$this->getDescription()); } /** Does the plugin manage its own HTTP validators? * * This should be overwritten by (some) individual plugins. * * If the output of the plugin is static, depending only * on the plugin arguments, query arguments and contents * of the current page, this can (and should) return true. * * If the plugin can deduce a modification time, or equivalent * sort of tag for it's content, then the plugin should * call $request->appendValidators() with appropriate arguments, * and should override this method to return true. * * When in doubt, the safe answer here is false. * Unfortunately, returning false here will most likely make * any page which invokes the plugin uncacheable (by HTTP proxies * or browsers). */ function managesValidators() { return false; } // FIXME: args? function run ($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { trigger_error("WikiPlugin::run: pure virtual function", E_USER_ERROR); } /** Get wiki-pages linked to by plugin invocation. * * A plugin may override this method to add pages to the * link database for the invoking page. * * For example, the IncludePage plugin should override this so * that the including page shows up in the backlinks list for the * included page. * * Not all plugins which generate links to wiki-pages need list * those pages here. * * Note also that currently the links are calculated at page save * time, so only static page links (e.g. those dependent on the PI * args, not the rest of the wikidb state or any request query args) * will work correctly here. * * @param string $argstr The plugin argument string. * @param string $basepage The pagename the plugin is invoked from. * @return array List of pagenames linked to (or false). */ function getWikiPageLinks ($argstr, $basepage) { return false; } /** * Get name of plugin. * * This is used (by default) by getDefaultLinkArguments and * getDefaultFormArguments to compute the default link/form * targets. * * If you want to gettextify the name (probably a good idea), * override this method in your plugin class, like: *
     *   function getName() { return _("MyPlugin"); }
* * @return string plugin name/target. */ function getName() { return preg_replace('/^.*_/', '', get_class($this)); } function getDescription() { return $this->getName(); } // plugins should override this with the commented-out code function getVersion() { return _("n/a"); //return preg_replace("/[Revision: $]/", '', // "\$Revision: 1.37 $"); } function getArgs($argstr, $request=false, $defaults = false) { if ($defaults === false) $defaults = $this->getDefaultArguments(); //Fixme: on POST argstr is empty list ($argstr_args, $argstr_defaults) = $this->parseArgStr($argstr); $args = array(); if (!empty($defaults)) foreach ($defaults as $arg => $default_val) { if (isset($argstr_args[$arg])) $args[$arg] = $argstr_args[$arg]; elseif ( $request and ($argval = $request->getArg($arg)) !== false ) $args[$arg] = $argval; elseif (isset($argstr_defaults[$arg])) $args[$arg] = (string) $argstr_defaults[$arg]; else $args[$arg] = $default_val; if ($request) $args[$arg] = $this->expandArg($args[$arg], $request); unset($argstr_args[$arg]); unset($argstr_defaults[$arg]); } foreach (array_merge($argstr_args, $argstr_defaults) as $arg => $val) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("argument '%s' not declared by plugin"), $arg), E_USER_NOTICE); } return $args; } function expandArg($argval, $request) { return preg_replace('/\[(\w[\w\d]*)\]/e', '$request->getArg("$1")', $argval); } function parseArgStr($argstr) { $arg_p = '\w+'; $op_p = '(?:\|\|)?='; $word_p = '\S+'; $opt_ws = '\s*'; $qq_p = '" ( (?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)* ) "'; //"<--kludge for brain-dead syntax coloring $q_p = "' ( (?:[^'\\\\]|\\\\.)* ) '"; $gt_p = "_\\( $opt_ws $qq_p $opt_ws \\)"; $argspec_p = "($arg_p) $opt_ws ($op_p) $opt_ws (?: $qq_p|$q_p|$gt_p|($word_p))"; $args = array(); $defaults = array(); while (preg_match("/^$opt_ws $argspec_p $opt_ws/x", $argstr, $m)) { @ list(,$arg,$op,$qq_val,$q_val,$gt_val,$word_val) = $m; $argstr = substr($argstr, strlen($m[0])); // Remove quotes from string values. if ($qq_val) $val = stripslashes($qq_val); elseif ($q_val) $val = stripslashes($q_val); elseif ($gt_val) $val = _(stripslashes($gt_val)); else $val = $word_val; if ($op == '=') { $args[$arg] = $val; } else { // NOTE: This does work for multiple args. Use the // separator character defined in your webserver // configuration, usually & or & (See // http://www.htmlhelp.com/faq/cgifaq.4.html) // e.g. // url: RecentChanges?days=1&show_all=1&show_minor=0 assert($op == '||='); $defaults[$arg] = $val; } } if ($argstr) { $this->handle_plugin_args_cruft($argstr, $args); } return array($args, $defaults); } /* A plugin can override this function to define how any remaining text is handled */ function handle_plugin_args_cruft($argstr, $args) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("trailing cruft in plugin args: '%s'"), $argstr), E_USER_NOTICE); } function getDefaultLinkArguments() { return array('targetpage' => $this->getName(), 'linktext' => $this->getName(), 'description' => $this->getDescription(), 'class' => 'wikiaction'); } function makeLink($argstr, $request) { $defaults = $this->getDefaultArguments(); $link_defaults = $this->getDefaultLinkArguments(); $defaults = array_merge($defaults, $link_defaults); $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request, $defaults); $plugin = $this->getName(); $query_args = array(); foreach ($args as $arg => $val) { if (isset($link_defaults[$arg])) continue; if ($val != $defaults[$arg]) $query_args[$arg] = $val; } $link = Button($query_args, $args['linktext'], $args['targetpage']); if (!empty($args['description'])) $link->addTooltip($args['description']); return $link; } function getDefaultFormArguments() { return array('targetpage' => $this->getName(), 'buttontext' => $this->getName(), 'class' => 'wikiaction', 'method' => 'get', 'textinput' => 's', 'description' => $this->getDescription(), 'formsize' => 30); } function makeForm($argstr, $request) { $form_defaults = $this->getDefaultFormArguments(); $defaults = array_merge($this->getDefaultArguments(), $form_defaults); $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request, $defaults); $plugin = $this->getName(); $textinput = $args['textinput']; assert(!empty($textinput) && isset($args['textinput'])); $form = HTML::form(array('action' => WikiURL($args['targetpage']), 'method' => $args['method'], 'class' => $args['class'], 'accept-charset' => CHARSET)); if (! USE_PATH_INFO ) { $pagename = $request->get('pagename'); $form->pushContent(HTML::input(array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'pagename', 'value' => $args['targetpage']))); } $contents = HTML::div(); $contents->setAttr('class', $args['class']); foreach ($args as $arg => $val) { if (isset($form_defaults[$arg])) continue; if ($arg != $textinput && $val == $defaults[$arg]) continue; $i = HTML::input(array('name' => $arg, 'value' => $val)); if ($arg == $textinput) { //if ($inputs[$arg] == 'file') // $attr['type'] = 'file'; //else $i->setAttr('type', 'text'); $i->setAttr('size', $args['formsize']); if ($args['description']) $i->addTooltip($args['description']); } else { $i->setAttr('type', 'hidden'); } $contents->pushContent($i); // FIXME: hackage if ($i->getAttr('type') == 'file') { $form->setAttr('enctype', 'multipart/form-data'); $form->setAttr('method', 'post'); $contents->pushContent(HTML::input(array('name' => 'MAX_FILE_SIZE', 'value' => MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, 'type' => 'hidden'))); } } if (!empty($args['buttontext'])) $contents->pushContent(HTML::input(array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'button', 'value' => $args['buttontext']))); $form->pushContent($contents); return $form; } function error ($message) { return HTML::div(array('class' => 'errors'), HTML::strong(fmt("Plugin %s failed.", $this->getName())), ' ', $message); } function disabled ($message='') { $html[] = HTML::div(array('class' => 'title'), fmt("Plugin %s disabled.", $this->getName()), ' ', $message); $html[] = HTML::pre($this->_pi); return HTML::div(array('class' => 'disabled-plugin'), $html); } } class WikiPluginLoader { var $_errors; function expandPI($pi, &$request, $basepage=false) { if (!($ppi = $this->parsePi($pi))) return false; list($pi_name, $plugin, $plugin_args) = $ppi; if (!is_object($plugin)) { return new HtmlElement($pi_name == 'plugin-link' ? 'span' : 'p', array('class' => 'plugin-error'), $this->getErrorDetail()); } switch ($pi_name) { case 'plugin': // FIXME: change API for run() (no $dbi needed). $dbi = $request->getDbh(); // FIXME: could do better here... if (! $plugin->managesValidators()) { // Output of plugin (potentially) depends on // the state of the WikiDB (other than the current // page.) // Lacking other information, we'll assume things // changed last time the wikidb was touched. // As an additional hack, mark the ETag weak, since, // for all we know, the page might depend // on things other than the WikiDB (e.g. PhpWeather, // Calendar...) $timestamp = $dbi->getTimestamp(); $request->appendValidators(array('dbi_timestamp' => $timestamp, '%mtime' => (int)$timestamp, '%weak' => true)); } return $plugin->run($dbi, $plugin_args, $request, $basepage); case 'plugin-link': return $plugin->makeLink($plugin_args, $request); case 'plugin-form': return $plugin->makeForm($plugin_args, $request); } } function getWikiPageLinks($pi, $basepage) { if (!($ppi = $this->parsePi($pi))) return false; list($pi_name, $plugin, $plugin_args) = $ppi; if (!is_object($plugin)) return false; if ($pi_name != 'plugin') return false; return $plugin->getWikiPageLinks($plugin_args, $basepage); } function parsePI($pi) { if (!preg_match('/^\s*<\?(plugin(?:-form|-link)?)\s+(\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*\?>\s*$/s', $pi, $m)) return $this->_error(sprintf("Bad %s", 'PI')); list(, $pi_name, $plugin_name, $plugin_args) = $m; $plugin = $this->getPlugin($plugin_name, $pi); return array($pi_name, $plugin, $plugin_args); } function getPlugin($plugin_name, $pi=false) { global $ErrorManager; // Note that there seems to be no way to trap parse errors // from this include. (At least not via set_error_handler().) $plugin_source = "lib/plugin/$plugin_name.php"; $ErrorManager->pushErrorHandler(new WikiMethodCb($this, '_plugin_error_filter')); $plugin_class = "WikiPlugin_$plugin_name"; if (!class_exists($plugin_class)) { // $include_failed = !@include_once("lib/plugin/$plugin_name.php"); $include_failed = !include_once("lib/plugin/$plugin_name.php"); $ErrorManager->popErrorHandler(); if (!class_exists($plugin_class)) { if ($include_failed) return $this->_error(sprintf(_("Include of '%s' failed"), $plugin_source)); return $this->_error(sprintf("%s: no such class", $plugin_class)); } } $plugin = new $plugin_class; if (!is_subclass_of($plugin, "WikiPlugin")) return $this->_error(sprintf("%s: not a subclass of WikiPlugin", $plugin_class)); $plugin->_pi = $pi; return $plugin; } function _plugin_error_filter ($err) { if (preg_match("/Failed opening '.*' for inclusion/", $err->errstr)) return true; // Ignore this error --- it's expected. return false; } function getErrorDetail() { return $this->_errors; } function _error($message) { $this->_errors = $message; return false; } }; // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>