'') * $where_conditions = 'WHERE '.$where_conditions.' ';" * should be changed to * " if ($where_conditions<>'') * $where_conditions = 'AND '.$where_conditions.' ';" * and in the assignment to query have something like * " $query= "SELECT " * ."referer " * ."FROM $accesslog " * ."WHERE referer IS NOT NULL " * .$where_conditions */ private function getQueryString(&$args) { // extract any parametrised conditions from the arguments, // in particular, how much history to select $where_conditions = $this->getWhereConditions($args); // get the correct name for the table //FIXME is there a more correct way to do this? global $DBParams, $request; $accesslog = (!empty($DBParams['prefix']) ? $DBParams['prefix'] : '') . "accesslog"; $query = ''; $backend_type = $request->_dbi->_backend->backendType(); switch ($backend_type) { case 'mysql': $Referring_URL = "left(referer,length(referer)-instr(reverse(referer),'?'))"; break; case 'pgsql': case 'postgres7': $Referring_URL = "substr(referer,0,position('?' in referer))"; break; default: $Referring_URL = "referer"; } switch ($args['mode']) { case 'referring_urls': if ($where_conditions <> '') $where_conditions = 'WHERE ' . $where_conditions . ' '; $query = "SELECT " . "$Referring_URL AS Referring_URL, " . "count(*) AS Referral_Count " . "FROM $accesslog " . $where_conditions . "GROUP BY Referring_URL"; break; case 'external_referers': $args['local_referrers'] = 'false'; $where_conditions = $this->getWhereConditions($args); if ($where_conditions <> '') $where_conditions = 'WHERE ' . $where_conditions . ' '; $query = "SELECT " . "$Referring_URL AS Referring_URL, " . "count(*) AS Referral_Count " . "FROM $accesslog " . $where_conditions . "GROUP BY Referring_URL"; break; case 'referring_domains': if ($where_conditions <> '') $where_conditions = 'WHERE ' . $where_conditions . ' '; switch ($backend_type) { case 'mysql': $Referring_Domain = "left(referer, if(locate('/', referer, 8) > 0,locate('/', referer, 8) -1, length(referer)))"; break; case 'pgsql': case 'postgres7': $Referring_Domain = "substr(referer,0,8) || regexp_replace(substr(referer,8), '/.*', '')"; break; default: $Referring_Domain = "referer"; break; } $query = "SELECT " . "$Referring_Domain AS Referring_Domain, " . "count(*) AS Referral_Count " . "FROM $accesslog " . $where_conditions . "GROUP BY Referring_Domain"; break; case 'remote_hosts': if ($where_conditions <> '') $where_conditions = 'WHERE ' . $where_conditions . ' '; $query = "SELECT " . "remote_host AS Remote_Host, " . "count(*) AS Access_Count " . "FROM $accesslog " . $where_conditions . "GROUP BY Remote_Host"; break; case 'users': if ($where_conditions <> '') $where_conditions = 'WHERE ' . $where_conditions . ' '; $query = "SELECT " . "remote_user AS User, " . "count(*) AS Access_Count " . "FROM $accesslog " . $where_conditions . "GROUP BY remote_user"; break; case 'host_users': if ($where_conditions <> '') $where_conditions = 'WHERE ' . $where_conditions . ' '; $query = "SELECT " . "remote_host AS Remote_Host, " . "remote_user AS User, " . "count(*) AS Access_Count " . "FROM $accesslog " . $where_conditions . "GROUP BY remote_host, remote_user"; break; case "search_bots": // This queries for all entries in the SQL access log table that // have a dns name that I know to be a web search engine crawler and // categorises the results into time buckets as per the list below // 0 - 1 minute - 60 // 1 - 1 hour - 3600 = 60 * 60 // 2 - 1 day - 86400 = 60 * 60 * 24 // 3 - 1 week - 604800 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 // 4 - 1 month - 2629800 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25 / 12 // 5 - 1 year - 31557600 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25 $now = time(); $query = "SELECT " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<60 THEN '" . _("0 - last minute") . "' ELSE " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<3600 THEN '" . _("1 - 1 minute to 1 hour") . "' ELSE " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<86400 THEN '" . _("2 - 1 hour to 1 day") . "' ELSE " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<604800 THEN '" . _("3 - 1 day to 1 week") . "' ELSE " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<2629800 THEN '" . _("4 - 1 week to 1 month") . "' ELSE " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<31557600 THEN '" . _("5 - 1 month to 1 year") . "' ELSE " . "'" . _("6 - more than 1 year") . "' END END END END END END AS Time_Scale, " . "remote_host AS Remote_Host, " . "count(*) AS Access_Count " . "FROM $accesslog " . "WHERE (remote_host LIKE '%googlebot.com' " . "OR remote_host LIKE '%alexa.com' " . "OR remote_host LIKE '%inktomisearch.com' " . "OR remote_host LIKE '%msnbot.msn.com') " . ($where_conditions ? 'AND ' . $where_conditions : '') . "GROUP BY Time_Scale, remote_host"; break; case "search_bots_hits": // This queries for all entries in the SQL access log table that // have a dns name that I know to be a web search engine crawler and // displays the URI that was hit. // If PHPSESSID appears in the URI, just display the URI to the left of this $sessname = session_name(); switch ($backend_type) { case 'mysql': $Request_URI = "IF(instr(request_uri, '$sessname')=0, request_uri,left(request_uri, instr(request_uri, '$sessname')-2))"; break; case 'pgsql': case 'postgres7': $Request_URI = "regexp_replace(request_uri, '$sessname.*', '')"; break; default: $Request_URI = 'request_uri'; break; } $now = time(); $query = "SELECT " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<60 THEN '" . _("0 - last minute") . "' ELSE " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<3600 THEN '" . _("1 - 1 minute to 1 hour") . "' ELSE " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<86400 THEN '" . _("2 - 1 hour to 1 day") . "' ELSE " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<604800 THEN '" . _("3 - 1 day to 1 week") . "' ELSE " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<2629800 THEN '" . _("4 - 1 week to 1 month") . "' ELSE " . "CASE WHEN $now-time_stamp<31557600 THEN '" . _("5 - 1 month to 1 year") . "' ELSE " . "'" . _("6 - more than 1 year") . "' END END END END END END AS Time_Scale, " . "remote_host AS Remote_Host, " . "$Request_URI AS Request_URI " . "FROM $accesslog " . "WHERE (remote_host LIKE '%googlebot.com' " . "OR remote_host LIKE '%alexa.com' " . "OR remote_host LIKE '%inktomisearch.com' " . "OR remote_host LIKE '%msnbot.msn.com') " . ($where_conditions ? 'AND ' . $where_conditions : '') . "ORDER BY time_stamp"; } return $query; } /** Honeypot for xgettext. Those strings are translated dynamically. */ private function locale_dummy() { $dummy = array( // mode caption _("referring_urls"), _("external_referers"), _("referring_domains"), _("remote_hosts"), _("users"), _("host_users"), _("search_bots"), _("search_bots_hits"), // period header _("minutes"), _("hours"), _("days"), _("weeks"), ); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array( 'mode' => 'referring_domains', // referring_domains, referring_urls, remote_hosts, users, host_users, search_bots, search_bots_hits 'caption' => '', // blank means use the mode as the caption/title for the output 'local_referrers' => 'true', // only show external referring sites 'period' => '', // the type of period to report: // may be weeks, days, hours, minutes, or blank for all 'count' => '0' // the number of periods to report ); } function getDescription() { return _("Show summary information from the access log table."); } /** * @param WikiDB $dbi * @param string $argstr * @param WikiRequest $request * @param string $basepage * @return bool */ function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { // flag that the output may not be cached - i.e. it is dynamic $request->setArg('nocache', 1); if (!$request->_user->isAdmin()) return HTML::p(_("The requested information is available only to Administrators.")); if (!ACCESS_LOG_SQL) // need read access return HTML::p(_("The SQL_ACCESS_LOG is not enabled.")); // set aside a place for the table headers, see setHeaders() $this->_theadrow = HTML::tr(); $this->_headerSet = false; $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); $query = $this->getQueryString($args); if ($query == '') return HTML::p(sprintf(_("Unrecognised parameter 'mode=%s'"), $args['mode'])); // get the data back. // Note that this must be done before the final generation ofthe table, // otherwise the headers will not be ready $tbody = $this->getQueryResults($query, $dbi); return HTML::table(array('class' => 'bordered'), HTML::caption($this->getCaption($args)), HTML::thead($this->_theadrow), $tbody); } private function getQueryResults($query, &$dbi) { $queryResult = $dbi->genericSqlIter($query); if (!$queryResult) { $tbody = HTML::tbody(HTML::tr(HTML::td(_("")))); } else { $tbody = HTML::tbody(); while ($row = $queryResult->next()) { $this->setHeaders($row); $tr = HTML::tr(); foreach ($row as $value) { // output a '-' for empty values, otherwise the table looks strange $tr->pushContent(HTML::td(empty($value) ? '-' : $value)); } $tbody->pushContent($tr); } } $queryResult->free(); return $tbody; } private function setHeaders($row) { if (!$this->_headerSet) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $this->_theadrow->pushContent(HTML::th(_($key))); } $this->_headerSet = true; } } private function getWhereConditions(&$args) { $where_conditions = ''; if ($args['period'] <> '') { $since = 0; if ($args['period'] == 'minutes') { $since = 60; } elseif ($args['period'] == 'hours') { $since = 60 * 60; } elseif ($args['period'] == 'days') { $since = 60 * 60 * 24; } elseif ($args['period'] == 'weeks') { $since = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; } $since = $since * $args['count']; if ($since > 0) { if ($where_conditions <> '') $where_conditions = $where_conditions . ' AND '; $since = time() - $since; $where_conditions = $where_conditions . "time_stamp > $since"; } } if ($args['local_referrers'] <> 'true') { global $request; if ($where_conditions <> '') $where_conditions = $where_conditions . ' AND '; $localhost = SERVER_URL; $len = strlen($localhost); $backend_type = $request->_dbi->_backend->backendType(); switch ($backend_type) { case 'mysql': $ref_localhost = "left(referer,$len)<>'$localhost'"; break; case 'pgsql': case 'postgres7': $ref_localhost = "substr(referer,0,$len)<>'$localhost'"; break; default: $ref_localhost = ""; } $where_conditions = $where_conditions . $ref_localhost; } // The assumed contract is that there is a space at the end of the // conditions string, so that following SQL clauses (such as GROUP BY) // will not cause a syntax error if ($where_conditions <> '') $where_conditions = $where_conditions . ' '; return $where_conditions; } private function getCaption(&$args) { $caption = $args['caption']; if ($caption == '') $caption = gettext($args['mode']); if ($args['period'] <> '' && $args['count']) $caption = $caption . " - " . $args['count'] . " " . gettext($args['period']); return $caption; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: