1, comma, azhead, ordered (OL lists) * ->supportedArgs() which arguments are supported, so that the plugin * doesn't explictly need to declare it * * FIXED: * fix memory exhaustion on large pagelists with old --memory-limit php's only. * Status: improved 2004-06-25 16:19:36 rurban * but needs further testing. */ class _PageList_Column_base { var $_tdattr = array(); function _PageList_Column_base ($default_heading, $align = false) { $this->_heading = $default_heading; if ($align) { // align="char" isn't supported by any browsers yet :( //if (is_array($align)) // $this->_tdattr = $align; //else $this->_tdattr['align'] = $align; } } function format ($pagelist, $page_handle, &$revision_handle) { return HTML::td($this->_tdattr, HTML::raw(' '), $this->_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle), HTML::raw(' ')); } function getHeading () { return $this->_heading; } function setHeading ($heading) { $this->_heading = $heading; } // old-style heading function heading () { // allow sorting? if (1 /* or in_array($this->_field, PageList::sortable_columns())*/) { // multiple comma-delimited sortby args: "+hits,+pagename" // asc or desc: +pagename, -pagename $sortby = PageList::sortby($this->_field, 'flip_order'); //Fixme: pass all also other GET args along. (limit, p[]) //TODO: support GET and POST $s = HTML::a(array('href' => $GLOBALS['request']->GetURLtoSelf(array('sortby' => $sortby, 'nocache' => '1')), 'class' => 'pagetitle', 'title' => sprintf(_("Sort by %s"), $this->_field)), HTML::raw(' '), HTML::u($this->_heading), HTML::raw(' ')); } else { $s = HTML(HTML::raw(' '), HTML::u($this->_heading), HTML::raw(' ')); } return HTML::th(array('align' => 'center'),$s); } // new grid-style sortable heading // see activeui.js function button_heading ($pagelist, $colNum) { global $WikiTheme, $request; // allow sorting? if (1 /* or in_array($this->_field, PageList::sortable_columns()) */) { // multiple comma-delimited sortby args: "+hits,+pagename" $src = false; $noimg_src = $WikiTheme->getButtonURL('no_order'); if ($noimg_src) $noimg = HTML::img(array('src' => $noimg_src, 'width' => '7', 'height' => '7', 'border' => 0, 'alt' => '.')); else $noimg = HTML::raw(' '); if ($request->getArg('sortby')) { if ($pagelist->sortby($colNum, 'check')) { // show icon? $sortby = $pagelist->sortby($request->getArg('sortby'), 'flip_order'); $request->setArg('sortby', $sortby); $desc = (substr($sortby,0,1) == '-'); // asc or desc? (+pagename, -pagename) $src = $WikiTheme->getButtonURL($desc ? 'asc_order' : 'desc_order'); } else { $sortby = $pagelist->sortby($colNum, 'init'); } } else { $sortby = $pagelist->sortby($colNum, 'init'); } if (!$src) { $img = $noimg; //$img->setAttr('alt', _("Click to sort")); } else { $img = HTML::img(array('src' => $src, 'width' => '7', 'height' => '7', 'border' => 0, 'alt' => _("Click to reverse sort order"))); } $s = HTML::a(array('href' => //Fixme: pass all also other GET args along. (limit is ok, p[]) //Fixme: convert to POST submit[sortby] $request->GetURLtoSelf(array('sortby' => $sortby, /*'nocache' => '1'*/)), 'class' => 'gridbutton', 'title' => sprintf(_("Click to sort by %s"), $this->_field)), HTML::raw(' '), $noimg, HTML::raw(' '), $this->_heading, HTML::raw(' '), $img, HTML::raw(' ')); } else { $s = HTML(HTML::raw(' '), $this->_heading, HTML::raw(' ')); } return HTML::th(array('align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'middle', 'class' => 'gridbutton'), $s); } /** * Take two columns of this type and compare them. * An undefined value is defined to be < than the smallest defined value. * This base class _compare only works if the value is simple (e.g., a number). * * @param $colvala $this->_getValue() of column a * @param $colvalb $this->_getValue() of column b * * @return -1 if $a < $b, 1 if $a > $b, 0 otherwise. */ function _compare($colvala, $colvalb) { if (is_string($colvala)) return strcmp($colvala,$colvalb); $ret = 0; if (($colvala === $colvalb) || (!isset($colvala) && !isset($colvalb))) { ; } else { $ret = (!isset($colvala) || ($colvala < $colvalb)) ? -1 : 1; } return $ret; } }; class _PageList_Column extends _PageList_Column_base { function _PageList_Column ($field, $default_heading, $align = false) { $this->_PageList_Column_base($default_heading, $align); $this->_need_rev = substr($field, 0, 4) == 'rev:'; $this->_iscustom = substr($field, 0, 7) == 'custom:'; if ($this->_iscustom) { $this->_field = substr($field, 7); } elseif ($this->_need_rev) $this->_field = substr($field, 4); else $this->_field = $field; } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { if ($this->_need_rev) { if (!$revision_handle) // columns which need the %content should override this. (size, hi_content) $revision_handle = $page_handle->getCurrentRevision(false); return $revision_handle->get($this->_field); } else { return $page_handle->get($this->_field); } } function _getSortableValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { $val = $this->_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle); if ($this->_field == 'hits') return (int) $val; elseif (is_object($val)) return $val->asString(); else return (string) $val; } }; /* overcome a call_user_func limitation by not being able to do: * call_user_func_array(array(&$class, $class_name), $params); * So we need $class = new $classname($params); * And we add a 4th param to get at the parent $pagelist object */ class _PageList_Column_custom extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_custom($params) { $this->_pagelist =& $params[3]; $this->_PageList_Column($params[0], $params[1], $params[2]); } } class _PageList_Column_size extends _PageList_Column { function format (&$pagelist, $page_handle, &$revision_handle) { return HTML::td($this->_tdattr, HTML::raw(' '), $this->_getValue($pagelist, $page_handle, $revision_handle), HTML::raw(' ')); } function _getValue (&$pagelist, $page_handle, &$revision_handle) { if (!$revision_handle or (!$revision_handle->_data['%content'] or $revision_handle->_data['%content'] === true)) { $revision_handle = $page_handle->getCurrentRevision(true); unset($revision_handle->_data['%pagedata']['_cached_html']); } $size = $this->_getSize($revision_handle); // we can safely purge the content when it is not sortable if (empty($pagelist->_sortby[$this->_field])) unset($revision_handle->_data['%content']); return $size; } function _getSortableValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { if (!$revision_handle) $revision_handle = $page_handle->getCurrentRevision(true); return (empty($revision_handle->_data['%content'])) ? 0 : strlen($revision_handle->_data['%content']); } function _getSize($revision_handle) { $bytes = @strlen($revision_handle->_data['%content']); return ByteFormatter($bytes); } } class _PageList_Column_bool extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_bool ($field, $default_heading, $text = 'yes') { $this->_PageList_Column($field, $default_heading, 'center'); $this->_textIfTrue = $text; $this->_textIfFalse = new RawXml('—'); //mdash } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { //FIXME: check if $this is available in the parent (->need_rev) $val = _PageList_Column::_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle); return $val ? $this->_textIfTrue : $this->_textIfFalse; } }; class _PageList_Column_checkbox extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_checkbox ($field, $default_heading, $name='p') { $this->_name = $name; $heading = HTML::input(array('type' => 'button', 'title' => _("Click to de-/select all pages"), //'width' => '100%', 'name' => $default_heading, 'value' => $default_heading, 'onclick' => "flipAll(this.form)" )); $this->_PageList_Column($field, $heading, 'center'); } function _getValue ($pagelist, $page_handle, &$revision_handle) { $pagename = $page_handle->getName(); $selected = !empty($pagelist->_selected[$pagename]); if (strstr($pagename,'[') or strstr($pagename,']')) { $pagename = str_replace(array('[',']'),array('%5B','%5D'),$pagename); } if ($selected) { return HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $this->_name . "[$pagename]", 'value' => 1, 'checked' => 'CHECKED')); } else { return HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $this->_name . "[$pagename]", 'value' => 1)); } } function format ($pagelist, $page_handle, &$revision_handle) { return HTML::td($this->_tdattr, HTML::raw(' '), $this->_getValue($pagelist, $page_handle, $revision_handle), HTML::raw(' ')); } // don't sort this javascript button function button_heading ($pagelist, $colNum) { $s = HTML(HTML::raw(' '), $this->_heading, HTML::raw(' ')); return HTML::th(array('align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'middle', 'class' => 'gridbutton'), $s); } }; class _PageList_Column_time extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_time ($field, $default_heading) { $this->_PageList_Column($field, $default_heading, 'right'); global $WikiTheme; $this->Theme = &$WikiTheme; } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { $time = _PageList_Column::_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle); return $this->Theme->formatDateTime($time); } }; class _PageList_Column_version extends _PageList_Column { function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { if (!$revision_handle) $revision_handle = $page_handle->getCurrentRevision(); return $revision_handle->getVersion(); } }; // Output is hardcoded to limit of first 50 bytes. Otherwise // on very large Wikis this will fail if used with AllPages // (PHP memory limit exceeded) class _PageList_Column_content extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_content ($field, $default_heading, $align = false) { $this->_PageList_Column($field, $default_heading, $align); $this->bytes = 50; if ($field == 'content') { $this->_heading .= sprintf(_(" ... first %d bytes"), $this->bytes); } elseif ($field == 'hi_content') { global $HTTP_POST_VARS; if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['admin_replace'])) { $search = $HTTP_POST_VARS['admin_replace']['from']; $this->_heading .= sprintf(_(" ... around %s"), '»'.$search.'«'); } } } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { if (!$revision_handle or (!$revision_handle->_data['%content'] or $revision_handle->_data['%content'] === true)) { $revision_handle = $page_handle->getCurrentRevision(true); } // Not sure why implode is needed here, I thought // getContent() already did this, but it seems necessary. $c = implode("\n", $revision_handle->getContent()); if (empty($pagelist->_sortby[$this->_field])) unset($revision_handle->_data['%content']); if ($this->_field == 'hi_content') { global $HTTP_POST_VARS; unset($revision_handle->_data['%pagedata']['_cached_html']); $search = $HTTP_POST_VARS['admin_replace']['from']; if ($search and ($i = strpos($c,$search))) { $l = strlen($search); $j = max(0,$i - ($this->bytes / 2)); return HTML::div(array('style' => 'font-size:x-small'), HTML::div(array('class' => 'transclusion'), HTML::span(substr($c, $j, ($this->bytes / 2))), HTML::span(array("style"=>"background:yellow"),$search), HTML::span(substr($c, $i+$l, ($this->bytes / 2)))) ); } else { $c = sprintf(_("%s not found"), '»'.$search.'«'); return HTML::div(array('style' => 'font-size:x-small','align'=>'center'), $c); } } elseif (($len = strlen($c)) > $this->bytes) { $c = substr($c, 0, $this->bytes); } include_once('lib/BlockParser.php'); // false --> don't bother processing hrefs for embedded WikiLinks $ct = TransformText($c, $revision_handle->get('markup'), false); if (empty($pagelist->_sortby[$this->_field])) unset($revision_handle->_data['%pagedata']['_cached_html']); return HTML::div(array('style' => 'font-size:x-small'), HTML::div(array('class' => 'transclusion'), $ct), // Don't show bytes here if size column present too ($this->parent->_columns_seen['size'] or !