config.php dumper for faster startup. (really faster? to time) * * TODO: * - Old-style index.php => config/config.ini converter. * * - Don't use too much globals for easier integration into other projects * (namespace pollution). (FusionForge, phpnuke, postnuke, phpBB2, carolina, ...) * Use one global $phpwiki object instead which holds the cfg vars, constants * and all other globals. * (global $FieldSeparator, $WikiNameRegexp, $KeywordLinkRegexp; * global $DisabledActions, $DBParams, $LANG, $AllActionPages) * * - Resurrect the larger "config object" code (in config/) so it'll aid the * GUI config writers, and allow us to do proper validation and default * value handling. * * - Get rid of WikiNameRegexp and KeywordLinkRegexp as globals by finding * everywhere that uses them as variables and modify the code to use * them as constants. */ include_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php"); include_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/FileFinder.php"); /** * Speed-up iniconfig loading. * * Dump the static parts of the parsed config/config.ini settings to a fast-loadable config.php file. * The dynamic parts are then evaluated as before. * Requires write-permissions to config/config.php * * @param string $file */ function save_dump($file) { $vars =& $GLOBALS; // copy + unset not possible $ignore = array(); foreach (array("SERVER", "ENV", "GET", "POST", "REQUEST", "COOKIE", "FILES") as $key) { $ignore["HTTP_" . $key . "_VARS"]++; $ignore["_" . $key]++; } foreach (array("HTTP_POST_FILES", "GLOBALS", "RUNTIMER", "ErrorManager", 'LANG', 'HOME_PAGE', 'request', 'SCRIPT_NAME', 'VIRTUAL_PATH', 'SCRIPT_FILENAME') as $key) $ignore[$key]++; $fp = fopen($file, "wb"); fwrite($fp, " $val) { if (!$ignore[$var]) fwrite($fp, "\$GLOBALS['" . $var . "']=unserialize(\"" . addslashes(serialize($val)) . "\");\n"); } // cannot be optimized, maybe leave away predefined consts somehow foreach (get_defined_constants() as $var => $val) { if (substr($var, 0, 4) != "PHP_" and substr($var, 0, 2) != "E_" and substr($var, 0, 2) != "T_" and substr($var, 0, 2) != "M_" ) fwrite($fp, "if(!defined('" . $var . "')) define('" . $var . "',unserialize(\"" . addslashes(serialize($val)) . "\"));\n"); } fwrite($fp, "return 'noerr';}"); fwrite($fp, "?>"); fclose($fp); } function _check_int_constant(&$c) { // if int value == string value, force int type if (sprintf("%d", (int)$c) === $c) { // DEBUG & _DEBUG_bla $c = (int)$c; } } function IniConfig($file) { // Optionally check config/config.php dump for faster startup $dump = substr($file, 0, -3) . "php"; if (isWindows($dump)) $dump = str_replace("/", "\\", $dump); if (file_exists($dump) and is_readable($dump) and filesize($dump) > 0 and sort_file_mtime($dump, $file) < 0) { @include($dump) or die("Error including " . $dump); if (function_exists('wiki_configrestore') and (wiki_configrestore() === 'noerr')) { fixup_dynamic_configs(); return; } } // First-time installer detection here... // Similar to SetupWiki() if (!file_exists($file)) { // We need to DATA_PATH for configurator, or pass the posted values // somewhow to the script include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/install.php"); run_install("_part1"); if (!defined("_PHPWIKI_INSTALL_RUNNING")) trigger_error("Datasource file '$file' does not exist", E_USER_ERROR); exit(); } // List of all valid config options to be define()d which take "values" (not // booleans). Needs to be categorised, and generally made a lot tidier. $_IC_VALID_VALUE = array ('WIKI_NAME', 'ADMIN_USER', 'ADMIN_PASSWD', 'DEFAULT_DUMP_DIR', 'HTML_DUMP_DIR', 'HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX', 'MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE', 'MINOR_EDIT_TIMEOUT', 'ACCESS_LOG', 'CACHE_CONTROL', 'CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE', 'COOKIE_EXPIRATION_DAYS', 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'PASSWORD_LENGTH_MINIMUM', 'USER_AUTH_POLICY', 'GROUP_METHOD', 'EDITING_POLICY', 'THEME', 'WIKI_PGSRC', 'DEFAULT_WIKI_PGSRC', 'ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS', 'INLINE_IMAGES', /*'KEYWORDS',*/ // extra logic: //'DATABASE_PREFIX', 'DATABASE_DSN', 'DATABASE_TYPE', 'DATABASE_DBHANDLER', 'DATABASE_OPTIMISE_FREQUENCY', 'INTERWIKI_MAP_FILE', 'COPYRIGHTPAGE_TITLE', 'COPYRIGHTPAGE_URL', 'AUTHORPAGE_TITLE', 'AUTHORPAGE_URL', 'WIKI_NAME_REGEXP', 