_pathsep = $this->_get_syspath_separator(); if ($path === false) $path = $this->_get_include_path(); $this->_path = $path; } /** * Find file. * * @param $file string File to search for. * @return string The filename (including path), if found, otherwise false. */ function findFile ($file, $missing_okay = false) { if ($this->_is_abs($file)) { if (file_exists($file)) return $file; } elseif ( ($dir = $this->_search_path($file)) ) { return $dir . $this->_use_path_separator($dir) . $file; } return $missing_okay ? false : $this->_not_found($file); } function slashifyPath ($path) { if ($this->_isOtherPathsep()) return strtr($path,$this->_use_path_separator($path),'/'); else return $path; } /** * Try to include file. * * If file is found in the path, then the files directory is added * to PHP's include_path (if it's not already there.) Then the * file is include_once()'d. * * @param $file string File to include. * @return bool True if file was successfully included. */ function includeOnce ($file) { if ( ($ret = @include_once($file)) ) return $ret; if (!$this->_is_abs($file)) { if ( ($dir = $this->_search_path($file)) && is_file("$dir/$file")) { $this->_append_to_include_path($dir); return include_once($file); } } return $this->_not_found($file); } function _isOtherPathsep() { return $this->_pathsep != '/'; } /** * The system-dependent path-separator character. * UNIX,WindowsNT,MacOSX: / * Windows95: \ * Mac: : * * @access private * @return string path_separator. */ function _get_syspath_separator () { if (!empty($this->_pathsep)) return $this->_pathsep; elseif (isWindowsNT()) return '\\'; elseif (isWindows()) return '\\'; elseif (isMac()) return ':'; // MacOsX is / // VMS or LispM is really weird, we ignore it. else return '/'; } /** * The path-separator character of the given path. * Windows accepts / also, but gets confused with mixed path_separators, * e.g "C:\Apache\phpwiki/locale/button" * > dir C:\Apache\phpwiki/locale/button => * Parameterformat nicht korrekt - "locale" * So if there's any \\ in the path, either fix them to / (not in Win95!) * or use \\ for ours. * * @access private * @return string path_separator. */ function _use_path_separator ($path) { if (isWindows95()) { return (strchr($path,'\\')) ? '\\' : '/'; } else { return $this->_get_syspath_separator(); } } /** * Determine if path is absolute. * * @access private * @param $path string Path. * @return bool True if path is absolute. */ function _is_abs($path) { if (ereg('^/', $path)) return true; elseif (isWindows() and (eregi('^[a-z]:[/\\]', $path))) return true; else return false; } /** * Report a "file not found" error. * * @access private * @param $file string Name of missing file. * @return bool false. */ function _not_found($file) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("%s: file not found"),$file), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } /** * Search our path for a file. * * @access private * @param $file string File to find. * @return string Directory which contains $file, or false. */ function _search_path ($file) { foreach ($this->_path as $dir) { // ensure we use the same pathsep if ($this->_pathsep != '/') { $dir = $this->slashifyPath($dir); $file = $this->slashifyPath($file); if (file_exists($dir . $this->_pathsep . $file)) return $dir; } elseif (@file_exists("$dir/$file")) return $dir; } return false; } /** * The system-dependent path-separator character. On UNIX systems, * this character is ':'; on Win32 systems it is ';'. * Fixme: * On Mac it cannot be : because this is the seperator there! * * @access private * @return string path_separator. */ function _get_ini_separator () { return isWindows() ? ';' : ':'; // return preg_match('/^Windows/', php_uname()) } /** * Get the value of PHP's include_path. * * @access private * @return array Include path. */ function _get_include_path() { $path = @ini_get('include_path'); // FIXME: report warning if (empty($path)) $path = '.'; return explode($this->_get_ini_separator(), $this->slashifyPath($path)); } /** * Add a directory to the end of PHP's include_path. * * The directory is appended only if it is not already listed in * the include_path. * * @access private * @param $dir string Directory to add. */ function _append_to_include_path ($dir) { $path = $this->_get_include_path(); if (!in_array($dir, $path)) { $path[] = $dir; //ini_set('include_path', implode(':', $path)); } /* * Some (buggy) PHP's (notable SourceForge's PHP 4.0.6) * sometimes don't seem to heed their include_path. * I.e. sometimes a file is not found even though it seems to * be in the current include_path. A simple * ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path')) seems to * be enough to fix the problem * * This following line should be in the above if-block, but we * put it here, as it seems to work-around the bug. */ ini_set('include_path', implode($this->_get_ini_separator(), $this->slashifyPath($path))); } // Return all the possible shortened locale specifiers for the given locale. // Most specific first. // de_DE.iso8859-1@euro => de_DE.iso8859-1, de_DE, de // This code might needed somewhere else also. function locale_versions ($lang) { // Try less specific versions of the locale $langs[] = $lang; foreach (array('@', '.', '_') as $sep) { if ( ($tail = strchr($lang, $sep)) ) $langs[] = substr($lang, 0, -strlen($tail)); } return $langs; } /** * Try to figure out the appropriate value for $LANG. * *@access private *@return string The value of $LANG. */ function _get_lang() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['LANG'])) return $GLOBALS['LANG']; foreach (array('LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LC_RESPONSES') as $var) { $lang = setlocale($var, 0); if (!empty($lang)) return $lang; } foreach (array('LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LC_RESPONSES', 'LANG') as $var) { $lang = getenv($var); if (!empty($lang)) return $lang; } return "C"; } } /** * A class for finding PEAR code. * * This is a subclass of FileFinder which searches a standard list of * directories where PEAR code is likely to be installed. * * Example usage: * *
 *   $pearFinder = new PearFileFinder;
 *   $pearFinder->includeOnce('DB.php');
* * The above code will look for 'DB.php', if found, the directory in * which it was found will be added to PHP's include_path, and the * file will be included. (If the file is not found, and E_USER_ERROR * will be thrown.) */ class PearFileFinder extends FileFinder { /** * Constructor. * * @param $path array Where to look for PEAR library code. * A good set of defaults is provided, so you can probably leave * this parameter blank. */ function PearFileFinder ($path = array()) { $this->FileFinder(array_merge( $path, array('/usr/share/php4', '/usr/share/php', '/usr/lib/php4', '/usr/lib/php', '/usr/local/share/php4', '/usr/local/share/php', '/usr/local/lib/php4', '/usr/local/lib/php', '/System/Library/PHP', '/Apache/pear' // Windows ))); } } /** * Find PhpWiki localized files. * * This is a subclass of FileFinder which searches PHP's include_path * for files. It looks first for "locale/$LANG/$file", then for * "$file". * * If $LANG is something like "de_DE.iso8859-1@euro", this class will * also search under various less specific variations like * "de_DE.iso8859-1", "de_DE" and "de". */ class LocalizedFileFinder extends FileFinder { /** * Constructor. */ function LocalizedFileFinder () { $this->_pathsep = $this->_get_syspath_separator(); $include_path = $this->_get_include_path(); $path = array(); $lang = $this->_get_lang(); assert(!empty($lang)); if ($locales = $this->locale_versions($lang)) foreach ($locales as $lang) { if ($lang == 'C') $lang='en'; foreach ($include_path as $dir) { $path[] = $this->slashifyPath($dir) . "/locale/$lang"; } } $this->FileFinder(array_merge($path, $include_path)); } } /** * Find PhpWiki localized theme buttons. * * This is a subclass of FileFinder which searches PHP's include_path * for files. It looks first for "buttons/$LANG/$file", then for * "$file". * * If $LANG is something like "de_DE.iso8859-1@euro", this class will * also search under various less specific variations like * "de_DE.iso8859-1", "de_DE" and "de". */ class LocalizedButtonFinder extends FileFinder { /** * Constructor. */ function LocalizedButtonFinder () { global $Theme; $this->_pathsep = $this->_get_syspath_separator(); $include_path = $this->_get_include_path(); $path = array(); $lang = $this->_get_lang(); assert(!empty($lang)); assert(!empty($Theme)); $langs = $this->locale_versions($lang); foreach ($langs as $lang) { if ($lang == 'C') $lang='en'; foreach ($include_path as $dir) { $path[] = $Theme->file("buttons/$lang"); } } $this->FileFinder(array_merge($path, $include_path)); } } function isWindows() { static $win; if (isset($win)) return $win; //return preg_match('/^Windows/', php_uname()); $win = (substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN'); return $win; } function isWindows95() { static $win95; if (isset($win95)) return $win95; $win95 = isWindows() and !isWindowsNT(); return $win95; } function isWindowsNT() { static $winnt; if (isset($winnt)) return $winnt; // FIXME: Do this using PHP_OS instead of php_uname(). // $winnt = (PHP_OS == "WINNT"); // example from http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.readline.php if (function_usable('php_uname')) $winnt = preg_match('/^Windows NT/', php_uname()); else $winnt = false; // FIXME: punt. return $winnt; } // So far not supported. This has really ugly pathname semantics. // :path is relative, Desktop:path (I think) is absolute. Please fix this someone. function isMac() { return (substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'MAC'); // not tested! } // probably not needed, same behaviour as on unix. function isCygwin() { return (substr(PHP_OS,0,6) == 'CYGWIN'); } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>