs = { area: { getter: function() { return this._defaults || this._getAreaDefaults(); }, setter: function(val) { var defaults = this._defaults || this._getAreaDefaults(); this._defaults = Y.merge(defaults, val); } } }; this.addAttrs(attrs, cfg); this.get("styles"); } Fills.prototype = { /** * Draws fill * * @method drawFill * @protected */ drawFill: function(xcoords, ycoords) { if(xcoords.length < 1) { return; } var len = xcoords.length, firstX = xcoords[0], firstY = ycoords[0], lastValidX = firstX, lastValidY = firstY, nextX, nextY, i = 1, styles = this.get("styles").area, graphic = this.get("graphic"), color = styles.color || this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "slice"); graphic.clear(); graphic.beginFill(color, styles.alpha); graphic.moveTo(firstX, firstY); for(; i < len; i = ++i) { nextX = xcoords[i]; nextY = ycoords[i]; if(isNaN(nextY)) { lastValidX = nextX; lastValidY = nextY; continue; } graphic.lineTo(nextX, nextY); lastValidX = nextX; lastValidY = nextY; } graphic.end(); }, /** * Draws a fill for a spline * * @method drawAreaSpline * @protected */ drawAreaSpline: function() { if(this.get("xcoords").length < 1) { return; } var xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), curvecoords = this.getCurveControlPoints(xcoords, ycoords), len = curvecoords.length, cx1, cx2, cy1, cy2, x, y, i = 0, firstX = xcoords[0], firstY = ycoords[0], styles = this.get("styles").area, graphic = this.get("graphic"), color = styles.color || this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "slice"); graphic.beginFill(color, styles.alpha); graphic.moveTo(firstX, firstY); for(; i < len; i = ++i) { x = curvecoords[i].endx; y = curvecoords[i].endy; cx1 = curvecoords[i].ctrlx1; cx2 = curvecoords[i].ctrlx2; cy1 = curvecoords[i].ctrly1; cy2 = curvecoords[i].ctrly2; graphic.curveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y); } if(this.get("direction") === "vertical") { graphic.lineTo(this._leftOrigin, y); graphic.lineTo(this._leftOrigin, firstY); } else { graphic.lineTo(x, this._bottomOrigin); graphic.lineTo(firstX, this._bottomOrigin); } graphic.lineTo(firstX, firstY); graphic.end(); }, /** * Draws a a stacked area spline * * @method drawStackedAreaSpline * @protected */ drawStackedAreaSpline: function() { if(this.get("xcoords").length < 1) { return; } var xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), curvecoords, order = this.get("order"), type = this.get("type"), graph = this.get("graph"), seriesCollection = graph.seriesTypes[type], prevXCoords, prevYCoords, len, cx1, cx2, cy1, cy2, x, y, i = 0, firstX, firstY, styles = this.get("styles").area, graphic = this.get("graphic"), color = styles.color || this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "slice"); firstX = xcoords[0]; firstY = ycoords[0]; curvecoords = this.getCurveControlPoints(xcoords, ycoords); len = curvecoords.length; graphic.beginFill(color, styles.alpha); graphic.moveTo(firstX, firstY); for(; i < len; i = ++i) { x = curvecoords[i].endx; y = curvecoords[i].endy; cx1 = curvecoords[i].ctrlx1; cx2 = curvecoords[i].ctrlx2; cy1 = curvecoords[i].ctrly1; cy2 = curvecoords[i].ctrly2; graphic.curveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y); } if(order > 0) { prevXCoords = seriesCollection[order - 1].get("xcoords").concat().reverse(); prevYCoords = seriesCollection[order - 1].get("ycoords").concat().reverse(); curvecoords = this.getCurveControlPoints(prevXCoords, prevYCoords); i = 0; len = curvecoords.length; graphic.lineTo(prevXCoords[0], prevYCoords[0]); for(; i < len; i = ++i) { x = curvecoords[i].endx; y = curvecoords[i].endy; cx1 = curvecoords[i].ctrlx1; cx2 = curvecoords[i].ctrlx2; cy1 = curvecoords[i].ctrly1; cy2 = curvecoords[i].ctrly2; graphic.curveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y); } } else { if(this.get("direction") === "vertical") { graphic.lineTo(this._leftOrigin, ycoords[ycoords.length-1]); graphic.lineTo(this._leftOrigin, firstY); } else { graphic.lineTo(xcoords[xcoords.length-1], this._bottomOrigin); graphic.lineTo(firstX, this._bottomOrigin); } } graphic.lineTo(firstX, firstY); graphic.end(); }, /** * @private */ _defaults: null, /** * Concatanates coordinate array with correct coordinates for closing an area fill. * * @method _getClosingPoints * @return Array * @protected */ _getClosingPoints: function() { var xcoords = this.get("xcoords").concat(), ycoords = this.get("ycoords").concat(); if(this.get("direction") === "vertical") { xcoords.push(this._leftOrigin); xcoords.push(this._leftOrigin); ycoords.push(ycoords[ycoords.length - 1]); ycoords.push(ycoords[0]); } else { xcoords.push(xcoords[xcoords.length - 1]); xcoords.push(xcoords[0]); ycoords.push(this._bottomOrigin); ycoords.push(this._bottomOrigin); } xcoords.push(xcoords[0]); ycoords.push(ycoords[0]); return [xcoords, ycoords]; }, /** * Concatenates coordinate array with the correct coordinates for closing an area stack. * * @method _getStackedClosingPoints * @return Array * @protected */ _getStackedClosingPoints: function() { var order = this.get("order"), type = this.get("type"), graph = this.get("graph"), direction = this.get("direction"), seriesCollection = graph.seriesTypes[type], prevXCoords, prevYCoords, allXCoords = this.get("xcoords").concat(), allYCoords = this.get("ycoords").concat(), firstX = allXCoords[0], firstY = allYCoords[0]; if(order > 0) { prevXCoords = seriesCollection[order - 1].get("xcoords").concat(); prevYCoords = seriesCollection[order - 1].get("ycoords").concat(); allXCoords = allXCoords.concat(prevXCoords.concat().reverse()); allYCoords = allYCoords.concat(prevYCoords.concat().reverse()); allXCoords.push(allXCoords[0]); allYCoords.push(allYCoords[0]); } else { if(direction === "vertical") { allXCoords.push(this._leftOrigin); allXCoords.push(this._leftOrigin); allYCoords.push(allYCoords[allYCoords.length-1]); allYCoords.push(firstY); } else { allXCoords.push(allXCoords[allXCoords.length-1]); allXCoords.push(firstX); allYCoords.push(this._bottomOrigin); allYCoords.push(this._bottomOrigin); } } return [allXCoords, allYCoords]; }, /** * @private */ _getAreaDefaults: function() { return { }; } }; Y.augment(Fills, Y.Attribute); Y.Fills = Fills; /** * Utility class used for drawing markers. * * @class Plots * @constructor */ function Plots(cfg) { var attrs = { markers: { getter: function() { return this._markers; } } }; this.addAttrs(attrs, cfg); } Plots.prototype = { /** * @private */ _plotDefaults: null, /** * Draws the markers * * @method drawPlots * @protected */ drawPlots: function() { if(!this.get("xcoords") || this.get("xcoords").length < 1) { return; } var style = Y.clone(this.get("styles").marker), w = style.width, h = style.height, xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), i = 0, len = xcoords.length, top = ycoords[0], left, marker, offsetWidth = w/2, offsetHeight = h/2, fillColors = null, borderColors = null, graphOrder = this.get("graphOrder"), hotspot, isChrome = ISCHROME; if(Y.Lang.isArray(style.fill.color)) { fillColors = style.fill.color.concat(); } if(Y.Lang.isArray(style.border.color)) { borderColors = style.border.colors.concat(); } this._createMarkerCache(); if(isChrome) { this._createHotspotCache(); } for(; i < len; ++i) { top = (ycoords[i] - offsetHeight); left = (xcoords[i] - offsetWidth); if(!top || !left || top === undefined || left === undefined || top == "undefined" || left == "undefined" || isNaN(top) || isNaN(left)) { this._markers.push(null); this._graphicNodes.push(null); continue; } if(fillColors) { style.fill.color = fillColors[i % fillColors.length]; } if(borderColors) { style.border.colors = borderColors[i % borderColors.length]; } marker = this.getMarker(style, graphOrder, i); marker.setPosition(left, top); if(isChrome) { hotspot = this.getHotspot(style, graphOrder, i); hotspot.setPosition(left, top); hotspot.parentNode.style.zIndex = 5; } } this._clearMarkerCache(); if(isChrome) { this._clearHotspotCache(); } }, /** * Gets the default values for series that use the utility. This method is used by * the class' styles attribute's getter to get build default values. * * @method _getPlotDefaults * @return Object * @protected */ _getPlotDefaults: function() { var defs = { fill:{ type: "solid", alpha: 1, colors:null, alphas: null, ratios: null }, border:{ weight: 1, alpha: 1 }, width: 10, height: 10, shape: "circle" }; defs.fill.color = this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "fill"); defs.border.color = this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "border"); return defs; }, /** * Collection of markers to be used in the series. * * @private */ _markers: null, /** * Collection of markers to be re-used on a series redraw. * * @private */ _markerCache: null, /** * Gets and styles a marker. If there is a marker in cache, it will use it. Otherwise * it will create one. * * @method getMarker * @param {Object} styles Hash of style properties. * @param {Number} order Order of the series. * @param {Number} index Index within the series associated with the marker. * @return Shape * @protected */ getMarker: function(styles, order, index) { var marker; if(this._markerCache.length > 0) { while(!marker) { if(this._markerCache.length < 1) { marker = this._createMarker(styles, order, index); break; } marker = this._markerCache.shift(); } marker.update(styles); } else { marker = this._createMarker(styles, order, index); } this._markers.push(marker); this._graphicNodes.push(marker.parentNode); return marker; }, /** * Creates a shape to be used as a marker. * * @method _createMarker * @param {Object} styles Hash of style properties. * @param {Number} order Order of the series. * @param {Number} index Index within the series associated with the marker. * @return Shape * @private */ _createMarker: function(styles, order, index) { var graphic = new Y.Graphic(), marker, cfg = Y.clone(styles); graphic.render(this.get("graph").get("contentBox")); graphic.node.setAttribute("id", "markerParent_" + order + "_" + index); cfg.graphic = graphic; marker = new Y.Shape(cfg); marker.addClass("yui3-seriesmarker"); marker.node.setAttribute("id", "series_" + order + "_" + index); return marker; }, /** * Creates a cache of markers for reuse. * * @method _createMarkerCache * @private */ _createMarkerCache: function() { if(this._markers && this._markers.length > 0) { this._markerCache = this._markers.concat(); } else { this._markerCache = []; } this._markers = []; this._graphicNodes = []; }, /** * Removes unused markers from the marker cache * * @method _clearMarkerCache * @private */ _clearMarkerCache: function() { var len = this._markerCache.length, i = 0, graphic, marker; for(; i < len; ++i) { marker = this._markerCache[i]; if(marker) { graphic = marker.graphics; graphic.destroy(); } } this._markerCache = []; }, /** * Resizes and positions markers based on a mouse interaction. * * @method updateMarkerState * @param {String} type state of the marker * @param {Number} i index of the marker * @protected */ updateMarkerState: function(type, i) { if(this._markers[i]) { var w, h, markerStyles, styles = Y.clone(this.get("styles").marker), state = this._getState(type), xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), marker = this._markers[i], graphicNode = marker.parentNode; markerStyles = state == "off" || !styles[state] ? styles : styles[state]; markerStyles.fill.color = this._getItemColor(markerStyles.fill.color, i); markerStyles.border.color = this._getItemColor(markerStyles.border.color, i); marker.update(markerStyles); w = markerStyles.width; h = markerStyles.height; graphicNode.style.left = (xcoords[i] - w/2) + "px"; graphicNode.style.top = (ycoords[i] - h/2) + "px"; marker.toggleVisible(this.get("visible")); } }, /** * Parses a color from an array. * * @method _getItemColor * @param {Array} val collection of colors * @param {Number} i index of the item * @return String * @protected */ _getItemColor: function(val, i) { if(Y.Lang.isArray(val)) { return val[i % val.length]; } return val; }, /** * Method used by styles setter. Overrides base implementation. * * @method _setStyles * @param {Object} newStyles Hash of properties to update. * @return Object * @protected */ _setStyles: function(val) { val = this._parseMarkerStyles(val); return Y.Renderer.prototype._setStyles.apply(this, [val]); }, /** * Combines new styles with existing styles. * * @method _parseMarkerStyles * @private */ _parseMarkerStyles: function(val) { if(val.marker) { var defs = this._getPlotDefaults(); val.marker = this._mergeStyles(val.marker, defs); if(val.marker.over) { val.marker.over = this._mergeStyles(val.marker.over, val.marker); } if(val.marker.down) { val.marker.down = this._mergeStyles(val.marker.down, val.marker); } } return val; }, /** * Returns marker state based on event type * * @method _getState * @param {String} type event type * @return String * @protected */ _getState: function(type) { var state; switch(type) { case "mouseout" : state = "off"; break; case "mouseover" : state = "over"; break; case "mouseup" : state = "over"; break; case "mousedown" : state = "down"; break; } return state; }, /** * @private */ _stateSyles: null, /** * Collection of hotspots to be used in the series. * * @private */ _hotspots: null, /** * Collection of hotspots to be re-used on a series redraw. * * @private */ _hotspotCache: null, /** * Gets and styles a hotspot. If there is a hotspot in cache, it will use it. Otherwise * it will create one. * * @method getHotspot * @param {Object} styles Hash of style properties. * @param {Number} order Order of the series. * @param {Number} index Index within the series associated with the hotspot. * @return Shape * @protected */ getHotspot: function(hotspotStyles, order, index) { var hotspot, styles = Y.clone(hotspotStyles); styles.fill = { type: "solid", color: "#000", alpha: 0 }; styles.border = { weight: 0 }; if(this._hotspotCache.length > 0) { while(!hotspot) { if(this._hotspotCache.length < 1) { hotspot = this._createHotspot(styles, order, index); break; } hotspot = this._hotspotCache.shift(); } hotspot.update(styles); } else { hotspot = this._createHotspot(styles, order, index); } this._hotspots.push(hotspot); return hotspot; }, /** * Creates a shape to be used as a hotspot. * * @method _createHotspot * @param {Object} styles Hash of style properties. * @param {Number} order Order of the series. * @param {Number} index Index within the series associated with the hotspot. * @return Shape * @private */ _createHotspot: function(styles, order, index) { var graphic = new Y.Graphic(), hotspot, cfg = Y.clone(styles); graphic.render(this.get("graph").get("contentBox")); graphic.node.setAttribute("id", "hotspotParent_" + order + "_" + index); cfg.graphic = graphic; hotspot = new Y.Shape(cfg); hotspot.addClass("yui3-seriesmarker"); hotspot.node.setAttribute("id", "hotspot_" + order + "_" + index); return hotspot; }, /** * Creates a cache of hotspots for reuse. * * @method _createHotspotCache * @private */ _createHotspotCache: function() { if(this._hotspots && this._hotspots.length > 0) { this._hotspotCache = this._hotspots.concat(); } else { this._hotspotCache = []; } this._hotspots = []; }, /** * Removes unused hotspots from the hotspot cache * * @method _clearHotspotCache * @private */ _clearHotspotCache: function() { var len = this._hotspotCache.length, i = 0, graphic, hotspot; for(; i < len; ++i) { hotspot = this._hotspotCache[i]; if(hotspot) { graphic = hotspot.graphics; graphic.destroy(); } } this._hotspotCache = []; } }; Y.augment(Plots, Y.Attribute); Y.Plots = Plots; /** * Histogram is the base class for Column and Bar series. * * @class Histogram * @constructor */ function Histogram(){} Histogram.prototype = { /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { if(this.get("xcoords").length < 1) { return; } var style = Y.clone(this.get("styles").marker), setSize, calculatedSize, xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), i = 0, len = xcoords.length, top = ycoords[0], type = this.get("type"), graph = this.get("graph"), seriesCollection = graph.seriesTypes[type], seriesLen = seriesCollection.length, seriesSize = 0, totalSize = 0, offset = 0, ratio, renderer, order = this.get("order"), graphOrder = this.get("graphOrder"), left, marker, setSizeKey, calculatedSizeKey, config, fillColors = null, borderColors = null, hotspot, isChrome = ISCHROME; if(Y.Lang.isArray(style.fill.color)) { fillColors = style.fill.color.concat(); } if(Y.Lang.isArray(style.border.color)) { borderColors = style.border.colors.concat(); } if(this.get("direction") == "vertical") { setSizeKey = "height"; calculatedSizeKey = "width"; } else { setSizeKey = "width"; calculatedSizeKey = "height"; } setSize = style[setSizeKey]; calculatedSize = style[calculatedSizeKey]; this._createMarkerCache(); if(isChrome) { this._createHotspotCache(); } for(; i < seriesLen; ++i) { renderer = seriesCollection[i]; seriesSize += renderer.get("styles").marker[setSizeKey]; if(order > i) { offset = seriesSize; } } totalSize = len * seriesSize; if(totalSize > graph.get(setSizeKey)) { ratio = graph.get(setSizeKey)/totalSize; seriesSize *= ratio; offset *= ratio; setSize *= ratio; setSize = Math.max(setSize, 1); } offset -= seriesSize/2; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { config = this._getMarkerDimensions(xcoords[i], ycoords[i], calculatedSize, offset); top = config.top; calculatedSize = config.calculatedSize; left = config.left; style[setSizeKey] = setSize; style[calculatedSizeKey] = calculatedSize; if(fillColors) { style.fill.color = fillColors[i % fillColors.length]; } if(borderColors) { style.border.colors = borderColors[i % borderColors.length]; } marker = this.getMarker(style, graphOrder, i); marker.setPosition(left, top); if(isChrome) { hotspot = this.getHotspot(style, graphOrder, i); hotspot.setPosition(left, top); hotspot.parentNode.style.zIndex = 5; } } this._clearMarkerCache(); if(isChrome) { this._clearHotspotCache(); } }, /** * @private */ _defaultFillColors: ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"], /** * @private */ _getPlotDefaults: function() { var defs = { fill:{ type: "solid", alpha: 1, colors:null, alphas: null, ratios: null }, border:{ weight: 0, alpha: 1 }, width: 12, height: 12, shape: "rect", padding:{ top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 } }; defs.fill.color = this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "fill"); defs.border.color = this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "border"); return defs; } }; Y.Histogram = Histogram; /** * The CartesianSeries class creates a chart with horizontal and vertical axes. * * @class CartesianSeries * @extends Base * @uses Renderer * @constructor */ Y.CartesianSeries = Y.Base.create("cartesianSeries", Y.Base, [Y.Renderer], { /** * @private */ _xDisplayName: null, /** * @private */ _yDisplayName: null, /** * @private */ _leftOrigin: null, /** * @private */ _bottomOrigin: null, /** * @private */ render: function() { this._setCanvas(); this.addListeners(); this.set("rendered", true); this.validate(); }, /** * @private */ addListeners: function() { var xAxis = this.get("xAxis"), yAxis = this.get("yAxis"); if(xAxis) { xAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._xDataChangeHandler, this)); xAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._xDataChangeHandler, this)); } if(yAxis) { yAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._yDataChangeHandler, this)); yAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._yDataChangeHandler, this)); } this.after("xAxisChange", this._xAxisChangeHandler); this.after("yAxisChange", this._yAxisChangeHandler); this.after("stylesChange", function(e) { var axesReady = this._updateAxisData(); if(axesReady) { this.draw(); } }); this.after("widthChange", function(e) { var axesReady = this._updateAxisData(); if(axesReady) { this.draw(); } }); this.after("heightChange", function(e) { var axesReady = this._updateAxisData(); if(axesReady) { this.draw(); } }); this.after("visibleChange", this._toggleVisible); }, /** * @private */ _xAxisChangeHandler: function(e) { var xAxis = this.get("xAxis"); xAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._xDataChangeHandler, this)); xAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._xDataChangeHandler, this)); }, /** * @private */ _yAxisChangeHandler: function(e) { var yAxis = this.get("yAxis"); yAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._yDataChangeHandler, this)); yAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._yDataChangeHandler, this)); }, /** * @private */ GUID: "yuicartesianseries", /** * @private (protected) */ _xDataChangeHandler: function(event) { var axesReady = this._updateAxisData(); if(axesReady) { this.draw(); } }, /** * @private (protected) */ _yDataChangeHandler: function(event) { var axesReady = this._updateAxisData(); if(axesReady) { this.draw(); } }, /** * @private */ _updateAxisData: function() { var xAxis = this.get("xAxis"), yAxis = this.get("yAxis"), xKey = this.get("xKey"), yKey = this.get("yKey"), yData, xData; if(!xAxis || !yAxis || !xKey || !yKey) { return false; } xData = xAxis.getDataByKey(xKey); yData = yAxis.getDataByKey(yKey); if(!xData || !yData) { return false; } this.set("xData", xData.concat()); this.set("yData", yData.concat()); return true; }, /** * @private */ validate: function() { if((this.get("xData") && this.get("yData")) || this._updateAxisData()) { this.draw(); } }, /** * @protected * * Creates a Graphic instance. * * @method _setCanvas */ _setCanvas: function() { this.set("graphic", new Y.Graphic()); this.get("graphic").render(this.get("graph").get("contentBox")); }, /** * @protected * * Calculates the coordinates for the series. * * @method setAreaData */ setAreaData: function() { var nextX, nextY, graph = this.get("graph"), w = graph.get("width"), h = graph.get("height"), xAxis = this.get("xAxis"), yAxis = this.get("yAxis"), xData = this.get("xData").concat(), yData = this.get("yData").concat(), xOffset = xAxis.getEdgeOffset(xData.length, w), yOffset = yAxis.getEdgeOffset(yData.length, h), padding = this.get("styles").padding, leftPadding = padding.left, topPadding = padding.top, dataWidth = w - (leftPadding + padding.right + xOffset), dataHeight = h - (topPadding + padding.bottom + yOffset), xcoords = [], ycoords = [], xMax = xAxis.get("maximum"), xMin = xAxis.get("minimum"), yMax = yAxis.get("maximum"), yMin = yAxis.get("minimum"), xScaleFactor = dataWidth / (xMax - xMin), yScaleFactor = dataHeight / (yMax - yMin), dataLength, direction = this.get("direction"), i = 0, xMarkerPlane = [], yMarkerPlane = [], xMarkerPlaneOffset = this.get("xMarkerPlaneOffset"), yMarkerPlaneOffset = this.get("yMarkerPlaneOffset"), graphic = this.get("graphic"); dataLength = xData.length; xOffset *= 0.5; yOffset *= 0.5; //Assuming a vertical graph has a range/category for its vertical axis. if(direction === "vertical") { yData = yData.reverse(); } if(graphic) { graphic.setSize(w, h); } this._leftOrigin = Math.round(((0 - xMin) * xScaleFactor) + leftPadding + xOffset); this._bottomOrigin = Math.round((dataHeight + topPadding + yOffset) - (0 - yMin) * yScaleFactor); for (; i < dataLength; ++i) { nextX = Math.round((((xData[i] - xMin) * xScaleFactor) + leftPadding + xOffset)); nextY = Math.round(((dataHeight + topPadding + yOffset) - (yData[i] - yMin) * yScaleFactor)); xcoords.push(nextX); ycoords.push(nextY); xMarkerPlane.push({start:nextX - xMarkerPlaneOffset, end: nextX + xMarkerPlaneOffset}); yMarkerPlane.push({start:nextY - yMarkerPlaneOffset, end: nextY + yMarkerPlaneOffset}); } this.set("xcoords", xcoords); this.set("ycoords", ycoords); this.set("xMarkerPlane", xMarkerPlane); this.set("yMarkerPlane", yMarkerPlane); }, /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method draw */ draw: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"), w = graph.get("width"), h = graph.get("height"); if(this.get("rendered")) { if((isFinite(w) && isFinite(h) && w > 0 && h > 0) && ((this.get("xData") && this.get("yData")) || this._updateAxisData())) { if(this._drawing) { this._callLater = true; return; } this._drawing = true; this._callLater = false; this.setAreaData(); if(this.get("xcoords") && this.get("ycoords")) { this.drawSeries(); } this._drawing = false; if(this._callLater) { this.draw(); } else { this._toggleVisible(this.get("visible")); this.fire("drawingComplete"); } } } }, /** * @private */ _defaultPlaneOffset: 4, /** * @protected * * Gets the default value for the styles attribute. Overrides * base implementation. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { return {padding:{ top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }}; }, /** * @protected * * Collection of default colors used for lines in a series when not specified by user. * * @property _defaultLineColors * @type Array */ _defaultLineColors:["#426ab3", "#d09b2c", "#000000", "#b82837", "#b384b5", "#ff7200", "#779de3", "#cbc8ba", "#7ed7a6", "#007a6c"], /** * @protected * * Collection of default colors used for marker fills in a series when not specified by user. * * @property _defaultFillColors * @type Array */ _defaultFillColors:["#6084d0", "#eeb647", "#6c6b5f", "#d6484f", "#ce9ed1", "#ff9f3b", "#93b7ff", "#e0ddd0", "#94ecba", "#309687"], /** * @protected * * Collection of default colors used for marker borders in a series when not specified by user. * * @property _defaultBorderColors * @type Array */ _defaultBorderColors:["#205096", "#b38206", "#000000", "#94001e", "#9d6fa0", "#e55b00", "#5e85c9", "#adab9e", "#6ac291", "#006457"], /** * @protected * * Collection of default colors used for area fills, histogram fills and pie fills in a series when not specified by user. * * @property _defaultSliceColors * @type Array */ _defaultSliceColors: ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"], /** * @protected * * Parses a color based on a series order and type. * * @method _getDefaultColor * @param {Number} index Index indicating the series order. * @param {String} type Indicates which type of object needs the color. * @return String */ _getDefaultColor: function(index, type) { var colors = { line: this._defaultLineColors, fill: this._defaultFillColors, border: this._defaultBorderColors, slice: this._defaultSliceColors }, col = colors[type], l = col.length; index = index || 0; if(index >= l) { index = index % l; } type = type || "fill"; return colors[type][index]; }, /** * @protected * * Shows/hides contents of the series. * * @method _toggleVisible */ _toggleVisible: function(e) { var graphic = this.get("graphic"), markers = this.get("markers"), i = 0, len, visible = this.get("visible"), marker; if(graphic) { graphic.toggleVisible(visible); } if(markers) { len = markers.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { marker = markers[i]; if(marker) { marker.toggleVisible(visible); } } } if(this._lineGraphic) { this._lineGraphic.toggleVisible(visible); } } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Name used for for displaying data related to the x-coordinate. * * @attribute xDisplayName * @type String */ xDisplayName: { getter: function() { return this._xDisplayName || this.get("xKey"); }, setter: function(val) { this._xDisplayName = val; return val; } }, /** * Name used for for displaying data related to the y-coordinate. * * @attribute yDisplayName * @type String */ yDisplayName: { getter: function() { return this._yDisplayName || this.get("yKey"); }, setter: function(val) { this._yDisplayName = val; return val; } }, /** * Name used for for displaying category data * * @attribute categoryDisplayName * @type String */ categoryDisplayName: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this.get("direction") == "vertical" ? this.get("yDisplayName") : this.get("xDisplayName"); } }, /** * Name used for for displaying value data * * @attribute valueDisplayName * @type String */ valueDisplayName: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this.get("direction") == "vertical" ? this.get("xDisplayName") : this.get("yDisplayName"); } }, /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default cartesian */ type: { value: "cartesian" }, /** * Order of this instance of this type. * * @attribute order * @type Number */ order: {}, /** * Order of the instance * * @attribute graphOrder * @type Number */ graphOrder: {}, /** * x coordinates for the series. * * @attribute xcoords * @type Array */ xcoords: {}, /** * y coordinates for the series * * @attribute ycoords * @type Array */ ycoords: {}, /** * Reference to the Graph in which the series is drawn into. * * @attribute graph * @type Graph */ graph: {}, /** * Reference to the Axis instance used for assigning * x-values to the graph. * * @attribute xAxis * @type Axis */ xAxis: {}, /** * Reference to the Axis instance used for assigning * y-values to the graph. * * @attribute yAxis * @type Axis */ yAxis: {}, /** * Indicates which array to from the hash of value arrays in * the x-axis Axis instance. * * @attribute xKey * @type String */ xKey: {}, /** * Indicates which array to from the hash of value arrays in * the y-axis Axis instance. * * @attribute yKey * @type String */ yKey: {}, /** * Array of x values for the series. * * @attribute xData * @type Array */ xData: {}, /** * Array of y values for the series. * * @attribute yData * @type Array */ yData: {}, /** * Indicates whether the Series has been through its initial set up. * * @attribute rendered * @type Boolean */ rendered: { value: false }, /* * Returns the width of the parent graph * * @attribute width * @type Number */ width: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { this.get("graph").get("width"); } }, /** * Returns the height of the parent graph * * @attribute height * @type Number */ height: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { this.get("graph").get("height"); } }, /** * Indicates whether to show the series * * @attribute visible * @type Boolean * @default true */ visible: { value: true }, /** * Collection of area maps along the xAxis. Used to determine mouseover for multiple * series. * * @attribute xMarkerPlane * @type Array */ xMarkerPlane: {}, /** * Collection of area maps along the yAxis. Used to determine mouseover for multiple * series. * * @attribute yMarkerPlane * @type Array */ yMarkerPlane: {}, /** * Distance from a data coordinate to the left/right for setting a hotspot. * * @attribute xMarkerPlaneOffset * @type Number */ xMarkerPlaneOffset: { getter: function() { var marker = this.get("styles").marker; if(marker && marker.width && isFinite(marker.width)) { return marker.width * 0.5; } return this._defaultPlaneOffset; } }, /** * Distance from a data coordinate to the top/bottom for setting a hotspot. * * @attribute yMarkerPlaneOffset * @type Number */ yMarkerPlaneOffset: { getter: function() { var marker = this.get("styles").marker; if(marker && marker.height && isFinite(marker.height)) { return marker.height * 0.5; } return this._defaultPlaneOffset; } }, /** * Direction of the series * * @attribute direction * @type String */ direction: { value: "horizontal" } } }); /** * The MarkerSeries class renders quantitative data by plotting relevant data points * on a graph. * * @class MarkerSeries * @extends CartesianSeries * @uses Plots * @constructor */ Y.MarkerSeries = Y.Base.create("markerSeries", Y.CartesianSeries, [Y.Plots], { /** * @private */ renderUI: function() { this._setNode(); }, /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { this.drawPlots(); }, /** * @protected * * Method used by styles setter. Overrides base implementation. * * @method _setStyles * @param {Object} newStyles Hash of properties to update. * @return Object */ _setStyles: function(val) { if(!val.marker) { val = {marker:val}; } val = this._parseMarkerStyles(val); return Y.MarkerSeries.superclass._mergeStyles.apply(this, [val, this._getDefaultStyles()]); }, /** * @protected * * Gets the default value for the styles attribute. Overrides * base implementation. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { var styles = this._mergeStyles({marker:this._getPlotDefaults()}, Y.MarkerSeries.superclass._getDefaultStyles()); return styles; } },{ ATTRS : { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default marker */ type: { value:"marker" } /** * Style properties used for drawing markers. This attribute is inherited from Renderer. Below are the default values: *
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the fill. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#6084d0", "#eeb647", "#6c6b5f", "#d6484f", "#ce9ed1", "#ff9f3b", "#93b7ff", "#e0ddd0", "#94ecba", "#309687"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker fill. The default value is 1.
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the border. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#205096", "#b38206", "#000000", "#94001e", "#9d6fa0", "#e55b00", "#5e85c9", "#adab9e", "#6ac291", "#006457"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker border. The default value is 1.
Number indicating the width of the border. The default value is 1.
indicates the width of the marker. The default value is 10.
indicates the height of the marker The default value is 10.
hash containing styles for markers when highlighted by a mouseover event. The default * values for each style is null. When an over style is not set, the non-over value will be used. For example, * the default value for marker.over.fill.color is equivalent to marker.fill.color.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * The LineSeries class renders quantitative data on a graph by connecting relevant data points. * * @class LineSeries * @extends CartesianSeries * @uses Lines * @constructor */ Y.LineSeries = Y.Base.create("lineSeries", Y.CartesianSeries, [Y.Lines], { /** * @protected * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { this.get("graphic").clear(); this.drawLines(); }, /** * @protected * * Method used by styles setter. Overrides base implementation. * * @method _setStyles * @param {Object} newStyles Hash of properties to update. * @return Object */ _setStyles: function(val) { if(!val.line) { val = {line:val}; } return Y.LineSeries.superclass._setStyles.apply(this, [val]); }, /** * @protected * * Gets the default value for the styles attribute. Overrides * base implementation. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { var styles = this._mergeStyles({line:this._getLineDefaults()}, Y.LineSeries.superclass._getDefaultStyles()); return styles; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default line */ type: { value:"line" } /** * Style properties used for drawing lines. This attribute is inherited from Renderer. Below are the default values: *
The color of the line. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color will be * retrieved from the following array: * ["#426ab3", "#d09b2c", "#000000", "#b82837", "#b384b5", "#ff7200", "#779de3", "#cbc8ba", "#7ed7a6", "#007a6c"] *
Number that indicates the width of the line. The default value is 6.
Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the line. The default value is 1.
Indicates whether the line is solid or dashed. The default value is solid.
When the lineType is dashed, indicates the length of the dash. The default value is 10.
When the lineType is dashed, indicates the distance between dashes. The default value is 10.
Indicates whether or not to connect lines when there is a missing or null value between points. The default value is true.
Indicates whether the line between discontinuous points is solid or dashed. The default value is solid.
When the discontinuousType is dashed, indicates the length of the dash. The default value is 10.
When the discontinuousType is dashed, indicates the distance between dashes. The default value is 10.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * SplineSeries renders a graph with data points connected by a curve. * * @class SplineSeries * @constructor * @extends CartesianSeries * @uses CurveUtil * @uses Lines */ Y.SplineSeries = Y.Base.create("splineSeries", Y.CartesianSeries, [Y.CurveUtil, Y.Lines], { /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { this.get("graphic").clear(); this.drawSpline(); } }, { ATTRS : { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default spline */ type : { value:"spline" } /** * Style properties used for drawing lines. This attribute is inherited from Renderer. Below are the default values: *
The color of the line. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color will be * retrieved from the following array: * ["#426ab3", "#d09b2c", "#000000", "#b82837", "#b384b5", "#ff7200", "#779de3", "#cbc8ba", "#7ed7a6", "#007a6c"] *
Number that indicates the width of the line. The default value is 6.
Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the line. The default value is 1.
Indicates whether the line is solid or dashed. The default value is solid.
When the lineType is dashed, indicates the length of the dash. The default value is 10.
When the lineType is dashed, indicates the distance between dashes. The default value is 10.
Indicates whether or not to connect lines when there is a missing or null value between points. The default value is true.
Indicates whether the line between discontinuous points is solid or dashed. The default value is solid.
When the discontinuousType is dashed, indicates the length of the dash. The default value is 10.
When the discontinuousType is dashed, indicates the distance between dashes. The default value is 10.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * AreaSplineSeries renders an area graph with data points connected by a curve. * * @class AreaSplineSeries * @constructor * @extends CartesianSeries * @uses Fills * @uses CurveUtil */ Y.AreaSplineSeries = Y.Base.create("areaSplineSeries", Y.CartesianSeries, [Y.Fills, Y.CurveUtil], { /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { this.get("graphic").clear(); this.drawAreaSpline(); } }, { ATTRS : { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default areaSpline */ type: { value:"areaSpline" } /** * Style properties used for drawing area fills. This attribute is inherited from Renderer. Below are the default values: * *
The color of the fill. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color will be * retrieved from the following array: * ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"] *
Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the fill. The default value is 1
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * StackedSplineSeries creates spline graphs in which the different series are stacked along a value axis * to indicate their contribution to a cumulative total. * * @class StackedSplineSeries * @constructor * @extends SplineSeries * @extends StackingUtil */ Y.StackedSplineSeries = Y.Base.create("stackedSplineSeries", Y.SplineSeries, [Y.StackingUtil], { /** * @protected * * Calculates the coordinates for the series. Overrides base implementation. * * @method setAreaData */ setAreaData: function() { Y.StackedSplineSeries.superclass.setAreaData.apply(this); this._stackCoordinates.apply(this); } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default stackedSpline */ type: { value:"stackedSpline" } } }); /** * StackedMarkerSeries plots markers with different series stacked along the value axis to indicate each * series' contribution to a cumulative total. * * @class StackedMarkerSeries * @constructor * @extends MarkerSeries * @extends StackingUtil */ Y.StackedMarkerSeries = Y.Base.create("stackedMarkerSeries", Y.MarkerSeries, [Y.StackingUtil], { /** * @protected * * Calculates the coordinates for the series. Overrides base implementation. * * @method setAreaData */ setAreaData: function() { Y.StackedMarkerSeries.superclass.setAreaData.apply(this); this._stackCoordinates.apply(this); } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default stackedMarker */ type: { value:"stackedMarker" } } }); /** * The ColumnSeries class renders columns positioned horizontally along a category or time axis. The columns' * lengths are proportional to the values they represent along a vertical axis. * and the relevant data points. * * @class ColumnSeries * @extends MarkerSeries * @uses Histogram * @constructor */ Y.ColumnSeries = Y.Base.create("columnSeries", Y.MarkerSeries, [Y.Histogram], { /** * @private */ _getMarkerDimensions: function(xcoord, ycoord, calculatedSize, offset) { var config = { top: ycoord, left: xcoord + offset }; config.calculatedSize = this._bottomOrigin - config.top; return config; }, /** * @protected * * Resizes and positions markers based on a mouse interaction. * * @method updateMarkerState * @param {String} type state of the marker * @param {Number} i index of the marker */ updateMarkerState: function(type, i) { if(this._markers[i]) { var styles = Y.clone(this.get("styles").marker), markerStyles, state = this._getState(type), xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), marker = this._markers[i], graph = this.get("graph"), seriesCollection = graph.seriesTypes[this.get("type")], seriesLen = seriesCollection.length, seriesSize = 0, offset = 0, renderer, n = 0, xs = [], order = this.get("order"); markerStyles = state == "off" || !styles[state] ? styles : styles[state]; markerStyles.fill.color = this._getItemColor(markerStyles.fill.color, i); markerStyles.border.color = this._getItemColor(markerStyles.border.color, i); markerStyles.height = this._bottomOrigin - ycoords[i]; marker.update(markerStyles); for(; n < seriesLen; ++n) { renderer = seriesCollection[n].get("markers")[i]; xs[n] = xcoords[i] + seriesSize; seriesSize += renderer.width; if(order > n) { offset = seriesSize; } offset -= seriesSize/2; } for(n = 0; n < seriesLen; ++n) { renderer = Y.one(seriesCollection[n]._graphicNodes[i]); renderer.setStyle("left", (xs[n] - seriesSize/2) + "px"); } } } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default column */ type: { value: "column" } /** * Style properties used for drawing markers. This attribute is inherited from MarkerSeries. Below are the default values: *
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the fill. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker fill. The default value is 1.
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the border. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#205096", "#b38206", "#000000", "#94001e", "#9d6fa0", "#e55b00", "#5e85c9", "#adab9e", "#6ac291", "#006457"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker border. The default value is 1.
Number indicating the width of the border. The default value is 1.
indicates the width of the marker. The default value is 12.
hash containing styles for markers when highlighted by a mouseover event. The default * values for each style is null. When an over style is not set, the non-over value will be used. For example, * the default value for marker.over.fill.color is equivalent to marker.fill.color.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * The BarSeries class renders bars positioned vertically along a category or time axis. The bars' * lengths are proportional to the values they represent along a horizontal axis. * and the relevant data points. * * @class BarSeries * @extends MarkerSeries * @uses Histogram * @constructor */ Y.BarSeries = Y.Base.create("barSeries", Y.MarkerSeries, [Y.Histogram], { /** * @private */ renderUI: function() { this._setNode(); }, /** * @private */ _getMarkerDimensions: function(xcoord, ycoord, calculatedSize, offset) { var config = { top: ycoord + offset, left: this._leftOrigin }; config.calculatedSize = xcoord - config.left; return config; }, /** * @protected * * Resizes and positions markers based on a mouse interaction. * * @method updateMarkerState * @param {String} type state of the marker * @param {Number} i index of the marker */ updateMarkerState: function(type, i) { if(this._markers[i]) { var styles = Y.clone(this.get("styles").marker), markerStyles, state = this._getState(type), xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), marker = this._markers[i], graph = this.get("graph"), seriesCollection = graph.seriesTypes[this.get("type")], seriesLen = seriesCollection.length, seriesSize = 0, offset = 0, renderer, n = 0, ys = [], order = this.get("order"); markerStyles = state == "off" || !styles[state] ? styles : styles[state]; markerStyles.fill.color = this._getItemColor(markerStyles.fill.color, i); markerStyles.border.color = this._getItemColor(markerStyles.border.color, i); markerStyles.width = (xcoords[i] - this._leftOrigin); marker.update(markerStyles); for(; n < seriesLen; ++n) { renderer = seriesCollection[n].get("markers")[i]; ys[n] = ycoords[i] + seriesSize; seriesSize += renderer.height; if(order > n) { offset = seriesSize; } offset -= seriesSize/2; } for(n = 0; n < seriesLen; ++n) { renderer = Y.one(seriesCollection[n]._graphicNodes[i]); renderer.setStyle("top", (ys[n] - seriesSize/2)); } } } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default bar */ type: { value: "bar" }, /** * Indicates the direction of the category axis that the bars are plotted against. * * @attribute direction * @type String */ direction: { value: "vertical" } /** * Style properties used for drawing markers. This attribute is inherited from MarkerSeries. Below are the default values: *
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the fill. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker fill. The default value is 1.
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the border. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#205096", "#b38206", "#000000", "#94001e", "#9d6fa0", "#e55b00", "#5e85c9", "#adab9e", "#6ac291", "#006457"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker border. The default value is 1.
Number indicating the width of the border. The default value is 1.
indicates the width of the marker. The default value is 12.
hash containing styles for markers when highlighted by a mouseover event. The default * values for each style is null. When an over style is not set, the non-over value will be used. For example, * the default value for marker.over.fill.color is equivalent to marker.fill.color.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * The AreaSeries class renders quantitative data on a graph by creating a fill between 0 * and the relevant data points. * * @class AreaSeries * @extends CartesianSeries * @uses Fills * @constructor */ Y.AreaSeries = Y.Base.create("areaSeries", Y.CartesianSeries, [Y.Fills], { /** * @protected * * Renders the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { this.get("graphic").clear(); this.drawFill.apply(this, this._getClosingPoints()); }, /** * @protected * * Method used by styles setter. Overrides base implementation. * * @method _setStyles * @param {Object} newStyles Hash of properties to update. * @return Object */ _setStyles: function(val) { if(!val.area) { val = {area:val}; } return Y.AreaSeries.superclass._setStyles.apply(this, [val]); }, /** * @protected * * Gets the default value for the styles attribute. Overrides * base implementation. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { var styles = this._mergeStyles({area:this._getAreaDefaults()}, Y.AreaSeries.superclass._getDefaultStyles()); return styles; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default area */ type: { value:"area" } /** * Style properties used for drawing area fills. This attribute is inherited from Renderer. Below are the default values: * *
The color of the fill. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color will be * retrieved from the following array: * ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"] *
Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the fill. The default value is 1
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * StackedAreaSplineSeries creates a stacked area chart with points data points connected by a curve. * * @class StackedAreaSplineSeries * @constructor * @extends AreaSeries * @uses CurveUtil * @uses StackingUtil */ Y.StackedAreaSplineSeries = Y.Base.create("stackedAreaSplineSeries", Y.AreaSeries, [Y.CurveUtil, Y.StackingUtil], { /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { this.get("graphic").clear(); this._stackCoordinates(); this.drawStackedAreaSpline(); } }, { ATTRS : { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default stackedAreaSpline */ type: { value:"stackedAreaSpline" } } }); /** * The ComboSeries class renders a combination of lines, plots and area fills in a single series. Each * series type has a corresponding boolean attribute indicating if it is rendered. By default, lines and plots * are rendered and area is not. * * @class ComboSeries * @extends CartesianSeries * @uses Fills * @uses Lines * @uses Plots * @constructor */ Y.ComboSeries = Y.Base.create("comboSeries", Y.CartesianSeries, [Y.Fills, Y.Lines, Y.Plots], { /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { this.get("graphic").clear(); if(this.get("showAreaFill")) { this.drawFill.apply(this, this._getClosingPoints()); } if(this.get("showLines")) { this.drawLines(); } if(this.get("showMarkers")) { this.drawPlots(); } }, /** * @protected * * Returns the default hash for the styles attribute. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { var styles = Y.ComboSeries.superclass._getDefaultStyles(); styles.line = this._getLineDefaults(); styles.marker = this._getPlotDefaults(); styles.area = this._getAreaDefaults(); return styles; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default combo */ type: { value:"combo" }, /** * Indicates whether a fill is displayed. * * @attribute showAreaFill * @type Boolean * @default false */ showAreaFill: { value: false }, /** * Indicates whether lines are displayed. * * @attribute showLines * @type Boolean * @default true */ showLines: { value: true }, /** * Indicates whether markers are displayed. * * @attribute showMarkers * @type Boolean * @default true */ showMarkers: { value: true }, /** * Reference to the styles of the markers. These styles can also * be accessed through the styles attribute. Below are default * values: *
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the fill. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#6084d0", "#eeb647", "#6c6b5f", "#d6484f", "#ce9ed1", "#ff9f3b", "#93b7ff", "#e0ddd0", "#94ecba", "#309687"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker fill. The default value is 1.
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the border. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#205096", "#b38206", "#000000", "#94001e", "#9d6fa0", "#e55b00", "#5e85c9", "#adab9e", "#6ac291", "#006457"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker border. The default value is 1.
Number indicating the width of the border. The default value is 1.
indicates the width of the marker. The default value is 10.
indicates the height of the marker The default value is 10.
hash containing styles for markers when highlighted by a mouseover event. The default * values for each style is null. When an over style is not set, the non-over value will be used. For example, * the default value for marker.over.fill.color is equivalent to marker.fill.color.
* * @attribute marker * @type Object */ marker: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { return this.get("styles").marker; }, setter: function(val) { this.set("styles", {marker:val}); } }, /** * Reference to the styles of the lines. These styles can also be accessed through the styles attribute. * Below are the default values: *
The color of the line. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color will be * retrieved from the following array: * ["#426ab3", "#d09b2c", "#000000", "#b82837", "#b384b5", "#ff7200", "#779de3", "#cbc8ba", "#7ed7a6", "#007a6c"] *
Number that indicates the width of the line. The default value is 6.
Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the line. The default value is 1.
Indicates whether the line is solid or dashed. The default value is solid.
When the lineType is dashed, indicates the length of the dash. The default value is 10.
When the lineType is dashed, indicates the distance between dashes. The default value is 10.
Indicates whether or not to connect lines when there is a missing or null value between points. The default value is true.
Indicates whether the line between discontinuous points is solid or dashed. The default value is solid.
When the discontinuousType is dashed, indicates the length of the dash. The default value is 10.
When the discontinuousType is dashed, indicates the distance between dashes. The default value is 10.
* * @attribute line * @type Object */ line: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { return this.get("styles").line; }, setter: function(val) { this.set("styles", {line:val}); } }, /** * Reference to the styles of the area fills. These styles can also be accessed through the styles attribute. * Below are the default values: * *
The color of the fill. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color will be * retrieved from the following array: * ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"] *
Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the fill. The default value is 1
* * @attribute area * @type Object */ area: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { return this.get("styles").area; }, setter: function(val) { this.set("styles", {area:val}); } } /** * Style properties for the series. Contains a key indexed hash of the following: *
Style properties for the markers in the series. Specific style attributes are listed * here.
Style properties for the lines in the series. Specific * style attributes are listed here.
Style properties for the area fills in the series. Specific style attributes are listed * here.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * The StackedComboSeries class renders a combination of lines, plots and area fills in a single series. Series * are stacked along the value axis to indicate each series contribution to a cumulative total. Each * series type has a corresponding boolean attribute indicating if it is rendered. By default, all three types are * rendered. * * @class StackedComboSeries * @extends ComboSeries * @uses StackingUtil * @constructor */ Y.StackedComboSeries = Y.Base.create("stackedComboSeries", Y.ComboSeries, [Y.StackingUtil], { /** * @protected * * Calculates the coordinates for the series. Overrides base implementation. * * @method setAreaData */ setAreaData: function() { Y.StackedComboSeries.superclass.setAreaData.apply(this); this._stackCoordinates.apply(this); }, /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { this.get("graphic").clear(); if(this.get("showAreaFill")) { this.drawFill.apply(this, this._getStackedClosingPoints()); } if(this.get("showLines")) { this.drawLines(); } if(this.get("showMarkers")) { this.drawPlots(); } } }, { ATTRS : { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default stackedCombo */ type: { value: "stackedCombo" }, /** * Indicates whether a fill is displayed. * * @attribute showAreaFill * @type Boolean * @default true */ showAreaFill: { value: true } } }); /** * The ComboSplineSeries class renders a combination of splines, plots and areaspline fills in a single series. Each * series type has a corresponding boolean attribute indicating if it is rendered. By default, splines and plots * are rendered and areaspline is not. * * @class ComboSplineSeries * @extends ComboSeries * @extends CurveUtil * @constructor */ Y.ComboSplineSeries = Y.Base.create("comboSplineSeries", Y.ComboSeries, [Y.CurveUtil], { /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { this.get("graphic").clear(); if(this.get("showAreaFill")) { this.drawAreaSpline(); } if(this.get("showLines")) { this.drawSpline(); } if(this.get("showMarkers")) { this.drawPlots(); } } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default comboSpline */ type: { value : "comboSpline" } } }); /** * The StackedComboSplineSeries class renders a combination of splines, plots and areaspline fills in a single series. Series * are stacked along the value axis to indicate each series contribution to a cumulative total. Each * series type has a corresponding boolean attribute indicating if it is rendered. By default, all three types are * rendered. * * @class StackedComboSplineSeries * @extends StackedComboSeries * @uses CurveUtil * @constructor */ Y.StackedComboSplineSeries = Y.Base.create("stackedComboSplineSeries", Y.StackedComboSeries, [Y.CurveUtil], { /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { this.get("graphic").clear(); if(this.get("showAreaFill")) { this.drawStackedAreaSpline(); } if(this.get("showLines")) { this.drawSpline(); } if(this.get("showMarkers")) { this.drawPlots(); } } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default stackedComboSpline */ type : { value : "stackedComboSpline" }, /** * Indicates whether a fill is displayed. * * @attribute showAreaFill * @type Boolean * @default true */ showAreaFill: { value: true } } }); /** * StackedLineSeries creates line graphs in which the different series are stacked along a value axis * to indicate their contribution to a cumulative total. * * @class StackedLineSeries * @constructor * @extends LineSeries * @uses StackingUtil */ Y.StackedLineSeries = Y.Base.create("stackedLineSeries", Y.LineSeries, [Y.StackingUtil], { /** * @protected * * Calculates the coordinates for the series. Overrides base implementation. * * @method setAreaData */ setAreaData: function() { Y.StackedLineSeries.superclass.setAreaData.apply(this); this._stackCoordinates.apply(this); } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default stackedLine */ type: { value:"stackedLine" } } }); /** * StackedAreaSeries area fills to display data showing its contribution to a whole. * * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters for the Chart. * @class StackedAreaSeries * @constructor * @extends AreaSeries * @uses StackingUtil */ Y.StackedAreaSeries = Y.Base.create("stackedAreaSeries", Y.AreaSeries, [Y.StackingUtil], { /** * @protected * * Calculates the coordinates for the series. Overrides base implementation. * * @method setAreaData */ setAreaData: function() { Y.StackedAreaSeries.superclass.setAreaData.apply(this); this._stackCoordinates.apply(this); }, /** * @protected * * Draws the series * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { this.get("graphic").clear(); this.drawFill.apply(this, this._getStackedClosingPoints()); } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default stackedArea */ type: { value:"stackedArea" } } }); /** * The StackedColumnSeries renders column chart in which series are stacked vertically to show * their contribution to the cumulative total. * * @class StackedColumnSeries * @extends ColumnSeries * @uses StackingUtil * @constructor */ Y.StackedColumnSeries = Y.Base.create("stackedColumnSeries", Y.ColumnSeries, [Y.StackingUtil], { /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { if(this.get("xcoords").length < 1) { return; } var style = this.get("styles").marker, w = style.width, h = style.height, xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), i = 0, len = xcoords.length, top = ycoords[0], type = this.get("type"), graph = this.get("graph"), seriesCollection = graph.seriesTypes[type], ratio, order = this.get("order"), graphOrder = this.get("graphOrder"), left, marker, lastCollection, negativeBaseValues, positiveBaseValues, useOrigin = order === 0, totalWidth = len * w, hotspot, isChrome = ISCHROME; this._createMarkerCache(); if(isChrome) { this._createHotspotCache(); } if(totalWidth > this.get("width")) { ratio = this.width/totalWidth; w *= ratio; w = Math.max(w, 1); } if(!useOrigin) { lastCollection = seriesCollection[order - 1]; negativeBaseValues = lastCollection.get("negativeBaseValues"); positiveBaseValues = lastCollection.get("positiveBaseValues"); } else { negativeBaseValues = []; positiveBaseValues = []; } this.set("negativeBaseValues", negativeBaseValues); this.set("positiveBaseValues", positiveBaseValues); for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { top = ycoords[i]; if(useOrigin) { h = this._bottomOrigin - top; if(top < this._bottomOrigin) { positiveBaseValues[i] = top; negativeBaseValues[i] = this._bottomOrigin; } else if(top > this._bottomOrigin) { positiveBaseValues[i] = this._bottomOrigin; negativeBaseValues[i] = top; } else { positiveBaseValues[i] = top; negativeBaseValues[i] = top; } } else { if(top > this._bottomOrigin) { top += (negativeBaseValues[i] - this._bottomOrigin); h = negativeBaseValues[i] - top; negativeBaseValues[i] = top; } else if(top < this._bottomOrigin) { top = positiveBaseValues[i] - (this._bottomOrigin - ycoords[i]); h = positiveBaseValues[i] - top; positiveBaseValues[i] = top; } } left = xcoords[i] - w/2; style.width = w; style.height = h; marker = this.getMarker(style, graphOrder, i); marker.setPosition(left, top); if(isChrome) { hotspot = this.getHotspot(style, graphOrder, i); hotspot.setPosition(left, top); hotspot.parentNode.style.zIndex = 5; } } this._clearMarkerCache(); if(isChrome) { this._clearHotspotCache(); } }, /** * @protected * * Resizes and positions markers based on a mouse interaction. * * @method updateMarkerState * @param {String} type state of the marker * @param {Number} i index of the marker */ updateMarkerState: function(type, i) { if(this._markers[i]) { var styles, markerStyles, state = this._getState(type), xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), marker = this._markers[i], offset = 0; styles = this.get("styles").marker; markerStyles = state == "off" || !styles[state] ? styles : styles[state]; markerStyles.height = marker.height; marker.update(markerStyles); offset = styles.width * 0.5; if(marker.parentNode) { Y.one(marker.parentNode).setStyle("left", (xcoords[i] - offset)); } } }, /** * @private */ _getPlotDefaults: function() { var defs = { fill:{ type: "solid", alpha: 1, colors:null, alphas: null, ratios: null }, border:{ weight: 0, alpha: 1 }, width: 24, height: 24, shape: "rect", padding:{ top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 } }; defs.fill.color = this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "fill"); defs.border.color = this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "border"); return defs; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default stackedColumn */ type: { value: "stackedColumn" }, /** * @private * * @attribute negativeBaseValues * @type Array * @default null */ negativeBaseValues: { value: null }, /** * @private * * @attribute positiveBaseValues * @type Array * @default null */ positiveBaseValues: { value: null } /** * Style properties used for drawing markers. This attribute is inherited from ColumnSeries. Below are the default values: *
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the fill. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker fill. The default value is 1.
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the border. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#205096", "#b38206", "#000000", "#94001e", "#9d6fa0", "#e55b00", "#5e85c9", "#adab9e", "#6ac291", "#006457"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker border. The default value is 1.
Number indicating the width of the border. The default value is 1.
indicates the width of the marker. The default value is 24.
hash containing styles for markers when highlighted by a mouseover event. The default * values for each style is null. When an over style is not set, the non-over value will be used. For example, * the default value for marker.over.fill.color is equivalent to marker.fill.color.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * The StackedBarSeries renders bar chart in which series are stacked horizontally to show * their contribution to the cumulative total. * * @class StackedBarSeries * @extends BarSeries * @uses StackingUtil * @constructor */ Y.StackedBarSeries = Y.Base.create("stackedBarSeries", Y.BarSeries, [Y.StackingUtil], { /** * @protected * * Draws the series. * * @method drawSeries */ drawSeries: function() { if(this.get("xcoords").length < 1) { return; } var style = this.get("styles").marker, w = style.width, h = style.height, xcoords = this.get("xcoords"), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), i = 0, len = xcoords.length, top = ycoords[0], type = this.get("type"), graph = this.get("graph"), seriesCollection = graph.seriesTypes[type], ratio, order = this.get("order"), graphOrder = this.get("graphOrder"), left, marker, lastCollection, negativeBaseValues, positiveBaseValues, useOrigin = order === 0, totalHeight = len * h, hotspot, isChrome = ISCHROME; this._createMarkerCache(); if(isChrome) { this._createHotspotCache(); } if(totalHeight > this.get("height")) { ratio = this.height/totalHeight; h *= ratio; h = Math.max(h, 1); } if(!useOrigin) { lastCollection = seriesCollection[order - 1]; negativeBaseValues = lastCollection.get("negativeBaseValues"); positiveBaseValues = lastCollection.get("positiveBaseValues"); } else { negativeBaseValues = []; positiveBaseValues = []; } this.set("negativeBaseValues", negativeBaseValues); this.set("positiveBaseValues", positiveBaseValues); for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { top = ycoords[i]; left = xcoords[i]; if(useOrigin) { w = left - this._leftOrigin; if(left > this._leftOrigin) { positiveBaseValues[i] = left; negativeBaseValues[i] = this._leftOrigin; } else if(left < this._leftOrigin) { positiveBaseValues[i] = this._leftOrigin; negativeBaseValues[i] = left; } else { positiveBaseValues[i] = left; negativeBaseValues[i] = this._leftOrigin; } left -= w; } else { if(left < this._leftOrigin) { left = negativeBaseValues[i] - (this._leftOrigin - xcoords[i]); w = negativeBaseValues[i] - left; negativeBaseValues[i] = left; } else if(left > this._leftOrigin) { left += (positiveBaseValues[i] - this._leftOrigin); w = left - positiveBaseValues[i]; positiveBaseValues[i] = left; left -= w; } } top -= h/2; style.width = w; style.height = h; marker = this.getMarker(style, graphOrder, i); marker.setPosition(left, top); if(isChrome) { hotspot = this.getHotspot(style, graphOrder, i); hotspot.setPosition(left, top); hotspot.parentNode.style.zIndex = 5; } } this._clearMarkerCache(); if(isChrome) { this._clearHotspotCache(); } }, /** * @protected * * Resizes and positions markers based on a mouse interaction. * * @method updateMarkerState * @param {String} type state of the marker * @param {Number} i index of the marker */ updateMarkerState: function(type, i) { if(this._markers[i]) { var state = this._getState(type), ycoords = this.get("ycoords"), marker = this._markers[i], styles = this.get("styles").marker, h = styles.height, markerStyles = state == "off" || !styles[state] ? styles : styles[state]; markerStyles.width = marker.width; marker.update(markerStyles); if(marker.parentNode) { Y.one(marker.parentNode).setStyle("top", (ycoords[i] - h/2)); } } }, /** * @protected * * Returns default values for the styles attribute. * * @method _getPlotDefaults * @return Object */ _getPlotDefaults: function() { var defs = { fill:{ type: "solid", alpha: 1, colors:null, alphas: null, ratios: null }, border:{ weight: 0, alpha: 1 }, width: 24, height: 24, shape: "rect", padding:{ top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 } }; defs.fill.color = this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "fill"); defs.border.color = this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "border"); return defs; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default stackedBar */ type: { value: "stackedBar" }, /** * Direction of the series * * @attribute direction * @type String * @default vertical */ direction: { value: "vertical" }, /** * @private * * @attribute negativeBaseValues * @type Array * @default null */ negativeBaseValues: { value: null }, /** * @private * * @attribute positiveBaseValues * @type Array * @default null */ positiveBaseValues: { value: null } /** * Style properties used for drawing markers. This attribute is inherited from BarSeries. Below are the default values: *
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the fill. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker fill. The default value is 1.
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the border. The default value is determined by the order of the series on the graph. The color * will be retrieved from the below array:
* ["#205096", "#b38206", "#000000", "#94001e", "#9d6fa0", "#e55b00", "#5e85c9", "#adab9e", "#6ac291", "#006457"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker border. The default value is 1.
Number indicating the width of the border. The default value is 1.
indicates the width of the marker. The default value is 24.
hash containing styles for markers when highlighted by a mouseover event. The default * values for each style is null. When an over style is not set, the non-over value will be used. For example, * the default value for marker.over.fill.color is equivalent to marker.fill.color.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * PieSeries visualizes data as a circular chart divided into wedges which represent data as a * percentage of a whole. * * @class PieSeries * @constructor * @extends MarkerSeries */ Y.PieSeries = Y.Base.create("pieSeries", Y.MarkerSeries, [], { /** * @private */ _map: null, /** * @private */ _image: null, /** * @private */ _setMap: function() { var id = "pieHotSpotMapi_" + Math.round(100000 * Math.random()), cb = this.get("graph").get("contentBox"), areaNode; if(this._image) { cb.removeChild(this._image); while(this._areaNodes && this._areaNodes.length > 0) { areaNode = this._areaNodes.shift(); this._map.removeChild(areaNode); } cb.removeChild(this._map); } this._image = document.createElement("img"); this._image.src = ""; cb.appendChild(this._image); this._image.setAttribute("usemap", "#" + id); this._image.style.zIndex = 3; this._image.style.opacity = 0; this._image.setAttribute("alt", "imagemap"); this._map = document.createElement("map"); this._map.style.zIndex = 5; cb.appendChild(this._map); this._map.setAttribute("name", id); this._map.setAttribute("id", id); this._areaNodes = []; }, /** * @private */ _categoryDisplayName: null, /** * @private */ _valueDisplayName: null, /** * @private */ addListeners: function() { var categoryAxis = this.get("categoryAxis"), valueAxis = this.get("valueAxis"); if(categoryAxis) { categoryAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._categoryDataChangeHandler, this)); categoryAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._categoryDataChangeHandler, this)); } if(valueAxis) { valueAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._valueDataChangeHandler, this)); valueAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._valueDataChangeHandler, this)); } this.after("categoryAxisChange", this.categoryAxisChangeHandler); this.after("valueAxisChange", this.valueAxisChangeHandler); this.after("stylesChange", this._updateHandler); }, /** * @private */ validate: function() { this.draw(); this._renderered = true; }, /** * @private */ _categoryAxisChangeHandler: function(e) { var categoryAxis = this.get("categoryAxis"); categoryAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._categoryDataChangeHandler, this)); categoryAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._categoryDataChangeHandler, this)); }, /** * @private */ _valueAxisChangeHandler: function(e) { var valueAxis = this.get("valueAxis"); valueAxis.after("dataReady", Y.bind(this._valueDataChangeHandler, this)); valueAxis.after("dataUpdate", Y.bind(this._valueDataChangeHandler, this)); }, /** * Constant used to generate unique id. * * @private */ GUID: "pieseries", /** * @private (protected) * Handles updating the graph when the x < code>Axis values * change. */ _categoryDataChangeHandler: function(event) { if(this._rendered && this.get("categoryKey") && this.get("valueKey")) { this.draw(); } }, /** * @private (protected) * Handles updating the chart when the y Axis values * change. */ _valueDataChangeHandler: function(event) { if(this._rendered && this.get("categoryKey") && this.get("valueKey")) { this.draw(); } }, /** * @protected * * Draws the series. Overrides the base implementation. * * @method draw */ draw: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"), w = graph.get("width"), h = graph.get("height"); if(isFinite(w) && isFinite(h) && w > 0 && h > 0) { this._rendered = true; this.drawSeries(); this.fire("drawingComplete"); } }, /** * @private */ drawPlots: function() { var values = this.get("valueAxis").getDataByKey(this.get("valueKey")).concat(), catValues = this.get("categoryAxis").getDataByKey(this.get("categoryKey")).concat(), totalValue = 0, itemCount = values.length, styles = this.get("styles").marker, fillColors = styles.fill.colors, fillAlphas = styles.fill.alphas || ["1"], borderColors = styles.border.colors, borderWeights = [styles.border.weight], borderAlphas = [styles.border.alpha], tbw = borderWeights.concat(), tbc = borderColors.concat(), tba = borderAlphas.concat(), tfc, tfa, padding = styles.padding, graph = this.get("graph"), w = graph.get("width") - (padding.left + padding.right), h = graph.get("height") - (padding.top + padding.bottom), startAngle = -90, halfWidth = w / 2, halfHeight = h / 2, radius = Math.min(halfWidth, halfHeight), i = 0, value, angle = 0, lc, la, lw, wedgeStyle, marker, graphOrder = this.get("graphOrder"), isCanvas = DRAWINGAPI == "canvas"; for(; i < itemCount; ++i) { value = values[i]; values.push(value); if(!isNaN(value)) { totalValue += value; } } tfc = fillColors ? fillColors.concat() : null; tfa = fillAlphas ? fillAlphas.concat() : null; this._createMarkerCache(); if(isCanvas) { this._setMap(); this._image.width = w; this._image.height = h; } for(i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { value = values[i]; if(totalValue === 0) { angle = 360 / values.length; } else { angle = 360 * (value / totalValue); } angle = Math.round(angle); if(tfc && tfc.length < 1) { tfc = fillColors.concat(); } if(tfa && tfa.length < 1) { tfa = fillAlphas.concat(); } if(tbw && tbw.length < 1) { tbw = borderWeights.concat(); } if(tbw && tbc.length < 1) { tbc = borderColors.concat(); } if(tba && tba.length < 1) { tba = borderAlphas.concat(); } lw = tbw ? tbw.shift() : null; lc = tbc ? tbc.shift() : null; la = tba ? tba.shift() : null; startAngle += angle; wedgeStyle = { border: { color:lc, weight:lw, alpha:la }, fill: { color:tfc ? tfc.shift() : this._getDefaultColor(i, "slice"), alpha:tfa ? tfa.shift() : null }, shape: "wedge", props: { arc: angle, radius: radius, startAngle: startAngle, x: halfWidth, y: halfHeight }, width: w, height: h }; marker = this.getMarker(wedgeStyle, graphOrder, i); if(isCanvas) { this._addHotspot(wedgeStyle.props, graphOrder, i); } } this._clearMarkerCache(); }, _addHotspot: function(cfg, seriesIndex, index) { var areaNode = document.createElement("area"), i = 1, x = cfg.x, y = cfg.y, arc = cfg.arc, startAngle = cfg.startAngle - arc, endAngle = cfg.startAngle, radius = cfg.radius, ax = x + Math.cos(startAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * radius, ay = y + Math.sin(startAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * radius, bx = x + Math.cos(endAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * radius, by = y + Math.sin(endAngle / 180 * Math.PI) * radius, numPoints = Math.floor(arc/10) - 1, divAngle = (arc/(Math.floor(arc/10)) / 180) * Math.PI, angleCoord = Math.atan((ay - y)/(ax - x)), pts = x + ", " + y + ", " + ax + ", " + ay, cosAng, sinAng, multDivAng; for(i = 1; i <= numPoints; ++i) { multDivAng = divAngle * i; cosAng = Math.cos(angleCoord + multDivAng); sinAng = Math.sin(angleCoord + multDivAng); if(startAngle <= 90) { pts += ", " + (x + (radius * Math.cos(angleCoord + (divAngle * i)))); pts += ", " + (y + (radius * Math.sin(angleCoord + (divAngle * i)))); } else { pts += ", " + (x - (radius * Math.cos(angleCoord + (divAngle * i)))); pts += ", " + (y - (radius * Math.sin(angleCoord + (divAngle * i)))); } } pts += ", " + bx + ", " + by; pts += ", " + x + ", " + y; this._map.appendChild(areaNode); areaNode.setAttribute("class", "yui3-seriesmarker"); areaNode.setAttribute("id", "hotSpot_" + seriesIndex + "_" + index); areaNode.setAttribute("shape", "polygon"); areaNode.setAttribute("coords", pts); this._areaNodes.push(areaNode); }, /** * Resizes and positions markers based on a mouse interaction. * * @protected * @method updateMarkerState * @param {String} type state of the marker * @param {Number} i index of the marker */ updateMarkerState: function(type, i) { if(this._markers[i]) { var state = this._getState(type), markerStyles, indexStyles, marker = this._markers[i], styles = this.get("styles").marker; markerStyles = state == "off" || !styles[state] ? styles : styles[state]; indexStyles = this._mergeStyles(markerStyles, {}); indexStyles.fill.color = indexStyles.fill.colors[i % indexStyles.fill.colors.length]; indexStyles.fill.alpha = indexStyles.fill.alphas[i % indexStyles.fill.alphas.length]; marker.update(indexStyles); } }, /** * @private */ _createMarker: function(styles, order, index) { var cfg = Y.clone(styles), marker; cfg.graphic = this.get("graphic"); marker = new Y.Shape(cfg); marker.addClass("yui3-seriesmarker"); marker.node.setAttribute("id", "series_" + order + "_" + index); return marker; }, /** * @private */ _clearMarkerCache: function() { var len = this._markerCache.length, i = 0, marker; for(; i < len; ++i) { marker = this._markerCache[i]; if(marker && marker.node && marker.parentNode) { marker.parentNode.removeChild(marker.node); } } this._markerCache = []; }, /** * @private */ _getPlotDefaults: function() { var defs = { padding:{ top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }, fill:{ alphas:["1"] }, border: { weight: 0, alpha: 1 } }; defs.fill.colors = this._defaultSliceColors; defs.border.colors = this._defaultBorderColors; return defs; }, /** * @private */ _defaultLineColors:["#426ab3", "#d09b2c", "#000000", "#b82837", "#b384b5", "#ff7200", "#779de3", "#cbc8ba", "#7ed7a6", "#007a6c"], /** * @private */ _defaultFillColors:["#6084d0", "#eeb647", "#6c6b5f", "#d6484f", "#ce9ed1", "#ff9f3b", "#93b7ff", "#e0ddd0", "#94ecba", "#309687"], /** * @private */ _defaultBorderColors:["#205096", "#b38206", "#000000", "#94001e", "#9d6fa0", "#e55b00", "#5e85c9", "#adab9e", "#6ac291", "#006457"], /** * @private */ _defaultSliceColors: ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"], /** * @private * @description Colors used if style colors are not specified */ _getDefaultColor: function(index, type) { var colors = { line: this._defaultLineColors, fill: this._defaultFillColors, border: this._defaultBorderColors, slice: this._defaultSliceColors }, col = colors[type], l = col.length; index = index || 0; if(index >= l) { index = index % l; } type = type || "fill"; return colors[type][index]; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series. * * @attribute type * @type String * @default pie */ type: { value: "pie" }, /** * Order of this instance of this type. * * @attribute order * @type Number */ order: {}, /** * Reference to the Graph in which the series is drawn into. * * @attribute graph * @type Graph */ graph: {}, /** * Reference to the Axis instance used for assigning * category values to the graph. * * @attribute categoryAxis * @type Axis */ categoryAxis: { value: null, validator: function(value) { return value !== this.get("categoryAxis"); } }, /** * Reference to the Axis instance used for assigning * series values to the graph. * * @attribute categoryAxis * @type Axis */ valueAxis: { value: null, validator: function(value) { return value !== this.get("valueAxis"); } }, /** * Indicates which array to from the hash of value arrays in * the category Axis instance. */ categoryKey: { value: null, validator: function(value) { return value !== this.get("categoryKey"); } }, /** * Indicates which array to from the hash of value arrays in * the value Axis instance. */ valueKey: { value: null, validator: function(value) { return value !== this.get("valueKey"); } }, /** * Name used for for displaying category data * * @attribute categoryDisplayName * @type String */ categoryDisplayName: { setter: function(val) { this._categoryDisplayName = val; return val; }, getter: function() { return this._categoryDisplayName || this.get("categoryKey"); } }, /** * Name used for for displaying value data * * @attribute valueDisplayName * @type String */ valueDisplayName: { setter: function(val) { this._valueDisplayName = val; return val; }, getter: function() { return this._valueDisplayName || this.get("valueKey"); } }, /** * @private */ slices: null /** * Style properties used for drawing markers. This attribute is inherited from MarkerSeries. Below are the default values: *
A hash containing the following values: *
An array of colors to be used for the marker fills. The color for each marker is retrieved from the * array below:
* ["#66007f", "#a86f41", "#295454", "#996ab2", "#e8cdb7", "#90bdbd","#000000","#c3b8ca", "#968373", "#678585"] *
An array of alpha references (Number from 0 to 1) indicating the opacity of each marker fill. The default value is [1].
A hash containing the following values: *
An array of colors to be used for the marker borders. The color for each marker is retrieved from the * array below:
* ["#205096", "#b38206", "#000000", "#94001e", "#9d6fa0", "#e55b00", "#5e85c9", "#adab9e", "#6ac291", "#006457"] *
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the marker border. The default value is 1.
Number indicating the width of the border. The default value is 1.
hash containing styles for markers when highlighted by a mouseover event. The default * values for each style is null. When an over style is not set, the non-over value will be used. For example, * the default value for marker.over.fill.color is equivalent to marker.fill.color.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * Gridlines draws gridlines on a Graph. * * @class Gridlines * @constructor * @extends Base * @uses Renderer */ Y.Gridlines = Y.Base.create("gridlines", Y.Base, [Y.Renderer], { /** * @private */ render: function() { this._setCanvas(); }, /** * @private */ remove: function() { var graphic = this.get("graphic"), gNode; if(graphic) { gNode = graphic.node; if(gNode) { Y.one(gNode).remove(); } } }, /** * @protected * * Draws the gridlines * * @method draw */ draw: function() { if(this.get("axis") && this.get("graph")) { this._drawGridlines(); } }, /** * @private */ _drawGridlines: function() { var graphic = this.get("graphic"), axis = this.get("axis"), axisPosition = axis.get("position"), points, i = 0, l, direction = this.get("direction"), graph = this.get("graph"), w = graph.get("width"), h = graph.get("height"), line = this.get("styles").line, color = line.color, weight = line.weight, alpha = line.alpha, lineFunction = direction == "vertical" ? this._verticalLine : this._horizontalLine; if(axisPosition == "none") { points = []; l = axis.get("styles").majorUnit.count; for(; i < l; ++i) { points[i] = { x: w * (i/(l-1)), y: h * (i/(l-1)) }; } i = 0; } else { points = axis.get("tickPoints"); l = points.length; } if(!graphic) { this._setCanvas(); graphic = this.get("graphic"); } graphic.clear(); graphic.setSize(w, h); graphic.lineStyle(weight, color, alpha); for(; i < l; ++i) { lineFunction(graphic, points[i], w, h); } graphic.end(); }, /** * @private */ _horizontalLine: function(graphic, pt, w, h) { graphic.moveTo(0, pt.y); graphic.lineTo(w, pt.y); }, /** * @private */ _verticalLine: function(graphic, pt, w, h) { graphic.moveTo(pt.x, 0); graphic.lineTo(pt.x, h); }, /** * @private * Creates a Graphic instance. */ _setCanvas: function() { this.set("graphic", new Y.Graphic()); this.get("graphic").render(this.get("graph").get("contentBox")); }, /** * @protected * * Gets the default value for the styles attribute. Overrides * base implementation. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { var defs = { line: { color:"#f0efe9", weight: 1, alpha: 1 } }; return defs; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Indicates the direction of the gridline. * * @attribute direction * @type String */ direction: {}, /** * Indicate the Axis in which to bind * the gridlines. * * @attribute axis * @type Axis */ axis: {}, /** * Indicates the Graph in which the gridlines * are drawn. * * @attribute graph * @type Graph */ graph: {} } }); /** * Graph manages and contains series instances for a CartesianChart * instance. * * @class Graph * @constructor * @extends Widget * @uses Renderer */ Y.Graph = Y.Base.create("graph", Y.Widget, [Y.Renderer], { bindUI: function() { var bb = this.get("boundingBox"); bb.setStyle("position", "absolute"); this.after("widthChange", this._sizeChangeHandler); this.after("heightChange", this._sizeChangeHandler); this.after("stylesChange", this._updateStyles); }, /** * @private */ syncUI: function() { if(this.get("showBackground")) { var graphic = new Y.Graphic(), graphicNode, cb = this.get("contentBox"), bg = this.get("styles").background, border = bg.border, weight = border.weight || 0, w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"); if(w) { w += weight * 2; bg.width = w; } if(h) { h += weight * 2; bg.height = h; } graphic.render(cb); this._background = graphic.getShape(bg); graphicNode = Y.one(graphic.node); graphicNode.setStyle("left", 0 - weight); graphicNode.setStyle("top", 0 - weight); graphicNode.setStyle("zIndex", -1); } }, /** * @private */ renderUI: function() { var sc = this.get("seriesCollection"), series, i = 0, len = sc.length, hgl = this.get("horizontalGridlines"), vgl = this.get("verticalGridlines"); for(; i < len; ++i) { series = sc[i]; if(series instanceof Y.CartesianSeries) { series.render(); } } if(hgl && hgl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { hgl.draw(); } if(vgl && vgl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { vgl.draw(); } }, /** * @private * Hash of arrays containing series mapped to a series type. */ seriesTypes: null, /** * Returns a series instance based on an index. * * @method getSeriesByIndex * @param {Number} val index of the series * @return CartesianSeries */ getSeriesByIndex: function(val) { var col = this.get("seriesCollection"), series; if(col && col.length > val) { series = col[val]; } return series; }, /** * Returns a series instance based on a key value. * * @method getSeriesByKey * @param {String} val key value of the series * @return CartesianSeries */ getSeriesByKey: function(val) { var obj = this._seriesDictionary, series; if(obj && obj.hasOwnProperty(val)) { series = obj[val]; } return series; }, /** * @protected * Adds dispatcher to a _dispatcher used to * to ensure all series have redrawn before for firing event. * * @method addDispatcher * @param {CartesianSeries} val series instance to add */ addDispatcher: function(val) { if(!this._dispatchers) { this._dispatchers = []; } this._dispatchers.push(val); }, /** * @private * @description Collection of series to be displayed in the graph. */ _seriesCollection: null, /** * @private */ _seriesDictionary: null, /** * @private * Parses series instances to be displayed in the graph. */ _parseSeriesCollection: function(val) { if(!val) { return; } var len = val.length, i = 0, series, seriesKey; if(!this.get("seriesCollection")) { this._seriesCollection = []; } if(!this._seriesDictionary) { this._seriesDictionary = {}; } if(!this.seriesTypes) { this.seriesTypes = []; } for(; i < len; ++i) { series = val[i]; if(!(series instanceof Y.CartesianSeries) && !(series instanceof Y.PieSeries)) { this._createSeries(series); continue; } this._addSeries(series); } len = this.get("seriesCollection").length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { series = this.get("seriesCollection")[i]; seriesKey = series.get("direction") == "horizontal" ? "yKey" : "xKey"; this._seriesDictionary[series.get(seriesKey)] = series; } }, /** * @private * Adds a series to the graph. */ _addSeries: function(series) { var type = series.get("type"), seriesCollection = this.get("seriesCollection"), graphSeriesLength = seriesCollection.length, seriesTypes = this.seriesTypes, typeSeriesCollection; if(!series.get("graph")) { series.set("graph", this); } seriesCollection.push(series); if(!seriesTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) { this.seriesTypes[type] = []; } typeSeriesCollection = this.seriesTypes[type]; series.set("graphOrder", graphSeriesLength); series.set("order", typeSeriesCollection.length); typeSeriesCollection.push(series); this.addDispatcher(series); series.after("drawingComplete", Y.bind(this._drawingCompleteHandler, this)); this.fire("seriesAdded", series); }, /** * @private */ _createSeries: function(seriesData) { var type = seriesData.type, seriesCollection = this.get("seriesCollection"), seriesTypes = this.seriesTypes, typeSeriesCollection, seriesType, series; seriesData.graph = this; if(!seriesTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) { seriesTypes[type] = []; } typeSeriesCollection = seriesTypes[type]; seriesData.graph = this; seriesData.order = typeSeriesCollection.length; seriesData.graphOrder = seriesCollection.length; seriesType = this._getSeries(seriesData.type); series = new seriesType(seriesData); this.addDispatcher(series); series.after("drawingComplete", Y.bind(this._drawingCompleteHandler, this)); typeSeriesCollection.push(series); seriesCollection.push(series); }, /** * @private */ _getSeries: function(type) { var seriesClass; switch(type) { case "line" : seriesClass = Y.LineSeries; break; case "column" : seriesClass = Y.ColumnSeries; break; case "bar" : seriesClass = Y.BarSeries; break; case "area" : seriesClass = Y.AreaSeries; break; case "candlestick" : seriesClass = Y.CandlestickSeries; break; case "ohlc" : seriesClass = Y.OHLCSeries; break; case "stackedarea" : seriesClass = Y.StackedAreaSeries; break; case "stackedline" : seriesClass = Y.StackedLineSeries; break; case "stackedcolumn" : seriesClass = Y.StackedColumnSeries; break; case "stackedbar" : seriesClass = Y.StackedBarSeries; break; case "markerseries" : seriesClass = Y.MarkerSeries; break; case "spline" : seriesClass = Y.SplineSeries; break; case "areaspline" : seriesClass = Y.AreaSplineSeries; break; case "stackedspline" : seriesClass = Y.StackedSplineSeries; break; case "stackedareaspline" : seriesClass = Y.StackedAreaSplineSeries; break; case "stackedmarkerseries" : seriesClass = Y.StackedMarkerSeries; break; case "pie" : seriesClass = Y.PieSeries; break; case "combo" : seriesClass = Y.ComboSeries; break; case "stackedcombo" : seriesClass = Y.StackedComboSeries; break; case "combospline" : seriesClass = Y.ComboSplineSeries; break; case "stackedcombospline" : seriesClass = Y.StackedComboSplineSeries; break; default: seriesClass = Y.CartesianSeries; break; } return seriesClass; }, /** * @private */ _markerEventHandler: function(e) { var type = e.type, markerNode = e.currentTarget, strArr = markerNode.getAttribute("id").split("_"), series = this.getSeriesByIndex(strArr[1]), index = strArr[2]; series.updateMarkerState(type, index); }, /** * @private */ _dispatchers: null, /** * @private */ _updateStyles: function() { this._background.update(this.get("styles").background); this._sizeChangeHandler(); }, /** * @private */ _sizeChangeHandler: function(e) { var hgl = this.get("horizontalGridlines"), vgl = this.get("verticalGridlines"), w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), graphicNode, x = 0, y = 0, bg = this.get("styles").background, weight; if(bg && bg.border) { weight = bg.border.weight || 0; } if(this._background) { graphicNode = Y.one(this._background.parentNode); if(w && h) { if(weight) { w += weight * 2; h += weight * 2; x -= weight; y -= weight; } graphicNode.setStyle("width", w); graphicNode.setStyle("height", h); graphicNode.setStyle("left", x); graphicNode.setStyle("top", y); this._background.update({width:w, height:h}); } } if(hgl && hgl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { hgl.draw(); } if(vgl && vgl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { vgl.draw(); } this._drawSeries(); }, /** * @private */ _drawSeries: function() { if(this._drawing) { this._callLater = true; return; } this._callLater = false; this._drawing = true; var sc = this.get("seriesCollection"), i = 0, len = sc.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { sc[i].draw(); if(!sc[i].get("xcoords") || !sc[i].get("ycoords")) { this._callLater = true; break; } } this._drawing = false; if(this._callLater) { this._drawSeries(); } }, /** * @private */ _drawingCompleteHandler: function(e) { var series = e.currentTarget, index = Y.Array.indexOf(this._dispatchers, series); if(index > -1) { this._dispatchers.splice(index, 1); } if(this._dispatchers.length < 1) { this.fire("chartRendered"); } }, /** * @protected * * Gets the default value for the styles attribute. Overrides * base implementation. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { var defs = { background: { shape: "rect", fill:{ color:"#faf9f2" }, border: { color:"#dad8c9", weight: 1 } } }; return defs; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Collection of series. When setting the seriesCollection the array can contain a combination of either * CartesianSeries instances or object literals with properties that will define a series. * * @attribute seriesCollection * @type CartesianSeries */ seriesCollection: { getter: function() { return this._seriesCollection; }, setter: function(val) { this._parseSeriesCollection(val); return this._seriesCollection; } }, /** * Indicates whether the Graph has a background. * * @attribute showBackground * @type Boolean * @default true */ showBackground: { value: true }, /** * Read-only hash lookup for all series on in the Graph. * * @attribute seriesDictionary * @type Object */ seriesDictionary: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._seriesDictionary; } }, /** * Reference to the horizontal Gridlines instance. * * @attribute horizontalGridlines * @type Gridlines * @default null */ horizontalGridlines: { value: null, setter: function(val) { var gl = this.get("horizontalGridlines"); if(gl && gl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { gl.remove(); } if(val instanceof Y.Gridlines) { gl = val; val.set("graph", this); val.render(); return val; } else if(val && val.axis) { gl = new Y.Gridlines({direction:"horizontal", axis:val.axis, graph:this, styles:val.styles}); gl.render(); return gl; } } }, /** * Reference to the vertical Gridlines instance. * * @attribute verticalGridlines * @type Gridlines * @default null */ verticalGridlines: { value: null, setter: function(val) { var gl = this.get("verticalGridlines"); if(gl && gl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { gl.remove(); } if(val instanceof Y.Gridlines) { gl = val; val.set("graph", this); val.render(); return val; } else if(val && val.axis) { gl = new Y.Gridlines({direction:"vertical", axis:val.axis, graph:this, styles:val.styles}); gl.render(); return gl; } } } /** * Style properties used for drawing a background. Below are the default values: *
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the fill. The default value is #faf9f2.
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the background fill. The default value is 1.
A hash containing the following values: *
Color of the border. The default value is #dad8c9.
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the background border. The default value is 1.
Number indicating the width of the border. The default value is 1.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * The ChartBase class is an abstract class used to create charts. * * @class ChartBase * @constructor */ function ChartBase() {} ChartBase.ATTRS = { /** * Reference to the default tooltip available for the chart. *

Contains the following properties:

Reference to the actual dom node
Event that should trigger the tooltip
Event that should trigger the removal of a tooltip (can be an event or an array of events)
A hash of style properties that will be applied to the tooltip node
Indicates whether or not to show the tooltip
Displays and hides tooltip based on marker events
Displays and hides tooltip based on planar events
Reference to the function used to format a marker event triggered tooltip's text
Reference to the function used to format a planar event triggered tooltip's text
* @attribute tooltip * @type Object */ tooltip: { valueFn: "_getTooltip", setter: function(val) { return this._updateTooltip(val); } }, /** * The key value used for the chart's category axis. * * @attribute categoryKey * @type String * @default category */ categoryKey: { value: "category" }, /** * Indicates the type of axis to use for the category axis. * *
Specifies a CategoryAxis.
Specifies a TimeAxis
* * @attribute categoryType * @type String * @default category */ categoryType:{ value:"category" }, /** * Indicates the the type of interactions that will fire events. * *
Events will be broadcasted when the mouse interacts with individual markers.
Events will be broadcasted when the mouse intersects the plane of any markers on the chart.
No events will be broadcasted.
* * @attribute interactionType * @type String * @default marker */ interactionType: { value: "marker" }, /** * Data used to generate the chart. * * @attribute dataProvider * @type Array */ dataProvider: { setter: function(val) { return this._setDataValues(val); } }, /** * A collection of keys that map to the series axes. If no keys are set, * they will be generated automatically depending on the data structure passed into * the chart. * * @attribute seriesKeys * @type Array */ seriesKeys: {}, /** * Reference to all the axes in the chart. * * @attribute axesCollection * @type Array */ axesCollection: {}, /** * Reference to graph instance. * * @attribute graph * @type Graph */ graph: { valueFn: "_getGraph" } }; ChartBase.prototype = { /** * @private * @description Default value function for the graph attribute. */ _getGraph: function() { var graph = new Y.Graph(); graph.after("chartRendered", Y.bind(function(e) { this.fire("chartRendered"); }, this)); return graph; }, /** * Returns a series instance by index or key value. * * @method getSeries * @param val * @return CartesianSeries */ getSeries: function(val) { var series = null, graph = this.get("graph"); if(graph) { if(Y.Lang.isNumber(val)) { series = graph.getSeriesByIndex(val); } else { series = graph.getSeriesByKey(val); } } return series; }, /** * Returns an Axis instance by key reference. If the axis was explicitly set through the axes attribute, * the key will be the same as the key used in the axes object. For default axes, the key for * the category axis is the value of the categoryKey (category). For the value axis, the default * key is values. * * @method getAxisByKey * @param {String} val Key reference used to look up the axis. * @return Axis */ getAxisByKey: function(val) { var axis, axes = this.get("axes"); if(axes.hasOwnProperty(val)) { axis = axes[val]; } return axis; }, /** * Returns the category axis for the chart. * * @method getCategoryAxis * @return Axis */ getCategoryAxis: function() { var axis, key = this.get("categoryKey"), axes = this.get("axes"); if(axes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { axis = axes[key]; } return axis; }, /** * @private */ _direction: "horizontal", /** * @private */ _dataProvider: null, /** * @private */ _setDataValues: function(val) { if(Y.Lang.isArray(val[0])) { var hash, dp = [], cats = val[0], i = 0, l = cats.length, n, sl = val.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { hash = {category:cats[i]}; for(n = 1; n < sl; ++n) { hash["series" + n] = val[n][i]; } dp[i] = hash; } return dp; } return val; }, /** * @private */ _seriesCollection: null, /** * @private */ _setSeriesCollection: function(val) { this._seriesCollection = val; }, /** * @private */ _getAxisClass: function(t) { return this._axisClass[t]; }, /** * @private */ _axisClass: { stacked: Y.StackedAxis, numeric: Y.NumericAxis, category: Y.CategoryAxis, time: Y.TimeAxis }, /** * @private */ _axes: null, /** * @private */ renderUI: function() { var tt = this.get("tooltip"); //move the position = absolute logic to a class file this.get("boundingBox").setStyle("position", "absolute"); this.get("contentBox").setStyle("position", "absolute"); this._addAxes(); this._addSeries(); if(tt && tt.show) { this._addTooltip(); } this._redraw(); }, /** * @private */ bindUI: function() { this.after("tooltipChange", Y.bind(this._tooltipChangeHandler, this)); this.after("widthChange", this._sizeChanged); this.after("heightChange", this._sizeChanged); this.after("dataProviderChange", this._dataProviderChangeHandler); var tt = this.get("tooltip"), hideEvent = "mouseout", showEvent = "mouseover", cb = this.get("contentBox"), interactionType = this.get("interactionType"), i = 0, len; if(interactionType == "marker") { hideEvent = tt.hideEvent; showEvent = tt.showEvent; Y.delegate("mouseenter", Y.bind(this._markerEventDispatcher, this), cb, ".yui3-seriesmarker"); Y.delegate("mousedown", Y.bind(this._markerEventDispatcher, this), cb, ".yui3-seriesmarker"); Y.delegate("mouseup", Y.bind(this._markerEventDispatcher, this), cb, ".yui3-seriesmarker"); Y.delegate("mouseleave", Y.bind(this._markerEventDispatcher, this), cb, ".yui3-seriesmarker"); Y.delegate("click", Y.bind(this._markerEventDispatcher, this), cb, ".yui3-seriesmarker"); Y.delegate("mousemove", Y.bind(this._positionTooltip, this), cb, ".yui3-seriesmarker"); } else if(interactionType == "planar") { this._overlay.on("mousemove", Y.bind(this._planarEventDispatcher, this)); this.on("mouseout", this.hideTooltip); } if(tt) { if(hideEvent && showEvent && hideEvent == showEvent) { this.on(interactionType + "Event:" + hideEvent, this.toggleTooltip); } else { if(showEvent) { this.on(interactionType + "Event:" + showEvent, tt[interactionType + "EventHandler"]); } if(hideEvent) { if(Y.Lang.isArray(hideEvent)) { len = hideEvent.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { this.on(interactionType + "Event:" + hideEvent[i], this.hideTooltip); } } this.on(interactionType + "Event:" + hideEvent, this.hideTooltip); } } } }, /** * @private */ _markerEventDispatcher: function(e) { var type = e.type, cb = this.get("contentBox"), markerNode = e.currentTarget, strArr = markerNode.getAttribute("id").split("_"), seriesIndex = strArr[1], series = this.getSeries(parseInt(seriesIndex, 10)), index = strArr[2], items = this.getSeriesItems(series, index), x = e.pageX - cb.getX(), y = e.pageY - cb.getY(); if(type == "mouseenter") { type = "mouseover"; } else if(type == "mouseleave") { type = "mouseout"; } series.updateMarkerState(type, index); e.halt(); /** * Broadcasts when interactionType is set to marker and a series marker has received a mouseover event. * * * @event markerEvent:mouseover * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
Hash containing information about the category Axis.
Hash containing information about the value Axis.
The dom node of the marker.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
Reference to the series of the marker.
Index of the marker in the series.
The order of the marker's series.
*/ /** * Broadcasts when interactionType is set to marker and a series marker has received a mouseout event. * * @event markerEvent:mouseout * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
Hash containing information about the category Axis.
Hash containing information about the value Axis.
The dom node of the marker.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
Reference to the series of the marker.
Index of the marker in the series.
The order of the marker's series.
*/ /** * Broadcasts when interactionType is set to marker and a series marker has received a mousedown event. * * @event markerEvent:mousedown * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
Hash containing information about the category Axis.
Hash containing information about the value Axis.
The dom node of the marker.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
Reference to the series of the marker.
Index of the marker in the series.
The order of the marker's series.
*/ /** * Broadcasts when interactionType is set to marker and a series marker has received a mouseup event. * * @event markerEvent:mouseup * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
Hash containing information about the category Axis.
Hash containing information about the value Axis.
The dom node of the marker.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
Reference to the series of the marker.
Index of the marker in the series.
The order of the marker's series.
*/ /** * Broadcasts when interactionType is set to marker and a series marker has received a click event. * * @event markerEvent:click * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
Hash containing information about the category Axis.
Hash containing information about the value Axis.
The dom node of the marker.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
Reference to the series of the marker.
Index of the marker in the series.
The order of the marker's series.
*/ this.fire("markerEvent:" + type, {categoryItem:items.category, valueItem:items.value, node:markerNode, x:x, y:y, series:series, index:index, seriesIndex:seriesIndex}); }, /** * @private */ _dataProviderChangeHandler: function(e) { var dataProvider = this.get("dataProvider"), axes = this.get("axes"), i, axis; for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { axis = axes[i]; if(axis instanceof Y.Axis) { axis.set("dataProvider", dataProvider); } } } }, /** * Event listener for toggling the tooltip. If a tooltip is visible, hide it. If not, it * will create and show a tooltip based on the event object. * * @method toggleTooltip */ toggleTooltip: function(e) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"); if(tt.visible) { this.hideTooltip(); } else { tt.markerEventHandler.apply(this, [e]); } }, /** * @private */ _showTooltip: function(msg, x, y) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), node = tt.node; if(msg) { tt.visible = true; node.set("innerHTML", msg); node.setStyle("top", y + "px"); node.setStyle("left", x + "px"); node.removeClass("yui3-widget-hidden"); } }, /** * @private */ _positionTooltip: function(e) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), node = tt.node, cb = this.get("contentBox"), x = (e.pageX + 10) - cb.getX(), y = (e.pageY + 10) - cb.getY(); if(node) { node.setStyle("left", x + "px"); node.setStyle("top", y + "px"); } }, /** * Hides the default tooltip */ hideTooltip: function() { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), node = tt.node; tt.visible = false; node.set("innerHTML", ""); node.setStyle("left", -10000); node.setStyle("top", -10000); node.addClass("yui3-widget-hidden"); }, /** * @private */ _addTooltip: function() { var tt = this.get("tooltip"); this.get("contentBox").appendChild(tt.node); }, /** * @private */ _updateTooltip: function(val) { var tt = this._tooltip, i, styles = val.styles, props = { markerLabelFunction:"markerLabelFunction", planarLabelFunction:"planarLabelFunction", showEvent:"showEvent", hideEvent:"hideEvent", markerEventHandler:"markerEventHandler", planarEventHandler:"planarEventHandler" }; if(styles) { for(i in styles) { if(styles.hasOwnProperty(i)) { tt.node.setStyle(i, styles[i]); } } } for(i in props) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(i)) { tt[i] = val[i]; } } return tt; }, /** * @private */ _getTooltip: function() { var node = document.createElement("div"), tt = { markerLabelFunction: this._tooltipLabelFunction, planarLabelFunction: this._planarLabelFunction, show: true, hideEvent: "mouseout", showEvent: "mouseover", markerEventHandler: function(e) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), msg = tt.markerLabelFunction.apply(this, [e.categoryItem, e.valueItem, e.index, e.series, e.seriesIndex]); this._showTooltip(msg, e.x + 10, e.y + 10); }, planarEventHandler: function(e) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), msg , categoryAxis = this.get("categoryAxis"); msg = tt.planarLabelFunction.apply(this, [categoryAxis, e.valueItem, e.index, e.items, e.seriesIndex]); this._showTooltip(msg, e.x + 10, e.y + 10); } }; node.setAttribute("id", this.get("id") + "_tooltip"); node = Y.one(node); node.setStyle("fontSize", "85%"); node.setStyle("opacity", "0.83"); node.setStyle("position", "absolute"); node.setStyle("paddingTop", "2px"); node.setStyle("paddingRight", "5px"); node.setStyle("paddingBottom", "4px"); node.setStyle("paddingLeft", "2px"); node.setStyle("backgroundColor", "#fff"); node.setStyle("border", "1px solid #dbdccc"); node.setStyle("pointerEvents", "none"); node.setStyle("zIndex", 3); node.setStyle("whiteSpace", "noWrap"); node.addClass("yui3-widget-hidden"); tt.node = Y.one(node); this._tooltip = tt; return tt; }, /** * @private */ _planarLabelFunction: function(categoryAxis, valueItems, index, seriesArray, seriesIndex) { var msg = "", valueItem, i = 0, len = seriesArray.length, axis, series; if(categoryAxis) { msg += categoryAxis.get("labelFunction").apply(this, [categoryAxis.getKeyValueAt(this.get("categoryKey"), index), categoryAxis.get("labelFormat")]); } for(; i < len; ++i) { series = seriesArray[i]; if(series.get("visible")) { valueItem = valueItems[i]; axis = valueItem.axis; msg += "
" + valueItem.displayName + ": " + axis.get("labelFunction").apply(this, [axis.getKeyValueAt(valueItem.key, index), axis.get("labelFormat")]) + ""; } } return msg; }, /** * @private */ _tooltipLabelFunction: function(categoryItem, valueItem, itemIndex, series, seriesIndex) { var msg = categoryItem.displayName + ": " + categoryItem.axis.get("labelFunction").apply(this, [categoryItem.value, categoryItem.axis.get("labelFormat")]) + "
" + valueItem.displayName + ": " + valueItem.axis.get("labelFunction").apply(this, [valueItem.value, valueItem.axis.get("labelFormat")]); return msg; }, /** * @private */ _tooltipChangeHandler: function(e) { if(this.get("tooltip")) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), node = tt.node, show = tt.show, cb = this.get("contentBox"); if(node && show) { if(!cb.containes(node)) { this._addTooltip(); } } } } }; Y.ChartBase = ChartBase; /** * The CartesianChart class creates a chart with horizontal and vertical axes. * * @class CartesianChart * @extends ChartBase * @constructor */ Y.CartesianChart = Y.Base.create("cartesianChart", Y.Widget, [Y.ChartBase], { /** * @private */ renderUI: function() { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), overlay; //move the position = absolute logic to a class file this.get("boundingBox").setStyle("position", "absolute"); this.get("contentBox").setStyle("position", "absolute"); this._addAxes(); this._addGridlines(); this._addSeries(); if(tt && tt.show) { this._addTooltip(); } //If there is a style definition. Force them to set. this.get("styles"); if(this.get("interactionType") == "planar") { overlay = document.createElement("div"); this.get("contentBox").appendChild(overlay); this._overlay = Y.one(overlay); this._overlay.setStyle("position", "absolute"); this._overlay.setStyle("background", "#fff"); this._overlay.setStyle("opacity", 0); this._overlay.addClass("yui3-overlay"); this._overlay.setStyle("zIndex", 4); } this._redraw(); }, /** * @private */ _planarEventDispatcher: function(e) { var graph = this.get("graph"), bb = this.get("boundingBox"), cb = graph.get("contentBox"), x = e.pageX, offsetX = x - cb.getX(), posX = x - bb.getX(), y = e.pageY, offsetY = y - cb.getY(), posY = y - bb.getY(), sc = graph.get("seriesCollection"), series, i = 0, index, oldIndex = this._selectedIndex, item, items = [], categoryItems = [], valueItems = [], direction = this.get("direction"), hasMarkers, coord = direction == "horizontal" ? offsetX : offsetY, //data columns and area data could be created on a graph level markerPlane = direction == "horizontal" ? sc[0].get("xMarkerPlane") : sc[0].get("yMarkerPlane"), len = markerPlane.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { if(coord <= markerPlane[i].end && coord >= markerPlane[i].start) { index = i; break; } } len = sc.length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { series = sc[i]; hasMarkers = series.get("markers"); if(hasMarkers && !isNaN(oldIndex) && oldIndex > -1) { series.updateMarkerState("mouseout", oldIndex); } if(series.get("ycoords")[index] > -1) { if(hasMarkers && !isNaN(index) && index > -1) { series.updateMarkerState("mouseover", index); } item = this.getSeriesItems(series, index); categoryItems.push(item.category); valueItems.push(item.value); items.push(series); } } this._selectedIndex = index; /** * Broadcasts when interactionType is set to planar and a series' marker plane has received a mouseover event. * * * @event planarEvent:mouseover * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
An array of hashes, each containing information about the category Axis of each marker whose plane has been intersected.
An array of hashes, each containing information about the value Axis of each marker whose plane has been intersected.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
An array including all the series which contain a marker whose plane has been intersected.
Index of the markers in their respective series.
*/ /** * Broadcasts when interactionType is set to planar and a series' marker plane has received a mouseout event. * * @event planarEvent:mouseout * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e */ if(index > -1) { this.fire("planarEvent:mouseover", {categoryItem:categoryItems, valueItem:valueItems, x:posX, y:posY, items:items, index:index}); } else { this.fire("planarEvent:mouseout"); } }, /** * @private */ _type: "combo", /** * @private */ _axesRenderQueue: null, /** * @private */ _addToAxesRenderQueue: function(axis) { if(!this._axesRenderQueue) { this._axesRenderQueue = []; } if(Y.Array.indexOf(this._axesRenderQueue, axis) < 0) { this._axesRenderQueue.push(axis); } }, /** * @private */ _getDefaultSeriesCollection: function(val) { var dir = this.get("direction"), sc = val || [], catAxis, valAxis, tempKeys = [], series, seriesKeys = this.get("seriesKeys").concat(), i, index, l, type = this.get("type"), key, catKey, seriesKey, graph, categoryKey = this.get("categoryKey"), showMarkers = this.get("showMarkers"), showAreaFill = this.get("showAreaFill"), showLines = this.get("showLines"); if(dir == "vertical") { catAxis = "yAxis"; catKey = "yKey"; valAxis = "xAxis"; seriesKey = "xKey"; } else { catAxis = "xAxis"; catKey = "xKey"; valAxis = "yAxis"; seriesKey = "yKey"; } l = sc.length; for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { key = this._getBaseAttribute(sc[i], seriesKey); if(key) { index = Y.Array.indexOf(seriesKeys, key); if(index > -1) { seriesKeys.splice(index, 1); } tempKeys.push(key); } } if(seriesKeys.length > 0) { tempKeys = tempKeys.concat(seriesKeys); } l = tempKeys.length; for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { series = sc[i] || {type:type}; if(series instanceof Y.CartesianSeries) { this._parseSeriesAxes(series); continue; } series[catKey] = series[catKey] || categoryKey; series[seriesKey] = series[seriesKey] || seriesKeys.shift(); series[catAxis] = this._getCategoryAxis(); series[valAxis] = this._getSeriesAxis(series[seriesKey]); series.type = series.type || type; if((series.type == "combo" || series.type == "stackedcombo" || series.type == "combospline" || series.type == "stackedcombospline")) { if(showAreaFill !== null) { series.showAreaFill = series.showAreaFill || showAreaFill; } if(showMarkers !== null) { series.showMarkers = series.showMarkers || showMarkers; } if(showLines !== null) { series.showLines = series.showLines || showLines; } } sc[i] = series; } if(val) { graph = this.get("graph"); graph.set("seriesCollection", sc); sc = graph.get("seriesCollection"); } return sc; }, /** * @private */ _parseSeriesAxes: function(series) { var axes = this.get("axes"), xAxis = series.get("xAxis"), yAxis = series.get("yAxis"), YAxis = Y.Axis, axis; if(xAxis && !(xAxis instanceof YAxis) && Y.Lang.isString(xAxis) && axes.hasOwnProperty(xAxis)) { axis = axes[xAxis]; if(axis instanceof YAxis) { series.set("xAxis", axis); } } if(yAxis && !(yAxis instanceof YAxis) && Y.Lang.isString(yAxis) && axes.hasOwnProperty(yAxis)) { axis = axes[yAxis]; if(axis instanceof YAxis) { series.set("yAxis", axis); } } }, /** * @private */ _getCategoryAxis: function() { var axis, axes = this.get("axes"), categoryAxisName = this.get("categoryAxisName") || this.get("categoryKey"); axis = axes[categoryAxisName]; return axis; }, /** * @private */ _getSeriesAxis:function(key, axisName) { var axes = this.get("axes"), i, keys, axis; if(axes) { if(axisName && axes.hasOwnProperty(axisName)) { axis = axes[axisName]; } else { for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { keys = axes[i].get("keys"); if(keys && keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) { axis = axes[i]; break; } } } } } return axis; }, /** * @private * Gets an attribute from an object, using a getter for Base objects and a property for object * literals. Used for determining attributes from series/axis references which can be an actual class instance * or a hash of properties that will be used to create a class instance. */ _getBaseAttribute: function(item, key) { if(item instanceof Y.Base) { return item.get(key); } if(item.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return item[key]; } return null; }, /** * @private * Sets an attribute on an object, using a setter of Base objects and a property for object * literals. Used for setting attributes on a Base class, either directly or to be stored in an object literal * for use at instantiation. */ _setBaseAttribute: function(item, key, value) { if(item instanceof Y.Base) { item.set(key, value); } else { item[key] = value; } }, /** * @private * Creates Axis and Axis data classes based on hashes of properties. */ _parseAxes: function(val) { var hash = this._getDefaultAxes(val), axes = {}, axesAttrs = { edgeOffset: "edgeOffset", position: "position", overlapGraph:"overlapGraph", labelFunction:"labelFunction", labelFunctionScope:"labelFunctionScope", labelFormat:"labelFormat", maximum:"maximum", minimum:"minimum", roundingMethod:"roundingMethod", alwaysShowZero:"alwaysShowZero" }, dp = this.get("dataProvider"), ai, i, pos, axis, dh, axisClass, config, axesCollection; for(i in hash) { if(hash.hasOwnProperty(i)) { dh = hash[i]; if(dh instanceof Y.Axis) { axis = dh; } else { axisClass = this._getAxisClass(dh.type); config = {}; config.dataProvider = dh.dataProvider || dp; config.keys = dh.keys; if(dh.hasOwnProperty("roundingUnit")) { config.roundingUnit = dh.roundingUnit; } pos = dh.position; if(dh.styles) { config.styles = dh.styles; } config.position = dh.position; for(ai in axesAttrs) { if(axesAttrs.hasOwnProperty(ai) && dh.hasOwnProperty(ai)) { config[ai] = dh[ai]; } } axis = new axisClass(config); } if(axis) { axesCollection = this.get(pos + "AxesCollection"); if(axesCollection && Y.Array.indexOf(axesCollection, axis) > 0) { axis.set("overlapGraph", false); } axis.after("axisRendered", Y.bind(this._axisRendered, this)); axes[i] = axis; } } } return axes; }, /** * @private */ _addAxes: function() { var axes = this.get("axes"), i, axis, pos, w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), node = Y.Node.one(this._parentNode); if(!this._axesCollection) { this._axesCollection = []; } for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { axis = axes[i]; if(axis instanceof Y.Axis) { if(!w) { this.set("width", node.get("offsetWidth")); w = this.get("width"); } if(!h) { this.set("height", node.get("offsetHeight")); h = this.get("height"); } axis.set("width", w); axis.set("height", h); this._addToAxesRenderQueue(axis); pos = axis.get("position"); if(!this.get(pos + "AxesCollection")) { this.set(pos + "AxesCollection", [axis]); } else { this.get(pos + "AxesCollection").push(axis); } this._axesCollection.push(axis); if(axis.get("keys").hasOwnProperty(this.get("categoryKey"))) { this.set("categoryAxis", axis); } axis.render(this.get("contentBox")); } } } }, /** * @private */ _addSeries: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"), sc = this.get("seriesCollection"); graph.render(this.get("contentBox")); }, /** * @private * @description Adds gridlines to the chart. */ _addGridlines: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"), hgl = this.get("horizontalGridlines"), vgl = this.get("verticalGridlines"), direction = this.get("direction"), leftAxesCollection = this.get("leftAxesCollection"), rightAxesCollection = this.get("rightAxesCollection"), bottomAxesCollection = this.get("bottomAxesCollection"), topAxesCollection = this.get("topAxesCollection"), seriesAxesCollection, catAxis = this.get("categoryAxis"), hAxis, vAxis; if(this._axesCollection) { seriesAxesCollection = this._axesCollection.concat(); seriesAxesCollection.splice(Y.Array.indexOf(seriesAxesCollection, catAxis), 1); } if(hgl) { if(leftAxesCollection && leftAxesCollection[0]) { hAxis = leftAxesCollection[0]; } else if(rightAxesCollection && rightAxesCollection[0]) { hAxis = rightAxesCollection[0]; } else { hAxis = direction == "horizontal" ? catAxis : seriesAxesCollection[0]; } if(!this._getBaseAttribute(hgl, "axis") && hAxis) { this._setBaseAttribute(hgl, "axis", hAxis); } if(this._getBaseAttribute(hgl, "axis")) { graph.set("horizontalGridlines", hgl); } } if(vgl) { if(bottomAxesCollection && bottomAxesCollection[0]) { vAxis = bottomAxesCollection[0]; } else if (topAxesCollection && topAxesCollection[0]) { vAxis = topAxesCollection[0]; } else { vAxis = direction == "vertical" ? catAxis : seriesAxesCollection[0]; } if(!this._getBaseAttribute(vgl, "axis") && vAxis) { this._setBaseAttribute(vgl, "axis", vAxis); } if(this._getBaseAttribute(vgl, "axis")) { graph.set("verticalGridlines", vgl); } } }, /** * @private */ _getDefaultAxes: function(axes) { var catKey = this.get("categoryKey"), axis, attr, keys, newAxes = {}, claimedKeys = [], categoryAxisName = this.get("categoryAxisName") || this.get("categoryKey"), valueAxisName = this.get("valueAxisName"), seriesKeys = this.get("seriesKeys") || [], i, l, ii, ll, cIndex, dv, dp = this.get("dataProvider"), direction = this.get("direction"), seriesPosition, categoryPosition, valueAxes = [], seriesAxis = this.get("stacked") ? "stacked" : "numeric"; dv = dp[0]; if(direction == "vertical") { seriesPosition = "bottom"; categoryPosition = "left"; } else { seriesPosition = "left"; categoryPosition = "bottom"; } if(axes) { for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { axis = axes[i]; keys = this._getBaseAttribute(axis, "keys"); attr = this._getBaseAttribute(axis, "type"); if(attr == "time" || attr == "category") { categoryAxisName = i; this.set("categoryAxisName", i); if(Y.Lang.isArray(keys) && keys.length > 0) { catKey = keys[0]; this.set("categoryKey", catKey); } newAxes[i] = axis; } else if(i == categoryAxisName) { newAxes[i] = axis; } else { newAxes[i] = axis; if(i != valueAxisName && keys && Y.Lang.isArray(keys)) { ll = keys.length; for(ii = 0; ii < ll; ++ii) { claimedKeys.push(keys[ii]); } valueAxes.push(newAxes[i]); } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[i], "type"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[i], "type", seriesAxis); } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[i], "position"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[i], "position", this._getDefaultAxisPosition(newAxes[i], valueAxes, seriesPosition)); } } } } } if(seriesKeys.length < 1) { for(i in dv) { if(dv.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != catKey && Y.Array.indexOf(claimedKeys, i) == -1) { seriesKeys.push(i); } } } cIndex = Y.Array.indexOf(seriesKeys, catKey); if(cIndex > -1) { seriesKeys.splice(cIndex, 1); } l = claimedKeys.length; for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { cIndex = Y.Array.indexOf(seriesKeys, claimedKeys[i]); if(cIndex > -1) { seriesKeys.splice(cIndex, 1); } } if(!newAxes.hasOwnProperty(categoryAxisName)) { newAxes[categoryAxisName] = {}; } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "keys"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "keys", [catKey]); } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "position"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "position", categoryPosition); } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "type"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "type", this.get("categoryType")); } if(!newAxes.hasOwnProperty(valueAxisName) && seriesKeys && seriesKeys.length > 0) { newAxes[valueAxisName] = {keys:seriesKeys}; valueAxes.push(newAxes[valueAxisName]); } if(claimedKeys.length > 0) { if(seriesKeys.length > 0) { seriesKeys = claimedKeys.concat(seriesKeys); } else { seriesKeys = claimedKeys; } } if(newAxes.hasOwnProperty(valueAxisName)) { if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[valueAxisName], "position"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[valueAxisName], "position", this._getDefaultAxisPosition(newAxes[valueAxisName], valueAxes, seriesPosition)); } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[valueAxisName], "type"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[valueAxisName], "type", seriesAxis); } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[valueAxisName], "keys"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[valueAxisName], "keys", seriesKeys); } } this.set("seriesKeys", seriesKeys); return newAxes; }, /** * @private * @description Determines the position of an axis when one is not specified. */ _getDefaultAxisPosition: function(axis, valueAxes, position) { var direction = this.get("direction"), i = Y.Array.indexOf(valueAxes, axis); if(valueAxes[i - 1] && valueAxes[i - 1].position) { if(direction == "horizontal") { if(valueAxes[i - 1].position == "left") { position = "right"; } else if(valueAxes[i - 1].position == "right") { position = "left"; } } else { if (valueAxes[i -1].position == "bottom") { position = "top"; } else { position = "bottom"; } } } return position; }, /** * Returns an object literal containing a categoryItem and a valueItem for a given series index. * * @method getSeriesItem * @param {CartesianSeries} series Reference to a series. * @param {Number} index Index of the specified item within a series. * @return Object */ getSeriesItems: function(series, index) { var xAxis = series.get("xAxis"), yAxis = series.get("yAxis"), xKey = series.get("xKey"), yKey = series.get("yKey"), categoryItem, valueItem; if(this.get("direction") == "vertical") { categoryItem = { axis:yAxis, key:yKey, value:yAxis.getKeyValueAt(yKey, index) }; valueItem = { axis:xAxis, key:xKey, value: xAxis.getKeyValueAt(xKey, index) }; } else { valueItem = { axis:yAxis, key:yKey, value:yAxis.getKeyValueAt(yKey, index) }; categoryItem = { axis:xAxis, key:xKey, value: xAxis.getKeyValueAt(xKey, index) }; } categoryItem.displayName = series.get("categoryDisplayName"); valueItem.displayName = series.get("valueDisplayName"); categoryItem.value = categoryItem.axis.getKeyValueAt(categoryItem.key, index); valueItem.value = valueItem.axis.getKeyValueAt(valueItem.key, index); return {category:categoryItem, value:valueItem}; }, /** * @private * Listender for axisRendered event. */ _axisRendered: function(e) { this._axesRenderQueue = this._axesRenderQueue.splice(1 + Y.Array.indexOf(this._axesRenderQueue, e.currentTarget), 1); if(this._axesRenderQueue.length < 1) { this._redraw(); } }, /** * @private */ _sizeChanged: function(e) { if(this._axesCollection) { var ac = this._axesCollection, i = 0, l = ac.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { this._addToAxesRenderQueue(ac[i]); } this._redraw(); } }, /** * @private */ _redraw: function() { if(this._drawing) { this._callLater = true; return; } this._drawing = true; this._callLater = false; var w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), lw = 0, rw = 0, th = 0, bh = 0, lc = this.get("leftAxesCollection"), rc = this.get("rightAxesCollection"), tc = this.get("topAxesCollection"), bc = this.get("bottomAxesCollection"), i = 0, l, axis, pos, pts = [], graphOverflow = "visible", graph = this.get("graph"); if(lc) { l = lc.length; for(i = l - 1; i > -1; --i) { pts[Y.Array.indexOf(this._axesCollection, lc[i])] = {x:lw + "px"}; lw += lc[i].get("width"); } } if(rc) { l = rc.length; i = 0; for(i = l - 1; i > -1; --i) { rw += rc[i].get("width"); pts[Y.Array.indexOf(this._axesCollection, rc[i])] = {x:(w - rw) + "px"}; } } if(tc) { l = tc.length; for(i = l - 1; i > -1; --i) { pts[Y.Array.indexOf(this._axesCollection, tc[i])] = {y:th + "px"}; th += tc[i].get("height"); } } if(bc) { l = bc.length; for(i = l - 1; i > -1; --i) { bh += bc[i].get("height"); pts[Y.Array.indexOf(this._axesCollection, bc[i])] = {y:(h - bh) + "px"}; } } l = this._axesCollection.length; i = 0; for(; i < l; ++i) { axis = this._axesCollection[i]; pos = axis.get("position"); if(pos == "left" || pos === "right") { axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("top", th + "px"); axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("left", pts[i].x); if(axis.get("height") !== h - (bh + th)) { axis.set("height", h - (bh + th)); } } else if(pos == "bottom" || pos == "top") { if(axis.get("width") !== w - (lw + rw)) { axis.set("width", w - (lw + rw)); } axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("left", lw + "px"); axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("top", pts[i].y); } if(axis.get("setMax") || axis.get("setMin")) { graphOverflow = "hidden"; } } this._drawing = false; if(this._callLater) { this._redraw(); return; } if(graph) { graph.get("boundingBox").setStyle("left", lw + "px"); graph.get("boundingBox").setStyle("top", th + "px"); graph.set("width", w - (lw + rw)); graph.set("height", h - (th + bh)); graph.get("boundingBox").setStyle("overflow", graphOverflow); } if(this._overlay) { this._overlay.setStyle("left", lw + "px"); this._overlay.setStyle("top", th + "px"); this._overlay.setStyle("width", (w - (lw + rw)) + "px"); this._overlay.setStyle("height", (h - (th + bh)) + "px"); } } }, { ATTRS: { /** * @private * Style object for the axes. * * @attribute axesStyles * @type Object */ axesStyles: { getter: function() { var axes = this.get("axes"), i, styles = this._axesStyles; if(axes) { for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i) && axes[i] instanceof Y.Axis) { if(!styles) { styles = {}; } styles[i] = axes[i].get("styles"); } } } return styles; }, setter: function(val) { var axes = this.get("axes"), i; for(i in val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(i) && axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this._setBaseAttribute(axes[i], "styles", val[i]); } } } }, /** * @private * Style object for the series * * @attribute seriesStyles * @type Object */ seriesStyles: { getter: function() { var styles = this._seriesStyles, graph = this.get("graph"), dict, i; if(graph) { dict = graph.get("seriesDictionary"); if(dict) { styles = {}; for(i in dict) { if(dict.hasOwnProperty(i)) { styles[i] = dict[i].get("styles"); } } } } return styles; }, setter: function(val) { var i, l, s; if(Y.Lang.isArray(val)) { s = this.get("seriesCollection"); i = 0; l = val.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { this._setBaseAttribute(s[i], "styles", val[i]); } } else { for(i in val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(i)) { s = this.getSeries(i); this._setBaseAttribute(s, "styles", val[i]); } } } } }, /** * @private * Styles for the graph. * * @attribute graphStyles * @type Object */ graphStyles: { getter: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(graph) { return(graph.get("styles")); } return this._graphStyles; }, setter: function(val) { var graph = this.get("graph"); this._setBaseAttribute(graph, "styles", val); } }, /** * Style properties for the chart. Contains a key indexed hash of the following: *
A key indexed hash containing references to the styles attribute for each series in the chart. * Specific style attributes vary depending on the series: * *
A key indexed hash containing references to the styles attribute for each axes in the chart. Specific * style attributes can be found in the Axis class.
A reference to the styles attribute in the chart. Specific style attributes can be found in the * Graph class.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ styles: { getter: function() { var styles = { axes: this.get("axesStyles"), series: this.get("seriesStyles"), graph: this.get("graphStyles") }; return styles; }, setter: function(val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty("axes")) { if(this.get("axesStyles")) { this.set("axesStyles", val.axes); } else { this._axesStyles = val.axes; } } if(val.hasOwnProperty("series")) { if(this.get("seriesStyles")) { this.set("seriesStyles", val.series); } else { this._seriesStyles = val.series; } } if(val.hasOwnProperty("graph")) { this.set("graphStyles", val.graph); } } }, /** * Axes to appear in the chart. This can be a key indexed hash of axis instances or object literals * used to construct the appropriate axes. * * @attribute axes * @type Object */ axes: { valueFn: "_parseAxes", setter: function(val) { return this._parseAxes(val); } }, /** * Collection of series to appear on the chart. This can be an array of Series instances or object literals * used to construct the appropriate series. * * @attribute seriesCollection * @type Array */ seriesCollection: { valueFn: "_getDefaultSeriesCollection", setter: function(val) { return this._getDefaultSeriesCollection(val); } }, /** * Reference to the left-aligned axes for the chart. * * @attribute leftAxesCollection * @type Array * @private */ leftAxesCollection: {}, /** * Reference to the bottom-aligned axes for the chart. * * @attribute bottomAxesCollection * @type Array * @private */ bottomAxesCollection: {}, /** * Reference to the right-aligned axes for the chart. * * @attribute rightAxesCollection * @type Array * @private */ rightAxesCollection: {}, /** * Reference to the top-aligned axes for the chart. * * @attribute topAxesCollection * @type Array * @private */ topAxesCollection: {}, /** * Indicates whether or not the chart is stacked. * * @attribute stacked * @type Boolean */ stacked: { value: false }, /** * Direction of chart's category axis when there is no series collection specified. Charts can * be horizontal or vertical. When the chart type is column, the chart is horizontal. * When the chart type is bar, the chart is vertical. * * @attribute direction * @type String */ direction: { getter: function() { var type = this.get("type"); if(type == "bar") { return "vertical"; } else if(type == "column") { return "horizontal"; } return this._direction; }, setter: function(val) { this._direction = val; return this._direction; } }, /** * Indicates whether or not an area is filled in a combo chart. * * @attribute showAreaFill * @type Boolean */ showAreaFill: {}, /** * Indicates whether to display markers in a combo chart. * * @attribute showMarkers * @type Boolean */ showMarkers:{}, /** * Indicates whether to display lines in a combo chart. * * @attribute showLines * @type Boolean */ showLines:{}, /** * Indicates the key value used to identify a category axis in the axes hash. If * not specified, the categoryKey attribute value will be used. * * @attribute categoryAxisName * @type String */ categoryAxisName: { }, /** * Indicates the key value used to identify a the series axis when an axis not generated. * * @attribute valueAxisName * @type String */ valueAxisName: { value: "values" }, /** * Reference to the horizontalGridlines for the chart. * * @attribute horizontalGridlines * @type Gridlines */ horizontalGridlines: { getter: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(graph) { return graph.get("horizontalGridlines"); } return this._horizontalGridlines; }, setter: function(val) { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(val && !Y.Lang.isObject(val)) { val = {}; } if(graph) { graph.set("horizontalGridlines", val); } else { this._horizontalGridlines = val; } } }, /** * Reference to the verticalGridlines for the chart. * * @attribute verticalGridlines * @type Gridlines */ verticalGridlines: { getter: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(graph) { return graph.get("verticalGridlines"); } return this._verticalGridlines; }, setter: function(val) { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(val && !Y.Lang.isObject(val)) { val = {}; } if(graph) { graph.set("verticalGridlines", val); } else { this._verticalGridlines = val; } } }, /** * Type of chart when there is no series collection specified. * * @attribute type * @type String */ type: { getter: function() { if(this.get("stacked")) { return "stacked" + this._type; } return this._type; }, setter: function(val) { if(this._type == "bar") { if(val != "bar") { this.set("direction", "horizontal"); } } else { if(val == "bar") { this.set("direction", "vertical"); } } this._type = val; return this._type; } }, /** * Reference to the category axis used by the chart. * * @attribute categoryAxis * @type Axis */ categoryAxis:{} } }); /** * The PieChart class creates a pie chart * * @class PieChart * @extends ChartBase * @constructor */ Y.PieChart = Y.Base.create("pieChart", Y.Widget, [Y.ChartBase], { /** * @private */ _getSeriesCollection: function() { if(this._seriesCollection) { return this._seriesCollection; } var axes = this.get("axes"), sc = [], seriesKeys, i = 0, l, type = this.get("type"), key, catAxis = "categoryAxis", catKey = "categoryKey", valAxis = "valueAxis", seriesKey = "valueKey"; if(axes) { seriesKeys = axes.values.get("keyCollection"); key = axes.category.get("keyCollection")[0]; l = seriesKeys.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { sc[i] = {type:type}; sc[i][catAxis] = "category"; sc[i][valAxis] = "values"; sc[i][catKey] = key; sc[i][seriesKey] = seriesKeys[i]; } } this._seriesCollection = sc; return sc; }, /** * @private */ _parseAxes: function(hash) { if(!this._axes) { this._axes = {}; } var i, pos, axis, dh, config, axisClass, type = this.get("type"), w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), node = Y.Node.one(this._parentNode); if(!w) { this.set("width", node.get("offsetWidth")); w = this.get("width"); } if(!h) { this.set("height", node.get("offsetHeight")); h = this.get("height"); } for(i in hash) { if(hash.hasOwnProperty(i)) { dh = hash[i]; pos = type == "pie" ? "none" : dh.position; axisClass = this._getAxisClass(dh.type); config = {dataProvider:this.get("dataProvider")}; if(dh.hasOwnProperty("roundingUnit")) { config.roundingUnit = dh.roundingUnit; } config.keys = dh.keys; config.width = w; config.height = h; config.position = pos; config.styles = dh.styles; axis = new axisClass(config); axis.on("axisRendered", Y.bind(this._axisRendered, this)); this._axes[i] = axis; } } }, /** * @private */ _addAxes: function() { var axes = this.get("axes"), i, axis, p; if(!axes) { this.set("axes", this._getDefaultAxes()); axes = this.get("axes"); } if(!this._axesCollection) { this._axesCollection = []; } for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { axis = axes[i]; p = axis.get("position"); if(!this.get(p + "AxesCollection")) { this.set(p + "AxesCollection", [axis]); } else { this.get(p + "AxesCollection").push(axis); } this._axesCollection.push(axis); } } }, /** * @private */ _addSeries: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"), seriesCollection = this.get("seriesCollection"); this._parseSeriesAxes(seriesCollection); graph.set("showBackground", false); graph.set("width", this.get("width")); graph.set("height", this.get("height")); graph.set("seriesCollection", seriesCollection); this._seriesCollection = graph.get("seriesCollection"); graph.render(this.get("contentBox")); }, /** * @private */ _parseSeriesAxes: function(c) { var i = 0, len = c.length, s, axes = this.get("axes"), axis; for(; i < len; ++i) { s = c[i]; if(s) { //If series is an actual series instance, //replace axes attribute string ids with axes if(s instanceof Y.PieSeries) { axis = s.get("categoryAxis"); if(axis && !(axis instanceof Y.Axis)) { s.set("categoryAxis", axes[axis]); } axis = s.get("valueAxis"); if(axis && !(axis instanceof Y.Axis)) { s.set("valueAxis", axes[axis]); } continue; } s.categoryAxis = axes.category; s.valueAxis = axes.values; if(!s.type) { s.type = this.get("type"); } } } }, /** * @private */ _getDefaultAxes: function() { var catKey = this.get("categoryKey"), seriesKeys = this.get("seriesKeys") || [], seriesAxis = "numeric", i, dv = this.get("dataProvider")[0]; if(seriesKeys.length < 1) { for(i in dv) { if(i != catKey) { seriesKeys.push(i); } } if(seriesKeys.length > 0) { this.set("seriesKeys", seriesKeys); } } return { values:{ keys:seriesKeys, type:seriesAxis }, category:{ keys:[catKey], type:this.get("categoryType") } }; }, /** * Returns an object literal containing a categoryItem and a valueItem for a given series index. * * @method getSeriesItem * @param series Reference to a series. * @param index Index of the specified item within a series. */ getSeriesItems: function(series, index) { var categoryItem = { axis: series.get("categoryAxis"), key: series.get("categoryKey"), displayName: series.get("categoryDisplayName") }, valueItem = { axis: series.get("valueAxis"), key: series.get("valueKey"), displayName: series.get("valueDisplayName") }; categoryItem.value = categoryItem.axis.getKeyValueAt(categoryItem.key, index); valueItem.value = valueItem.axis.getKeyValueAt(valueItem.key, index); return {category:categoryItem, value:valueItem}; }, /** * @private */ _sizeChanged: function(e) { this._redraw(); }, /** * @private */ _redraw: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(graph) { graph.set("width", this.get("width")); graph.set("height", this.get("height")); } } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Axes to appear in the chart. * * @attribute axes * @type Object */ axes: { getter: function() { return this._axes; }, setter: function(val) { this._parseAxes(val); } }, /** * Collection of series to appear on the chart. This can be an array of Series instances or object literals * used to describe a Series instance. * * @attribute seriesCollection * @type Array */ seriesCollection: { getter: function() { return this._getSeriesCollection(); }, setter: function(val) { return this._setSeriesCollection(val); } }, /** * Type of chart when there is no series collection specified. * * @attribute type * @type String */ type: { value: "pie" } } }); /** * The Chart class is the basic application used to create a chart. * * @class Chart * @constructor */ function Chart(cfg) { if(cfg.type != "pie") { return new Y.CartesianChart(cfg); } else { return new Y.PieChart(cfg); } } Y.Chart = Chart; }, '3.3.0' ,{requires:['dom', 'datatype', 'event-custom', 'event-mouseenter', 'widget', 'widget-position', 'widget-stack']});