* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Reini Urban * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Marc-Etienne Vargenau, Alcatel-Lucent * * This file is part of PhpWiki. * * PhpWiki is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PhpWiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PhpWiki; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * This is the code which deals with the inline part of the (new-style) * wiki-markup. * * @package Markup * @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki, Reini Urban */ /** * This is the character used in wiki markup to escape characters with * special meaning. */ define('ESCAPE_CHAR', '~'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/HtmlElement.php'); require_once('lib/CachedMarkup.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/stdlib.php'); function WikiEscape($text) { return str_replace('#', ESCAPE_CHAR . '#', $text); } function UnWikiEscape($text) { return preg_replace('/' . ESCAPE_CHAR . '(.)/', '\1', $text); } /** * Return type from RegexpSet::match and RegexpSet::nextMatch. * * @see RegexpSet */ class RegexpSet_match { /** * The text leading up the the next match. */ var $prematch; /** * The matched text. */ var $match; /** * The text following the matched text. */ var $postmatch; /** * Index of the regular expression which matched. */ var $regexp_ind; } /** * A set of regular expressions. * * This class is probably only useful for InlineTransformer. */ class RegexpSet { /** Constructor * * @param array $regexps A list of regular expressions. The * regular expressions should not include any sub-pattern groups * "(...)". (Anonymous groups, like "(?:...)", as well as * look-ahead and look-behind assertions are okay.) */ function RegexpSet ($regexps) { assert($regexps); $this->_regexps = array_unique($regexps); if (!defined('_INLINE_OPTIMIZATION')) define('_INLINE_OPTIMIZATION',0); } /** * Search text for the next matching regexp from the Regexp Set. * * @param string $text The text to search. * * @return RegexpSet_match A RegexpSet_match object, or false if no match. */ function match ($text) { return $this->_match($text, $this->_regexps, '*?'); } /** * Search for next matching regexp. * * Here, 'next' has two meanings: * * Match the next regexp(s) in the set, at the same position as the last match. * * If that fails, match the whole RegexpSet, starting after the position of the * previous match. * * @param string $text Text to search. * * @param RegexpSet_match $prevMatch A RegexpSet_match object. * $prevMatch should be a match object obtained by a previous * match upon the same value of $text. * * @return RegexpSet_match A RegexpSet_match object, or false if no match. */ function nextMatch ($text, $prevMatch) { // Try to find match at same position. $pos = strlen($prevMatch->prematch); $regexps = array_slice($this->_regexps, $prevMatch->regexp_ind + 1); if ($regexps) { $repeat = sprintf('{%d}', $pos); if ( ($match = $this->_match($text, $regexps, $repeat)) ) { $match->regexp_ind += $prevMatch->regexp_ind + 1; return $match; } } // Failed. Look for match after current position. $repeat = sprintf('{%d,}?', $pos + 1); return $this->_match($text, $this->_regexps, $repeat); } // Syntax: http://www.pcre.org/pcre.txt // x - EXTENDED, ignore whitespace // s - DOTALL // A - ANCHORED // S - STUDY function _match ($text, $regexps, $repeat) { // If one of the regexps is an empty string, php will crash here: // sf.net: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted // (tried to allocate 634 bytes) if (_INLINE_OPTIMIZATION) { // disabled, wrong // So we try to minize memory usage, by looping explicitly, // and storing only those regexp which actually match. // There may be more than one, so we have to find the longest, // and match inside until the shortest is empty. $matched = array(); $matched_ind = array(); for ($i=0; $i 2) { assert(!empty($repeat)); assert(!empty($regexps)); // We could do much better, if we would know the matching markup for the // longest regexp match: $hugepat= "/ ( . $repeat ) ( (" . join(')|(', $regexps) . ") ) /Asx"; // Proposed premature optimization 1: //$hugepat= "/ ( . $repeat ) ( (" . join(')|(', array_values($matched)) . ") ) /Asx"; if (! preg_match($hugepat, $text, $m)) { return false; } // Proposed premature optimization 1: //$match->regexp_ind = $matched_ind[count($m) - 4]; $match->regexp_ind = count($m) - 4; } else { $match->regexp_ind = $regexp_ind; } $match->postmatch = substr($text, strlen($m[0])); $match->prematch = $m[1]; $match->match = $m[2]; /* DEBUGGING */ if (DEBUG & _DEBUG_PARSER) { static $_already_dumped = 0; if (!$_already_dumped) { var_dump($regexps); if (_INLINE_OPTIMIZATION) var_dump($matched); var_dump($matched_inc); } $_already_dumped = 1; PrintXML(HTML::dl(HTML::dt("input"), HTML::dd(HTML::pre($text)), HTML::dt("regexp"), HTML::dd(HTML::pre($match->regexp_ind, ":", $regexps[$match->regexp_ind])), HTML::dt("prematch"), HTML::dd(HTML::pre($match->prematch)), HTML::dt("match"), HTML::dd(HTML::pre($match->match)), HTML::dt("postmatch"), HTML::dd(HTML::pre($match->postmatch)) )); } return $match; } } /** * A simple markup rule (i.e. terminal token). * * These are defined by a regexp. * * When a match is found for the regexp, the matching text is replaced. * The replacement content is obtained by calling the SimpleMarkup::markup method. */ class SimpleMarkup { var $_match_regexp; /** Get regexp. * * @return string Regexp which matches this token. */ function getMatchRegexp () { return $this->_match_regexp; } /** Markup matching text. * * @param string $match The text which matched the regexp * (obtained from getMatchRegexp). * * @return mixed The expansion of the matched text. */ function markup ($match /*, $body */) { trigger_error("pure virtual", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * A balanced markup rule. * * These are defined by a start regexp, and an end regexp. */ class BalancedMarkup { var $_start_regexp; /** Get the starting regexp for this rule. * * @return string The starting regexp. */ function getStartRegexp () { return $this->_start_regexp; } /** Get the ending regexp for this rule. * * @param string $match The text which matched the starting regexp. * * @return string The ending regexp. */ function getEndRegexp ($match) { return $this->_end_regexp; } /** Get expansion for matching input. * * @param string $match The text which matched the starting regexp. * * @param mixed $body Transformed text found between the starting * and ending regexps. * * @return mixed The expansion of the matched text. */ function markup ($match, $body) { trigger_error("pure virtual", E_USER_ERROR); } } class Markup_escape extends SimpleMarkup { function getMatchRegexp () { return ESCAPE_CHAR . '(?: [[:alnum:]]+ | .)'; } function markup ($match) { assert(strlen($match) >= 2); return substr($match, 1); } } /** * [image.jpg size=50% border=5], [image.jpg size=50x30] * Support for the following attributes: see stdlib.php:LinkImage() * size=%, size=x * border=n, align=\w+, hspace=n, vspace=n * width=n, height=n * title, lang, id, alt */ function isImageLink($link) { if (!$link) return false; assert(defined('INLINE_IMAGES')); return preg_match("/\\.(" . INLINE_IMAGES . ")$/i", $link) or preg_match("/\\.