WikiDB_backend_PearDB($dbparams); //$this->_serverinfo = $this->_dbh->ServerInfo(); $row = $this->_dbh->GetOne("SELECT version()"); if (!DB::isError($row) and !empty($row)) { $arr = explode('.',$row); $this->_serverinfo['version'] = (string)(($arr[0] * 100) + $arr[1]) . "." . (integer)$arr[2]; if ($this->_serverinfo['version'] < 323.0) { // Older MySQL's don't have CASE WHEN ... END $this->_expressions['maxmajor'] = "MAX(IF(minor_edit=0,version,0))"; $this->_expressions['maxminor'] = "MAX(IF(minor_edit<>0,version,0))"; } } } /** * Kill timed out processes. ( so far only called on about every 50-th save. ) */ function _timeout() { if (empty($this->_dbparams['timeout'])) return; $result = mysql_query("SHOW processlist"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row["db"] == $this->_dbh->dsn['database'] and $row["User"] == $this->_dbh->dsn['username'] and $row["Time"] > $this->_dbparams['timeout'] and $row["Command"] == "Sleep") { $process_id = $row["Id"]; mysql_query("KILL $process_id"); } } } /** * Create a new revision of a page. */ function set_versiondata($pagename, $version, $data) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; $version_tbl = $this->_table_names['version_tbl']; $minor_edit = (int) !empty($data['is_minor_edit']); unset($data['is_minor_edit']); $mtime = (int)$data['mtime']; unset($data['mtime']); assert(!empty($mtime)); @$content = (string) $data['%content']; unset($data['%content']); unset($data['%pagedata']); $this->lock(); $id = $this->_get_pageid($pagename, true); // requires PRIMARY KEY (id,version)! // VALUES supported since mysql-3.22.5 $dbh->query(sprintf("REPLACE INTO $version_tbl" . " (id,version,mtime,minor_edit,content,versiondata)" . " VALUES(%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s','%s')", $id, $version, $mtime, $minor_edit, $dbh->quoteString($content), $dbh->quoteString($this->_serialize($data)) )); // real binding (prepare,execute) only since mysqli + PHP5 $this->_update_recent_table($id); $this->_update_nonempty_table($id); $this->unlock(); } function _update_recent_table($pageid = false) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); extract($this->_expressions); $pageid = (int)$pageid; // optimized: mysql can do this with one REPLACE INTO. // supported in every (?) mysql version // requires PRIMARY KEY (id)! $dbh->query("REPLACE INTO $recent_tbl" . " (id, latestversion, latestmajor, latestminor)" . " SELECT id, $maxversion, $maxmajor, $maxminor" . " FROM $version_tbl" . ( $pageid ? " WHERE id=$pageid" : "") . " GROUP BY id" ); } function _update_nonempty_table($pageid = false) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; extract($this->_table_names); $pageid = (int)$pageid; // Optimized: mysql can do this with one REPLACE INTO. // supported in every (?) mysql version // requires PRIMARY KEY (id) $dbh->query("REPLACE INTO $nonempty_tbl (id)" . " SELECT $" . " FROM $recent_tbl, $version_tbl" . " WHERE $$" . " AND version=latestversion" . " AND content<>''" . ( $pageid ? " AND $$pageid" : "")); } /** * Pack tables. */ function optimize() { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; $this->_timeout(); foreach ($this->_table_names as $table) { $dbh->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE $table"); } return 1; } /** * Lock tables. */ function _lock_tables($write_lock = true) { $lock_type = $write_lock ? "WRITE" : "READ"; foreach ($this->_table_names as $table) { $tables[] = "$table $lock_type"; } $this->_dbh->query("LOCK TABLES " . join(",", $tables)); } /** * Release all locks. */ function _unlock_tables() { $this->_dbh->query("UNLOCK TABLES"); } }; // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>