$len) ? "" : ByteFormatter($len, /*$longformat = */true)); } function _getSortableValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { return substr(_PageList_Column::_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle),0,50); } }; class _PageList_Column_author extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_author ($field, $default_heading, $align = false) { _PageList_Column::_PageList_Column($field, $default_heading, $align); $this->dbi =& $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { $author = _PageList_Column::_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle); if (isWikiWord($author) && $this->dbi->isWikiPage($author)) return WikiLink($author); else return $author; } }; class _PageList_Column_owner extends _PageList_Column_author { function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { $author = $page_handle->getOwner(); if (isWikiWord($author) && $this->dbi->isWikiPage($author)) return WikiLink($author); else return $author; } }; class _PageList_Column_creator extends _PageList_Column_author { function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { $author = $page_handle->getCreator(); if (isWikiWord($author) && $this->dbi->isWikiPage($author)) return WikiLink($author); else return $author; } }; class _PageList_Column_pagename extends _PageList_Column_base { var $_field = 'pagename'; function _PageList_Column_pagename () { $this->_PageList_Column_base(_("Page Name")); global $request; $this->dbi = &$request->getDbh(); } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { if ($this->dbi->isWikiPage($page_handle->getName())) return WikiLink($page_handle); else return WikiLink($page_handle, 'unknown'); } function _getSortableValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { return $page_handle->getName(); } /** * Compare two pagenames for sorting. See _PageList_Column::_compare. **/ function _compare($colvala, $colvalb) { return strcmp($colvala, $colvalb); } }; class PageList { var $_group_rows = 3; var $_columns = array(); var $_columnsMap = array(); // Maps column name to column number. var $_excluded_pages = array(); var $_pages = array(); var $_caption = ""; var $_pagename_seen = false; var $_types = array(); var $_options = array(); var $_selected = array(); var $_sortby = array(); var $_maxlen = 0; function PageList ($columns = false, $exclude = false, $options = false) { if ($options) $this->_options = $options; // let plugins predefine only certain objects, such its own custom pagelist columns if (!empty($this->_options['types'])) { $this->_types = $this->_options['types']; unset($this->_options['types']); } $this->_initAvailableColumns(); $symbolic_columns = array( 'all' => array_diff(array_keys($this->_types), // all but... array('checkbox','remove','renamed_pagename', 'content','hi_content','perm','acl')), 'most' => array('pagename','mtime','author','hits'), 'some' => array('pagename','mtime','author') ); if ($columns) { if (!is_array($columns)) $columns = explode(',', $columns); // expand symbolic columns: foreach ($symbolic_columns as $symbol => $cols) { if (in_array($symbol,$columns)) { // e.g. 'checkbox,all' $columns = array_diff(array_merge($columns,$cols),array($symbol)); } } if (!in_array('pagename',$columns)) $this->_addColumn('pagename'); foreach ($columns as $col) { $this->_addColumn($col); } } // If 'pagename' is already present, _addColumn() will not add it again $this->_addColumn('pagename'); foreach (array('sortby','limit','paging','count','dosort') as $key) { if (!empty($options) and !empty($options[$key])) { $this->_options[$key] = $options[$key]; } else { $this->_options[$key] = $GLOBALS['request']->getArg($key); } } $this->_options['sortby'] = $this->sortby($this->_options['sortby'], 'init'); if ($exclude) { if (is_string($exclude) and !is_array($exclude)) $exclude = $this->explodePageList($exclude, false, $this->_options['sortby'], $this->_options['limit']); $this->_excluded_pages = $exclude; } $this->_messageIfEmpty = _(""); } // Currently PageList takes these arguments: // 1: info, 2: exclude, 3: hash of options // Here we declare which options are supported, so that // the calling plugin may simply merge this with its own default arguments function supportedArgs () { return array(// Currently supported options: /* what columns, what pages */ 'info' => 'pagename', 'exclude' => '', // also wildcards, comma-seperated lists // and arrays /* select pages by meta-data: */ 'author' => false, // current user by [] 'owner' => false, // current user by [] 'creator' => false, // current user by [] /* for the sort buttons in */ 'sortby' => '', // same as for WikiDB::getAllPages (unsorted is faster) /* PageList pager options: * These options may also be given to _generate(List|Table) later * But limit and offset might help the query WikiDB::getAllPages() */ 'limit' => 0, // number of rows (pagesize) 'paging' => 'auto', // 'auto' top + bottom rows if applicable // // 'top' top only if applicable // // 'bottom' bottom only if applicable // // 'none' don't page at all // (TODO: clarify what if $paging==false ?) /* list-style options (with single pagename column only so far) */ 'cols' => 1, // side-by-side display of list (1-3) 'azhead' => 0, // 1: group by initials // 2: provide shortcut links to initials also 'comma' => 0, // condensed comma-seperated list, // 1 if without links, 2 if with 'commasep' => false, // Default: ', ' 'ordered' => false, // OL or just UL lists (ignored for comma) ); } function setCaption ($caption_string) { $this->_caption = $caption_string; } function getCaption () { // put the total into the caption if needed if (is_string($this->_caption) && strstr($this->_caption, '%d')) return sprintf($this->_caption, $this->getTotal()); return $this->_caption; } function setMessageIfEmpty ($msg) { $this->_messageIfEmpty = $msg; } function getTotal () { return !empty($this->_options['count']) ? (integer) $this->_options['count'] : count($this->_pages); } function isEmpty () { return empty($this->_pages); } function addPage($page_handle) { if (!empty($this->_excluded_pages)) { if (!in_array((is_string($page_handle) ? $page_handle : $page_handle->getName()), $this->_excluded_pages)) $this->_pages[] = $page_handle; } else { $this->_pages[] = $page_handle; } } function _getPageFromHandle($page_handle) { if (is_string($page_handle)) { if (empty($page_handle)) return $page_handle; //$dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); // no, safe memory! $page_handle = $GLOBALS['request']->_dbi->getPage($page_handle); } return $page_handle; } /** * Take a PageList_Page object, and return an HTML object to display * it in a table or list row. */ function _renderPageRow (&$page_handle, $i = 0) { $page_handle = $this->_getPageFromHandle($page_handle); //FIXME. only on sf.net if (!is_object($page_handle)) { trigger_error("PageList: Invalid page_handle $page_handle", E_USER_WARNING); return; } if (!isset($page_handle) or empty($page_handle) or (!empty($this->_excluded_pages) and in_array($page_handle->getName(), $this->_excluded_pages))) return; // exclude page. // enforce view permission if (!mayAccessPage('view', $page_handle->getName())) return; $group = (int)($i / $this->_group_rows); $class = ($group % 2) ? 'oddrow' : 'evenrow'; $revision_handle = false; $this->_maxlen = max($this->_maxlen, strlen($page_handle->getName())); if (count($this->_columns) > 1) { $row = HTML::tr(array('class' => $class)); foreach ($this->_columns as $col) $row->pushContent($col->format($this, $page_handle, $revision_handle)); } else { $col = $this->_columns[0]; $row = $col->_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle); } return $row; } function addPages ($page_iter) { //Todo: if limit check max(strlen(pagename)) while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { $this->addPage($page); } } function addPageList (&$list) { if (empty($list)) return; // Protect reset from a null arg foreach ($list as $page) { if (is_object($page)) $page = $page->_pagename; $this->addPage((string)$page); } } function maxLen() { global $request; $dbi =& $request->getDbh(); if (isa($dbi,'WikiDB_SQL')) { extract($dbi->_backend->_table_names); $res = $dbi->_backend->_dbh->getOne("SELECT max(length(pagename)) FROM $page_tbl"); if (DB::isError($res) || empty($res)) return false; else return $res; } elseif (isa($dbi,'WikiDB_ADODB')) { extract($dbi->_backend->_table_names); $row = $dbi->_backend->_dbh->getRow("SELECT max(length(pagename)) FROM $page_tbl"); return $row ? $row[0] : false; } else return false; } function getContent() { // Note that the element wants inline content. $caption = $this->getCaption(); if ($this->isEmpty()) return $this->_emptyList($caption); elseif (count($this->_columns) == 1) return $this->_generateList($caption); else return $this->_generateTable($caption); } function printXML() { PrintXML($this->getContent()); } function asXML() { return AsXML($this->getContent()); } /** * Handle sortby requests for the DB iterator and table header links. * Prefix the column with + or - like "+pagename","-mtime", ... * * Supported actions: * 'init' : unify with predefined order. "pagename" => "+pagename" * 'flip_order' : "mtime" => "+mtime" => "-mtime" ... * 'db' : "-pagename" => "pagename DESC" * 'check' : * * Now all columns are sortable. (patch by DanFr) * Some columns have native DB backend methods, some not. */ function sortby ($column, $action) { global $request; if (empty($column)) return ''; if (is_int($column)) { $column = $this->_columns[$column - 1]->_field; //$column = $col->_field; } //if (!is_string($column)) return ''; // support multiple comma-delimited sortby args: "+hits,+pagename" // recursive concat if (strstr($column, ',')) { $result = ($action == 'check') ? true : array(); foreach (explode(',', $column) as $col) { if ($action == 'check') $result = $result && $this->sortby($col, $action); else $result[] = $this->sortby($col, $action); } // 'check' returns true/false for every col. return true if all are true. // i.e. the unsupported 'every' operator in functional languages. if ($action == 'check') return $result; else return join(",", $result); } if (substr($column,0,1) == '+') { $order = '+'; $column = substr($column,1); } elseif (substr($column,0,1) == '-') { $order = '-'; $column = substr($column,1); } // default initial order: +pagename, -mtime, -hits if (empty($order)) if (in_array($column, array('mtime','hits'))) $order = '-'; else $order = '+'; if ($action == 'flip_order') { return ($order == '+' ? '-' : '+') . $column; } elseif ($action == 'init') { $this->_sortby[$column] = $order; return $order . $column; } elseif ($action == 'check') { return (!empty($this->_sortby[$column]) or ($request->getArg('sortby') and strstr($request->getArg('sortby'),$column))); } elseif ($action == 'db') { // Performance enhancement: use native DB sort if possible. if (method_exists($request->_dbi->_backend, 'sortable_columns') and (in_array($column, $request->_dbi->_backend->sortable_columns()))) { // omit this sort method from the _sortPages call at rendering // asc or desc: +pagename, -pagename return $column . ($order == '+' ? ' ASC' : ' DESC'); } else { return ''; } } return ''; } // echo implode(":",explodeList("Test*",array("xx","Test1","Test2"))); function explodePageList($input, $include_empty = false, $sortby=false, $limit=false) { // expand wildcards from list of all pages if (preg_match('/[\?\*]/',$input)) { $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); $allPagehandles = $dbi->getAllPages($include_empty, $sortby, $limit); while ($pagehandle = $allPagehandles->next()) { $allPages[] = $pagehandle->getName(); } return explodeList($input, $allPages); } else { //TODO: do the sorting, normally not needed if used for exclude only return explode(',',$input); } } function allPagesByAuthor(&$wildcard, $include_empty=false, $sortby=false, $limit=false) { $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); $allPagehandles = $dbi->getAllPages($include_empty, $sortby, $limit); $allPages = array(); if ($wildcard === '[]') { $wildcard = $GLOBALS['request']->_user->getAuthenticatedId(); if (!$wildcard) return $allPages; } $do_glob = preg_match('/[\?\*]/', $wildcard); while ($pagehandle = $allPagehandles->next()) { $name = $pagehandle->getName(); $author = $pagehandle->getAuthor(); if ($author) { if ($do_glob) { if (glob_match($wildcard, $author)) $allPages[] = $name; } elseif ($wildcard == $author) { $allPages[] = $name; } } // TODO: purge versiondata_cache } return $allPages; } function allPagesByOwner(&$wildcard, $include_empty=false, $sortby=false, $limit=false) { $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); $allPagehandles = $dbi->getAllPages($include_empty, $sortby, $limit); $allPages = array(); if ($wildcard === '[]') { $wildcard = $GLOBALS['request']->_user->getAuthenticatedId(); if (!$wildcard) return $allPages; } $do_glob = preg_match('/[\?\*]/', $wildcard); while ($pagehandle = $allPagehandles->next()) { $name = $pagehandle->getName(); $owner = $pagehandle->getOwner(); if ($owner) { if ($do_glob) { if (glob_match($wildcard, $owner)) $allPages[] = $name; } elseif ($wildcard == $owner) { $allPages[] = $name; } } } return $allPages; } function allPagesByCreator(&$wildcard, $include_empty=false, $sortby=false, $limit=false) { $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); $allPagehandles = $dbi->getAllPages($include_empty, $sortby, $limit); $allPages = array(); if ($wildcard === '[]') { $wildcard = $GLOBALS['request']->_user->getAuthenticatedId(); if (!$wildcard) return $allPages; } $do_glob = preg_match('/[\?\*]/', $wildcard); while ($pagehandle = $allPagehandles->next()) { $name = $pagehandle->getName(); $creator = $pagehandle->getCreator(); if ($creator) { if ($do_glob) { if (glob_match($wildcard, $creator)) $allPages[] = $name; } elseif ($wildcard == $creator) { $allPages[] = $name; } } } return $allPages; } //////////////////// // private //////////////////// /** Plugin and theme hooks: * If the pageList is initialized with $options['types'] these types are also initialized, * overriding the standard types. */ function _initAvailableColumns() { global $customPageListColumns; $standard_types = array( 'content' => new _PageList_Column_content('rev:content', _("Content")), // new: plugin specific column types initialised by the relevant plugins /* 'hi_content' // with highlighted search for SearchReplace => new _PageList_Column_content('rev:hi_content', _("Content")), 'remove' => new _PageList_Column_remove('remove', _("Remove")), // initialised by the plugin 'renamed_pagename' => new _PageList_Column_renamed_pagename('rename', _("Rename to")), 'perm' => new _PageList_Column_perm('perm', _("Permission")), 'acl' => new _PageList_Column_acl('acl', _("ACL")), */ 'checkbox' => new _PageList_Column_checkbox('p', _("Select")), 'pagename' => new _PageList_Column_pagename, 'mtime' => new _PageList_Column_time('rev:mtime', _("Last Modified")), 'hits' => new _PageList_Column('hits', _("Hits"), 'right'), 'size' => new _PageList_Column_size('rev:size', _("Size"), 'right'), /*array('align' => 'char', 'char' => ' ')*/ 'summary' => new _PageList_Column('rev:summary', _("Last Summary")), 'version' => new _PageList_Column_version('rev:version', _("Version"), 'right'), 'author' => new _PageList_Column_author('rev:author', _("Last Author")), 'owner' => new _PageList_Column_owner('author_id', _("Owner")), 'creator' => new _PageList_Column_creator('author_id', _("Creator")), /* 'group' => new _PageList_Column_author('group', _("Group")), */ 'locked' => new _PageList_Column_bool('locked', _("Locked"), _("locked")), 'minor' => new _PageList_Column_bool('rev:is_minor_edit', _("Minor Edit"), _("minor")), 'markup' => new _PageList_Column('rev:markup', _("Markup")), // 'rating' initialised by the wikilens theme hook: addPageListColumn /* 'rating' => new _PageList_Column_rating('rating', _("Rate")), */ ); if (empty($this->_types)) $this->_types = array(); // add plugin specific pageList columns, initialized by $options['types'] $this->_types = array_merge($standard_types, $this->_types); // add theme custom specific pageList columns: // set the 4th param as the current pagelist object. if (!empty($customPageListColumns)) { foreach ($customPageListColumns as $column => $params) { $class_name = array_shift($params); $params[3] =& $this; $class = new $class_name($params); } $this->_types = array_merge($this->_types, $customPageListColumns); } } function getOption($option) { if (array_key_exists($option, $this->_options)) { return $this->_options[$option]; } else { return null; } } /** * Add a column to this PageList, given a column name. * The name is a type, and optionally has a : and a label. Examples: * * pagename * pagename:This page * mtime * mtime:Last modified * * If this function is called multiple times for the same type, the * column will only be added the first time, and ignored the succeeding times. * If you wish to add multiple columns of the same type, use addColumnObject(). * * @param column name * @return true if column is added, false otherwise */ function _addColumn ($column) { if (isset($this->_columns_seen[$column])) return false; // Already have this one. if (!isset($this->_types[$column])) $this->_initAvailableColumns(); $this->_columns_seen[$column] = true; if (strstr($column, ':')) list ($column, $heading) = explode(':', $column, 2); // FIXME: these column types have hooks (objects) elsewhere // Omitting this warning should be overridable by the extension if (!isset($this->_types[$column])) { $silently_ignore = array('numbacklinks', 'rating',/*'ratingwidget',*/ 'coagreement', 'minmisery', /*'prediction',*/ 'averagerating', 'top3recs'); if (!in_array($column, $silently_ignore)) trigger_error(sprintf("%s: Bad column", $column), E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } // FIXME: anon users might rate and see ratings also. // Defer this logic to the plugin. if ($column == 'rating' and !$GLOBALS['request']->_user->isSignedIn()) return false; $this->addColumnObject($this->_types[$column]); return true; } /** * Add a column to this PageList, given a column object. * * @param $col object An object derived from _PageList_Column. **/ function addColumnObject($col) { if (is_array($col)) {// custom column object $params =& $col; $class_name = array_shift($params); $params[3] =& $this; $col = new $class_name($params); } $heading = $col->getHeading(); if (!empty($heading)) $col->setHeading($heading); $this->_columns[] = $col; $this->_columnsMap[$col->_field] = count($this->_columns); // start with 1 } /** * Compare _PageList_Page objects. **/ function _pageCompare(&$a, &$b) { if (empty($this->_sortby) or count($this->_sortby) == 0) { // No columns to sort by return 0; } else { $pagea = $this->_getPageFromHandle($a); // If a string, convert to page assert(isa($pagea, 'WikiDB_Page')); $pageb = $this->_getPageFromHandle($b); // If a string, convert to page assert(isa($pageb, 'WikiDB_Page')); foreach ($this->_sortby as $colNum => $direction) { if (!is_int($colNum)) // or column fieldname $colNum = $this->_columnsMap[$colNum]; $col = $this->_columns[$colNum - 1]; assert(isset($col)); $revision_handle = false; $aval = $col->_getSortableValue($pagea, $revision_handle); $bval = $col->_getSortableValue($pageb, $revision_handle); $cmp = $col->_compare($aval, $bval); if ($direction === "-") // Reverse the sense of the comparison $cmp *= -1; if ($cmp !== 0) // This is the first comparison that is not equal-- go with it return $cmp; } return 0; } } /** * Put pages in order according to the sortby arg, if given * If the sortby cols are already sorted by the DB call, don't do usort. * TODO: optimize for multiple sortable cols */ function _sortPages() { if (count($this->_sortby) > 0) { $need_sort = $this->_options['dosort']; foreach ($this->_sortby as $col => $dir) { if (! $this->sortby($col, 'db')) $need_sort = true; } if ($need_sort) { // There are some columns to sort by usort(&$this->_pages, array($this, '_pageCompare')); } } //unset($GLOBALS['PhpWiki_pagelist']); } function limit($limit) { if (is_array($limit)) return $limit; if (strstr($limit, ',')) return split(',', $limit); else return array(0, $limit); } function pagingTokens($numrows = false, $ncolumns = false, $limit = false) { if ($numrows === false) $numrows = $this->getTotal(); if ($limit === false) $limit = $this->_options['limit']; if ($ncolumns === false) $ncolumns = count($this->_columns); list($offset, $pagesize) = $this->limit($limit); if (!$pagesize or (!$offset and $numrows <= $pagesize) or ($offset + $pagesize < 0)) return false; $request = &$GLOBALS['request']; $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); $defargs = $request->args; $prev = $defargs; $tokens = array(); $tokens['PREV'] = false; $tokens['PREV_LINK'] = ""; $tokens['COLS'] = count($this->_columns); $tokens['COUNT'] = $numrows; $tokens['OFFSET'] = $offset; $tokens['SIZE'] = $pagesize; $tokens['NUMPAGES'] = (int)($numrows / $pagesize)+1; $tokens['ACTPAGE'] = (int) (($offset+1) / $pagesize)+1; if ($offset > 0) { $prev['limit'] = min(0,$offset - $pagesize) . ",$pagesize"; $prev['count'] = $numrows; $tokens['LIMIT'] = $prev['limit']; $tokens['PREV'] = true; $tokens['PREV_LINK'] = WikiURL($pagename, $prev); $prev['limit'] = "0,$pagesize"; $tokens['FIRST_LINK'] = WikiURL($pagename, $prev); } $next = $defargs; $tokens['NEXT'] = false; $tokens['NEXT_LINK'] = ""; if ($offset + $pagesize < $numrows) { $next['limit'] = min($offset + $pagesize, $numrows - $pagesize) . ",$pagesize"; $next['count'] = $numrows; $tokens['LIMIT'] = $next['limit']; $tokens['NEXT'] = true; $tokens['NEXT_LINK'] = WikiURL($pagename, $next); $next['limit'] = $numrows - $pagesize . ",$pagesize"; $tokens['LAST_LINK'] = WikiURL($pagename, $next); } return $tokens; } // make a table given the caption function _generateTable($caption) { if (count($this->_sortby) > 0) $this->_sortPages(); $rows = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($this->_pages as $pagenum => $page) { $rows[] = $this->_renderPageRow($page, $i++); } $table = HTML::table(array('cellpadding' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 1, 'border' => 0, 'class' => 'pagelist')); if ($caption) $table->pushContent(HTML::caption(array('align'=>'top'), $caption)); //Warning: This is quite fragile. It depends solely on a private variable // in ->_addColumn() if (!empty($this->_columns_seen['checkbox'])) { $table->pushContent($this->_jsFlipAll()); } $do_paging = ( isset($this->_options['paging']) and !empty($this->_options['limit']) and $this->getTotal() and $this->_options['paging'] != 'none' ); $row = HTML::tr(); $table_summary = array(); $i = 1; // start with 1! foreach ($this->_columns as $col) { $heading = $col->button_heading($this, $i); if ( $do_paging and isset($col->_field) and $col->_field == 'pagename' and ($maxlen = $this->maxLen())) { $heading->setAttr('width', $maxlen * 7); } $row->pushContent($heading); if (is_string($col->getHeading())) $table_summary[] = $col->getHeading(); $i++; } // Table summary for non-visual browsers. $table->setAttr('summary', sprintf(_("Columns: %s."), join(", ", $table_summary))); $table->pushContent(HTML::colgroup(array('span' => count($this->_columns)))); if ( $do_paging ) { $tokens = $this->pagingTokens($this->getTotal(), count($this->_columns), $this->_options['limit']); if ($tokens === false) { $table->pushContent(HTML::thead($row), HTML::tbody(false, $rows)); return $table; } $paging = Template("pagelink", $tokens); if ($this->_options['paging'] != 'bottom') $table->pushContent(HTML::thead($paging)); $table->pushContent(HTML::tbody(false, HTML($row, $rows))); if ($this->_options['paging'] != 'top') $table->pushContent(HTML::tfoot($paging)); return $table; } else { $table->pushContent(HTML::thead($row), HTML::tbody(false, $rows)); return $table; } } function _jsFlipAll() { return JavaScript(" function flipAll(formObj) { var isFirstSet = -1; for (var i=0; i < formObj.length; i++) { fldObj = formObj.elements[i]; if ((fldObj.type == 'checkbox') && (fldObj.name.substring(0,2) == 'p[')) { if (isFirstSet == -1) isFirstSet = (fldObj.checked) ? true : false; fldObj.checked = (isFirstSet) ? false : true; } } }"); } // 'cols' - split into several columns // 'azhead' - support

grouping into initials // 'ordered' - OL or UL list (not yet inherited to all plugins) // 'comma' - condensed comma-list only, 1: no links, >1: with links function _generateList($caption='') { if (empty($this->_pages)) return; // stop recursion $out = HTML(); if ($caption) $out->pushContent(HTML::p($caption)); // need a recursive switch here for the azhead and cols grouping. if (!empty($this->_options['cols']) and $this->_options['cols'] > 1) { $count = count($this->_pages); $length = $count / $this->_options['cols']; $width = sprintf("%d", 100 / $this->_options['cols']).'%'; $cols = HTML::tr(array('valign' => 'top')); for ($i=0; $i < $count; $i += $length) { $save_pages = $this->_pages; $save_cols = $this->_options['cols']; $this->_options['cols'] = 0; // avoid endless recursion! $this->_pages = array_slice($this->_pages, $i, $length); $cols->pushContent(HTML::td(/*array('width' => $width),*/ $this->_generateList())); $this->_pages = $save_pages; $this->_options['cols'] = $save_cols; } // speed up table rendering by defining colgroups $out->pushContent(HTML::table(HTML::colgroup(array('span' => $this->_options['cols'], 'width' => $width)), $cols)); return $out; } // Ignore azhead if not sorted by pagename if (!empty($this->_options['azhead']) and strstr($this->sortby($this->_options['sortby'], 'init'), "pagename") ) { $cur_h = substr($this->_pages[0]->getName(), 0, 1); $out->pushContent(HTML::h3($cur_h)); // group those pages together with same $h $j = 0; for ($i=0; $i < count($this->_pages); $i++) { $page =& $this->_pages[$i]; $h = substr($page->getName(), 0, 1); if ($h != $cur_h and $i > $j) { $save_pages = $this->_pages; $save_cols = $this->_options['cols']; $save_azhead = $this->_options['azhead']; $this->_options['cols'] = 0; // avoid endless recursion! $this->_options['azhead'] = 0; $this->_pages = array_slice($this->_pages, $j, $i - $j); $out->pushContent($this->_generateList()); $this->_pages = $save_pages; $this->_options['cols'] = $save_cols; $this->_options['azhead'] = $save_azhead; $j = $i; $out->pushContent(HTML::h3($h)); $cur_h = $h; } } return $out; } if (!empty($this->_options['comma'])) { if ($this->_options['comma'] == 1) $out->pushContent($this->_generateCommaListAsString()); else $out->pushContent($this->_generateCommaList($this->_options['comma'])); return $out; } $do_paging = ( isset($this->_options['paging']) and !empty($this->_options['limit']) and $this->getTotal() and $this->_options['paging'] != 'none' ); if ( $do_paging ) { $tokens = $this->pagingTokens($this->getTotal(), count($this->_columns), $this->_options['limit']); if ($tokens) { $paging = Template("pagelink", $tokens); $out->pushContent(HTML::table($paging)); } } if (!empty($this->_options['ordered'])) $list = HTML::ol(array('class' => 'pagelist')); else $list = HTML::ul(array('class' => 'pagelist')); $i = 0; foreach ($this->_pages as $pagenum => $page) { $pagehtml = $this->_renderPageRow($page); $group = ($i++ / $this->_group_rows); //TODO: here we switch every row, in tables every third. // unification or parametrized? $class = ($group % 2) ? 'oddrow' : 'evenrow'; $list->pushContent(HTML::li(array('class' => $class), $pagehtml)); } $out->pushContent($list); if ( $do_paging and $tokens ) { $out->pushContent(HTML::table($paging)); } return $out; } // comma=1 // Condense list without a href links: "Page1, Page2, ..." // Alternative $seperator = HTML::Raw(' · ') function _generateCommaListAsString() { if (defined($this->_options['commasep'])) $seperator = $this->_options['commasep']; else $seperator = ', '; $pages = array(); foreach ($this->_pages as $pagenum => $page) { if ($s = $this->_renderPageRow($page)) // some pages are not viewable $pages[] = is_string($s) ? $s : $s->asString(); } return HTML(join($seperator, $pages)); } // comma=2 // Normal WikiLink list. // Future: 1 = reserved for plain string (see above) // 2 and more => HTML link specialization? function _generateCommaList($style = false) { if (defined($this->_options['commasep'])) $seperator = HTLM::Raw($this->_options['commasep']); else $seperator = ', '; $html = HTML(); $html->pushContent($this->_renderPageRow($this->_pages[0])); next($this->_pages); foreach ($this->_pages as $pagenum => $page) { if ($s = $this->_renderPageRow($page)) // some pages are not viewable $html->pushContent($seperator, $s); } return $html; } function _emptyList($caption) { $html = HTML(); if ($caption) $html->pushContent(HTML::p($caption)); if ($this->_messageIfEmpty) $html->pushContent(HTML::blockquote(HTML::p($this->_messageIfEmpty))); return $html; } }; /* List pages with checkboxes to select from. * The [Select] button toggles via _jsFlipAll */ class PageList_Selectable extends PageList { function PageList_Selectable ($columns=false, $exclude=false, $options = false) { if ($columns) { if (!is_array($columns)) $columns = explode(',', $columns); if (!in_array('checkbox',$columns)) array_unshift($columns,'checkbox'); } else { $columns = array('checkbox','pagename'); } $this->PageList($columns, $exclude, $options); } function addPageList ($array) { while (list($pagename,$selected) = each($array)) { if ($selected) $this->addPageSelected((string)$pagename); $this->addPage((string)$pagename); } } function addPageSelected ($pagename) { $this->_selected[$pagename] = 1; } } // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.118 2004/11/01 10:43:55 rurban // seperate PassUser methods into seperate dir (memory usage) // fix WikiUser (old) overlarge data session // remove wikidb arg from various page class methods, use global ->_dbi instead // ... // // Revision 1.117 2004/10/14 21:06:01 rurban // fix dumphtml with USE_PATH_INFO (again). fix some PageList refs // // Revision 1.116 2004/10/14 19:19:33 rurban // loadsave: check if the dumped file will be accessible from