_init(func_get_args()); $this->_properties = HTML::getTagProperties($tagname); } function _init ($args) { if (!is_array($args)) $args = func_get_args(); assert(count($args) >= 1); assert(is_string($args[0])); $this->_tag = array_shift($args); if ($args && is_array($args[0])) $this->_attr = array_shift($args); else { $this->_attr = array(); if ($args && $args[0] === false) array_shift($args); } $this->setContent($args); $this->_properties = HTML::getTagProperties($this->_tag); } /** * @access protected * This is used by the static factory methods is class HTML. */ function _init2 ($args) { if ($args) { if (is_array($args[0])) $this->_attr = array_shift($args); elseif ($args[0] === false) array_shift($args); } if (count($args) == 1 && is_array($args[0])) $args = $args[0]; $this->_content = $args; return $this; } /** Add a "tooltip" to an element. * * @param $tooltip_text string The tooltip text. */ function addTooltip ($tooltip_text) { $this->setAttr('title', $tooltip_text); // FIXME: this should be initialized from title by an onLoad() function. // (though, that may not be possible.) $qtooltip = str_replace("'", "\\'", $tooltip_text); $this->setAttr('onmouseover', sprintf('window.status="%s"; return true;', addslashes($tooltip_text))); $this->setAttr('onmouseout', "window.status='';return true;"); } function emptyTag () { if (($this->_properties & HTMLTAG_EMPTY) == 0) return $this->startTag() . "_tag>"; return substr($this->startTag(), 0, -1) . " />"; } function hasInlineContent () { return ($this->_properties & HTMLTAG_ACCEPTS_INLINE) != 0; } function isInlineElement () { return ($this->_properties & HTMLTAG_INLINE) != 0; } }; function HTML (/* $content, ... */) { return new XmlContent(func_get_args()); } class HTML extends HtmlElement { function raw ($html_text) { return new RawXml($html_text); } function getTagProperties($tag) { $props = &$GLOBALS['HTML_TagProperties']; return isset($props[$tag]) ? $props[$tag] : 0; } function _setTagProperty($prop_flag, $tags) { $props = &$GLOBALS['HTML_TagProperties']; if (is_string($tags)) $tags = preg_split('/\s+/', $tags); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = trim($tag); if ($tag) if (isset($props[$tag])) $props[$tag] |= $prop_flag; else $props[$tag] = $prop_flag; } } // // Shell script to generate the following static methods: // // #!/bin/sh // function mkfuncs () { // for tag in "$@" // do // echo " function $tag (/*...*/) {" // echo " \$el = new HtmlElement('$tag');" // echo " return \$el->_init2(func_get_args());" // echo " }" // done // } // d=' // /****************************************/' // mkfuncs link meta style script noscript // echo "$d" // mkfuncs a img br span // echo "$d" // mkfuncs h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 // echo "$d" // mkfuncs hr div p pre blockquote // echo "$d" // mkfuncs em strong small // echo "$d" // mkfuncs tt u sup sub // echo "$d" // mkfuncs ul ol dl li dt dd // echo "$d" // mkfuncs table caption thead tbody tfoot tr td th colgroup col // echo "$d" // mkfuncs form input option select textarea // echo "$d" // mkfuncs area map frame frameset iframe nobody function link (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('link'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function meta (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('meta'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function style (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('style'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function script (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('script'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function noscript (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('noscript'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } /****************************************/ function a (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('a'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function img (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('img'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function br (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('br'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function span (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('span'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } /****************************************/ function h1 (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('h1'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function h2 (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('h2'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function h3 (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('h3'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function h4 (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('h4'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function h5 (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('h5'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function h6 (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('h6'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } /****************************************/ function hr (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('hr'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function div (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('div'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function p (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('p'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function pre (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('pre'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function blockquote (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('blockquote'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } /****************************************/ function em (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('em'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function strong (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('strong'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function small (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('small'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } /****************************************/ function tt (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('tt'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function u (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('u'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function sup (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('sup'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function sub (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('sub'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } /****************************************/ function ul (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('ul'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function ol (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('ol'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function dl (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('dl'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function li (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('li'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function dt (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('dt'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function dd (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('dd'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } /****************************************/ function table (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('table'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function caption (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('caption'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function thead (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('thead'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function tbody (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('tbody'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function tfoot (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('tfoot'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function tr (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('tr'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function td (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('td'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function th (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('th'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function colgroup (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('colgroup'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function col (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('col'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } /****************************************/ function form (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('form'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function input (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('input'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function button (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('button'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function option (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('option'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function select (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('select'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function textarea (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('textarea'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function label (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('label'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } /****************************************/ function area (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('area'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function map (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('map'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function frame (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('frame'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function frameset (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('frameset'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function iframe (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('iframe'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function nobody (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('nobody'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function object (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('object'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } function embed (/*...*/) { $el = new HtmlElement('embed'); return $el->_init2(func_get_args()); } } define('HTMLTAG_EMPTY', 1); define('HTMLTAG_INLINE', 2); define('HTMLTAG_ACCEPTS_INLINE', 4); HTML::_setTagProperty(HTMLTAG_EMPTY, 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param'); HTML::_setTagProperty(HTMLTAG_ACCEPTS_INLINE, // %inline elements: 'b big i small tt ' // %fontstyle . 's strike u ' // (deprecated) . 'abbr acronym cite code dfn em kbd samp strong var ' //%phrase . 'a img object embed br script map q sub sup span bdo '//%special . 'button input label option select textarea label ' //%formctl // %block elements which contain inline content . 'address h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p pre ' // %block elements which contain either block or inline content . 'div fieldset frameset' // other with inline content . 'caption dt label legend ' // other with either inline or block . 'dd del ins li td th colgroup'); HTML::_setTagProperty(HTMLTAG_INLINE, // %inline elements: 'b big i small tt ' // %fontstyle . 's strike u ' // (deprecated) . 'abbr acronym cite code dfn em kbd samp strong var ' //%phrase . 'a img object br script map q sub sup span bdo '//%special . 'button input label option select textarea ' //%formctl . 'nobody iframe' ); /** * Generate hidden form input fields. * * @param $query_args hash A hash mapping names to values for the hidden inputs. * Values in the hash can themselves be hashes. The will result in hidden inputs * which will reconstruct the nested structure in the resulting query args as * processed by PHP. * * Example: * * $args = array('x' => '2', * 'y' => array('a' => 'aval', 'b' => 'bval')); * $inputs = HiddenInputs($args); * * Will result in: * * * * * * @return object An XmlContent object containing the inputs. */ function HiddenInputs ($query_args, $pfx = false, $exclude = array()) { $inputs = HTML(); foreach ($query_args as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, $exclude)) continue; $name = $pfx ? $pfx . "[$key]" : $key; if (is_array($val)) $inputs->pushContent(HiddenInputs($val, $name)); else $inputs->pushContent(HTML::input(array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $name, 'value' => $val))); } return $inputs; } /** Generate a constructs. Revision 1.30 2003/02/17 06:02:25 dairiki Remove functions HiddenGets() and HiddenPosts(). These functions were evil. They didn't check the request method, so they often resulted in GET args being converted to POST args, etc... One of these is still used in lib/plugin/WikiAdminSelect.php, but, so far as I can tell, that code is both broken _and_ it doesn't do anything. Revision 1.29 2003/02/15 01:54:19 dairiki Added HTML::meta() for tag. Revision 1.28 2003/01/04 02:32:30 carstenklapp Added 'col' and 'colgroup' table elements used by PluginManager. */ // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>