* * This file is part of PhpWiki. * * PhpWiki is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PhpWiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PhpWiki; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ require_once('lib/HtmlElement.php'); require_once('lib/CachedMarkup.php'); require_once('lib/InlineParser.php'); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // /** * Deal with paragraphs and proper, recursive block indents * for the new style markup (version 2) * * Everything which goes over more than line: * automatic lists, UL, OL, DL, table, blockquote, verbatim, * p, pre, plugin, ... * * FIXME: * Still to do: * (old-style) tables * FIXME: unify this with the RegexpSet in InlineParser. * * @package Markup * @author: Geoffrey T. Dairiki */ /** * Return type from RegexpSet::match and RegexpSet::nextMatch. * * @see RegexpSet */ class AnchoredRegexpSet_match { /** * The matched text. */ var $match; /** * The text following the matched text. */ var $postmatch; /** * Index of the regular expression which matched. */ var $regexp_ind; } /** * A set of regular expressions. * * This class is probably only useful for InlineTransformer. */ class AnchoredRegexpSet { /** Constructor * * @param $regexps array A list of regular expressions. The * regular expressions should not include any sub-pattern groups * "(...)". (Anonymous groups, like "(?:...)", as well as * look-ahead and look-behind assertions are fine.) */ function AnchoredRegexpSet ($regexps) { $this->_regexps = $regexps; $this->_re = "/((" . join(")|(", $regexps) . "))/Ax"; } /** * Search text for the next matching regexp from the Regexp Set. * * @param $text string The text to search. * * @return object A RegexpSet_match object, or false if no match. */ function match ($text) { if (! preg_match($this->_re, $text, $m)) { return false; } $match = new AnchoredRegexpSet_match; $match->postmatch = substr($text, strlen($m[0])); $match->match = $m[1]; $match->regexp_ind = count($m) - 3; return $match; } /** * Search for next matching regexp. * * Here, 'next' has two meanings: * * Match the next regexp(s) in the set, at the same position as the last match. * * If that fails, match the whole RegexpSet, starting after the position of the * previous match. * * @param $text string Text to search. * * @param $prevMatch A RegexpSet_match object * * $prevMatch should be a match object obtained by a previous * match upon the same value of $text. * * @return object A RegexpSet_match object, or false if no match. */ function nextMatch ($text, $prevMatch) { // Try to find match at same position. $regexps = array_slice($this->_regexps, $prevMatch->regexp_ind + 1); if (!$regexps) { return false; } $pat= "/ ( (" . join(')|(', $regexps) . ") ) /Axs"; if (! preg_match($pat, $text, $m)) { return false; } $match = new AnchoredRegexpSet_match; $match->postmatch = substr($text, strlen($m[0])); $match->match = $m[1]; $match->regexp_ind = count($m) - 3 + $prevMatch->regexp_ind + 1;; return $match; } } class BlockParser_Input { function BlockParser_Input ($text) { // Expand leading tabs. // FIXME: do this better. // // We want to ensure the only characters matching \s are ' ' and "\n". // $text = preg_replace('/(?![ \n])\s/', ' ', $text); assert(!preg_match('/(?![ \n])\s/', $text)); $this->_lines = preg_split('/[^\S\n]*\n/', $text); $this->_pos = 0; // Strip leading blank lines. while ($this->_lines and ! $this->_lines[0]) array_shift($this->_lines); $this->_atSpace = false; } function skipSpace () { $nlines = count($this->_lines); while (1) { if ($this->_pos >= $nlines) { $this->_atSpace = false; break; } if ($this->_lines[$this->_pos] != '') break; $this->_pos++; $this->_atSpace = true; } return $this->_atSpace; } function currentLine () { if ($this->_pos >= count($this->_lines)) { return false; } return $this->_lines[$this->_pos]; } function nextLine () { $this->_atSpace = $this->_lines[$this->_pos++] === ''; if ($this->_pos >= count($this->_lines)) { return false; } return $this->_lines[$this->_pos]; } function advance () { $this->_atSpace = $this->_lines[$this->_pos++] === ''; } function getPos () { return array($this->_pos, $this->_atSpace); } function setPos ($pos) { list($this->_pos, $this->_atSpace) = $pos; } function getPrefix () { return ''; } function getDepth () { return 0; } function where () { if ($this->_pos < count($this->_lines)) return $this->_lines[$this->_pos]; else return ""; } function _debug ($tab, $msg) { //return ; $where = $this->where(); $tab = str_repeat('____', $this->getDepth() ) . $tab; printXML(HTML::div("$tab $msg: at: '", HTML::tt($where), "'")); } } class BlockParser_InputSubBlock extends BlockParser_Input { function BlockParser_InputSubBlock (&$input, $prefix_re, $initial_prefix = false) { $this->_input = &$input; $this->_prefix_pat = "/$prefix_re|\\s*\$/Ax"; $this->_atSpace = false; if (($line = $input->currentLine()) === false) $this->_line = false; elseif ($initial_prefix) { assert(substr($line, 0, strlen($initial_prefix)) == $initial_prefix); $this->_line = (string) substr($line, strlen($initial_prefix)); $this->_atBlank = ! ltrim($line); } elseif (preg_match($this->_prefix_pat, $line, $m)) { $this->_line = (string) substr($line, strlen($m[0])); $this->_atBlank = ! ltrim($line); } else $this->_line = false; } function skipSpace () { // In contrast to the case for top-level blocks, // for sub-blocks, there never appears to be any trailing space. // (The last block in the sub-block should always be of class tight-bottom.) while ($this->_line === '') $this->advance(); if ($this->_line === false) return $this->_atSpace == 'strong_space'; else return $this->_atSpace; } function currentLine () { return $this->_line; } function nextLine () { if ($this->_line === '') $this->_atSpace = $this->_atBlank ? 'weak_space' : 'strong_space'; else $this->_atSpace = false; $line = $this->_input->nextLine(); if ($line !== false && preg_match($this->_prefix_pat, $line, $m)) { $this->_line = (string) substr($line, strlen($m[0])); $this->_atBlank = ! ltrim($line); } else $this->_line = false; return $this->_line; } function advance () { $this->nextLine(); } function getPos () { return array($this->_line, $this->_atSpace, $this->_input->getPos()); } function setPos ($pos) { $this->_line = $pos[0]; $this->_atSpace = $pos[1]; $this->_input->setPos($pos[2]); } function getPrefix () { assert ($this->_line !== false); $line = $this->_input->currentLine(); assert ($line !== false && strlen($line) >= strlen($this->_line)); return substr($line, 0, strlen($line) - strlen($this->_line)); } function getDepth () { return $this->_input->getDepth() + 1; } function where () { return $this->_input->where(); } } class Block_HtmlElement extends HtmlElement { function Block_HtmlElement($tag /*, ... */) { $this->_init(func_get_args()); } function setTightness($top, $bottom) { $this->setInClass('tightenable'); $this->setInClass('top', $top); $this->setInClass('bottom', $bottom); } } class ParsedBlock extends Block_HtmlElement { function ParsedBlock (&$input, $tag = 'div', $attr = false) { $this->Block_HtmlElement($tag, $attr); $this->_initBlockTypes(); $this->_parse($input); } function _parse (&$input) { for ($block = $this->_getBlock($input); $block; $block = $nextBlock) { while ($nextBlock = $this->_getBlock($input)) { // Attempt to merge current with following block. if (! ($merged = $block->merge($nextBlock)) ) { break; // can't merge } $block = $merged; } $this->pushContent($block->finish()); } } // FIXME: hackish function _initBlockTypes () { foreach (array('oldlists', 'list', 'dl', 'table_dl', 'blockquote', 'heading', 'hr', 'pre', 'email_blockquote', 'plugin', 'p') as $type) { $class = "Block_$type"; $proto = new $class; $this->_block_types[] = $proto; $this->_regexps[] = $proto->_re; } $this->_regexpset = new AnchoredRegexpSet($this->_regexps); } function _getBlock (&$input) { $this->_atSpace = $input->skipSpace(); if (($line = $input->currentLine()) === '') return false; $tight_top = !$this->_atSpace; $re_set = &$this->_regexpset; for ($m = $re_set->match($line); $m; $m = $re_set->nextMatch($line, $m)) { $block = $this->_block_types[$m->regexp_ind]; //$input->_debug('>', get_class($block)); if ($block->_match($input, $m)) { //$input->_debug('<', get_class($block)); $tight_bottom = ! $input->skipSpace(); $block->_setTightness($tight_top, $tight_bottom); return $block; } //$input->_debug('[', "_match failed"); } if (!$line) return false; trigger_error("Couldn't match block: '$line'", E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } class WikiText extends ParsedBlock { function WikiText ($text) { $input = new BlockParser_Input($text); $this->ParsedBlock($input); } } class SubBlock extends ParsedBlock { function SubBlock (&$input, $indent_re, $initial_indent = false, $tag = 'div', $attr = false) { $subinput = new BlockParser_InputSubBlock($input, $indent_re, $initial_indent); $this->ParsedBlock($subinput, $tag, $attr); } } /** * TightSubBlock is for use in parsing lists item bodies. * * If the sub-block consists of a single paragraph, it omits * the paragraph element. * * We go to this trouble so that "tight" lists look somewhat reasonable * in older (non-CSS) browsers. (If you don't do this, then, without * CSS, you only get "loose" lists. */ class TightSubBlock extends SubBlock { function TightSubBlock (&$input, $indent_re, $initial_indent = false, $tag = 'div', $attr = false) { $this->SubBlock($input, $indent_re, $initial_indent, $tag, $attr); // If content is a single paragraph, eliminate the paragraph... if (count($this->_content) == 1) { $elem = $this->_content[0]; if (isa($elem, 'XmlElement') and $elem->getTag() == 'p') { assert($elem->getAttr('class') == 'tightenable top bottom'); $this->setContent($elem->getContent()); } } } } class BlockMarkup { var $_re; function _match (&$input, $match) { trigger_error('pure virtual', E_USER_ERROR); } function _setTightness ($top, $bot) { $this->_element->setTightness($top, $bot); } function merge ($followingBlock) { return false; } function finish () { return $this->_element; } } class Block_blockquote extends BlockMarkup { var $_depth; var $_re = '\ +(?=\S)'; function _match (&$input, $m) { $this->_depth = strlen($m->match); $indent = sprintf("\\ {%d}", $this->_depth); $this->_element = new SubBlock($input, $indent, $m->match, 'blockquote'); return true; } function merge ($nextBlock) { if (get_class($nextBlock) == get_class($this)) { assert ($nextBlock->_depth < $this->_depth); $nextBlock->_element->unshiftContent($this->_element); $nextBlock->_tight_top = $this->_tight_top; return $nextBlock; } return false; } } class Block_list extends BlockMarkup { //var $_tag = 'ol' or 'ul'; var $_re = '\ {0,4} (?: \+ | \\# (?!\[.*\]) | -(?!-) | [o](?=\ ) | [*] (?!(?=\S)[^*]*(?<=\S)[*](?:\\s|[-)}>"\'\\/:.,;!?_*=]) ) )\ *(?=\S)'; var $_content = array(); function _match (&$input, $m) { // A list as the first content in a list is not allowed. // E.g.: // * * Item // Should markup as , // not . // if (preg_match('/[*#+-o]/', $input->getPrefix())) { return false; } $prefix = $m->match; $indent = sprintf("\\ {%d}", strlen($prefix)); $bullet = trim($m->match); $this->_tag = $bullet == '#' ? 'ol' : 'ul'; $this->_content[] = new TightSubBlock($input, $indent, $m->match, 'li'); return true; } function _setTightness($top, $bot) { $li = &$this->_content[0]; $li->setTightness($top, $bot); } function merge ($nextBlock) { if (isa($nextBlock, 'Block_list') && $this->_tag == $nextBlock->_tag) { array_splice($this->_content, count($this->_content), 0, $nextBlock->_content); return $this; } return false; } function finish () { return new Block_HtmlElement($this->_tag, false, $this->_content); } } class Block_dl extends Block_list { var $_tag = 'dl'; function Block_dl () { $this->_re = '\ {0,4}\S.*(?_do_match($input, $m))) return false; list ($term, $defn, $loose) = $p; $this->_content[] = new Block_HtmlElement('dt', false, $term); $this->_content[] = $defn; $this->_tight_defn = !$loose; return true; } function _setTightness($top, $bot) { $dt = &$this->_content[0]; $dd = &$this->_content[1]; $dt->setTightness($top, $this->_tight_defn); $dd->setTightness($this->_tight_defn, $bot); } function _do_match (&$input, $m) { $pos = $input->getPos(); $firstIndent = strspn($m->match, ' '); $pat = sprintf('/\ {%d,%d}(?=\s*\S)/A', $firstIndent + 1, $firstIndent + 5); $input->advance(); $loose = $input->skipSpace(); $line = $input->currentLine(); if (!$line || !preg_match($pat, $line, $mm)) { $input->setPos($pos); return false; // No body found. } $indent = strlen($mm[0]); $term = TransformInline(rtrim(substr(trim($m->match),0,-1))); $defn = new TightSubBlock($input, sprintf("\\ {%d}", $indent), false, 'dd'); return array($term, $defn, $loose); } } class Block_table_dl_defn extends XmlContent { var $nrows; var $ncols; function Block_table_dl_defn ($term, $defn) { $this->XmlContent(); if (!is_array($defn)) $defn = $defn->getContent(); $this->_next_tight_top = false; // value irrelevant - gets fixed later $this->_ncols = $this->_ComputeNcols($defn); $this->_nrows = 0; foreach ($defn as $item) { if ($this->_IsASubtable($item)) $this->_addSubtable($item); else $this->_addToRow($item); } $this->_flushRow(); $th = HTML::th($term); if ($this->_nrows > 1) $th->setAttr('rowspan', $this->_nrows); $this->_setTerm($th); } function setTightness($tight_top, $tight_bot) { $this->_tight_top = $tight_top; $this->_tight_bot = $tight_bot; $first = &$this->firstTR(); $last = &$this->lastTR(); $first->setInClass('top', $tight_top); if (!empty($last)) { $last->setInClass('bottom', $tight_bot); } else { trigger_error(sprintf("no lastTR: %s",AsXml($this->_content[0])), E_USER_WARNING); } } function _addToRow ($item) { if (empty($this->_accum)) { $this->_accum = HTML::td(); if ($this->_ncols > 2) $this->_accum->setAttr('colspan', $this->_ncols - 1); } $this->_accum->pushContent($item); } function _flushRow ($tight_bottom=false) { if (!empty($this->_accum)) { $row = new Block_HtmlElement('tr', false, $this->_accum); $row->setTightness($this->_next_tight_top, $tight_bottom); $this->_next_tight_top = $tight_bottom; $this->pushContent($row); $this->_accum = false; $this->_nrows++; } } function _addSubtable ($table) { if (!($table_rows = $table->getContent())) return; $this->_flushRow($table_rows[0]->_tight_top); foreach ($table_rows as $subdef) { $this->pushContent($subdef); $this->_nrows += $subdef->nrows(); $this->_next_tight_top = $subdef->_tight_bot; } } function _setTerm ($th) { $first_row = &$this->_content[0]; if (isa($first_row, 'Block_table_dl_defn')) $first_row->_setTerm($th); else $first_row->unshiftContent($th); } function _ComputeNcols ($defn) { $ncols = 2; foreach ($defn as $item) { if ($this->_IsASubtable($item)) { $row = $this->_FirstDefn($item); $ncols = max($ncols, $row->ncols() + 1); } } return $ncols; } function _IsASubtable ($item) { return isa($item, 'HtmlElement') && $item->getTag() == 'table' && $item->getAttr('class') == 'wiki-dl-table'; } function _FirstDefn ($subtable) { $defs = $subtable->getContent(); return $defs[0]; } function ncols () { return $this->_ncols; } function nrows () { return $this->_nrows; } function & firstTR() { $first = &$this->_content[0]; if (isa($first, 'Block_table_dl_defn')) return $first->firstTR(); return $first; } function & lastTR() { $last = &$this->_content[$this->_nrows - 1]; if (isa($last, 'Block_table_dl_defn')) return $last->lastTR(); return $last; } function setWidth ($ncols) { assert($ncols >= $this->_ncols); if ($ncols <= $this->_ncols) return; $rows = &$this->_content; for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) { $row = &$rows[$i]; if (isa($row, 'Block_table_dl_defn')) $row->setWidth($ncols - 1); else { $n = count($row->_content); $lastcol = &$row->_content[$n - 1]; if (!empty($lastcol)) $lastcol->setAttr('colspan', $ncols - 1); } } } } class Block_table_dl extends Block_dl { var $_tag = 'dl-table'; // phony. function Block_table_dl() { $this->_re = '\ {0,4} (?:\S.*)? (?_do_match($input, $m))) return false; list ($term, $defn, $loose) = $p; $this->_content[] = new Block_table_dl_defn($term, $defn); return true; } function _setTightness($top, $bot) { $this->_content[0]->setTightness($top, $bot); } function finish () { $defs = &$this->_content; $ncols = 0; foreach ($defs as $defn) $ncols = max($ncols, $defn->ncols()); foreach ($defs as $key => $defn) $defs[$key]->setWidth($ncols); return HTML::table(array('class' => 'wiki-dl-table', 'border' => 1, 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 6), $defs); } } class Block_oldlists extends Block_list { //var $_tag = 'ol', 'ul', or 'dl'; var $_re = '(?: [*] (?!(?=\S)[^*]*(?<=\S)[*](?:\\s|[-)}>"\'\\/:.,;!?_*=])) | [#] (?! \[ .*? \] ) | ; .*? : ) .*? (?=\S)'; function _match (&$input, $m) { // FIXME: if (!preg_match('/[*#;]*$/A', $input->getPrefix())) { return false; } $prefix = $m->match; $oldindent = '[*#;](?=[#*]|;.*:.*\S)'; $newindent = sprintf('\\ {%d}', strlen($prefix)); $indent = "(?:$oldindent|$newindent)"; $bullet = $prefix[0]; if ($bullet == '*') { $this->_tag = 'ul'; $itemtag = 'li'; } elseif ($bullet == '#') { $this->_tag = 'ol'; $itemtag = 'li'; } else { $this->_tag = 'dl'; list ($term,) = explode(':', substr($prefix, 1), 2); $term = trim($term); if ($term) $this->_content[] = new Block_HtmlElement('dt', false, TransformInline($term)); $itemtag = 'dd'; } $this->_content[] = new TightSubBlock($input, $indent, $m->match, $itemtag); return true; } function _setTightness($top, $bot) { if (count($this->_content) == 1) { $li = &$this->_content[0]; $li->setTightness($top, $bot); } else { // This is where php5 broke if (DEBUG and check_php_version(5)) { if (count($this->_content) != 2) { echo "
                    $class = new Reflection_Class('XmlElement');
                    // Print out basic information
                           "===> The %s%s%s %s '%s' [extends %s]\n".
                           "     declared in %s\n".
                           "     lines %d to %d\n".
                           "     having the modifiers %d [%s]\n",
                           $class->isInternal() ? 'internal' : 'user-defined',
                           $class->isAbstract() ? ' abstract' : '',
                           $class->isFinal() ? ' final' : '',
                           $class->isInterface() ? 'interface' : 'class',
                           var_export($class->getParentClass(), 1),
                           implode(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames($class->getModifiers()))
                    // Print class properties
                    printf("---> Properties: %s\n", var_export($class->getProperties(), 1));
                    echo 'count($this->_content): ', count($this->_content),"\n";
                    echo "\$this->_content[0]: "; var_dump ($this->_content[0]);
                    foreach ($this->_content as $c) {
                        echo "_tag: "; var_dump ($c->_tag);
                        echo "_content: "; var_dump ($c->_content);
                        echo "_properties: "; var_dump ($c->_properties);
                    if (function_exists("xdebug_get_function_stack")) {
                        var_dump (xdebug_get_function_stack());
                    echo "
"; } } if (!check_php_version(5)) assert(count($this->_content) == 2); $dt = &$this->_content[0]; $dd = &$this->_content[1]; $dt->setTightness($top, false); $dd->setTightness(false, $bot); } } } class Block_pre extends BlockMarkup { var $_re = '<(?:pre|verbatim)>'; function _match (&$input, $m) { $endtag = 'match, 1); $text = array(); $pos = $input->getPos(); $line = $m->postmatch; while (ltrim($line) != $endtag) { $text[] = $line; if (($line = $input->nextLine()) === false) { $input->setPos($pos); return false; } } $input->advance(); $text = join("\n", $text); // FIXME: no , , , , or 's allowed // in a
        if ($m->match == '
            $text = TransformInline($text);

        $this->_element = new Block_HtmlElement('pre', false, $text);
        return true;

class Block_plugin extends Block_pre
    var $_re = '<\?plugin(?:-form)?(?!\S)';

    // FIXME:
     * should work. */
    function _match (&$input, $m) {
        $pos = $input->getPos();
        $pi = $m->match . $m->postmatch;
        while (!preg_match('/(?\s*$/', $pi)) {
            if (($line = $input->nextLine()) === false) {
                return false;
            $pi .= "\n$line";

	$this->_element = new Cached_PluginInvocation($pi);
        return true;

class Block_email_blockquote extends BlockMarkup
    var $_attr = array('class' => 'mail-style-quote');
    var $_re = '>\ ?';
    function _match (&$input, $m) {
        //$indent = str_replace(' ', '\\ ', $m->match) . '|>$';
        $indent = $this->_re;
        $this->_element = new SubBlock($input, $indent, $m->match,
                                       'blockquote', $this->_attr);
        return true;

class Block_hr extends BlockMarkup
    var $_re = '-{4,}\s*$';

    function _match (&$input, $m) {
        $this->_element = new Block_HtmlElement('hr');
        return true;

    function _setTightness($top, $bot) {
	// Don't tighten 
s } } class Block_heading extends BlockMarkup { var $_re = '!{1,3}'; function _match (&$input, $m) { $tag = "h" . (5 - strlen($m->match)); $text = TransformInline(trim($m->postmatch)); $input->advance(); $this->_element = new Block_HtmlElement($tag, false, $text); return true; } function _setTightness($top, $bot) { // Don't tighten headers. } } class Block_p extends BlockMarkup { var $_tag = 'p'; var $_re = '\S.*'; function _match (&$input, $m) { $this->_text = $m->match; $input->advance(); return true; } function _setTightness ($top, $bot) { $this->_tight_top = $top; $this->_tight_bot = $bot; } function merge ($nextBlock) { $class = get_class($nextBlock); if ($class == 'block_p' && $this->_tight_bot) { $this->_text .= "\n" . $nextBlock->_text; $this->_tight_bot = $nextBlock->_tight_bot; return $this; } return false; } function finish () { $content = TransformInline(trim($this->_text)); $p = new Block_HtmlElement('p', false, $content); $p->setTightness($this->_tight_top, $this->_tight_bot); return $p; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TransformText ($text, $markup = 2.0, $basepage=false) { if (isa($text, 'WikiDB_PageRevision')) { $rev = $text; $text = $rev->getPackedContent(); $markup = $rev->get('markup'); } if (empty($markup) || $markup < 2.0) { //include_once("lib/transform.php"); //return do_transform($text); $text = ConvertOldMarkup($text); } // Expand leading tabs. $text = expand_tabs($text); //set_time_limit(3); $output = new WikiText($text); if (0 && DEBUG && check_php_version(5)) { echo "
"; var_dump($output); echo "
"; } if ($basepage) { // This is for immediate consumption. // We must bind the contents to a base pagename so that // relative page links can be properly linkified... return new CacheableMarkup($output->getContent(), $basepage); } return new XmlContent($output->getContent()); } // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>