'PLUGIN_CACHED_DATABASE', 'PLUGIN_CACHED_FILENAME_PREFIX', 'PLUGIN_CACHED_HIGHWATER', 'PLUGIN_CACHED_LOWWATER', 'PLUGIN_CACHED_MAXLIFETIME', 'PLUGIN_CACHED_MAXARGLEN', 'PLUGIN_CACHED_IMGTYPES', 'WYSIWYG_BACKEND', // extra logic: 'SERVER_NAME', 'SERVER_PORT', 'SCRIPT_NAME', 'DATA_PATH', 'PHPWIKI_DIR', 'VIRTUAL_PATH', 'EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF_PAGELIST', 'PLUGIN_CACHED_CACHE_DIR' ); // Optional values which need to be defined. // These are not defined in config-default.ini and empty if not defined. $_IC_OPTIONAL_VALUE = array ( 'DEBUG', 'TEMP_DIR', 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'LDAP_AUTH_HOST', 'LDAP_SET_OPTION', 'LDAP_BASE_DN', 'LDAP_AUTH_USER', 'LDAP_AUTH_PASSWORD', 'LDAP_SEARCH_FIELD', 'LDAP_OU_GROUP', 'LDAP_OU_USERS', 'AUTH_USER_FILE', 'DBAUTH_AUTH_DSN', 'IMAP_AUTH_HOST', 'POP3_AUTH_HOST', 'AUTH_USER_FILE', 'AUTH_GROUP_FILE', 'AUTH_SESS_USER', 'AUTH_SESS_LEVEL', 'GOOGLE_LICENSE_KEY', 'FORTUNE_DIR', 'DISABLE_GETIMAGESIZE', 'DBADMIN_USER', 'DBADMIN_PASSWD', 'SESSION_SAVE_PATH', 'TOOLBAR_PAGELINK_PULLDOWN', 'TOOLBAR_TEMPLATE_PULLDOWN', 'TOOLBAR_IMAGE_PULLDOWN', 'EXTERNAL_LINK_TARGET', 'ACCESS_LOG_SQL', 'USE_EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF', 'LOGIN_LOG', 'LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER' ); // List of all valid config options to be define()d which take booleans. $_IC_VALID_BOOL = array ('ENABLE_PAGEPERM', 'ENABLE_EDIT_TOOLBAR', 'JS_SEARCHREPLACE', 'ENABLE_XHTML_XML', 'ENABLE_DOUBLECLICKEDIT', 'USECACHE', 'WIKIDB_NOCACHE_MARKUP', 'ENABLE_REVERSE_DNS', 'ENCRYPTED_PASSWD', 'ZIPDUMP_AUTH', 'ENABLE_RAW_HTML', 'ENABLE_RAW_HTML_LOCKEDONLY', 'ENABLE_RAW_HTML_SAFE', 'STRICT_MAILABLE_PAGEDUMPS', 'COMPRESS_OUTPUT', 'ALLOW_ANON_USER', 'ALLOW_ANON_EDIT', 'ALLOW_BOGO_LOGIN', 'ALLOW_USER_PASSWORDS', 'AUTH_USER_FILE_STORABLE', 'ALLOW_HTTP_AUTH_LOGIN', 'ALLOW_USER_LOGIN', 'ALLOW_LDAP_LOGIN', 'ALLOW_IMAP_LOGIN', 'WARN_NONPUBLIC_INTERWIKIMAP', 'USE_PATH_INFO', 'DISABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT', 'PLUGIN_CACHED_USECACHE', 'PLUGIN_CACHED_FORCE_SYNCMAP', 'BLOG_DEFAULT_EMPTY_PREFIX', 'DATABASE_PERSISTENT', 'FUSIONFORGE', 'ENABLE_DISCUSSION_LINK', 'ENABLE_CAPTCHA', 'ENABLE_WYSIWYG', 'WYSIWYG_DEFAULT_PAGETYPE_HTML', 'DISABLE_MARKUP_WIKIWORD', 'ENABLE_MARKUP_COLOR', 'ENABLE_MARKUP_TEMPLATE', 'ENABLE_MARKUP_MEDIAWIKI_TABLE', 'ENABLE_MARKUP_DIVSPAN', 'USE_BYTEA', 'UPLOAD_USERDIR', 'DISABLE_UNITS', 'ENABLE_SEARCHHIGHLIGHT', 'DISABLE_UPLOAD_ONLY_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS', 'ENABLE_AUTH_OPENID', 'INSECURE_ACTIONS_LOCALHOST_ONLY', 'ENABLE_MAILNOTIFY', 'ENABLE_RECENTCHANGESBOX', 'ENABLE_PAGE_PUBLIC', 'ENABLE_AJAX', 'ENABLE_EXTERNAL_PAGES', 'READONLY' ); $rs = @parse_ini_file($file); $rsdef = @parse_ini_file(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../config/config-default.ini"); foreach ($rsdef as $k => $v) { if (defined($k)) { $rs[$k] = constant($k); } elseif (!isset($rs[$k])) { $rs[$k] = $v; } } unset($k); unset($v); foreach ($_IC_VALID_VALUE as $item) { if (defined($item)) { unset($rs[$item]); continue; } if (array_key_exists($item, $rs)) { _check_int_constant($rs[$item]); define($item, $rs[$item]); unset($rs[$item]); //} elseif (array_key_exists($item, $rsdef)) { // define($item, $rsdef[$item]); // calculate them later or not at all: } elseif (in_array($item, array('DATABASE_PREFIX', 'SERVER_NAME', 'SERVER_PORT', 'SCRIPT_NAME', 'DATA_PATH', 'PHPWIKI_DIR', 'VIRTUAL_PATH', 'LDAP_AUTH_HOST', 'IMAP_AUTH_HOST', 'POP3_AUTH_HOST', 'PLUGIN_CACHED_CACHE_DIR', 'EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF_PAGELIST')) ) { ; } elseif (!defined("_PHPWIKI_INSTALL_RUNNING")) { trigger_error(sprintf("missing config setting for %s", $item)); } } unset($item); // Boolean options are slightly special - if they're set to any of // '', 'false', '0', or 'no' (all case-insensitive) then the value will // be a boolean false, otherwise if there is anything set it'll // be true. foreach ($_IC_VALID_BOOL as $item) { if (defined($item)) { unset($rs[$item]); continue; } if (array_key_exists($item, $rs)) { $val = $rs[$item]; //} elseif (array_key_exists($item, $rsdef)) { // $val = $rsdef[$item]; } else { $val = false; //trigger_error(sprintf("missing boolean config setting for %s",$item)); } // calculate them later: old or dynamic constants if (!array_key_exists($item, $rs) and in_array($item, array('USE_PATH_INFO', 'USE_DB_SESSION', 'ALLOW_HTTP_AUTH_LOGIN', 'ALLOW_LDAP_LOGIN', 'ALLOW_IMAP_LOGIN', 'ALLOW_USER_LOGIN', 'REQUIRE_SIGNIN_BEFORE_EDIT', 'WIKIDB_NOCACHE_MARKUP', 'COMPRESS_OUTPUT', 'USE_BYTEA', 'READONLY', )) ) { ; } elseif (!$val) { define($item, false); } elseif (strtolower($val) == 'false' || strtolower($val) == 'no' || $val == '' || $val == false || $val == '0' ) { define($item, false); } else { define($item, true); } unset($rs[$item]); } unset($item); // Database global $DBParams; foreach (array('DATABASE_TYPE' => 'dbtype', 'DATABASE_DSN' => 'dsn', 'DATABASE_SESSION_TABLE' => 'db_session_table', 'DATABASE_DBA_HANDLER' => 'dba_handler', 'DATABASE_DIRECTORY' => 'directory', 'DATABASE_TIMEOUT' => 'timeout', 'DATABASE_PREFIX' => 'prefix') as $item => $k) { if (defined($item)) { $DBParams[$k] = constant($item); unset($rs[$item]); } elseif (array_key_exists($item, $rs)) { $DBParams[$k] = $rs[$item]; define($item, $rs[$item]); unset($rs[$item]); } elseif (array_key_exists($item, $rsdef)) { $DBParams[$k] = $rsdef[$item]; define($item, $rsdef[$item]); unset($rsdef[$item]); } } $valid_database_types = array('SQL', 'ADODB', 'PDO', 'dba', 'file', 'flatfile'); if (!in_array(DATABASE_TYPE, $valid_database_types)) trigger_error(sprintf("Invalid DATABASE_TYPE=%s. Choose one of %s", DATABASE_TYPE, join(",", $valid_database_types)), E_USER_ERROR); unset($valid_database_types); // Detect readonly database, e.g. system mounted read-only for maintenance // via dbh->readonly later. Unfortunately not possible as constant. // USE_DB_SESSION default logic: if (!defined('USE_DB_SESSION')) { if ($DBParams['db_session_table'] and in_array($DBParams['dbtype'], array('SQL', 'ADODB', 'PDO', 'dba')) ) { define('USE_DB_SESSION', true); } else { define('USE_DB_SESSION', false); } } unset($item); unset($k); // Expiry stuff global $ExpireParams; foreach (array('major', 'minor', 'author') as $major) { foreach (array('max_age', 'min_age', 'min_keep', 'keep', 'max_keep') as $max) { $item = strtoupper($major) . '_' . strtoupper($max); if (defined($item)) $val = constant($item); elseif (array_key_exists($item, $rs)) $val = $rs[$item]; elseif (array_key_exists($item, $rsdef)) $val = $rsdef[$item]; if (!isset($ExpireParams[$major])) $ExpireParams[$major] = array(); $ExpireParams[$major][$max] = $val; unset($rs[$item]); } } unset($item); unset($major); unset($max); // User authentication if (!isset($GLOBALS['USER_AUTH_ORDER'])) { if (isset($rs['USER_AUTH_ORDER'])) $GLOBALS['USER_AUTH_ORDER'] = preg_split('/\s*:\s*/', $rs['USER_AUTH_ORDER']); else $GLOBALS['USER_AUTH_ORDER'] = array("PersonalPage"); } // Now it's the external DB authentication stuff's turn if (in_array('Db', $GLOBALS['USER_AUTH_ORDER']) && empty($rs['DBAUTH_AUTH_DSN'])) { $rs['DBAUTH_AUTH_DSN'] = $DBParams['dsn']; } global $DBAuthParams; $DBAP_MAP = array('DBAUTH_AUTH_DSN' => 'auth_dsn', 'DBAUTH_AUTH_CHECK' => 'auth_check', 'DBAUTH_AUTH_USER_EXISTS' => 'auth_user_exists', 'DBAUTH_AUTH_CRYPT_METHOD' => 'auth_crypt_method', 'DBAUTH_AUTH_UPDATE' => 'auth_update', 'DBAUTH_AUTH_CREATE' => 'auth_create', 'DBAUTH_PREF_SELECT' => 'pref_select', 'DBAUTH_PREF_INSERT' => 'pref_insert', 'DBAUTH_PREF_UPDATE' => 'pref_update', 'DBAUTH_IS_MEMBER' => 'is_member', 'DBAUTH_GROUP_MEMBERS' => 'group_members', 'DBAUTH_USER_GROUPS' => 'user_groups' ); foreach ($DBAP_MAP as $rskey => $apkey) { if (defined($rskey)) { $DBAuthParams[$apkey] = constant($rskey); } elseif (isset($rs[$rskey])) { $DBAuthParams[$apkey] = $rs[$rskey]; define($rskey, $rs[$rskey]); } elseif (isset($rsdef[$rskey])) { $DBAuthParams[$apkey] = $rsdef[$rskey]; define($rskey, $rsdef[$rskey]); } unset($rs[$rskey]); } unset($rskey); unset($apkey); // TODO: Currently unsupported on non-SQL. Nice to have for RhNavPlugin // CHECKME: PDO if (!defined('ACCESS_LOG_SQL')) { if (array_key_exists('ACCESS_LOG_SQL', $rs)) { // WikiDB_backend::isSql() not yet loaded if (!in_array(DATABASE_TYPE, array('SQL', 'ADODB', 'PDO'))) { // override false config setting on no SQL WikiDB database. define('ACCESS_LOG_SQL', 0); } // SQL defaults to ACCESS_LOG_SQL = 2 } else { define('ACCESS_LOG_SQL', in_array(DATABASE_TYPE, array('SQL', 'ADODB', 'PDO')) ? 2 : 0); } } if (empty($rs['TEMP_DIR'])) { $rs['TEMP_DIR'] = "/tmp"; if (getenv("TEMP")) $rs['TEMP_DIR'] = getenv("TEMP"); } // optional values will be set to '' to simplify the logic. foreach ($_IC_OPTIONAL_VALUE as $item) { if (defined($item)) { unset($rs[$item]); continue; } if (array_key_exists($item, $rs)) { _check_int_constant($rs[$item]); define($item, $rs[$item]); unset($rs[$item]); } else define($item, ''); } if (USE_EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF) { $item = 'EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF_PAGELIST'; if (defined($item)) { unset($rs[$item]); } elseif (array_key_exists($item, $rs)) { define($item, $rs[$item]); unset($rs[$item]); } elseif (array_key_exists($item, $rsdef)) { define($item, $rsdef[$item]); } } unset($item); // LDAP bind options global $LDAP_SET_OPTION; if (defined('LDAP_SET_OPTION') and LDAP_SET_OPTION) { $optlist = preg_split('/\s*:\s*/', LDAP_SET_OPTION); foreach ($optlist as $opt) { $bits = preg_split('/\s*=\s*/', $opt, 2); if (count($bits) == 2) { if (is_string($bits[0]) and defined($bits[0])) $bits[0] = constant($bits[0]); $LDAP_SET_OPTION[$bits[0]] = $bits[1]; } else { // Possibly throw some sort of error? } } unset($opt); unset($bits); } // Default Wiki pages to force loading from pgsrc global $GenericPages; $GenericPages = preg_split('/\s*:\s*/', @$rs['DEFAULT_WIKI_PAGES']); // Wiki name regexp: Should be a define(), but might needed to be changed at runtime // (different LC_CHAR need different posix classes) global $WikiNameRegexp; $WikiNameRegexp = constant('WIKI_NAME_REGEXP'); if (!trim($WikiNameRegexp)) $WikiNameRegexp = '(? $v) { if (defined($item)) { continue; } else { _check_int_constant($v); define($item, $v); } } unset($item); unset($v); unset($rs); unset($rsdef); fixup_static_configs($file); //[1ms] // Dump all globals and constants // The question is if reading this is faster then doing IniConfig() + fixup_static_configs() if (is_writable($dump)) { save_dump($dump); } // store locale[] in config.php? This is too problematic. fixup_dynamic_configs(); // [100ms] } // moved from lib/config.php [1ms] function fixup_static_configs($file) { global $FieldSeparator, $AllActionPages; global $DBParams; // init FileFinder to add proper include paths FindFile("lib/", true); // $FieldSeparator = "\xFF"; // this byte should never appear in utf-8 $FieldSeparator = "\xFF"; // All pages containing plugins of the same name as the filename $ActionPages = explode(':', 'AllPages:AllUsers:AppendText:AuthorHistory:' . 'BackLinks:BlogArchives:BlogJournal:' . 'CreatePage:' . 'FullTextSearch:FuzzyPages:' . 'LikePages:LinkDatabase:LinkSearch:ListRelations:' . 'ModeratedPage:MostPopular:' . 'NewPagesPerUser:' . 'OrphanedPages:' . 'PageDump:PageHistory:PageInfo:PluginManager:' . 'RateIt:' // RateIt works only in wikilens derived themes . 'RandomPage:RecentChanges:RelatedChanges:RecentEdits:' . 'SearchHighlight:SemanticRelations:SemanticSearch:SystemInfo:' . 'TitleSearch:' . 'UpLoad:UserPreferences:' . 'UserRatings:' // UserRatings works only in wikilens derived themes . 'WantedPages:WatchPage:WikiBlog:WhoIsOnline:WikiAdminSelect'); // The FUSIONFORGE theme omits them if (!(defined('FUSIONFORGE') && FUSIONFORGE)) { // Add some some action pages $ActionPages[] = 'DebugInfo'; $ActionPages[] = 'SpellCheck'; // SpellCheck does not work $ActionPages[] = 'EditMetaData'; $ActionPages[] = 'InterWikiSearch'; $ActionPages[] = 'LdapSearch'; $ActionPages[] = 'PasswordReset'; $ActionPages[] = 'RecentComments'; $ActionPages[] = 'TranslateText'; $ActionPages[] = 'UriResolver'; } global $AllAllowedPlugins; $AllAllowedPlugins = $ActionPages; // Add plugins that have no corresponding action page $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'AddComment'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'AsciiMath'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'AsciiSVG'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'AtomFeed'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'BoxRight'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'CalendarList'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'Calendar'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'CategoryPage'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'Chart'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'Comment'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'CreateBib'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'CreateToc'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'CurrentTime'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'DeadEndPages'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'Diff'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'DynamicIncludePage'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'ExternalSearch'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'FacebookLike'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'FileInfo'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'GoogleMaps'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'GooglePlugin'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'GoTo'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'HelloWorld'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'IncludePage'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'IncludePages'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'IncludeSiteMap'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'IncludeTree'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'ListPages'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'ListSubpages'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'MediawikiTable'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'NoCache'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'OldStyleTable'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'PageGroup'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'PageTrail'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'PhotoAlbum'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'PhpHighlight'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'PopularTags'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'PopUp'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'PrevNext'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'Processing'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'RawHtml'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'RecentChangesCached'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'RecentReferrers'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'RedirectTo'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'RichTable'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'RssFeed'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'SemanticSearchAdvanced'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'SiteMap'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'SyncWiki'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'SyntaxHighlighter'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'Template'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'Transclude'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'UnfoldSubpages'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'Video'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiAdminChown'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiAdminPurge'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiAdminRemove'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiAdminRename'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiAdminSearchReplace'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiAdminDeleteAcl'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiAdminSetAcl'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiAdminSetAclSimple'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiAdminUtils'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikicreoleTable'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiForm'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiFormRich'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiPoll'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'YouTube'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'DebugGroupInfo'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'DebugAuthInfo'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'DebugBackendInfo'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'DebugRetransform'; // The FUSIONFORGE theme omits them if (!