// You may copy this code freely under the conditions of the GPL. // require_once 'lib/difflib.php'; class _Diff3_Block { public $type = 'diff3'; function _Diff3_Block($orig = false, $final1 = false, $final2 = false) { $this->orig = $orig ? $orig : array(); $this->final1 = $final1 ? $final1 : array(); $this->final2 = $final2 ? $final2 : array(); } function merged() { if (!isset($this->_merged)) { if ($this->final1 === $this->final2) $this->_merged = &$this->final1; elseif ($this->final1 === $this->orig) $this->_merged = &$this->final2; elseif ($this->final2 === $this->orig) $this->_merged = &$this->final1; else $this->_merged = false; } return $this->_merged; } function is_conflict() { return $this->merged() === false; } } class _Diff3_CopyBlock extends _Diff3_Block { public $type = 'copy'; function __construct($lines = array()) { $this->orig = $lines ? $lines : array(); $this->final1 = &$this->orig; $this->final2 = &$this->orig; } function merged() { return $this->orig; } function is_conflict() { return false; } } class _Diff3_BlockBuilder { public $orig; public $final1; public $final2; function __construct() { $this->_init(); } function _init() { $this->orig = $this->final1 = $this->final2 = array(); } function _append(&$array, $lines) { array_splice($array, sizeof($array), 0, $lines); } function input($lines) { if ($lines) $this->_append($this->orig, $lines); } function out1($lines) { if ($lines) $this->_append($this->final1, $lines); } function out2($lines) { if ($lines) $this->_append($this->final2, $lines); } function is_empty() { return !$this->orig && !$this->final1 && !$this->final2; } function finish() { if ($this->is_empty()) return false; else { $block = new _Diff3_Block($this->orig, $this->final1, $this->final2); $this->_init(); return $block; } } } class Diff3 { function __construct($orig, $final1, $final2) { $eng = new _DiffEngine; $this->ConflictingBlocks = 0; //Conflict counter $this->blocks = $this->__diff3($eng->diff($orig, $final1), $eng->diff($orig, $final2)); } function __diff3($edits1, $edits2) { $blocks = array(); $bb = new _Diff3_BlockBuilder; $e1 = current($edits1); $e2 = current($edits2); while ($e1 || $e2) { // echo "====\n"; // print_r($e1); // print_r($e2); // echo "====\n"; if ($e1 && $e2 && $e1->type == 'copy' && $e2->type == 'copy') { // We have copy blocks from both diffs. This is the (only) // time we want to emit a diff3 copy block. // Flush current diff3 diff block, if any if ($block = $bb->finish()) $blocks[] = $block; $ncopy = min($e1->norig(), $e2->norig()); assert($ncopy > 0); $blocks[] = new _Diff3_CopyBlock(array_slice($e1->orig, 0, $ncopy)); if ($e1->norig() > $ncopy) { array_splice($e1->orig, 0, $ncopy); array_splice($e1->final, 0, $ncopy); } else $e1 = next($edits1); if ($e2->norig() > $ncopy) { array_splice($e2->orig, 0, $ncopy); array_splice($e2->final, 0, $ncopy); } else $e2 = next($edits2); } else { if ($e1 && $e2) { if ($e1->orig && $e2->orig) { $norig = min($e1->norig(), $e2->norig()); $orig = array_splice($e1->orig, 0, $norig); array_splice($e2->orig, 0, $norig); $bb->input($orig); } if ($e1->type == 'copy') $bb->out1(array_splice($e1->final, 0, $norig)); if ($e2->type == 'copy') $bb->out2(array_splice($e2->final, 0, $norig)); } if ($e1 && !$e1->orig) { $bb->out1($e1->final); $e1 = next($edits1); } if ($e2 && !$e2->orig) { $bb->out2($e2->final); $e2 = next($edits2); } } } if ($block = $bb->finish()) $blocks[] = $block; return $blocks; } function merged_output($label1 = false, $label2 = false) { $lines = array(); foreach ($this->blocks as $block) { if ($block->is_conflict()) { // FIXME: this should probably be moved somewhere else... $lines = array_merge($lines, array("<<<<<<<" . ($label1 ? " $label1" : '')), $block->final1, array("======="), $block->final2, array(">>>>>>>" . ($label2 ? " $label2" : ''))); $this->ConflictingBlocks++; } else { $lines = array_merge($lines, $block->merged()); } } return $lines; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: