isFatal()) { $error->errno = E_USER_WARNING; return true; } return true; // Ignore error /* if (preg_match('/Plugin/', $error->errstr)) return true; */ // let the message come through: call the remaining handlers: // return false; } function StartLoadDump(&$request, $title, $html = '') { // MockRequest is from the unit testsuite, a faked request. (may be cmd-line) // We are silent on unittests. if (isa($request,'MockRequest')) return; // FIXME: This is a hack. This really is the worst overall hack in phpwiki. if ($html) $html->pushContent('%BODY%'); $tmpl = Template('html', array('TITLE' => $title, 'HEADER' => $title, 'CONTENT' => $html ? $html : '%BODY%')); echo ereg_replace('%BODY%.*', '', $tmpl->getExpansion($html)); $request->chunkOutput(); // set marker for sendPageChangeNotification() $request->_deferredPageChangeNotification = array(); } function EndLoadDump(&$request) { global $WikiTheme; if (isa($request,'MockRequest')) return; $action = $request->getArg('action'); $label = ''; switch ($action) { case 'zip': $label = _("ZIP files of database"); break; case 'dumpserial': $label = _("Dump to directory"); break; case 'upload': $label = _("Upload File"); break; case 'loadfile': $label = _("Load File"); break; case 'upgrade': $label = _("Upgrade"); break; case 'dumphtml': case 'ziphtml': $label = _("Dump pages as XHTML"); break; } if ($label) $label = str_replace(" ","_",$label); if ($action == 'browse') // loading virgin $pagelink = WikiLink(HOME_PAGE); else $pagelink = WikiLink(new WikiPageName(_("PhpWikiAdministration"),false,$label)); // do deferred sendPageChangeNotification() if (!empty($request->_deferredPageChangeNotification)) { $pages = $all_emails = $all_users = array(); foreach ($request->_deferredPageChangeNotification as $p) { list($pagename, $emails, $userids) = $p; $pages[] = $pagename; $all_emails = array_unique(array_merge($all_emails, $emails)); $all_users = array_unique(array_merge($all_users, $userids)); } $editedby = sprintf(_("Edited by: %s"), $request->_user->getId()); $content = "Loaded the following pages:\n" . join("\n", $pages); if (mail(join(',',$all_emails),"[".WIKI_NAME."] "._("LoadDump"), _("LoadDump")."\n". $editedby."\n\n". $content)) trigger_error(sprintf(_("PageChange Notification of %s sent to %s"), join("\n",$pages), join(',',$all_users)), E_USER_NOTICE); else trigger_error(sprintf(_("PageChange Notification Error: Couldn't send %s to %s"), join("\n",$pages), join(',',$all_users)), E_USER_WARNING); unset($pages); unset($all_emails); unset($all_users); } unset($request->_deferredPageChangeNotification); PrintXML(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Complete."))), HTML::p(fmt("Return to %s", $pagelink))); // Ugly hack to get valid XHTML code if (isa($WikiTheme, 'WikiTheme_gforge')) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Functions for dumping. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * For reference see: * * * (RFC 1521 has been superceeded by RFC 2045 & others). * * Also see */ function MailifyPage ($page, $nversions = 1) { $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(false); $head = ''; if (STRICT_MAILABLE_PAGEDUMPS) { $from = defined('SERVER_ADMIN') ? SERVER_ADMIN : 'foo@bar'; //This is for unix mailbox format: (not RFC (2)822) // $head .= "From $from " . CTime(time()) . "\r\n"; $head .= "Subject: " . rawurlencode($page->getName()) . "\r\n"; $head .= "From: $from (PhpWiki)\r\n"; // RFC 2822 requires only a Date: and originator (From:) // field, however the obsolete standard RFC 822 also // requires a destination field. $head .= "To: $from (PhpWiki)\r\n"; } $head .= "Date: " . Rfc2822DateTime($current->get('mtime')) . "\r\n"; $head .= sprintf("Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki %s)\r\n", PHPWIKI_VERSION); // This should just be entered by hand (or by script?) // in the actual pgsrc files, since only they should have // RCS ids. //$head .= "X-Rcs-Id: \$Id\$\r\n"; $iter = $page->getAllRevisions(); $parts = array(); while ($revision = $iter->next()) { $parts[] = MimeifyPageRevision($page, $revision); if ($nversions > 0 && count($parts) >= $nversions) break; } if (count($parts) > 1) return $head . MimeMultipart($parts); assert($parts); return $head . $parts[0]; } /*** * Compute filename to used for storing contents of a wiki page. * * Basically we do a rawurlencode() which encodes everything except * ASCII alphanumerics and '.', '-', and '_'. * * But we also want to encode leading dots to avoid filenames like * '.', and '..'. (Also, there's no point in generating "hidden" file * names, like '.foo'.) * * We have to apply a different "/" logic for dumpserial, htmldump and zipdump. * dirs are allowed for zipdump and htmldump, not for dumpserial * * * @param $pagename string Pagename. * @return string Filename for page. */ function FilenameForPage ($pagename, $action = false) { $enc = rawurlencode($pagename); if (!$action) { global $request; $action = $request->getArg('action'); } if ($action != 'dumpserial') { // zip, ziphtml, dumphtml // For every %2F we will need to mkdir -p dirname($pagename) $enc = preg_replace('/%2F/', '/', $enc); } $enc = preg_replace('/^\./', '%2E', $enc); $enc = preg_replace('/%20/', ' ', $enc); return $enc; } /** * The main() function which generates a zip archive of a PhpWiki. * * If $include_archive is false, only the current version of each page * is included in the zip file; otherwise all archived versions are * included as well. */ function MakeWikiZip (&$request) { if ($request->getArg('include') == 'all') { $zipname = WIKI_NAME . _("FullDump") . date('Ymd-Hi') . '.zip'; $include_archive = true; } else { $zipname = WIKI_NAME . _("LatestSnapshot") . date('Ymd-Hi') . '.zip'; $include_archive = false; } $include_empty = false; if ($request->getArg('include') == 'empty') { $include_empty = true; } $zip = new ZipWriter("Created by PhpWiki " . PHPWIKI_VERSION, $zipname); /* ignore fatals in plugins */ if (check_php_version(4,1)) { global $ErrorManager; $ErrorManager->pushErrorHandler(new WikiFunctionCb('_dump_error_handler')); } $dbi =& $request->_dbi; $thispage = $request->getArg('pagename'); // for "Return to ..." if ($exclude = $request->getArg('exclude')) { // exclude which pagenames $excludeList = explodePageList($exclude); } else { $excludeList = array(); } if ($pages = $request->getArg('pages')) { // which pagenames if ($pages == '[]') // current page $pages = $thispage; $page_iter = new WikiDB_Array_PageIterator(explodePageList($pages)); } else { $page_iter = $dbi->getAllPages(false,false,false,$excludeList); } $request_args = $request->args; $timeout = (! $request->getArg('start_debug')) ? 30 : 240; while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { $request->args = $request_args; // some plugins might change them (esp. on POST) longer_timeout($timeout); // Reset watchdog $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); if ($current->getVersion() == 0) continue; $pagename = $page->getName(); $wpn = new WikiPageName($pagename); if (!$wpn->isValid()) continue; if (in_array($page->getName(), $excludeList)) { continue; } $attrib = array('mtime' => $current->get('mtime'), 'is_ascii' => 1); if ($page->get('locked')) $attrib['write_protected'] = 1; if ($include_archive) $content = MailifyPage($page, 0); else $content = MailifyPage($page); $zip->addRegularFile( FilenameForPage($pagename), $content, $attrib); } $zip->finish(); if (check_php_version(4,1)) { global $ErrorManager; $ErrorManager->popErrorHandler(); } } function DumpToDir (&$request) { $directory = $request->getArg('directory'); if (empty($directory)) $directory = DEFAULT_DUMP_DIR; // See lib/plugin/WikiForm.php:87 if (empty($directory)) $request->finish(_("You must specify a directory to dump to")); // see if we can access the directory the user wants us to use if (! file_exists($directory)) { if (! mkdir($directory, 0755)) $request->finish(fmt("Cannot create directory '%s'", $directory)); else $html = HTML::p(fmt("Created directory '%s' for the page dump...", $directory)); } else { $html = HTML::p(fmt("Using directory '%s'", $directory)); } StartLoadDump($request, _("Dumping Pages"), $html); $dbi =& $request->_dbi; $thispage = $request->getArg('pagename'); // for "Return to ..." if ($exclude = $request->getArg('exclude')) { // exclude which pagenames $excludeList = explodePageList($exclude); } else { $excludeList = array(); } $include_empty = false; if ($request->getArg('include') == 'empty') { $include_empty = true; } if ($pages = $request->getArg('pages')) { // which pagenames if ($pages == '[]') // current page $pages = $thispage; $page_iter = new WikiDB_Array_PageIterator(explodePageList($pages)); } else { $page_iter = $dbi->getAllPages($include_empty,false,false,$excludeList); } $request_args = $request->args; $timeout = (! $request->getArg('start_debug')) ? 30 : 240; while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { $request->args = $request_args; // some plugins might change them (esp. on POST) longer_timeout($timeout); // Reset watchdog $pagename = $page->getName(); if (!isa($request,'MockRequest')) { PrintXML(HTML::br(), $pagename, ' ... '); flush(); } if (in_array($pagename, $excludeList)) { if (!isa($request, 'MockRequest')) { PrintXML(_("Skipped.")); flush(); } continue; } $filename = FilenameForPage($pagename); $msg = HTML(); if($page->getName() != $filename) { $msg->pushContent(HTML::small(fmt("saved as %s", $filename)), " ... "); } if ($request->getArg('include') == 'all') $data = MailifyPage($page, 0); else $data = MailifyPage($page); if ( !($fd = fopen($directory."/".$filename, "wb")) ) { $msg->pushContent(HTML::strong(fmt("couldn't open file '%s' for writing", "$directory/$filename"))); $request->finish($msg); } $num = fwrite($fd, $data, strlen($data)); $msg->pushContent(HTML::small(fmt("%s bytes written", $num))); if (!isa($request, 'MockRequest')) { PrintXML($msg); flush(); } assert($num == strlen($data)); fclose($fd); } EndLoadDump($request); } function _copyMsg($page, $smallmsg) { if (!isa($GLOBALS['request'], 'MockRequest')) { if ($page) $msg = HTML(HTML::br(), HTML($page), HTML::small($smallmsg)); else $msg = HTML::small($smallmsg); PrintXML($msg); flush(); } } function mkdir_p($pathname, $permission = 0777) { $arr = explode("/", $pathname); if (empty($arr)) { return mkdir($pathname, $permission); } $s = array_shift($arr); $ok = TRUE; foreach ($arr as $p) { $curr = "$s/$p"; if (!is_dir($curr)) $ok = mkdir($curr, $permission); $s = $curr; if (!$ok) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Dump all pages as XHTML to a directory, as pagename.html. * Copies all used css files to the directory, all used images to a * "images" subdirectory, and all used buttons to a "images/buttons" subdirectory. * The webserver must have write permissions to these directories. * chown httpd HTML_DUMP_DIR; chmod u+rwx HTML_DUMP_DIR * should be enough. * * @param string directory (optional) path to dump to. Default: HTML_DUMP_DIR * @param string pages (optional) Comma-seperated of glob-style pagenames to dump. * Also array of pagenames allowed. * @param string exclude (optional) Comma-seperated of glob-style pagenames to exclude */ function DumpHtmlToDir (&$request) { global $WikiTheme; $directory = $request->getArg('directory'); if (empty($directory)) $directory = HTML_DUMP_DIR; // See lib/plugin/WikiForm.php:87 if (empty($directory)) $request->finish(_("You must specify a directory to dump to")); // See if we can access the directory the user wants us to use if (! file_exists($directory)) { if (! mkdir($directory, 0755)) $request->finish(fmt("Cannot create directory '%s'", $directory)); else $html = HTML::p(fmt("Created directory '%s' for the page dump...", $directory)); } else { $html = HTML::p(fmt("Using directory '%s'", $directory)); } StartLoadDump($request, _("Dumping Pages"), $html); $thispage = $request->getArg('pagename'); // for "Return to ..." $dbi =& $request->_dbi; if ($exclude = $request->getArg('exclude')) { // exclude which pagenames $excludeList = explodePageList($exclude); } else { $excludeList = array('DebugAuthInfo', 'DebugGroupInfo', 'AuthInfo'); } if ($pages = $request->getArg('pages')) { // which pagenames if ($pages == '[]') // current page $pages = $thispage; $page_iter = new WikiDB_Array_generic_iter(explodePageList($pages)); // not at admin page: dump only the current page } elseif ($thispage != _("PhpWikiAdministration")) { $page_iter = new WikiDB_Array_generic_iter(array($thispage)); } else { $page_iter = $dbi->getAllPages(false,false,false,$excludeList); } $WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE = 'HTML'; _DumpHtmlToDir($directory, $page_iter, $request->getArg('exclude')); $WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE = false; $request->setArg('pagename',$thispage); // Template::_basepage fix EndLoadDump($request); } /* Known problem: any plugins or other code which echo()s text will * lead to a corrupted html zip file which may produce the following * errors upon unzipping: * * warning []: 2401 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile * file #58: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): 177561 * (attempting to re-compensate) * * However, the actual wiki page data should be unaffected. */ function MakeWikiZipHtml (&$request) { global $WikiTheme; if ($request->getArg('zipname')) { $zipname = basename($request->getArg('zipname')); if (!preg_match("/\.zip$/i", $zipname)) $zipname .= ".zip"; $request->setArg('zipname', false); } else { $zipname = ""; } $zip = new ZipWriter("Created by PhpWiki " . PHPWIKI_VERSION, $zipname); $dbi =& $request->_dbi; $thispage = $request->getArg('pagename'); // for "Return to ..." if ($pages = $request->getArg('pages')) { // which pagenames if ($pages == '[]') // current page $pages = $thispage; $page_iter = new WikiDB_Array_generic_iter(explodePageList($pages)); } else { $page_iter = $dbi->getAllPages(false,false,false,$request->getArg('exclude')); } $WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE = 'ZIPHTML'; _DumpHtmlToDir($zip, $page_iter, $request->getArg('exclude')); $WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE = false; } /* * Internal html dumper. Used for dumphtml, ziphtml and pdf */ function _DumpHtmlToDir ($target, $page_iter, $exclude = false) { global $WikiTheme, $request; $silent = true; $zip = false; $directory = false; if ($WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE == 'HTML') { $directory = $target; $silent = false; } elseif ($WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE == 'PDFHTML') { $directory = $target; } elseif (is_object($target)) { // $WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE == 'ZIPHTML' $zip = $target; } $request->_TemplatesProcessed = array(); if ($exclude) { // exclude which pagenames $excludeList = explodePageList($exclude); } else { $excludeList = array('DebugAuthInfo', 'DebugGroupInfo', 'AuthInfo'); } $WikiTheme->VALID_LINKS = array(); if ($request->getArg('format')) { // pagelist $page_iter_sav = $page_iter; foreach ($page_iter_sav->asArray() as $handle) { $WikiTheme->VALID_LINKS[] = is_string($handle) ? $handle : $handle->getName(); } $page_iter_sav->reset(); } if (defined('HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX')) $WikiTheme->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX = HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX; $_bodyAttr = @$WikiTheme->_MoreAttr['body']; unset($WikiTheme->_MoreAttr['body']); if (check_php_version(4,1)) { global $ErrorManager; $ErrorManager->pushErrorHandler(new WikiFunctionCb('_dump_error_handler')); } // check if the dumped file will be accessible from outside $doc_root = $request->get("DOCUMENT_ROOT"); if ($WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE == 'HTML') { $ldir = NormalizeLocalFileName($directory); $wikiroot = NormalizeLocalFileName(''); if (string_starts_with($ldir, $doc_root)) { $link_prefix = substr($directory, strlen($doc_root))."/"; } elseif (string_starts_with($ldir, $wikiroot)) { $link_prefix = NormalizeWebFileName(substr($directory, strlen($wikiroot)))."/"; } else { $prefix = ''; if (isWindows()) { $prefix = '/'; // . substr($doc_root,0,2); // add drive where apache is installed } $link_prefix = "file://".$prefix.$directory."/"; } } else { $link_prefix = ""; } $request_args = $request->args; $timeout = (! $request->getArg('start_debug')) ? 60 : 240; $SAVE_RCS_IDS = $GLOBALS['RCS_IDS']; if ($directory) { if (isWindows()) $directory = str_replace("\\", "/", $directory); // no Win95 support. @mkdir("$directory/images"); } $already = array(); $outfiles = array(); $already_images = array(); while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { if (is_string($page)) { $pagename = $page; $page = $request->_dbi->getPage($pagename); } else { $pagename = $page->getName(); } if (empty($firstpage)) $firstpage = $pagename; if (array_key_exists($pagename, $already)) continue; $already[$pagename] = 1; $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); //if ($current->getVersion() == 0) // continue; $request->args = $request_args; // some plugins might change them (esp. on POST) longer_timeout($timeout); // Reset watchdog if ($zip) { $attrib = array('mtime' => $current->get('mtime'), 'is_ascii' => 1); if ($page->get('locked')) $attrib['write_protected'] = 1; } elseif (!$silent) { if (!isa($request,'MockRequest')) { PrintXML(HTML::br(), $pagename, ' ... '); flush(); } } if (in_array($pagename, $excludeList)) { if (!$silent and !isa($request,'MockRequest')) { PrintXML(_("Skipped.")); flush(); } continue; } $relative_base = ''; if ($WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE == 'PDFHTML') $request->setArg('action', 'pdf'); // to omit cache headers $request->setArg('pagename', $pagename); // Template::_basepage fix $filename = FilenameForPage($pagename) . $WikiTheme->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX; $args = array('revision' => $current, 'CONTENT' => $current->getTransformedContent(), 'relative_base' => $relative_base); // For every %2F will need to mkdir -p dirname($pagename) if (preg_match("/(%2F|\/)/", $filename)) { // mkdir -p and set relative base for subdir pages $filename = preg_replace("/%2F/", "/", $filename); $count = substr_count($filename, "/"); $dirname = dirname($filename); if ($directory) mkdir_p($directory."/".$dirname); // Fails with "XX / YY", "XX" is created, "XX / YY" cannot be written // if (isWindows()) // interesting Windows bug: cannot mkdir "bla " // Since dumps needs to be copied, we have to disallow this for all platforms. $filename = preg_replace("/ \//", "/", $filename); $relative_base = "../"; while ($count > 1) { $relative_base .= "../"; $count--; } $args['relative_base'] = $relative_base; } $msg = HTML(); $DUMP_MODE = $WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE; $data = GeneratePageasXML(new Template('browse', $request, $args), $pagename, $current, $args); $WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE = $DUMP_MODE; if (preg_match_all("/addSrcFile($target, $src); } } } } if ($directory) { $outfile = $directory."/".$filename; if ( !($fd = fopen($outfile, "wb")) ) { $msg->pushContent(HTML::strong(fmt("couldn't open file '%s' for writing", $outfile))); $request->finish($msg); } $len = strlen($data); $num = fwrite($fd, $data, $len); if ($pagename != $filename) { $link = LinkURL($link_prefix.$filename, $filename); $msg->pushContent(HTML::small(_("saved as "), $link, " ... ")); } $msg->pushContent(HTML::small(fmt("%s bytes written", $num), "\n")); if (!$silent) { if (!isa($request, 'MockRequest')) { PrintXML($msg); } flush(); $request->chunkOutput(); } assert($num == $len); fclose($fd); $outfiles[] = $outfile; } else { $zip->addRegularFile($filename, $data, $attrib); } if (USECACHE) { $request->_dbi->_cache->invalidate_cache($pagename); unset ($request->_dbi->_cache->_pagedata_cache); unset ($request->_dbi->_cache->_versiondata_cache); unset ($request->_dbi->_cache->_glv_cache); } unset ($request->_dbi->_cache->_backend->_page_data); unset($msg); unset($current->_transformedContent); unset($current); if (!empty($template)) { unset($template->_request); unset($template); } unset($data); if (DEBUG) $GLOBALS['RCS_IDS'] = $SAVE_RCS_IDS; } $page_iter->free(); $attrib = false; //array('is_ascii' => 0); if (!empty($WikiTheme->dumped_images) and is_array($WikiTheme->dumped_images)) { // @mkdir("$directory/images"); foreach ($WikiTheme->dumped_images as $img_file) { if (array_key_exists($img_file, $already_images)) continue; $already_images[$img_file] = 1; if ($img_file and ($from = $WikiTheme->_findFile($img_file, true)) and basename($from)) { if ($directory) { $target = "$directory/images/".basename($from); if ($silent) copy($WikiTheme->_path . $from, $target); else { if (copy($WikiTheme->_path . $from, $target)) { _copyMsg($from, fmt("... copied to %s", $target)); } else { _copyMsg($from, fmt("... not copied to %s", $target)); } } } else { $target = "images/".basename($from); $zip->addSrcFile($target, $WikiTheme->_path . $from); } } elseif (!$silent) { _copyMsg($from, _("... not found")); } } } if (!empty($WikiTheme->dumped_buttons) and is_array($WikiTheme->dumped_buttons)) { // Buttons also if ($directory) @mkdir("$directory/images/buttons"); foreach ($WikiTheme->dumped_buttons as $text => $img_file) { if (array_key_exists($img_file, $already_images)) continue; $already_images[$img_file] = 1; if ($img_file and ($from = $WikiTheme->_findFile($img_file, true)) and basename($from)) { if ($directory) { $target = "$directory/images/buttons/".basename($from); if ($silent) copy($WikiTheme->_path . $from, $target); else { if (copy($WikiTheme->_path . $from, $target)) { _copyMsg($from, fmt("... copied to %s", $target)); } else { _copyMsg($from, fmt("... not copied to %s", $target)); } } } else { $target = "images/buttons/".basename($from); $zip->addSrcFile($target, $WikiTheme->_path . $from); } } elseif (!$silent) { _copyMsg($from, _("... not found")); } } } if (!empty($WikiTheme->dumped_css) and is_array($WikiTheme->dumped_css)) { foreach ($WikiTheme->dumped_css as $css_file) { if (array_key_exists($css_file, $already_images)) continue; $already_images[$css_file] = 1; if ($css_file and ($from = $WikiTheme->_findFile(basename($css_file), true)) and basename($from)) { // TODO: fix @import url(main.css); if ($directory) { $target = "$directory/" . basename($css_file); if ($silent) copy($WikiTheme->_path . $from, $target); else { if (copy($WikiTheme->_path . $from, $target)) { _copyMsg($from, fmt("... copied to %s", $target)); } else { _copyMsg($from, fmt("... not copied to %s", $target)); } } } else { //$attrib = array('is_ascii' => 0); $target = basename($css_file); $zip->addSrcFile($target, $WikiTheme->_path . $from); } } elseif (!$silent) { _copyMsg($from, _("... not found")); } } } if ($zip) $zip->finish(); if ($WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE == 'PDFHTML') { if (USE_EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF and $outfiles) { $cmd = EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF_PAGELIST.' "'.join('" "', $outfiles).'"'; $filename = FilenameForPage($firstpage); if (DEBUG) { $tmpfile = $directory . "/createpdf.bat"; $fp = fopen($tmpfile, "wb"); fwrite($fp, $cmd . " > $filename.pdf"); fclose($fp); } if (!headers_sent()) { Header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); passthru($cmd); } else { $tmpdir = getUploadFilePath(); $s = passthru($cmd . " > $tmpdir/$filename.pdf"); $errormsg = "
\nGenerated Upload:$filename.pdf\n"; $errormsg .= $s; echo $errormsg; } if (!DEBUG) { foreach($outfiles as $f) unlink($f); } } if (!empty($errormsg)) { $request->discardOutput(); $GLOBALS['ErrorManager']->_postponed_errors = array(); } } if (check_php_version(4,1)) { global $ErrorManager; $ErrorManager->popErrorHandler(); } $WikiTheme->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX = ''; $WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE = false; $WikiTheme->_MoreAttr['body'] = $_bodyAttr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Functions for restoring. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function SavePage (&$request, &$pageinfo, $source, $filename) { static $overwite_all = false; $pagedata = $pageinfo['pagedata']; // Page level meta-data. $versiondata = $pageinfo['versiondata']; // Revision level meta-data. if (empty($pageinfo['pagename'])) { PrintXML(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Empty pagename!")))); return; } if (empty($versiondata['author_id'])) $versiondata['author_id'] = $versiondata['author']; // remove invalid backend specific chars. utf8 issues mostly $pagename_check = new WikiPagename($pageinfo['pagename']); if (!$pagename_check->isValid()) { PrintXML(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Invalid pagename!")." ".$pageinfo['pagename']))); return; } $pagename = $pagename_check->getName(); $content = $pageinfo['content']; if ($pagename == _("InterWikiMap")) $content = _tryinsertInterWikiMap($content); $dbi =& $request->_dbi; $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); // Try to merge if updated pgsrc contents are different. This // whole thing is hackish // // TODO: try merge unless: // if (current contents = default contents && pgsrc_version >= // pgsrc_version) then just upgrade this pgsrc $needs_merge = false; $merging = false; $overwrite = false; if ($request->getArg('merge')) { $merging = true; } else if ($request->getArg('overwrite')) { $overwrite = true; } $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $skip = false; $edit = $request->getArg('edit'); if ($merging) { if (isset($edit['keep_old'])) { $merging = false; $skip = true; } elseif (isset($edit['overwrite'])) { $merging = false; $overwrite = true; } elseif ( $current and (! $current->hasDefaultContents()) && ($current->getPackedContent() != $content) ) { include_once('lib/editpage.php'); $request->setArg('pagename', $pagename); $v = $current->getVersion(); $request->setArg('revision', $current->getVersion()); $p = new LoadFileConflictPageEditor($request); $p->_content = $content; $p->_currentVersion = $v - 1; $p->editPage($saveFailed = true); return; //early return } } if (!$skip) foreach ($pagedata as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) $page->set($key, $value); } $mesg = HTML::p(array('style' => 'text-indent: 3em;')); if ($source) $mesg->pushContent(' ', fmt("from %s", $source)); if (!$current) { //FIXME: This should not happen! (empty vdata, corrupt cache or db) $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); } if ($current->getVersion() == 0) { $mesg->pushContent(' - ', _("New page")); $isnew = true; } else { if ( (! $current->hasDefaultContents()) && ($current->getPackedContent() != $content) ) { if ($overwrite) { $mesg->pushContent(' ', fmt("has edit conflicts - overwriting anyway")); $skip = false; if (substr_count($source, 'pgsrc')) { $versiondata['author'] = _("The PhpWiki programming team"); // but leave authorid as userid who loaded the file } } else { if (isset($edit['keep_old'])) { $mesg->pushContent(' ', fmt("keep old")); } else { $mesg->pushContent(' ', fmt("has edit conflicts - skipped")); $needs_merge = true; // hackish, to display the buttons } $skip = true; } } else if ($current->getPackedContent() == $content && $current->get('author') == $versiondata['author']) { // The page metadata is already changed, we don't need a new revision. // This was called previously "is identical to current version %d - skipped" // which is wrong, since the pagedata was stored, not skipped. $mesg->pushContent(' ', fmt("content is identical to current version %d - no new revision created", $current->getVersion())); $skip = true; } $isnew = false; } if (! $skip ) { // in case of failures print the culprit: if (!isa($request,'MockRequest')) { PrintXML(HTML::p(WikiLink($pagename))); flush(); } $new = $page->save($content, WIKIDB_FORCE_CREATE, $versiondata); $dbi->touch(); $mesg->pushContent(' ', fmt("- saved to database as version %d", $new->getVersion())); } if ($needs_merge) { $f = $source; // hackish, $source contains needed path+filename $f = str_replace(sprintf(_("MIME file %s"), ''), '', $f); $f = str_replace(sprintf(_("Serialized file %s"), ''), '', $f); $f = str_replace(sprintf(_("plain file %s"), ''), '', $f); //check if uploaded file? they pass just the content, but the file is gone if (@stat($f)) { global $WikiTheme; $meb = Button(array('action' => 'loadfile', 'merge'=> true, 'source'=> $f), _("Merge Edit"), _("PhpWikiAdministration"), 'wikiadmin'); $owb = Button(array('action' => 'loadfile', 'overwrite'=> true, 'source'=> $f), _("Restore Anyway"), _("PhpWikiAdministration"), 'wikiunsafe'); $mesg->pushContent(' ', $meb, " ", $owb); if (!$overwite_all) { $args = $request->getArgs(); $args['overwrite'] = 1; $owb = Button($args, _("Overwrite All"), _("PhpWikiAdministration"), 'wikiunsafe'); $mesg->pushContent(HTML::span(array('class' => 'hint'), $owb)); $overwite_all = true; } } else { $mesg->pushContent(HTML::em(_(" Sorry, cannot merge."))); } } if (!isa($request,'MockRequest')) { if ($skip) PrintXML(HTML::p(HTML::em(WikiLink($pagename))), $mesg); else PrintXML($mesg); flush(); } } // action=revert (by diff) function RevertPage (&$request) { $mesg = HTML::div(); $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); $version = $request->getArg('version'); if (!$version) { PrintXML(HTML::p(fmt("Revert")," ",WikiLink($pagename)), HTML::p(_("missing required version argument"))); return; } $dbi =& $request->_dbi; $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $currversion = $current->getVersion(); if ($currversion == 0) { $mesg->pushContent(' ', _("no page content")); PrintXML(HTML::p(fmt("Revert")," ",WikiLink($pagename)), $mesg); flush(); return; } if ($currversion == $version) { $mesg->pushContent(' ', _("same version page")); PrintXML(HTML::p(fmt("Revert")," ",WikiLink($pagename)), $mesg); flush(); return; } if ($request->getArg('cancel')) { $mesg->pushContent(' ', _("Cancelled")); PrintXML(HTML::p(fmt("Revert")," ",WikiLink($pagename)), $mesg); flush(); return; } if (!$request->getArg('verify')) { $mesg->pushContent(HTML::p(_("Are you sure?")), HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), false, array('verify')), HiddenInputs(array('verify' => 1)), Button('submit:verify', _("Yes"), 'button'), HTML::Raw(' '), Button('submit:cancel', _("Cancel"), 'button')), HTML::hr()); $rev = $page->getRevision($version); $html = HTML(HTML::p(fmt("Revert %s to version $version", WikiLink($pagename))), $mesg, $rev->getTransformedContent()); $template = Template('browse', array('CONTENT' => $html)); GeneratePage($template, $pagename, $rev); $request->checkValidators(); flush(); return; } $rev = $page->getRevision($version); $content = $rev->getPackedContent(); $versiondata = $rev->_data; $versiondata['summary'] = sprintf(_("revert to version %d"), $version); $new = $page->save($content, $currversion + 1, $versiondata); $dbi->touch(); $mesg = HTML::span(); $pagelink = WikiLink($pagename); $mesg->pushContent(fmt("Revert: %s", $pagelink), fmt("- version %d saved to database as version %d", $version, $new->getVersion())); // Force browse of current page version. $request->setArg('version', false); $template = Template('savepage', array()); $template->replace('CONTENT', $new->getTransformedContent()); GeneratePage($template, $mesg, $new); flush(); } function _tryinsertInterWikiMap($content) { $goback = false; if (strpos($content, "")) { //$error_html = " The newly loaded pgsrc already contains a verbatim block."; $goback = true; } if (!$goback && !defined('INTERWIKI_MAP_FILE')) { $error_html = sprintf(" "._("%s: not defined"), "INTERWIKI_MAP_FILE"); $goback = true; } $mapfile = FindFile(INTERWIKI_MAP_FILE,1); if (!$goback && !file_exists($mapfile)) { $error_html = sprintf(" "._("%s: file not found"), INTERWIKI_MAP_FILE); $goback = true; } if (!empty($error_html)) trigger_error(_("Default InterWiki map file not loaded.") . $error_html, E_USER_NOTICE); if ($goback) return $content; // if loading from virgin setup do echo, otherwise trigger_error E_USER_NOTICE if (!isa($GLOBALS['request'], 'MockRequest')) echo sprintf(_("Loading InterWikiMap from external file %s."), $mapfile),"
"; $fd = fopen ($mapfile, "rb"); $data = fread ($fd, filesize($mapfile)); fclose ($fd); $content = $content . "\n\n$data\n"; return $content; } function ParseSerializedPage($text, $default_pagename, $user) { if (!preg_match('/^a:\d+:{[si]:\d+/', $text)) return false; $pagehash = unserialize($text); // Split up pagehash into four parts: // pagename // content // page-level meta-data // revision-level meta-data if (!defined('FLAG_PAGE_LOCKED')) define('FLAG_PAGE_LOCKED', 1); $pageinfo = array('pagedata' => array(), 'versiondata' => array()); $pagedata = &$pageinfo['pagedata']; $versiondata = &$pageinfo['versiondata']; // Fill in defaults. if (empty($pagehash['pagename'])) $pagehash['pagename'] = $default_pagename; if (empty($pagehash['author'])) { $pagehash['author'] = $user->getId(); } foreach ($pagehash as $key => $value) { switch($key) { case 'pagename': case 'version': case 'hits': $pageinfo[$key] = $value; break; case 'content': $pageinfo[$key] = join("\n", $value); break; case 'flags': if (($value & FLAG_PAGE_LOCKED) != 0) $pagedata['locked'] = 'yes'; break; case 'owner': case 'created': $pagedata[$key] = $value; break; case 'acl': case 'perm': $pagedata['perm'] = ParseMimeifiedPerm($value); break; case 'lastmodified': $versiondata['mtime'] = $value; break; case 'author': case 'author_id': case 'summary': $versiondata[$key] = $value; break; } } if (empty($pagehash['charset'])) $pagehash['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1'; // compare to target charset if (strtolower($pagehash['charset']) != strtolower($GLOBALS['charset'])) { $pageinfo['content'] = charset_convert($params['charset'], $GLOBALS['charset'], $pageinfo['content']); $pageinfo['pagename'] = charset_convert($params['charset'], $GLOBALS['charset'], $pageinfo['pagename']); } return $pageinfo; } function SortByPageVersion ($a, $b) { return $a['version'] - $b['version']; } /** * Security alert! We should not allow to import config.ini into our wiki (or from a sister wiki?) * because the sql passwords are in plaintext there. And the webserver must be able to read it. * Detected by Santtu Jarvi. */ function LoadFile (&$request, $filename, $text = false, $mtime = false) { if (preg_match("/config$/", dirname($filename)) // our or other config and preg_match("/config.*\.ini/", basename($filename))) // backups and other versions also { trigger_error(sprintf("Refused to load %s", $filename), E_USER_WARNING); return; } if (!is_string($text)) { // Read the file. $stat = stat($filename); $mtime = $stat[9]; $text = implode("", file($filename)); } if (! $request->getArg('start_debug')) @set_time_limit(30); // Reset watchdog else @set_time_limit(240); // FIXME: basename("filewithnoslashes") seems to return garbage sometimes. $basename = basename("/dummy/" . $filename); if (!$mtime) $mtime = time(); // Last resort. // DONE: check source - target charset for content and pagename // but only for pgsrc'ed content, not from the browser. $default_pagename = rawurldecode($basename); if ( ($parts = ParseMimeifiedPages($text)) ) { if (count($parts) > 1) $overwrite = $request->getArg('overwrite'); usort($parts, 'SortByPageVersion'); foreach ($parts as $pageinfo) { // force overwrite if (count($parts) > 1) $request->setArg('overwrite', 1); SavePage($request, $pageinfo, sprintf(_("MIME file %s"), $filename), $basename); } if (count($parts) > 1) if ($overwrite) $request->setArg('overwrite', $overwrite); else unset($request->_args['overwrite']); } else if ( ($pageinfo = ParseSerializedPage($text, $default_pagename, $request->getUser())) ) { SavePage($request, $pageinfo, sprintf(_("Serialized file %s"), $filename), $basename); } else { // plain old file $user = $request->getUser(); $file_charset = 'iso-8859-1'; // compare to target charset if ($file_charset != strtolower($GLOBALS['charset'])) { $text = charset_convert($file_charset, $GLOBALS['charset'], $text); $default_pagename = charset_convert($file_charset, $GLOBALS['charset'], $default_pagename); } // Assume plain text file. $pageinfo = array('pagename' => $default_pagename, 'pagedata' => array(), 'versiondata' => array('author' => $user->getId()), 'content' => preg_replace('/[ \t\r]*\n/', "\n", chop($text)) ); SavePage($request, $pageinfo, sprintf(_("plain file %s"), $filename), $basename); } } function LoadZip (&$request, $zipfile, $files = false, $exclude = false) { $zip = new ZipReader($zipfile); $timeout = (! $request->getArg('start_debug')) ? 20 : 120; while (list ($fn, $data, $attrib) = $zip->readFile()) { // FIXME: basename("filewithnoslashes") seems to return // garbage sometimes. $fn = basename("/dummy/" . $fn); if ( ($files && !in_array($fn, $files)) || ($exclude && in_array($fn, $exclude)) ) { PrintXML(HTML::p(WikiLink($fn)), HTML::p(_("Skipping"))); flush(); continue; } longer_timeout($timeout); // longer timeout per page LoadFile($request, $fn, $data, $attrib['mtime']); } } function LoadDir (&$request, $dirname, $files = false, $exclude = false) { $fileset = new LimitedFileSet($dirname, $files, $exclude); if (!$files and ($skiplist = $fileset->getSkippedFiles())) { PrintXML(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Skipping")))); $list = HTML::ul(); foreach ($skiplist as $file) $list->pushContent(HTML::li(WikiLink($file))); PrintXML(HTML::p($list)); } // Defer HomePage loading until the end. If anything goes wrong // the pages can still be loaded again. $files = $fileset->getFiles(); if (in_array(HOME_PAGE, $files)) { $files = array_diff($files, array(HOME_PAGE)); $files[] = HOME_PAGE; } $timeout = (! $request->getArg('start_debug')) ? 20 : 120; foreach ($files as $file) { longer_timeout($timeout); // longer timeout per page if (substr($file,-1,1) != '~') // refuse to load backup files LoadFile($request, "$dirname/$file"); } } class LimitedFileSet extends FileSet { function LimitedFileSet($dirname, $_include, $exclude) { $this->_includefiles = $_include; $this->_exclude = $exclude; $this->_skiplist = array(); parent::FileSet($dirname); } function _filenameSelector($fn) { $incl = &$this->_includefiles; $excl = &$this->_exclude; if ( ($incl && !in_array($fn, $incl)) || ($excl && in_array($fn, $excl)) ) { $this->_skiplist[] = $fn; return false; } else { return true; } } function getSkippedFiles () { return $this->_skiplist; } } function IsZipFile ($filename_or_fd) { // See if it looks like zip file if (is_string($filename_or_fd)) { $fd = fopen($filename_or_fd, "rb"); $magic = fread($fd, 4); fclose($fd); } else { $fpos = ftell($filename_or_fd); $magic = fread($filename_or_fd, 4); fseek($filename_or_fd, $fpos); } return $magic == ZIP_LOCHEAD_MAGIC || $magic == ZIP_CENTHEAD_MAGIC; } function LoadAny (&$request, $file_or_dir, $files = false, $exclude = false) { // Try urlencoded filename for accented characters. if (!file_exists($file_or_dir)) { // Make sure there are slashes first to avoid confusing phps // with broken dirname or basename functions. // FIXME: windows uses \ and : if (is_integer(strpos($file_or_dir, "/"))) { $newfile = FindFile($file_or_dir, true); // Panic. urlencoded by the browser (e.g. San%20Diego => San Diego) if (!$newfile) $file_or_dir = dirname($file_or_dir) . "/" . rawurlencode(basename($file_or_dir)); } else { // This is probably just a file. $file_or_dir = rawurlencode($file_or_dir); } } $type = filetype($file_or_dir); if ($type == 'link') { // For symbolic links, use stat() to determine // the type of the underlying file. list(,,$mode) = stat($file_or_dir); $type = ($mode >> 12) & 017; if ($type == 010) $type = 'file'; elseif ($type == 004) $type = 'dir'; } if (! $type) { $request->finish(fmt("Empty or not existing source. Unable to load: %s", $file_or_dir)); } else if ($type == 'dir') { LoadDir($request, $file_or_dir, $files, $exclude); } else if ($type != 'file' && !preg_match('/^(http|ftp):/', $file_or_dir)) { $request->finish(fmt("Bad file type: %s", $type)); } else if (IsZipFile($file_or_dir)) { LoadZip($request, $file_or_dir, $files, $exclude); } else /* if (!$files || in_array(basename($file_or_dir), $files)) */ { LoadFile($request, $file_or_dir); } } function LoadFileOrDir (&$request) { $source = $request->getArg('source'); $finder = new FileFinder; $source = $finder->slashifyPath($source); $page = rawurldecode(basename($source)); StartLoadDump($request, fmt("Loading '%s'", HTML(dirname($source), dirname($source) ? "/" : "", WikiLink($page,'auto')))); LoadAny($request, $source); EndLoadDump($request); } /** * HomePage was not found so first-time install is supposed to run. * - import all pgsrc pages. * - Todo: installer interface to edit config/config.ini settings * - Todo: ask for existing old index.php to convert to config/config.ini * - Todo: theme-specific pages: * blog - HomePage, ADMIN_USER/Blogs */ function SetupWiki (&$request) { global $GenericPages, $LANG; //FIXME: This is a hack (err, "interim solution") // This is a bogo-bogo-login: Login without // saving login information in session state. // This avoids logging in the unsuspecting // visitor as "The PhpWiki programming team". // // This really needs to be cleaned up... // (I'm working on it.) $real_user = $request->_user; if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) $request->_user = new _BogoUser(_("The PhpWiki programming team")); else $request->_user = new WikiUser($request, _("The PhpWiki programming team"), WIKIAUTH_BOGO); StartLoadDump($request, _("Loading up virgin wiki")); $pgsrc = FindLocalizedFile(WIKI_PGSRC); $default_pgsrc = FindFile(DEFAULT_WIKI_PGSRC); $request->setArg('overwrite', true); if ($default_pgsrc != $pgsrc) { LoadAny($request, $default_pgsrc, $GenericPages); } $request->setArg('overwrite', false); LoadAny($request, $pgsrc); $dbi =& $request->_dbi; // Ensure that all mandatory pages are loaded $finder = new FileFinder; foreach (array_merge(explode(':','SandBox:TemplateTalk:SpecialPages:CategoryCategory:CategoryActionPage:Help/OldTextFormattingRules:Help/TextFormattingRules:PhpWikiAdministration'), $GLOBALS['AllActionPages'], array(constant('HOME_PAGE'))) as $f) { $page = gettext($f); $epage = urlencode($page); if (! $dbi->isWikiPage($page) ) { // translated version provided? if ($lf = FindLocalizedFile($pgsrc . $finder->_pathsep . $epage, 1)) { LoadAny($request, $lf); } else { // load english version of required action page LoadAny($request, FindFile(DEFAULT_WIKI_PGSRC . $finder->_pathsep . urlencode($f))); $page = $f; } } if (! $dbi->isWikiPage($page)) { trigger_error(sprintf("Mandatory file %s couldn't be loaded!", $page), E_USER_WARNING); } } $pagename = _("InterWikiMap"); $map = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $map->set('locked', true); PrintXML(HTML::p(HTML::em(WikiLink($pagename)), HTML::strong(" locked"))); EndLoadDump($request); } function LoadPostFile (&$request) { $upload = $request->getUploadedFile('file'); if (!$upload) $request->finish(_("No uploaded file to upload?")); // FIXME: more concise message // Dump http headers. StartLoadDump($request, sprintf(_("Uploading %s"), $upload->getName())); $fd = $upload->open(); if (IsZipFile($fd)) LoadZip($request, $fd, false, array(_("RecentChanges"))); else LoadFile($request, $upload->getName(), $upload->getContents()); EndLoadDump($request); } // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>