WikiTransform(); // register functions // functions are applied in order of registering $this->register(WT_SIMPLE_MARKUP, 'wtm_plugin_link'); $this->register(WT_TOKENIZER, 'wtt_doublebrackets', '\[\['); //$this->register(WT_TOKENIZER, 'wtt_footnotes', '^\[\d+\]'); //$this->register(WT_TOKENIZER, 'wtt_footnoterefs', '\[\d+\]'); $this->register(WT_TOKENIZER, 'wtt_bracketlinks', '\[.+?\]'); $this->register(WT_TOKENIZER, 'wtt_urls', "!?\b($AllowedProtocols):[^\s<>\[\]\"'()]*[^\s<>\[\]\"'(),.?]"); if (function_exists('wtt_interwikilinks')) { $this->register(WT_TOKENIZER, 'wtt_interwikilinks', pcre_fix_posix_classes("!?(?register(WT_TOKENIZER, 'wtt_bumpylinks', "!?$WikiNameRegexp"); $this->register(WT_SIMPLE_MARKUP, 'wtm_htmlchars'); $this->register(WT_SIMPLE_MARKUP, 'wtm_linebreak'); $this->register(WT_SIMPLE_MARKUP, 'wtm_bold_italics'); } }; function TransformInline ($text) { // the old transform code does funny things with leading and trailing // white space. // All this is to ensure leading and trailing whitespace does not // get altered... $lines = explode("\n", $text); $out = ''; while ($lines && !preg_match('/\S/', $lines[0])) $out .= array_shift($lines) . "\n"; $tail = ''; while ($lines && !preg_match('/\S/', $lines[count($lines)-1])) $tail = array_pop($lines) . "\n$tail"; $trfm = new InlineTransform; $out .= preg_replace('/\n $/', '', AsXML($trfm->do_transform('', $lines))); $out .= $tail; //if ($out != $text) { // echo(" IN
'" . htmlspecialchars($text) . "'

\n"); // echo("OUT
'" . htmlspecialchars($out) . "'

\n"); //} return new RawXml($out); } define("BLOCK_NEVER_TIGHTEN", 0); define("BLOCK_NOTIGHTEN_AFTER", 1); define("BLOCK_NOTIGHTEN_BEFORE", 2); define("BLOCK_NOTIGHTEN_EITHER", 3); /** * FIXME: * Still to do: * (old-style) tables *
style tables * old-style lists. */ class BlockParser { function BlockParser ($block_types) { $this->_blockTypes = array(); foreach ($block_types as $type) $this->registerBlockType($type); } function registerBlockType ($class) { // FIXME: this is hackish. // It's because there seems to be no way to // call static members of $class. $prototype = new $class (false); $this->_blockTypes[] = $prototype; } function parse ($text, $tighten = BLOCK_NEVER_TIGHTEN) { $content = array(); $block = $this->_nextBlock($text); $tight = $tighten != BLOCK_NEVER_TIGHTEN; while ($block !== false) { if (!$block) { if (($tighten & BLOCK_NOTIGHTEN_AFTER) != 0) $tight = false; $block = $this->_nextBlock($text); continue; } while ($nextBlock = $this->_nextBlock($text)) { // Attempt to merge current with following block. if (! $nextBlock->mergeWithPrecedingBlock($block)) break; // can't merge $block = $nextBlock; } if ($nextBlock === '' && ($tighten & BLOCK_NOTIGHTEN_BEFORE) != 0) $tight = false; $out = $block->finish($tight); if (is_array($out)) array_splice($content, count($content), 0, $out); else $content[] = $out; $block = $nextBlock; $tight = $tighten != BLOCK_NEVER_TIGHTEN; } return $content; } function _nextBlock (&$text) { if (!$text) return false; if (preg_match('/\s*\n/A', $text, $m)) { // A paragraph break: one or more blank lines. $text = substr($text, strlen($m[0])); return ''; // (empty but !== false). } foreach ($this->_blockTypes as $type) { if (($block = $type->Match($text))) { return $block; } } // We should never get here. list ($line1, $line2) = explode("\n", $text); trigger_error("Couldn't match block:\n $line1\n $line2", E_USER_ERROR); } } class Block extends HtmlElement { /** * (This should be a static member function...) */ function Match (&$text) { if (!preg_match($this->_re, $text, $m)) return false; $block = $this; $block->_parse($m, $text); return $block; } function _parse ($m, &$text) { $this->_init_from_match($m); $text = substr($text, strlen($m[0])); } function mergeWithPrecedingBlock ($precedingBlock) { return false; } function finish ($tighten) { return $this; } } class Block_list extends Block { var $_re = '/\ {0,4}([*#])\ *(?=\S)/A'; function _parse ($m, &$text) { global $BlockParser; $li_pfx = preg_quote($m[0], '/'); $c_pfx = sprintf("\\ {%d}", strlen($m[0])); $li_re = "/${li_pfx}\S.*(?:\s*\n${c_pfx}.*\S.*)*\n?/A"; $strip_re = "/^(?:${li_pfx}|${c_pfx})/m"; $this->_init($m[1] == '*' ? 'ul' : 'ol'); $tight = BLOCK_NOTIGHTEN_AFTER; $length = 0; while (preg_match($li_re, $text, $m)) { $text = substr($text, strlen($m[0])); $body = preg_replace($strip_re, '', $m[0]); $this->pushContent(HTML::li(false, $BlockParser->parse(rtrim($body), $tight))); if ($pbreak = preg_match("/\s*\n/A", $text, $m2)) { $text = substr($text, strlen($m2[0])); $tight = BLOCK_NEVER_TIGHTEN; } else $tight = BLOCK_NOTIGHTEN_AFTER; } assert(!$this->isEmpty()); } } class Block_dl extends Block { var $_re = '/ [^\s!].*: # term (
) \s*\n # zero of more blank lines \ +\S # indented non-blank line /Ax'; var $_dtdd_re = '/ ([^\s!].*): # term (
) [^\S\n]*\n # rest of first line. ((?: (?:\s*\n)? # zero of more blank lines \ +\S.* # indented non-blank line )+)\n? /Ax'; function Block_dl () { $this->_init('dl'); } function _parse ($m, &$text) { global $BlockParser; while(preg_match($this->_dtdd_re, $text, $m)) { $text = substr($text, strlen($m[0])); $dt = HTML::dt(rtrim($m[1])); $body = $this->_unindent($m[2]); $dd = HTML::dd(false, $BlockParser->parse($body, BLOCK_NOTIGHTEN_AFTER)); if (preg_match("/\s*\n/A", $text, $m2)) { $text = substr($text, strlen($m2[0])); // FIXME: use something else for space here? $dd->pushContent(HTML::p(array('class' => 'empty'))); } $this->pushContent($dt, $dd); } assert(!$this->isEmpty()); } function _unindent ($body) { assert(preg_match_all("/^ +(?=\S)/m", $body, $m)); $indent = strlen($m[0][0]); foreach ($m[0] as $pfx) $indent = min($indent, strlen($pfx)); $ind_re = sprintf("\\ {%d}", $indent); return preg_replace("/^{$ind_re}/m", "", $body); } } class Block_blockquote extends Block { //var $_depth; var $_re = '/ (\ +(?=\S)).* # indented non-blank line (?: \s*\n # zero or more blank lines \1.* # lines with same or greater indent )*\n? /Ax'; function Block_blockquote () { $this->_init('blockquote'); } function _init_from_match ($m) { $this->_depth = strlen($m[1]); $pfx = preg_quote($m[1], '/'); $body = preg_replace("/^$pfx/m", "", $m[0]); global $BlockParser; $this->pushContent($BlockParser->parse($body, BLOCK_NOTIGHTEN_EITHER)); } function mergeWithPrecedingBlock ($precedingBlock) { if (!isa($precedingBlock, "Block_blockquote")) return false; // can only merge with another blockquote. if ($precedingBlock->_depth <= $this->_depth) return false; // can only merge with deeper block $this->unshiftContent($precedingBlock); return true; } } class BlockBlock extends Block { function BlockBlock ($begin_re, $end_re) { $this->_re = "/ ( $begin_re ( (?:.|\\n)*? ) $end_re ) [^\\S\\n]*\\n? /Aix"; } } class Block_pre extends BlockBlock { function Block_pre () { $this->_init('pre'); $this->BlockBlock("
", "(?");

    function _init_from_match ($m) {

class Block_plugin extends BlockBlock
    function Block_plugin () {
        $this->_init('div', array('class' => 'plugin'));
        $this->BlockBlock("<\?plugin(?:-form)?\s", "\?>");

    function _init_from_match ($m) {
        global $request;
        $loader = new WikiPluginLoader;
        $this->pushContent($loader->expandPI($m[1], $request));

class Block_hr extends Block
    var $_re = "/-{4,}[^\S\n]*\n?/A";

    function Block_hr () {
    function _init_from_match ($m) {
        //return true;

class Block_heading extends Block
    var $_re = "/(!{1,3}).*?(\S.*)\n?/A";
    function _init_from_match ($m) {
        $tag = "h" . (5 - strlen($m[1]));

class Block_p extends Block
    var $_re = "/\S.*\n?/A";
    //var $_text = '';

    function Block_p () {
    function _init_from_match ($m) {
        $this->_text = $m[0];

    function mergeWithPrecedingBlock ($precedingBlock) {
        if (!isa($precedingBlock, 'Block_p'))
            return false;
        $this->_text = $precedingBlock->_text . $this->_text;
        return true;
    function finish ($tighten) {
        $content = TransformInline(trim($this->_text));
        if ($tighten)
            return $content;
        else {
            return $this;

$GLOBALS['BlockParser'] = new BlockParser(array('Block_dl',

// FIXME: This is temporary, too...
function NewTransform ($text) {
    global $BlockParser;

    // Expand leading tabs.
    // FIXME: do this better.
    $text = preg_replace('/^\ *[^\ \S\n][^\S\n]*/me', "str_repeat(' ', strlen('\\0'))", $text);
    assert(!preg_match('/^\ *\t/', $text));

    return $BlockParser->parse($text);

// FIXME: bad name
function TransformRevision ($revision) {
    if ($revision->get('markup') == 'new') {
        return NewTransform($revision->getPackedContent());
    else {
        return do_transform($revision->getContent());

// (c-file-style: "gnu")
// Local Variables:
// mode: php
// tab-width: 8
// c-basic-offset: 4
// c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// End:   