_db = &$dba; // TODO: page and version tables should be in their own files, probably. // We'll pack them all in one for now (testing). // 2004-07-09 10:07:30 rurban: It's fast enough this way. $this->_pagedb = new DbaPartition($dba, 'p'); $this->_versiondb = new DbaPartition($dba, 'v'); $linkdbpart = new DbaPartition($dba, 'l'); $this->_linkdb = new WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_linktable($linkdbpart); $this->_dbdb = new DbaPartition($dba, 'd'); } function sortable_columns() { return array('pagename','mtime'/*,'author_id','author'*/); } function close() { $this->_db->close(); } function optimize() { $this->_db->optimize(); } function sync() { $this->_db->sync(); } function rebuild() { $this->_linkdb->rebuild(); $this->optimize(); } function check() { return $this->_linkdb->check(); } function get_pagedata($pagename) { $result = $this->_pagedb->get($pagename); if (!$result) return false; list(,,$packed) = explode(':', $result, 3); $data = unserialize($packed); return $data; } function update_pagedata($pagename, $newdata) { $result = $this->_pagedb->get($pagename); if ($result) { list($latestversion,$flags,$data) = explode(':', $result, 3); $data = unserialize($data); } else { $latestversion = $flags = 0; $data = array(); } foreach ($newdata as $key => $val) { if (empty($val)) unset($data[$key]); else $data[$key] = $val; } $this->_pagedb->set($pagename, (int)$latestversion . ':' . (int)$flags . ':' . serialize($data)); } function get_latest_version($pagename) { return (int) $this->_pagedb->get($pagename); } function get_previous_version($pagename, $version) { $versdb = &$this->_versiondb; while (--$version > 0) { if ($versdb->exists($version . ":$pagename")) return $version; } return false; } //check $want_content function get_versiondata($pagename, $version, $want_content=false) { $data = $this->_versiondb->get((int)$version . ":$pagename"); if (empty($data)) return false; else { $data = unserialize($data); if (!$want_content) $data['%content'] = !empty($data['%content']); return $data; } } /** * Delete page from the database. */ function delete_page($pagename) { $pagedb = &$this->_pagedb; $versdb = &$this->_versiondb; $version = $this->get_latest_version($pagename); while ($version > 0) { $versdb->set($version-- . ":$pagename", false); } $pagedb->set($pagename, false); $this->set_links($pagename, false); } function rename_page($pagename, $to) { $data = get_pagedata($pagename); if (isset($data['pagename'])) $data['pagename'] = $to; //$vdata = get_versiondata($pagename, $version, 1); //$this->delete_page($pagename); $this->update_pagedata($to, $data); return true; } /** * Delete an old revision of a page. */ function delete_versiondata($pagename, $version) { $versdb = &$this->_versiondb; $latest = $this->get_latest_version($pagename); assert($version > 0); assert($version <= $latest); $versdb->set((int)$version . ":$pagename", false); if ($version == $latest) { $previous = $this->get_previous_version($version); if ($previous> 0) { $pvdata = $this->get_versiondata($pagename, $previous); $is_empty = empty($pvdata['%content']); } else $is_empty = true; $this->_update_latest_version($pagename, $previous, $is_empty); } } /** * Create a new revision of a page. */ function set_versiondata($pagename, $version, $data) { $versdb = &$this->_versiondb; $versdb->set((int)$version . ":$pagename", serialize($data)); if ($version > $this->get_latest_version($pagename)) $this->_update_latest_version($pagename, $version, empty($data['%content'])); } function _update_latest_version($pagename, $latest, $flags) { $pagedb = &$this->_pagedb; $pdata = $pagedb->get($pagename); if ($pdata) list(,,$pagedata) = explode(':',$pdata,3); else $pagedata = serialize(array()); $pagedb->set($pagename, (int)$latest . ':' . (int)$flags . ":$pagedata"); } function get_all_pages($include_empty = false, $sortby=false, $limit=false, $exclude=false) { $pagedb = &$this->_pagedb; $pages = array(); for ($page = $pagedb->firstkey(); $page!== false; $page = $pagedb->nextkey()) { if (!$page) { assert(!empty($page)); continue; } if ($exclude and in_array($page, $exclude)) continue; if ($limit and count($pages) > $limit) break; if (!$include_empty) { if (!($data = $pagedb->get($page))) continue; list($latestversion,$flags,) = explode(':', $data, 3); unset($data); if ($latestversion == 0 || $flags != 0) continue; // current content is empty } $pages[] = $page; } $sortby = $this->sortby($sortby, 'db', array('pagename','mtime')); if ($sortby and !strstr($sortby, "hits ")) { // check for which column to sortby usort($pages, 'WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_'.str_replace(' ','_',$sortby)); } return new WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_pageiter($this, $pages); } function set_links($pagename, $links) { $this->_linkdb->set_links($pagename, $links); } function get_links($pagename, $reversed = true) { /* if ($reversed) { include_once('lib/WikiDB/backend/dumb/BackLinkIter.php'); $pages = $this->get_all_pages(); return new WikiDB_backend_dumb_BackLinkIter($this, $pages, $pagename); } */ $links = $this->_linkdb->get_links($pagename, $reversed); return new WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_pageiter($this, $links); } }; function WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_pagename_ASC ($a, $b) { return strcasecmp($a, $b); } function WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_pagename_DESC ($a, $b) { return strcasecmp($b, $a); } function WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_mtime_ASC ($a, $b) { return WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_num($a, $b, 'mtime'); } function WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_mtime_DESC ($a, $b) { return WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_num($b, $a, 'mtime'); } /* function WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_hits_ASC ($a, $b) { return WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_num($a, $b, 'hits'); } function WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_hits_DESC ($a, $b) { return WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_num($b, $a, 'hits'); } */ function WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_sortby_num($aname, $bname, $field) { global $request; $dbi = $request->getDbh(); // fields are stored in versiondata $av = $dbi->_backend->get_latest_version($aname); $bv = $dbi->_backend->get_latest_version($bname); $a = $dbi->_backend->get_versiondata($aname, $av, false); if (!$a) return 0; $b = $dbi->_backend->get_versiondata($bname, $bv, false); if (!$b) return 0; if ((!isset($a[$field]) && !isset($b[$field])) || ($a[$field] === $b[$field])) { return 0; } else { return (!isset($a[$field]) || ($a[$field] < $b[$field])) ? -1 : 1; } } class WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_pageiter extends WikiDB_backend_iterator { function WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_pageiter(&$backend, &$pages) { $this->_backend = $backend; $this->_pages = $pages ? $pages : array(); } function next() { if ( ! ($next = array_shift($this->_pages)) ) return false; return array('pagename' => $next); } function count() { return count($this->_pages); } function asArray() { reset($this->_pages); return $this->_pages; } function free() { $this->_pages = array(); } }; class WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_linktable { function WikiDB_backend_dbaBase_linktable(&$dba) { $this->_db = &$dba; } //FIXME: try stroring link lists as hashes rather than arrays. // (backlink deletion would be faster.) function get_links($page, $reversed = true) { return $this->_get_links($reversed ? 'i' : 'o', $page); } function set_links($page, $newlinks) { $oldlinks = $this->_get_links('o', $page); if (!is_array($newlinks)) { assert(empty($newlinks)); $newlinks = array(); } else { $newlinks = array_unique($newlinks); } sort($newlinks); $this->_set_links('o', $page, $newlinks); reset($newlinks); reset($oldlinks); $new = current($newlinks); $old = current($oldlinks); while ($new !== false || $old !== false) { if ($old === false || ($new !== false && $new < $old)) { // $new is a new link (not in $oldlinks). $this->_add_backlink($new, $page); $new = next($newlinks); } elseif ($new === false || $old < $new) { // $old is a obsolete link (not in $newlinks). $this->_delete_backlink($old, $page); $old = next($oldlinks); } else { // Unchanged link (in both $newlist and $oldlinks). assert($new == $old); $new = next($newlinks); $old = next($oldlinks); } } } /** * Rebuild the back-link index. * * This should never be needed, but if the database gets hosed for some reason, * this should put it back into a consistent state. * * We assume the forward links in the our table are correct, and recalculate * all the backlinks appropriately. */ function rebuild () { $db = &$this->_db; // Delete the backlink tables, make a list of page names. $okeys = array(); $ikeys = array(); for ($key = $db->firstkey(); $key; $key = $db->nextkey()) { if ($key[0] == 'i') $ikeys[] = $key; elseif ($key[0] == 'o') $okeys[] = $key; else { trigger_error("Bad key in linktable: '$key'", E_USER_WARNING); $ikeys[] = $key; } } foreach ($ikeys as $key) { $db->delete($key); } foreach ($okeys as $key) { $page = substr($key,1); $links = $this->_get_links('o', $page); $db->delete($key); $this->set_links($page, $links); } } function check() { $db = &$this->_db; // FIXME: check for sortedness and uniqueness in links lists. for ($key = $db->firstkey(); $key; $key = $db->nextkey()) { if (strlen($key) < 1 || ($key[0] != 'i' && $key[0] != 'o')) { $errs[] = "Bad key '$key' in table"; continue; } $page = substr($key, 1); if ($key[0] == 'o') { // Forward links. foreach($this->_get_links('o', $page) as $link) { if (!$this->_has_link('i', $link, $page)) $errs[] = "backlink entry missing for link '$page'->'$link'"; } } else { assert($key[0] == 'i'); // Backlinks. foreach($this->_get_links('i', $page) as $link) { if (!$this->_has_link('o', $link, $page)) $errs[] = "link entry missing for backlink '$page'<-'$link'"; } } } return isset($errs) ? $errs : false; } function _add_backlink($page, $linkedfrom) { $backlinks = $this->_get_links('i', $page); $backlinks[] = $linkedfrom; sort($backlinks); $this->_set_links('i', $page, $backlinks); } function _delete_backlink($page, $linkedfrom) { $backlinks = $this->_get_links('i', $page); foreach ($backlinks as $key => $backlink) { if ($backlink == $linkedfrom) unset($backlinks[$key]); } $this->_set_links('i', $page, $backlinks); } function _has_link($which, $page, $link) { $links = $this->_get_links($which, $page); foreach($links as $l) { if ($l == $link) return true; } return false; } function _get_links($which, $page) { $data = $this->_db->get($which . $page); return $data ? unserialize($data) : array(); } function _set_links($which, $page, &$links) { $key = $which . $page; if ($links) $this->_db->set($key, serialize($links)); else $this->_db->set($key, false); } } // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>