outside. // and some other minor fixes. (cvsclient native not yet ready) // // Revision 1.115 2004/10/14 17:15:05 rurban // remove class _PageList_Page, fix sortby=0 (start with 1, use strings), fix _PageList_Column_content for old phps, hits as int // // Revision 1.114 2004/10/12 13:13:19 rurban // php5 compatibility (5.0.1 ok) // // Revision 1.113 2004/10/05 17:00:03 rurban // support paging for simple lists // fix RatingDb sql backend. // remove pages from AllPages (this is ListPages then) // // Revision 1.112 2004/10/04 23:39:58 rurban // list of page objects // // Revision 1.111 2004/09/24 18:50:45 rurban // fix paging of SqlResult // // Revision 1.110 2004/09/17 14:43:31 rurban // typo // // Revision 1.109 2004/09/17 14:22:10 rurban // update comments // // Revision 1.108 2004/09/17 12:46:22 rurban // seperate pagingTokens() // support new default args: comma (1 and 2), commasep, ordered, cols, // azhead (1 only) // // Revision 1.107 2004/09/14 10:29:08 rurban // exclude pages already in addPages to simplify plugins // // Revision 1.106 2004/09/06 10:22:14 rurban // oops, forgot global request // // Revision 1.105 2004/09/06 08:38:30 rurban // modularize paging helper (for SqlResult) // // Revision 1.104 2004/08/18 11:01:55 rurban // fixed checkbox list Select button: // no GET request on click, // only select the list checkbox entries, no other options. // // Revision 1.103 2004/07/09 10:06:49 rurban // Use backend specific sortby and sortable_columns method, to be able to // select between native (Db backend) and custom (PageList) sorting. // Fixed PageList::AddPageList (missed the first) // Added the author/creator.. name to AllPagesBy... // display no pages if none matched. // Improved dba and file sortby(). // Use &$request reference // // Revision 1.102 2004/07/08 21:32:35 rurban // Prevent from more warnings, minor db and sort optimizations // // Revision 1.101 2004/07/08 19:04:41 rurban // more unittest fixes (file backend, metadata RatingsDb) // // Revision 1.100 2004/07/07 15:02:26 dfrankow // Take out if that prevents column sorting // // Revision 1.99 2004/07/02 18:49:02 dfrankow // Change one line so that if addPageList() is passed null, it is still // okay. The unit tests do this (ask to list AllUsers where there are no // users, or something like that). // // Revision 1.98 2004/07/01 08:51:22 rurban // dumphtml: added exclude, print pagename before processing // // Revision 1.97 2004/06/29 09:11:10 rurban // More memory optimization: // don't cache unneeded _cached_html and %content for content and size columns // (only if sortable, which will fail for too many pages) // // Revision 1.96 2004/06/29 08:47:42 rurban // Memory optimization (reference to parent, smart bool %content) // Fixed class grouping in table // // Revision 1.95 2004/06/28 19:00:01 rurban // removed non-portable LIMIT 1 (it's getOne anyway) // removed size from info=most: needs to much memory // // Revision 1.94 2004/06/27 10:26:02 rurban // oci8 patch by Philippe Vanhaesendonck + some ADODB notes+fixes // // Revision 1.93 2004/06/25 14:29:17 rurban // WikiGroup refactoring: // global group attached to user, code for not_current user. // improved helpers for special groups (avoid double invocations) // new experimental config option ENABLE_XHTML_XML (fails with IE, and document.write()) // fixed a XHTML validation error on userprefs.tmpl // // Revision 1.92 2004/06/21 17:01:39 rurban // fix typo and rating method call // // Revision 1.91 2004/06/21 16:22:29 rurban // add DEFAULT_DUMP_DIR and HTML_DUMP_DIR constants, for easier cmdline dumps, // fixed dumping buttons locally (images/buttons/), // support pages arg for dumphtml, // optional directory arg for dumpserial + dumphtml, // fix a AllPages warning, // show dump warnings/errors on DEBUG, // don't warn just ignore on wikilens pagelist columns, if not loaded. // RateIt pagelist column is called "rating", not "ratingwidget" (Dan?) // // Revision 1.90 2004/06/18 14:38:21 rurban // adopt new PageList style // // Revision 1.89 2004/06/17 13:16:08 rurban // apply wikilens work to PageList: all columns are sortable (slightly fixed) // // Revision 1.88 2004/06/14 11:31:35 rurban // renamed global $Theme to $WikiTheme (gforge nameclash) // inherit PageList default options from PageList // default sortby=pagename // use options in PageList_Selectable (limit, sortby, ...) // added action revert, with button at action=diff // added option regex to WikiAdminSearchReplace // // Revision 1.87 2004/06/13 16:02:12 rurban // empty list of pages if user=[] and not authenticated. // // Revision 1.86 2004/06/13 15:51:37 rurban // Support pagelist filter for current author,owner,creator by [] // // Revision 1.85 2004/06/13 15:33:19 rurban // new support for arguments owner, author, creator in most relevant // PageList plugins. in WikiAdmin* via preSelectS() // // Revision 1.84 2004/06/08 13:51:56 rurban // some comments only // // Revision 1.83 2004/05/18 13:35:39 rurban // improve Pagelist layout by equal pagename width for limited lists // // Revision 1.82 2004/05/16 22:07:35 rurban // check more config-default and predefined constants // various PagePerm fixes: // fix default PagePerms, esp. edit and view for Bogo and Password users // implemented Creator and Owner // BOGOUSERS renamed to BOGOUSER // fixed syntax errors in signin.tmpl // // Revision 1.81 2004/05/13 12:30:35 rurban // fix for MacOSX border CSS attr, and if sort buttons are not found // // Revision 1.80 2004/04/20 00:56:00 rurban // more paging support and paging fix for shorter lists // // Revision 1.79 2004/04/20 00:34:16 rurban // more paging support // // Revision 1.78 2004/04/20 00:06:03 rurban // themable paging support // // Revision 1.77 2004/04/18 01:11:51 rurban // more numeric pagename fixes. // fixed action=upload with merge conflict warnings. // charset changed from constant to global (dynamic utf-8 switching) // // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>