data_dir = $dbparam['directory']; if (file_exists($this->data_dir) and is_file($this->data_dir)) unlink($this->data_dir); if (is_dir($this->data_dir) == false) { mkdir($this->data_dir, 0755); } $this->_dir_names = array('ver_data' => $this->data_dir . '/' . 'ver_data', 'page_data' => $this->data_dir . '/' . 'page_data', 'latest_ver' => $this->data_dir . '/' . 'latest_ver', 'links' => $this->data_dir . '/' . 'links'); foreach ($this->_dir_names as $key => $val) { if (file_exists($val) and is_file($val)) unlink($val); if (is_dir($val) == false) mkdir($val, 0755); } $this->_page_data = NULL; $this->_page_version_data = NULL; $this->_latest_versions = NULL; } // ********************************************************************* // common file load / save functions: function _pagename2filename($type, $pagename, $version) { if ($version == 0) return $this->_dir_names[$type] . '/' . urlencode($pagename); else return $this->_dir_names[$type] . '/' . urlencode($pagename) . '--' . $version; } function _loadPage($type, $pagename, $version, $set_pagename = true) { $filename = $this->_pagename2filename($type, $pagename, $version); if (!file_exists($filename)) return NULL; if (!filesize($filename)) return array(); if ($fd = @fopen($filename, "rb")) { $locked = flock($fd, 1); # Read lock if (!$locked) { ExitWiki("Timeout while obtaining lock. Please try again"); } if ($data = fread($fd, filesize($filename))) { $pd = unserialize($data); if ($set_pagename == true) $pd['pagename'] = $pagename; if ($version != 0) $pd['version'] = $version; if (!is_array($pd)) ExitWiki(sprintf(gettext("'%s': corrupt file"), htmlspecialchars($filename))); else return $pd; } fclose($fd); } return NULL; } function _savePage($type, $pagename, $version, $data) { $filename = $this->_pagename2filename($type, $pagename, $version); if ($fd = fopen($filename, 'a+b')) { $locked = flock($fd, 2); // Exclusive blocking lock if (!$locked) { ExitWiki("Timeout while obtaining lock. Please try again"); } rewind($fd); ftruncate($fd, 0); $pagedata = serialize($data); $len = strlen($pagedata); $num = fwrite($fd, $pagedata, $len); assert($num == $len); fclose($fd); } else { ExitWiki("Error while writing page '$pagename'"); } } function _removePage($type, $pagename, $version) { $filename = $this->_pagename2filename($type, $pagename, $version); if (!file_exists($filename)) return NULL; $f = @unlink($filename); if ($f == false) trigger_error("delete file failed: " . $filename . " ver: " . $version, E_USER_WARNING); } // ********************************************************************* // ********************************************************************* // Load/Save Version-Data function _loadVersionData($pagename, $version) { if ($this->_page_version_data != NULL) { if (($this->_page_version_data['pagename'] == $pagename) && ($this->_page_version_data['version'] == $version) ) { return $this->_page_version_data; } } $vd = $this->_loadPage('ver_data', $pagename, $version); if ($vd != NULL) { $this->_page_version_data = $vd; if (($this->_page_version_data['pagename'] == $pagename) && ($this->_page_version_data['version'] == $version) ) { return $this->_page_version_data; } } return NULL; } function _saveVersionData($pagename, $version, $data) { $this->_savePage('ver_data', $pagename, $version, $data); // check if this is a newer version: if ($this->_getLatestVersion($pagename) < $version) { // write new latest-version-info $this->_setLatestVersion($pagename, $version); } } // ********************************************************************* // Load/Save Page-Data function _loadPageData($pagename) { if ($this->_page_data != NULL) { if ($this->_page_data['pagename'] == $pagename) { return $this->_page_data; } } $pd = $this->_loadPage('page_data', $pagename, 0); if ($pd != NULL) $this->_page_data = $pd; if ($this->_page_data != NULL) { if ($this->_page_data['pagename'] == $pagename) { return $this->_page_data; } } return array(); // no values found } function _savePageData($pagename, $data) { $this->_savePage('page_data', $pagename, 0, $data); } // ********************************************************************* // Load/Save Latest-Version function _saveLatestVersions() { $data = $this->_latest_versions; if ($data == NULL) $data = array(); $this->_savePage('latest_ver', 'latest_versions', 0, $data); } function _setLatestVersion($pagename, $version) { // make sure the page version list is loaded: $this->_getLatestVersion($pagename); if ($version > 0) { $this->_getLatestVersion($pagename); $this->_latest_versions[$pagename] = $version; } else { // Remove this page from the Latest-Version-List: unset($this->_latest_versions[$pagename]); } $this->_saveLatestVersions(); } function _loadLatestVersions() { if ($this->_latest_versions != NULL) return; $pd = $this->_loadPage('latest_ver', 'latest_versions', 0, false); if ($pd != NULL) $this->_latest_versions = $pd; else $this->_latest_versions = array(); // empty array } function _getLatestVersion($pagename) { $this->_loadLatestVersions(); if (array_key_exists($pagename, $this->_latest_versions) == false) return 0; // do version exists return $this->_latest_versions[$pagename]; } // ********************************************************************* // Load/Save Page-Links function _loadPageLinks($pagename) { $pd = $this->_loadPage('links', $pagename, 0, false); if ($pd != NULL) return $pd; ; return array(); // no values found } function _savePageLinks($pagename, $links) { $this->_savePage('links', $pagename, 0, $links); } /** * Get page meta-data from database. * * @param $pagename string Page name. * @return hash * Returns a hash containing the page meta-data. * Returns an empty array if there is no meta-data for the requested page. * Keys which might be present in the hash are: *
If the page is locked. *
The page hit count. *
Unix time of page creation. (FIXME: Deprecated: I * don't think we need this...) *
*/ function get_pagedata($pagename) { return $this->_loadPageData($pagename); } /** * Update the page meta-data. * * Set page meta-data. * * Only meta-data whose keys are preset in $newdata is affected. * * For example: *
     *   $backend->update_pagedata($pagename, array('locked' => 1));
* will set the value of 'locked' to 1 for the specified page, but it * will not affect the value of 'hits' (or whatever other meta-data * may have been stored for the page.) * * To delete a particular piece of meta-data, set it's value to false. *
     *   $backend->update_pagedata($pagename, array('locked' => false));
* * @param $pagename string Page name. * @param $newdata hash New meta-data. */ /** * This will create a new page if page being requested does not * exist. */ function update_pagedata($pagename, $newdata) { $data = $this->get_pagedata($pagename); if (count($data) == 0) { $this->_savePageData($pagename, $newdata); // create a new pagedata-file return; } foreach ($newdata as $key => $val) { if (empty($val)) unset($data[$key]); else $data[$key] = $val; } $this->_savePageData($pagename, $data); // write new pagedata-file } /** * Get the current version number for a page. * * @param $pagename string Page name. * @return int The latest version number for the page. Returns zero if * no versions of a page exist. */ function get_latest_version($pagename) { return $this->_getLatestVersion($pagename); } /** * Get preceding version number. * * @param $pagename string Page name. * @param $version int Find version before this one. * @return int The version number of the version in the database which * immediately preceeds $version. * * FIXED: Check if this version really exists! */ function get_previous_version($pagename, $version) { $prev = ($version > 0 ? $version - 1 : 0); while ($prev and !file_exists($this->_pagename2filename('ver_data', $pagename, $prev))) { $prev--; } return $prev; } /** * Get revision meta-data and content. * * @param $pagename string Page name. * @param $version integer Which version to get. * @param $want_content boolean * Indicates the caller really wants the page content. If this * flag is not set, the backend is free to skip fetching of the * page content (as that may be expensive). If the backend omits * the content, the backend might still want to set the value of * '%content' to the empty string if it knows there's no content. * * @return hash The version data, or false if specified version does not * exist. * * Some keys which might be present in the $versiondata hash are: *
%content *
This is a pseudo-meta-data element (since it's actually * the page data, get it?) containing the page content. * If the content was not fetched, this key may not be present. *
* For description of other version meta-data see WikiDB_PageRevision::get(). * @see WikiDB_PageRevision::get */ function get_versiondata($pagename, $version, $want_content = false) { $vd = $this->_loadVersionData($pagename, $version); if ($vd == NULL) return false; return $vd; } /** * Rename all files for this page * * @access protected Via WikiDB */ function rename_page($pagename, $to) { $version = _getLatestVersion($pagename); foreach ($this->_dir_names as $type => $path) { if (is_dir($path)) { $filename = $this->_pagename2filename($type, $pagename, $version); $new = $this->_pagename2filename($type, $to, $version); @rename($filename, $new); } } $this->update_pagedata($pagename, array('pagename' => $to)); return true; } /** * See ADODB for a better delete_page(), which can be undone and is seen in RecentChanges. */ function delete_page($pagename) { $this->purge_page($pagename); } /** * Delete page from the database. * * Delete page (and all it's revisions) from the database. * * @param $pagename string Page name. */ function purge_page($pagename) { $ver = $this->get_latest_version($pagename); while ($ver > 0) { $this->_removePage('ver_data', $pagename, $ver); $ver = $this->get_previous_version($pagename, $ver); } $this->_removePage('page_data', $pagename, 0); $this->_removePage('links', $pagename, 0); // remove page from latest_version... $this->_setLatestVersion($pagename, 0); } /** * Delete an old revision of a page. * * Note that one is never allowed to delete the most recent version, * but that this requirement is enforced by WikiDB not by the backend. * * In fact, to be safe, backends should probably allow the deletion of * the most recent version. * * @param $pagename string Page name. * @param $version integer Version to delete. */ function delete_versiondata($pagename, $version) { if ($this->get_latest_version($pagename) == $version) { // try to delete the latest version! // so check if an older version exist: if ($this->get_versiondata($pagename, $this->get_previous_version($pagename, $version), false) == false ) { // there is no older version.... // so the completely page will be removed: $this->delete_page($pagename); return; } } $this->_removePage('ver_data', $pagename, $version); } /** * Create a new page revision. * * If the given ($pagename,$version) is already in the database, * this method completely overwrites any stored data for that version. * * @param $pagename string Page name. * @param $version int New revisions content. * @param $data hash New revision metadata. * * @see get_versiondata */ function set_versiondata($pagename, $version, $data) { $this->_saveVersionData($pagename, $version, $data); } /** * Update page version meta-data. * * If the given ($pagename,$version) is already in the database, * this method only changes those meta-data values whose keys are * explicity listed in $newdata. * * @param $pagename string Page name. * @param $version int New revisions content. * @param $newdata hash New revision metadata. * @see set_versiondata, get_versiondata */ function update_versiondata($pagename, $version, $newdata) { $data = $this->get_versiondata($pagename, $version, true); if (!$data) { assert($data); return; } foreach ($newdata as $key => $val) { if (empty($val)) unset($data[$key]); else $data[$key] = $val; } $this->set_versiondata($pagename, $version, $data); } /** * Set links for page. * * @param $pagename string Page name. * * @param $links array List of page(names) which page links to. */ function set_links($pagename, $links) { $this->_savePageLinks($pagename, $links); } /** * Find pages which link to or are linked from a page. * * @param $pagename string Page name. * @param $reversed boolean True to get backlinks. * * FIXME: array or iterator? * @return object A WikiDB_backend_iterator. */ function get_links($pagename, $reversed = true, $include_empty = false, $sortby = '', $limit = '', $exclude = '', $want_relations = false) { if ($reversed == false) return new WikiDB_backend_file_iter($this, $this->_loadPageLinks($pagename)); $this->_loadLatestVersions(); $pagenames = $this->_latest_versions; // now we have an array with the key is the pagename of all pages $out = array(); // create empty out array foreach ($pagenames as $key => $val) { $links = $this->_loadPageLinks($key); foreach ($links as $key2 => $val2) { if ($val2['linkto'] == $pagename) array_push($out, $key); } } return new WikiDB_backend_file_iter($this, $out); } /** * Get all revisions of a page. * * @param $pagename string The page name. * @return object A WikiDB_backend_iterator. */ /* function get_all_revisions($pagename) { include_once 'lib/WikiDB/backend/dumb/AllRevisionsIter.php'; return new WikiDB_backend_dumb_AllRevisionsIter($this, $pagename); } */ /** * Get all pages in the database. * * Pages should be returned in alphabetical order if that is * feasable. * * @access protected * * @param $include_defaulted boolean * If set, even pages with no content will be returned * --- but still only if they have at least one revision (not * counting the default revision 0) entered in the database. * * Normally pages whose current revision has empty content * are not returned as these pages are considered to be * non-existing. * * @return object A WikiDB_backend_iterator. */ function get_all_pages($include_empty = false, $sortby = '', $limit = '', $exclude = '') { require_once 'lib/PageList.php'; $this->_loadLatestVersions(); $a = array_keys($this->_latest_versions); if (empty($a)) return new WikiDB_backend_file_iter($this, $a); $sortby = $this->sortby($sortby, 'db', $this->sortable_columns()); switch ($sortby) { case '': break; case 'pagename ASC': sort($a); break; case 'pagename DESC': rsort($a); break; } return new WikiDB_backend_file_iter($this, $a); } function sortable_columns() { return array('pagename'); } function numPages($filter = false, $exclude = '') { $this->_loadLatestVersions(); return count($this->_latest_versions); } /** * Lock backend database. * * Calls may be nested. * * @param $write_lock boolean Unless this is set to false, a write lock * is acquired, otherwise a read lock. If the backend doesn't support * read locking, then it should make a write lock no matter which type * of lock was requested. * * All backends should support write locking. */ function lock($write_lock = true) { //trigger_error("lock: Not Implemented", E_USER_WARNING); } /** * Unlock backend database. * * @param $force boolean Normally, the database is not unlocked until * unlock() is called as many times as lock() has been. If $force is * set to true, the the database is unconditionally unlocked. */ function unlock($force = false) { //trigger_error("unlock: Not Implemented", E_USER_WARNING); } /** * Close database. */ function close() { //trigger_error("close: Not Implemented", E_USER_WARNING); } /** * Synchronize with filesystem. * * This should flush all unwritten data to the filesystem. */ function sync() { //trigger_error("sync: Not Implemented", E_USER_WARNING); } /** * Optimize the database. */ function optimize() { return 0; //trigger_error("optimize: Not Implemented", E_USER_WARNING); } /** * Check database integrity. * * This should check the validity of the internal structure of the database. * Errors should be reported via: *
     *   trigger_error("Message goes here.", E_USER_WARNING);
* * @return boolean True iff database is in a consistent state. */ function check() { //trigger_error("check: Not Implemented", E_USER_WARNING); } /** * Put the database into a consistent state. * * This should put the database into a consistent state. * (I.e. rebuild indexes, etc...) * * @return boolean True iff successful. */ function rebuild() { //trigger_error("rebuild: Not Implemented", E_USER_WARNING); } function _parse_searchwords($search) { $search = strtolower(trim($search)); if (!$search) return array(array(), array()); $words = preg_split('/\s+/', $search); $exclude = array(); foreach ($words as $key => $word) { if ($word[0] == '-' && $word != '-') { $word = substr($word, 1); $exclude[] = preg_quote($word); unset($words[$key]); } } return array($words, $exclude); } } class WikiDB_backend_file_iter extends WikiDB_backend_iterator { function WikiDB_backend_file_iter(&$backend, &$query_result, $options = array()) { $this->_backend = &$backend; $this->_result = $query_result; $this->_options = $options; if (count($this->_result) > 0) reset($this->_result); } function next() { if (!$this->_result) return false; if (count($this->_result) <= 0) return false; $e = each($this->_result); if ($e == false) { return false; } $pn = $e[1]; if (is_array($pn) and isset($pn['linkto'])) { // support relation link iterator $pn = $pn['linkto']; } $pagedata = $this->_backend->get_pagedata($pn); // don't pass _cached_html via iterators if (isset($pagedata['_cached_html'])) unset($pagedata['_cached_html']); unset($pagedata['pagename']); $rec = array('pagename' => $pn, 'pagedata' => $pagedata); if (is_array($e[1])) { $rec['linkrelation'] = $e[1]['relation']; } //$rec['version'] = $backend->get_latest_version($pn); //$rec['versiondata'] = $backend->get_versiondata($pn, $rec['version'], true); return $rec; } function asArray() { reset($this->_result); return $this->_result; } function count() { return count($this->_result); } function free() { $this->_result = array(); } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: