• Provide the static method getGroup with will return the proper * subclass. *
  • Provide an interface for subclasses to implement. *
  • Provide fallover methods (with error msgs) if not impemented in subclass. * * Do not ever instantiate this class. Use: $group = &WikiGroup::getGroup(); * This will instantiate the proper subclass. * * @author Joby Walker * @author Reini Urban */ class WikiGroup{ /** User name */ var $username = ''; /** User object if different from current user */ var $user; /** The global WikiRequest object */ //var $request; /** Array of groups $username is confirmed to belong to */ var $membership; /** boolean if not the current user */ var $not_current = false; /** * Initializes a WikiGroup object which should never happen. Use: * $group = &WikiGroup::getGroup(); * @param object $request The global WikiRequest object -- ignored. */ function WikiGroup($not_current = false) { $this->not_current = $not_current; //$this->request =& $GLOBALS['request']; } /** * Gets the current username from the internal user object * and erases $this->membership if is different than * the stored $this->username * @return string Current username. */ function _getUserName(){ global $request; $user = (!empty($this->user)) ? $this->user : $request->getUser(); $username = $user->getID(); if ($username != $this->username) { $this->membership = array(); $this->username = $username; } if (!$this->not_current) $this->user = $user; return $username; } /** * Static method to return the WikiGroup subclass used in this wiki. Controlled * by the constant GROUP_METHOD. * @param object $request The global WikiRequest object. * @return object Subclass of WikiGroup selected via GROUP_METHOD. */ function getGroup($not_current = false){ switch (GROUP_METHOD){ case "NONE": return new GroupNone($not_current); break; case "WIKIPAGE": return new GroupWikiPage($not_current); break; case "DB": if ($GLOBALS['DBParams']['dbtype'] == 'ADODB') { return new GroupDB_ADODB($not_current); } elseif ($GLOBALS['DBParams']['dbtype'] == 'SQL') { return new GroupDb_PearDB($not_current); } else { trigger_error("GROUP_METHOD = DB: Unsupported dbtype " . $GLOBALS['DBParams']['dbtype'], E_USER_ERROR); } break; case "FILE": return new GroupFile($not_current); break; case "LDAP": return new GroupLDAP($not_current); break; default: trigger_error(_("No or unsupported GROUP_METHOD defined"), E_USER_WARNING); return new WikiGroup($not_current); } } /** ACL PagePermissions will need those special groups based on the User status only. * translated */ function specialGroup($group){ return in_array($group,$this->specialGroups()); } /** untranslated */ function _specialGroup($group){ return in_array($group,$this->_specialGroups()); } /** translated */ function specialGroups(){ return array( GROUP_EVERY, GROUP_ANONYMOUS, GROUP_BOGOUSER, GROUP_SIGNED, GROUP_AUTHENTICATED, GROUP_ADMIN, GROUP_OWNER, GROUP_CREATOR); } /** untranslated */ function _specialGroups(){ return array( "_EVERY", "_ANONYMOUS", "_BOGOUSER", "_SIGNED", "_AUTHENTICATED", "_ADMIN", "_OWNER", "_CREATOR"); } /** * Determines if the current user is a member of a group. * * This method is an abstraction. The group is ignored, an error is sent, and * false (not a member of the group) is returned. * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership (ignored). * @return boolean True if user is a member, else false (always false). */ function isMember($group){ if (isset($this->membership[$group])) return $this->membership[$group]; if ($this->specialGroup($group)) { return $this->isSpecialMember($group); } else { trigger_error(__sprintf("Method '%s' not implemented in this GROUP_METHOD %s", 'isMember', GROUP_METHOD), E_USER_WARNING); } return false; } function isSpecialMember($group){ global $request; if (isset($this->membership[$group])) return $this->membership[$group]; $user = (!empty($this->user)) ? $this->user : $request->getUser(); switch ($group) { case GROUP_EVERY: return $this->membership[$group] = true; case GROUP_ANONYMOUS: return $this->membership[$group] = ! $user->isSignedIn(); case GROUP_BOGOUSER: return $this->membership[$group] = (isa($user,'_BogoUser') and $user->_level >= WIKIAUTH_BOGO); case GROUP_SIGNED: return $this->membership[$group] = $user->isSignedIn(); case GROUP_AUTHENTICATED: return $this->membership[$group] = $user->isAuthenticated(); case GROUP_ADMIN: return $this->membership[$group] = (isset($user->_level) and $user->_level == WIKIAUTH_ADMIN); case GROUP_OWNER: case GROUP_CREATOR: return false; default: trigger_error(__sprintf("Undefined method %s for special group %s", 'isMember',$group), E_USER_WARNING); } return false; } /** * Determines all of the groups of which the current user is a member. * * This method is an abstraction. An error is sent and an empty * array is returned. * @return array Array of groups to which the user belongs (always empty). */ function getAllGroupsIn(){ trigger_error(__sprintf("Method '%s' not implemented in this GROUP_METHOD %s", 'getAllGroupsIn', GROUP_METHOD), E_USER_WARNING); return array(); } function _allUsers() { static $result = array(); if (!empty($result)) return $result; global $request; /* WikiPage users: */ $dbh =& $request->_dbi; $page_iter = $dbh->getAllPages(); $users = array(); while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { if ($page->isUserPage()) $users[] = $page->_pagename; } /* WikiDB users from prefs (not from users): */ if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) $dbi = _PassUser::getAuthDbh(); else $dbi = false; if ($dbi and $dbh->getAuthParam('pref_select')) { //get prefs table $sql = preg_replace('/SELECT .+ FROM/i','SELECT userid FROM', $dbh->getAuthParam('pref_select')); //don't strip WHERE, only the userid stuff. $sql = preg_replace('/(WHERE.*?)\s+\w+\s*=\s*["\']\$userid[\'"]/i','\\1 AND 1', $sql); $sql = str_replace('WHERE AND 1','',$sql); if (isa($dbi, 'ADOConnection')) { $db_result = $dbi->Execute($sql); foreach ($db_result->GetArray() as $u) { $users = array_merge($users,array_values($u)); } } elseif (isa($dbi, 'DB_common')) { // PearDB $users = array_merge($users, $dbi->getCol($sql)); } } /* WikiDB users from users: */ // Fixme: don't strip WHERE, only the userid stuff. if ($dbi and $dbh->getAuthParam('auth_user_exists')) { //don't strip WHERE, only the userid stuff. $sql = preg_replace('/(WHERE.*?)\s+\w+\s*=\s*["\']\$userid[\'"]/i','\\1 AND 1', $dbh->getAuthParam('auth_user_exists')); $sql = str_replace('WHERE AND 1','', $sql); if (isa($dbi, 'ADOConnection')) { $db_result = $dbi->Execute($sql); foreach ($db_result->GetArray() as $u) { $users = array_merge($users, array_values($u)); } } elseif (isa($dbi, 'DB_common')) { $users = array_merge($users, $dbi->getCol($sql)); } } // remove empty and duplicate users $result = array(); foreach ($users as $u) { if (empty($u) or in_array($u,$result)) continue; $result[] = $u; } return $result; } /** * Determines all of the members of a particular group. * * This method is an abstraction. The group is ignored, an error is sent, * and an empty array is returned * @param string $group Name of the group to get the full membership list of. * @return array Array of usernames that have joined the group (always empty). */ function getMembersOf($group){ if ($this->specialGroup($group)) { return $this->getSpecialMembersOf($group); } trigger_error(__sprintf("Method '%s' not implemented in this GROUP_METHOD %s", 'getMembersOf', GROUP_METHOD), E_USER_WARNING); return array(); } function getSpecialMembersOf($group) { //$request = &$this->request; $all = $this->_allUsers(); $users = array(); switch ($group) { case GROUP_EVERY: return $all; case GROUP_ANONYMOUS: return $users; case GROUP_BOGOUSER: foreach ($all as $u) { if (isWikiWord($u)) $users[] = $u; } return $users; case GROUP_SIGNED: foreach ($all as $u) { $user = WikiUser($u); if ($user->isSignedIn()) $users[] = $u; } return $users; case GROUP_AUTHENTICATED: foreach ($all as $u) { $user = WikiUser($u); if ($user->isAuthenticated()) $users[] = $u; } return $users; case GROUP_ADMIN: foreach ($all as $u) { $user = WikiUser($u); if (isset($user->_level) and $user->_level == WIKIAUTH_ADMIN) $users[] = $u; } return $users; case GROUP_OWNER: case GROUP_CREATOR: // this could get complex so just return an empty array return false; default: trigger_error(__sprintf("Unknown special group '%s'", $group), E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * Add the current or specified user to a group. * * This method is an abstraction. The group and user are ignored, an error * is sent, and false (not added) is always returned. * @param string $group User added to this group. * @param string $user Username to add to the group (default = current user). * @return bool On true user was added, false if not. */ function setMemberOf($group, $user = false){ trigger_error(__sprintf("Method '%s' not implemented in this GROUP_METHOD %s", 'setMemberOf', GROUP_METHOD), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } /** * Remove the current or specified user to a group. * * This method is an abstraction. The group and user are ignored, and error * is sent, and false (not removed) is always returned. * @param string $group User removed from this group. * @param string $user Username to remove from the group (default = current user). * @return bool On true user was removed, false if not. */ function removeMemberOf($group, $user = false){ trigger_error(__sprintf("Method '%s' not implemented in this GROUP_METHOD %s", 'removeMemberOf', GROUP_METHOD), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } /** * GroupNone