* * See http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=10141823 * why not to use "text" as parameter. Nasty mozilla bug with mult. radio rows. * * Todo: multiple pages. e.g. AppendText s=~[CategoryINtime~] page= */ class WikiPlugin_AppendText extends WikiPlugin { function getName() { return _("AppendText"); } function getDescription() { return _("Append text to any page in this wiki."); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array('page' => '[pagename]', 'pages' => false, 's' => '', // Text to append. 'before' => '', // Add before (ignores after if defined) 'after' => '', // Add after line beginning with this 'redirect' => false // Redirect to modified page ); } function _fallback($addtext, $oldtext, $notfound, &$message) { $message->pushContent(sprintf(_("%s not found"), $notfound) . ". " . _("Appending at the end.") . "\n"); return $oldtext . "\n" . $addtext; } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); if (!$args['pages'] or !$request->isPost()) { return $this->_work($args['page'], $args, $dbi, $request); } else { $html = HTML(); if ($args['page'] != $basepage) $html->pushContent("pages argument overrides page argument. ignored.", HTML::br()); foreach ($args['pages'] as $pagename) { $html->pushContent($this->_work($pagename, $args, $dbi, $request)); } return $html; } } function _work($pagename, $args, $dbi, &$request) { if (empty($args['s'])) { if ($request->isPost()) { if ($pagename != _("AppendText")) return HTML($request->redirect(WikiURL($pagename, false, 'absurl'), false)); } return ''; } $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $message = HTML(); if (!$page->exists()) { // We might want to create it? $message->pushContent(sprintf(_("Page could not be updated. %s doesn't exist!"), $pagename)); return $message; } $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $oldtext = $current->getPackedContent(); $text = $args['s']; // If a "before" or "after" is specified but not found, we simply append text to the end. if (!empty($args['before'])) { $before = preg_quote($args['before'], "/"); // Insert before $newtext = preg_match("/\n${before}/", $oldtext) ? preg_replace("/(\n${before})/", "\n" . preg_quote($text, "/") . "\\1", $oldtext) : $this->_fallback($text, $oldtext, $args['before'], $message); } elseif (!empty($args['after'])) { // Insert after $after = preg_quote($args['after'], "/"); $newtext = preg_match("/\n${after}/", $oldtext) ? preg_replace("/(\n${after})/", "\\1\n" . preg_quote($text, "/"), $oldtext) : $this->_fallback($text, $oldtext, $args['after'], $message); } else { // Append at the end $newtext = $oldtext . "\n" . $text; } require_once 'lib/loadsave.php'; $meta = $current->_data; $meta['summary'] = sprintf(_("AppendText to %s"), $pagename); if ($page->save($newtext, $current->getVersion() + 1, $meta)) { $message->pushContent(HTML::p(array('class' => 'feedback'), _("Page successfully updated."))); } // AppendText has been called from the same page that got modified // so we directly show the page. if ($request->getArg($pagename) == $pagename) { // TODO: Just invalidate the cache, if AppendText didn't // change anything before. // return $request->redirect(WikiURL($pagename, false, 'absurl'), false); // The user asked to be redirected to the modified page } elseif ($args['redirect']) { return $request->redirect(WikiURL($pagename, false, 'absurl'), false); } else { $link = HTML::em(WikiLink($pagename)); $message->pushContent(HTML::Raw(sprintf(_("Go to %s."), $link->asXml()))); } return $message; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: