_dbh)) return; // Empty strings are NULLS $this->_expressions['notempty'] = "IS NOT NULL"; $this->_expressions['iscontent'] = "DECODE(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(content), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1)"; // Set parameters: $dbh = &$this->_dbh; // - No persistent conections (I don't like them) $dbh->setOption('persistent', false); // - Set lowercase compatibility option // - Set numrows as well -- sure why this is needed, but some queries // are triggering DB_ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE $dbh->setOption('portability', DB_PORTABILITY_LOWERCASE | DB_PORTABILITY_NULL_TO_EMPTY | DB_PORTABILITY_NUMROWS); } /** * Pack tables. */ function optimize() { // Do nothing here -- Leave that for the DBA // Cost Based Optimizer tuning vary from version to version return true; } /** * Lock all tables we might use. */ function _lock_tables($write_lock = true) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; // Not sure if we really need to lock tables here, the Oracle row // locking mechanism should be more than enough // For the time being, lets stay on the safe side and lock... if ($write_lock) { // Next line is default behaviour, so just skip it // $dbh->query("SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE"); foreach ($this->_table_names as $table) { $dbh->query("LOCK TABLE $table IN EXCLUSIVE MODE"); } } else { // Just ensure read consistency $dbh->query("SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY"); } } function _quote($s) { return base64_encode($s); } function _unquote($s) { return base64_decode($s); } function write_accesslog(&$entry) { $dbh = &$this->_dbh; $log_tbl = $entry->_accesslog->logtable; // duration problem: sprintf "%f" might use comma e.g. "100,201" in european locales $dbh->query("INSERT INTO $log_tbl" . " (time_stamp,remote_host,remote_user,request_method,request_line,request_uri," . "request_args,request_time,status,bytes_sent,referer,agent,request_duration)" . " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array( // Problem: date formats are backend specific. Either use unixtime as %d (long), // or the native timestamp format. date('d-M-Y H:i:s', $entry->time), $entry->host, $entry->user, $entry->request_method, $entry->request, $entry->request_uri, $entry->request_args, $entry->_ncsa_time($entry->time), $entry->status, $entry->size, $entry->referer, $entry->user_agent, $entry->duration)); } } class WikiDB_backend_PearDB_oci8_search extends WikiDB_backend_PearDB_search { // If we want case insensitive search, one need to create a Context // Index on the CLOB. While it is very efficient, it requires the // Intermedia Text option, so let's stick to the 'simple' thing // Note that this does only an exact fulltext search, not using MATCH or LIKE. function _fulltext_match_clause($node) { if ($this->isStoplisted($node)) return "1=1"; $page = $node->sql(); $exactword = $node->sql_quote($node->word); return ($this->_case_exact ? "pagename LIKE '$page' OR DBMS_LOB.INSTR(content, '$exactword') > 0" : "LOWER(pagename) LIKE '$page' OR DBMS_LOB.INSTR(content, '$exactword') > 0"); } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: