> * @author: Reini Urban, Marc-Etienne Vargenau * * Known problems: * - Certain corner-edges will not work with TOC_FULL_SYNTAX. * I believe I fixed all of them now, but who knows? * - bug #969495 "existing labels not honored" seems to be fixed. */ if (!defined('TOC_FULL_SYNTAX')) define('TOC_FULL_SYNTAX', 1); class WikiPlugin_CreateToc extends WikiPlugin { function getDescription() { return _("Create a Table of Contents and automatically link to headers."); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array('extracollapse' => 1, // provide an entry +/- link to collapse 'firstlevelstyle' => 'number', // 'number', 'letter' or 'roman' 'headers' => "1,2,3,4,5", // "!!!"=>h2, "!!"=>h3, "!"=>h4 // "1"=>h2, "2"=>h3, "3"=>h4, "4"=>h5, "5"=>h6 'indentstr' => '  ', 'jshide' => 0, // collapsed TOC as DHTML button 'liststyle' => 'dl', // 'dl' or 'ul' or 'ol' 'noheader' => 0, // omit "Table of Contents" header 'notoc' => 0, // do not display TOC, only number headers 'pagename' => '[pagename]', // TOC of another page here? 'position' => 'full', // full, right or left 'width' => '200px', 'with_counter' => 0, 'with_toclink' => 0, // link back to TOC 'version' => false, ); } // Initialisation of toc counter private function initTocCounter() { $counter = array(1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0); return $counter; } // Update toc counter with a new title private function tocCounter(&$counter, $level) { $counter[$level]++; for ($i = $level + 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { $counter[$i] = 0; } } private function roman_counter($number) { $n = intval($number); $result = ''; $lookup = array('C' => 100, 'XC' => 90, 'L' => 50, 'XL' => 40, 'X' => 10, 'IX' => 9, 'V' => 5, 'IV' => 4, 'I' => 1); foreach ($lookup as $roman => $value) { $matches = intval($n / $value); $result .= str_repeat($roman, $matches); $n = $n % $value; } return $result; } private function letter_counter($number) { if ($number <= 26) { return chr(ord("A") + $number - 1); } else { return chr(ord("A") + ($number / 26) - 1) . chr(ord("A") + ($number % 26)); } } // Get string corresponding to the current title private function getCounter(&$counter, $firstlevelstyle) { if ($firstlevelstyle == 'roman') { $str = $this->roman_counter($counter[1]); } elseif ($firstlevelstyle == 'letter') { $str = $this->letter_counter($counter[1]); } else { $str = $counter[1]; } for ($i = 2; $i <= 5; $i++) { if ($counter[$i] != 0) $str .= '.' . $counter[$i]; } return $str; } // Get HTML header corresponding to current level (level is set of ! or =) private function getHeader($level) { $count = substr_count($level, '!'); switch ($count) { case 3: return "h2"; case 2: return "h3"; case 1: return "h4"; } $count = substr_count($level, '='); switch ($count) { case 2: return "h2"; case 3: return "h3"; case 4: return "h4"; case 5: return "h5"; case 6: return "h6"; } return ""; } private function quote($heading) { if (TOC_FULL_SYNTAX) { $theading = TransformInline($heading); if ($theading) return preg_quote($theading->asXML(), "/"); else return htmlspecialchars(preg_quote($heading, "/"), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } else { return htmlspecialchars(preg_quote($heading, "/"), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } } /* * @param $hstart id (in $content) of heading start * @param $hend id (in $content) of heading end */ private function searchHeader($content, $start_index, $heading, $level, &$hstart, &$hend, $basepage = false) { $hstart = 0; $hend = 0; $h = $this->getHeader($level); $qheading = $this->quote($heading); for ($j = $start_index; $j < count($content); $j++) { if (is_string($content[$j])) { if (preg_match("/<$h>$qheading<\/$h>/", $content[$j]) ) return $j; } elseif (isa($content[$j], 'cached_link')) { if (method_exists($content[$j], 'asXML')) { $content[$j]->_basepage = $basepage; $content[$j] = $content[$j]->asXML(); } else $content[$j] = $content[$j]->asString(); // shortcut for single wikiword or link headers if ($content[$j] == $heading and substr($content[$j - 1], -4, 4) == "<$h>" and substr($content[$j + 1], 0, 5) == "" ) { $hstart = $j - 1; $hend = $j + 1; return $j; // single wikiword } elseif (TOC_FULL_SYNTAX) { //DONE: To allow "!! WikiWord link" or !! http://anylink/ // Check against joined content (after cached_plugininvocation). // The first link is the anchor then. if (preg_match("/<$h>(?!.*<\/$h>)/", $content[$j - 1])) { $hstart = $j - 1; $joined = ''; for ($k = max($j - 1, $start_index); $k < count($content); $k++) { if (is_string($content[$k])) $joined .= $content[$k]; elseif (method_exists($content[$k], 'asXML')) $joined .= $content[$k]->asXML(); else $joined .= $content[$k]->asString(); if (preg_match("/<$h>$qheading<\/$h>/", $joined)) { $hend = $k; return $k; } } } } } } return 0; } /** prevent from duplicate anchors, * beautify spaces: " " => "_" and not "x20." */ private function nextAnchor($s) { static $anchors = array(); $s = str_replace(' ', '_', $s); $i = 1; $anchor = $s; while (!empty($anchors[$anchor])) { $anchor = sprintf("%s_%d", $s, $i++); } $anchors[$anchor] = $i; return $anchor; } // We have to find headers in both: // - classic Phpwiki syntax (lines starting with "!", "!!" or "!!!") // - Wikicreole syntax (lines starting with "==", "===", etc.) // We must omit lines starting with "!" if inside a Mediawiki table // (they represent a table header) // Feature request: proper nesting; multiple levels (e.g. 1,3) private function extractHeaders(&$content, &$markup, $backlink, $counter, $levels, $firstlevelstyle, $basepage) { if (!$levels) $levels = array(1, 2); $tocCounter = $this->initTocCounter(); reset($levels); sort($levels); $headers = array(); $j = 0; $insidetable = false; $insideverbatim = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($content); $i++) { if (preg_match('/^\s*{\|/', $content[$i])) { $insidetable = true; continue; } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*{{{/', $content[$i]) || preg_match('/^\s*
/', $content[$i])
                || preg_match('/^\s*/', $content[$i])
            ) {
                $insideverbatim = true;
            } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*\|}/', $content[$i])) {
                $insidetable = false;
            } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*}}}/', $content[$i])
                || preg_match('/^\s*<\/pre>/', $content[$i])
                || preg_match('/^\s*<\/verbatim>/', $content[$i])
            ) {
                $insideverbatim = false;
            if (($insidetable) || ($insideverbatim)) {
            foreach ($levels as $level) {
                if ($level < 1 or $level > 5) continue;
                $phpwikiclassiclevel = 4 - $level;
                $wikicreolelevel = $level + 1;
                $trim = trim($content[$i]);

                if ((((strpos($trim, '=') === 0))
                    && (preg_match('/^\s*(={' . $wikicreolelevel . ',' . $wikicreolelevel . '})([^=].*)$/', $content[$i], $match)))
                    or (((strpos($trim, '!') === 0))
                        && ((preg_match('/^\s*(!{' . $phpwikiclassiclevel . ',' . $phpwikiclassiclevel . '})([^!].*)$/', $content[$i], $match))))
                ) {
                    $this->tocCounter($tocCounter, $level);
                    if (!strstr($content[$i], '#[')) {
                        $s = trim($match[2]);
                        // If it is Wikicreole syntax, remove '='s at the end
                        if (string_starts_with($match[1], "=")) {
                            $s = trim($s, "=");
                            $s = trim($s);
                        $anchor = $this->nextAnchor($s);
                        $manchor = MangleXmlIdentifier($anchor);
                        $texts = $s;
                        if ($counter) {
                            $texts = $this->getCounter($tocCounter, $firstlevelstyle) . ' ' . $s;
                        $headers[] = array('text' => $texts,
                            'anchor' => $anchor,
                            'level' => $level);
                        // Change original wikitext, but that is useless art...
                        $content[$i] = $match[1] . " #[|$manchor][$s|#TOC]";
                        // And now change the to be printed markup (XmlTree):
                        // Search $s line in markup
                        /* Url for backlink */
                        $url = WikiURL(new WikiPageName($basepage, false, "TOC"));

                        $j = $this->searchHeader($markup->_content, $j, $s,
                            $match[1], $hstart, $hend,
                        if ($j and isset($markup->_content[$j])) {
                            $x = $markup->_content[$j];
                            $qheading = $this->quote($s);
                            if ($counter)
                                $counterString = $this->getCounter($tocCounter, $firstlevelstyle);
                            if (($hstart === 0) && is_string($markup->_content[$j])) {
                                if ($backlink) {
                                    if ($counter)
                                        $anchorString = "$counterString - \$2";
                                        $anchorString = "\$2";
                                } else {
                                    $anchorString = "";
                                    if ($counter)
                                        $anchorString .= "$counterString - ";
                                if ($x = preg_replace('/()(' . $qheading . ')(<\/h\d>)/',
                                    "\$1$anchorString\$2\$3", $x, 1)
                                ) {
                                    if ($backlink) {
                                        $x = preg_replace('/()(' . $qheading . ')(<\/h\d>)/',
                                            $markup->_content[$j], 1);
                                    $markup->_content[$j] = $x;
                            } else {
                                $x = $markup->_content[$hstart];
                                $h = $this->getHeader($match[1]);

                                if ($backlink) {
                                    if ($counter) {
                                        $anchorString = "\$1$counterString - ";
                                    } else {
                                        /* Not possible to make a backlink on a
                                         * title with a WikiWord */
                                        $anchorString = "\$1";
                                } else {
                                    $anchorString = "\$1";
                                    if ($counter)
                                        $anchorString .= "$counterString - ";
                                $x = preg_replace("/(<$h>)(?!.*<\/$h>)/",
                                    $anchorString, $x, 1);
                                if ($backlink) {
                                    $x = preg_replace("/(<$h>)(?!.*<\/$h>)/",
                                        $markup->_content[$hstart], 1);
                                $markup->_content[$hstart] = $x;
        return $headers;

     * @param WikiDB $dbi
     * @param string $argstr
     * @param WikiRequest $request
     * @param string $basepage
     * @return mixed
    function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
        global $WikiTheme;
        extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request));
        if ($pagename) {
            // Expand relative page names.
            $page = new WikiPageName($pagename, $basepage);
            $pagename = $page->name;
        if (!$pagename) {
            return $this->error(sprintf(_("A required argument ā€œ%sā€ is missing."), 'pagename'));
        if (($notoc) or ($liststyle == 'ol')) {
            $with_counter = 1;
        if ($firstlevelstyle and ($firstlevelstyle != 'number')
            and ($firstlevelstyle != 'letter')
                and ($firstlevelstyle != 'roman')
        ) {
            return $this->error(_("Error: firstlevelstyle must be 'number', 'letter' or 'roman'"));

        // Check if page exists.
        if (!($dbi->isWikiPage($pagename))) {
            return $this->error(sprintf(_("Page ā€œ%sā€ does not exist."), $pagename));

        // Check if user is allowed to get the page.
        if (!mayAccessPage('view', $pagename)) {
            return $this->error(sprintf(_("Illegal access to page %s: no read access"),

        $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename);

        if ($version) {
            if (!is_whole_number($version) or !($version > 0)) {
                return $this->error(_("Error: version must be a positive integer."));
            $r = $page->getRevision($version);
            if ((!$r) || ($r->hasDefaultContents())) {
                return $this->error(sprintf(_("%s: no such revision %d."),
                    $pagename, $version));
        } else {
            $r = $page->getCurrentRevision();

        $content = $r->getContent();

        $html = HTML::div(array('class' => 'toc', 'id' => GenerateId("toc")));
        if ($notoc) {
            $html->setAttr('style', 'display:none;');
        if (($position == "left") or ($position == "right")) {
            $html->setAttr('style', 'float:' . $position . '; width:' . $width . ';');
        $toclistid = GenerateId("toclist");
        $list = HTML::div(array('id' => $toclistid, 'class' => 'toclist'));
        if (!strstr($headers, ",")) {
            $headers = array($headers);
        } else {
            $headers = explode(",", $headers);
        $levels = array();
        foreach ($headers as $h) {
            //replace !!! with level 1, ...
            if (strstr($h, "!")) {
                $hcount = substr_count($h, '!');
                $level = min(max(1, $hcount), 3);
                $levels[] = $level;
            } else {
                $level = min(max(1, (int)$h), 5);
                $levels[] = $level;
        if (TOC_FULL_SYNTAX)
            require_once 'lib/InlineParser.php';
        if ($headers = $this->extractHeaders($content, $dbi->_markup,
            $with_toclink, $with_counter,
            $levels, $firstlevelstyle, $basepage)
        ) {
            foreach ($headers as $h) {
                // proper heading indent
                $level = $h['level'];
                $indent = $level - 1;
                $link = new WikiPageName($pagename, $page, $h['anchor']);
                $li = WikiLink($link, 'known', $h['text']);
                // Hack to suppress pagename before #
                // $li->_attr["href"] = strstr($li->_attr["href"], '#');
                (str_repeat($indentstr, $indent)), $li));
        $list->setAttr('style', 'display:' . ($jshide ? 'none;' : 'block;'));
        $open = DATA_PATH . '/' . $WikiTheme->_findFile("images/folderArrowOpen.png");
        $close = DATA_PATH . '/' . $WikiTheme->_findFile("images/folderArrowClosed.png");
        if ($noheader) {
        } else {
            $toctoggleid = GenerateId("toctoggle");
            if ($extracollapse)
                $toclink = HTML(_("Table of Contents"),
                    " ",
                    HTML::a(array('id' => 'TOC')),
                        'id' => $toctoggleid,
                        'class' => 'wikiaction',
                        'title' => _("Click to display to TOC"),
                        'onclick' => "toggletoc(this, '" . $open . "', '" . $close . "', '" . $toclistid . "')",
                        'alt' => 'toctoggle',
                        'src' => $jshide ? $close : $open)));
                $toclink = HTML::a(array('id' => 'TOC',
                        'class' => 'wikiaction',
                        'title' => _("Click to display"),
                        'onclick' => "toggletoc(this, '" . $open . "', '" . $close . "', '" . $toclistid . "')"),
                    _("Table of Contents"),
                    HTML::span(array('style' => 'display:none',
                        'id' => $toctoggleid), " "));
            $html->pushContent(HTML::p(array('class' => 'toctitle'), $toclink));
        if (count($headers) == 0) {
            // Do not display an empty TOC
            $html->setAttr('style', 'display:none;');
        return $html;

// Local Variables:
// mode: php
// tab-width: 8
// c-basic-offset: 4
// c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// End: