false, 'prefix' => false, 'suffix' => false, 'exclude' => false, 'noheader' => false ); } function run($dbi, $argstr, $request) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); extract($args); if (empty($page) && empty($prefix) && empty($suffix)) return ''; if ($prefix) { $suffix = false; $descrip = fmt("Page names with prefix '%s'", $prefix); } elseif ($suffix) { $descrip = fmt("Page names with suffix '%s'", $suffix); } elseif ($page) { $words = preg_split('/[\s:-;.,]+/', split_pagename($page)); $words = preg_grep('/\S/', $words); $prefix = reset($words); $suffix = end($words); $exclude = $page; $descrip = fmt("These pages share an initial or final title word with '%s'", _LinkWikiWord($page)); } // Search for pages containing either the suffix or the prefix. $search = $match = array(); if (!empty($prefix)) { $search[] = $this->_quote($prefix); $match[] = '^' . preg_quote($prefix, '/'); } if (!empty($suffix)) { $search[] = $this->_quote($suffix); $match[] = preg_quote($suffix, '/') . '$'; } if ($search) $query = new TextSearchQuery(join(' OR ', $search)); else $query = new NullTextSearchQuery; // matches nothing $match_re = '/' . join('|', $match) . '/'; $pages = $dbi->titleSearch($query); $list = HTML::ul(); while ($page = $pages->next()) { $name = $page->getName(); if (!preg_match($match_re, $name)) continue; if (!empty($exclude) && $name == $exclude) continue; $list->pushContent(HTML::li(_LinkWikiWord($name))); } if (!$list->getContent()) $list = HTML::blockquote(_("")); if ($noheader) return $list; return array(HTML::p($descrip), $list); } function _quote($str) { return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $str) . "'"; } }; // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>