/* Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt version: 3.0.0 build: 1549 */ YUI.add('widget-position', function(Y) { /** * Provides basic XY positioning support for Widgets, though an extension * * @module widget-position */ var Lang = Y.Lang, Widget = Y.Widget, XY_COORD = "xy", POSITIONED = "positioned", BOUNDING_BOX = "boundingBox", RENDERUI = "renderUI", BINDUI = "bindUI", SYNCUI = "syncUI", UI = Widget.UI_SRC, XYChange = "xyChange"; /** * Widget extension, which can be used to add positioning support to the base Widget class, * through the Base.build method. * * @class WidgetPosition * @param {Object} config User configuration object */ function Position(config) { this._posNode = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX); // WIDGET METHOD OVERLAP Y.after(this._renderUIPosition, this, RENDERUI); Y.after(this._syncUIPosition, this, SYNCUI); Y.after(this._bindUIPosition, this, BINDUI); } /** * Static property used to define the default attribute * configuration introduced by WidgetPosition. * * @property WidgetPosition.ATTRS * @static * @type Object */ Position.ATTRS = { /** * @attribute x * @type number * @default 0 * * @description Page X co-ordinate for the widget. This attribute acts as a facade for the * xy attribute. Changes in position can be monitored by listening for xyChange events. */ x: { setter: function(val) { this._setX(val); }, lazyAdd:false, getter: function() { return this._getX(); } }, /** * @attribute y * @type number * @default 0 * * @description Page Y co-ordinate for the widget. This attribute acts as a facade for the * xy attribute. Changes in position can be monitored by listening for xyChange events. */ y: { setter: function(val) { this._setY(val); }, lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { return this._getY(); } }, /** * @attribute xy * @type Array * @default [0,0] * * @description Page XY co-ordinate pair for the widget. */ xy: { value:[0,0], validator: function(val) { return this._validateXY(val); } } }; /** * Default class used to mark the boundingBox of a positioned widget. * * @property WidgetPosition.POSITIONED_CLASS_NAME * @type String * @default "yui-widget-positioned" * @static */ Position.POSITIONED_CLASS_NAME = Widget.getClassName(POSITIONED); Position.prototype = { /** * Creates/Initializes the DOM to support xy page positioning. *

* This method in invoked after renderUI is invoked for the Widget class * using YUI's aop infrastructure. *

* @method _renderUIPosition * @protected */ _renderUIPosition : function() { this._posNode.addClass(Position.POSITIONED_CLASS_NAME); }, /** * Synchronizes the UI to match the Widgets xy page position state. *

* This method in invoked after syncUI is invoked for the Widget class * using YUI's aop infrastructure. *

* @method _syncUIPosition * @protected */ _syncUIPosition : function() { this._uiSetXY(this.get(XY_COORD)); }, /** * Binds event listeners responsible for updating the UI state in response to * Widget position related state changes. *

* This method in invoked after bindUI is invoked for the Widget class * using YUI's aop infrastructure. *

* @method _bindUIPosition * @protected */ _bindUIPosition :function() { this.after(XYChange, this._afterXYChange); }, /** * Moves the Widget to the specified page xy co-ordinate position. * * @method move * * @param {Number} x The new x position * @param {Number} y The new y position *


* @param {Array} x, y values passed as an array ([x, y]), to support * simple pass through of Node.getXY results */ move: function () { var args = arguments, coord = (Lang.isArray(args[0])) ? args[0] : [args[0], args[1]]; this.set(XY_COORD, coord); }, /** * Synchronizes the Panel's "xy", "x", and "y" properties with the * Widget's position in the DOM. * * @method syncXY */ syncXY : function () { this.set(XY_COORD, this._posNode.getXY(), {src: UI}); }, /** * Default validator for the XY attribute * * @method _validateXY * @param {Array} val The XY page co-ordinate value which is being set. * @return {boolean} true if valid, false if not. */ _validateXY : function(val) { return (Lang.isArray(val) && Lang.isNumber(val[0]) && Lang.isNumber(val[1])); }, /** * Default setter for the X attribute. The setter passes the X value through * to the XY attribute, which is the sole store for the XY state. * * @method _setX * @param {Number} val The X page co-ordinate value */ _setX : function(val) { this.set(XY_COORD, [val, this.get(XY_COORD)[1]]); }, /** * Default setter for the Y attribute. The setter passes the Y value through * to the XY attribute, which is the sole store for the XY state. * * @method _setY * @param {Number} val The Y page co-ordinate value */ _setY : function(val) { this.set(XY_COORD, [this.get(XY_COORD)[0], val]); }, /** * Default getter for the X attribute. The value is retrieved from * the XY attribute, which is the sole store for the XY state. * * @method _getX * @return {Number} The X page co-ordinate value */ _getX : function() { return this.get(XY_COORD)[0]; }, /** * Default getter for the Y attribute. The value is retrieved from * the XY attribute, which is the sole store for the XY state. * * @method _getY * @return {Number} The Y page co-ordinate value */ _getY : function() { return this.get(XY_COORD)[1]; }, /** * Default attribute change listener for the xy attribute, responsible * for updating the UI, in response to attribute changes. * * @method _afterXYChange * @protected * @param {EventFacade} e The event facade for the attribute change */ _afterXYChange : function(e) { if (e.src != UI) { this._uiSetXY(e.newVal); } }, /** * Updates the UI to reflect the XY page co-ordinates passed in. * * @method _uiSetXY * @protected * @param {String} val The XY page co-ordinates value to be reflected in the UI */ _uiSetXY : function(val) { this._posNode.setXY(val); } }; Y.WidgetPosition = Position; }, '3.0.0' ,{requires:['widget']});