_heading = $default_heading; if ($align) { // align="char" isn't supported by any browsers yet :( //if (is_array($align)) // $this->_tdattr = $align; //else $this->_tdattr['align'] = $align; } } function format ($pagelist, $page_handle, &$revision_handle) { return HTML::td($this->_tdattr, HTML::raw(' '), $this->_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle), HTML::raw(' ')); } function setHeading ($heading) { $this->_heading = $heading; } function heading () { if (in_array($this->_field,array('pagename','mtime','hits'))) { // Todo: multiple comma-delimited sortby args: "+hits,+pagename" // asc or desc: +pagename, -pagename $sortby = '+' . $this->_field; if ($sorted = $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('sortby')) { // flip order if ($sorted == '+' . $this->_field) $sortby = '-' . $this->_field; elseif ($sorted == '-' . $this->_field) $sortby = '+' . $this->_field; } $s = HTML::a(array('href' => $GLOBALS['request']->GetURLtoSelf(array('sortby' => $sortby)),'class' => 'pagetitle', 'title' => sprintf(_("Sort by %s"),$this->_field)), HTML::raw(' '), HTML::u($this->_heading), HTML::raw(' ')); } else { $s = HTML(HTML::raw(' '), HTML::u($this->_heading), HTML::raw(' ')); } return HTML::td(array('align' => 'center'),$s); } }; class _PageList_Column extends _PageList_Column_base { function _PageList_Column ($field, $default_heading, $align = false) { $this->_PageList_Column_base($default_heading, $align); $this->_need_rev = substr($field, 0, 4) == 'rev:'; if ($this->_need_rev) $this->_field = substr($field, 4); else $this->_field = $field; } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { if ($this->_need_rev) { if (!$revision_handle) $revision_handle = $page_handle->getCurrentRevision(); return $revision_handle->get($this->_field); } else { return $page_handle->get($this->_field); } } }; class _PageList_Column_size extends _PageList_Column { function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { if (!$revision_handle) $revision_handle = $page_handle->getCurrentRevision(); return $this->_getSize($revision_handle); } function _getSize($revision_handle) { $bytes = strlen($revision_handle->_data['%content']); return ByteFormatter($bytes); } } class _PageList_Column_bool extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_bool ($field, $default_heading, $text = 'yes') { $this->_PageList_Column($field, $default_heading, 'center'); $this->_textIfTrue = $text; $this->_textIfFalse = new RawXml('—'); //mdash } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { $val = _PageList_Column::_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle); return $val ? $this->_textIfTrue : $this->_textIfFalse; } }; class _PageList_Column_checkbox extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_checkbox ($field, $default_heading, $name='p') { $this->_name = $name; $this->_PageList_Column($field, $default_heading, 'center'); } function _getValue ($pagelist, $page_handle, &$revision_handle) { $pagename = $page_handle->getName(); if (!empty($pagelist->_selected[$pagename])) { return HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $this->_name . "[$pagename]", 'value' => $pagename, 'checked' => '1')); } else { return HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $this->_name . "[$pagename]", 'value' => $pagename)); } } function format ($pagelist, $page_handle, &$revision_handle) { return HTML::td($this->_tdattr, HTML::raw(' '), $this->_getValue($pagelist, $page_handle, $revision_handle), HTML::raw(' ')); } }; class _PageList_Column_time extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_time ($field, $default_heading) { $this->_PageList_Column($field, $default_heading, 'right'); global $Theme; $this->Theme = &$Theme; } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { $time = _PageList_Column::_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle); return $this->Theme->formatDateTime($time); } }; class _PageList_Column_version extends _PageList_Column { function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { if (!$revision_handle) $revision_handle = $page_handle->getCurrentRevision(); return $revision_handle->getVersion(); } }; // If needed this could eventually become a subclass // of a new _PageList_Column_action class for other actions. class _PageList_Column_remove extends _PageList_Column { function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { return Button(array('action' => 'remove'), _("Remove"), $page_handle->getName()); } }; // Output is hardcoded to limit of first 50 bytes. Otherwise // on very large Wikis this will fail if used with AllPages // (PHP memory limit exceeded) class _PageList_Column_content extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_content ($field, $default_heading, $align = false) { _PageList_Column::_PageList_Column($field, $default_heading, $align); $this->bytes = 50; $this->_heading .= sprintf(_(" ... first %d bytes"), $this->bytes); } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { if (!$revision_handle) $revision_handle = $page_handle->getCurrentRevision(); // Not sure why implode is needed here, I thought // getContent() already did this, but it seems necessary. $c = implode("\n", $revision_handle->getContent()); if (($len = strlen($c)) > $this->bytes) { $c = substr($c, 0, $this->bytes); } include_once('lib/BlockParser.php'); // false --> don't bother processing hrefs for embedded WikiLinks $ct = TransformText($c, $revision_handle->get('markup'), false); return HTML::div(array('style' => 'font-size:xx-small'), HTML::div(array('class' => 'transclusion'), $ct), // TODO: Don't show bytes here if size column present too /* Howto??? $this->parent->_columns['size'] ? "" :*/ ByteFormatter($len, /*$longformat = */true)); } }; class _PageList_Column_author extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_author ($field, $default_heading, $align = false) { _PageList_Column::_PageList_Column($field, $default_heading, $align); global $WikiNameRegexp, $request; $this->WikiNameRegexp = $WikiNameRegexp; $this->dbi = &$request->getDbh(); } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { $author = _PageList_Column::_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle); if (preg_match("/^$this->WikiNameRegexp\$/", $author) && $this->dbi->isWikiPage($author)) return WikiLink($author); else return $author; } }; class _PageList_Column_pagename extends _PageList_Column_base { var $_field = 'pagename'; function _PageList_Column_pagename () { $this->_PageList_Column_base(_("Page Name")); global $request; $this->dbi = &$request->getDbh(); } function _getValue ($page_handle, &$revision_handle) { if ($this->dbi->isWikiPage($pagename = $page_handle->getName())) return WikiLink($page_handle); else return WikiLink($page_handle, 'unknown'); } }; class PageList { var $_group_rows = 3; var $_columns = array(); var $_excluded_pages = array(); var $_rows = array(); var $_caption = ""; var $_pagename_seen = false; var $_types = array(); var $_options = array(); var $_selected = array(); function PageList ($columns = false, $exclude = false, $options = false) { if ($columns == 'all') { $this->_initAvailableColumns(); $columns = array_keys($this->_types); // FIXME: Probably a good idea to NOT include the // columns 'content' and 'remove' when 'all' is // specified. } if ($columns) { if (!is_array($columns)) $columns = explode(',', $columns); if (in_array('all',$columns)) { // e.g. 'checkbox,all' $this->_initAvailableColumns(); $columns = array_merge($columns,array_keys($this->_types)); $columns = array_diff($columns,array('all')); } foreach ($columns as $col) { $this->_addColumn($col); } } $this->_addColumn('pagename'); if ($exclude) { if (!is_array($exclude)) $exclude = explode(',', $exclude); $this->_excluded_pages = $exclude; } $this->_options = $options; $this->_messageIfEmpty = _(""); } function setCaption ($caption_string) { $this->_caption = $caption_string; } function getCaption () { // put the total into the caption if needed if (is_string($this->_caption) && strstr($this->_caption, '%d')) return sprintf($this->_caption, $this->getTotal()); return $this->_caption; } function setMessageIfEmpty ($msg) { $this->_messageIfEmpty = $msg; } function getTotal () { return count($this->_rows); } function isEmpty () { return empty($this->_rows); } // $action = flip_order, db function sortby ($string, $action) { $order = '+'; if (substr($string,0,1) == '+') { $order = '+'; $string = substr($string,1); } elseif (substr($string,0,1) == '-') { $order = '-'; $string = substr($string,1); } if (in_array($string,array('pagename','mtime','hits'))) { // Todo: multiple comma-delimited sortby args: "+hits,+pagename" // asc or desc: +pagename, -pagename if ($action == 'flip_order') { return ($order == '+' ? '-' : '+') . $string; } elseif ($action == 'db') { return $string . ($order == '+' ? ' ASC' : ' DESC'); } } return ''; } function addPage ($page_handle) { if (is_string($page_handle)) { if (in_array($page_handle, $this->_excluded_pages)) return; // exclude page. $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); $page_handle = $dbi->getPage($page_handle); } else { if (in_array($page_handle->getName(), $this->_excluded_pages)) return; // exclude page. } $group = (int)(count($this->_rows) / $this->_group_rows); $class = ($group % 2) ? 'oddrow' : 'evenrow'; $revision_handle = false; if (count($this->_columns) > 1) { $row = HTML::tr(array('class' => $class)); foreach ($this->_columns as $col) $row->pushContent($col->format($this, $page_handle, $revision_handle)); } else { $col = $this->_columns[0]; $row = HTML::li(array('class' => $class), $col->_getValue($page_handle, $revision_handle)); } $this->_rows[] = $row; } function addPages ($page_iter) { while ($page = $page_iter->next()) $this->addPage($page); } function addPageList (&$list) { reset ($list); while ($page = next($list)) $this->addPage($page); } function getContent() { // Note that the element wants inline content. $caption = $this->getCaption(); if ($this->isEmpty()) return $this->_emptyList($caption); elseif (count($this->_columns) == 1) return $this->_generateList($caption); else return $this->_generateTable($caption); } function printXML() { PrintXML($this->getContent()); } function asXML() { return AsXML($this->getContent()); } //////////////////// // private //////////////////// function _initAvailableColumns() { if (!empty($this->_types)) return; $this->_types = array( 'content' => new _PageList_Column_content('content', _("Content")), 'remove' => new _PageList_Column_remove('remove', _("Remove")), 'checkbox' => new _PageList_Column_checkbox('p', _("Selected")), 'pagename' => new _PageList_Column_pagename, 'mtime' => new _PageList_Column_time('rev:mtime', _("Last Modified")), 'hits' => new _PageList_Column('hits', _("Hits"), 'right'), 'size' => new _PageList_Column_size('size', _("Size"), 'right'), /*array('align' => 'char', 'char' => ' ')*/ 'summary' => new _PageList_Column('rev:summary', _("Last Summary")), 'version' => new _PageList_Column_version('rev:version', _("Version"), 'right'), 'author' => new _PageList_Column_author('rev:author', _("Last Author")), 'locked' => new _PageList_Column_bool('locked', _("Locked"), _("locked")), 'minor' => new _PageList_Column_bool('rev:is_minor_edit', _("Minor Edit"), _("minor")), 'markup' => new _PageList_Column('rev:markup', _("Markup")) ); } function _addColumn ($column) { $this->_initAvailableColumns(); if (isset($this->_columns_seen[$column])) return false; // Already have this one. $this->_columns_seen[$column] = true; if (strstr($column, ':')) list ($column, $heading) = explode(':', $column, 2); if (!isset($this->_types[$column])) { trigger_error(sprintf("%s: Bad column", $column), E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } $col = $this->_types[$column]; if (!empty($heading)) $col->setHeading($heading); $this->_columns[] = $col; return true; } // make a table given the caption function _generateTable($caption) { $table = HTML::table(array('cellpadding' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 1, 'border' => 0, 'class' => 'pagelist')); if ($caption) $table->pushContent(HTML::caption(array('align'=>'top'), $caption)); $row = HTML::tr(); foreach ($this->_columns as $col) { // Todo: add links to resort the table $row->pushContent($col->heading()); $table_summary[] = $col->_heading; } // Table summary for non-visual browsers. $table->setAttr('summary', sprintf(_("Columns: %s."), implode(", ", $table_summary))); $table->pushContent(HTML::thead($row), HTML::tbody(false, $this->_rows)); return $table; } function _generateList($caption) { $list = HTML::ul(array('class' => 'pagelist'), $this->_rows); return $caption ? HTML(HTML::p($caption), $list) : $list; } function _emptyList($caption) { $html = HTML(); if ($caption) $html->pushContent(HTML::p($caption)); if ($this->_messageIfEmpty) $html->pushContent(HTML::blockquote(HTML::p($this->_messageIfEmpty))); return $html; } }; /* List pages with checkboxes to select from. * Todo: All, None jscript buttons. */ class PageList_Selectable extends PageList { function PageList_Selectable ($columns=false, $exclude=false) { PageList::PageList($columns,$exclude); } function addPageList ($array) { while (list($pagename,$selected) = each($array)) { if ($selected) $this->addPageSelected($pagename); $this->addPage($pagename); } } function addPageSelected ($pagename) { $this->_selected[$pagename] = 1; } } // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>