_fix_magic_quotes_gpc(); $this->_fix_multipart_form_data(); switch($this->get('REQUEST_METHOD')) { case 'GET': case 'HEAD': $this->args = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']; break; case 'POST': $this->args = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']; break; default: $this->args = array(); break; } $this->session = new Request_SessionVars; $this->cookies = new Request_CookieVars; if (ACCESS_LOG) $this->_log_entry = & new Request_AccessLogEntry($this, ACCESS_LOG); $TheRequest = $this; } function get($key) { $vars = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']; if (isset($vars[$key])) return $vars[$key]; switch ($key) { case 'REMOTE_HOST': $addr = $vars['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (defined('ENABLE_REVERSE_DNS') && ENABLE_REVERSE_DNS) return $vars[$key] = gethostbyaddr($addr); else return $addr; default: return false; } } function getArg($key) { if (isset($this->args[$key])) return $this->args[$key]; return false; } function getArgs () { return $this->args; } function setArg($key, $val) { if ($val === false) unset($this->args[$key]); else $this->args[$key] = $val; } function getURLtoSelf($args = false) { $get_args = $this->args; if ($args) $get_args = array_merge($get_args, $args); $pagename = $get_args['pagename']; unset ($get_args['pagename']); if ($get_args['action'] == 'browse') unset($get_args['action']); return WikiURL($pagename, $get_args); } function isPost () { return $this->get("REQUEST_METHOD") == "POST"; } function redirect($url) { header("Location: $url"); if (isset($this->_log_entry)) $this->_log_entry->setStatus(302); } function setStatus($status) { if (preg_match('|^HTTP/.*?\s(\d+)|i', $status, $m)) { header($status); $status = $m[1]; } else { $status = (integer) $status; $reasons = array('200' => 'OK', '302' => 'Found', '400' => 'Bad Request', '401' => 'Unauthorized', '403' => 'Forbidden', '404' => 'Not Found'); header(sprintf("HTTP/1.0 %d %s", $status, $reason[$status])); } if (isset($this->_log_entry)) $this->_log_entry->setStatus($status); } function compress_output() { if (function_exists('ob_gzhandler')) { ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); $this->_is_compressing_output = true; } } function finish() { if (!empty($this->_is_compressing_output)) ob_end_flush(); } function getSessionVar($key) { return $this->session->get($key); } function setSessionVar($key, $val) { return $this->session->set($key, $val); } function deleteSessionVar($key) { return $this->session->delete($key); } function getCookieVar($key) { return $this->cookies->get($key); } function setCookieVar($key, $val, $lifetime_in_days = false) { return $this->cookies->set($key, $val, $lifetime_in_days); } function deleteCookieVar($key) { return $this->cookies->delete($key); } function getUploadedFile($key) { return Request_UploadedFile::getUploadedFile($key); } function _fix_magic_quotes_gpc() { $needs_fix = array('HTTP_POST_VARS', 'HTTP_GET_VARS', 'HTTP_COOKIE_VARS', 'HTTP_SERVER_VARS', 'HTTP_POST_FILES'); // Fix magic quotes. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { foreach ($needs_fix as $vars) $this->_stripslashes($GLOBALS[$vars]); } } function _stripslashes(&$var) { if (is_array($var)) { foreach ($var as $key => $val) $this->_stripslashes($var[$key]); } elseif (is_string($var)) $var = stripslashes($var); } function _fix_multipart_form_data () { if (preg_match('|^multipart/form-data|', $this->get('CONTENT_TYPE'))) $this->_strip_leading_nl($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']); } function _strip_leading_nl(&$var) { if (is_array($var)) { foreach ($var as $key => $val) $this->_strip_leading_nl($var[$key]); } elseif (is_string($var)) $var = preg_replace('|^\r?\n?|', '', $var); } } class Request_SessionVars { function Request_SessionVars() { // HACK: this allows one to use the back button to get back // to a edit page without losing one's changes. session_cache_limiter('private'); session_start(); } function get($key) { $vars = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']; if (isset($vars[$key])) return $vars[$key]; return false; } function set($key, $val) { $vars = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']; if (ini_get('register_globals')) { // This is funky but necessary, at least in some PHP's $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; } $vars[$key] = $val; session_register($key); } function delete($key) { $vars = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']; if (ini_get('register_globals')) unset($GLOBALS[$key]); unset($vars[$key]); session_unregister($key); } } class Request_CookieVars { function get($key) { $vars = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']; if (isset($vars[$key])) { @$val = unserialize($vars[$key]); if (!empty($val)) return $val; } return false; } function set($key, $val, $persist_days = false) { $vars = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']; if (is_numeric($persist_days)) { $expires = time() + (24 * 3600) * $persist_days; } else { $expires = 0; } $packedval = serialize($val); $vars[$key] = $packedval; setcookie($key, $packedval, $expires, '/'); } function delete($key) { $vars = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']; setcookie($key); unset($vars[$key]); } } class Request_UploadedFile { function getUploadedFile($postname) { global $HTTP_POST_FILES; if (!isset($HTTP_POST_FILES[$postname])) return false; $fileinfo = &$HTTP_POST_FILES[$postname]; if (!is_uploaded_file($fileinfo['tmp_name'])) return false; // possible malicious attack. return new Request_UploadedFile($fileinfo); } function Request_UploadedFile($fileinfo) { $this->_info = $fileinfo; } function getSize() { return $this->_info['size']; } function getName() { return $this->_info['name']; } function getType() { return $this->_info['type']; } function open() { if ( ($fd = fopen($this->_info['tmp_name'], "rb")) ) { if ($this->getSize() < filesize($this->_info['tmp_name'])) { // FIXME: Some PHP's (or is it some browsers?) put // HTTP/MIME headers in the file body, some don't. // // At least, I think that's the case. I know I used // to need this code, now I don't. // // This code is more-or-less untested currently. // // Dump HTTP headers. while ( ($header = fgets($fd, 4096)) ) { if (trim($header) == '') { break; } else if (!preg_match('/^content-(length|type):/i', $header)) { rewind($fd); break; } } } } return $fd; } function getContents() { $fd = $this->open(); $data = fread($fd, $this->getSize()); fclose($fd); return $data; } } /** * Create NCSA "combined" log entry for current request. */ class Request_AccessLogEntry { /** * Constructor. * * The log entry will be automatically appended to the log file * when the current request terminates. * * If you want to modify a Request_AccessLogEntry before it gets * written (e.g. via the setStatus and setSize methods) you should * use an '&' on the constructor, so that you're working with the * original (rather than a copy) object. * *
     *    $log_entry = & new Request_AccessLogEntry($req, "/tmp/wiki_access_log");
     *    $log_entry->setStatus(401);
* * * @param $request object Request object for current request. * @param $logfile string Log file name. */ function Request_AccessLogEntry (&$request, $logfile) { $this->logfile = $logfile; $this->host = $request->get('REMOTE_HOST'); $this->ident = $request->get('REMOTE_IDENT'); if (!$this->ident) $this->ident = '-'; $this->user = '-'; // FIXME: get logged-in user name $this->time = time(); $this->request = join(' ', array($request->get('REQUEST_METHOD'), $request->get('REQUEST_URI'), $request->get('SERVER_PROTOCOL'))); $this->status = 200; $this->size = 0; $this->referer = (string) $request->get('HTTP_REFERER'); $this->user_agent = (string) $request->get('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); global $Request_AccessLogEntry_entries; if (!isset($Request_AccessLogEntry_entries)) { register_shutdown_function("Request_AccessLogEntry_shutdown_function"); } $Request_AccessLogEntry_entries[] = &$this; } /** * Set result status code. * * @param $status integer HTTP status code. */ function setStatus ($status) { $this->status = $status; } /** * Set response size. * * @param $size integer */ function setSize ($size) { $this->size = $size; } /** * Get time zone offset. * * This is a static member function. * * @param $time integer Unix timestamp (defaults to current time). * @return string Zone offset, e.g. "-0800" for PST. */ function _zone_offset ($time = false) { if (!$time) $time = time(); $offset = date("Z", $time); if ($offset < 0) { $negoffset = "-"; $offset = -$offset; } $offhours = floor($offset / 3600); $offmins = $offset / 60 - $offhours * 60; return sprintf("%s%02d%02d", $negoffset, $offhours, $offmins); } /** * Format time in NCSA format. * * This is a static member function. * * @param $time integer Unix timestamp (defaults to current time). * @return string Formatted date & time. */ function _ncsa_time($time = false) { if (!$time) $time = time(); return date("d/M/Y:H:i:s", $time) . " " . $this->_zone_offset(); } /** * Write entry to log file. */ function write() { $entry = sprintf('%s %s %s [%s] "%s" %d %d "%s" "%s"', $this->host, $this->ident, $this->user, $this->_ncsa_time($this->time), $this->request, $this->status, $this->size, $this->referer, $this->user_agent); //Error log doesn't provide locking. //error_log("$entry\n", 3, $this->logfile); // Alternate method if (($fp = fopen($this->logfile, "a"))) { flock($fp, LOCK_EX); fputs($fp, "$entry\n"); fclose($fp); } } } /** * Shutdown callback. * * @access private * @see Request_AccessLogEntry */ function Request_AccessLogEntry_shutdown_function () { global $Request_AccessLogEntry_entries; foreach ($Request_AccessLogEntry_entries as $entry) { $entry->write(); } unset($Request_AccessLogEntry_entries); } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>