tags to describe the list of * http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/rdf/ for example */ require_once('lib/XmlParser.php'); class RSSParser extends XmlParser { var $title = ""; var $link = ""; var $description = ""; var $inside_item = false; var $list_items = false; var $item = array(); var $items; var $channel; var $divers = ""; var $date = ""; function tag_open($parser, $name, $attrs=''){ global $current_tag, $current_attrs; $current_tag = $name; $current_attrs = $attrs; if ($name == "ITEM") $this->inside_item = true; elseif ($name == "ITEMS") $this->list_items = true; elseif ($name == "IMAGE") $this->inside_item = true; } function tag_close($parser, $tagName, $attrs=''){ global $current_tag; if ($tagName == "ITEM") { if (empty($this->items)) { $this->items = array(); $GLOBALS['rss_parser_items'] =& $this->items; } elseif (!empty($this->items[0]['link']) and $this->items[0]['title'] == '') { // override the initial list with detailed 's $this->items = array(); $GLOBALS['rss_parser_items'] =& $this->items; } $this->items[] = array("title" => $this->item['TITLE'], "description" => @$this->item['DESCRIPTION'], "link" => $this->item['LINK']); $this->item = array("TITLE" => "", "DESCRIPTION" => "", "LINK" => ""); $this->inside_item = false; } elseif ($tagName == "IMAGE") { $this->item = array("TITLE" => "", "DESCRIPTION" => "", "LINK" => ""); $this->inside_item = false; } elseif ($tagName == "CHANNEL") { $this->channel = array("title" => $this->title, "description" => $this->description, "link" => $this->link, "date" => $this->date, "divers" => $this->divers); $GLOBALS['rss_parser_channel'] =& $this->channel; $this->title = ""; $this->description = ""; $this->link = ""; $this->divers = ""; $this->date = ""; } elseif ($tagName == "ITEMS") { $GLOBALS['rss_parser_items'] =& $this->items; $this->item = array("TITLE" => "", "DESCRIPTION" => "", "LINK" => ""); $this->list_items = false; } } function cdata($parser, $data){ global $current_tag, $current_attrs; if ($this->inside_item) { if (empty($this->item[$current_tag])) $this->item[$current_tag] = ''; if ($current_tag == 'LINK') { if (trim($data)) $this->item[$current_tag] = trim($data); } else { $this->item[$current_tag] .= trim($data); } } elseif ($this->list_items) { if ($current_tag == 'RDF:LI') { // FIXME: avoid duplicates. cdata called back 4x per RDF:LI if ($this->items[count($this->items)-1]['link'] != @$current_attrs['RDF:RESOURCE']) $this->items[] = array('link' => @$current_attrs['RDF:RESOURCE'], 'title' => ''); } } else { switch ($current_tag) { case "TITLE": if (trim($data)) $this->title .= " " . trim($data); break; case "DESCRIPTION": if (trim($data)) $this->description .= trim($data); break; case "LINK": if (trim($data)) $this->link = trim($data); break; case "DC:DATE": if (trim($data)) $this->date .= " " . trim($data); default: if (trim($data)) $this->divers .= " " . $current_tag."/".$data; break; } } } function parse($content, $is_final = true) { xml_parse($this->_parser, $content, $is_final) or trigger_error(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($this->_parser)), E_USER_WARNING); //OO workaround: parser object looses its params. we have to store them in globals if ($is_final) { if (empty($this->items)) { $this->items = @$GLOBALS['rss_parser_items']; $this->channel = @$GLOBALS['rss_parser_channel']; } unset($GLOBALS['rss_parser_items']); unset($GLOBALS['rss_parser_channel']); } } } // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>