'[pagename]', 'versions' => false, 'version' => false, 'previous' => 'major', // author, minor or major ); } function PageInfoRow ($label, $rev, &$request) { global $WikiTheme, $WikiNameRegexp; $row = HTML::tr(HTML::td(array('align' => 'right'), $label)); if ($rev) { $author = $rev->get('author'); $dbi = $request->getDbh(); $iswikipage = (isWikiWord($author) && $dbi->isWikiPage($author)); $authorlink = $iswikipage ? WikiLink($author) : $author; $linked_version = WikiLink($rev, 'existing', $rev->getVersion()); $row->pushContent(HTML::td(fmt("version %s", $linked_version)), HTML::td($WikiTheme->getLastModifiedMessage($rev, false)), HTML::td(fmt("by %s", $authorlink))); } else { $row->pushContent(HTML::td(array('colspan' => '3'), _("None"))); } return $row; } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request)); if (is_array($versions)) { // Version selection from pageinfo.php display: rsort($versions); list ($version, $previous) = $versions; } // Check if user is allowed to get the Page. if (!mayAccessPage ('view', $pagename)) { return $this->error(sprintf(_("Illegal access to page %s: no read access"), $pagename)); } // abort if page doesn't exist $page = $request->getPage($pagename); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); if ($current->getVersion() < 1) { $html = HTML(HTML::p(fmt("I'm sorry, there is no such page as %s.", WikiLink($pagename, 'unknown')))); return $html; //early return } if ($version) { if (!($new = $page->getRevision($version))) NoSuchRevision($request, $page, $version); $new_version = fmt("version %d", $version); } else { $new = $current; $new_version = _("current version"); } if (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $previous)) { if ( !($old = $page->getRevision($previous)) ) NoSuchRevision($request, $page, $previous); $old_version = fmt("version %d", $previous); $others = array('major', 'minor', 'author'); } else { switch ($previous) { case 'author': $old = $new; while ($old = $page->getRevisionBefore($old)) { if ($old->get('author') != $new->get('author')) break; } $old_version = _("revision by previous author"); $others = array('major', 'minor'); break; case 'minor': $previous='minor'; $old = $page->getRevisionBefore($new); $old_version = _("previous revision"); $others = array('major', 'author'); break; case 'major': default: $old = $new; while ($old && $old->get('is_minor_edit')) $old = $page->getRevisionBefore($old); if ($old) $old = $page->getRevisionBefore($old); $old_version = _("predecessor to the previous major change"); $others = array('minor', 'author'); break; } } $new_link = WikiLink($new, '', $new_version); $old_link = $old ? WikiLink($old, '', $old_version) : $old_version; $page_link = WikiLink($page); $html = HTML(HTML::p(fmt("Differences between %s and %s of %s.", $new_link, $old_link, $page_link))); $otherdiffs = HTML::p(_("Other diffs:")); $label = array('major' => _("Previous Major Revision"), 'minor' => _("Previous Revision"), 'author'=> _("Previous Author")); foreach ($others as $other) { $args = array('pagename' => $pagename, 'previous' => $other); if ($version) $args['version'] = $version; if (count($otherdiffs->getContent()) > 1) $otherdiffs->pushContent(", "); else $otherdiffs->pushContent(" "); $otherdiffs->pushContent(Button($args, $label[$other])); } $html->pushContent($otherdiffs); if ($old and $old->getVersion() == 0) $old = false; $html->pushContent(HTML::Table($this->PageInfoRow(_("Newer page:"), $new, $request), $this->PageInfoRow(_("Older page:"), $old, $request))); if ($new && $old) { $diff = new Diff($old->getContent(), $new->getContent()); if ($diff->isEmpty()) { $html->pushContent(HTML::hr(), HTML::p(_("Content of versions "), $old->getVersion(), _(" and "), $new->getVersion(), _(" is identical."))); // If two consecutive versions have the same content, it is because the page was // renamed, or metadata changed: ACL, owner, markup. // We give the reason by printing the summary. if (($new->getVersion() - $old->getVersion()) == 1) { $html->pushContent(HTML::p(_("Version "), $new->getVersion(), _(" was created because: "), $new->get('summary'))); } } else { $fmt = new HtmlUnifiedDiffFormatter; $html->pushContent($fmt->format($diff)); } } return $html; } }; // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>