/* Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt version: 3.0.0 build: 1549 */ YUI.add('widget-position-ext', function(Y) { /** * Provides extended/advanced XY positioning support for Widgets, through an extension. * * It builds on top of the widget-position module, to provide alignmentment and centering support. * Future releases aim to add constrained and fixed positioning support. * * @module widget-position-ext */ var L = Y.Lang, ALIGN = "align", BINDUI = "bindUI", SYNCUI = "syncUI", OFFSET_WIDTH = "offsetWidth", OFFSET_HEIGHT = "offsetHeight", VIEWPORT_REGION = "viewportRegion", REGION = "region", AlignChange = "alignChange"; /** * Widget extension, which can be used to add extended XY positioning support to the base Widget class, * through the Base.build method. This extension requires that * the WidgetPosition extension be added to the Widget (before WidgetPositionExt, if part of the same * extension list passed to Base.build). * * @class WidgetPositionExt * @param {Object} User configuration object */ function PositionExt(config) { if (!this._posNode) { Y.error("WidgetPosition needs to be added to the Widget, before WidgetPositionExt is added"); } Y.after(this._syncUIPosExtras, this, SYNCUI); Y.after(this._bindUIPosExtras, this, BINDUI); } /** * Static property used to define the default attribute * configuration introduced by WidgetPositionExt. * * @property WidgetPositionExt.ATTRS * @type Object * @static */ PositionExt.ATTRS = { /** * @attribute align * @type Object * @default null * @desciption The align attribute is used to align a reference point on the widget, with the refernce point on another node, or the viewport. * The object which align expects has the following properties: *
* The node to which the Widget is to be aligned. If set to null, or not provided, the Widget is aligned to the viewport *

* A two element array, defining the two points on the Widget and node/viewport which are to be aligned. The first element is the point on the Widget, and the second element is the point on the node/viewport. * Supported alignment points are defined as static properties on WidgetPositionExt. *


* e.g. [WidgetPositionExt.TR, WidgetPositionExt.TL] aligns the Top-Right corner of the Widget with the * Top-Left corner of the node/viewport, and [WidgetPositionExt.CC, WidgetPositionExt.TC] aligns the Center of the * Widget with the Top-Center edge of the node/viewport. *

*/ align: { value:null }, /** * @attribute centered * @type {boolean | node} * @default false * @description A convenience attribute, which can be used as a shortcut for the align attribute. * If set to true, the Widget is centered in the viewport. If set to a node reference or valid selector string, * the Widget will be centered within the node. If set the false, no center positioning is applied. */ centered: { setter: function(val) { return this._setAlignCenter(val); }, lazyAdd:false, value:false } }; /** * Constant used to specify the top-left corner for alignment * * @property WidgetPositionExt.TL * @type String * @static * @value "tl" */ PositionExt.TL = "tl"; /** * Constant used to specify the top-right corner for alignment * * @property WidgetPositionExt.TR * @type String * @static * @value "tr" */ PositionExt.TR = "tr"; /** * Constant used to specify the bottom-left corner for alignment * * @property WidgetPositionExt.BL * @type String * @static * @value "bl" */ PositionExt.BL = "bl"; /** * Constant used to specify the bottom-right corner for alignment * * @property WidgetPositionExt.BR * @type String * @static * @value "br" */ PositionExt.BR = "br"; /** * Constant used to specify the top edge-center point for alignment * * @property WidgetPositionExt.TC * @type String * @static * @value "tc" */ PositionExt.TC = "tc"; /** * Constant used to specify the right edge, center point for alignment * * @property WidgetPositionExt.RC * @type String * @static * @value "rc" */ PositionExt.RC = "rc"; /** * Constant used to specify the bottom edge, center point for alignment * * @property WidgetPositionExt.BC * @type String * @static * @value "bc" */ PositionExt.BC = "bc"; /** * Constant used to specify the left edge, center point for alignment * * @property WidgetPositionExt.LC * @type String * @static * @value "lc" */ PositionExt.LC = "lc"; /** * Constant used to specify the center of widget/node/viewport for alignment * * @property WidgetPositionExt.CC * @type String * @static * @value "cc" */ PositionExt.CC = "cc"; PositionExt.prototype = { /** * Synchronizes the UI to match the Widgets extended positioning state. * This method in invoked after syncUI is invoked for the Widget class * using YUI's aop infrastructure. * * @method _syncUIPosExtras * @protected */ _syncUIPosExtras : function() { var align = this.get(ALIGN); if (align) { this._uiSetAlign(align.node, align.points); } }, /** * Binds event listeners responsible for updating the UI state in response to * Widget extended positioning related state changes. *

* This method is invoked after bindUI is invoked for the Widget class * using YUI's aop infrastructure. *

* @method _bindUIStack * @protected */ _bindUIPosExtras : function() { this.after(AlignChange, this._afterAlignChange); }, /** * Default setter for center attribute changes. Sets up the appropriate value, and passes * it through the to the align attribute. * * @method _setAlignCenter * @protected * @param {boolean | node} The attribute value being set. * @return {Number} The attribute value being set. */ _setAlignCenter : function(val) { if (val) { this.set(ALIGN, { node: val === true ? null : val, points: [PositionExt.CC, PositionExt.CC] }); } return val; }, /** * Default attribute change listener for the align attribute, responsible * for updating the UI, in response to attribute changes. * * @method _afterAlignChange * @protected * @param {EventFacade} e The event facade for the attribute change */ _afterAlignChange : function(e) { if (e.newVal) { this._uiSetAlign(e.newVal.node, e.newVal.points); } }, /** * Updates the UI to reflect the align value passed in (see the align attribute documentation, for the object stucture expected) * @method _uiSetAlign * @protected * @param {Node | null} The node to align to, or null to indicate the viewport */ _uiSetAlign: function (node, points) { if (!L.isArray(points) || points.length != 2) { Y.error("align: Invalid Points Arguments"); return; } var nodeRegion, widgetPoint, nodePoint, xy; if (!node) { nodeRegion = this._posNode.get(VIEWPORT_REGION); } else { node = Y.Node.get(node); if (node) { nodeRegion = node.get(REGION); } } if (nodeRegion) { // TODO: ViewportRegion doesn't have width/height - Workaround until normalized in Node/Dom nodeRegion.width = nodeRegion.width || nodeRegion.right - nodeRegion.left; nodeRegion.height = nodeRegion.height || nodeRegion.bottom - nodeRegion.top; widgetPoint = points[0]; nodePoint = points[1]; // TODO: Optimize KWeight - Would lookup table help? switch (nodePoint) { case PositionExt.TL: xy = [nodeRegion.left, nodeRegion.top]; break; case PositionExt.TR: xy = [nodeRegion.right, nodeRegion.top]; break; case PositionExt.BL: xy = [nodeRegion.left, nodeRegion.bottom]; break; case PositionExt.BR: xy = [nodeRegion.right, nodeRegion.bottom]; break; case PositionExt.TC: xy = [nodeRegion.left + Math.floor(nodeRegion.width/2), nodeRegion.top]; break; case PositionExt.BC: xy = [nodeRegion.left + Math.floor(nodeRegion.width/2), nodeRegion.bottom]; break; case PositionExt.LC: xy = [nodeRegion.left, nodeRegion.top + Math.floor(nodeRegion.height/2)]; break; case PositionExt.RC: xy = [nodeRegion.right, nodeRegion.top + Math.floor(nodeRegion.height/2), widgetPoint]; break; case PositionExt.CC: xy = [nodeRegion.left + Math.floor(nodeRegion.width/2), nodeRegion.top + Math.floor(nodeRegion.height/2), widgetPoint]; break; default: break; } if (xy) { this._doAlign(widgetPoint, xy[0], xy[1]); } } }, /** * Helper method, used to align the given point on the widget, with the XY page co-ordinates provided. * * @method _doAlign * @private * @param {String} widgetPoint Supported point constant (e.g. WidgetPositionExt.TL) * @param {Number} x X page co-ordinate to align to * @param {Number} y Y page co-ordinate to align to */ _doAlign : function(widgetPoint, x, y) { var widgetNode = this._posNode, xy; switch (widgetPoint) { case PositionExt.TL: xy = [x, y]; break; case PositionExt.TR: xy = [x - widgetNode.get(OFFSET_WIDTH), y]; break; case PositionExt.BL: xy = [x, y - widgetNode.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT)]; break; case PositionExt.BR: xy = [x - widgetNode.get(OFFSET_WIDTH), y - widgetNode.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT)]; break; case PositionExt.TC: xy = [x - (widgetNode.get(OFFSET_WIDTH)/2), y]; break; case PositionExt.BC: xy = [x - (widgetNode.get(OFFSET_WIDTH)/2), y - widgetNode.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT)]; break; case PositionExt.LC: xy = [x, y - (widgetNode.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT)/2)]; break; case PositionExt.RC: xy = [(x - widgetNode.get(OFFSET_WIDTH)), y - (widgetNode.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT)/2)]; break; case PositionExt.CC: xy = [x - (widgetNode.get(OFFSET_WIDTH)/2), y - (widgetNode.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT)/2)]; break; default: break; } if (xy) { this.move(xy); } }, /** * Aligns the Widget to the provided node (or viewport) using the provided * points. The method can be invoked directly, however it will result in * the align attribute being out of sync with current position of the of Widget. * * @method align * @param {Node | String | null} node A reference (or selector string) for the Node which with the Widget is to be aligned. * If null is passed in, the Widget will be aligned with the viewport. * @param {Array[2]} points A two element array, specifying the points on the Widget and node/viewport which need to be aligned. * The first entry is the point on the Widget, and the second entry is the point on the node/viewport which need to align. * Valid point references are defined as static constants on the WidgetPositionExt class. * * e.g. [WidgetPositionExt.TL, WidgetPositionExt.TR] will align the top-left corner of the Widget with the top-right corner of the node/viewport. */ align: function (node, points) { this.set(ALIGN, {node: node, points:points}); }, /** * Centers the container in the viewport, or if a node is passed in, * the node. * * @method centered * @param {Node | String} node Optional. A node reference or selector string defining the node * inside which the Widget is to be centered. If not passed in, the Widget will be centered in the * viewport. */ centered: function (node) { this.align(node, [PositionExt.CC, PositionExt.CC]); } }; Y.WidgetPositionExt = PositionExt; }, '3.0.0' ,{requires:['widget', 'widget-position']});