_transformer_tags = false; $this->BasePath = DATA_PATH.'/themes/default/Wikiwyg'; $this->_htmltextid = "edit:content"; $this->_wikitextid = "editareawiki"; $this->_jsdefault = " var base_url = '".DATA_PATH."'; var data_url = '$this->BasePath'; var script_url = '".deduce_script_name()."'; "; } function Head($name='edit[content]') { global $WikiTheme; foreach (array("Wikiwyg.js","Wikiwyg/Toolbar.js","Wikiwyg/Preview.js","Wikiwyg/Wikitext.js", "Wikiwyg/Wysiwyg.js","Wikiwyg/Phpwiki.js","Wikiwyg/HTML.js", "Wikiwyg/Toolbar.js") as $js) { $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders (Javascript('', array('src' => $this->BasePath . '/' . $js, 'language' => 'JavaScript'))); } $doubleClickToEdit = ($GLOBALS['request']->getPref('doubleClickEdit') or ENABLE_DOUBLECLICKEDIT) ? 'true' : 'false'; return JavaScript($this->_jsdefault . " window.onload = function() { var wikiwyg = new Wikiwyg.Phpwiki(); var config = { doubleClickToEdit: $doubleClickToEdit, javascriptLocation: base_url+'/themes/default/Wikiwyg/', toolbar: { imagesLocation: base_url+'/themes/default/Wikiwyg/images/', controlLayout: [ 'save','preview','|','save_button','|', 'mode_selector', '/', 'p','|', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4','|', 'bold', 'italic', '|', 'sup', 'sub', '|', 'toc', 'wikitext','|', 'pre','|', 'ordered', 'unordered','hr','|', 'link','|', 'table' ], styleSelector: [ 'label', 'p', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'pre' ], controlLabels: { save: '"._("Apply changes")."', cancel: '"._("Exit toolbar")."', h2: '"._("Title 1")."', h3: '"._("Title 2")."', h4: '"._("Title 3")."', verbatim: '"._("Verbatim")."', toc: '"._("Table of content")."', wikitext: '"._("Insert Wikitext section")."', sup: '"._("Sup")."', sub: '"._("Sub")."', preview: '"._("Preview")."', save_button:'"._("Save")."' } }, wysiwyg: { iframeId: 'iframe0' }, wikitext: { supportCamelCaseLinks: true } }; var div = document.getElementById(\"" . $this->_htmltextid . "\"); wikiwyg.createWikiwygArea(div, config); wikiwyg_divs.push(wikiwyg); wikiwyg.editMode(); }"); } function Textarea ($textarea, $wikitext, $name='edit[content]') { $htmltextid = $this->_htmltextid; $textarea->SetAttr('id', $htmltextid); $iframe0 = new RawXml(''); $out = HTML($textarea, $iframe0, "\n"); return $out; } /** * Handler to convert the Wiki Markup to HTML before editing. * This will be converted back by WysiwygEdit_ConvertAfter if required. * *text* => 'text' */ function ConvertBefore($text) { return $text; } /* * No special PHP HTML->Wikitext conversion needed. This is done in js thanksfully. * Avoided in editpage.php: PageEditor->getContent */ function ConvertAfter($text) { return TransformInline($text); } } /* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.4 2006/06/19 17:33:06 jeannicolas Add button to insert table of content plugin Add button to insert wikitext section in wysiwyg mode Fix internet explorer issue in wikitext mode. The toolbar in this mode didn't work. Revision 1.3 2006/05/31 19:59:57 jeannicolas Added wysiwyg_editor 1.1b Revision 1.2 2006/05/14 17:52:20 rurban fix syntax error. delete a left-over attempt to add CSS links also. We did put everything into phpwiki.css for browser compatibility. Revision 1.1 2006/05/13 19:59:55 rurban added wysiwyg_editor-1.3a feature by Jean-Nicolas GEREONE converted wysiwyg_editor-1.3a js to WysiwygEdit framework changed default ENABLE_WYSIWYG = true and added WYSIWYG_BACKEND = Wikiwyg */ // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>