write(ACCESS_LOG); } register_shutdown_function('_write_log'); } if (USE_PATH_INFO && !isset($PATH_INFO)) { $LogEntry->status = 302; // "302 Found" header("Location: " . SERVER_URL . $REQUEST_URI); exit; } function DeducePagename () { global $pagename, $PATH_INFO; if (isset($pagename)) return fix_magic_quotes_gpc($pagename); if (USE_PATH_INFO && isset($PATH_INFO)) { fix_magic_quotes_gpc($PATH_INFO); if (ereg('^' . PATH_INFO_PREFIX . '(..*)$', $PATH_INFO, $m)) return $m[1]; } return gettext("FrontPage"); } $pagename = DeducePagename(); if (!empty($action)) { $action = trim(fix_magic_quotes_gpc($action)); } else if (isset($diff)) { // Fix for compatibility with very old diff links in RecentChanges. // (The [phpwiki:?diff=PageName] style links are fixed elsewhere.) $action = 'diff'; $pagename = fix_magic_quotes_gpc($diff); unset($diff); } else { $action = 'browse'; } function IsSafeAction ($action) { if (! ZIPDUMP_AUTH and $action == 'zip') return true; return in_array ( $action, array('browse', 'info', 'diff', 'search', 'edit', 'save', 'login', 'logout', 'setprefs') ); } function get_auth_mode ($action) { switch ($action) { case 'logout': return 'LOGOUT'; case 'login': return 'LOGIN'; default: if (IsSafeAction($action)) return 'ANON_OK'; else return 'REQUIRE_AUTH'; } } $user = new WikiUser(get_auth_mode($action)); if (ACCESS_LOG and $user->is_authenticated()) $LogEntry->user = $user->id; // All requests require the database $dbi = OpenDataBase($WikiPageStore); // if there is no FrontPage, create a basic set of Wiki pages if ( ! IsWikiPage($dbi, gettext("FrontPage")) ) { include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); SetupWiki($dbi); ExitWiki(); } // FIXME: I think this is redundant. if (!IsSafeAction($action)) $user->must_be_admin($action); if (isset($DisabledActions) && in_array($action, $DisabledActions)) ExitWiki(gettext("Action $action is disabled in this wiki.")); // Enable the output of most of the warning messages. // The warnings will screw up zip files and setpref though. if ($action != 'zip' && $action != 'setprefs') PostponeErrorMessages(E_NOTICE); switch ($action) { case 'edit': include "lib/editpage.php"; break; case 'search': if (isset($searchtype) && ($searchtype == 'full')) { include "lib/fullsearch.php"; } else { include "lib/search.php"; } break; case 'save': include "lib/savepage.php"; break; case 'info': include "lib/pageinfo.php"; break; case 'diff': include "lib/diff.php"; break; case 'zip': include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); MakeWikiZip($dbi, isset($include) && $include == 'all'); // I don't think it hurts to add cruft at the end of the zip file. echo "\n========================================================\n"; echo "PhpWiki " . PHPWIKI_VERSION . " source:\n$RCS_IDS\n"; break; case 'upload': include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); LoadPostFile($dbi, 'file'); break; case 'dumpserial': if (empty($directory)) ExitWiki(gettext("You must specify a directory to dump to")); include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); DumpToDir($dbi, fix_magic_quotes_gpc($directory)); break; case 'loadfile': if (empty($source)) ExitWiki(gettext("You must specify a source to read from")); include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); LoadFileOrDir($dbi, fix_magic_quotes_gpc($source)); break; case 'remove': include 'admin/removepage.php'; break; case 'lock': case 'unlock': include "admin/lockpage.php"; include "lib/display.php"; break; case 'setprefs': $prefs = $user->getPreferences($GLOBALS); if (!empty($edit_area_width)) $prefs['edit_area.width'] = $edit_area_width; if (!empty($edit_area_height)) $prefs['edit_area.height'] = $edit_area_height; $user->setPreferences($prefs); PostponeErrorMessages(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); include "lib/display.php"; break; case 'browse': case 'login': case 'logout': include "lib/display.php"; break; default: echo QElement('p', sprintf("Bad action: '%s'", urlencode($action))); break; } ExitWiki(); // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "ellemtel" // End: ?>