(defined('FUSIONFORGE') && FUSIONFORGE)) { $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'AnalyseAccessLogSql'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'CacheTest'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'CategoryPage'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'FoafViewer'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'GraphViz'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'HtmlConverter'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'JabberPresence'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'ListPages'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'PhpWeather'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'Ploticus'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'PopularNearby'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'PreferenceApp'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'PreferencesInfo'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'SqlResult'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'TeX2png'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'text2png'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'TexToPng'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'VisualWiki'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiForum'; $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiTranslation'; } // Used by SetupWiki to pull in required pages, if not translated, then in English. // Also used by WikiTranslation. Really important are only those which return pagelists // or contain basic functionality. $AllActionPages = $ActionPages; $AllActionPages[] = 'AllPagesCreatedByMe'; $AllActionPages[] = 'AllPagesLastEditedByMe'; $AllActionPages[] = 'AllPagesOwnedByMe'; $AllActionPages[] = 'AllPagesByAcl'; $AllActionPages[] = 'AllUserPages'; $AllActionPages[] = 'FullRecentChanges'; $AllActionPages[] = 'LeastPopular'; $AllActionPages[] = 'LockedPages'; $AllActionPages[] = 'MyRatings'; // MyRatings works only in wikilens-derived themes $AllActionPages[] = 'MyRecentEdits'; $AllActionPages[] = 'MyRecentChanges'; $AllActionPages[] = 'PhpWikiAdministration'; $AllActionPages[] = 'PhpWikiAdministration/Chown'; $AllActionPages[] = 'PhpWikiAdministration/Purge'; $AllActionPages[] = 'PhpWikiAdministration/Remove'; $AllActionPages[] = 'PhpWikiAdministration/Rename'; $AllActionPages[] = 'PhpWikiAdministration/SearchReplace'; $AllActionPages[] = 'PhpWikiAdministration/DeleteAcl'; $AllActionPages[] = 'PhpWikiAdministration/SetAcl'; $AllActionPages[] = 'PhpWikiAdministration/SetAclSimple'; $AllActionPages[] = 'RecentChangesMyPages'; $AllActionPages[] = 'RecentEdits'; $AllActionPages[] = 'RecentNewPages'; $AllActionPages[] = 'SetGlobalAccessRights'; $AllActionPages[] = 'SetGlobalAccessRightsSimple'; $AllActionPages[] = 'UserContribs'; if ((defined('FUSIONFORGE') && FUSIONFORGE)) { if (ENABLE_EXTERNAL_PAGES) { $AllAllowedPlugins[] = 'WikiAdminSetExternal'; $AllActionPages[] = 'PhpWikiAdministration/SetExternal'; $AllActionPages[] = 'ExternalPages'; } } // If user has not defined PHPWIKI_DIR, and we need it if (!defined('PHPWIKI_DIR') and !file_exists("themes/default")) { $themes_dir = FindFile("themes"); define('PHPWIKI_DIR', dirname($themes_dir)); } // If user has not defined DATA_PATH, we want to use relative URLs. if (!defined('DATA_PATH')) { // fix similar to the one suggested by jkalmbach for // installations in the webrootdir, like "" if (!defined('SCRIPT_NAME')) define('SCRIPT_NAME', deduce_script_name()); $temp = dirname(SCRIPT_NAME); if (($temp == '/') || ($temp == '\\')) $temp = ''; define('DATA_PATH', $temp); /* if (USE_PATH_INFO) define('DATA_PATH', '..'); */ } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Select database // if (empty($DBParams['dbtype'])) $DBParams['dbtype'] = 'dba'; if (!defined('THEME')) define('THEME', 'default'); // Basic configurator validation if (!defined('ADMIN_USER') or ADMIN_USER == '') { $error = sprintf("%s may not be empty. Please update your configuration.", "ADMIN_USER"); // protect against recursion if (!preg_match("/config\-(dist|default)\.ini$/", $file) and !defined("_PHPWIKI_INSTALL_RUNNING") ) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/install.php"); run_install("_part1"); trigger_error($error, E_USER_ERROR); exit(); } elseif ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['show'] = '_part1'; trigger_error($error, E_USER_WARNING); } } if (!defined('ADMIN_PASSWD') or ADMIN_PASSWD == '') { $error = sprintf("%s may not be empty. Please update your configuration.", "ADMIN_PASSWD"); // protect against recursion if (!preg_match("/config\-(dist|default)\.ini$/", $file) and !defined("_PHPWIKI_INSTALL_RUNNING") ) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/install.php"); run_install("_part1"); trigger_error($error, E_USER_ERROR); exit(); } elseif ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['show'] = '_part1'; trigger_error($error, E_USER_WARNING); } } if (defined('USE_DB_SESSION') and USE_DB_SESSION) { if (!