disables all Group funtionality * * All of the GroupNone functions return false or empty values to indicate failure or * no results. Use GroupNone if group controls are not desired. * @author Joby Walker */ class GroupNone extends WikiGroup{ /** * Constructor * * Ignores the parameter provided. * @param object $request The global WikiRequest object - ignored. */ function GroupNone() { //$this->request = &$GLOBALS['request']; return; } /** * Determines if the current user is a member of a group. * * The group is ignored and false (not a member of the group) is returned. * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership (ignored). * @return boolean True if user is a member, else false (always false). */ function isMember($group){ if ($this->specialGroup($group)) { return $this->isSpecialMember($group); } else { return false; } } /** * Determines all of the groups of which the current user is a member. * * The group is ignored and an empty array (a member of no groups) is returned. * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership (ignored). * @return array Array of groups to which the user belongs (always empty). */ function getAllGroupsIn(){ return array(); } /** * Determines all of the members of a particular group. * * The group is ignored and an empty array (a member of no groups) is returned. * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership (ignored). * @return array Array of groups user belongs to (always empty). */ function getMembersOf($group){ return array(); } } /** * GroupWikiPage provides group functionality via pages within the Wiki. * * GroupWikiPage is the Wiki way of managing a group. Every group will have * a page. To modify the membership of the group, one only needs to edit the * membership list on the page. * @author Joby Walker */ class GroupWikiPage extends WikiGroup{ /** * Constructor * * Initializes the three superclass instance variables * @param object $request The global WikiRequest object. */ function GroupWikiPage() { //$this->request = &$GLOBALS['request']; $this->username = $this->_getUserName(); //$this->username = null; $this->membership = array(); } /** * Determines if the current user is a member of a group. * * To determine membership in a particular group, this method checks the * superclass instance variable $membership to see if membership has * already been determined. If not, then the group page is parsed to * determine membership. * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership. * @return boolean True if user is a member, else false. */ function isMember($group){ if (isset($this->membership[$group])) { return $this->membership[$group]; } global $request; $group_page = $request->getPage($group); if ($this->_inGroupPage($group_page)) { $this->membership[$group] = true; return true; } $this->membership[$group] = false; // Let grouppages override certain defaults, such as members of admin if ($this->specialGroup($group)) { return $this->isSpecialMember($group); } return false; } /** * Private method to take a WikiDB_Page and parse to determine if the * current_user is a member of the group. * @param object $group_page WikiDB_Page object for the group's page * @return boolean True if user is a member, else false. * @access private */ function _inGroupPage($group_page, $strict=false){ $group_revision = $group_page->getCurrentRevision(); if ($group_revision->hasDefaultContents()) { $group = $group_page->getName(); if ($strict) trigger_error(sprintf(_("Group page '%s' does not exist"), $group), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $contents = $group_revision->getContent(); $match = '/^\s*[\*\#]+\s*\[?' . $this->username . '\]?(\s|$)/'; foreach ($contents as $line){ if (preg_match($match, $line)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Determines all of the groups of which the current user is a member. * * Checks the root Group page ('CategoryGroup') for the list of all groups, * then checks each group to see if the current user is a member. * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership. * @return array Array of groups to which the user belongs. */ function getAllGroupsIn(){ $membership = array(); $specialgroups = $this->specialGroups(); foreach ($specialgroups as $group) { $this->membership[$group] = $this->isSpecialMember($group); } global $request; $dbh = &$request->_dbi; $master_page = $request->getPage(CATEGORY_GROUP_PAGE); $master_list = $master_page->getLinks(true); while ($group_page = $master_list->next()){ $group = $group_page->getName(); $this->membership[$group] = $this->_inGroupPage($group_page); } foreach ($this->membership as $g => $bool) { if ($bool) $membership[] = $g; } return $membership; } /** * Determines all of the members of a particular group. * * Checks a group's page to return all the current members. Currently this * method is disabled and triggers an error and returns an empty array. * @param string $group Name of the group to get the full membership list of. * @return array Array of usernames that have joined the group (always empty). */ function getMembersOf($group){ if ($this->specialGroup($group)) return $this->getSpecialMembersOf($group); $group_page = $GLOBALS['request']->getPage($group); $group_revision = $group_page->getCurrentRevision(); if ($group_revision->hasDefaultContents()) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("Group %s does not exist"),$group), E_USER_WARNING); return array(); } $contents = $group_revision->getContent(); // This is not really a reliable way to check if a string is a username. But better than nothing. $match = '/^(\s*[\*\#]+\s*\[?)(\w+)(\]?\s*)$/'; $members = array(); foreach ($contents as $line){ if (preg_match($match, $line, $matches)){ $members[] = $matches[2]; } } return $members; } } /** * GroupDb is configured by $DbAuthParams[] statements * * Fixme: adodb * @author ReiniUrban */ class GroupDb extends WikiGroup { var $_is_member, $_group_members, $_user_groups; /** * Constructor * * @param object $request The global WikiRequest object. ignored */ function GroupDb() { global $DBAuthParams, $DBParams; //$this->request = &$GLOBALS['request']; $this->username = $this->_getUserName(); $this->membership = array(); if (empty($DBAuthParams['group_members']) or empty($DBAuthParams['user_groups']) or empty($DBAuthParams['is_member'])) { trigger_error(_("No or not enough GROUP_DB SQL statements defined"), E_USER_WARNING); return new GroupNone(); } // FIXME: This only works with ENABLE_USER_NEW if (empty($this->user)) { // use _PassUser::prepare instead if (isa($request->getUser(),'_PassUser')) $user = $request->getUser(); else $user = new _PassUser($this->username); } elseif (!isa($this->user, '_PassUser')) { $user = new _PassUser($this->username); } else { $user =& $this->user; } if (isa($this->user, '_PassUser')) { // TODO: safety by Charles Corrigan $this->_is_member = $user->prepare($DBAuthParams['is_member'], array('userid','groupname')); $this->_group_members = $user->prepare($DBAuthParams['group_members'],'groupname'); $this->_user_groups = $user->prepare($DBAuthParams['user_groups'],'userid'); $this->dbh = $user->_auth_dbi; } } } /** * PearDB methods * * @author ReiniUrban */ class GroupDb_PearDB extends GroupDb { /** * Determines if the current user is a member of a database group. * * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership. * @return boolean True if user is a member, else false. */ function isMember($group) { if (isset($this->membership[$group])) { return $this->membership[$group]; } $dbh = & $this->dbh; $db_result = $dbh->query(sprintf($this->_is_member, $dbh->quote($this->username), $dbh->quote($group))); if ($db_result->numRows() > 0) { $this->membership[$group] = true; return true; } $this->membership[$group] = false; // Let override certain defaults, such as members of admin if ($this->specialGroup($group)) return $this->isSpecialMember($group); return false; } /** * Determines all of the groups of which the current user is a member. * * then checks each group to see if the current user is a member. * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership. * @return array Array of groups to which the user belongs. */ function getAllGroupsIn(){ $membership = array(); $dbh = & $this->dbh; $db_result = $dbh->query(sprintf($this->_user_groups, $dbh->quote($this->username))); if ($db_result->numRows() > 0) { while (list($group) = $db_result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED)) { $membership[] = $group; $this->membership[$group] = true; } } $specialgroups = $this->specialGroups(); foreach ($specialgroups as $group) { if ($this->isMember($group)) { $membership[] = $group; } } return $membership; } /** * Determines all of the members of a particular group. * * Checks a group's page to return all the current members. Currently this * method is disabled and triggers an error and returns an empty array. * @param string $group Name of the group to get the full membership list of. * @return array Array of usernames that have joined the group. */ function getMembersOf($group){ $members = array(); $dbh = & $this->dbh; $db_result = $dbh->query(sprintf($this->_group_members,$dbh->quote($group))); if ($db_result->numRows() > 0) { while (list($userid) = $db_result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED)) { $members[] = $userid; } } // add certain defaults, such as members of admin if ($this->specialGroup($group)) $members = array_merge($members, $this->getSpecialMembersOf($group)); return $members; } } /** * ADODB methods * * @author ReiniUrban */ class GroupDb_ADODB extends GroupDb { /** * Determines if the current user is a member of a database group. * * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership. * @return boolean True if user is a member, else false. */ function isMember($group) { if (isset($this->membership[$group])) { return $this->membership[$group]; } $dbh = & $this->dbh; $rs = $dbh->Execute(sprintf($this->_is_member,$dbh->qstr($this->username), $dbh->qstr($group))); if ($rs->EOF) { $rs->Close(); } else { if ($rs->numRows() > 0) { $this->membership[$group] = true; $rs->Close(); return true; } } $this->membership[$group] = false; if ($this->specialGroup($group)) return $this->isSpecialMember($group); return false; } /** * Determines all of the groups of which the current user is a member. * then checks each group to see if the current user is a member. * * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership. * @return array Array of groups to which the user belongs. */ function getAllGroupsIn(){ $membership = array(); $dbh = & $this->dbh; $rs = $dbh->Execute(sprintf($this->_user_groups, $dbh->qstr($this->username))); if (!$rs->EOF and $rs->numRows() > 0) { while (!$rs->EOF) { $group = reset($rs->fields); $membership[] = $group; $this->membership[$group] = true; $rs->MoveNext(); } } $rs->Close(); $specialgroups = $this->specialGroups(); foreach ($specialgroups as $group) { if ($this->isMember($group)) { $membership[] = $group; } } return $membership; } /** * Determines all of the members of a particular group. * * @param string $group Name of the group to get the full membership list of. * @return array Array of usernames that have joined the group. */ function getMembersOf($group){ $members = array(); $dbh = & $this->dbh; $rs = $dbh->Execute(sprintf($this->_group_members,$dbh->qstr($group))); if (!$rs->EOF and $rs->numRows() > 0) { while (!$rs->EOF) { $members[] = reset($rs->fields); $rs->MoveNext(); } } $rs->Close(); // add certain defaults, such as members of admin if ($this->specialGroup($group)) $members = array_merge($members, $this->getSpecialMembersOf($group)); return $members; } } /** * GroupFile is configured by AUTH_GROUP_FILE * groupname: user1 user2 ... * * @author ReiniUrban */ class GroupFile extends WikiGroup { /** * Constructor * * @param object $request The global WikiRequest object. */ function GroupFile(){ //$this->request = &$GLOBALS['request']; $this->username = $this->_getUserName(); //$this->username = null; $this->membership = array(); if (!defined('AUTH_GROUP_FILE')) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("%s: not defined"), "AUTH_GROUP_FILE"), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if (!file_exists(AUTH_GROUP_FILE)) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("Cannot open AUTH_GROUP_FILE %s"), AUTH_GROUP_FILE), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } require_once('lib/pear/File_Passwd.php'); $this->_file = new File_Passwd(AUTH_GROUP_FILE,false,AUTH_GROUP_FILE.".lock"); } /** * Determines if the current user is a member of a group. * * To determine membership in a particular group, this method checks the * superclass instance variable $membership to see if membership has * already been determined. If not, then the group file is parsed to * determine membership. * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership. * @return boolean True if user is a member, else false. */ function isMember($group) { //$request = $this->request; //$username = $this->username; if (isset($this->membership[$group])) { return $this->membership[$group]; } if (is_array($this->_file->users)) { foreach ($this->_file->users as $g => $u) { $users = explode(' ',$u); if (in_array($this->username,$users)) { $this->membership[$group] = true; return true; } } } $this->membership[$group] = false; if ($this->specialGroup($group)) return $this->isSpecialMember($group); return false; } /** * Determines all of the groups of which the current user is a member. * * then checks each group to see if the current user is a member. * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership. * @return array Array of groups to which the user belongs. */ function getAllGroupsIn(){ //$username = $this->_getUserName(); $membership = array(); if (is_array($this->_file->users)) { foreach ($this->_file->users as $group => $u) { $users = explode(' ',$u); if (in_array($this->username,$users)) { $this->membership[$group] = true; $membership[] = $group; } } } $specialgroups = $this->specialGroups(); foreach ($specialgroups as $group) { if ($this->isMember($group)) { $this->membership[$group] = true; $membership[] = $group; } } return $membership; } /** * Determines all of the members of a particular group. * * Return all the current members. * @param string $group Name of the group to get the full membership list of. * @return array Array of usernames that have joined the group. */ function getMembersOf($group){ $members = array(); if (!empty($this->_file->users[$group])) { $members = explode(' ',$this->_file->users[$group]); } if ($this->specialGroup($group)) { $members = array_merge($members, $this->getSpecialMembersOf($group)); } return $members; } } /** * Ldap is configured in index.php * * @author ReiniUrban */ class GroupLdap extends WikiGroup { /** * Constructor * * @param object $request The global WikiRequest object. */ function GroupLdap(){ //$this->request = &$GLOBALS['request']; $this->username = $this->_getUserName(); $this->membership = array(); if (!defined("LDAP_AUTH_HOST")) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("%s not defined"), "LDAP_AUTH_HOST"), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // We should ignore multithreaded environments, not generally windows. // CGI does work. if (! function_exists('ldap_connect') and (!isWindows() or isCGI())) { // on MacOSX >= 4.3 you'll need PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX instead. dl("ldap".defined('PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX') ? PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX : DLL_EXT); if (! function_exists('ldap_connect')) { trigger_error(_("No LDAP in this PHP version"), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } if (!defined("LDAP_BASE_DN")) define("LDAP_BASE_DN",''); $this->base_dn = LDAP_BASE_DN; // if no users ou (organizational unit) is defined, // then take out the ou= from the base_dn (if exists) and append a default // from users and group if (!LDAP_OU_USERS) if (strstr(LDAP_BASE_DN, "ou=")) $this->base_dn = preg_replace("/(ou=\w+,)?()/","\$2", LDAP_BASE_DN); if (!isset($this->user) or !isa($this->user, '_LDAPPassUser')) $this->_user = new _LDAPPassUser('LdapGroupTest'); // to have a valid username else $this->_user =& $this->user; } /** * Determines if the current user is a member of a group. * Not ready yet! * * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership. * @return boolean True if user is a member, else false. */ function isMember($group) { if (isset($this->membership[$group])) { return $this->membership[$group]; } //$request = $this->request; //$username = $this->_getUserName(); $this->membership[$group] = in_array($this->username,$this->getMembersOf($group)); if ($this->membership[$group]) return true; if ($this->specialGroup($group)) return $this->isSpecialMember($group); } /** * Determines all of the groups of which the current user is a member. * * @param string $group Name of the group to check for membership. * @return array Array of groups to which the user belongs. */ function getAllGroupsIn(){ //$request = &$this->request; //$username = $this->_getUserName(); $membership = array(); $specialgroups = $this->specialGroups(); foreach ($specialgroups as $group) { if ($this->isMember($group)) { $this->membership[$group] = true; $membership[] = $group; } } // must be a valid LDAP server, and username must not contain a wildcard if ($ldap = $this->_user->_init()) { $st_search = LDAP_SEARCH_FIELD ? LDAP_SEARCH_FIELD."=".$this->username : "uid=".$this->username; $sr = ldap_search($ldap, (LDAP_OU_USERS ? LDAP_OU_USERS : "ou=Users") .($this->base_dn ? ",".$this->base_dn : ''), $st_search); if (!$sr) { $this->_user->_free(); return $this->membership; } $info = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sr); if (empty($info["count"])) { $this->_user->_free(); return $this->membership; } for ($i = 0; $i < $info["count"]; $i++) { if ($info[$i]["gidNumber"]["count"]) { $gid = $info[$i]["gidnumber"][0]; $sr2 = ldap_search($ldap, (LDAP_OU_GROUP ? LDAP_OU_GROUP : "ou=Groups") .($this->base_dn ? ",".$this->base_dn : ''), "gidNumber=$gid"); if ($sr2) { $info2 = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sr2); if (!empty($info2["count"])) $membership[] = $info2[0]["cn"][0]; } } } } else { trigger_error(fmt("Unable to connect to LDAP server %s", LDAP_AUTH_HOST), E_USER_WARNING); } $this->_user->_free(); //ldap_close($ldap); $this->membership = $membership; return $membership; } /** * Determines all of the members of a particular group. * * Return all the members of the given group. LDAP just returns the gid of each user * @param string $group Name of the group to get the full membership list of. * @return array Array of usernames that have joined the group. */ function getMembersOf($group){ $members = array(); if ($ldap = $this->_user->_init()) { $base_dn = (LDAP_OU_GROUP ? LDAP_OU_GROUP : "ou=Groups") .($this->base_dn ? ",".$this->base_dn : ''); $sr = ldap_search($ldap, $base_dn, "cn=$group"); if ($sr) $info = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sr); else { $info = array('count' => 0); trigger_error("LDAP_SEARCH: base=\"$base_dn\" \"(cn=$group)\" failed", E_USER_NOTICE); } $base_dn = (LDAP_OU_USERS ? LDAP_OU_USERS : "ou=Users") .($this->base_dn ? ",".$this->base_dn : ''); for ($i = 0; $i < $info["count"]; $i++) { $gid = $info[$i]["gidNumber"][0]; //uid=* would be better probably $sr2 = ldap_search($ldap, $base_dn, "gidNumber=$gid"); if ($sr2) { $info2 = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sr2); for ($j = 0; $j < $info2["count"]; $j++) { $members[] = $info2[$j]["cn"][0]; } } else { trigger_error("LDAP_SEARCH: base=\"$base_dn\" \"(gidNumber=$gid)\" failed", E_USER_NOTICE); } } } $this->_user->_free(); //ldap_close($ldap); if ($this->specialGroup($group)) { $members = array_merge($members, $this->getSpecialMembersOf($group)); } return $members; } } // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.53 2005/10/29 14:17:21 rurban // simplify message for translators // // Revision 1.52 2004/11/28 15:59:17 rurban // patch by Charles Corrigan so that WikiGroup->isSpecialMember knows about CREATOR and OWNER // // Revision 1.51 2004/11/27 14:39:04 rurban // simpified regex search architecture: // no db specific node methods anymore, // new sql() method for each node // parallel to regexp() (which returns pcre) // regex types bitmasked (op's not yet) // new regex=sql // clarified WikiDB::quote() backend methods: // ->quote() adds surrounsing quotes // ->qstr() (new method) assumes strings and adds no quotes! (in contrast to ADODB) // pear and adodb have now unified quote methods for all generic queries. // // Revision 1.50 2004/11/24 18:58:41 rurban // bug #1063463 // // Revision 1.49 2004/11/23 13:06:30 rurban // several fixes and suggestions by Charles Corrigan: // * fix GROUP_BOGO_USER check // * allow group pages to have the link to the user page in [ ] brackets // * fix up the implementation of GroupWikiPage::getMembersOf and allow the // user page to be linked in [ ] brackets // * added _OWNER and _CREATOR to special wikigroups // * check against those two for group membership also, not only the user. // // Revision 1.48 2004/11/19 19:22:03 rurban // ModeratePage part1: change status // // Revision 1.47 2004/11/19 13:23:47 rurban // // Another catch by Charles Corrigan: check against the dbi backend, not the WikiDB class. // // Revision 1.46 2004/11/18 09:52:23 rurban // more safety, requested by Charles Corrigan // // Revision 1.45 2004/11/17 20:06:30 rurban // possible group fix // // Revision 1.44 2004/11/11 10:31:26 rurban // Disable default options in config-dist.ini // Add new CATEGORY_GROUP_PAGE root page: Default: Translation of "CategoryGroup" // Clarify more options. // // Revision 1.43 2004/11/10 15:29:21 rurban // * requires newer Pear_DB (as the internal one): quote() uses now escapeSimple for strings // * ACCESS_LOG_SQL: fix cause request not yet initialized // * WikiDB: moved SQL specific methods upwards // * new Pear_DB quoting: same as ADODB and as newer Pear_DB. // fixes all around: WikiGroup, WikiUserNew SQL methods, SQL logging // // Revision 1.42 2004/11/01 10:43:56 rurban // seperate PassUser methods into seperate dir (memory usage) // fix WikiUser (old) overlarge data session // remove wikidb arg from various page class methods, use global ->_dbi instead // ... // // Revision 1.41 2004/09/17 14:21:28 rurban // fix LDAP ou= issue, wrong strstr arg order // // Revision 1.40 2004/06/29 06:48:02 rurban // Improve LDAP auth and GROUP_LDAP membership: // no error message on false password, // added two new config vars: LDAP_OU_USERS and LDAP_OU_GROUP with GROUP_METHOD=LDAP // fixed two group queries (this -> user) // stdlib: ConvertOldMarkup still flawed // // Revision 1.39 2004/06/28 15:39:28 rurban // fixed endless recursion in WikiGroup: isAdmin() // // Revision 1.38 2004/06/27 10:24:19 rurban // suggestion by Paul Henry // // Revision 1.37 2004/06/25 14:29:18 rurban // WikiGroup refactoring: // global group attached to user, code for not_current user. // improved helpers for special groups (avoid double invocations) // new experimental config option ENABLE_XHTML_XML (fails with IE, and document.write()) // fixed a XHTML validation error on userprefs.tmpl // // Revision 1.36 2004/06/16 13:21:05 rurban // stabilize on failing ldap queries or bind // // Revision 1.35 2004/06/16 12:08:25 rurban // better desc // // Revision 1.34 2004/06/16 11:51:35 rurban // catch dl error on Windows // // Revision 1.33 2004/06/15 10:40:35 rurban // minor WikiGroup cleanup: no request param, start of current user independency // // Revision 1.32 2004/06/15 09:15:52 rurban // IMPORTANT: fixed passwd handling for passwords stored in prefs: // fix encrypted usage, actually store and retrieve them from db // fix bogologin with passwd set. // fix php crashes with call-time pass-by-reference (references wrongly used // in declaration AND call). This affected mainly Apache2 and IIS. // (Thanks to John Cole to detect this!) // // Revision 1.31 2004/06/03 18:06:29 rurban // fix file locking issues (only needed on write) // fixed immediate LANG and THEME in-session updates if not stored in prefs // advanced editpage toolbars (search & replace broken) // // Revision 1.30 2004/06/03 09:39:51 rurban // fix LDAP injection (wildcard in username) detected by Steve Christey, MITRE // // Revision 1.29 2004/05/16 22:07:35 rurban // check more config-default and predefined constants // various PagePerm fixes: // fix default PagePerms, esp. edit and view for Bogo and Password users // implemented Creator and Owner // BOGOUSERS renamed to BOGOUSER // fixed syntax errors in signin.tmpl // // Revision 1.28 2004/05/15 22:54:49 rurban // fixed important WikiDB bug with DEBUG > 0: wrong assertion // improved SetAcl (works) and PagePerms, some WikiGroup helpers. // // Revision 1.27 2004/05/06 13:56:40 rurban // Enable the Administrators group, and add the WIKIPAGE group default root page. // // Revision 1.26 2004/04/07 23:13:18 rurban // fixed pear/File_Passwd for Windows // fixed FilePassUser sessions (filehandle revive) and password update // // Revision 1.25 2004/03/29 10:40:36 rurban // GroupDb_PearDB fetchmode fix // // Revision 1.24 2004/03/14 16:26:22 rurban // copyright line // // Revision 1.23 2004/03/12 23:20:58 rurban // pref fixes (base64) // // Revision 1.22 2004/03/12 15:48:07 rurban // fixed explodePageList: wrong sortby argument order in UnfoldSubpages // simplified lib/stdlib.php:explodePageList // // Revision 1.21 2004/03/12 11:18:24 rurban // fixed ->membership chache // // Revision 1.20 2004/03/12 10:47:30 rurban // fixed GroupDB for ADODB // // Revision 1.19 2004/03/11 16:27:30 rurban // fixed GroupFile::getMembersOf for special groups // added authenticated bind for GroupLdap (Windows AD) as in WikiUserNew // // Revision 1.18 2004/03/11 13:30:47 rurban // fixed File Auth for user and group // missing only getMembersOf(Authenticated Users),getMembersOf(Every),getMembersOf(Signed Users) // // Revision 1.17 2004/03/10 15:38:48 rurban // store current user->page and ->action in session for WhoIsOnline // better WhoIsOnline icon // fixed WhoIsOnline warnings // // Revision 1.15 2004/03/09 12:11:57 rurban // prevent from undefined DBAuthParams warning // // Revision 1.14 2004/03/08 19:30:01 rurban // fixed Theme->getButtonURL // AllUsers uses now WikiGroup (also DB User and DB Pref users) // PageList fix for empty pagenames // // Revision 1.13 2004/03/08 18:17:09 rurban // added more WikiGroup::getMembersOf methods, esp. for special groups // fixed $LDAP_SET_OPTIONS // fixed _AuthInfo group methods // // Revision 1.12 2004/02/23 21:30:25 rurban // more PagePerm stuff: (working against 1.4.0) // ACL editing and simplification of ACL's to simple rwx------ string // not yet working. // // Revision 1.11 2004/02/07 10:41:25 rurban // fixed auth from session (still double code but works) // fixed GroupDB // fixed DbPassUser upgrade and policy=old // added GroupLdap // // Revision 1.10 2004/02/03 09:45:39 rurban // LDAP cleanup, start of new Pref classes // // Revision 1.9 2004/02/01 09:14:11 rurban // Started with Group_Ldap (not yet ready) // added new _AuthInfo plugin to help in auth problems (warning: may display passwords) // fixed some configurator vars // renamed LDAP_AUTH_SEARCH to LDAP_BASE_DN // changed PHPWIKI_VERSION from 1.3.8a to 1.3.8pre // USE_DB_SESSION defaults to true on SQL // changed GROUP_METHOD definition to string, not constants // changed sample user DBAuthParams from UPDATE to REPLACE to be able to // create users. (Not to be used with external databases generally, but // with the default internal user table) // // fixed the IndexAsConfigProblem logic. this was flawed: // scripts which are the same virtual path defined their own lib/main call // (hmm, have to test this better, phpwiki.sf.net/demo works again) // // Revision 1.8 2004/01/27 23:23:39 rurban // renamed ->Username => _userid for consistency // renamed mayCheckPassword => mayCheckPass // fixed recursion problem in WikiUserNew // fixed bogo login (but not quite 100% ready yet, password storage) // // Revision 1.7 2004/01/26 16:52:40 rurban // added GroupDB and GroupFile classes // // Revision 1.6 2003/12/07 19:29:11 carstenklapp // Code Housecleaning: fixed syntax errors. (php -l *.php) // // Revision 1.5 2003/02/22 20:49:55 dairiki // Fixes for "Call-time pass by reference has been deprecated" errors. // // Revision 1.4 2003/01/21 04:02:39 zorloc // Added Log entry and page footer. // // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>