_content = array(); $this->_pushContent_array(func_get_args()); } function pushContent($arg /*, ...*/) { if (func_num_args() > 1) $this->_pushContent_array(func_get_args()); elseif (is_array($arg)) $this->_pushContent_array($arg); else $this->_pushContent($arg); } function _pushContent_array($array) { foreach ($array as $item) { if (is_array($item)) $this->_pushContent_array($item); else $this->_pushContent($item); } } function _pushContent($item) { if (is_object($item) && strtolower(get_class($item)) == 'xmlcontent') array_splice($this->_content, count($this->_content), 0, $item->_content); else $this->_content[] = $item; } function unshiftContent($arg /*, ...*/) { if (func_num_args() > 1) $this->_unshiftContent_array(func_get_args()); elseif (is_array($arg)) $this->_unshiftContent_array($arg); else $this->_unshiftContent($arg); } function _unshiftContent_array($array) { foreach (array_reverse($array) as $item) { if (is_array($item)) $this->_unshiftContent_array($item); else $this->_unshiftContent($item); } } function _unshiftContent($item) { if (strtolower(get_class($item)) == 'xmlcontent') array_splice($this->_content, 0, 0, $item->_content); else array_unshift($this->_content, $item); } function getContent() { return $this->_content; } function setContent($arg /* , ... */) { $this->_content = array(); $this->_pushContent_array(func_get_args()); } function printXML() { foreach ($this->_content as $item) { if (is_object($item)) { if (method_exists($item, 'printXML')) $item->printXML(); elseif (method_exists($item, 'asXML')) echo $item->asXML(); elseif (method_exists($item, 'asString')) echo $this->_quote($item->asString()); else printf("==Object(%s)==", get_class($item)); } elseif (is_array($item)) { // DEPRECATED: // Use XmlContent objects instead of arrays for collections of XmlElements. trigger_error("Passing arrays to printXML() is deprecated: (" . AsXML($item, true) . ")", E_USER_NOTICE); foreach ($item as $x) $this->printXML($x); } else { echo $this->_quote((string)$item); } } } function asXML() { $xml = ''; foreach ($this->_content as $item) { if (is_object($item)) { if (method_exists($item, 'asXML')) $xml .= $item->asXML(); elseif (method_exists($item, 'asString')) $xml .= $this->_quote($item->asString()); else $xml .= sprintf("==Object(%s)==", get_class($item)); } elseif (is_array($item)) { trigger_error("Passing arrays to ->asXML() is deprecated: (" . AsXML($item, true) . ")", E_USER_NOTICE); foreach ($item as $x) $xml .= $this->asXML($x); } else $xml .= $this->_quote((string)$item); } return $xml; } function asPDF() { $pdf = ''; foreach ($this->_content as $item) { if (is_object($item)) { if (method_exists($item, 'asPDF')) $pdf .= $item->asPDF(); elseif (method_exists($item, 'asString')) $pdf .= $this->_quote($item->asString()); else $pdf .= sprintf("==Object(%s)==", get_class($item)); } else $pdf .= $this->_quote((string)$item); } return $pdf; } /* php-5.2 magic */ function __toString() { return $this->asString(); } function asString() { $val = ''; foreach ($this->_content as $item) { if (is_object($item)) { if (method_exists($item, 'asString')) { $string = $item->asString(); if (is_object($string)) { ; // ignore error so far: ImageLink labels } else { $val .= $this->_quote($item->asString()); } } else { $val .= sprintf("==Object(%s)==", get_class($item)); } } else $val .= (string)$item; } return trim($val); } /** * See if element is empty. * * Empty means it has no content. * @return bool True if empty. */ function isEmpty() { if (empty($this->_content)) return true; foreach ($this->_content as $x) { if (is_string($x) ? strlen($x) : !empty($x)) return false; } return true; } function _quote($string) { if (!$string) return $string; return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT, $GLOBALS['charset']); } } /** * An XML element. * * @param $tagname string Tag of html element. */ class XmlElement extends XmlContent { function XmlElement($tagname /* , $attr_or_content , ...*/) { //FIXME: php5 incompatible $this->XmlContent(); $this->_init(func_get_args()); } function _init($args) { if (!is_array($args)) $args = func_get_args(); assert(count($args) >= 1); //assert(is_string($args[0])); $this->_tag = array_shift($args); if ($args && is_array($args[0])) $this->_attr = array_shift($args); else { $this->_attr = array(); if ($args && $args[0] === false) array_shift($args); } $this->setContent($args); } /** Methods only needed for XmlParser, * to be fully compatible to perl Html::Element */ // doesn't yet work with php5 as __destruct() function _destruct() { if ($this->hasChildren()) { foreach ($this->getChildren() as $node) { $node->_destruct(); } } unset($this->_tag); unset($this->_attr); unset($this->_content); } function getChildren() { return $this->_children; } function hasChildren() { return !empty($this->_children); } /* End XmlParser Methods */ function getTag() { return $this->_tag; } function setAttr($attr, $value = false) { if (is_array($attr)) { assert($value === false); foreach ($attr as $a => $v) { $this->_attr[strtolower($a)] = $v; //$this->set($a, $v); } return; } assert(is_string($attr)); if ($value === false) { unset($this->_attr[$attr]); } else { if (is_bool($value)) $value = $attr; $this->_attr[$attr] = (string)$value; } if ($attr == 'class') unset($this->_classes); } function getAttr($attr) { if ($attr == 'class') $this->_setClasses(); if (isset($this->_attr[strtolower($attr)])) return $this->_attr[strtolower($attr)]; else return false; } function _getClasses() { if (!isset($this->_classes)) { $this->_classes = array(); if (isset($this->_attr['class'])) { $classes = explode(' ', (string)$this->_attr['class']); foreach ($classes as $class) { $class = trim($class); if ($class) $this->_classes[$class] = $class; } } } return $this->_classes; } function _setClasses() { if (isset($this->_classes)) { if ($this->_classes) $this->_attr['class'] = join(' ', $this->_classes); else unset($this->_attr['class']); } } /** * Manipulate the elements CSS class membership. * * This adds or remove an elements membership * in a give CSS class. * * @param $class string * * @param $in_class bool * If true (the default) the element is added to class $class. * If false, the element is removed from the class. */ function setInClass($class, $in_class = true) { $this->_getClasses(); $class = trim($class); if ($in_class) $this->_classes[$class] = $class; else unset($this->_classes[$class]); } /** * Is element in a given (CSS) class? * * This checks for the presence of a particular class in the * elements 'class' attribute. * * @param $class string The class to check for. * @return bool True if the element is a member of $class. */ function inClass($class) { $this->_parseClasses(); return isset($this->_classes[trim($class)]); } function startTag() { $start = "<" . $this->_tag; $this->_setClasses(); foreach ($this->_attr as $attr => $val) { if (is_bool($val)) { if (!$val) continue; $val = $attr; } $qval = str_replace("\"", '"', $this->_quote((string)$val)); $start .= " $attr=\"$qval\""; } $start .= ">"; return $start; } function emptyTag() { return substr($this->startTag(), 0, -1) . "/>"; } function endTag() { return "_tag>"; } function printXML() { if ($this->isEmpty()) echo $this->emptyTag(); else { echo $this->startTag(); // FIXME: The next two lines could be removed for efficiency if (!$this->hasInlineContent()) echo "\n"; XmlContent::printXML(); echo "_tag>"; } if (!$this->isInlineElement()) echo "\n"; } function asXML() { if ($this->isEmpty()) { $xml = $this->emptyTag(); } else { $xml = $this->startTag(); // FIXME: The next two lines could be removed for efficiency if (!$this->hasInlineContent()) $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= XmlContent::asXML(); $xml .= "_tag>"; } if (!$this->isInlineElement()) $xml .= "\n"; return $xml; } /** * Can this element have inline content? * * This is a hack, but is probably the best one can do without * knowledge of the DTD... */ function hasInlineContent() { // This is a hack. if (empty($this->_content)) return true; if (is_object($this->_content[0])) return false; return true; } /** * Is this element part of inline content? * * This is a hack, but is probably the best one can do without * knowledge of the DTD... */ function isInlineElement() { return false; } } class RawXml { function RawXml($xml_text) { $this->_xml = $xml_text; } function printXML() { echo $this->_xml; } /* php-5.2 magic */ function __toString() { return $this->_xml; } function asXML() { return $this->_xml; } function asString() { return $this->_xml; } function isEmpty() { return empty($this->_xml); } } class FormattedText { function FormattedText($fs /* , ... */) { if ($fs !== false) { $this->_init(func_get_args()); } } function _init($args) { $this->_fs = array_shift($args); // PHP's sprintf doesn't support variable width specifiers, // like sprintf("%*s", 10, "x"); --- so we won't either. $m = array(); if (!preg_match_all('/(?_fs, $m)) { $this->_args = $args; } else { // Format string has '%2$s' style argument reordering. // PHP doesn't support this. if (preg_match('/(?_fs)) // $fmt // literal variable name substitution only to keep locale // strings uncluttered trigger_error(sprintf(_("Can't mix “%s” with “%s” type format strings"), '%1\$s', “%s”), E_USER_WARNING); $this->_fs = preg_replace('/(?_fs); $this->_args = array(); foreach ($m[1] as $argnum) { if ($argnum < 1 || $argnum > count($args)) trigger_error(sprintf("%s: argument index out of range", $argnum), E_USER_WARNING); $this->_args[] = $args[$argnum - 1]; } } } function asXML() { // Not all PHP's have vsprintf, so... $args[] = XmlElement::_quote((string)$this->_fs); foreach ($this->_args as $arg) $args[] = AsXML($arg); return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); } function printXML() { // Not all PHP's have vsprintf, so... $args[] = XmlElement::_quote((string)$this->_fs); foreach ($this->_args as $arg) $args[] = AsXML($arg); call_user_func_array('printf', $args); } function asString() { $args[] = $this->_fs; foreach ($this->_args as $arg) $args[] = AsString($arg); return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); } /* php-5.2 magic */ function __toString() { return $this->asString(); } } /** * PHP5 compatibility * Error[2048]: Non-static method XmlContent::_quote() should not be called statically * Note: There's lot of room for performance increase if the right charset variant can * be created on load-time. */ function XmlContent_quote($string) { if (!$string) return $string; if (isset($GLOBALS['charset']) and (!defined('IGNORE_CHARSET_NOT_SUPPORTED_WARNING') or !IGNORE_CHARSET_NOT_SUPPORTED_WARNING) ) { return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT, $GLOBALS['charset']); } else { return htmlspecialchars($string); } } function PrintXML($val /* , ... */) { if (func_num_args() > 1) { foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) PrintXML($arg); } elseif (is_object($val)) { if (method_exists($val, 'printXML')) $val->printXML(); elseif (method_exists($val, 'asXML')) { echo $val->asXML(); } elseif (method_exists($val, 'asString')) echo XmlContent_quote($val->asString()); else printf("==Object(%s)==", get_class($val)); } elseif (is_array($val)) { // DEPRECATED: // Use XmlContent objects instead of arrays for collections of XmlElements. trigger_error("Passing arrays to PrintXML() is deprecated: (" . AsXML($val, true) . ")", E_USER_NOTICE); foreach ($val as $x) PrintXML($x); } else echo (string)XmlContent_quote((string)$val); } function AsXML($val /* , ... */) { static $nowarn; if (func_num_args() > 1) { $xml = ''; foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) $xml .= AsXML($arg); return $xml; } elseif (is_object($val)) { if (method_exists($val, 'asXML')) return $val->asXML(); elseif (method_exists($val, 'asString')) return XmlContent_quote($val->asString()); else return sprintf("==Object(%s)==", get_class($val)); } elseif (is_array($val)) { // DEPRECATED: // Use XmlContent objects instead of arrays for collections of XmlElements. if (empty($nowarn)) { $nowarn = true; trigger_error("Passing arrays to AsXML() is deprecated: (" . AsXML($val) . ")", E_USER_NOTICE); unset($nowarn); } $xml = ''; foreach ($val as $x) $xml .= AsXML($x); return $xml; } else return XmlContent_quote((string)$val); } function AsString($val) { if (func_num_args() > 1) { $str = ''; foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) $str .= AsString($arg); return $str; } elseif (is_object($val)) { if (method_exists($val, 'asString')) return $val->asString(); else return sprintf("==Object(%s)==", get_class($val)); } elseif (is_array($val)) { // DEPRECATED: // Use XmlContent objects instead of arrays for collections of XmlElements. trigger_error("Passing arrays to AsString() is deprecated", E_USER_NOTICE); $str = ''; foreach ($val as $x) $str .= AsString($x); return $str; } return (string)$val; } function fmt($fs /* , ... */) { $s = new FormattedText(false); $args = func_get_args(); $args[0] = _($args[0]); $s->_init($args); return $s; } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: