.*', '', GeneratePage('MESSAGE', $html, $title, 0)); } function EndLoadDump() { // FIXME: This is a hack echo Element('p', QElement('b', gettext("Complete."))); echo Element('p', "Return to " . LinkExistingWikiWord($GLOBALS['pagename'])); echo "\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Functions for dumping. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function MailifyPage ($page, $nversions = 1) { global $SERVER_ADMIN; $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $from = isset($SERVER_ADMIN) ? $SERVER_ADMIN : 'foo@bar'; $head = "From $from " . CTime(time()) . "\r\n"; $head .= "Subject: " . rawurlencode($page->getName()) . "\r\n"; $head .= "From: $from (PhpWiki)\r\n"; $head .= "Date: " . Rfc2822DateTime($current->get('mtime')) . "\r\n"; $head .= sprintf("Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki %s)\r\n", PHPWIKI_VERSION); $iter = $page->getAllRevisions(); $parts = array(); while ($revision = $iter->next()) { $parts[] = MimeifyPageRevision($revision); if ($nversions > 0 && count($parts) >= $nversions) break; } if (count($parts) > 1) return $head . MimeMultipart($parts); assert($parts); return $head . $parts[0]; } /*** * Compute filename to used for storing contents of a wiki page. * * Basically we do a rawurlencode() which encodes everything * except ASCII alphanumerics and '.', '-', and '_'. * * But we also want to encode leading dots to avoid filenames * like '.', and '..'. (Also, there's no point in generating * "hidden" file names, like '.foo'.) * * @param $pagename string Pagename. * @return string Filename for page. */ function FilenameForPage ($pagename) { $enc = rawurlencode($pagename); return preg_replace('/^\./', '%2e', $enc); } /** * The main() function which generates a zip archive of a PhpWiki. * * If $include_archive is false, only the current version of each page * is included in the zip file; otherwise all archived versions are * included as well. */ function MakeWikiZip ($dbi, $request) { if ($request->getArg('include') == 'all') { $zipname = "wikidb.zip"; $include_archive = true; } else { $zipname = "wiki.zip"; $include_archive = false; } $zip = new ZipWriter("Created by PhpWiki", $zipname); $pages = $dbi->getAllPages(); while ($page = $pages->next()) { set_time_limit(30); // Reset watchdog. $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); if ($current->getVersion() == 0) continue; $attrib = array('mtime' => $current->get('mtime'), 'is_ascii' => 1); if ($page->get('locked')) $attrib['write_protected'] = 1; if ($include_archive) $content = MailifyPage($page, 0); else $content = MailifyPage($page); $zip->addRegularFile( FilenameForPage($page->getName()), $content, $attrib); } $zip->finish(); } function DumpToDir ($dbi, $request) { $directory = $request->getArg('directory'); if (empty($directory)) ExitWiki(gettext("You must specify a directory to dump to")); // see if we can access the directory the user wants us to use if (! file_exists($directory)) { if (! mkdir($directory, 0755)) ExitWiki("Cannot create directory '$directory'
\n"); else $html = "Created directory '$directory' for the page dump...
\n"; } else { $html = "Using directory '$directory'
\n"; } StartLoadDump("Dumping Pages", $html); $pages = $dbi->getAllPages(); while ($page = $pages->next()) { $enc_name = htmlspecialchars($page->getName()); $filename = FilenameForPage($page->getName()); echo "
$enc_name ... "; if($page->getName() != $filename) echo "saved as $filename ... "; $data = MailifyPage($page); if ( !($fd = fopen("$directory/$filename", "w")) ) ExitWiki("couldn't open file '$directory/$filename' for writing\n"); $num = fwrite($fd, $data, strlen($data)); echo "$num bytes written\n"; flush(); assert($num == strlen($data)); fclose($fd); } EndLoadDump(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Functions for restoring. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function SavePage ($dbi, $pageinfo, $source, $filename) { $pagedata = $pageinfo['pagedata']; // Page level meta-data. $versiondata = $pageinfo['versiondata']; // Revision level meta-data. if (empty($pageinfo['pagename'])) { echo Element('dd'). Element('dt', QElement('b', "Empty pagename!")); return; } if (empty($versiondata['author_id'])) $versiondata['author_id'] = $versiondata['author']; $pagename = $pageinfo['pagename']; $content = $pageinfo['content']; $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); foreach ($pagedata as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) $page->set($key, $value); } $mesg = array(); $skip = false; if ($source) $mesg[] = sprintf(gettext("from %s"), $source); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); if ($current->getVersion() == 0) { $mesg[] = gettext("new page"); $isnew = true; } else { if ($current->getPackedContent() == $content && $current->get('author') == $versiondata['author']) { $mesg[] = sprintf(gettext("is identical to current version %d"), $current->getVersion()); $mesg[] = gettext("- skipped"); $skip = true; } $isnew = false; } if (! $skip) { $new = $page->createRevision(WIKIDB_FORCE_CREATE, $content, $versiondata, ExtractWikiPageLinks($content)); $mesg[] = sprintf(gettext("- saved as version %d"), $new->getVersion()); } print( Element('dt', LinkExistingWikiWord($pagename)) . QElement('dd', join(" ", $mesg)) . "\n" ); flush(); } function ParseSerializedPage($text, $default_pagename) { if (!preg_match('/^a:\d+:{[si]:\d+/', $text)) return false; $pagehash = unserialize($text); // Split up pagehash into four parts: // pagename // content // page-level meta-data // revision-level meta-data if (!defined('FLAG_PAGE_LOCKED')) define('FLAG_PAGE_LOCKED', 1); $pageinfo = array('pagedata' => array(), 'versiondata' => array()); $pagedata = &$pageinfo['pagedata']; $versiondata = &$pageinfo['versiondata']; // Fill in defaults. if (empty($pagehash['pagename'])) $pagehash['pagename'] = $default_pagename; if (empty($pagehash['author'])) $pagehash['author'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id(); foreach ($pagehash as $key => $value) { switch($key) { case 'pagename': case 'version': $pageinfo[$key] = $value; break; case 'content': $pageinfo[$key] = join("\n", $value); case 'flags': if (($value & FLAG_PAGE_LOCKED) != 0) $pagedata['locked'] = 'yes'; break; case 'created': $pagedata[$key] = $value; break; case 'lastmodified': $versiondata['mtime'] = $value; break; case 'author': $versiondata[$key] = $value; break; } } return $pageinfo; } function SortByPageVersion ($a, $b) { return $a['version'] - $b['version']; } function LoadFile ($dbi, $filename, $text = false, $mtime = false) { if (!is_string($text)) { // Read the file. $stat = stat($filename); $mtime = $stat[9]; $text = implode("", file($filename)); } set_time_limit(30); // Reset watchdog. // FIXME: basename("filewithnoslashes") seems to return garbage sometimes. $basename = basename("/dummy/" . $filename); if (!$mtime) $mtime = time(); // Last resort. $defaults = array('author' => $GLOBALS['user']->id(), 'pagename' => rawurldecode($basename)); $default_pagename = rawurldecode($basename); if ( ($parts = ParseMimeifiedPages($text)) ) { usort($parts, 'SortByPageVersion'); foreach ($parts as $pageinfo) SavePage($dbi, $pageinfo, "MIME file $filename", $basename); } else if ( ($pageinfo = ParseSerializedPage($text, $default_pagename)) ) { SavePage($dbi, $pageinfo, "Serialized file $filename", $basename); } else { // Assume plain text file. $pageinfo = array('pagename' => $default_pagename, 'pagedata' => array(), 'versiondata' => array('author' => $GLOBALS['user']->id()), 'content' => preg_replace('/[ \t\r]*\n/', "\n", chop($text)) ); SavePage($dbi, $pageinfo, "plain file $filename", $basename); } } function LoadZip ($dbi, $zipfile, $files = false, $exclude = false) { $zip = new ZipReader($zipfile); while (list ($fn, $data, $attrib) = $zip->readFile()) { // FIXME: basename("filewithnoslashes") seems to return garbage sometimes. $fn = basename("/dummy/" . $fn); if ( ($files && !in_array($fn, $files)) || ($exclude && in_array($fn, $exclude)) ) { print Element('dt', LinkExistingWikiWord($fn)) . QElement('dd', 'Skipping'); continue; } LoadFile($dbi, $fn, $data, $attrib['mtime']); } } function LoadDir ($dbi, $dirname, $files = false, $exclude = false) { $handle = opendir($dir = $dirname); while ($fn = readdir($handle)) { if ($fn[0] == '.' || filetype("$dir/$fn") != 'file') continue; if ( ($files && !in_array($fn, $files)) || ($exclude && in_array($fn, $exclude)) ) { print Element('dt', LinkExistingWikiWord($fn)) . QElement('dd', 'Skipping'); continue; } LoadFile($dbi, "$dir/$fn"); } closedir($handle); } function IsZipFile ($filename_or_fd) { // See if it looks like zip file if (is_string($filename_or_fd)) { $fd = fopen($filename_or_fd, "rb"); $magic = fread($fd, 4); fclose($fd); } else { $fpos = ftell($filename_or_fd); $magic = fread($filename_or_fd, 4); fseek($filename_or_fd, $fpos); } return $magic == ZIP_LOCHEAD_MAGIC || $magic == ZIP_CENTHEAD_MAGIC; } function LoadAny ($dbi, $file_or_dir, $files = false, $exclude = false) { $type = filetype($file_or_dir); if ($type == 'dir') { LoadDir($dbi, $file_or_dir, $files, $exclude); } else if ($type != 'file' && !preg_match('/^(http|ftp):/', $file_or_dir)) { ExitWiki("Bad file type: $type"); } else if (IsZipFile($file_or_dir)) { LoadZip($dbi, $file_or_dir, $files, $exclude); } else /* if (!$files || in_array(basename($file_or_dir), $files)) */ { LoadFile($dbi, $file_or_dir); } } function LoadFileOrDir ($dbi, $request) { $source = $request->getArg('source'); StartLoadDump("Loading '$source'"); echo "
\n"; LoadAny($dbi, $source/*, false, array(gettext("RecentChanges"))*/); echo "
\n"; EndLoadDump(); } function SetupWiki ($dbi) { global $GenericPages, $LANG, $user; //FIXME: This is a hack $user->userid = 'The PhpWiki programming team'; StartLoadDump('Loading up virgin wiki'); echo "
\n"; LoadAny($dbi, FindLocalizedFile(WIKI_PGSRC)/*, false, $ignore*/); if ($LANG != "C") LoadAny($dbi, FindFile(DEFAULT_WIKI_PGSRC), $GenericPages/*, $ignore*/); echo "
\n"; EndLoadDump(); } function LoadPostFile ($dbi, $request) { $upload = $request->getUploadedFile('file'); if (!$upload) ExitWiki('No uploaded file to upload?'); // Dump http headers. StartLoadDump("Uploading " . $upload->getName()); echo "
\n"; $fd = $upload->open(); if (IsZipFile($fd)) LoadZip($dbi, $fd, false, array(_("RecentChanges"))); else Loadfile($dbi, $upload->getName(), $upload->getContents()); echo "
\n"; EndLoadDump(); } // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>