XmlElement('rss', array('version' => "0.91")); $this->_items = array(); } /** * Finish construction of RSS. */ function finish() { if (isset($this->_finished)) return; $channel = &$this->_channel; $items = &$this->_items; if ($items) { foreach ($items as $i) $channel->pushContent($i); } $this->pushContent($channel); $this->__spew(); $this->_finished = true; } /** * Create a new RDF typedNode. */ function __node($type, $properties, $uri = false) { return new XmlElement($type, '', $this->__elementize($properties)); } /** * Write output to HTTP client. */ function __spew() { header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=" . RSS_ENCODING); printf("\n", RSS_ENCODING); print("\n\n"); $this->printXML(); } } class _RecentChanges_RssFormatter091 extends _RecentChanges_RSSFormatter // This class should probably go at then of RecentChanges.php { function format($changes) { // include_once('lib/RssWriter.php'); $rss = new RssWriter091; $rss->channel($this->channel_properties()); if (($props = $this->image_properties())) $rss->image($props); if (($props = $this->textinput_properties())) $rss->textinput($props); while ($rev = $changes->next()) { $rss->addItem($this->item_properties($rev), $this->pageURI($rev)); } global $request; $request->discardOutput(); $rss->finish(); $request->finish(); // NORETURN!!!! } function channel_properties() { global $request; $rc_url = WikiURL($request->getArg('pagename'), array(), 'absurl'); return array('title' => WIKI_NAME, 'description' => _("RecentChanges"), 'link' => $rc_url, 'language' => 'en-US'); /* FIXME: language should come from $LANG (or other config variable). */ /* FIXME: other things one might like in : * managingEditor * webmaster * lastBuildDate * copyright */ } function item_properties($rev) { $page = $rev->getPage(); $pagename = $page->getName(); return array('title' => SplitPagename($pagename), 'description' => $this->summary($rev), 'link' => $this->pageURL($rev) ); } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: