A string
The page to link to.
A WikiDB_Page object
The page to link to.
A WikiDB_PageRevision object
A specific version of the page to link to.
* * * @param string $type * One of:
Make link appropriate for a non-existant page.
Make link appropriate for an existing page.
Either 'unknown' or 'known' as appropriate.
Make a button-style link.
Only linkify if page exists.
* Unless $type of of the latter form, the link will be of class 'wiki', 'wikiunknown', * 'named-wiki', or 'named-wikiunknown', as appropriate. * * @param mixed $label (string or XmlContent object) * Label for the link. If not given, defaults to the page name. * * @return XmlContent The link */ function WikiLink ($page_or_rev, $type = 'known', $label = false) { global $WikiTheme, $request; if ($type == 'button') { return $WikiTheme->makeLinkButton($page_or_rev, $label); } $version = false; if (isa($page_or_rev, 'WikiDB_PageRevision')) { $version = $page_or_rev->getVersion(); if ($page_or_rev->isCurrent()) $version = false; $page = $page_or_rev->getPage(); $pagename = $page->getName(); $wikipage = $pagename; $exists = true; } elseif (isa($page_or_rev, 'WikiDB_Page')) { $page = $page_or_rev; $pagename = $page->getName(); $wikipage = $pagename; } elseif (isa($page_or_rev, 'WikiPageName')) { $wikipage = $page_or_rev; $pagename = $wikipage->name; if (!$wikipage->isValid('strict')) return $WikiTheme->linkBadWikiWord($wikipage, $label); } else { $wikipage = new WikiPageName($page_or_rev, $request->getPage()); $pagename = $wikipage->name; if (!$wikipage->isValid('strict')) return $WikiTheme->linkBadWikiWord($wikipage, $label); } if ($type == 'auto' or $type == 'if_known') { if (isset($page)) { $exists = $page->exists(); } else { $dbi =& $request->_dbi; $exists = $dbi->isWikiPage($wikipage->name); } } elseif ($type == 'unknown') { $exists = false; } else { $exists = true; } // FIXME: this should be somewhere else, if really needed. // WikiLink makes A link, not a string of fancy ones. // (I think that the fancy split links are just confusing.) // Todo: test external ImageLinks http://some/images/next.gif if (isa($wikipage, 'WikiPageName') and ! $label and strchr(substr($wikipage->shortName,1), SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR)) { $parts = explode(SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR, $wikipage->shortName); $last_part = array_pop($parts); $sep = ''; $link = HTML::span(); foreach ($parts as $part) { $path[] = $part; $parent = join(SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR, $path); if ($WikiTheme->_autosplitWikiWords) $part = " " . $part; if ($part) $link->pushContent($WikiTheme->linkExistingWikiWord($parent, $sep . $part)); $sep = $WikiTheme->_autosplitWikiWords ? ' ' . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR : SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR; } if ($exists) $link->pushContent($WikiTheme->linkExistingWikiWord($wikipage, $sep . $last_part, $version)); else $link->pushContent($WikiTheme->linkUnknownWikiWord($wikipage, $sep . $last_part)); return $link; } if ($exists) { return $WikiTheme->linkExistingWikiWord($wikipage, $label, $version); } elseif ($type == 'if_known') { if (!$label && isa($wikipage, 'WikiPageName')) $label = $wikipage->shortName; return HTML($label ? $label : $pagename); } else { return $WikiTheme->linkUnknownWikiWord($wikipage, $label); } } /** * Make a button. * * This is a convenience function. * * @param $action string * One of
Perform action (e.g. 'edit') on the selected page.
Run the actionpage (e.g. 'BackLinks') on the selected page.
Make a form submission button with the given name. * ([name] can be blank for a nameless submit button.)
a hash
Query args for the action. E.g.
 *      array('action' => 'diff', 'previous' => 'author')
* * @param $label string * A label for the button. If ommited, a suitable default (based on the valued of $action) * will be picked. * * @param $page_or_rev mixed * Which page (& version) to perform the action on. * Can be one of:
A string
The pagename.
A WikiDB_Page object
The page.
A WikiDB_PageRevision object
A specific version of the page.
* ($Page_or_rev is ignored for submit buttons.) */ function Button ($action, $label = false, $page_or_rev = false, $options = false) { global $WikiTheme; if (!is_array($action) && preg_match('/^submit:(.*)/', $action, $m)) return $WikiTheme->makeSubmitButton($label, $m[1], $page_or_rev, $options); else return $WikiTheme->makeActionButton($action, $label, $page_or_rev, $options); } class WikiTheme { var $HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX = ''; var $DUMP_MODE = false, $dumped_images, $dumped_css; /** * noinit: Do not initialize unnecessary items in default_theme fallback twice. */ function WikiTheme ($theme_name = 'default', $noinit = false) { $this->_name = $theme_name; $this->_themes_dir = NormalizeLocalFileName("themes"); $this->_path = defined('PHPWIKI_DIR') ? NormalizeLocalFileName("") : ""; $this->_theme = "themes/$theme_name"; $this->_parents = array(); if ($theme_name != 'default') { $parent = $this; /* derived classes should search all parent classes */ while ($parent = get_parent_class($parent)) { if (strtolower($parent) == 'wikitheme') { $this->_default_theme = new WikiTheme('default', true); $this->_parents[] = $this->_default_theme; } elseif ($parent) { $this->_parents[] = new WikiTheme (preg_replace("/^WikiTheme_/i", "", $parent), true); } } } if ($noinit) return; $this->_css = array(); // on derived classes do not add headers twice if (count($this->_parents) > 1) { return; } $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('',array('src' => $this->_findData("wikicommon.js")))); if (! defined('GFORGE') or !GFORGE) { // Gforge already loads this $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('',array('src' => $this->_findData("sortable.js")))); } // by pixels if ((is_object($GLOBALS['request']) // guard against unittests and $GLOBALS['request']->getPref('doubleClickEdit')) or ENABLE_DOUBLECLICKEDIT) $this->initDoubleClickEdit(); // will be replaced by acDropDown if (ENABLE_LIVESEARCH) { // by bitflux.ch $this->initLiveSearch(); } // replaces external LiveSearch // enable ENABLE_AJAX for DynamicIncludePage if (ENABLE_ACDROPDOWN or ENABLE_AJAX) { $this->initMoAcDropDown(); if (ENABLE_AJAX) $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('',array('src' => $this->_findData("ajax.js")))); } } function file ($file) { return $this->_path . "$this->_theme/$file"; } function _findFile ($file, $missing_okay = false) { if (file_exists($this->file($file))) return "$this->_theme/$file"; // FIXME: this is a short-term hack. Delete this after all files // get moved into themes/... // Needed for button paths in parent themes if (file_exists($this->_path . $file)) return $file; /* Derived classes should search all parent classes */ foreach ($this->_parents as $parent) { $path = $parent->_findFile($file, 1); if ($path) { return $path; } elseif (0 and DEBUG & (_DEBUG_VERBOSE + _DEBUG_REMOTE)) { trigger_error("$parent->_theme/$file: not found", E_USER_NOTICE); } } if (isset($this->_default_theme)) { return $this->_default_theme->_findFile($file, $missing_okay); } else if (!$missing_okay) { trigger_error("$this->_theme/$file: not found", E_USER_NOTICE); if ((DEBUG & _DEBUG_TRACE) && function_exists('debug_backtrace')) { // >= 4.3.0 echo "
", printSimpleTrace(debug_backtrace()), "
\n"; } } return false; } function _findData ($file, $missing_okay = false) { if (!string_starts_with($file, "themes")) { // common case $path = $this->_findFile($file, $missing_okay); } else { // _findButton only if (file_exists($file)) { $path = $file; } elseif (defined('DATA_PATH') and file_exists(DATA_PATH . "/$file")) { $path = $file; } else { // fallback for buttons in parent themes $path = $this->_findFile($file, $missing_okay); } } if (!$path) return false; if (defined('DATA_PATH')) return DATA_PATH . "/$path"; return $path; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Date and Time formatting // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: Windows' implemetation of strftime does not include certain // format specifiers, such as %e (for date without leading zeros). In // general, see: // http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vclib/html/_crt_strftime.2c_.wcsftime.asp // As a result, we have to use %d, and strip out leading zeros ourselves. var $_dateFormat = "%B %d, %Y"; var $_timeFormat = "%I:%M %p"; var $_showModTime = true; /** * Set format string used for dates. * * @param $fs string Format string for dates. * * @param $show_mod_time bool If true (default) then times * are included in the messages generated by getLastModifiedMessage(), * otherwise, only the date of last modification will be shown. */ function setDateFormat ($fs, $show_mod_time = true) { $this->_dateFormat = $fs; $this->_showModTime = $show_mod_time; } /** * Set format string used for times. * * @param $fs string Format string for times. */ function setTimeFormat ($fs) { $this->_timeFormat = $fs; } /** * Format a date. * * Any time zone offset specified in the users preferences is * taken into account by this method. * * @param $time_t integer Unix-style time. * * @return string The date. */ function formatDate ($time_t) { global $request; $offset_time = $time_t + 3600 * $request->getPref('timeOffset'); // strip leading zeros from date elements (ie space followed by zero) return preg_replace('/ 0/', ' ', strftime($this->_dateFormat, $offset_time)); } /** * Format a date. * * Any time zone offset specified in the users preferences is * taken into account by this method. * * @param $time_t integer Unix-style time. * * @return string The time. */ function formatTime ($time_t) { //FIXME: make 24-hour mode configurable? global $request; $offset_time = $time_t + 3600 * $request->getPref('timeOffset'); return preg_replace('/^0/', ' ', strtolower(strftime($this->_timeFormat, $offset_time))); } /** * Format a date and time. * * Any time zone offset specified in the users preferences is * taken into account by this method. * * @param $time_t integer Unix-style time. * * @return string The date and time. */ function formatDateTime ($time_t) { if ($time_t == 0) { // Do not display "01 January 1970 1:00" for nonexistent pages return ""; } else { return $this->formatDate($time_t) . ' ' . $this->formatTime($time_t); } } /** * Format a (possibly relative) date. * * If enabled in the users preferences, this method might * return a relative day (e.g. 'Today', 'Yesterday'). * * Any time zone offset specified in the users preferences is * taken into account by this method. * * @param $time_t integer Unix-style time. * * @return string The day. */ function getDay ($time_t) { global $request; if ($request->getPref('relativeDates') && ($date = $this->_relativeDay($time_t))) { return ucfirst($date); } return $this->formatDate($time_t); } /** * Format the "last modified" message for a page revision. * * @param $revision object A WikiDB_PageRevision object. * * @param $show_version bool Should the page version number * be included in the message. (If this argument is omitted, * then the version number will be shown only iff the revision * is not the current one. * * @return string The "last modified" message. */ function getLastModifiedMessage ($revision, $show_version = 'auto') { global $request; if (!$revision) return ''; // dates >= this are considered invalid. if (! defined('EPOCH')) define('EPOCH', 0); // seconds since ~ January 1 1970 $mtime = $revision->get('mtime'); if ($mtime <= EPOCH) return fmt("Never edited"); if ($show_version == 'auto') $show_version = !$revision->isCurrent(); if ($request->getPref('relativeDates') && ($date = $this->_relativeDay($mtime))) { if ($this->_showModTime) $date = sprintf(_("%s at %s"), $date, $this->formatTime($mtime)); if ($show_version) return fmt("Version %s, saved %s", $revision->getVersion(), $date); else return fmt("Last edited %s", $date); } if ($this->_showModTime) $date = $this->formatDateTime($mtime); else $date = $this->formatDate($mtime); if ($show_version) return fmt("Version %s, saved on %s", $revision->getVersion(), $date); else return fmt("Last edited on %s", $date); } function _relativeDay ($time_t) { global $request; if (is_numeric($request->getPref('timeOffset'))) $offset = 3600 * $request->getPref('timeOffset'); else $offset = 0; $now = time() + $offset; $today = localtime($now, true); $time = localtime($time_t + $offset, true); if ($time['tm_yday'] == $today['tm_yday'] && $time['tm_year'] == $today['tm_year']) return _("today"); // Note that due to daylight savings chages (and leap seconds), $now minus // 24 hours is not guaranteed to be yesterday. $yesterday = localtime($now - (12 + $today['tm_hour']) * 3600, true); if ($time['tm_yday'] == $yesterday['tm_yday'] and $time['tm_year'] == $yesterday['tm_year']) return _("yesterday"); return false; } /** * Format the "Author" and "Owner" messages for a page revision. */ function getOwnerMessage ($page) { if (!ENABLE_PAGEPERM or !class_exists("PagePermission")) return ''; $dbi =& $GLOBALS['request']->_dbi; $owner = $page->getOwner(); if ($owner) { /* if ( mayAccessPage('change',$page->getName()) ) return fmt("Owner: %s", $this->makeActionButton(array('action'=>_("chown"), 's' => $page->getName()), $owner, $page)); */ if ( $dbi->isWikiPage($owner) ) return fmt("Owner: %s", WikiLink($owner)); else return fmt("Owner: %s", '"'.$owner.'"'); } } /* New behaviour: (by Matt Brown) Prefer author (name) over internal author_id (IP) */ function getAuthorMessage ($revision) { if (!$revision) return ''; $dbi =& $GLOBALS['request']->_dbi; $author = $revision->get('author'); if (!$author) $author = $revision->get('author_id'); if (!$author) return ''; if ( $dbi->isWikiPage($author) ) { return fmt("by %s", WikiLink($author)); } else { return fmt("by %s", '"'.$author.'"'); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Hooks for other formatting // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //FIXME: PHP 4.1 Warnings //lib/WikiTheme.php:84: Notice[8]: The call_user_method() function is deprecated, //use the call_user_func variety with the array(&$obj, "method") syntax instead function getFormatter ($type, $format) { $method = strtolower("get${type}Formatter"); if (method_exists($this, $method)) return $this->{$method}($format); return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Links // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var $_autosplitWikiWords = false; function setAutosplitWikiWords($autosplit=true) { $this->_autosplitWikiWords = $autosplit ? true : false; } function maybeSplitWikiWord ($wikiword) { if ($this->_autosplitWikiWords) return SplitPagename($wikiword); else return $wikiword; } var $_anonEditUnknownLinks = true; function setAnonEditUnknownLinks($anonedit=true) { $this->_anonEditUnknownLinks = $anonedit ? true : false; } function linkExistingWikiWord($wikiword, $linktext = '', $version = false) { global $request; if ($version !== false and !$this->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX) $url = WikiURL($wikiword, array('version' => $version)); else $url = WikiURL($wikiword); // Extra steps for dumping page to an html file. if ($this->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX) { $url = preg_replace('/^\./', '%2e', $url); // dot pages } $link = HTML::a(array('href' => $url)); if (isa($wikiword, 'WikiPageName')) $default_text = $wikiword->shortName; else $default_text = $wikiword; if (!empty($linktext)) { $link->pushContent($linktext); $link->setAttr('class', 'named-wiki'); $link->setAttr('title', $this->maybeSplitWikiWord($default_text)); } else { $link->pushContent($this->maybeSplitWikiWord($default_text)); $link->setAttr('class', 'wiki'); } if ($request->getArg('frame')) $link->setAttr('target', '_top'); return $link; } function linkUnknownWikiWord($wikiword, $linktext = '') { global $request; // Get rid of anchors on unknown wikiwords if (isa($wikiword, 'WikiPageName')) { $default_text = $wikiword->shortName; $wikiword = $wikiword->name; } else { $default_text = $wikiword; } if ($this->DUMP_MODE) { // HTML, PDF or XML $link = HTML::u( empty($linktext) ? $wikiword : $linktext); $link->addTooltip(sprintf(_("Empty link to: %s"), $wikiword)); $link->setAttr('class', empty($linktext) ? 'wikiunknown' : 'named-wikiunknown'); return $link; } else { // if AnonEditUnknownLinks show "?" only users which are allowed to edit this page if (! $this->_anonEditUnknownLinks and ( ! $request->_user->isSignedIn() or ! mayAccessPage('edit', $request->getArg('pagename')))) { $text = HTML::span( empty($linktext) ? $wikiword : $linktext); $text->setAttr('class', empty($linktext) ? 'wikiunknown' : 'named-wikiunknown'); return $text; } else { $url = WikiURL($wikiword, array('action' => 'create')); $button = $this->makeButton('?', $url); $button->addTooltip(sprintf(_("Create: %s"), $wikiword)); } } $link = HTML::span(); if (!empty($linktext)) { $link->pushContent(HTML::u($linktext)); $link->setAttr('class', 'named-wikiunknown'); } else { $link->pushContent(HTML::u($this->maybeSplitWikiWord($default_text))); $link->setAttr('class', 'wikiunknown'); } if (!isa($button, "ImageButton")) $button->setAttr('rel', 'nofollow'); $link->pushContent($button); if ($request->getPref('googleLink')) { $gbutton = $this->makeButton('G', "http://www.google.com/search?q=" . urlencode($wikiword)); $gbutton->addTooltip(sprintf(_("Google:%s"), $wikiword)); $link->pushContent($gbutton); } if ($request->getArg('frame')) $link->setAttr('target', '_top'); return $link; } function linkBadWikiWord($wikiword, $linktext = '') { global $ErrorManager; if ($linktext) { $text = $linktext; } elseif (isa($wikiword, 'WikiPageName')) { $text = $wikiword->shortName; } else { $text = $wikiword; } if (isa($wikiword, 'WikiPageName')) $message = $wikiword->getWarnings(); else $message = sprintf(_("'%s': Bad page name"), $wikiword); $ErrorManager->warning($message); return HTML::span(array('class' => 'badwikiword'), $text); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Images and Icons // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var $_imageAliases = array(); var $_imageAlt = array(); /** * * (To disable an image, alias the image to false. */ function addImageAlias ($alias, $image_name) { // fall back to the PhpWiki-supplied image if not found if ((empty($this->_imageAliases[$alias]) and $this->_findFile("images/$image_name", true)) or $image_name === false) $this->_imageAliases[$alias] = $image_name; } function addImageAlt ($alias, $alt_text) { $this->_imageAlt[$alias] = $alt_text; } function getImageAlt ($alias) { return $this->_imageAlt[$alias]; } function getImageURL ($image) { $aliases = &$this->_imageAliases; if (isset($aliases[$image])) { $image = $aliases[$image]; if (!$image) return false; } // If not extension, default to .png. if (!preg_match('/\.\w+$/', $image)) $image .= '.png'; // FIXME: this should probably be made to fall back // automatically to .gif, .jpg. // Also try .gif before .png if browser doesn't like png. $path = $this->_findData("images/$image", 'missing okay'); if (!$path) // search explicit images/ or button/ links also $path = $this->_findData("$image", 'missing okay'); if ($this->DUMP_MODE) { if (empty($this->dumped_images)) $this->dumped_images = array(); $path = "images/". basename($path); if (!in_array($path,$this->dumped_images)) $this->dumped_images[] = $path; } return $path; } function setLinkIcon($proto, $image = false) { if (!$image) $image = $proto; $this->_linkIcons[$proto] = $image; } function getLinkIconURL ($proto) { $icons = &$this->_linkIcons; if (!empty($icons[$proto])) return $this->getImageURL($icons[$proto]); elseif (!empty($icons['*'])) return $this->getImageURL($icons['*']); return false; } var $_linkIcon = 'front'; // or 'after' or 'no'. // maybe also 'spanall': there is a scheme currently in effect with front, which // spans the icon only to the first, to let the next words wrap on line breaks // see stdlib.php:PossiblyGlueIconToText() function getLinkIconAttr () { return $this->_linkIcon; } function setLinkIconAttr ($where) { $this->_linkIcon = $where; } function addButtonAlias ($text, $alias = false) { $aliases = &$this->_buttonAliases; if (is_array($text)) $aliases = array_merge($aliases, $text); elseif ($alias === false) unset($aliases[$text]); else $aliases[$text] = $alias; } function getButtonURL ($text) { $aliases = &$this->_buttonAliases; if (isset($aliases[$text])) $text = $aliases[$text]; $qtext = urlencode($text); $url = $this->_findButton("$qtext.png"); if ($url && strstr($url, '%')) { $url = preg_replace('|([^/]+)$|e', 'urlencode("\\1")', $url); } if (!$url) {// Jeff complained about png not supported everywhere. // This was not PC until 2005. $url = $this->_findButton("$qtext.gif"); if ($url && strstr($url, '%')) { $url = preg_replace('|([^/]+)$|e', 'urlencode("\\1")', $url); } } if ($url and $this->DUMP_MODE) { if (empty($this->dumped_buttons)) $this->dumped_buttons = array(); $file = $url; if (defined('DATA_PATH')) $file = substr($url,strlen(DATA_PATH)+1); $url = "images/buttons/".basename($file); if (!array_key_exists($text, $this->dumped_buttons)) $this->dumped_buttons[$text] = $file; } return $url; } function _findButton ($button_file) { if (empty($this->_button_path)) $this->_button_path = $this->_getButtonPath(); foreach ($this->_button_path as $dir) { if ($path = $this->_findData("$dir/$button_file", 1)) return $path; } return false; } function _getButtonPath () { $button_dir = $this->_findFile("buttons"); $path_dir = $this->_path . $button_dir; if (!file_exists($path_dir) || !is_dir($path_dir)) return array(); $path = array($button_dir); $dir = dir($path_dir); while (($subdir = $dir->read()) !== false) { if ($subdir[0] == '.') continue; if ($subdir == 'CVS') continue; if (is_dir("$path_dir/$subdir")) $path[] = "$button_dir/$subdir"; } $dir->close(); // add default buttons $path[] = "themes/default/buttons"; $path_dir = $this->_path . "themes/default/buttons"; $dir = dir($path_dir); while (($subdir = $dir->read()) !== false) { if ($subdir[0] == '.') continue; if ($subdir == 'CVS') continue; if (is_dir("$path_dir/$subdir")) $path[] = "themes/default/buttons/$subdir"; } $dir->close(); return $path; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Button style // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function makeButton ($text, $url, $class = false, $options = false) { // FIXME: don't always try for image button? // Special case: URLs like 'submit:preview' generate form // submission buttons. if (preg_match('/^submit:(.*)$/', $url, $m)) return $this->makeSubmitButton($text, $m[1], $class, $options); if (is_string($text)) $imgurl = $this->getButtonURL($text); else $imgurl = $text; if ($imgurl) return new ImageButton($text, $url, in_array($class,array("wikiaction","wikiadmin"))?"wikibutton":$class, $imgurl, $options); else return new Button($this->maybeSplitWikiWord($text), $url, $class, $options); } function makeSubmitButton ($text, $name, $class = false, $options = false) { $imgurl = $this->getButtonURL($text); if ($imgurl) return new SubmitImageButton($text, $name, !$class ? "wikibutton" : $class, $imgurl, $options); else return new SubmitButton($text, $name, $class, $options); } /** * Make button to perform action. * * This constructs a button which performs an action on the * currently selected version of the current page. * (Or anotherpage or version, if you want...) * * @param $action string The action to perform (e.g. 'edit', 'lock'). * This can also be the name of an "action page" like 'LikePages'. * Alternatively you can give a hash of query args to be applied * to the page. * * @param $label string Textual label for the button. If left empty, * a suitable name will be guessed. * * @param $page_or_rev mixed The page to link to. This can be * given as a string (the page name), a WikiDB_Page object, or as * WikiDB_PageRevision object. If given as a WikiDB_PageRevision * object, the button will link to a specific version of the * designated page, otherwise the button links to the most recent * version of the page. * * @return object A Button object. */ function makeActionButton ($action, $label = false, $page_or_rev = false, $options = false) { extract($this->_get_name_and_rev($page_or_rev)); if (is_array($action)) { $attr = $action; $action = isset($attr['action']) ? $attr['action'] : 'browse'; } else $attr['action'] = $action; $class = is_safe_action($action) ? 'wikiaction' : 'wikiadmin'; if ( !$label ) $label = $this->_labelForAction($action); if ($version) $attr['version'] = $version; if ($action == 'browse') unset($attr['action']); $options = $this->fixAccesskey($options); return $this->makeButton($label, WikiURL($pagename, $attr), $class, $options); } function tooltipAccessKeyPrefix() { static $tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = null; if ($tooltipAccessKeyPrefix) return $tooltipAccessKeyPrefix; $tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'alt'; if (isBrowserOpera()) $tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'shift-esc'; elseif (isBrowserSafari() or browserDetect("Mac") or isBrowserKonqueror()) $tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'ctrl'; // ff2 win and x11 only elseif ((browserDetect("firefox/2") or browserDetect("minefield/3") or browserDetect("SeaMonkey/1.1")) and ((browserDetect("windows") or browserDetect("x11")))) $tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'alt-shift'; return $tooltipAccessKeyPrefix; } /** Define the accesskey in the title only, with ending [p] or [alt-p]. * This fixes the prefix in the title and sets the accesskey. */ function fixAccesskey($attrs) { if (!empty($attrs['title']) and preg_match("/\[(alt-)?(.)\]$/", $attrs['title'], $m)) { if (empty($attrs['accesskey'])) $attrs['accesskey'] = $m[2]; // firefox 'alt-shift', MSIE: 'alt', ... see wikibits.js $attrs['title'] = preg_replace("/\[(alt-)?(.)\]$/", "[".$this->tooltipAccessKeyPrefix()."-\\2]", $attrs['title']); } return $attrs; } /** * Make a "button" which links to a wiki-page. * * These are really just regular WikiLinks, possibly * disguised (e.g. behind an image button) by the theme. * * This method should probably only be used for links * which appear in page navigation bars, or similar places. * * Use linkExistingWikiWord, or LinkWikiWord for normal links. * * @param $page_or_rev mixed The page to link to. This can be * given as a string (the page name), a WikiDB_Page object, or as * WikiDB_PageRevision object. If given as a WikiDB_PageRevision * object, the button will link to a specific version of the * designated page, otherwise the button links to the most recent * version of the page. * * @return object A Button object. */ function makeLinkButton ($page_or_rev, $label = false, $action = false) { extract($this->_get_name_and_rev($page_or_rev)); $args = $version ? array('version' => $version) : false; if ($action) $args['action'] = $action; return $this->makeButton($label ? $label : $pagename, WikiURL($pagename, $args), 'wiki'); } function _get_name_and_rev ($page_or_rev) { $version = false; if (empty($page_or_rev)) { global $request; $pagename = $request->getArg("pagename"); $version = $request->getArg("version"); } elseif (is_object($page_or_rev)) { if (isa($page_or_rev, 'WikiDB_PageRevision')) { $rev = $page_or_rev; $page = $rev->getPage(); if (!$rev->isCurrent()) $version = $rev->getVersion(); } else { $page = $page_or_rev; } $pagename = $page->getName(); } elseif (is_numeric($page_or_rev)) { $version = $page_or_rev; } else { $pagename = (string) $page_or_rev; } return compact('pagename', 'version'); } function _labelForAction ($action) { switch ($action) { case 'edit': return _("Edit"); case 'diff': return _("Diff"); case 'logout': return _("Sign Out"); case 'login': return _("Sign In"); case 'rename': return _("Rename Page"); case 'lock': return _("Lock Page"); case 'unlock': return _("Unlock Page"); case 'remove': return _("Remove Page"); case 'purge': return _("Purge Page"); default: // I don't think the rest of these actually get used. // 'setprefs' // 'upload' 'dumpserial' 'loadfile' 'zip' // 'save' 'browse' return gettext(ucfirst($action)); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- var $_buttonSeparator = "\n | "; function setButtonSeparator($separator) { $this->_buttonSeparator = $separator; } function getButtonSeparator() { return $this->_buttonSeparator; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CSS // // Notes: // // Based on testing with Galeon 1.2.7 (Mozilla 1.2): // Automatic media-based style selection (via tags) only // seems to work for the default style, not for alternate styles. // // Doing // // // // // works to make it so that the printer style sheet get used // automatically when printing (or print-previewing) a page // (but when only when the default style is selected.) // // Attempts like: // // // // // Result in two "Modern" choices when trying to select alternate style. // If one selects the first of those choices, one gets phpwiki-modern // both when browsing and printing. If one selects the second "Modern", // one gets no CSS when browsing, and phpwiki-printer when printing. // // The Real Fix? // ============= // // We should probably move to doing the media based style // switching in the CSS files themselves using, e.g.: // // @import url(print.css) print; // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function _CSSlink($title, $css_file, $media, $is_alt = false) { // Don't set title on default style. This makes it clear to // the user which is the default (i.e. most supported) style. if ($is_alt and isBrowserKonqueror()) return HTML(); $link = HTML::link(array('rel' => $is_alt ? 'alternate stylesheet' : 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'charset' => $GLOBALS['charset'], 'href' => $this->_findData($css_file))); if ($is_alt) $link->setAttr('title', $title); if ($media) $link->setAttr('media', $media); if ($this->DUMP_MODE) { if (empty($this->dumped_css)) $this->dumped_css = array(); if (!in_array($css_file,$this->dumped_css)) $this->dumped_css[] = $css_file; $link->setAttr('href', basename($link->getAttr('href'))); } return $link; } /** Set default CSS source for this theme. * * To set styles to be used for different media, pass a * hash for the second argument, e.g. * * $theme->setDefaultCSS('default', array('' => 'normal.css', * 'print' => 'printer.css')); * * If you call this more than once, the last one called takes * precedence as the default style. * * @param string $title Name of style (currently ignored, unless * you call this more than once, in which case, some of the style * will become alternate (rather than default) styles, and then their * titles will be used. * * @param mixed $css_files Name of CSS file, or hash containing a mapping * between media types and CSS file names. Use a key of '' (the empty string) * to set the default CSS for non-specified media. (See above for an example.) */ function setDefaultCSS ($title, $css_files) { if (!is_array($css_files)) $css_files = array('' => $css_files); // Add to the front of $this->_css unset($this->_css[$title]); $this->_css = array_merge(array($title => $css_files), $this->_css); } /** Set alternate CSS source for this theme. * * @param string $title Name of style. * @param string $css_files Name of CSS file. */ function addAlternateCSS ($title, $css_files) { if (!is_array($css_files)) $css_files = array('' => $css_files); $this->_css[$title] = $css_files; } /** * @return string HTML for CSS. */ function getCSS () { $css = array(); $is_alt = false; foreach ($this->_css as $title => $css_files) { ksort($css_files); // move $css_files[''] to front. foreach ($css_files as $media => $css_file) { if (!empty($this->DUMP_MODE)) { if ($media == 'print') $css[] = $this->_CSSlink($title, $css_file, '', $is_alt); } else { $css[] = $this->_CSSlink($title, $css_file, $media, $is_alt); } if ($is_alt) break; } $is_alt = true; } return HTML($css); } function findTemplate ($name) { if ($tmp = $this->_findFile("templates/$name.tmpl", 1)) return $this->_path . $tmp; else { $f1 = $this->file("templates/$name.tmpl"); foreach ($this->_parents as $parent) { if ($tmp = $parent->_findFile("templates/$name.tmpl", 1)) return $this->_path . $tmp; } trigger_error("$f1 not found", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } } //$GLOBALS['request']->_MoreHeaders = array(); function addMoreHeaders ($element) { $GLOBALS['request']->_MoreHeaders[] = $element; if (!empty($this->_headers_printed) and $this->_headers_printed) { trigger_error(_("Some action(page) wanted to add more headers, but they were already printed.") ."\n". $element->asXML(), E_USER_NOTICE); } } /** * Singleton. Only called once, by the head template. See the warning above. */ function getMoreHeaders () { global $request; // actionpages cannot add headers, because recursive template expansion // already expanded the head template before. $this->_headers_printed = 1; if (empty($request->_MoreHeaders)) return ''; $out = ''; //$out = "\n"; foreach ($request->_MoreHeaders as $h) { if (is_object($h)) $out .= printXML($h); else $out .= "$h\n"; } return $out; } //$GLOBALS['request']->_MoreAttr = array(); // new arg: named elements to be able to remove them. such as DoubleClickEdit for htmldumps function addMoreAttr ($tag, $name, $element) { global $request; // protect from duplicate attr (body jscript: themes, prefs, ...) static $_attr_cache = array(); $hash = md5($tag."/".$element); if (!empty($_attr_cache[$hash])) return; $_attr_cache[$hash] = 1; if (empty($request->_MoreAttr) or !is_array($request->_MoreAttr[$tag])) $request->_MoreAttr[$tag] = array($name => $element); else $request->_MoreAttr[$tag][$name] = $element; } function getMoreAttr ($tag) { global $request; if (empty($request->_MoreAttr[$tag])) return ''; $out = ''; foreach ($request->_MoreAttr[$tag] as $name => $element) { if (is_object($element)) $out .= printXML($element); else $out .= "$element"; } return $out; } /** * Common Initialisations */ /** * The ->load() method replaces the formerly global code in themeinfo.php. * This is run only once for the selected theme, and not for the parent themes. * Without this you would not be able to derive from other themes. */ function load() { $this->initGlobals(); // CSS file defines fonts, colors and background images for this // style. The companion '*-heavy.css' file isn't defined, it's just // expected to be in the same directory that the base style is in. // This should result in phpwiki-printer.css being used when // printing or print-previewing with style "PhpWiki" or "MacOSX" selected. $this->setDefaultCSS('PhpWiki', array('' => 'phpwiki.css', 'print' => 'phpwiki-printer.css')); // This allows one to manually select "Printer" style (when browsing page) // to see what the printer style looks like. $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Printer"), 'phpwiki-printer.css', 'print, screen'); $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Top & bottom toolbars"), 'phpwiki-topbottombars.css'); $this->addAlternateCSS(_("Modern"), 'phpwiki-modern.css'); if (isBrowserIE()) { $this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('IEFixes.css'),'all')); $this->addMoreHeaders("\n"); } /** * The logo image appears on every page and links to the HomePage. */ $this->addImageAlias('logo', WIKI_NAME . 'Logo.png'); $this->addImageAlias('search', 'search.png'); /** * The Signature image is shown after saving an edited page. If this * is set to false then the "Thank you for editing..." screen will * be omitted. */ $this->addImageAlias('signature', WIKI_NAME . "Signature.png"); // Uncomment this next line to disable the signature. //$this->addImageAlias('signature', false); /* * Link icons. */ $this->setLinkIcon('http'); $this->setLinkIcon('https'); $this->setLinkIcon('ftp'); $this->setLinkIcon('mailto'); $this->setLinkIcon('interwiki'); $this->setLinkIcon('wikiuser'); $this->setLinkIcon('*', 'url'); $this->setButtonSeparator("\n | "); /** * WikiWords can automatically be split by inserting spaces between * the words. The default is to leave WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo. */ $this->setAutosplitWikiWords(false); /** * Layout improvement with dangling links for mostly closed wiki's: * If false, only users with edit permissions will be presented the * special wikiunknown class with "?" and Tooltip. * If true (default), any user will see the ?, but will be presented * the PrintLoginForm on a click. */ //$this->setAnonEditUnknownLinks(false); /* * You may adjust the formats used for formatting dates and times * below. (These examples give the default formats.) * Formats are given as format strings to PHP strftime() function See * http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php for details. * Do not include the server's zone (%Z), times are converted to the * user's time zone. * * Suggestion for french: * $this->setDateFormat("%A %e %B %Y"); * $this->setTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S"); * Suggestion for capable php versions, using the server locale: * $this->setDateFormat("%x"); * $this->setTimeFormat("%X"); */ //$this->setDateFormat("%B %d, %Y"); //$this->setTimeFormat("%I:%M %p"); /* * To suppress times in the "Last edited on" messages, give a * give a second argument of false: */ //$this->setDateFormat("%B %d, %Y", false); /** * Custom UserPreferences: * A list of name => _UserPreference class pairs. * Rationale: Certain themes should be able to extend the predefined list * of preferences. Display/editing is done in the theme specific userprefs.tmpl * but storage/sanification/update/... must be extended to the Get/SetPreferences methods. * See themes/wikilens/themeinfo.php */ //$this->customUserPreference(); /** * Register custom PageList type and define custom PageList classes. * Rationale: Certain themes should be able to extend the predefined list * of pagelist types. E.g. certain plugins, like MostPopular might use * info=pagename,hits,rating * which displays the rating column whenever the wikilens theme is active. * See themes/wikilens/themeinfo.php */ //$this->addPageListColumn(); } // end of load /** * Custom UserPreferences: * A list of name => _UserPreference class pairs. * Rationale: Certain themes should be able to extend the predefined list * of preferences. Display/editing is done in the theme specific userprefs.tmpl * but storage/sanification/update/... must be extended to the Get/SetPreferences methods. * These values are just ignored if another theme is used. */ function customUserPreferences($array) { global $customUserPreferenceColumns; // FIXME: really a global? if (empty($customUserPreferenceColumns)) $customUserPreferenceColumns = array(); //array('wikilens' => new _UserPreference_wikilens()); foreach ($array as $field => $prefobj) { $customUserPreferenceColumns[$field] = $prefobj; } } /** addPageListColumn(array('rating' => new _PageList_Column_rating('rating', _("Rate")))) * Register custom PageList types for special themes, like * 'rating' for wikilens */ function addPageListColumn ($array) { global $customPageListColumns; if (empty($customPageListColumns)) $customPageListColumns = array(); foreach ($array as $column => $obj) { $customPageListColumns[$column] = $obj; } } function initGlobals() { global $request; static $already = 0; if (!$already) { $script_url = deduce_script_name(); if ((DEBUG & _DEBUG_REMOTE) and isset($_GET['start_debug'])) $script_url .= ("?start_debug=".$_GET['start_debug']); $folderArrowPath = dirname($this->_findData('images/folderArrowLoading.gif')); $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); $js = "var data_path = '". javascript_quote_string(DATA_PATH) ."';\n" ."var pagename = '". javascript_quote_string($pagename) ."';\n" ."var script_url= '". javascript_quote_string($script_url) ."';\n" ."var stylepath = data_path+'/".javascript_quote_string($this->_theme)."/';\n" ."var folderArrowPath = '".javascript_quote_string($folderArrowPath)."';\n" ."var use_path_info = " . (USE_PATH_INFO ? "true" : "false") .";\n"; $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript($js)); $already = 1; } } // Works only on action=browse. Patch #970004 by pixels // Usage: call $WikiTheme->initDoubleClickEdit() from theme init or // define ENABLE_DOUBLECLICKEDIT function initDoubleClickEdit() { if (!$this->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX) $this->addMoreAttr('body', 'DoubleClickEdit', HTML::Raw(" OnDblClick=\"url = document.URL; url2 = url; if (url.indexOf('?') != -1) url2 = url.slice(0, url.indexOf('?')); if ((url.indexOf('action') == -1) || (url.indexOf('action=browse') != -1)) document.location = url2 + '?action=edit';\"")); } // Immediate title search results via XMLHTML(HttpRequest) // by Bitflux GmbH, bitflux.ch. You need to install the livesearch.js seperately. // Google's or acdropdown is better. function initLiveSearch() { //subclasses of Sidebar will init this twice static $already = 0; if (!$this->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX and !$already) { $this->addMoreAttr('body', 'LiveSearch', HTML::Raw(" onload=\"liveSearchInit()")); $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('var liveSearchURI="' .WikiURL(_("TitleSearch"),false,true).'";')); $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array ('src' => $this->_findData('livesearch.js')))); $already = 1; } } // Immediate title search results via XMLHttpRequest // using the shipped moacdropdown js-lib function initMoAcDropDown() { //subclasses of Sidebar will init this twice static $already = 0; if (!$this->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX and !$already) { $dir = $this->_findData('moacdropdown'); // if autocomplete_remote is used: (getobject2 also for calc. the showlist width) if (DEBUG) { foreach (array("mobrowser.js","modomevent3.js","modomt.js", "modomext.js","getobject2.js","xmlextras.js") as $js) { $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => "$dir/js/$js"))); } $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => "$dir/js/acdropdown.js"))); } else { $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => DATA_PATH . "/themes/default/moacdropdown.js"))); } //$this->addMoreHeaders($this->_CSSlink(0, // $this->_findFile('moacdropdown/css/dropdown.css'), 'all')); $this->addMoreHeaders(HTML::style(array('type' => 'text/css'), " @import url( $dir/css/dropdown.css );\n")); /* // for local xmlrpc requests $xmlrpc_url = deduce_script_name(); //if (1 or DATABASE_TYPE == 'dba') $xmlrpc_url = DATA_PATH . "/RPC2.php"; if ((DEBUG & _DEBUG_REMOTE) and isset($_GET['start_debug'])) $xmlrpc_url .= ("?start_debug=".$_GET['start_debug']); $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript("var xmlrpc_url = '$xmlrpc_url'")); */ $already = 1; } } function calendarLink($date = false) { return $this->calendarBase() . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $date ? $date : time()); } function calendarBase() { static $UserCalPageTitle = false; global $request; if (!$UserCalPageTitle) $UserCalPageTitle = $request->_user->getId() . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . _("Calendar"); if (!$UserCalPageTitle) $UserCalPageTitle = (BLOG_EMPTY_DEFAULT_PREFIX ? '' : ($request->_user->getId() . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR)) . "Blog"; return $UserCalPageTitle; } function calendarInit($force = false) { $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); // display flat calender dhtml in the sidebar if ($force or $dbi->isWikiPage($this->calendarBase())) { $jslang = @$GLOBALS['LANG']; $this->addMoreHeaders ( $this->_CSSlink(0, $this->_findFile('jscalendar/calendar-phpwiki.css'), 'all')); $this->addMoreHeaders (JavaScript('', array('src' => $this->_findData('jscalendar/calendar'.(DEBUG?'':'_stripped').'.js')))); if (!($langfile = $this->_findData("jscalendar/lang/calendar-$jslang.js"))) $langfile = $this->_findData("jscalendar/lang/calendar-en.js"); $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('',array('src' => $langfile))); $this->addMoreHeaders (JavaScript('', array('src' => $this->_findData('jscalendar/calendar-setup'.(DEBUG?'':'_stripped').'.js')))); // Get existing date entries for the current user require_once("lib/TextSearchQuery.php"); $iter = $dbi->titleSearch(new TextSearchQuery("^".$this->calendarBase().SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR, true, "auto")); $existing = array(); while ($page = $iter->next()) { if ($page->exists()) $existing[] = basename($page->_pagename); } if (!empty($existing)) { $js_exist = '{"'.join('":1,"',$existing).'":1}'; //var SPECIAL_DAYS = {"2004-05-11":1,"2004-05-12":1,"2004-06-01":1} $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript(' /* This table holds the existing calender entries for the current user * calculated from the database */ var SPECIAL_DAYS = '.javascript_quote_string($js_exist).'; /* This function returns true if the date exists in SPECIAL_DAYS */ function dateExists(date, y, m, d) { var year = date.getFullYear(); m = m + 1; m = m < 10 ? "0" + m : m; // integer, 0..11 d = d < 10 ? "0" + d : d; // integer, 1..31 var date = year+"-"+m+"-"+d; var exists = SPECIAL_DAYS[date]; if (!exists) return false; else return true; } // This is the actual date status handler. // Note that it receives the date object as well as separate // values of year, month and date. function dateStatusFunc(date, y, m, d) { if (dateExists(date, y, m, d)) return "existing"; else return false; } ')); } else { $this->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript(' function dateStatusFunc(date, y, m, d) { return false;}')); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Events // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** CbUserLogin (&$request, $userid) * Callback when a user logs in */ function CbUserLogin (&$request, $userid) { ; // do nothing } /** CbNewUserEdit (&$request, $userid) * Callback when a new user creates or edits a page */ function CbNewUserEdit (&$request, $userid) { ; // i.e. create homepage with Template/UserPage } /** CbNewUserLogin (&$request, $userid) * Callback when a "new user" logs in. * What is new? We only record changes, not logins. * Should we track user actions? * Let's say a new user is a user without homepage. */ function CbNewUserLogin (&$request, $userid) { ; // do nothing } /** CbUserLogout (&$request, $userid) * Callback when a user logs out */ function CbUserLogout (&$request, $userid) { ; // do nothing } }; /** * A class representing a clickable "button". * * In it's simplest (default) form, a "button" is just a link associated * with some sort of wiki-action. */ class Button extends HtmlElement { /** Constructor * * @param $text string The text for the button. * @param $url string The url (href) for the button. * @param $class string The CSS class for the button. * @param $options array Additional attributes for the <input> tag. */ function Button ($text, $url, $class=false, $options=false) { global $request; //php5 workaround if (check_php_version(5)) { $this->_init('a', array('href' => $url)); } else { $this->__construct('a', array('href' => $url)); } if ($class) $this->setAttr('class', $class); if ($request->getArg('frame')) $this->setAttr('target', '_top'); if (!empty($options) and is_array($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $val) $this->setAttr($key, $val); } // Google honors this if (in_array(strtolower($text), array('edit','create','diff','pdf')) and !$request->_user->isAuthenticated()) $this->setAttr('rel', 'nofollow'); $this->pushContent($GLOBALS['WikiTheme']->maybeSplitWikiWord($text)); } }; /** * A clickable image button. */ class ImageButton extends Button { /** Constructor * * @param $text string The text for the button. * @param $url string The url (href) for the button. * @param $class string The CSS class for the button. * @param $img_url string URL for button's image. * @param $img_attr array Additional attributes for the <img> tag. */ function ImageButton ($text, $url, $class, $img_url, $img_attr=false) { $this->__construct('a', array('href' => $url)); if ($class) $this->setAttr('class', $class); // Google honors this if (in_array(strtolower($text), array('edit','create','diff','pdf')) and !$GLOBALS['request']->_user->isAuthenticated()) $this->setAttr('rel', 'nofollow'); if (!is_array($img_attr)) $img_attr = array(); $img_attr['src'] = $img_url; $img_attr['alt'] = $text; $img_attr['class'] = 'wiki-button'; $img_attr['border'] = 0; $this->pushContent(HTML::img($img_attr)); } }; /** * A class representing a form submit button. */ class SubmitButton extends HtmlElement { /** Constructor * * @param $text string The text for the button. * @param $name string The name of the form field. * @param $class string The CSS class for the button. * @param $options array Additional attributes for the <input> tag. */ function SubmitButton ($text, $name=false, $class=false, $options=false) { $this->__construct('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => $text)); if ($name) $this->setAttr('name', $name); if ($class) $this->setAttr('class', $class); if (!empty($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $val) $this->setAttr($key, $val); } } }; /** * A class representing an image form submit button. */ class SubmitImageButton extends SubmitButton { /** Constructor * * @param $text string The text for the button. * @param $name string The name of the form field. * @param $class string The CSS class for the button. * @param $img_url string URL for button's image. * @param $img_attr array Additional attributes for the <img> tag. */ function SubmitImageButton ($text, $name=false, $class=false, $img_url, $img_attr=false) { $this->__construct('input', array('type' => 'image', 'src' => $img_url, 'value' => $text, 'alt' => $text)); if ($name) $this->setAttr('name', $name); if ($class) $this->setAttr('class', $class); if (!empty($img_attr)) { foreach ($img_attr as $key => $val) $this->setAttr($key, $val); } } }; /** * A sidebar box with title and body, narrow fixed-width. * To represent abbrevated content of plugins, links or forms, * like "Getting Started", "Search", "Sarch Pagename", * "Login", "Menu", "Recent Changes", "Last comments", "Last Blogs" * "Calendar" * ... See http://tikiwiki.org/ * * Usage: * sidebar.tmpl: * $menu = SidebarBox("Menu",HTML::dl(HTML::dt(...))); $menu->format(); * $menu = PluginSidebarBox("RecentChanges",array('limit'=>10)); $menu->format(); */ class SidebarBox { function SidebarBox($title, $body) { require_once('lib/WikiPlugin.php'); $this->title = $title; $this->body = $body; } function format() { return WikiPlugin::makeBox($this->title, $this->body); } } /** * A sidebar box for plugins. * Any plugin may provide a box($args=false, $request=false, $basepage=false) * method, with the help of WikiPlugin::makeBox() */ class PluginSidebarBox extends SidebarBox { var $_plugin, $_args = false, $_basepage = false; function PluginSidebarBox($name, $args = false, $basepage = false) { require_once("lib/WikiPlugin.php"); $loader = new WikiPluginLoader(); $plugin = $loader->getPlugin($name); if (!$plugin) { return $loader->_error(sprintf(_("Plugin %s: undefined"), $name)); }/* if (!method_exists($plugin, 'box')) { return $loader->_error(sprintf(_("%s: has no box method"), get_class($plugin))); }*/ $this->_plugin =& $plugin; $this->_args = $args ? $args : array(); $this->_basepage = $basepage; } function format($args = false) { return $this->_plugin->box($args ? array_merge($this->_args, $args) : $this->_args, $GLOBALS['request'], $this->_basepage); } } // Various boxes which are no plugins class RelatedLinksBox extends SidebarBox { function RelatedLinksBox($title = false, $body = '', $limit = 20) { global $request; $this->title = $title ? $title : _("Related Links"); $this->body = HTML($body); $page = $request->getPage($request->getArg('pagename')); $revision = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $page_content = $revision->getTransformedContent(); //$cache = &$page->_wikidb->_cache; $counter = 0; $sp = HTML::Raw('· '); foreach ($page_content->getWikiPageLinks() as $link) { $linkto = $link['linkto']; if (!$request->_dbi->isWikiPage($linkto)) continue; $this->body->pushContent($sp, WikiLink($linkto), HTML::br()); $counter++; if ($limit and $counter > $limit) continue; } } } class RelatedExternalLinksBox extends SidebarBox { function RelatedExternalLinksBox($title = false, $body = '', $limit = 20) { global $request; $this->title = $title ? $title : _("External Links"); $this->body = HTML($body); $page = $request->getPage($request->getArg('pagename')); $cache = &$page->_wikidb->_cache; $counter = 0; $sp = HTML::Raw('· '); foreach ($cache->getWikiPageLinks() as $link) { $linkto = $link['linkto']; if ($linkto) { $this->body->pushContent($sp, WikiLink($linkto), HTML::br()); $counter++; if ($limit and $counter > $limit) continue; } } } } function listAvailableThemes() { $available_themes = array(); $dir_root = 'themes'; if (defined('PHPWIKI_DIR')) $dir_root = PHPWIKI_DIR . "/$dir_root"; $dir = dir($dir_root); if ($dir) { while($entry = $dir->read()) { if (is_dir($dir_root.'/'.$entry) and file_exists($dir_root.'/'.$entry.'/themeinfo.php')) { array_push($available_themes, $entry); } } $dir->close(); } return $available_themes; } function listAvailableLanguages() { $available_languages = array('en'); $dir_root = 'locale'; if (defined('PHPWIKI_DIR')) $dir_root = PHPWIKI_DIR . "/$dir_root"; if ($dir = dir($dir_root)) { while($entry = $dir->read()) { if (is_dir($dir_root."/".$entry) and is_dir($dir_root.'/'.$entry.'/LC_MESSAGES')) { array_push($available_languages, $entry); } } $dir->close(); } return $available_languages; } // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>