> * <> * * @author: ReiniUrban */ class WikiPlugin_FileInfo extends WikiPlugin { function getDescription() { return _("Display file information like version, size, date... of uploaded files."); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array( 'file' => false, // relative path from PHPWIKI_DIR. (required) 'display' => false, // version,phonysize,size,date,mtime,owner,name,path,dirname,link. (required) 'format' => false, // printf format string with %s only, all display modes 'quiet' => false // print no error if file not found // from above vars return strings (optional) ); } /** * @param WikiDB $dbi * @param string $argstr * @param WikiRequest $request * @param string $basepage * @return mixed */ function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); extract($args); if (!$file) { return $this->error(sprintf(_("A required argument “%s” is missing."), 'file')); } if (!$display) { return $this->error(sprintf(_("A required argument “%s” is missing."), 'display')); } if (string_starts_with($file, "Upload:")) { $file = preg_replace("/^Upload:(.*)$/", getUploadFilePath() . "\\1", $file); $is_Upload = 1; } $dir = getcwd(); if (defined('PHPWIKI_DIR')) { chdir(PHPWIKI_DIR); } if (!file_exists($file)) { if ($quiet) { return HTML::raw(''); } else { return $this->error(sprintf(_("File “%s” not found."), $file)); } } // sanify $file name $realfile = realpath($file); // Hmm, allow ADMIN to check a local file? Only if its locked if (string_starts_with($realfile, realpath(getUploadDataPath()))) { $isuploaded = 1; } else { $page = $dbi->getPage($basepage); $user = $request->getUser(); if ($page->getOwner() != ADMIN_USER or !$page->get('locked')) { // For convenience we warn the admin if ($quiet and $user->isAdmin()) return HTML::span(array('title' => _("Output suppressed. FileInfoPlugin with local files require a locked page.")), HTML::em(_("page not locked"))); else return $this->error("Invalid path \"$file\". Only ADMIN can allow local paths, and the page must be locked."); } } $s = array(); $modes = explode(",", $display); foreach ($modes as $mode) { switch ($mode) { case 'version': $s[] = $this->exeversion($file); break; case 'size': $s[] = filesize($file); break; case 'phonysize': $s[] = $this->phonysize(filesize($file)); break; case 'date': $s[] = strftime("%x %X", filemtime($file)); break; case 'mtime': $s[] = filemtime($file); break; case 'owner': $o = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($file)); $s[] = $o['name']; break; case 'group': $o = posix_getgrgid(filegroup($file)); $s[] = $o['name']; break; case 'name': $s[] = basename($file); break; case 'path': $s[] = $file; break; case 'dirname': $s[] = dirname($file); break; case 'magic': $s[] = $this->magic($file); break; case 'mime-typ': $s[] = $this->mime_type($file); break; case 'link': if ($is_Upload) { $s[] = " [" . $args['file'] . "]"; } elseif ($isuploaded) { // will fail with user uploads $s[] = " [Upload:" . basename($file) . "]"; } else { $s[] = " [" . basename($file) . "] "; } break; default: if (!$quiet) { return $this->error(sprintf(_("Unsupported argument: %s=%s"), 'display', $mode)); } else { return HTML::raw(''); } break; } } chdir($dir); if (!$format) { $format = ''; foreach ($s as $x) { $format .= " %s"; } } array_unshift($s, $format); // $x, array($i,$j) => sprintf($x, $i, $j) $result = call_user_func_array("sprintf", $s); if (in_array('link', $modes)) { require_once 'lib/InlineParser.php'; return TransformInline($result, $basepage); } else { return HTML::raw($result); } } function magic($file) { // Valid finfo_open (i.e. libmagic) options: // FILEINFO_NONE | FILEINFO_SYMLINK | FILEINFO_MIME | FILEINFO_COMPRESS | FILEINFO_DEVICES | // FILEINFO_CONTINUE | FILEINFO_PRESERVE_ATIME | FILEINFO_RAW $f = finfo_open( /*FILEINFO_MIME*/); $result = finfo_file(realpath($file)); finfo_close($res); return $result; } function mime_type($file) { return ''; } private function _formatsize($n, $factor, $suffix = '') { if ($n > $factor) { $b = $n / $factor; $n -= floor($factor * $b); return number_format($b, $n ? 3 : 0) . $suffix; } return ''; } function phonysize($a) { $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1000; if ($a > $factor) return $this->_formatsize($a, $factor, ' GB'); $factor = 1024 * 1000; if ($a > $factor) return $this->_formatsize($a, $factor, ' MB'); $factor = 1024; if ($a > $factor) return $this->_formatsize($a, $factor, ' KB'); if ($a > 1) return $this->_formatsize($a, 1, ' byte'); else return $a; } function exeversion($file) { if (!isWindows()) return "?"; if (class_exists('ffi') or loadPhpExtension('ffi')) return $this->exeversion_ffi($file); if (function_exists('res_list_type') or loadPhpExtension('win32std')) return $this->exeversion_resopen($file); return exeversion_showver($file); } // http://www.codeproject.com/dll/showver.asp function exeversion_showver($file) { $path = realpath($file); $result = `showver $path`; return "?"; } function exeversion_ffi($file) { if (!DEBUG) return "?"; // not yet stable if (function_exists('ffi') or loadPhpExtension('ffi')) { $win32_idl = " struct VS_FIXEDFILEINFO { DWORD dwSignature; DWORD dwStrucVersion; DWORD dwFileVersionMS; DWORD dwFileVersionLS; DWORD dwProductVersionMS; DWORD dwProductVersionLS; DWORD dwFileFlagsMask; DWORD dwFileFlags; DWORD dwFileOS; DWORD dwFileType; DWORD dwFileSubtype; DWORD dwFileDateMS; DWORD dwFileDateLS; }; struct VS_VERSIONINFO { struct VS_VERSIONINFO WORD wLength; WORD wValueLength; WORD wType; WCHAR szKey[1]; WORD Padding1[1]; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO Value; WORD Padding2[1]; WORD Children[1]; }; [lib='kernel32.dll'] DWORD GetFileVersionInfoSizeA(char *szFileName, DWORD *dwVerHnd); [lib='kernel32.dll'] int GetFileVersionInfoA(char *sfnFile, DWORD dummy, DWORD size, struct VS_VERSIONINFO *pVer); "; $ffi = new ffi($win32_idl); $dummy = 0; // &DWORD $size = $ffi->GetFileVersionInfoSizeA($file, $dummy); //$pVer = str_repeat($size+1); $pVer = new ffi_struct($ffi, "VS_VERSIONINFO"); if ($ffi->GetFileVersionInfoA($file, 0, $size, $pVer) and $pVer->wValueLength ) { // analyze the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO(Value); // $pValue = new ffi_struct($ffi, "VS_FIXEDFILEINFO"); $pValue =& $pVer->Value; return sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", $pValue->dwFileVersionMS >> 16, $pValue->dwFileVersionMS & 0xFFFF, $pValue->dwFileVersionLS >> 16, $pValue->dwFileVersionLS & 0xFFFF); } } return ''; } // Read "RT_VERSION/VERSIONINFO" exe/dll resource info for MSWin32 binaries // The "win32std" extension is not ready yet to pass back a VERSIONINFO struct function exeversion_resopen($file) { if (function_exists('res_list_type') or loadPhpExtension('win32std')) { // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/networking/predefined/res.asp $v = file_get_contents('res://' . realpath($file) . urlencode('/RT_VERSION/#1')); if ($v) { // This is really a binary VERSIONINFO block, with lots of // nul bytes (widechar) which cannot be transported as string. return "$v"; } else { $h = res_open(realpath($file)); $v = res_get($h, 'RT_VERSION', 'FileVersion'); res_close($h); if ($v) return $v; $h = res_open(realpath($file)); $v = res_get($h, '#1', 'RT_VERSION', 1); res_close($h); if ($v) return $v; } /* The version consists of two 32-bit integers, defined by four 16-bit integers. For example, "FILEVERSION 3,10,0,61" is translated into two doublewords: 0x0003000a and 0x0000003d, in that order. */ /* $h = res_open(realpath($file)); echo "Res list of '$file': \n"; $list= res_list_type($h, true); if( $list===FALSE ) err( "Can't list type" ); for( $i= 0; $i