$DBParams['db_session_table']) { $DBParams['db_session_table'] = @$DBParams['prefix'] . 'session'; trigger_error(sprintf("DATABASE_SESSION_TABLE configuration set to %s.", $DBParams['db_session_table']), E_USER_ERROR); } } // legacy: if (!defined('ALLOW_USER_LOGIN')) define('ALLOW_USER_LOGIN', defined('ALLOW_USER_PASSWORDS') && ALLOW_USER_PASSWORDS); if (!defined('ALLOW_ANON_USER')) define('ALLOW_ANON_USER', true); if (!defined('ALLOW_ANON_EDIT')) define('ALLOW_ANON_EDIT', false); if (!defined('REQUIRE_SIGNIN_BEFORE_EDIT')) define('REQUIRE_SIGNIN_BEFORE_EDIT', !ALLOW_ANON_EDIT); if (!defined('ALLOW_BOGO_LOGIN')) define('ALLOW_BOGO_LOGIN', true); if (ALLOW_USER_LOGIN and !empty($DBAuthParams) and empty($DBAuthParams['auth_dsn'])) { if (isset($DBParams['dsn'])) $DBAuthParams['auth_dsn'] = $DBParams['dsn']; } } /** * Define constants which are client or request specific and should not be dumped statically. * Such as the language, and the virtual and server paths, which might be overridden * by startup scripts for wiki farms. */ function fixup_dynamic_configs() { global $LANG; if (defined('INCLUDE_PATH') and INCLUDE_PATH) { @ini_set('include_path', INCLUDE_PATH); $GLOBALS['INCLUDE_PATH'] = INCLUDE_PATH; } if (defined('SESSION_SAVE_PATH') and SESSION_SAVE_PATH) @ini_set('session.save_path', SESSION_SAVE_PATH); if (!defined('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE')) // not needed anymore define('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', ''); // detect from client // FusionForge hack if (!(defined('FUSIONFORGE') && FUSIONFORGE)) { // Disable update_locale because Zend Debugger crash if (!extension_loaded('Zend Debugger')) { update_locale(isset($LANG) ? $LANG : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); } } if (empty($LANG)) { if (!defined("DEFAULT_LANGUAGE") or !DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) { // TODO: defer this to WikiRequest::initializeLang() $LANG = guessing_lang(); guessing_setlocale(LC_ALL, $LANG); } else $LANG = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; } // Set up (possibly fake) gettext() // Todo: this could be moved to fixup_static_configs() // Bug #1381464 with php-5.1.1 if (!function_exists('bindtextdomain') and !function_exists('gettext') and !function_exists('_') ) { $locale = array(); function gettext($text) { global $locale; if (!empty ($locale[$text])) return $locale[$text]; return $text; } function _($text) { return gettext($text); } } else { $chback = 0; if ($LANG != 'en') { // Working around really weird gettext problems: (4.3.2, 4.3.6 win) // bindtextdomain() in returns the current domain path. // 1. If the script is not index.php but something like "de", on a different path // then bindtextdomain() fails, but after chdir to the correct path it will work okay. // 2. But the weird error "Undefined variable: bindtextdomain" is generated then. $bindtextdomain_path = FindFile("locale", false, true); if (isWindows()) $bindtextdomain_path = str_replace("/", "\\", $bindtextdomain_path); $bindtextdomain_real = @bindtextdomain("phpwiki", $bindtextdomain_path); if (realpath($bindtextdomain_real) != realpath($bindtextdomain_path)) { // this will happen with virtual_paths. chdir and try again. chdir($bindtextdomain_path); $chback = 1; $bindtextdomain_real = @bindtextdomain("phpwiki", $bindtextdomain_path); } } // tell gettext not to use unicode. PHP >= 4.2.0. Thanks to Kai Krakow. if ($LANG != 'en') textdomain("phpwiki"); if ($chback) { // change back chdir($bindtextdomain_real . (isWindows() ? "\\.." : "/..")); } } // language dependent updates: if (!defined('CATEGORY_GROUP_PAGE')) define('CATEGORY_GROUP_PAGE', _("CategoryGroup")); if (!defined('WIKI_NAME')) define('WIKI_NAME', _("An unnamed PhpWiki")); if (!defined('HOME_PAGE')) define('HOME_PAGE', __("HomePage")); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Autodetect URL settings: // foreach (array('SERVER_NAME', 'SERVER_PORT') as $var) { //FIXME: for CGI without _SERVER if (!defined($var) and !empty($_SERVER[$var])) // IPV6 fix by matt brown, #1546571 // An IPv6 address must be surrounded by square brackets to form a valid server name. if ($var == 'SERVER_NAME' && strstr($_SERVER[$var], ':') ) { define($var, '[' . $_SERVER[$var] . ']'); } else { define($var, $_SERVER[$var]); } } if (!defined('SERVER_NAME')) define('SERVER_NAME', ''); if (!defined('SERVER_PORT')) define('SERVER_PORT', 80); if (!defined('SERVER_PROTOCOL')) { if (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off') define('SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'http'); else define('SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'https'); } if (!defined('SCRIPT_NAME')) define('SCRIPT_NAME', deduce_script_name()); if (!defined('USE_PATH_INFO')) { if (isCGI()) define('USE_PATH_INFO', false); else { /* * If SCRIPT_NAME does not look like php source file, * or user cgi we assume that php is getting run by an * action handler in /cgi-bin. In this case, * I think there is no way to get Apache to pass * useful PATH_INFO to the php script (PATH_INFO * is used to the the php interpreter where the * php script is...) */ switch (php_sapi_name()) { case 'apache': case 'apache2handler': define('USE_PATH_INFO', true); break; case 'cgi': case 'apache2filter': define('USE_PATH_INFO', false); break; default: define('USE_PATH_INFO', ereg('\.(php3?|cgi)$', SCRIPT_NAME)); break; } } } if (SERVER_PORT && SERVER_PORT != (SERVER_PROTOCOL == 'https' ? 443 : 80) ) { define('SERVER_URL', SERVER_PROTOCOL . '://' . SERVER_NAME . ':' . SERVER_PORT); } else { define('SERVER_URL', SERVER_PROTOCOL . '://' . SERVER_NAME); } if (!defined('VIRTUAL_PATH')) { // We'd like to auto-detect when the cases where apaches // 'Action' directive (or similar means) is used to // redirect page requests to a cgi-handler. // // In cases like this, requests for e.g. /wiki/HomePage // get redirected to a cgi-script called, say, // /path/to/wiki/index.php. The script gets all // of /wiki/HomePage as it's PATH_INFO. // // The problem is: // How to detect when this has happened reliably? // How to pick out the "virtual path" (in this case '/wiki')? // // (Another time an redirect might occur is to a DirectoryIndex // -- the requested URI is '/wikidir/', the request gets // passed to '/wikidir/index.php'. In this case, the // proper VIRTUAL_PATH is '/wikidir/index.php', since the // pages will appear at e.g. '/wikidir/index.php/HomePage'. // $REDIRECT_URL = &$_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']; if (USE_PATH_INFO and isset($REDIRECT_URL) and !IsProbablyRedirectToIndex() ) { // FIXME: This is a hack, and won't work if the requested // pagename has a slash in it. $temp = strtr(dirname($REDIRECT_URL . 'x'), "\\", '/'); if (($temp == '/') || ($temp == '\\')) $temp = ''; define('VIRTUAL_PATH', $temp); } else { define('VIRTUAL_PATH', SCRIPT_NAME); } } if (!defined('PATH_INFO_PREFIX')) { if (VIRTUAL_PATH != SCRIPT_NAME) { // Apache action handlers are used. define('PATH_INFO_PREFIX', VIRTUAL_PATH . '/'); } else { define('PATH_INFO_PREFIX', '/'); } } define('PHPWIKI_BASE_URL', SERVER_URL . (USE_PATH_INFO ? VIRTUAL_PATH . '/' : SCRIPT_NAME)); // Detect PrettyWiki setup (not loading index.php directly) // $SCRIPT_FILENAME should be the same as __FILE__ in index.php if (!isset($SCRIPT_FILENAME)) $SCRIPT_FILENAME = @$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; if (!isset($SCRIPT_FILENAME)) $SCRIPT_FILENAME = @$_ENV['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; if (!isset($SCRIPT_FILENAME)) $SCRIPT_FILENAME = dirname(__FILE__ . '/../') . '/index.php'; if (isWindows()) $SCRIPT_FILENAME = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', strtr($SCRIPT_FILENAME, '/', '\\')); define('SCRIPT_FILENAME', $SCRIPT_FILENAME); // Get remote host name, if Apache hasn't done it for us if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']) and !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) and ENABLE_REVERSE_DNS ) $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } /* * We have to handle three languages: * 1) English, the language of the source code * 2) The language in which the wiki was created (DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) * 3) The language selected by the user, in which the wiki is displayed (LANG) * * The function "_" translates from English to LANG. * The function "__" translates from English to DEFAULT_LANGUAGE. */ function __($text) { return $text; } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: