// You may copy this code freely under the conditions of the GPL. // require_once('lib/difflib.php'); require_once('lib/HtmlElement.php'); class _HWLDF_WordAccumulator { function _HWLDF_WordAccumulator () { $this->_lines = array(); $this->_line = false; $this->_group = false; $this->_tag = '~begin'; } function _flushGroup ($new_tag) { if ($this->_group !== false) { $this->_line[] = ( $this->_tag ? new HtmlElement($this->_tag, $this->_group) : $this->_group ); } $this->_group = ''; $this->_tag = $new_tag; } function _flushLine ($new_tag) { $this->_flushGroup($new_tag); if ($this->_line !== false) $this->_lines[] = $this->_line; $this->_line = array(); } function addWords ($words, $tag = '') { if ($tag != $this->_tag) $this->_flushGroup($tag); foreach ($words as $word) { // new-line should only come as first char of word. if (!$word) continue; if ($word[0] == "\n") { $this->_group .= NBSP; $this->_flushLine($tag); $word = substr($word, 1); } assert(!strstr($word, "\n")); $this->_group .= $word; } } function getLines() { $this->_flushLine('~done'); return $this->_lines; } } class WordLevelDiff extends MappedDiff { function WordLevelDiff ($orig_lines, $final_lines) { list ($orig_words, $orig_stripped) = $this->_split($orig_lines); list ($final_words, $final_stripped) = $this->_split($final_lines); $this->MappedDiff($orig_words, $final_words, $orig_stripped, $final_stripped); } function _split($lines) { // FIXME: fix POSIX char class. if (!preg_match_all('/ ( [^\S\n]+ | [[:alnum:]]+ | . ) (?: (?!< \n) [^\S\n])? /xs', implode("\n", $lines), $m)) { return array(array(''), array('')); } return array($m[0], $m[1]); } function orig () { $orig = new _HWLDF_WordAccumulator; foreach ($this->edits as $edit) { if ($edit->type == 'copy') $orig->addWords($edit->orig); elseif ($edit->orig) $orig->addWords($edit->orig, 'del'); } return $orig->getLines(); } function final () { $final = new _HWLDF_WordAccumulator; foreach ($this->edits as $edit) { if ($edit->type == 'copy') $final->addWords($edit->final); elseif ($edit->final) $final->addWords($edit->final, 'ins'); } return $final->getLines(); } } /** * HTML unified diff formatter. * * This class formats a diff into a CSS-based * unified diff format. * * Within groups of changed lines, diffs are highlit * at the character-diff level. */ class HtmlUnifiedDiffFormatter extends UnifiedDiffFormatter { function HtmlUnifiedDiffFormatter($context_lines = 4) { $this->UnifiedDiffFormatter($context_lines); } function _start_diff() { $this->_top = HTML::div(array('class' => 'diff')); } function _end_diff() { $val = $this->_top; unset($this->_top); return $val; } function _start_block($header) { $this->_block = HTML::div(array('class' => 'block'), HTML::tt($header)); } function _end_block() { $this->_top->pushContent($this->_block); unset($this->_block); } function _lines($lines, $class, $prefix = NBSP, $elem = false) { foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($elem) $line = new HtmlElement($elem, $line); $this->_block->pushContent(HTML::div(array('class' => $class), HTML::tt(array('class' => 'prefix'), $prefix), $line, NBSP)); } } function _context($lines) { $this->_lines($lines, 'context'); } function _deleted($lines) { $this->_lines($lines, 'deleted', '-', 'del'); } function _added($lines) { $this->_lines($lines, 'added', '+', 'ins'); } function _changed($orig, $final) { $diff = new WordLevelDiff($orig, $final); $this->_lines($diff->orig(), 'original', '-'); $this->_lines($diff->final(), 'final', '+'); } } /** * HTML table-based unified diff formatter. * * This class formats a diff into a table-based * unified diff format. (Similar to what was produced * by previous versions of PhpWiki.) * * Within groups of changed lines, diffs are highlit * at the character-diff level. */ class TableUnifiedDiffFormatter extends HtmlUnifiedDiffFormatter { function TableUnifiedDiffFormatter($context_lines = 4) { $this->HtmlUnifiedDiffFormatter($context_lines); } function _start_diff() { $this->_top = HTML::table(array('width' => '100%', 'class' => 'diff', 'cellspacing' => 1, 'cellpadding' => 1, 'border' => 1)); } function _start_block($header) { $this->_block = HTML::table(array('width' => '100%', 'class' => 'block', 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 1, 'border' => 0), HTML::tr(HTML::td(array('colspan' => 2), HTML::tt($header)))); } function _end_block() { $this->_top->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::td($this->_block))); unset($this->_block); } function _lines($lines, $class, $prefix = NBSP, $elem = false) { $prefix = HTML::td(array('class' => 'prefix', 'width' => "1%"), $prefix); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (! trim($line)) $line = NBSP; elseif ($elem) $line = new HtmlElement($elem, $line); $this->_block->pushContent(HTML::tr(array('valign' => 'top'), $prefix, HTML::td(array('class' => $class), $line))); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function PageInfoRow ($label, $rev) { global $Theme; $row = HTML::tr(HTML::td(array('align' => 'right'), $label)); if ($rev) { $linked_version = HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($rev)), $rev->getVersion()); $row->pushContent(HTML::td(fmt("version %s", $linked_version)), HTML::td(fmt("last modified on %s", $Theme->formatDateTime($rev->get('mtime')))), HTML::td(fmt("by %s", $rev->get('author')))); } else { $row->pushContent(HTML::td(array('colspan' => '3'), _("None"))); } return $row; } function showDiff (&$request) { $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); if (is_array($versions = $request->getArg('versions'))) { // Version selection from pageinfo.php display: rsort($versions); list ($version, $previous) = $versions; } else { $version = $request->getArg('version'); $previous = $request->getArg('previous'); } $page = $request->getPage(); if ($version) { if (!($new = $page->getRevision($version))) NoSuchRevision($request, $page, $version); $new_version = fmt("version %d", $version); } else { $new = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $new_version = _("current version"); } if (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $previous)) { if ( !($old = $page->getRevision($previous)) ) NoSuchRevision($request, $page, $previous); $old_version = fmt("version %d", $previous); $others = array('major', 'minor', 'author'); } else { switch ($previous) { case 'major': $old = $new; while ($old = $page->getRevisionBefore($old)) { if (! $old->get('is_minor_edit')) break; } $old_version = _("previous major revision"); $others = array('minor', 'author'); break; case 'author': $old = $new; while ($old = $page->getRevisionBefore($old)) { if ($old->get('author') != $new->get('author')) break; } $old_version = _("revision by previous author"); $others = array('major', 'minor'); break; case 'minor': default: $previous='minor'; $old = $page->getRevisionBefore($new); $old_version = _("previous revision"); $others = array('major', 'author'); break; } } global $Theme; $new_link = HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($new)), $new_version); $old_link = HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($old ? $old : $page)), $old_version); $page_link = $Theme->LinkExistingWikiWord($page->getName()); $html[] = HTML::p(fmt("Differences between %s and %s of %s.", $new_link, $old_link, $page_link)); $otherdiffs = HTML::p(_("Other diffs:")); $label = array('major' => _("Previous Major Revision"), 'minor' => _("Previous Revision"), 'author'=> _("Previous Author")); foreach ($others as $other) { $args = array('action' => 'diff', 'previous' => $other); if ($version) $args['version'] = $version; if (count($otherdiffs->getContent()) > 1) $otherdiffs->pushContent(", "); else $otherdiffs->pushContent(" "); $otherdiffs->pushContent(HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($page, $args), 'class' => 'wikiaction'), $label[$other])); } $html[] = $otherdiffs; if ($old and $old->getVersion() == 0) $old = false; $html[] = HTML::Table(PageInfoRow(_("Newer page:"), $new), PageInfoRow(_("Older page:"), $old)); if ($new && $old) { $diff = new Diff($old->getContent(), $new->getContent()); if ($diff->isEmpty()) { $html[] = HTML::hr(); $html[] = HTML::p('[', _("Versions are identical"), ']'); } else { // New CSS formatted unified diffs (ugly in NS4). $fmt = new HtmlUnifiedDiffFormatter; // Use this for old table-formatted diffs. //$fmt = new TableUnifiedDiffFormatter; $html[] = $fmt->format($diff); } } include_once('lib/Template.php'); GeneratePage($html, sprintf(_("Diff: %s"), $pagename), $new); } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>