view edit => edit create => edit or create remove => remove rename => change store prefs => change list in PageList => list */ /* Symbolic special ACL groups. Untranslated to be stored in page metadata*/ define('ACL_EVERY', '_EVERY'); define('ACL_ANONYMOUS', '_ANONYMOUS'); define('ACL_BOGOUSER', '_BOGOUSER'); define('ACL_HASHOMEPAGE', '_HASHOMEPAGE'); define('ACL_SIGNED', '_SIGNED'); define('ACL_AUTHENTICATED','_AUTHENTICATED'); define('ACL_ADMIN', '_ADMIN'); define('ACL_OWNER', '_OWNER'); define('ACL_CREATOR', '_CREATOR'); // Return an page permissions array for this page. // To provide ui helpers to view and change page permissions: // GroupAccessAllow or Forbid // $group_($access) [ ] function pagePermissions($pagename) { global $request; $page = $request->getPage($pagename); // Page not found (new page); returned inherited permissions, to be displayed in gray if (! $page->exists() ) { if ($pagename == '.') // stop recursion return array('default', new PagePermission()); else { return array('inherited', pagePermissions(getParentPage($pagename))); } } elseif ($perm = getPagePermissions($page)) { return array('page',$perm); // or no permissions defined; returned inherited permissions, to be displayed in gray } elseif ($pagename == '.') { // stop recursion in pathological case. // "." defined, without any acl return array('default', new PagePermission()); } else { return array('inherited', pagePermissions(getParentPage($pagename))); } } function pagePermissionsSimpleFormat($perm_tree, $owner, $group=false) { list($type,$perm) = pagePermissionsAcl($perm_tree[0], $perm_tree); /* $type = $perm_tree[0]; $perm = pagePermissionsAcl($perm_tree); if (is_object($perm_tree[1])) $perm = $perm_tree[1]; elseif (is_array($perm_tree[1])) { $perm_tree = pagePermissionsSimpleFormat($perm_tree[1],$owner,$group); if (isa($perm_tree[1],'pagepermission')) $perm = $perm_tree[1]; elseif (isa($perm_tree,'htmlelement')) return $perm_tree; } */ if ($type == 'page') return HTML::tt(HTML::strong($perm->asRwxString($owner, $group))); elseif ($type == 'default') return HTML::tt($perm->asRwxString($owner, $group)); elseif ($type == 'inherited') { return HTML::tt(array('class'=>'inherited', 'style'=>'color:#aaa;'), $perm->asRwxString($owner, $group)); } } function pagePermissionsAcl($type,$perm_tree) { $perm = $perm_tree[1]; while (!is_object($perm)) { $perm_tree = pagePermissionsAcl($type, $perm); $perm = $perm_tree[1]; } return array($type,$perm); } // view => who // edit => who function pagePermissionsAclFormat($perm_tree, $editable=false) { list($type,$perm) = pagePermissionsAcl($perm_tree[0], $perm_tree); if ($editable) return $perm->asEditableTable($type); else return $perm->asTable($type); } /** * Check the permissions for the current action. * Walk down the inheritance tree. Collect all permissions until * the minimum required level is gained, which is not * overruled by more specific forbid rules. * Todo: cache result per access and page in session? */ function requiredAuthorityForPage ($action) { global $request; $auth = _requiredAuthorityForPagename(action2access($action), $request->getArg('pagename')); assert($auth !== -1); if ($auth) return $request->_user->_level; else return WIKIAUTH_UNOBTAINABLE; } // Translate action or plugin to the simplier access types: function action2access ($action) { global $request; switch ($action) { case 'browse': case 'viewsource': case 'diff': case 'select': case 'xmlrpc': case 'search': case 'pdf': case 'captcha': return 'view'; case 'zip': case 'ziphtml': case 'dumpserial': case 'dumphtml': return 'dump'; case 'revert': case 'edit': return 'edit'; case 'create': $page = $request->getPage(); if (!$page->exists()) return 'create'; else return 'view'; break; case 'upload': case 'loadfile': // probably create/edit but we cannot check all page permissions, can we? case 'remove': case 'lock': case 'unlock': case 'upgrade': case 'chown': case 'setacl': case 'rename': return 'change'; default: //Todo: Plugins should be able to override its access type if (isWikiWord($action)) return 'view'; else return 'change'; break; } } // Recursive helper to do the real work. // Using a simple perm cache for page-access pairs. // Maybe page-(current+edit+change?)action pairs will help function _requiredAuthorityForPagename($access, $pagename) { static $permcache = array(); if (array_key_exists($pagename, $permcache) and array_key_exists($access, $permcache[$pagename])) return $permcache[$pagename][$access]; global $request; $page = $request->getPage($pagename); // Page not found; check against default permissions if (! $page->exists() ) { $perm = new PagePermission(); $result = ($perm->isAuthorized($access, $request->_user) === true); $permcache[$pagename][$access] = $result; return $result; } // no ACL defined; check for special dotfile or walk down if (! ($perm = getPagePermissions($page))) { if ($pagename == '.') { $perm = new PagePermission(); if ($perm->isAuthorized('change', $request->_user)) { // warn the user to set ACL of ".", if he has permissions to do so. trigger_error(". (dotpage == rootpage for inheriting pageperm ACLs) exists without any ACL!\n". "Please do ?action=setacl&pagename=.", E_USER_WARNING); } $result = ($perm->isAuthorized($access, $request->_user) === true); $permcache[$pagename][$access] = $result; return $result; } elseif ($pagename[0] == '.') { $perm = new PagePermission(PagePermission::dotPerms()); $result = ($perm->isAuthorized($access, $request->_user) === true); $permcache[$pagename][$access] = $result; return $result; } return _requiredAuthorityForPagename($access, getParentPage($pagename)); } // ACL defined; check if isAuthorized returns true or false or undecided $authorized = $perm->isAuthorized($access, $request->_user); if ($authorized !== -1) { // interestingly true is also -1 $permcache[$pagename][$access] = $authorized; return $authorized; } elseif ($pagename == '.') { return false; } else { return _requiredAuthorityForPagename($access, getParentPage($pagename)); } } /** * @param string $pagename page from which the parent page is searched. * @return string parent pagename or the (possibly pseudo) dot-pagename. */ function getParentPage($pagename) { if (isSubPage($pagename)) { return subPageSlice($pagename,0); } else { return '.'; } } // Read the ACL from the page // Done: Not existing pages should NOT be queried. // Check the parent page instead and don't take the default ACL's function getPagePermissions ($page) { if ($hash = $page->get('perm')) // hash => object return new PagePermission(unserialize($hash)); else return false; } // Store the ACL in the page function setPagePermissions ($page,$perm) { $perm->store($page); } function getAccessDescription($access) { static $accessDescriptions; if (! $accessDescriptions) { $accessDescriptions = array( 'list' => _("List this page and all subpages"), 'view' => _("View this page and all subpages"), 'edit' => _("Edit this page and all subpages"), 'create' => _("Create a new (sub)page"), 'dump' => _("Download the page contents"), 'change' => _("Change page attributes"), 'remove' => _("Remove this page"), ); } if (in_array($access, array_keys($accessDescriptions))) return $accessDescriptions[$access]; else return $access; } // from docs function array_diff_assoc_recursive($array1, $array2) { foreach ($array1 as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { if (!is_array($array2[$key])) { $difference[$key] = $value; } else { $new_diff = array_diff_assoc_recursive($value, $array2[$key]); if ($new_diff != false) { $difference[$key] = $new_diff; } } } elseif(!isset($array2[$key]) || $array2[$key] != $value) { $difference[$key] = $value; } } return !isset($difference) ? 0 : $difference; } /** * The ACL object per page. It is stored in a page, but can also * be merged with ACL's from other pages or taken from the master (pseudo) dot-file. * * A hash of "access" => "requires" pairs. * "access" is a shortcut for common actions, which map to main.php actions * "requires" required username or groupname or any special group => true or false * * Define any special rules here, like don't list dot-pages. */ class PagePermission { var $perm; function PagePermission($hash = array()) { $this->_group = &$GLOBALS['request']->getGroup(); if (is_array($hash) and !empty($hash)) { $accessTypes = $this->accessTypes(); foreach ($hash as $access => $requires) { if (in_array($access, $accessTypes)) $this->perm[$access] = $requires; else trigger_error(sprintf(_("Unsupported ACL access type %s ignored."), $access), E_USER_WARNING); } } else { // set default permissions, the so called dot-file acl's $this->perm = $this->defaultPerms(); } return $this; } /** * The workhorse to check the user against the current ACL pairs. * Must translate the various special groups to the actual users settings * (userid, group membership). */ function isAuthorized($access,$user) { if (!empty($this->perm{$access})) { foreach ($this->perm[$access] as $group => $bool) { if ($this->isMember($user,$group)) { return $bool; } } } return -1; // undecided } /** * Translate the various special groups to the actual users settings * (userid, group membership). */ function isMember($user, $group) { global $request; if ($group === ACL_EVERY) return true; if (!isset($this->_group)) $member =& $request->getGroup(); else $member =& $this->_group; //$user = & $request->_user; if ($group === ACL_ADMIN) // WIKI_ADMIN or member of _("Administrators") return $user->isAdmin() or ($user->isAuthenticated() and $member->isMember(GROUP_ADMIN)); if ($group === ACL_ANONYMOUS) return ! $user->isSignedIn(); if ($group === ACL_BOGOUSER) if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) return isa($user,'_BogoUser') or (isWikiWord($user->_userid) and $user->_level >= WIKIAUTH_BOGO); else return isWikiWord($user->UserName()); if ($group === ACL_HASHOMEPAGE) return $user->hasHomePage(); if ($group === ACL_SIGNED) return $user->isSignedIn(); if ($group === ACL_AUTHENTICATED) return $user->isAuthenticated(); if ($group === ACL_OWNER) { if (!$user->isAuthenticated()) return false; $page = $request->getPage(); $owner = $page->getOwner(); return ($owner === $user->UserName() or $member->isMember($owner)); } if ($group === ACL_CREATOR) { if (!$user->isAuthenticated()) return false; $page = $request->getPage(); $creator = $page->getCreator(); return ($creator === $user->UserName() or $member->isMember($creator)); } /* Or named groups or usernames. Note: We don't seperate groups and users here. Users overrides groups with the same name. */ return $user->UserName() === $group or $member->isMember($group); } /** * returns hash of default permissions. * check if the page '.' exists and returns this instead. */ function defaultPerms() { //Todo: check for the existance of '.' and take this instead. //Todo: honor more config.ini auth settings here $perm = array('view' => array(ACL_EVERY => true), 'edit' => array(ACL_EVERY => true), 'create' => array(ACL_EVERY => true), 'list' => array(ACL_EVERY => true), 'remove' => array(ACL_ADMIN => true, ACL_OWNER => true), 'change' => array(ACL_ADMIN => true, ACL_OWNER => true)); if (ZIPDUMP_AUTH) $perm['dump'] = array(ACL_ADMIN => true, ACL_OWNER => true); else $perm['dump'] = array(ACL_EVERY => true); if (defined('REQUIRE_SIGNIN_BEFORE_EDIT') && REQUIRE_SIGNIN_BEFORE_EDIT) $perm['edit'] = array(ACL_SIGNED => true); // view: if (!ALLOW_ANON_USER) { if (!ALLOW_USER_PASSWORDS) $perm['view'] = array(ACL_SIGNED => true); else $perm['view'] = array(ACL_AUTHENTICATED => true); $perm['view'][ACL_BOGOUSER] = ALLOW_BOGO_LOGIN ? true : false; } // edit: if (!ALLOW_ANON_EDIT) { if (!ALLOW_USER_PASSWORDS) $perm['edit'] = array(ACL_SIGNED => true); else $perm['edit'] = array(ACL_AUTHENTICATED => true); $perm['edit'][ACL_BOGOUSER] = ALLOW_BOGO_LOGIN ? true : false; $perm['create'] = $perm['edit']; } return $perm; } /** * FIXME: check valid groups and access */ function sanify() { foreach ($this->perm as $access => $groups) { foreach ($groups as $group => $bool) { $this->perm[$access][$group] = (boolean) $bool; } } } /** * do a recursive comparison */ function equal($otherperm) { $diff = array_diff_assoc_recursive($this->perm, $otherperm); return empty($diff); } /** * returns list of all supported access types. */ function accessTypes() { return array_keys(PagePermission::defaultPerms()); } /** * special permissions for dot-files, beginning with '.' * maybe also for '_' files? */ function dotPerms() { $def = array(ACL_ADMIN => true, ACL_OWNER => true); $perm = array(); foreach (PagePermission::accessTypes() as $access) { $perm[$access] = $def; } return $perm; } /** * dead code. not needed inside the object. see getPagePermissions($page) */ function retrieve($page) { $hash = $page->get('perm'); if ($hash) // hash => object $perm = new PagePermission(unserialize($hash)); else $perm = new PagePermission(); $perm->sanify(); return $perm; } function store($page) { // object => hash $this->sanify(); return $page->set('perm',serialize($this->perm)); } function groupName ($group) { if ($group[0] == '_') return constant("GROUP".$group); else return $group; } /* type: page, default, inherited */ function asTable($type) { $table = HTML::table(); foreach ($this->perm as $access => $perms) { $td = HTML::table(array('class' => 'cal','valign' => 'top')); foreach ($perms as $group => $bool) { $td->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::td(array('align'=>'right'),$group), HTML::td($bool ? '[X]' : '[ ]'))); } $table->pushContent(HTML::tr(array('valign' => 'top'), HTML::td($access),HTML::td($td))); } if ($type == 'default') $table->setAttr('style','border: dotted thin black; background-color:#eee;'); elseif ($type == 'inherited') $table->setAttr('style','border: dotted thin black; background-color:#ddd;'); elseif ($type == 'page') $table->setAttr('style','border: solid thin black; font-weight: bold;'); return $table; } /* type: page, default, inherited */ function asEditableTable($type) { global $WikiTheme; if (!isset($this->_group)) { $this->_group =& $GLOBALS['request']->getGroup(); } $table = HTML::table(); $table->pushContent(HTML::tr( HTML::th(array('align' => 'left'), _("Access")), HTML::th(array('align'=>'right'), _("Group/User")), HTML::th(_("Grant")), HTML::th(_("Del/+")), HTML::th(_("Description")))); $allGroups = $this->_group->_specialGroups(); foreach ($this->_group->getAllGroupsIn() as $group) { if (!in_array($group,$this->_group->specialGroups())) $allGroups[] = $group; } //array_unique(array_merge($this->_group->getAllGroupsIn(), $deletesrc = $WikiTheme->_findData('images/delete.png'); $addsrc = $WikiTheme->_findData('images/add.png'); $nbsp = HTML::raw(' '); foreach ($this->perm as $access => $groups) { //$permlist = HTML::table(array('class' => 'cal','valign' => 'top')); $first_only = true; $newperm = HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "acl[_new_perm][$access]", 'value' => 1)); $addbutton = HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "acl[_add_group][$access]", //'src' => $addsrc, //'alt' => "Add", 'title' => _("Add this ACL"), 'value' => 1)); $newgroup = HTML::select(array('name' => "acl[_new_group][$access]", 'style'=> 'text-align: right;', 'size' => 1)); foreach ($allGroups as $groupname) { if (!isset($groups[$groupname])) $newgroup->pushContent(HTML::option(array('value' => $groupname), $this->groupName($groupname))); } if (empty($groups)) { $addbutton->setAttr('checked','checked'); $newperm->setAttr('checked','checked'); $table->pushContent( HTML::tr(array('valign' => 'top'), HTML::td(HTML::strong($access.":")), HTML::td($newgroup), HTML::td($nbsp,$newperm), HTML::td($nbsp,$addbutton), HTML::td(HTML::em(getAccessDescription($access))))); } foreach ($groups as $group => $bool) { $checkbox = HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "acl[$access][$group]", 'title' => _("Allow / Deny"), 'value' => 1)); if ($bool) $checkbox->setAttr('checked','checked'); $checkbox = HTML(HTML::input(array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => "acl[$access][$group]", 'value' => 0)), $checkbox); $deletebutton = HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "acl[_del_group][$access][$group]", 'style' => 'background: #aaa url('.$deletesrc.')', //'src' => $deletesrc, //'alt' => "Del", 'title' => _("Delete this ACL"), 'value' => 1)); if ($first_only) { $table->pushContent( HTML::tr( HTML::td(HTML::strong($access.":")), HTML::td(array('class' => 'cal-today','align'=>'right'), HTML::strong($this->groupName($group))), HTML::td(array('align'=>'center'),$nbsp,$checkbox), HTML::td(array('align'=>'right','style' => 'background: #aaa url('.$deletesrc.') no-repeat'),$deletebutton), HTML::td(HTML::em(getAccessDescription($access))))); $first_only = false; } else { $table->pushContent( HTML::tr( HTML::td(), HTML::td(array('class' => 'cal-today','align'=>'right'), HTML::strong($this->groupName($group))), HTML::td(array('align'=>'center'),$nbsp,$checkbox), HTML::td(array('align'=>'right','style' => 'background: #aaa url('.$deletesrc.') no-repeat'),$deletebutton), HTML::td())); } } if (!empty($groups)) $table->pushContent( HTML::tr(array('valign' => 'top'), HTML::td(array('align'=>'right'),_("add ")), HTML::td($newgroup), HTML::td(array('align'=>'center'),$nbsp,$newperm), HTML::td(array('align'=>'right','style' => 'background: #ccc url('.$addsrc.') no-repeat'),$addbutton), HTML::td(HTML::small(_("Check to add this ACL"))))); } if ($type == 'default') $table->setAttr('style','border: dotted thin black; background-color:#eee;'); elseif ($type == 'inherited') $table->setAttr('style','border: dotted thin black; background-color:#ddd;'); elseif ($type == 'page') $table->setAttr('style','border: solid thin black; font-weight: bold;'); return $table; } // Print ACL as lines of [+-]user[,group,...]:access[,access...] // Seperate acl's by "; " or whitespace // See // As used by WikiAdminSetAclSimple function asAclLines() { $s = ''; $line = ''; $this->sanify(); foreach ($this->perm as $access => $groups) { // unify groups for same access+bool // view:CREATOR,-OWNER, $line = $access.':'; foreach ($groups as $group => $bool) { $line .= ($bool?'':'-').$group.","; } if (substr($line,-1) == ',') $s .= substr($line,0,-1)."; "; } if (substr($s,-2) == '; ') $s = substr($s,0,-2); return $s; } // This is just a bad hack for testing. // Simplify the ACL to a unix-like "rwx------+" string // See getfacl(8) function asRwxString($owner,$group=false) { global $request; // simplify object => rwxrw---x+ string as in cygwin (+ denotes additional ACLs) $perm =& $this->perm; // get effective user and group $s = '---------+'; if (isset($perm['view'][$owner]) or (isset($perm['view'][ACL_AUTHENTICATED]) and $request->_user->isAuthenticated())) $s[0] = 'r'; if (isset($perm['edit'][$owner]) or (isset($perm['edit'][ACL_AUTHENTICATED]) and $request->_user->isAuthenticated())) $s[1] = 'w'; if (isset($perm['change'][$owner]) or (isset($perm['change'][ACL_AUTHENTICATED]) and $request->_user->isAuthenticated())) $s[2] = 'x'; if (!empty($group)) { if (isset($perm['view'][$group]) or (isset($perm['view'][ACL_AUTHENTICATED]) and $request->_user->isAuthenticated())) $s[3] = 'r'; if (isset($perm['edit'][$group]) or (isset($perm['edit'][ACL_AUTHENTICATED]) and $request->_user->isAuthenticated())) $s[4] = 'w'; if (isset($perm['change'][$group]) or (isset($perm['change'][ACL_AUTHENTICATED]) and $request->_user->isAuthenticated())) $s[5] = 'x'; } if (isset($perm['view'][ACL_EVERY]) or (isset($perm['view'][ACL_AUTHENTICATED]) and $request->_user->isAuthenticated())) $s[6] = 'r'; if (isset($perm['edit'][ACL_EVERY]) or (isset($perm['edit'][ACL_AUTHENTICATED]) and $request->_user->isAuthenticated())) $s[7] = 'w'; if (isset($perm['change'][ACL_EVERY]) or (isset($perm['change'][ACL_AUTHENTICATED]) and $request->_user->isAuthenticated())) $s[8] = 'x'; return $s; } } // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.39 2005/05/06 16:57:54 rurban // support captcha // // Revision 1.38 2004/11/30 17:48:38 rurban // just comments // // Revision 1.37 2004/11/23 13:06:30 rurban // several fixes and suggestions by Charles Corrigan: // * fix GROUP_BOGO_USER check // * allow group pages to have the link to the user page in [ ] brackets // * fix up the implementation of GroupWikiPage::getMembersOf and allow the // user page to be linked in [ ] brackets // * added _OWNER and _CREATOR to special wikigroups // * check against those two for group membership also, not only the user. // // Revision 1.36 2004/11/21 11:59:16 rurban // remove final \n to be ob_cache independent // // Revision 1.35 2004/11/15 15:56:40 rurban // don't load PagePerm on ENABLE_PAGEPERM = false to save memory. Move mayAccessPage() to main.php // // Revision 1.34 2004/11/01 10:43:55 rurban // seperate PassUser methods into seperate dir (memory usage) // fix WikiUser (old) overlarge data session // remove wikidb arg from various page class methods, use global ->_dbi instead // ... // // Revision 1.33 2004/09/26 11:47:52 rurban // fix another reecursion loop when . exists: deny if ACL not defined; implement pageperm cache // // Revision 1.32 2004/09/25 18:56:09 rurban // avoid recursion bug on setacl for "." // // Revision 1.31 2004/09/25 18:34:45 rurban // fix and warn on too restrictive ACL handling without ACL in existing . (dotpage) // // Revision 1.30 2004/09/25 16:24:02 rurban // fix interesting PagePerm problem: -1 == true // // Revision 1.29 2004/07/03 08:04:19 rurban // fixed implicit PersonalPage login (e.g. on edit), fixed to check against create ACL on create, not edit // // Revision 1.28 2004/06/25 14:29:17 rurban // WikiGroup refactoring: // global group attached to user, code for not_current user. // improved helpers for special groups (avoid double invocations) // new experimental config option ENABLE_XHTML_XML (fails with IE, and document.write()) // fixed a XHTML validation error on userprefs.tmpl // // Revision 1.27 2004/06/16 10:38:58 rurban // Disallow refernces in calls if the declaration is a reference // ("allow_call_time_pass_reference clean"). // PhpWiki is now allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off clean, // but several external libraries may not. // In detail these libs look to be affected (not tested): // * Pear_DB odbc // * adodb oracle // // Revision 1.26 2004/06/14 11:31:36 rurban // renamed global $Theme to $WikiTheme (gforge nameclash) // inherit PageList default options from PageList // default sortby=pagename // use options in PageList_Selectable (limit, sortby, ...) // added action revert, with button at action=diff // added option regex to WikiAdminSearchReplace // // Revision 1.25 2004/06/08 13:51:57 rurban // some comments only // // Revision 1.24 2004/06/08 10:54:46 rurban // better acl dump representation, read back acl and owner // // Revision 1.23 2004/06/08 10:05:11 rurban // simplified admin action shortcuts // // Revision 1.22 2004/06/07 22:44:14 rurban // added simplified chown, setacl actions // // Revision 1.21 2004/06/07 22:28:03 rurban // add acl field to mimified dump // // Revision 1.20 2004/06/07 18:39:03 rurban // support for SetAclSimple // // Revision 1.19 2004/06/06 17:12:28 rurban // fixed PagePerm non-object problem (mayAccessPage), also bug #967150 // // Revision 1.18 2004/05/27 17:49:05 rurban // renamed DB_Session to DbSession (in CVS also) // added WikiDB->getParam and WikiDB->getAuthParam method to get rid of globals // remove leading slash in error message // added force_unlock parameter to File_Passwd (no return on stale locks) // fixed adodb session AffectedRows // added FileFinder helpers to unify local filenames and DATA_PATH names // editpage.php: new edit toolbar javascript on ENABLE_EDIT_TOOLBAR // // Revision 1.17 2004/05/16 23:10:44 rurban // update_locale wrongly resetted LANG, which broke japanese. // japanese now correctly uses EUC_JP, not utf-8. // more charset and lang headers to help the browser. // // Revision 1.16 2004/05/16 22:32:53 rurban // setacl icons // // Revision 1.15 2004/05/16 22:07:35 rurban // check more config-default and predefined constants // various PagePerm fixes: // fix default PagePerms, esp. edit and view for Bogo and Password users // implemented Creator and Owner // BOGOUSERS renamed to BOGOUSER // fixed syntax errors in signin.tmpl // // Revision 1.14 2004/05/15 22:54:49 rurban // fixed important WikiDB bug with DEBUG > 0: wrong assertion // improved SetAcl (works) and PagePerms, some WikiGroup helpers. // // Revision 1.13 2004/05/15 19:48:33 rurban // fix some too loose PagePerms for signed, but not authenticated users // (admin, owner, creator) // no double login page header, better login msg. // moved action_pdf to lib/pdf.php // // Revision 1.12 2004/05/04 22:34:25 rurban // more pdf support // // Revision 1.11 2004/05/02 21:26:38 rurban // limit user session data (HomePageHandle and auth_dbi have to invalidated anyway) // because they will not survive db sessions, if too large. // extended action=upgrade // some WikiTranslation button work // revert WIKIAUTH_UNOBTAINABLE (need it for main.php) // some temp. session debug statements // // Revision 1.10 2004/04/29 22:32:56 zorloc // Slightly more elegant fix. Instead of WIKIAUTH_FORBIDDEN, the current user's level + 1 is returned on a false. // // Revision 1.9 2004/04/29 17:18:19 zorloc // Fixes permission failure issues. With PagePermissions and Disabled Actions when user did not have permission WIKIAUTH_FORBIDDEN was returned. In WikiUser this was ok because WIKIAUTH_FORBIDDEN had a value of 11 -- thus no user could perform that action. But WikiUserNew has a WIKIAUTH_FORBIDDEN value of -1 -- thus a user without sufficent permission to do anything. The solution is a new high value permission level (WIKIAUTH_UNOBTAINABLE) to be the default level for access failure. // // Revision 1.8 2004/03/14 16:24:35 rurban // authenti(fi)cation spelling // // Revision 1.7 2004/02/28 22:25:07 rurban // First PagePerm implementation: // // $WikiTheme->setAnonEditUnknownLinks(false); // // Layout improvement with dangling links for mostly closed wiki's: // If false, only users with edit permissions will be presented the // special wikiunknown class with "?" and Tooltip. // If true (default), any user will see the ?, but will be presented // the PrintLoginForm on a click. // // Revision 1.6 2004/02/24 15:20:05 rurban // fixed minor warnings: unchecked args, POST => Get urls for sortby e.g. // // Revision 1.5 2004/02/23 21:30:25 rurban // more PagePerm stuff: (working against 1.4.0) // ACL editing and simplification of ACL's to simple rwx------ string // not yet working. // // Revision 1.4 2004/02/12 13:05:36 rurban // Rename functional for PearDB backend // some other minor changes // SiteMap comes with a not yet functional feature request: includepages (tbd) // // Revision 1.3 2004/02/09 03:58:12 rurban // for now default DB_SESSION to false // PagePerm: // * not existing perms will now query the parent, and not // return the default perm // * added pagePermissions func which returns the object per page // * added getAccessDescription // WikiUserNew: // * added global ->prepare (not yet used) with smart user/pref/member table prefixing. // * force init of authdbh in the 2 db classes // main: // * fixed session handling (not triple auth request anymore) // * don't store cookie prefs with sessions // stdlib: global obj2hash helper from _AuthInfo, also needed for PagePerm // // Revision 1.2 2004/02/08 13:17:48 rurban // This should be the functionality. Needs testing and some minor todos. // // Revision 1.1 2004/02/08 12:29:30 rurban // initial version, not yet hooked into lib/main.php // // // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>