(" . INLINE_IMAGES . ")\s+(size|border|align|hspace|vspace|type|data|width|height|title|lang|id|alt)=/i", $link); } function LinkBracketLink($bracketlink) { // $bracketlink will start and end with brackets; in between will // be either a page name, a URL or both separated by a pipe. $wikicreolesyntax = false; if (string_starts_with($bracketlink, "[[")) { $wikicreolesyntax = true; $bracketlink = str_replace("[[", "[", $bracketlink); $bracketlink = str_replace("]]", "]", $bracketlink); } // Strip brackets and leading space // bug#1904088 Some brackets links on 2 lines cause the parser to crash preg_match('/(\#?) \[\s* (?: (.*?) \s* (?getRegexp() . ":/", $label)) { $imgurl = $intermap->link($label); $imgurl = $imgurl->getAttr('href'); } elseif (! preg_match("#^(" . ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS . "):#", $imgurl)) { // local theme linkname like 'images/next.gif'. global $WikiTheme; $imgurl = $WikiTheme->getImageURL($imgurl); } // for objects (non-images) the link is taken as alt tag, // which is in return taken as alternative img $label = LinkImage($imgurl, $link); } if ($hash) { // It's an anchor, not a link... $id = MangleXmlIdentifier($link); return HTML::a(array('name' => $id, 'id' => $id), $bar ? $label : $link); } if (preg_match("#^(" . ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS . "):#", $link)) { // if it's an image, embed it; otherwise, it's a regular link if (isImageLink($link) and empty($label)) // patch #1348996 by Robert Litwiniec return LinkImage($link, $label); else return new Cached_ExternalLink($link, $label); } elseif (substr($link,0,8) == 'phpwiki:') return new Cached_PhpwikiURL($link, $label); /* Semantic relations and attributes. * Relation and attribute names must be word chars only, no space. * Links and Attributes may contain everything. word, nums, units, space, groupsep, numsep, ... */ elseif (preg_match("/^ (\w+) (:[:=]) (.*) $/x", $link) and !isImageLink($link)) return new Cached_SemanticLink($link, $label); /* Do not store the link */ elseif (substr($link,0,1) == ':') return new Cached_WikiLink($link, $label); /* * Inline images in Interwiki urls's: * [File:my_image.gif] inlines the image, * File:my_image.gif shows a plain inter-wiki link, * [what a pic|File:my_image.gif] shows a named inter-wiki link to the gif * [File:my_image.gif|what a pic] shows a inlimed image linked to the page "what a pic" * * Note that for simplicity we will accept embedded object tags (non-images) * here also, and seperate them later in LinkImage() */ elseif (strstr($link,':') and ($intermap = getInterwikiMap()) and preg_match("/^" . $intermap->getRegexp() . ":/", $link)) { // trigger_error("label: $label link: $link", E_USER_WARNING); if (empty($label) and isImageLink($link)) { // if without label => inlined image [File:xx.gif] $imgurl = $intermap->link($link); return LinkImage($imgurl->getAttr('href'), $link); } return new Cached_InterwikiLink($link, $label); } else { // Split anchor off end of pagename. if (preg_match('/\A(.*)(?isInlineElement()); return $link; } } class Markup_bracketlink extends SimpleMarkup { var $_match_regexp = "\\#? \\[ .*? [^]\\s] .*? \\]"; function markup ($match) { $link = LinkBracketLink($match); assert($link->isInlineElement()); return $link; } } class Markup_spellcheck extends SimpleMarkup { function Markup_spellcheck () { $this->suggestions = $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('suggestions'); } function getMatchRegexp () { if (empty($this->suggestions)) return "(?# false )"; $words = array_keys($this->suggestions); return "(?<= \W ) (?:" . join('|', $words) . ") (?= \W )"; } function markup ($match) { if (empty($this->suggestions) or empty($this->suggestions[$match])) return $match; return new Cached_SpellCheck(UnWikiEscape($match), $this->suggestions[$match]); } } class Markup_searchhighlight extends SimpleMarkup { function Markup_searchhighlight () { $result = $GLOBALS['request']->_searchhighlight; require_once("lib/TextSearchQuery.php"); $query = new TextSearchQuery($result['query']); $this->hilight_re = $query->getHighlightRegexp(); $this->engine = $result['engine']; } function getMatchRegexp () { return $this->hilight_re; } function markup ($match) { return new Cached_SearchHighlight(UnWikiEscape($match), $this->engine); } } class Markup_url extends SimpleMarkup { function getMatchRegexp () { return "(?\"']+ (?getRegexp(). ": [^:=]\S+ (?_isWikiUserPage($match)) return new Cached_UserLink($match); //$this->_UserLink($match); else return new Cached_WikiLink($match); } // FIXME: there's probably a more useful place to put these two functions function _isWikiUserPage ($page) { global $request; $dbi = $request->getDbh(); $page_handle = $dbi->getPage($page); if ($page_handle and $page_handle->get('pref')) return true; else return false; } function _UserLink($PageName) { $link = HTML::a(array('href' => $PageName)); $link->pushContent(PossiblyGlueIconToText('wikiuser', $PageName)); $link->setAttr('class', 'wikiuser'); return $link; } } class Markup_linebreak extends SimpleMarkup { //var $_match_regexp = "(?: (? | <(?:br|BR) \/> )"; var $_match_regexp = "(?: (? )"; function markup ($match) { return HTML::br(); } } class Markup_wikicreole_italics extends BalancedMarkup { var $_start_regexp = "\\/\\/"; function getEndRegexp ($match) { return "\\/\\/"; } function markup ($match, $body) { $tag = 'em'; return new HtmlElement($tag, $body); } } class Markup_wikicreole_bold extends BalancedMarkup { var $_start_regexp = "\\*\\*"; function getEndRegexp ($match) { return "\\*\\*"; } function markup ($match, $body) { $tag = 'strong'; return new HtmlElement($tag, $body); } } class Markup_wikicreole_monospace extends BalancedMarkup { var $_start_regexp = "\\#\\#"; function getEndRegexp ($match) { return "\\#\\#"; } function markup ($match, $body) { $tag = 'tt'; return new HtmlElement($tag, $body); } } class Markup_wikicreole_superscript extends BalancedMarkup { var $_start_regexp = "\\^\\^"; function getEndRegexp ($match) { return "\\^\\^"; } function markup ($match, $body) { $tag = 'sup'; return new HtmlElement($tag, $body); } } class Markup_wikicreole_subscript extends BalancedMarkup { var $_start_regexp = ",,"; function getEndRegexp ($match) { return $match; } function markup ($match, $body) { $tag = 'sub'; return new HtmlElement($tag, $body); } } class Markup_old_emphasis extends BalancedMarkup { var $_start_regexp = "''|__"; function getEndRegexp ($match) { return $match; } function markup ($match, $body) { $tag = $match == "''" ? 'em' : 'strong'; return new HtmlElement($tag, $body); } } class Markup_nestled_emphasis extends BalancedMarkup { function getStartRegexp() { static $start_regexp = false; if (!$start_regexp) { // The three possible delimiters // (none of which can be followed by itself.) $i = "_ (?! _)"; $b = "\\* (?! \\*)"; $tt = "= (?! =)"; $any = "(?: ${i}|${b}|${tt})"; // any of the three. // Any of [_*=] is okay if preceded by space or one of [-"'/:] $start[] = "(?<= \\s|^|[-\"'\\/:]) ${any}"; // _ or * is okay after = as long as not immediately followed by = $start[] = "(?<= =) (?: ${i}|${b}) (?! =)"; // etc... $start[] = "(?<= _) (?: ${b}|${tt}) (?! _)"; $start[] = "(?<= \\*) (?: ${i}|${tt}) (?! \\*)"; // any delimiter okay after an opening brace ( [{<(] ) // as long as it's not immediately followed by the matching closing // brace. $start[] = "(?<= { ) ${any} (?! } )"; $start[] = "(?<= < ) ${any} (?! > )"; $start[] = "(?<= \\( ) ${any} (?! \\) )"; $start = "(?:" . join('|', $start) . ")"; // Any of the above must be immediately followed by non-whitespace. $start_regexp = $start . "(?= \S)"; } return $start_regexp; } function getEndRegexp ($match) { $chr = preg_quote($match); return "(?<= \S | ^ ) (?\"'\\/:.,;!? _*=] | $)"; } function markup ($match, $body) { switch ($match) { case '*': return new HtmlElement('b', $body); case '=': return new HtmlElement('tt', $body); case '_': return new HtmlElement('i', $body); } } } class Markup_html_emphasis extends BalancedMarkup { var $_start_regexp = "<(?: b|big|i|small|tt|em|strong|cite|code|dfn|kbd|samp|s|strike|del|var|sup|sub )>"; function getEndRegexp ($match) { return "<\\/" . substr($match, 1); } function markup ($match, $body) { $tag = substr($match, 1, -1); return new HtmlElement($tag, $body); } } class Markup_html_divspan extends BalancedMarkup { var $_start_regexp = "<(?: div|span )(?: \s[^>]*)?>"; function getEndRegexp ($match) { if (substr($match,1,4) == 'span') $tag = 'span'; else $tag = 'div'; return "<\\/" . $tag . '>'; } function markup ($match, $body) { if (substr($match,1,4) == 'span') $tag = 'span'; else $tag = 'div'; $rest = substr($match,1+strlen($tag),-1); if (!empty($rest)) { $args = parse_attributes($rest); } else { $args = array(); } return new HtmlElement($tag, $args, $body); } } class Markup_html_abbr extends BalancedMarkup { //rurban: abbr|acronym need an optional title tag. //sf.net bug #728595 // allowed attributes: title and lang var $_start_regexp = "<(?: abbr|acronym )(?: [^>]*)?>"; function getEndRegexp ($match) { if (substr($match,1,4) == 'abbr') $tag = 'abbr'; else $tag = 'acronym'; return "<\\/" . $tag . '>'; } function markup ($match, $body) { if (substr($match,1,4) == 'abbr') $tag = 'abbr'; else $tag = 'acronym'; $rest = substr($match,1+strlen($tag),-1); $attrs = parse_attributes($rest); // Remove attributes other than title and lang $allowedargs = array(); foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) { if (in_array ($key, array("title", "lang"))) { $allowedargs[$key] = $value; } } return new HtmlElement($tag, $allowedargs, $body); } } /** ENABLE_MARKUP_COLOR * See http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/WikiStyles and * http://www.flexwiki.com/default.aspx/FlexWiki/FormattingRules.html */ class Markup_color extends BalancedMarkup { // %color=blue% blue text %% and back to normal var $_start_regexp = "%color=(?: [^%]*)%"; var $_end_regexp = "%%"; function markup ($match, $body) { $color = strtolower(substr($match, 7, -1)); $morecolors = array('beige' => '#f5f5dc', 'brown' => '#a52a2a', 'chocolate' => '#d2691e', 'cyan' => '#00ffff', 'gold' => '#ffd700', 'ivory' => '#fffff0', 'indigo' => '#4b0082', 'magenta' => '#ff00ff', 'orange' => '#ffa500', 'pink' => '#ffc0cb', 'salmon' => '#fa8072', 'snow' => '#fffafa', 'turquoise' => '#40e0d0', 'violet' => '#ee82ee', ); if (isset($morecolors[$color])) { $color = $morecolors[$color]; } // HTML 4 defines the following 16 colors if (in_array($color, array('aqua', 'black', 'blue', 'fuchsia', 'gray', 'green', 'lime', 'maroon', 'navy', 'olive', 'purple', 'red', 'silver', 'teal', 'white', 'yellow')) or ((substr($color,0,1) == '#') and ((strlen($color) == 4) or (strlen($color) == 7)) and (strspn(substr($color,1),'0123456789abcdef') == strlen($color)-1))) { return new HtmlElement('span', array('style' => "color: $color"), $body); } else { return new HtmlElement('span', array('class' => 'error'), sprintf(_("unknown color %s ignored"), substr($match, 7, -1))); } } } // Wikicreole placeholder // <<>> class Markup_placeholder extends SimpleMarkup { var $_match_regexp = '<<<.*?>>>'; function markup ($match) { return HTML::span($match); } } // Single-line HTML comment // class Markup_html_comment extends SimpleMarkup { var $_match_regexp = ''; function markup ($match) { return HTML::raw(''); } } // Special version for single-line plugins formatting, // like: '< ?plugin PopularNearby ? >' class Markup_plugin extends SimpleMarkup { var $_match_regexp = '<\?plugin(?:-form)?\s[^\n]+?\?>'; function markup ($match) { return new Cached_PluginInvocation($match); } } // Special version for single-line Wikicreole plugins formatting. class Markup_plugin_wikicreole extends SimpleMarkup { var $_match_regexp = '<<[^\n]+?>>'; function markup ($match) { $pi = str_replace("<<", ">", " ?>", $pi); return new Cached_PluginInvocation($pi); } } // Special version for plugins in xml syntax // body or => < ? plugin pluginname arg=value body ? > // PLUGIN_MARKUP_MAP = "html:RawHtml dot:GraphViz toc:CreateToc amath:AsciiMath richtable:RichTable include:IncludePage tex:TexToPng" class Markup_xml_plugin extends BalancedMarkup { //var $_start_regexp = "<(?: ".join('|',PLUGIN_MARKUP_MAP)." )(?: \s[^>]*)>"; function getStartRegexp () { global $PLUGIN_MARKUP_MAP; static $_start_regexp; if ($_start_regexp) return $_start_regexp; if (empty($PLUGIN_MARKUP_MAP)) return ''; //"<(?: html|dot|toc|amath|richtable|include|tex )(?: \s[^>]*)>" $_start_regexp = "<(?: ".join('|',array_keys($PLUGIN_MARKUP_MAP))." )(?: \s[^>]* | / )>"; return $_start_regexp; } function getEndRegexp ($match) { return "<\\/" . $match . '>'; } function markup ($match, $body) { global $PLUGIN_MARKUP_MAP; $name = substr($match,2,-2); $vars = ''; if (preg_match('/^(\S+)\|(.*)$/', $name, $_m)) { $name = $_m[1]; $vars = $_m[2]; //str_replace(' ', '&', $_m[2]); } if (!isset($PLUGIN_MARKUP_MAP[$name])) { trigger_error("No plugin for $name $vars defined.", E_USER_WARNING); return ""; } $plugin = $PLUGIN_MARKUP_MAP[$name]; return new Cached_PluginInvocation("<"."?plugin $plugin $vars $body ?".">"); } } /** * Mediawiki * ... */ class Markup_nowiki extends SimpleMarkup { var $_match_regexp = '.*?<\/nowiki>'; function markup ($match) { // Remove and return HTML::raw(substr($match, 8, -9)); } } /** * Wikicreole preformatted * {{{ * }}} */ class Markup_wikicreole_preformatted extends SimpleMarkup { var $_match_regexp = '\{\{\{.*?\}\}\}'; function markup ($match) { // Remove {{{ and }}} return new HtmlElement('tt', substr($match, 3, -3)); } } /** ENABLE_MARKUP_TEMPLATE * Template syntax similar to Mediawiki * {{template}} * => < ? plugin Template page=template ? > * {{template|var1=value1|var2=value|...}} * => < ? plugin Template page=template var=value ... ? > */ class Markup_template_plugin extends SimpleMarkup { // patch #1732793: allow \n, mult. {{ }} in one line, and single letters var $_match_regexp = '\{\{.*?\}\}'; function markup ($match) { $page = substr($match,2,-2); // Check for predefined icons. $predefinedicons = array(":)" => "ic_smile.png", ":(" => "ic_sad.png", ":P" => "ic_tongue.png", ":D" => "ic_biggrin.png", ";)" => "ic_wink.png", "(y)" => "ic_handyes.png", "(n)" => "ic_handno.png", "(i)" => "ic_info.png", "(/)" => "ic_check.png", "(x)" => "ic_cross.png", "(!)" => "ic_danger.png", "(+)" => "ic_plus.png", "(-)" => "ic_minus.png", "(?)" => "ic_help.png", "(on)" => "ic_lighton.png", "(off)" => "ic_lightoff.png", "(*)" => "ic_yellowstar.png", "(*r)" => "ic_redstar.png", "(*g)" => "ic_greenstar.png", "(*b)" => "ic_bluestar.png", "(*y)" => "ic_yellowstar.png", ); foreach ($predefinedicons as $ascii => $icon) { if (trim($page) == $ascii) { return LinkImage("/wiki/themes/default/images/$icon", $page); } } if (strpos($page, "|") === false) { $imagename = $page; $alt = ""; } else { $imagename = substr($page, 0, strpos($page, "|")); $alt = ltrim(strstr($page, "|"), "|"); } // It's not a Mediawiki template, it's a Wikicreole image if (is_image($imagename)) { if ($imagename[0] == '/') { // We should not hardcode "/phpwiki" return LinkImage(SERVER_URL . "/phpwiki" . $imagename, $alt); } else { return LinkImage(getUploadDataPath() . $imagename, $alt); } } $page = str_replace("\n", "", $page); $vars = ''; if (preg_match('/^(\S+?)\|(.*)$/', $page, $_m)) { $page = $_m[1]; $vars = '"' . preg_replace('/\|/', '" "', $_m[2]) . '"'; $vars = preg_replace('/"(\S+)=([^"]*)"/', '\\1="\\2"', $vars); } // page may contain a version number // {{foo?version=5}} // in that case, output is "page=foo rev=5" if (strstr($page, "?")) { $page = str_replace("?version=", "\" rev=\"", $page); } if ($vars) $s = '<'.'?plugin Template page="'.$page.'" '.$vars.' ?'.'>'; else $s = '<'.'?plugin Template page="' . $page . '" ?'.'>'; return new Cached_PluginInvocation($s); } } // "..." => "…" browser specific display (not cached?) // Support some HTML::Entities: (C) for copy, --- for mdash, -- for ndash // TODO: "--" => "&emdash;" browser specific display (not cached?) class Markup_html_entities extends SimpleMarkup { //var $_match_regexp = '(: \.\.\.|\-\-|\-\-\-|\(C\) )'; function Markup_html_entities() { $this->_entities = array('...' => '…', '--' => '–', '---' => '—', '(C)' => '©', '©' => '©', '™' => '™', ); $this->_match_regexp = '(: ' . join('|', array_map('preg_quote', array_keys($this->_entities))) . ' )'; } function markup ($match) { return HTML::Raw($this->_entities[$match]); } } class Markup_isonumchars extends SimpleMarkup { var $_match_regexp = '\&\#\d{2,5};'; function markup ($match) { return HTML::Raw($match); } } class Markup_isohexchars extends SimpleMarkup { // hexnums, like ¤ <=> ¤ var $_match_regexp = '\&\#x[0-9a-fA-F]{2,4};'; function markup ($match) { return HTML::Raw($match); } } // FIXME: Do away with magic phpwiki forms. (Maybe phpwiki: links too?) // FIXME: Do away with plugin-links. They seem not to be used. //Plugin link class InlineTransformer { var $_regexps = array(); var $_markup = array(); function InlineTransformer ($markup_types = false) { global $request; // We need to extend the inline parsers by certain actions, like SearchHighlight, // SpellCheck and maybe CreateToc. if (!$markup_types) { $non_default = false; $markup_types = array ('escape', 'wikicreolebracketlink', 'bracketlink', 'url', 'html_comment', 'placeholder', 'interwiki', 'semanticlink', 'wikiword', 'linebreak', 'wikicreole_superscript', 'wikicreole_subscript', 'wikicreole_italics', 'wikicreole_bold', 'wikicreole_monospace', 'old_emphasis', 'nestled_emphasis', 'html_emphasis', 'html_abbr', 'plugin', 'plugin_wikicreole', 'isonumchars', 'isohexchars', /*'html_entities'*/ ); if (DISABLE_MARKUP_WIKIWORD) $markup_types = array_remove($markup_types, 'wikiword'); $action = $request->getArg('action'); if ($action == 'SpellCheck' and $request->getArg('suggestions')) { // insert it after url array_splice($markup_types, 2, 1, array('url','spellcheck')); } if (isset($request->_searchhighlight)) { // insert it after url array_splice($markup_types, 2, 1, array('url','searchhighlight')); //$request->setArg('searchhighlight', false); } } else { $non_default = true; } foreach ($markup_types as $mtype) { $class = "Markup_$mtype"; $this->_addMarkup(new $class); } $this->_addMarkup(new Markup_nowiki); if (ENABLE_MARKUP_DIVSPAN and !$non_default) $this->_addMarkup(new Markup_html_divspan); if (ENABLE_MARKUP_COLOR and !$non_default) $this->_addMarkup(new Markup_color); // Markup_wikicreole_preformatted must be before Markup_template_plugin $this->_addMarkup(new Markup_wikicreole_preformatted); if (ENABLE_MARKUP_TEMPLATE and !$non_default) $this->_addMarkup(new Markup_template_plugin); // This does not work yet if (0 and PLUGIN_MARKUP_MAP and !$non_default) $this->_addMarkup(new Markup_xml_plugin); } function _addMarkup ($markup) { if (isa($markup, 'SimpleMarkup')) $regexp = $markup->getMatchRegexp(); else $regexp = $markup->getStartRegexp(); assert( !isset($this->_markup[$regexp]) ); assert( strlen(trim($regexp)) > 0 ); $this->_regexps[] = $regexp; $this->_markup[] = $markup; } function parse (&$text, $end_regexps = array('$')) { $regexps = $this->_regexps; // $end_re takes precedence: "favor reduce over shift" array_unshift($regexps, $end_regexps[0]); //array_push($regexps, $end_regexps[0]); $regexps = new RegexpSet($regexps); $input = $text; $output = new XmlContent; $match = $regexps->match($input); while ($match) { if ($match->regexp_ind == 0) { // No start pattern found before end pattern. // We're all done! if (isset($markup) and is_object($markup) and isa($markup,'Markup_plugin')) { $current =& $output->_content[count($output->_content)-1]; $current->setTightness(true,true); } $output->pushContent($match->prematch); $text = $match->postmatch; return $output; } $markup = $this->_markup[$match->regexp_ind - 1]; $body = $this->_parse_markup_body($markup, $match->match, $match->postmatch, $end_regexps); if (!$body) { // Couldn't match balanced expression. // Ignore and look for next matching start regexp. $match = $regexps->nextMatch($input, $match); continue; } // Matched markup. Eat input, push output. // FIXME: combine adjacent strings. if (isa($markup, 'SimpleMarkup')) $current = $markup->markup($match->match); else $current = $markup->markup($match->match, $body); $input = $match->postmatch; if (isset($markup) and is_object($markup) and isa($markup,'Markup_plugin')) { $current->setTightness(true,true); } $output->pushContent($match->prematch, $current); $match = $regexps->match($input); } // No pattern matched, not even the end pattern. // Parse fails. return false; } function _parse_markup_body ($markup, $match, &$text, $end_regexps) { if (isa($markup, 'SimpleMarkup')) return true; // Done. SimpleMarkup is simple. if (!is_object($markup)) return false; // Some error: Should assert array_unshift($end_regexps, $markup->getEndRegexp($match)); // Optimization: if no end pattern in text, we know the // parse will fail. This is an important optimization, // e.g. when text is "*lots *of *start *delims *with // *no *matching *end *delims". $ends_pat = "/(?:" . join(").*(?:", $end_regexps) . ")/xs"; if (!preg_match($ends_pat, $text)) return false; return $this->parse($text, $end_regexps); } } class LinkTransformer extends InlineTransformer { function LinkTransformer () { $this->InlineTransformer(array('escape', 'wikicreolebracketlink', 'bracketlink', 'url', 'semanticlink', 'interwiki', 'wikiword', )); } } class NowikiTransformer extends InlineTransformer { function NowikiTransformer () { $this->InlineTransformer (array('linebreak', 'html_emphasis', 'html_abbr', 'plugin', 'plugin_wikicreole', 'isonumchars', 'isohexchars', /*'html_entities',*/ )); } } function TransformInline($text, $markup = 2.0, $basepage=false) { static $trfm; $action = $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('action'); if (empty($trfm) or $action == 'SpellCheck') { $trfm = new InlineTransformer; } if ($markup < 2.0) { $text = ConvertOldMarkup($text, 'inline'); } if ($basepage) { return new CacheableMarkup($trfm->parse($text), $basepage); } return $trfm->parse($text); } function TransformLinks($text, $markup = 2.0, $basepage = false) { static $trfm; if (empty($trfm)) { $trfm = new LinkTransformer; } if ($markup < 2.0) { $text = ConvertOldMarkup($text, 'links'); } if ($basepage) { return new CacheableMarkup($trfm->parse($text), $basepage); } return $trfm->parse($text); } /** * Transform only html markup and entities. */ function TransformInlineNowiki($text, $markup = 2.0, $basepage=false) { static $trfm; if (empty($trfm)) { $trfm = new NowikiTransformer; } if ($basepage) { return new CacheableMarkup($trfm->parse($text), $basepage); } return $trfm->parse($text); } // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>