7, 'user' => '', 'order' => 'reverse', // latest first 'month' => false, 'noheader' => 0 ); } // "2004-12" => "December 2004" function _monthTitle($month){ //list($year,$mon) = explode("-",$month); return strftime("%B %Y", strtotime($month."-01")); } // "User/Blog/2004-12-13/12:28:50+01:00" => array('month' => "2004-12", ...) function _blog($rev_or_page) { $pagename = $rev_or_page->getName(); if (preg_match("/^(.*Blog)\/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d)-(\d\d)\/(.*)/", $pagename, $m)) list(,$prefix,$month,$day,$time) = $m; return array('pagename' => $pagename, // page (list pages per month) or revision (list months)? //'title' => isa($rev_or_page,'WikiDB_PageRevision') ? $rev_or_page->get('summary') : '', //'monthtitle' => $this->_monthTitle($month), 'month' => $month, 'day' => $day, 'time' => $time, 'prefix' => $prefix); } function _nonDefaultArgs($args) { return array_diff_assoc($args, $this->getDefaultArguments()); } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { if (is_array($argstr)) { // can do with array also. $args =& $argstr; if (!isset($args['order'])) $args['order'] = 'reverse'; } else { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); } $user = $request->getUser(); if (empty($args['user'])) { if ($user->isAuthenticated()) { $args['user'] = $user->UserName(); } else { $args['user'] = ''; } } if (!$args['user'] or $args['user'] == ADMIN_USER) { if (BLOG_EMPTY_DEFAULT_PREFIX) $args['user'] = ''; // "Blogs/day" pages else $args['user'] = ADMIN_USER; // "Admin/Blogs/day" pages } $parent = (empty($args['user']) ? '' : $args['user'] . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR); $sp = HTML::Raw('· '); $prefix = $parent . $this->_blogPrefix('wikiblog'); if ($args['month']) $prefix .= (SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . $args['month']); $pages = $dbi->titleSearch(new TextSearchQuery("^".$prefix, true, 'posix')); $html = HTML(); $i = 0; while (($page = $pages->next()) and $i < $count) { $rev = $page->getCurrentRevision(false); if ($rev->get('pagetype') != 'wikiblog') continue; $i++; $blog = $this->_blog($rev); $html->pushContent(HTML::h3(WikiLink($page, 'known', $rev->get('summary')))); $html->pushContent($rev->getTransformedContent('wikiblog')); } if ($args['user'] == $user->UserName()) $html->pushContent(WikiLink(_("WikiBlog"), 'known', "New entry")); if (!$i) return HTML(HTML::h3(_("No Blog Entries")), $html); if (!$args['noheader']) return HTML(HTML::h3(sprintf(_("Blog Entries for %s:"), $this->_monthTitle($args['month']))), $html); else return $html; } }; // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>