asRegexp(); // iterate over the pagelinks (could be a large number) [15ms on PluginManager] // or do a titleSearch and check the categories if they are linked? $links = $page->getPageLinks(); $keywords[] = SplitPagename($page->getName()); while ($link = $links->next()) { if (preg_match($KeywordLinkRegexp, $link->getName(), $m)) $keywords[] = SplitPagename($m[0]); } $keywords[] = WIKI_NAME; return join(', ', $keywords); } /** Make a link back to redirecting page. * * @param $pagename string Name of redirecting page. * @return XmlContent Link to the redirecting page. */ function RedirectorLink($pagename) { $url = WikiURL($pagename, array('redirectfrom' => '')); return HTML::a(array('class' => 'redirectfrom wiki', 'href' => $url), $pagename); } function actionPage(&$request, $action) { global $WikiTheme; $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); $version = $request->getArg('version'); $page = $request->getPage(); $revision = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $dbi = $request->getDbh(); $actionpage = $dbi->getPage($action); $actionrev = $actionpage->getCurrentRevision(); $pagetitle = HTML(fmt("%s: %s", $actionpage->getName(), $WikiTheme->linkExistingWikiWord($pagename, false, $version))); $validators = new HTTP_ValidatorSet(array('pageversion' => $revision->getVersion(), '%mtime' => $revision->get('mtime'))); $request->appendValidators(array('pagerev' => $revision->getVersion(), '%mtime' => $revision->get('mtime'))); $request->appendValidators(array('actionpagerev' => $actionrev->getVersion(), '%mtime' => $actionrev->get('mtime'))); $transformedContent = $actionrev->getTransformedContent(); /* Optionally tell google (and others) not to take notice of action pages. RecentChanges or AllPages might be an exception. */ $args = array(); if (GOOGLE_LINKS_NOFOLLOW) $args = array('ROBOTS_META' => "noindex,nofollow"); /* Handle other formats: So far we had html only. xml is requested by loaddump, rss is handled by recentchanges, pdf is a special action, but should be a format to dump multiple pages if the actionpage plugin returns a pagelist. rdf and owl are handled by SemanticWeb. */ $format = $request->getArg('format'); /* At first the single page formats: html, xml */ if (!$format or $format == 'html') { $template = Template('browse', array('CONTENT' => $transformedContent)); GeneratePage($template, $pagetitle, $revision, $args); } elseif ($format == 'xml') { $template = Template('browse', array('CONTENT' => $transformedContent)); GeneratePageAsXML($template, $pagetitle, $revision, $args); } else { $pagelist = null; // Then the multi-page formats // rss (if not already handled by RecentChanges) // Need the pagelist from the first plugin foreach($transformedContent->_content as $cached_element) { if (is_a($cached_element, "Cached_PluginInvocation")) { include_once('lib/WikiPlugin.php'); $loader = new WikiPluginLoader; $markup = null; // return the first found pagelist $pagelist = $loader->expandPI($cached_element->_pi, $GLOBALS['request'], $markup, $pagename); if (is_a($pagelist, 'PageList')) break; } } if (!$pagelist or !is_a($pagelist, 'PageList')) { if (!in_array($format, array("atom","rss","rdf"))) trigger_error(sprintf("Format %s requires an actionpage returning an pagelist.", $format) . ("Fall back to single page mode"), E_USER_WARNING); $pagelist = new PageList(); $pagelist->addPage($page); } if ($format == 'pdf') { include_once("lib/pdf.php"); ConvertAndDisplayPdfPageList($request, $pagelist); } elseif ($format == 'rss') { include_once("lib/plugin/RecentChanges.php"); $rdf = new RssWriter($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'rss91') { include_once("lib/plugin/RecentChanges.php"); $rdf = new RSS91Writer($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'rss2') { include_once("lib/RssWriter2.php"); $rdf = new RssWriter2($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'atom') { include_once("lib/plugin/RssWriter.php"); $rdf = new AtomWriter($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'rdf') { // all semantic relations and attributes include_once("lib/SemanticWeb.php"); $rdf = new RdfWriter($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'owl') { include_once("lib/SemanticWeb.php"); $rdf = new OwlWriter($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'kbmodel') { include_once("lib/SemanticWeb.php"); $model = new ModelWriter($request, $pagelist); $model->format(); } else { trigger_error(sprintf("Unhandled format %s. Reverting to html", $format), E_USER_WARNING); $template = Template('browse', array('CONTENT' => $transformedContent)); GeneratePage($template, $pagetitle, $revision, $args); } } $request->checkValidators(); flush(); } function displayPage(&$request, $template=false) { global $WikiTheme; $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); $version = $request->getArg('version'); $page = $request->getPage(); if ($version) { $revision = $page->getRevision($version); if (!$revision) NoSuchRevision($request, $page, $version); /* Tell Google (and others) to ignore old versions of pages */ $toks['ROBOTS_META'] = "noindex,nofollow"; } else { $revision = $page->getCurrentRevision(); } if (isSubPage($pagename)) { $pages = explode(SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR, $pagename); $last_page = array_pop($pages); // deletes last element from array as side-effect $pageheader = HTML::span(HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pages[0]), 'class' => 'pagetitle' ), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($pages[0] . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR))); $first_pages = $pages[0] . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR; array_shift($pages); foreach ($pages as $p) { $pageheader->pushContent(HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($first_pages . $p), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($p . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR))); $first_pages .= $p . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR; } $backlink = HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pagename, array('action' => _("BackLinks"))), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($last_page)); $backlink->addTooltip(sprintf(_("BackLinks for %s"), $pagename)); $pageheader->pushContent($backlink); } else { $pageheader = HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pagename, array('action' => _("BackLinks"))), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($pagename)); $pageheader->addTooltip(sprintf(_("BackLinks for %s"), $pagename)); if ($request->getArg('frame')) $pageheader->setAttr('target', '_top'); } $pagetitle = SplitPagename($pagename); if (($redirect_from = $request->getArg('redirectfrom'))) { $redirect_message = HTML::span(array('class' => 'redirectfrom'), fmt("(Redirected from %s)", RedirectorLink($redirect_from))); // abuse the $redirected template var for some status update notice } elseif ($request->getArg('errormsg')) { $redirect_message = $request->getArg('errormsg'); $request->setArg('errormsg', false); } $request->appendValidators(array('pagerev' => $revision->getVersion(), '%mtime' => $revision->get('mtime'))); /* // FIXME: This is also in the template... if ($request->getArg('action') != 'pdf' and !headers_sent()) { // FIXME: enable MathML/SVG/... support if (ENABLE_XHTML_XML and (!isBrowserIE() and strstr($request->get('HTTP_ACCEPT'),'application/xhtml+xml'))) header("Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=" . $GLOBALS['charset']); else header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . $GLOBALS['charset']); } */ $page_content = $revision->getTransformedContent(); // If external searchengine (google) referrer, highlight the searchterm // FIXME: move that to the transformer? // OR: add the SearchHighlight plugin line to the content? if ($result = isExternalReferrer($request)) { if (!empty($result['query'])) { if (USE_SEARCHHIGHLIGHT) { /* Simply add the SearchHighlight plugin to the top of the page. This just parses the wikitext, and doesn't highlight the markup. At the top are some ugly references to the hits. */ include_once('lib/WikiPlugin.php'); $loader = new WikiPluginLoader; $xml = $loader->expandPI('<'.'?plugin SearchHighlight s="'.$result['query'].'"?'.'>', $request, $markup); if ($xml and is_array($xml)) { foreach (array_reverse($xml) as $line) { array_unshift($page_content->_content, $line); } array_unshift($page_content->_content, HTML::div(_("You searched for: "), HTML::strong($result['query']))); } } else { if (DEBUG) { /* Parse the transformed (mixed HTML links + strings) lines This looks like overkill, and should really be done in the expansion. Maybe by some expansion hook, which would make expansion even slower. */ require_once("lib/TextSearchQuery.php"); $query = new TextSearchQuery($result['query']); $hilight_re = $query->getHighlightRegexp(); //$matches = preg_grep("/$hilight_re/i", $revision->getContent()); // FIXME! for ($i=0; $i < count($page_content->_content); $i++) { $found = false; $line = $page_content->_content[$i]; if (is_string($line)) { $visline = strip_tags($line); while (preg_match("/^(.*?)($hilight_re)/i", $visline, $m)) { $visline = substr($visline, strlen($m[0])); $found = true; preg_match("/^(.*?)($hilight_re)/i", $line, $m); $line = substr($line, strlen($m[0])); $html[] = HTML::Raw($m[1]); // prematch $html[] = HTML::strong(array('class' => 'search-term'), $m[2]); // match } } if ($found) { $html[] = HTML::Raw($line); // postmatch $page_content->_content[$i] = HTML::span(array('class' => 'search-context'), $html); $html = array(); } } } } } } /* Check for special pagenames, which are no actionpages. */ /* if ( $pagename == _("RecentVisitors")) { $toks['ROBOTS_META']="noindex,follow"; } else */ if ($pagename == _("SandBox")) { $toks['ROBOTS_META']="noindex,nofollow"; } else if (!isset($toks['ROBOTS_META'])) { $toks['ROBOTS_META'] = "index,follow"; } $toks['CONTENT'] = new Template('browse', $request, $page_content); $toks['TITLE'] = $pagetitle; // tag $toks['HEADER'] = $pageheader; // h1 with backlink $toks['revision'] = $revision; if (!empty($redirect_message)) $toks['redirected'] = $redirect_message; $toks['PAGE_DESCRIPTION'] = $page_content->getDescription(); $toks['PAGE_KEYWORDS'] = GleanKeywords($page); if (!$template) $template = new Template('html', $request); // Handle other formats: So far we had html only. // xml is requested by loaddump, rss is handled by RecentChanges, // pdf is a special action, but should be a format to dump multiple pages // if the actionpage plugin returns a pagelist. // rdf, owl, kbmodel, daml, ... are handled by SemanticWeb. $format = $request->getArg('format'); /* Only single page versions. rss only if not already handled by RecentChanges. */ if (!$format or $format == 'html') { $template->printExpansion($toks); } elseif ($format == 'xml') { $template = new Template('htmldump', $request); $template->printExpansion($toks); } else { // No pagelist. Single page version only include_once("lib/PageList.php"); $pagelist = new PageList(); $pagelist->addPage($page); if ($format == 'pdf') { include_once("lib/pdf.php"); ConvertAndDisplayPdfPageList($request, $pagelist); } elseif ($format == 'rss') { include_once("lib/plugin/RecentChanges.php"); $rdf = new RssWriter($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'rss91') { include_once("lib/plugin/RecentChanges.php"); $rdf = new RSS91Writer($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'rss2') { include_once("lib/RssWriter2.php"); $rdf = new RssWriter2($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'atom') { include_once("lib/plugin/RssWriter.php"); $rdf = new AtomWriter($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'rdf') { // all semantic relations and attributes include_once("lib/SemanticWeb.php"); $rdf = new RdfWriter($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'owl') { include_once("lib/SemanticWeb.php"); $rdf = new OwlWriter($request, $pagelist); $rdf->format(); } elseif ($format == 'kbmodel') { include_once("lib/SemanticWeb.php"); $model = new ModelWriter($request, $pagelist); $model->format(); } else { trigger_error(sprintf("Unhandled format %s. Reverting to html", $format), E_USER_WARNING); $template->printExpansion($toks); } } $page->increaseHitCount(); if ($request->getArg('action') != 'pdf') $request->checkValidators(); flush(); } // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.66 2006/03/19 14:26:29 rurban // patch by Matt Brown: Add rel=nofollow to more actions // // Revision 1.65 2005/05/05 08:54:40 rurban // fix pagename split for title and header // // Revision 1.64 2005/04/23 11:21:55 rurban // honor theme-specific SplitWikiWord in the HEADER // // Revision 1.63 2004/11/30 17:48:38 rurban // just comments // // Revision 1.62 2004/11/30 09:51:35 rurban // changed KEYWORDS from pageprefix to search term. added installer detection. // // Revision 1.61 2004/11/21 11:59:19 rurban // remove final \n to be ob_cache independent // // Revision 1.60 2004/11/19 19:22:03 rurban // ModeratePage part1: change status // // Revision 1.59 2004/11/17 20:03:58 rurban // Typo: call SearchHighlight not SearchHighLight // // Revision 1.58 2004/11/09 17:11:16 rurban // * revert to the wikidb ref passing. there's no memory abuse there. // * use new wikidb->_cache->_id_cache[] instead of wikidb->_iwpcache, to effectively // store page ids with getPageLinks (GleanDescription) of all existing pages, which // are also needed at the rendering for linkExistingWikiWord(). // pass options to pageiterator. // use this cache also for _get_pageid() // This saves about 8 SELECT count per page (num all pagelinks). // * fix passing of all page fields to the pageiterator. // * fix overlarge session data which got broken with the latest ACCESS_LOG_SQL changes // // Revision 1.57 2004/11/01 10:43:57 rurban // seperate PassUser methods into seperate dir (memory usage) // fix WikiUser (old) overlarge data session // remove wikidb arg from various page class methods, use global ->_dbi instead // ... // // Revision 1.56 2004/10/14 13:44:14 rurban // fix lib/display.php:159: Warning[2]: Argument to array_reverse() should be an array // // Revision 1.55 2004/09/26 14:58:35 rurban // naive SearchHighLight implementation // // Revision 1.54 2004/09/17 14:19:41 rurban // disable Content-Type header for now, until it is fixed // // Revision 1.53 2004/06/25 14:29:20 rurban // WikiGroup refactoring: // global group attached to user, code for not_current user. // improved helpers for special groups (avoid double invocations) // new experimental config option ENABLE_XHTML_XML (fails with IE, and document.write()) // fixed a XHTML validation error on userprefs.tmpl // // Revision 1.52 2004/06/14 11:31:37 rurban // renamed global $Theme to $WikiTheme (gforge nameclash) // inherit PageList default options from PageList // default sortby=pagename // use options in PageList_Selectable (limit, sortby, ...) // added action revert, with button at action=diff // added option regex to WikiAdminSearchReplace // // Revision 1.51 2004/05/18 16:23:39 rurban // rename split_pagename to SplitPagename // // Revision 1.50 2004/05/04 22:34:25 rurban // more pdf support // // Revision 1.49 2004/04/18 01:11:52 rurban // more numeric pagename fixes. // fixed action=upload with merge conflict warnings. // charset changed from constant to global (dynamic utf-8 switching) // // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>