includeOnce('DB.php'); // Install filter to handle bogus error notices from buggy DB.php's. global $ErrorManager; $ErrorManager->pushErrorHandler(new WikiMethodCb($this, '_pear_notice_filter')); // Open connection to database $this->_dsn = $dbparams['dsn']; $dboptions = array('persistent' => true, 'debug' => 2); $this->_dbh = DB::connect($this->_dsn, $dboptions); $dbh = &$this->_dbh; if (DB::isError($dbh)) { trigger_error(sprintf("Can't connect to database: %s", $this->_pear_error_message($dbh)), E_USER_ERROR); } $dbh->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array($this, '_pear_error_callback')); $dbh->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $prefix = isset($dbparams['prefix']) ? $dbparams['prefix'] : ''; $this->_table_names = array('page_tbl' => $prefix . 'page', 'version_tbl' => $prefix . 'version', 'link_tbl' => $prefix . 'link', 'recent_tbl' => $prefix . 'recent', 'nonempty_tbl' => $prefix . 'nonempty'); $this->_expressions = array('maxmajor' => "MAX(CASE WHEN minor_edit=0 THEN version END)", 'maxminor' => "MAX(CASE WHEN minor_edit<>0 THEN version END)", 'maxversion' => "MAX(version)"); $this->_lock_count = 0; } /** * Close database connection. */ function close () { if (!$this->_dbh) return; if ($this->_lock_count) { trigger_error( "WARNING: database still locked " . '(lock_count = $this->_lock_count)' . "\n
", E_USER_WARNING); } $this->_dbh->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_PRINT); // prevent recursive loops. $this->unlock('force'); $this->_dbh->disconnect(); $this->_dbh = false; } /* * Test fast wikipage. */ function is_wiki_page($pagename) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); return $dbh->getOne(sprintf("SELECT $" . " FROM $nonempty_tbl, $page_tbl" . " WHERE $$" . " AND pagename='%s'", $dbh->quoteString($pagename))); } function get_all_pagenames() { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); return $dbh->getCol("SELECT pagename" . " FROM $nonempty_tbl, $page_tbl" . " WHERE $$"); } /** * Read page information from database. */ function get_pagedata($pagename) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; $page_tbl = $this->_table_names['page_tbl']; //trigger_error("GET_PAGEDATA $pagename", E_USER_NOTICE); $result = $dbh->getRow(sprintf("SELECT * FROM $page_tbl WHERE pagename='%s'", $dbh->quoteString($pagename)), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); if (!$result) return false; return $this->_extract_page_data($result); } function _extract_page_data(&$query_result) { extract($query_result); $data = empty($pagedata) ? array() : unserialize($pagedata); $data['hits'] = $hits; return $data; } function update_pagedata($pagename, $newdata) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; $page_tbl = $this->_table_names['page_tbl']; // Hits is the only thing we can update in a fast manner. if (count($newdata) == 1 && isset($newdata['hits'])) { // Note that this will fail silently if the page does not // have a record in the page table. Since it's just the // hit count, who cares? $dbh->query(sprintf("UPDATE $page_tbl SET hits=%d WHERE pagename='%s'", $newdata['hits'], $dbh->quoteString($pagename))); return; } $this->lock(); $data = $this->get_pagedata($pagename); if (!$data) { $data = array(); $this->_get_pageid($pagename, true); // Creates page record } @$hits = (int)$data['hits']; unset($data['hits']); foreach ($newdata as $key => $val) { if ($key == 'hits') $hits = (int)$val; else if (empty($val)) unset($data[$key]); else $data[$key] = $val; } $dbh->query(sprintf("UPDATE $page_tbl" . " SET hits=%d, pagedata='%s'" . " WHERE pagename='%s'", $hits, $dbh->quoteString(serialize($data)), $dbh->quoteString($pagename))); $this->unlock(); } function _get_pageid($pagename, $create_if_missing = false) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; $page_tbl = $this->_table_names['page_tbl']; $query = sprintf("SELECT id FROM $page_tbl WHERE pagename='%s'", $dbh->quoteString($pagename)); if (!$create_if_missing) return $dbh->getOne($query); $this->lock(); $id = $dbh->getOne($query); if (empty($id)) { $max_id = $dbh->getOne("SELECT MAX(id) FROM $page_tbl"); $id = $max_id + 1; $dbh->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO $page_tbl" . " (id,pagename,hits)" . " VALUES (%d,'%s',0)", $id, $dbh->quoteString($pagename))); } $this->unlock(); return $id; } function get_latest_version($pagename) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); return (int)$dbh->getOne(sprintf("SELECT latestversion" . " FROM $page_tbl, $recent_tbl" . " WHERE $$" . " AND pagename='%s'", $dbh->quoteString($pagename))); } function get_previous_version($pagename, $version) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); return (int)$dbh->getOne(sprintf("SELECT version" . " FROM $version_tbl, $page_tbl" . " WHERE $$" . " AND pagename='%s'" . " AND version < %d" . " ORDER BY version DESC" . " LIMIT 1", $dbh->quoteString($pagename), $version)); } /** * Get version data. * * @param $version int Which version to get. * * @return hash The version data, or false if specified version does not * exist. */ function get_versiondata($pagename, $version, $want_content = false) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); assert(!empty($pagename)); assert($version > 0); //trigger_error("GET_REVISION $pagename $version $want_content", E_USER_NOTICE); // FIXME: optimization: sometimes don't get page data? if ($want_content) { $fields = "*"; } else { $fields = ("$page_tbl.*," . "mtime,minor_edit,versiondata," . "content<>'' AS have_content"); } $result = $dbh->getRow(sprintf("SELECT $fields" . " FROM $page_tbl, $version_tbl" . " WHERE $$" . " AND pagename='%s'" . " AND version=%d", $dbh->quoteString($pagename), $version), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); return $this->_extract_version_data($result); } function _extract_version_data(&$query_result) { if (!$query_result) return false; extract($query_result); $data = empty($versiondata) ? array() : unserialize($versiondata); $data['mtime'] = $mtime; $data['is_minor_edit'] = !empty($minor_edit); if (isset($content)) $data['%content'] = $content; elseif ($have_content) $data['%content'] = true; else $data['%content'] = ''; // FIXME: this is ugly. if (isset($pagename)) { // Query also includes page data. // We might as well send that back too... $data['%pagedata'] = $this->_extract_page_data($query_result); } return $data; } /** * Create a new revision of a page. */ function set_versiondata($pagename, $version, $data) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; $version_tbl = $this->_table_names['version_tbl']; $minor_edit = (int) !empty($data['is_minor_edit']); unset($data['is_minor_edit']); $mtime = (int)$data['mtime']; unset($data['mtime']); assert(!empty($mtime)); @$content = (string) $data['%content']; unset($data['%content']); unset($data['%pagedata']); $this->lock(); $id = $this->_get_pageid($pagename, true); // FIXME: optimize: mysql can do this with one REPLACE INTO (I think). $dbh->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM $version_tbl" . " WHERE id=%d AND version=%d", $id, $version)); $dbh->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO $version_tbl" . " (id,version,mtime,minor_edit,content,versiondata)" . " VALUES(%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s','%s')", $id, $version, $mtime, $minor_edit, $dbh->quoteString($content), $dbh->quoteString(serialize($data)))); $this->_update_recent_table($id); $this->_update_nonempty_table($id); $this->unlock(); } /** * Delete an old revision of a page. */ function delete_versiondata($pagename, $version) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $this->lock(); if ( ($id = $this->_get_pageid($pagename)) ) { $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $version_tbl" . " WHERE id=$id AND version=$version"); $this->_update_recent_table($id); // This shouldn't be needed (as long as the latestversion // never gets deleted.) But, let's be safe. $this->_update_nonempty_table($id); } $this->unlock(); } /** * Delete page from the database. */ function delete_page($pagename) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $this->lock(); if ( ($id = $this->_get_pageid($pagename, 'id')) ) { $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $version_tbl WHERE id=$id"); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $recent_tbl WHERE id=$id"); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $nonempty_tbl WHERE id=$id"); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $link_tbl WHERE linkfrom=$id"); $nlinks = $dbh->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $link_tbl WHERE linkto=$id"); if ($nlinks) { // We're still in the link table (dangling link) so we can't delete this // altogether. $dbh->query("UPDATE $page_tbl SET hits=0, pagedata='' WHERE id=$id"); } else { $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $page_tbl WHERE id=$id"); } $this->_update_recent_table(); $this->_update_nonempty_table(); } $this->unlock(); } // The only thing we might be interested in updating which we can // do fast in the flags (minor_edit). I think the default // update_versiondata will work fine... //function update_versiondata($pagename, $version, $data) { //} function set_links($pagename, $links) { // Update link table. // FIXME: optimize: mysql can do this all in one big INSERT. $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $this->lock(); $pageid = $this->_get_pageid($pagename, true); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $link_tbl WHERE linkfrom=$pageid"); if ($links) { foreach($links as $link) { if (isset($linkseen[$link])) continue; $linkseen[$link] = true; $linkid = $this->_get_pageid($link, true); $dbh->query("INSERT INTO $link_tbl (linkfrom, linkto)" . " VALUES ($pageid, $linkid)"); } } $this->unlock(); } /** * Find pages which link to or are linked from a page. */ function get_links($pagename, $reversed = true) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); if ($reversed) list($have,$want) = array('linkee', 'linker'); else list($have,$want) = array('linker', 'linkee'); $qpagename = $dbh->quoteString($pagename); $result = $dbh->query("SELECT $want.*" . " FROM $link_tbl, $page_tbl AS linker, $page_tbl AS linkee" . " WHERE AND" . " AND $have.pagename='$qpagename'" //. " GROUP BY $" . " ORDER BY $want.pagename", DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); return new WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter($this, $result); } function get_all_pages($include_deleted) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); if ($include_deleted) { $result = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM $page_tbl ORDER BY pagename"); } else { $result = $dbh->query("SELECT $page_tbl.*" . " FROM $nonempty_tbl, $page_tbl" . " WHERE $$" . " ORDER BY pagename"); } return new WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter($this, $result); } /** * Title search. */ function text_search($search = '', $fullsearch = false) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $table = "$nonempty_tbl, $page_tbl"; $join_clause = "$$"; $fields = "$page_tbl.*"; $callback = new WikiMethodCb($this, '_sql_match_clause'); if ($fullsearch) { $table .= ", $recent_tbl"; $join_clause .= " AND $$"; $table .= ", $version_tbl"; $join_clause .= " AND $$ AND latestversion=version"; $fields .= ",$version_tbl.*"; $callback = new WikiMethodCb($this, '_fullsearch_sql_match_clause'); } $search_clause = $search->makeSqlClause($callback); $result = $dbh->query("SELECT $fields FROM $table" . " WHERE $join_clause" . " AND ($search_clause)" . " ORDER BY pagename"); return new WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter($this, $result); } function _sql_match_clause($word) { $word = preg_replace('/(?=[%_\\\\])/', "\\", $word); $word = $this->_dbh->quoteString($word); return "LOWER(pagename) LIKE '%$word%'"; } function _fullsearch_sql_match_clause($word) { $word = preg_replace('/(?=[%_\\\\])/', "\\", $word); $word = $this->_dbh->quoteString($word); return "LOWER(pagename) LIKE '%$word%' OR content LIKE '%$word%'"; } /** * Find highest hit counts. */ function most_popular($limit) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $order = "DESC"; if ($limit < 0){ $order = "ASC"; $limit = -$limit; } $limitclause = $limit ? " LIMIT $limit" : ''; $result = $dbh->query("SELECT $page_tbl.*" . " FROM $nonempty_tbl, $page_tbl" . " WHERE $$" . " ORDER BY hits $order" . " $limitclause"); return new WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter($this, $result); } /** * Find recent changes. */ function most_recent($params) { $limit = 0; $since = 0; $include_minor_revisions = false; $exclude_major_revisions = false; $include_all_revisions = false; extract($params); $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $pick = array(); $order = "DESC"; if ($since < 0){ $order = "ASC"; $since = -$since; $pick[] = "mtime <= $since"; } elseif ($since > 0){ $pick[] = "mtime >= $since"; } if ($include_all_revisions) { // Include all revisions of each page. $table = "$page_tbl, $version_tbl"; $join_clause = "$$"; if ($exclude_major_revisions) { // Include only minor revisions $pick[] = "minor_edit <> 0"; } elseif (!$include_minor_revisions) { // Include only major revisions $pick[] = "minor_edit = 0"; } } else { $table = "$page_tbl, $recent_tbl"; $join_clause = "$$"; $table .= ", $version_tbl"; $join_clause .= " AND $$"; if ($exclude_major_revisions) { // Include only most recent minor revision $pick[] = 'version=latestminor'; } elseif (!$include_minor_revisions) { // Include only most recent major revision $pick[] = 'version=latestmajor'; } else { // Include only the latest revision (whether major or minor). $pick[] ='version=latestversion'; } } $limitclause = $limit ? " LIMIT $limit" : ''; $where_clause = $join_clause; if ($pick) $where_clause .= " AND " . join(" AND ", $pick); // FIXME: use SQL_BUFFER_RESULT for mysql? $result = $dbh->query("SELECT $page_tbl.*,$version_tbl.*" . " FROM $table" . " WHERE $where_clause" . " ORDER BY mtime $order" . $limitclause); return new WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter($this, $result); } function _update_recent_table($pageid = false) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); extract($this->_expressions); $pageid = (int)$pageid; $this->lock(); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $recent_tbl" . ( $pageid ? " WHERE id=$pageid" : "")); $dbh->query( "INSERT INTO $recent_tbl" . " (id, latestversion, latestmajor, latestminor)" . " SELECT id, $maxversion, $maxmajor, $maxminor" . " FROM $version_tbl" . ( $pageid ? " WHERE id=$pageid" : "") . " GROUP BY id" ); $this->unlock(); } function _update_nonempty_table($pageid = false) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $pageid = (int)$pageid; $this->lock(); $dbh->query("DELETE FROM $nonempty_tbl" . ( $pageid ? " WHERE id=$pageid" : "")); $dbh->query("INSERT INTO $nonempty_tbl (id)" . " SELECT $" . " FROM $recent_tbl, $version_tbl" . " WHERE $$" . " AND version=latestversion" . " AND content<>''" . ( $pageid ? " AND $$pageid" : "")); $this->unlock(); } /** * Grab a write lock on the tables in the SQL database. * * Calls can be nested. The tables won't be unlocked until * _unlock_database() is called as many times as _lock_database(). * * @access protected */ function lock($write_lock = true) { if ($this->_lock_count++ == 0) $this->_lock_tables($write_lock); } /** * Actually lock the required tables. */ function _lock_tables($write_lock) { trigger_error("virtual", E_USER_ERROR); } /** * Release a write lock on the tables in the SQL database. * * @access protected * * @param $force boolean Unlock even if not every call to lock() has been matched * by a call to unlock(). * * @see _lock_database */ function unlock($force = false) { if ($this->_lock_count == 0) return; if (--$this->_lock_count <= 0 || $force) { $this->_unlock_tables(); $this->_lock_count = 0; } } /** * Actually unlock the required tables. */ function _unlock_tables($write_lock) { trigger_error("virtual", E_USER_ERROR); } /** * Callback for PEAR (DB) errors. * * @access protected * * @param A PEAR_error object. */ function _pear_error_callback($error) { if ($this->_is_false_error($error)) return; $this->_dbh->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_PRINT); // prevent recursive loops. $this->close(); trigger_error($this->_pear_error_message($error), E_USER_ERROR); } /** * Detect false errors messages from PEAR DB. * * The version of PEAR DB which ships with PHP 4.0.6 has a bug in that * it doesn't recognize "LOCK" and "UNLOCK" as SQL commands which don't * return any data. (So when a "LOCK" command doesn't return any data, * DB reports it as an error, when in fact, it's not.) * * @access private * @return bool True iff error is not really an error. */ function _is_false_error($error) { if ($error->getCode() != DB_ERROR) return false; $query = $this->_dbh->last_query; if (! preg_match('/^\s*"?(INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|REPLACE|CREATE' . '|DROP|ALTER|GRANT|REVOKE|LOCK|UNLOCK)\s/', $query)) { // Last query was not of the sort which doesn't return any data. //" <--kludge for brain-dead syntax coloring return false; } if (! in_array('ismanip', get_class_methods('DB'))) { // Pear shipped with PHP 4.0.4pl1 (and before, presumably) // does not have the DB::isManip method. return true; } if (DB::isManip($query)) { // If Pear thinks it's an isManip then it wouldn't have thrown // the error we're testing for.... return false; } return true; } function _pear_error_message($error) { $class = get_class($this); $message = "$class: fatal database error\n" . "\t" . $error->getMessage() . "\n" . "\t(" . $error->getDebugInfo() . ")\n"; // Prevent password from being exposed during a connection error $safe_dsn = preg_replace('| ( :// .*? ) : .* (?=@) |xs', '\\1:XXXXXXXX', $this->_dsn); return str_replace($this->_dsn, $safe_dsn, $message); } /** * Filter PHP errors notices from PEAR DB code. * * The PEAR DB code which ships with PHP 4.0.6 produces spurious * errors and notices. This is an error callback (for use with * ErrorManager which will filter out those spurious messages.) * @see _is_false_error, ErrorManager * @access private */ function _pear_notice_filter($err) { return ( $err->isNotice() && preg_match('|DB[/\\\\]common.php$|', $err->errfile) && $err->errline == 126 && preg_match('/Undefined offset: +0\b/', $err->errstr) ); } }; class WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter extends WikiDB_backend_iterator { function WikiDB_backend_PearDB_iter(&$backend, &$query_result) { if (DB::isError($query_result)) { // This shouldn't happen, I thought. $backend->_pear_error_callback($query_result); } $this->_backend = &$backend; $this->_result = $query_result; } function next() { $backend = &$this->_backend; if (!$this->_result) return false; $record = $this->_result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); if (!$record) { $this->free(); return false; } $pagedata = $backend->_extract_page_data($record); $rec = array('pagename' => $record['pagename'], 'pagedata' => $pagedata); if (!empty($record['version'])) { $rec['versiondata'] = $backend->_extract_version_data($record); $rec['version'] = $record['version']; } return $rec; } function free () { if ($this->_result) { $this->_result->free(); $this->_result = false; } } } // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>