'[pagename]', 'order' => 'normal', 'mode' => 'add,show', 'jshide' => '0', 'noheader' => false, //'sortby' => '-pagename' // oldest first. reverse by order=reverse ); } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); if (!$args['pagename']) return $this->error(_("No pagename specified")); // Get our form args. $comment = $request->getArg("comment"); $request->setArg('comment', false); if ($request->isPost() and !empty($comment['addcomment'])) { $this->add($request, $comment, 'comment'); // noreturn } if ($args['jshide'] and isBrowserIE() and browserDetect("Mac")) { //trigger_error(_("jshide set to 0 on Mac IE"), E_USER_NOTICE); $args['jshide'] = 0; } // Now we display previous comments and/or provide entry box // for new comments $html = HTML(); if ($args['jshide']) { $div = HTML::div(array('id'=>'comments','style'=>'display:none;')); //$list->setAttr('style','display:none;'); $div->pushContent(Javascript(" function togglecomments(a) { comments=document.getElementById('comments'); if (comments.style.display=='none') { comments.style.display='block'; a.title='"._("Click to hide the comments")."'; } else { comments.style.display='none'; a.title='"._("Click to display all comments")."'; } }")); $html->pushContent(HTML::h4(HTML::a(array('name'=>'comment-header', 'class'=>'wikiaction', 'title'=>_("Click to display"), 'onclick'=>"togglecomments(this)"), _("Comments")))); } else { $div = HTML::div(array('id'=>'comments')); } foreach (explode(',', $args['mode']) as $show) { if (!empty($seen[$show])) continue; $seen[$show] = 1; switch ($show) { case 'show': $show = $this->showAll($request, $args, 'comment'); //if ($args['jshide']) $show->setAttr('style','display:none;'); $div->pushContent($show); break; case 'add': global $WikiTheme; if (!$WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE) { $add = $this->showForm($request, $args, 'addcomment'); //if ($args['jshide']) $add->setAttr('style','display:none;'); $div->pushContent($add); } break; default: return $this->error(sprintf("Bad mode ('%s')", $show)); } } $html->pushContent($div); return $html; } }; // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.8 2004/06/13 09:45:23 rurban // display bug workaround for MacIE browsers, jshide: 0 // // Revision 1.7 2004/03/29 21:33:32 rurban // possible fix for problem reported by Whit Blauvelt // Message-ID: <20040327211707.GA22374@free.transpect.com> // create intermediate redirect subpages for blog/comment/forum // // Revision 1.6 2004/03/16 15:44:34 rurban // jshide not default as in CreateToc // // Revision 1.5 2004/03/15 09:52:59 rurban // jshide button: dynamic titles // // Revision 1.4 2004/03/14 20:30:21 rurban // jshide button // // Revision 1.3 2004/03/14 16:26:21 rurban // copyright line // // Revision 1.2 2004/03/12 20:59:18 rurban // important cookie fix by Konstantin Zadorozhny // new editpage feature: JS_SEARCHREPLACE // // Revision 1.1 2004/03/12 17:32:41 rurban // new base class PageType_attach as base class for WikiBlog, Comment, and WikiForum. // new plugin AddComment, which is a WikiBlog with different pagetype and template, // based on WikiBlog. WikiForum comes later. // // // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>