dbi after open: '$dbi' '$dbi[table]' '$dbi[dbc]'

\n"; return $dbi; } function CloseDataBase($dbi) { // NOOP: we use persistent database connections } // Return hash of page + attributes or default function RetrievePage($dbi, $pagename, $pagestore) { $pagename = addslashes($pagename); $query = "select * from $pagestore where pagename='$pagename'"; // echo "


"; $res = pg_exec($dbi['dbc'], $query); if (pg_numrows($res)) { if ($array = pg_fetch_array($res, 0)) { while (list($key, $val) = each($array)) { // pg_fetch_array gives us all the values twice, // so we have to manually edit out the indices if (gettype($key) == "integer") { continue; } $pagehash[$key] = $val; } // unserialize/explode content $pagehash['refs'] = unserialize($pagehash['refs']); $pagehash['content'] = explode("\n", $pagehash['content']); return $pagehash; } } // if we reach this the query failed return -1; } // Either insert or replace a key/value (a page) function InsertPage($dbi, $pagename, $pagehash) { $pagename = addslashes($pagename); // update the wikilinks table $linklist = ExtractWikiPageLinks($pagehash['content']); SetWikiPageLinks($dbi, $pagename, $linklist); // prepare the content for storage if (!isset($pagehash["pagename"])) $pagehash["pagename"] = $pagename; if (!isset($pagehash["flags"])) $pagehash["flags"] = 0; $pagehash["author"] = addslashes($pagehash["author"]); $pagehash["content"] = implode("\n", $pagehash["content"]); $pagehash["content"] = addslashes($pagehash["content"]); $pagehash["pagename"] = addslashes($pagehash["pagename"]); $pagehash["refs"] = serialize($pagehash["refs"]); // Check for empty variables which can cause a sql error if(empty($pagehash["created"])) $pagehash["created"] = time(); if(empty($pagehash["version"])) $pagehash["version"] = 1; // record the time of modification $pagehash["lastmodified"] = time(); if (IsWikiPage($dbi, $pagename)) { $PAIRS = "author='$pagehash[author]'," . "content='$pagehash[content]'," . "created=$pagehash[created]," . "flags=$pagehash[flags]," . "lastmodified=$pagehash[lastmodified]," . "pagename='$pagehash[pagename]'," . "refs='$pagehash[refs]'," . "version=$pagehash[version]"; $query = "UPDATE $dbi[table] SET $PAIRS WHERE pagename='$pagename'"; } else { // do an insert // build up the column names and values for the query $COLUMNS = "author, content, created, flags, " . "lastmodified, pagename, refs, version"; $VALUES = "'$pagehash[author]', '$pagehash[content]', " . "$pagehash[created], $pagehash[flags], " . "$pagehash[lastmodified], '$pagehash[pagename]', " . "'$pagehash[refs]', $pagehash[version]"; $query = "INSERT INTO $dbi[table] ($COLUMNS) VALUES($VALUES)"; } // echo "

Query: $query

\n"; $retval = pg_exec($dbi['dbc'], $query); if ($retval == false) echo "Insert/update failed: " . pg_errormessage($dbi['dbc']); } function SaveCopyToArchive($dbi, $pagename, $pagehash) { global $ArchivePageStore; // echo "

save copy called

"; $pagename = addslashes($pagename); // echo "

dbi in SaveCopyToArchive: '$dbi' '$ArchivePageStore' '$dbi[dbc]'

"; // prepare the content for storage if (!isset($pagehash["pagename"])) $pagehash["pagename"] = $pagename; if (!isset($pagehash["flags"])) $pagehash["flags"] = 0; $pagehash["author"] = addslashes($pagehash["author"]); $pagehash["content"] = implode("\n", $pagehash["content"]); $pagehash["content"] = addslashes($pagehash["content"]); $pagehash["pagename"] = addslashes($pagehash["pagename"]); $pagehash["refs"] = serialize($pagehash["refs"]); if (IsInArchive($dbi, $pagename)) { $PAIRS = "author='$pagehash[author]'," . "content='$pagehash[content]'," . "created=$pagehash[created]," . "flags=$pagehash[flags]," . "lastmodified=$pagehash[lastmodified]," . "pagename='$pagehash[pagename]'," . "refs='$pagehash[refs]'," . "version=$pagehash[version]"; $query = "UPDATE $ArchivePageStore SET $PAIRS WHERE pagename='$pagename'"; } else { // do an insert // build up the column names and values for the query $COLUMNS = "author, content, created, flags, " . "lastmodified, pagename, refs, version"; $VALUES = "'$pagehash[author]', '$pagehash[content]', " . "$pagehash[created], $pagehash[flags], " . "$pagehash[lastmodified], '$pagehash[pagename]', " . "'$pagehash[refs]', $pagehash[version]"; $query = "INSERT INTO $ArchivePageStore ($COLUMNS) VALUES($VALUES)"; } // echo "

Query: $query

\n"; $retval = pg_exec($dbi['dbc'], $query); if ($retval == false) echo "Insert/update failed: " . pg_errormessage($dbi['dbc']); } function IsWikiPage($dbi, $pagename) { global $WikiPageStore; $pagename = addslashes($pagename); $query = "select count(*) from $WikiPageStore " . "where pagename='$pagename'"; $res = pg_exec($query); $array = pg_fetch_array($res, 0); return $array[0]; } function IsInArchive($dbi, $pagename) { global $ArchivePageStore; $pagename = addslashes($pagename); $query = "select count(*) from $ArchivePageStore " . "where pagename='$pagename'"; $res = pg_exec($query); $array = pg_fetch_array($res, 0); return $array[0]; } // setup for title-search function InitTitleSearch($dbi, $search) { global $search_counter; $search_counter = 0; $search = strtolower($search); $search = addslashes($search); $query = "select pagename from $dbi[table] where lower(pagename) " . "like '%$search%' order by pagename"; //echo "search query: $query
\n"; $res = pg_exec($dbi["dbc"], $query); return $res; } // iterating through database function TitleSearchNextMatch($dbi, $res) { global $search_counter; if($o = @pg_fetch_object($res, $search_counter)) { $search_counter++; return $o->pagename; } else { return 0; } } // setup for full-text search function InitFullSearch($dbi, $search) { global $search_counter; $search_counter = 0; $search = strtolower($search); $search = addslashes($search); $search = addslashes($search); $query = "select pagename,content from $dbi[table] " . "where lower(content) like '%$search%'"; $res = pg_exec($dbi["dbc"], $query); return $res; } // iterating through database function FullSearchNextMatch($dbi, $res) { global $search_counter; if ($hash = @pg_fetch_array($res, $search_counter)) { $search_counter++; $page['pagename'] = $hash["pagename"]; $page['content'] = explode("\n", $hash["content"]); return $page; } else { return 0; } } //////////////////////// // new database features function IncreaseHitCount($dbi, $pagename) { global $HitCountPageStore; $query = "update $HitCountPageStore set hits=hits+1 where pagename='$pagename'"; $res = pg_exec($dbi['dbc'], $query); if (!pg_cmdtuples($res)) { $query = "insert into $HitCountPageStore (pagename, hits) " . "values ('$pagename', 1)"; $res = pg_exec($dbi['dbc'], $query); } return $res; } function GetHitCount($dbi, $pagename) { global $HitCountPageStore; $query = "select hits from $HitCountPageStore where pagename='$pagename'"; $res = pg_exec($dbi['dbc'], $query); if (pg_cmdtuples($res)) { $hits = pg_result($res, 0, "hits"); } else { $hits = "0"; } return $hits; } function InitMostPopular($dbi, $limit) { global $pg_most_pop_ctr, $HitCountPageStore; $pg_most_pop_ctr = 0; $query = "select * from $HitCountPageStore " . "order by hits desc, pagename limit $limit"; $res = pg_exec($dbi['dbc'], $query); return $res; } function MostPopularNextMatch($dbi, $res) { global $pg_most_pop_ctr; if ($hits = @pg_fetch_array($res, $pg_most_pop_ctr)) { $pg_most_pop_ctr++; return $hits; } else { return 0; } } function GetAllWikiPageNames($dbi) { global $WikiPageStore; $res = pg_exec($dbi['dbc'], "select pagename from $WikiPageStore"); $rows = pg_numrows($res); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $pages[$i] = pg_result($res, $i, "pagename"); } return $pages; } //////////////////////////////////////// // functionality for the wikilinks table // takes a page name, returns array of links function GetWikiPageLinks($dbi, $pagename) { global $WikiLinksPageStore; $pagename = addslashes($pagename); $res = pg_exec("select topage, score from wikilinks, wikiscore where topage=pagename and frompage='$pagename' order by score desc, topage"); $rows = pg_numrows($res); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $out = pg_fetch_array($res, $i); $links['out'][] = array($out['topage'], $out['score']); } $res = pg_exec("select frompage, score from wikilinks, wikiscore where frompage=pagename and topage='$pagename' order by score desc, frompage"); $rows = pg_numrows($res); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $out = pg_fetch_array($res, $i); $links['in'][] = array($out['frompage'], $out['score']); } $res = pg_exec("select distinct pagename, hits from wikilinks, hitcount where (frompage=pagename and topage='$pagename') or (topage=pagename and frompage='$pagename') order by hits desc, pagename"); $rows = pg_numrows($res); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $out = pg_fetch_array($res, $i); $links['popular'][] = array($out['pagename'], $out['hits']); } return $links; } // takes page name, list of links it contains // the $linklist is an array where the keys are the page names function SetWikiPageLinks($dbi, $pagename, $linklist) { global $WikiLinksPageStore; $frompage = addslashes($pagename); // first delete the old list of links $query = "delete from $WikiLinksPageStore where frompage='$frompage'"; //echo "$query
\n"; $res = pg_exec($dbi['dbc'], $query); // the page may not have links, return if not if (! count($linklist)) return; // now insert the new list of links reset($linklist); while (list($topage, $count) = each($linklist)) { $topage = addslashes($topage); if ($topage != $frompage) { $query = "insert into $WikiLinksPageStore (frompage, topage) " . "values ('$frompage', '$topage')"; //echo "$query
\n"; $res = pg_exec($dbi['dbc'], $query); } } // update pagescore pg_exec("delete from wikiscore"); pg_exec("insert into wikiscore select w1.topage, count(*) from wikilinks as w1, wikilinks as w2 where w2.topage=w1.frompage group by w1.topage"); } ?>