_dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); // first mysql request costs [958ms]! [670ms] is mysql_connect() if (in_array('File', $this->_dbi->getAuthParam('USER_AUTH_ORDER'))) { // force our local copy, until the pear version is fixed. include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/pear/File_Passwd.php"); } if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) { // Preload all necessary userclasses. Otherwise session => __PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name // There's no way to demand-load it later. This way it's much slower, but needs slightly // less memory than loading all. if (ALLOW_BOGO_LOGIN) include_once("lib/WikiUser/BogoLogin.php"); // UserPreferences POST Update doesn't reach this. foreach ($GLOBALS['USER_AUTH_ORDER'] as $method) { include_once("lib/WikiUser/$method.php"); if ($method == 'Db') switch( DATABASE_TYPE ) { case 'SQL' : include_once("lib/WikiUser/PearDb.php"); break; case 'ADODB': include_once("lib/WikiUser/AdoDb.php"); break; case 'PDO' : include_once("lib/WikiUser/PdoDb.php"); break; } } unset($method); } if (USE_DB_SESSION) { include_once('lib/DbSession.php'); $dbi =& $this->_dbi; if (!READONLY) $this->_dbsession = new DbSession($dbi, $dbi->getParam('prefix') . $dbi->getParam('db_session_table')); } // Fixme: Does pear reset the error mask to 1? We have to find the culprit //$x = error_reporting(); $this->version = phpwiki_version(); $this->Request(); // [90ms] // Normalize args... $this->setArg('pagename', $this->_deducePagename()); $this->setArg('action', $this->_deduceAction()); if ((DEBUG & _DEBUG_SQL) or (DATABASE_OPTIMISE_FREQUENCY > 0 and (time() % DATABASE_OPTIMISE_FREQUENCY == 0))) { if ($this->_dbi->_backend->optimize()) trigger_error(_("Optimizing database"), E_USER_NOTICE); } // Restore auth state. This doesn't check for proper authorization! $userid = $this->_deduceUsername(); if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) { if (isset($this->_user) and !empty($this->_user->_authhow) and $this->_user->_authhow == 'session') { // users might switch in a session between the two objects. // restore old auth level here or in updateAuthAndPrefs? //$user = $this->getSessionVar('wiki_user'); // revive db handle, because these don't survive sessions if (isset($this->_user) and ( ! isa($this->_user, WikiUserClassname()) or (strtolower(get_class($this->_user)) == '_passuser') or (strtolower(get_class($this->_user)) == '_gforgepassuser'))) { $this->_user = WikiUser($userid, $this->_user->_prefs); } // revive other db handle if (isset($this->_user->_prefs->_method) and ($this->_user->_prefs->_method == 'SQL' or $this->_user->_prefs->_method == 'ADODB' or $this->_user->_prefs->_method == 'PDO' or $this->_user->_prefs->_method == 'HomePage')) { $this->_user->_HomePagehandle = $this->getPage($userid); } // need to update the lockfile filehandle if ( isa($this->_user, '_FilePassUser') and $this->_user->_file->lockfile and !$this->_user->_file->fplock ) { //$level = $this->_user->_level; $this->_user = UpgradeUser($this->_user, new _FilePassUser($userid, $this->_user->_prefs, $this->_user->_file->filename)); //$this->_user->_level = $level; } $this->_prefs = & $this->_user->_prefs; } else { $user = WikiUser($userid); $this->_user = & $user; $this->_prefs = & $this->_user->_prefs; } } else { $this->_user = new WikiUser($this, $userid); $this->_prefs = $this->_user->getPreferences(); } } function initializeLang () { // check non-default pref lang if (empty($this->_prefs->_prefs['lang'])) return; $_lang = $this->_prefs->_prefs['lang']; if (isset($_lang->lang) and $_lang->lang != $GLOBALS['LANG']) { $user_lang = $_lang->lang; //check changed LANG and THEME inside a session. // (e.g. by using another baseurl) if (isset($this->_user->_authhow) and $this->_user->_authhow == 'session') $user_lang = $GLOBALS['LANG']; update_locale($user_lang); FindLocalizedButtonFile(".",'missing_ok','reinit'); } //if (empty($_lang->lang) and $GLOBALS['LANG'] != $_lang->default_value) ; } function initializeTheme ($when = 'default') { global $WikiTheme; // if when = 'default', then first time init (default theme, ...) // if when = 'login', then check some callbacks // and maybe the theme changed (other theme defined in pref) // if when = 'logout', then check other callbacks // and maybe the theme changed (back to default theme) // Load non-default theme (when = login) if (!empty($this->_prefs->_prefs['theme'])) { $_theme = $this->_prefs->_prefs['theme']; if (isset($_theme) and isset($_theme->theme)) $user_theme = $_theme->theme; elseif (isset($_theme) and isset($_theme->default_value)) $user_theme = $_theme->default_value; else $user_theme = ''; } else $user_theme = $this->getPref('theme'); //check changed LANG and THEME inside a session. // (e.g. by using another baseurl) if (isset($this->_user->_authhow) and $this->_user->_authhow == 'session' and !isset($_theme->theme) and defined('THEME') and $user_theme != THEME) { include_once("themes/" . THEME . "/themeinfo.php"); } if (empty($WikiTheme) and $user_theme) { if (strcspn($user_theme,"./\x00]") != strlen($user_theme)) { trigger_error(sprintf("invalid theme '%s': Invalid characters detected", $user_theme), E_USER_WARNING); $user_theme = "default"; } if (!$user_theme) $user_theme = "default"; include_once("themes/$user_theme/themeinfo.php"); } if (empty($WikiTheme) and defined('THEME')) include_once("themes/" . THEME . "/themeinfo.php"); if (empty($WikiTheme)) include_once("themes/default/themeinfo.php"); assert(!empty($WikiTheme)); // Do not execute global init code anymore // WikiTheme callbacks if ($when == 'login') { $WikiTheme->CbUserLogin($this, $this->_user->_userid); if (!$this->_user->hasHomePage()) { // NewUser $WikiTheme->CbNewUserLogin($this, $this->_user->_userid); if (in_array($this->getArg('action'), array('edit','create'))) $WikiTheme->CbNewUserEdit($this, $this->_user->_userid); } } elseif ($when == 'logout') { $WikiTheme->CbUserLogout($this, $this->_user->_userid); } elseif ($when == 'default') { $WikiTheme->load(); if ($this->_user->_level > 0 and !$this->_user->hasHomePage()) { // NewUser if (in_array($this->getArg('action'), array('edit','create'))) $WikiTheme->CbNewUserEdit($this, $this->_user->_userid); } } } // This really maybe should be part of the constructor, but since it // may involve HTML/template output, the global $request really needs // to be initialized before we do this stuff. // [50ms]: 36ms if wikidb_page::exists function updateAuthAndPrefs () { if (isset($this->_user) and (!isa($this->_user, WikiUserClassname()))) { $this->_user = false; } // Handle authentication request, if any. if ($auth_args = $this->getArg('auth')) { $this->setArg('auth', false); $this->_handleAuthRequest($auth_args); // possible NORETURN } elseif ( ! $this->_user or (isa($this->_user, WikiUserClassname()) and ! $this->_user->isSignedIn())) { // If not auth request, try to sign in as saved user. if (($saved_user = $this->getPref('userid')) != false) { $this->_signIn($saved_user); } } $action = $this->getArg('action'); // Save preferences in session and cookie if ((defined('WIKI_XMLRPC') and !WIKI_XMLRPC) or $action != 'xmlrpc') { if (isset($this->_user) and $this->_user->_userid) { if (!isset($this->_user->_authhow) or $this->_user->_authhow != 'session') { $this->_user->setPreferences($this->_prefs, true); } } $tmpuser = $this->_user; // clone it $this->setSessionVar('wiki_user', $tmpuser); unset($tmpuser); } // Ensure user has permissions for action // HACK ALERT: We may not set the request arg to create, // since the pageeditor has an ugly logic for action == create. if ($action == 'edit' or $action == 'create') { $page = $this->getPage(); if (! $page->exists() ) $action = 'create'; else $action = 'edit'; } if (! ENABLE_PAGEPERM) { // Bug #1438392 by Matt Brown $require_level = $this->requiredAuthority($action); if (! $this->_user->hasAuthority($require_level)) $this->_notAuthorized($require_level); // NORETURN } else { // novatrope patch to let only _AUTHENTICATED view pages. // If there's not enough authority or forbidden, ask for a password, // unless it's explicitly unobtainable. Some bad magic though. if ($this->requiredAuthorityForAction($action) == WIKIAUTH_UNOBTAINABLE) { $require_level = $this->requiredAuthority($action); $this->_notAuthorized($require_level); // NORETURN } } } function & getUser () { if (isset($this->_user)) return $this->_user; else return $GLOBALS['ForbiddenUser']; } function & getGroup () { if (isset($this->_user) and isset($this->_user->_group)) return $this->_user->_group; else { // Debug Strict: Only variable references should be returned by reference $this->_user->_group = WikiGroup::getGroup(); return $this->_user->_group; } } function & getPrefs () { return $this->_prefs; } // Convenience function: function getPref ($key) { if (isset($this->_prefs)) { return $this->_prefs->get($key); } } function & getDbh () { return $this->_dbi; } /** * Get requested page from the page database. * By default it will grab the page requested via the URL * * This is a convenience function. * @param string $pagename Name of page to get. * @return WikiDB_Page Object with methods to pull data from * database for the page requested. */ function getPage ($pagename = false) { //if (!isset($this->_dbi)) $this->getDbh(); if (!$pagename) $pagename = $this->getArg('pagename'); return $this->_dbi->getPage($pagename); } /** Get URL for POST actions. * * Officially, we should just use SCRIPT_NAME (or some such), * but that causes problems when we try to issue a redirect, e.g. * after saving a page. * * Some browsers (at least NS4 and Mozilla 0.97 won't accept * a redirect from a page to itself.) * * So, as a HACK, we include pagename and action as query args in * the URL. (These should be ignored when we receive the POST * request.) */ function getPostURL ($pagename = false) { global $HTTP_GET_VARS; if ($pagename === false) $pagename = $this->getArg('pagename'); $action = $this->getArg('action'); if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['start_debug'])) // zend ide support return WikiURL($pagename, array('action' => $action, 'start_debug' => 1)); elseif ($action == 'edit') return WikiURL($pagename); else return WikiURL($pagename, array('action' => $action)); } function _handleAuthRequest ($auth_args) { if (!is_array($auth_args)) return; // Ignore password unless POST'ed. if (!$this->isPost()) unset($auth_args['passwd']); $olduser = $this->_user; $user = $this->_user->AuthCheck($auth_args); if (is_string($user)) { // Login attempt failed. $fail_message = $user; $auth_args['pass_required'] = true; // if clicked just on to the "sign in as:" button dont print invalid username. if (!empty($auth_args['login']) and empty($auth_args['userid'])) $fail_message = ''; // If no password was submitted, it's not really // a failure --- just need to prompt for password... if (!ALLOW_USER_PASSWORDS and ALLOW_BOGO_LOGIN and !isset($auth_args['passwd'])) { $fail_message = false; } $olduser->PrintLoginForm($this, $auth_args, $fail_message, 'newpage'); $this->finish(); //NORETURN } elseif (isa($user, WikiUserClassname())) { // Successful login (or logout.) $this->_setUser($user); } else { // Login request cancelled. } } /** * Attempt to sign in (bogo-login). * * Fails silently. * * @param $userid string Userid to attempt to sign in as. * @access private */ function _signIn ($userid) { if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) { if (! $this->_user ) $this->_user = new _BogoUser($userid); // FIXME: is this always false? shouldn't we try passuser first? if (! $this->_user ) $this->_user = new _PassUser($userid); } else { if (! $this->_user ) $this->_user = new WikiUser($this, $userid); } $user = $this->_user->AuthCheck(array('userid' => $userid)); if (isa($user, WikiUserClassname())) { $this->_setUser($user); // success! } } // login or logout or restore state function _setUser (&$user) { $this->_user =& $user; if (defined('MAIN_setUser')) return; // don't set cookies twice $this->setCookieVar(getCookieName(), $user->getAuthenticatedId(), COOKIE_EXPIRATION_DAYS, COOKIE_DOMAIN); $isSignedIn = $user->isSignedIn(); if ($isSignedIn) { $user->_authhow = 'signin'; } // Save userid to prefs.. if ( empty($this->_user->_prefs)) { $this->_user->_prefs = $this->_user->getPreferences(); $this->_prefs =& $this->_user->_prefs; } $this->_user->_group = $this->getGroup(); $this->setSessionVar('wiki_user', $user); $this->_prefs->set('userid', $isSignedIn ? $user->getId() : ''); if (!ENABLE_USER_NEW) { if (empty($this->_user->_request)) $this->_user->_request =& $this; if (empty($this->_user->_dbi)) $this->_user->_dbi =& $this->_dbi; } $this->initializeTheme($isSignedIn ? 'login' : 'logout'); define('MAIN_setUser', true); } /* Permission system */ function getLevelDescription($level) { static $levels = false; if (!$levels) // This looks like a Visual Basic hack. For the very same reason. "0" $levels = array('x-1' => _("FORBIDDEN"), 'x0' => _("ANON"), 'x1' => _("BOGO"), 'x2' => _("USER"), 'x10' => _("ADMIN"), 'x100'=> _("UNOBTAINABLE")); if (!empty($level)) $level = '0'; if (!empty($levels["x".$level])) return $levels["x".$level]; else return _("ANON"); } function _notAuthorized ($require_level) { // Display the authority message in the Wiki's default // language, in case it is not english. // // Note that normally a user will not see such an error once // logged in, unless the admin has altered the default // disallowed wikiactions. In that case we should probably // check the user's language prefs too at this point; this // would be a situation which is not really handled with the // current code. if (empty($GLOBALS['LANG'])) update_locale(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); // User does not have required authority. Prompt for login. $what = $this->getActionDescription($this->getArg('action')); $pass_required = ($require_level >= WIKIAUTH_USER); if ($require_level == WIKIAUTH_UNOBTAINABLE) { global $DisabledActions; if ($DisabledActions and in_array($action, $DisabledActions)) { $msg = fmt("%s is disallowed on this wiki.", $this->getDisallowedActionDescription($this->getArg('action'))); $this->finish(); return; } // Is the reason a missing ACL or just wrong user or password? if (class_exists('PagePermission')) { $user =& $this->_user; $status = $user->isAuthenticated() ? _("authenticated") : _("not authenticated"); $msg = fmt("%s %s %s is disallowed on this wiki for %s user '%s' (level: %s).", _("Missing PagePermission:"), action2access($this->getArg('action')), $this->getArg('pagename'), $status, $user->getId(), $this->getLevelDescription($user->_level)); // TODO: add link to action=setacl $user->PrintLoginForm($this, compact('pass_required'), $msg); $this->finish(); return; } else { $msg = fmt("%s is disallowed on this wiki.", $this->getDisallowedActionDescription($this->getArg('action'))); $this->_user->PrintLoginForm($this, compact('require_level','pass_required'), $msg); $this->finish(); return; } } elseif ($require_level == WIKIAUTH_BOGO) $msg = fmt("You must sign in to %s.", $what); elseif ($require_level == WIKIAUTH_USER) { // LoginForm should display the relevant messages... $msg = ""; /*if (!ALLOW_ANON_USER) $msg = fmt("You must log in first to %s", $what); else $msg = fmt("You must log in to %s.", $what); */ } elseif ($require_level == WIKIAUTH_ANON) $msg = fmt("Access for you is forbidden to %s.", $what); else $msg = fmt("You must be an administrator to %s.", $what); $this->_user->PrintLoginForm($this, compact('require_level','pass_required'), $msg); if (!$GLOBALS['WikiTheme']->DUMP_MODE) $this->finish(); // NORETURN } // Fixme: for PagePermissions we'll need other strings, // relevant to the requested page, not just for the action on the whole wiki. function getActionDescription($action) { static $actionDescriptions; if (! $actionDescriptions) { $actionDescriptions = array('browse' => _("view this page"), 'diff' => _("diff this page"), 'dumphtml' => _("dump html pages"), 'dumpserial' => _("dump serial pages"), 'edit' => _("edit this page"), 'rename' => _("rename this page"), 'revert' => _("revert to a previous version of this page"), 'create' => _("create this page"), 'loadfile' => _("load files into this wiki"), 'lock' => _("lock this page"), 'purge' => _("purge this page"), 'remove' => _("remove this page"), 'unlock' => _("unlock this page"), 'upload' => _("upload a zip dump"), 'verify' => _("verify the current action"), 'viewsource' => _("view the source of this page"), 'xmlrpc' => _("access this wiki via XML-RPC"), 'soap' => _("access this wiki via SOAP"), 'zip' => _("download a zip dump from this wiki"), 'ziphtml' => _("download a html zip dump from this wiki") ); } if (in_array($action, array_keys($actionDescriptions))) return $actionDescriptions[$action]; else return _("use")." ".$action; } /** TODO: check against these cases: if ($DisabledActions and in_array($action, $DisabledActions)) return WIKIAUTH_UNOBTAINABLE; if (ENABLE_PAGEPERM and class_exists("PagePermission")) { return requiredAuthorityForPage($action); => Browsing pages is disallowed on this wiki for authenticated user 'rurban' (level: BOGO). */ function getDisallowedActionDescription($action) { static $disallowedActionDescriptions; if (! $disallowedActionDescriptions) { $disallowedActionDescriptions = array('browse' => _("Browsing pages"), 'diff' => _("Diffing pages"), 'dumphtml' => _("Dumping html pages"), 'dumpserial' => _("Dumping serial pages"), 'edit' => _("Editing pages"), 'revert' => _("Reverting to a previous version of pages"), 'create' => _("Creating pages"), 'loadfile' => _("Loading files"), 'lock' => _("Locking pages"), 'purge' => _("Purging pages"), 'remove' => _("Removing pages"), 'unlock' => _("Unlocking pages"), 'upload' => _("Uploading zip dumps"), 'verify' => _("Verify the current action"), 'viewsource' => _("Viewing the source of pages"), 'xmlrpc' => _("XML-RPC access"), 'soap' => _("SOAP access"), 'zip' => _("Downloading zip dumps"), 'ziphtml' => _("Downloading html zip dumps") ); } if (in_array($action, array_keys($disallowedActionDescriptions))) return $disallowedActionDescriptions[$action]; else return $action; } function requiredAuthority ($action) { $auth = $this->requiredAuthorityForAction($action); if (!ALLOW_ANON_USER) return WIKIAUTH_USER; /* * This is a hook for plugins to require authority * for posting to them. * * IMPORTANT: This is not a secure check, so the plugin * may not assume that any POSTs to it are authorized. * All this does is cause PhpWiki to prompt for login * if the user doesn't have the required authority. */ if ($this->isPost()) { $post_auth = $this->getArg('require_authority_for_post'); if ($post_auth !== false) $auth = max($auth, $post_auth); } return $auth; } function requiredAuthorityForAction ($action) { global $DisabledActions; if ($DisabledActions and in_array($action, $DisabledActions)) return WIKIAUTH_UNOBTAINABLE; if (ENABLE_PAGEPERM and class_exists("PagePermission")) { return requiredAuthorityForPage($action); } else { // FIXME: clean up. switch ($action) { case 'browse': case 'viewsource': case 'diff': case 'select': case 'search': case 'pdf': case 'captcha': case 'wikitohtml': case 'setpref': return WIKIAUTH_ANON; case 'xmlrpc': case 'soap': case 'dumphtml': if (INSECURE_ACTIONS_LOCALHOST_ONLY and !is_localhost()) return WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; return WIKIAUTH_ANON; case 'ziphtml': if (ZIPDUMP_AUTH) return WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; if (INSECURE_ACTIONS_LOCALHOST_ONLY and !is_localhost()) return WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; return WIKIAUTH_ANON; case 'dumpserial': if (INSECURE_ACTIONS_LOCALHOST_ONLY and is_localhost()) return WIKIAUTH_ANON; return WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; case 'zip': if (ZIPDUMP_AUTH) return WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; return WIKIAUTH_ANON; case 'edit': case 'revert': case 'rename': if (defined('REQUIRE_SIGNIN_BEFORE_EDIT') && REQUIRE_SIGNIN_BEFORE_EDIT) return WIKIAUTH_BOGO; return WIKIAUTH_ANON; // return WIKIAUTH_BOGO; case 'create': $page = $this->getPage(); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); if ($current->hasDefaultContents()) return $this->requiredAuthorityForAction('edit'); return $this->requiredAuthorityForAction('browse'); case 'upload': case 'loadfile': case 'purge': case 'remove': case 'lock': case 'unlock': case 'upgrade': case 'chown': case 'setacl': return WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; /* authcheck occurs only in the plugin. required actionpage RateIt */ /* case 'rate': case 'delete_rating': // Perhaps this should be WIKIAUTH_USER return WIKIAUTH_BOGO; */ default: global $WikiNameRegexp; if (preg_match("/$WikiNameRegexp\Z/A", $action)) return WIKIAUTH_ANON; // ActionPage. else return WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; } } } /* End of Permission system */ function possiblyDeflowerVirginWiki () { if ($this->getArg('action') != 'browse') return; if ($this->getArg('pagename') != HOME_PAGE) return; $page = $this->getPage(); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); if ($current->getVersion() > 0) return; // Homepage exists. include_once('lib/loadsave.php'); $this->setArg('action', 'loadfile'); SetupWiki($this); $this->finish(); // NORETURN } // [574ms] mainly template:printexpansion: 393ms and template::expandsubtemplate [100+70+60ms] function handleAction () { $action = $this->getArg('action'); if ($this->isPost() and !$this->_user->isAdmin() and $action != 'browse' and $action != 'wikitohtml' ) { $page = $this->getPage(); if ( $page->get('moderation') ) { require_once("lib/WikiPlugin.php"); $loader = new WikiPluginLoader(); $plugin = $loader->getPlugin("ModeratedPage"); if ($plugin->handler($this, $page)) { $CONTENT = HTML::div ( array('class' => 'wiki-edithelp'), fmt("%s: action forwarded to a moderator.", $action), HTML::br(), _("This action requires moderator approval. Please be patient.")); if (!empty($plugin->_tokens['CONTENT'])) $plugin->_tokens['CONTENT']->pushContent ( HTML::br(), _("You must wait for moderator approval.")); else $plugin->_tokens['CONTENT'] = $CONTENT; require_once("lib/Template.php"); $title = WikiLink($page->getName()); $title->pushContent(' : ', WikiLink(_("ModeratedPage"))); GeneratePage(Template('browse', $plugin->_tokens), $title, $page->getCurrentRevision()); $this->finish(); } } } $method = "action_$action"; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->{$method}(); } elseif ($page = $this->findActionPage($action)) { $this->actionpage($page); } else { $this->finish(fmt("%s: Bad action", $action)); } } function finish ($errormsg = false) { static $in_exit = 0; if ($in_exit) exit(); // just in case CloseDataBase calls us $in_exit = true; global $ErrorManager; $ErrorManager->flushPostponedErrors(); if (!empty($errormsg)) { PrintXML(HTML::br(), HTML::hr(), HTML::h2(_("Fatal PhpWiki Error")), $errormsg); // HACK: echo "\n"; } if (is_object($this->_user)) { $this->_user->page = $this->getArg('pagename'); $this->_user->action = $this->getArg('action'); unset($this->_user->_HomePagehandle); unset($this->_user->_auth_dbi); unset($this->_user->_dbi); unset($this->_user->_request); } Request::finish(); exit; } /** * Generally pagename is rawurlencoded for older browsers or mozilla. * Typing a pagename into the IE bar will utf-8 encode it, so we have to * fix that with fixTitleEncoding(). * If USE_PATH_INFO = true, the pagename is stripped from the "/DATA_PATH/PageName&arg=value" line. * If false, we support either "/index.php?pagename=PageName&arg=value", * or the first arg (1.2.x style): "/index.php?PageName&arg=value" */ function _deducePagename () { if (trim(rawurldecode($this->getArg('pagename')))) return fixTitleEncoding(rawurldecode($this->getArg('pagename'))); if (USE_PATH_INFO) { $pathinfo = $this->get('PATH_INFO'); if (empty($pathinfo)) { // fix for CGI $path = $this->get('REQUEST_URI'); $script = $this->get('SCRIPT_NAME'); $pathinfo = substr($path,strlen($script)); $pathinfo = preg_replace('/\?.+$/','',$pathinfo); } $tail = substr($pathinfo, strlen(PATH_INFO_PREFIX)); if (trim($tail) != '' and $pathinfo == PATH_INFO_PREFIX . $tail) { return fixTitleEncoding($tail); } } elseif ($this->isPost()) { /* * In general, for security reasons, HTTP_GET_VARS should be ignored * on POST requests, but we make an exception here (only for pagename). * * The justification for this hack is the following * asymmetry: When POSTing with USE_PATH_INFO set, the * pagename can (and should) be communicated through the * request URL via PATH_INFO. When POSTing with * USE_PATH_INFO off, this cannot be done --- the only way * to communicate the pagename through the URL is via * QUERY_ARGS (HTTP_GET_VARS). */ global $HTTP_GET_VARS; if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['pagename']) and trim($HTTP_GET_VARS['pagename'])) { return fixTitleEncoding(rawurldecode($HTTP_GET_VARS['pagename'])); } } /* * Support for PhpWiki 1.2 style requests. * Strip off "&" args (?PageName&action=...&start_debug,...) */ $query_string = $this->get('QUERY_STRING'); if (trim(rawurldecode($query_string)) and preg_match('/^([^&=]+)(&.+)?$/', $query_string, $m)) { return fixTitleEncoding(rawurldecode($m[1])); } return fixTitleEncoding(HOME_PAGE); } function _deduceAction () { if (!($action = $this->getArg('action'))) { // TODO: improve this SOAP.php hack by letting SOAP use index.php // or any other virtual url as with xmlrpc if (defined('WIKI_SOAP') and WIKI_SOAP) return 'soap'; // Detect XML-RPC requests. if ($this->isPost() && ((defined("WIKI_XMLRPC") and WIKI_XMLRPC) or ($this->get('CONTENT_TYPE') == 'text/xml' or $this->get('CONTENT_TYPE') == 'application/xml') && strstr($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'], '')) ) { return 'xmlrpc'; } return 'browse'; // Default if no action specified. } if (method_exists($this, "action_$action")) return $action; // Allow for, e.g. action=LikePages if (isActionPage($action)) return $action; // Handle untranslated actionpages in non-english // (people playing with switching languages) if (0 and $GLOBALS['LANG'] != 'en') { require_once("lib/plugin/_WikiTranslation.php"); $trans = new WikiPlugin__WikiTranslation(); $en_action = $trans->translate($action,'en',$GLOBALS['LANG']); if (isActionPage($en_action)) return $en_action; } trigger_error("$action: Unknown action", E_USER_NOTICE); return 'browse'; } function _deduceUsername() { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $HTTP_ENV_VARS; if (!empty($this->args['auth']) and !empty($this->args['auth']['userid'])) return $this->args['auth']['userid']; if ($user = $this->getSessionVar('wiki_user')) { // Switched auth between sessions. // Note: There's no way to demandload a missing class-definition // afterwards! Stupid php. if (isa($user, WikiUserClassname())) { $this->_user = $user; $this->_user->_authhow = 'session'; return ENABLE_USER_NEW ? $user->UserName() : $this->_user; } } // Sessions override http auth if (!empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) return $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_AUTH_USER']; // pubcookie et al if (!empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_USER'])) return $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_USER']; if (!empty($HTTP_ENV_VARS['REMOTE_USER'])) return $HTTP_ENV_VARS['REMOTE_USER']; if ($userid = $this->getCookieVar(getCookieName())) { if (!empty($userid) and substr($userid,0,2) != 's:') { $this->_user->authhow = 'cookie'; return $userid; } } if ($this->getArg('action') == 'xmlrpc') { // how about SOAP? if (empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'])) trigger_error("Wrong always_populate_raw_post_data = Off setting in your php.ini\nCannot use xmlrpc!", E_USER_ERROR); // wiki.putPage has special otional userid/passwd arguments. check that later. $userid = ''; if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_USER'])) $userid = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_USER']; elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $userid = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR']; elseif (isset($HTTP_ENV_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $userid = $HTTP_ENV_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR']; elseif (isset($GLOBALS['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $userid = $GLOBALS['REMOTE_ADDR']; return $userid; } return false; } function findActionPage ($action) { static $cache; if (!$action) return false; // check for translated version, as per users preferred language // (or system default in case it is not en) $translation = gettext($action); if (isset($cache) and isset($cache[$translation])) return $cache[$translation]; // check for cached translated version if ($translation and isActionPage($translation)) return $cache[$action] = $translation; // Allow for, e.g. action=LikePages if (!isWikiWord($action)) return $cache[$action] = false; // check for translated version (default language) global $LANG; if ($LANG != "en") { require_once("lib/WikiPlugin.php"); require_once("lib/plugin/_WikiTranslation.php"); $trans = new WikiPlugin__WikiTranslation(); $trans->lang = $LANG; $default = $trans->translate_to_en($action, $LANG); if ($default and isActionPage($default)) return $cache[$action] = $default; } else { $default = $translation; } // check for english version if ($action != $translation and $action != $default) { if (isActionPage($action)) return $cache[$action] = $action; } trigger_error("$action: Cannot find action page", E_USER_NOTICE); return $cache[$action] = false; } function action_browse () { $this->buffer_output(); include_once("lib/display.php"); displayPage($this); } function action_verify () { $this->action_browse(); } function actionpage ($action) { $this->buffer_output(); include_once("lib/display.php"); actionPage($this, $action); } function adminActionSubpage ($subpage) { $page = _("PhpWikiAdministration")."/".$subpage; $action = $this->findActionPage($page); if ($action) { if (!$this->getArg('s')) $this->setArg('s', $this->getArg('pagename')); $this->setArg('verify', 1); // only for POST if ($this->getArg('action') != 'rename') $this->setArg('action', $action); elseif($this->getArg('to') && empty($this->args['admin_rename'])) { $this->args['admin_rename'] = array('from' => $this->getArg('s'), 'to' => $this->getArg('to'), 'action' => 'select'); } $this->actionpage($action); } else { trigger_error($page.": Cannot find action page", E_USER_WARNING); } } function action_chown () { $this->adminActionSubpage(_("Chown")); } function action_setacl () { $this->adminActionSubpage(_("SetAcl")); } function action_rename () { $this->adminActionSubpage(_("Rename")); } function action_dump () { $action = $this->findActionPage(_("PageDump")); if ($action) { $this->actionpage($action); } else { // redirect to action=upgrade if admin? trigger_error(_("PageDump").": Cannot find action page", E_USER_WARNING); } } function action_diff () { $this->buffer_output(); include_once "lib/diff.php"; showDiff($this); } function action_search () { // Decide between title or fulltextsearch (e.g. both buttons available). // Reformulate URL and redirect. $searchtype = $this->getArg('searchtype'); $args = array('s' => $this->getArg('searchterm') ? $this->getArg('searchterm') : $this->getArg('s')); if ($searchtype == 'full' or $searchtype == 'fulltext') { $search_page = _("FullTextSearch"); } elseif ($searchtype == 'external') { $s = $args['s']; $link = new WikiPageName("Search:$s"); // Expand interwiki url. I use xapian-omega $this->redirect($link->url); } else { $search_page = _("TitleSearch"); $args['auto_redirect'] = 1; } $this->redirect(WikiURL($search_page, $args, 'absolute_url')); } function action_edit () { $this->buffer_output(); include "lib/editpage.php"; $e = new PageEditor ($this); $e->editPage(); } function action_create () { $this->action_edit(); } function action_viewsource () { $this->buffer_output(); include "lib/editpage.php"; $e = new PageEditor ($this); $e->viewSource(); } function action_lock () { $page = $this->getPage(); $page->set('locked', true); $this->_dbi->touch(); // check ModeratedPage hook if ($moderated = $page->get('moderation')) { require_once("lib/WikiPlugin.php"); $plugin = WikiPluginLoader::getPlugin("ModeratedPage"); if ($retval = $plugin->lock_check($this, $page, $moderated)) $this->setArg('errormsg', $retval); } // check if a link to ModeratedPage exists elseif ($action_page = $page->existLink(_("ModeratedPage"))) { require_once("lib/WikiPlugin.php"); $plugin = WikiPluginLoader::getPlugin("ModeratedPage"); if ($retval = $plugin->lock_add($this, $page, $action_page)) $this->setArg('errormsg', $retval); } $this->action_browse(); } function action_unlock () { $page = $this->getPage(); $page->set('locked', false); $this->_dbi->touch(); $this->action_browse(); } function action_purge () { $pagename = $this->getArg('pagename'); if (strstr($pagename, _("PhpWikiAdministration"))) { $this->action_browse(); } else { include('lib/purgepage.php'); PurgePage($this); } } function action_remove () { // This check is now redundant. //$user->requireAuth(WIKIAUTH_ADMIN); $pagename = $this->getArg('pagename'); if (strstr($pagename, _("PhpWikiAdministration"))) { $this->action_browse(); } else { include('lib/removepage.php'); RemovePage($this); } } function action_xmlrpc () { include_once("lib/XmlRpcServer.php"); $xmlrpc = new XmlRpcServer($this); $xmlrpc->service(); } function action_soap () { if (defined("WIKI_SOAP") and WIKI_SOAP) // already loaded return; /* allow VIRTUAL_PATH or action=soap SOAP access */ include_once("SOAP.php"); } function action_revert () { include_once "lib/loadsave.php"; RevertPage($this); } function action_zip () { include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); MakeWikiZip($this); } function action_ziphtml () { include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); MakeWikiZipHtml($this); // I don't think it hurts to add cruft at the end of the zip file. echo "\n========================================================\n"; echo "PhpWiki " . PHPWIKI_VERSION . "\n"; } function action_dumpserial () { include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); DumpToDir($this); } function action_dumphtml () { include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); DumpHtmlToDir($this); } function action_upload () { include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); LoadPostFile($this); } function action_upgrade () { include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); include_once("lib/upgrade.php"); DoUpgrade($this); } function action_loadfile () { include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); LoadFileOrDir($this); } function action_pdf () { include_once("lib/pdf.php"); ConvertAndDisplayPdf($this); } function action_captcha () { include_once "lib/Captcha.php"; $captcha = new Captcha(); $captcha->image ( $captcha->captchaword() ); } function action_wikitohtml () { include_once("lib/WysiwygEdit/Wikiwyg.php"); $wikitohtml = new WikiToHtml( $this->getArg("content") , $this); $wikitohtml->send(); } function action_setpref () { $what = $this->getArg('pref'); $value = $this->getArg('value'); $prefs =& $this->_user->_prefs; $prefs->set($what, $value); $num = $this->_user->setPreferences($prefs); } } //FIXME: deprecated with ENABLE_PAGEPERM (?) function is_safe_action ($action) { global $request; return $request->requiredAuthorityForAction($action) < WIKIAUTH_ADMIN; } function validateSessionPath() { // Try to defer any session.save_path PHP errors before any html // is output, which causes some versions of IE to display a blank // page (due to its strict mode while parsing a page?). if (! is_writeable(ini_get('session.save_path'))) { $tmpdir = (defined('SESSION_SAVE_PATH') and SESSION_SAVE_PATH) ? SESSION_SAVE_PATH : '/tmp'; if (!is_writeable($tmpdir)) $tmpdir = '/tmp'; trigger_error (sprintf(_("%s is not writable."), _("The session.save_path directory")) . "\n" . sprintf(_("Please ensure that %s is writable, or redefine %s in config/config.ini."), sprintf(_("the session.save_path directory '%s'"), ini_get('session.save_path')), 'SESSION_SAVE_PATH') . "\n" . sprintf(_("Attempting to use the directory '%s' instead."), $tmpdir) , E_USER_NOTICE); if (! is_writeable($tmpdir)) { trigger_error (sprintf(_("%s is not writable."), $tmpdir) . "\n" . _("Users will not be able to sign in.") , E_USER_NOTICE); } else @ini_set('session.save_path', $tmpdir); } } function main () { if ( !USE_DB_SESSION ) validateSessionPath(); global $request; if ((DEBUG & _DEBUG_APD) and extension_loaded("apd")) { //apd_set_session_trace(9); apd_set_pprof_trace(); } // Postpone warnings global $ErrorManager; if (defined('E_STRICT')) // and (E_ALL & E_STRICT)) // strict php5? $ErrorManager->setPostponedErrorMask(E_NOTICE|E_USER_NOTICE|E_USER_WARNING|E_WARNING|E_STRICT|((check_php_version(5,3)) ? E_DEPRECATED : 0)); else $ErrorManager->setPostponedErrorMask(E_NOTICE|E_USER_NOTICE|E_USER_WARNING|E_WARNING); $request = new WikiRequest(); $action = $request->getArg('action'); if (substr($action, 0, 3) != 'zip') { if ($action == 'pdf') $ErrorManager->setPostponedErrorMask(-1); // everything //else // reject postponing of warnings // $ErrorManager->setPostponedErrorMask(E_NOTICE|E_USER_NOTICE); } /* * Allow for disabling of markup cache. * (Mostly for debugging ... hopefully.) * * See also <> */ if (!defined('WIKIDB_NOCACHE_MARKUP')) { if ($request->getArg('nocache')) // 1 or purge define('WIKIDB_NOCACHE_MARKUP', $request->getArg('nocache')); else define('WIKIDB_NOCACHE_MARKUP', false); // redundant, but explicit } // Initialize with system defaults in case user not logged in. // Should this go into the constructor? $request->initializeTheme('default'); $request->updateAuthAndPrefs(); $request->initializeLang(); //FIXME: //if ($user->is_authenticated()) // $LogEntry->user = $user->getId(); // Memory optimization: // http://www.procata.com/blog/archives/2004/05/27/rephlux-and-php-memory-usage/ // kill the global PEAR _PEAR_destructor_object_list if (!empty($_PEAR_destructor_object_list)) $_PEAR_destructor_object_list = array(); $request->possiblyDeflowerVirginWiki(); $validators = array('wikiname' => WIKI_NAME, 'args' => wikihash($request->getArgs()), 'prefs' => wikihash($request->getPrefs())); if (CACHE_CONTROL == 'STRICT') { $dbi = $request->getDbh(); $timestamp = $dbi->getTimestamp(); $validators['mtime'] = $timestamp; $validators['%mtime'] = (int)$timestamp; } // FIXME: we should try to generate strong validators when possible, // but for now, our validator is weak, since equal validators do not // indicate byte-level equality of content. (Due to DEBUG timing output, etc...) // // (If DEBUG if off, this may be a strong validator, but I'm going // to go the paranoid route here pending further study and testing.) // access hits and edit stats in the footer violate strong ETags also. if (1 or DEBUG) { $validators['%weak'] = true; } $request->setValidators($validators); $request->handleAction(); if (DEBUG and DEBUG & _DEBUG_INFO) phpinfo(INFO_VARIABLES | INFO_MODULES); $request->finish(); } //$x = error_reporting(); // DEBUG: why is it 1 here? should be E_ALL if (defined('E_STRICT') and (E_ALL & E_STRICT)) // strict php5? error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); // exclude E_STRICT else error_reporting(E_ALL); // php4 // don't run the main loop for special requests (test, getimg, xmlrpc, soap, ...) if (!defined('PHPWIKI_NOMAIN') or !PHPWIKI_NOMAIN) main(); // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>