_tmpl = $this->_munge_input($tmpl); $this->_tmpl = $tmpl; $this->_vars = array(); } function _munge_input($template) { // Expand "< ?plugin-* ...? >" preg_match_all('/<\?plugin.*?\?>/s', $template, $m); global $dbi, $request; // FIXME: no globals? $pluginLoader = new WikiPluginLoader; foreach (array_unique($m[0]) as $plugin_pi) { $orig[] = '/' . preg_quote($plugin_pi, '/') . '/s'; // Plugin args like 'description=_("Get backlinks")' get // gettexted. // FIXME: move this to WikiPlugin.php. $translated_pi = preg_replace('/(\s\w+=)_\("((?:[^"\\\\]|\\.)*)"\)/xse', '"\1\"" . gettext("\2") . "\""', $plugin_pi); $repl[] = $pluginLoader->expandPI($translated_pi, $dbi, $request); } // Convert ${VAR} to < ?php echo "$VAR"; ? > //$orig[] = '/\${(\w[\w\d]*)}/'; //$repl[] = ''; $orig[] = '/\${(\w[\w\d]*)}/e'; $repl[] = '$this->_getReplacement("\1")'; // Convert $VAR[ind] to < ?php echo "$VAR[ind]"; ? > $orig[] = '/\$(\w[\w\d]*)\[([\w\d]+)\]/e'; $repl[] = '$this->_getReplacement("\1", "\2")'; // Convert $_("String") to < ?php echo htmlspecialchars(gettext("String")); ? > $orig[] = '/\$_\(("(?:[^"\\\\]|\\.)*")\)/xs'; $repl[] = ""; // Convert tag attributes like foo=_("String") to foo="String" (with gettext mapping). $orig[] = '/( < \w [^>]* \w=)_\("((?:[^"\\\\]|\\.)*)"\)/xse'; $repl[] = '"\1\"" . htmlspecialchars(gettext("\2")) . "\""'; return preg_replace($orig, $repl, $template); $ret = preg_replace($orig, $repl, $template); echo QElement('pre', $ret); return $ret; } function _getReplacement($varname, $index = false) { // FIXME: report missing vars. $vars = &$this->_vars; if (isset($vars[$varname])) { $value = $vars[$varname]; if ($index !== false) @$value = (string) $value[$index]; return str_replace('?', '?', $value); } return false; } /** * Substitute HTML replacement text for tokens in template. * * Constructs a new WikiTemplate based upon the named template. * * @access public * * @param $token string Name of token to substitute for. * * @param $replacement string Replacement HTML text. */ function replace($varname, $value) { $this->_vars[$varname] = $value; } /** * Substitute text for tokens in template. * * @access public * * @param $token string Name of token to substitute for. * * @param $replacement string Replacement text. * The replacement text is run through htmlspecialchars() * to escape any special characters. */ function qreplace($varname, $value) { $this->_vars[$varname] = htmlspecialchars($value); } /** * Include/remove conditional text in template. * * @access public * * @param $token string Conditional token name. * The text within any matching if blocks (or single line ifs) will * be included in the template expansion, while the text in matching * negated if blocks will be excluded. */ /* function setConditional($token, $value = true) { $this->_iftoken[$token] = $value; } */ function getExpansion($varhash = false) { $savevars = $this->_vars; if (is_array($varhash)) { foreach ($varhash as $key => $val) $this->_vars[$key] = $val; } extract($this->_vars); if (isset($this->_iftoken)) $_iftoken = $this->_iftoken; ob_start(); //$this->_dump_template(); global $ErrorManager; $ErrorManager->pushErrorHandler(new WikiMethodCb($this, '_errorHandler')); eval('?>' . $this->_munge_input($this->_tmpl)); $ErrorManager->popErrorHandler(); $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; } function printExpansion($args = false) { echo $this->getExpansion($args); } // Debugging: function _dump_template () { $lines = explode("\n", $this->_munge_input($this->_tmpl)); echo "
        $n = 1;
        foreach ($lines as $line)
            printf("%4d  %s\n", $n++, htmlspecialchars($line));
        echo "
\n"; } function _errorHandler($error) { if (!preg_match('/: eval\(\)\'d code$/', $error->errfile)) return false; $error->errfile = "In template"; $lines = explode("\n", $this->_tmpl); if (isset($lines[$error->errline - 1])) $error->errstr .= ":\n\t" . $lines[$error->errline - 1]; return $error; } }; class TemplateFile extends Template { function TemplateFile($filename) { $this->_template_file = $filename; $fp = fopen($filename, "rb"); $data = fread($fp, filesize($filename)); fclose($fp); $this->Template($data); } } class WikiTemplate extends TemplateFile { /** * Constructor. * * Constructs a new WikiTemplate based upon the named template. * * @access public * * @param $template string Which template. */ function WikiTemplate($template, $page_revision = false) { global $templates; $this->TemplateFile(FindFile($templates[$template])); $this->_template_name = $template; $this->setGlobalTokens(); if ($page_revision) $this->setPageRevisionTokens($page_revision); } function setPageTokens(&$page) { /* if ($page->get('locked')) $this->setConditional('LOCK'); // HACK: note that EDITABLE may also be set in setWikiUserTokens. if (!$page->get('locked')) $this->setConditional('EDITABLE'); */ $pagename = $page->getName(); $this->replace('page', $page); $this->qreplace('PAGE', $pagename); $this->qreplace('PAGEURL', rawurlencode($pagename)); $this->qreplace('SPLIT_PAGE', split_pagename($pagename)); $this->qreplace('BROWSE_PAGE', WikiURL($pagename)); // FIXME: this is a bit of dangerous hackage. $this->qreplace('ACTION', WikiURL($pagename, array('action' => ''))); // FIXME:? //$this->replace_callback('HITS', array($page, 'getHitCount')); //$this->replace_callback('RELATEDPAGES', array($page, 'getHitCount')); //_dotoken('RELATEDPAGES', LinkRelatedPages($dbi, $name), $page); } function setPageRevisionTokens(&$revision) { $page = & $revision->getPage(); $current = & $page->getCurrentRevision(); $previous = & $page->getRevisionBefore($revision->getVersion()); $this->replace('IS_CURRENT', $current->getVersion() == $revision->getVersion()); /* if ($previous && $previous->getVersion() != 0) $this->setConditional('COPY'); // FIXME: should rename HAVE_COPY? */ global $datetimeformat; $this->qreplace('LASTMODIFIED', strftime($datetimeformat, $revision->get('mtime'))); $this->qreplace('LASTAUTHOR', $revision->get('author')); $this->qreplace('VERSION', $revision->getVersion()); $this->qreplace('CURRENT_VERSION', $current->getVersion()); $this->setPageTokens($page); } function setWikiUserTokens(&$user) { /* if ( $user->is_admin() ) { $this->setConditional('ADMIN'); $this->setConditional('EDITABLE'); } if ( ! $user->is_authenticated() ) $this->setConditional('ANONYMOUS'); */ $this->replace('user', $user); $this->qreplace('USERID', $user->id()); $prefs = $user->getPreferences(); $this->qreplace('EDIT_AREA_WIDTH', $prefs['edit_area.width']); $this->qreplace('EDIT_AREA_HEIGHT', $prefs['edit_area.height']); } function setGlobalTokens () { global $user, $logo, $RCS_IDS; // FIXME: This a a bit of dangerous hackage. $this->qreplace('BROWSE', WikiURL('')); $this->qreplace('CSS_URL', DataURL(CSS_URL)); $this->qreplace('WIKI_NAME', WIKI_NAME); if (isset($user)) $this->setWikiUserTokens($user); if (isset($logo)) $this->qreplace('LOGO', DataURL($logo)); if (isset($RCS_IDS)) $this->qreplace('RCS_IDS', $RCS_IDS); $this->qreplace('BASE_URL', // FIXME: WikiURL($GLOBALS['pagename'], false, 'absolute_url')); } }; /** * Generate page contents using a template. * * This is a convenience function for backwards compatibility with the old * GeneratePage(). * * @param $template string name of the template (see config.php for list of names) * * @param $content string html content to put into the page * * @param $title string page title * * @param $page_revision object Current WikiDB_PageRevision, if available. * * @return string HTML expansion of template. */ function GeneratePage($template, $content, $title, $page_revision = false) { // require_once("lib/template.php"); $t = new WikiTemplate($template); if ($page_revision) $t->setPageRevisionTokens($page_revision); $t->replace('CONTENT', $content); $t->replace('TITLE', $title); return $t->getExpansion(); } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>