"", // linkvalue query string 'page' => "*", // which pages (glob allowed), default: all 'direction' => "out", // or in 'case_exact' => false, 'regex' => 'auto', 'noform' => false, // don't show form with results. 'noheader' => false // no caption )); } function showForm(&$dbi, &$request, $args) { $action = $request->getPostURL(); $hiddenfield = HiddenInputs($request->getArgs(), '', array('action', 'page', 's', 'direction')); $pagefilter = HTML::input(array('name' => 'page', 'value' => $args['page'], 'title' => _("Search only in these pages. With autocompletion."), 'class' => 'dropdown', 'acdropdown' => 'true', 'autocomplete_complete' => 'true', 'autocomplete_matchsubstring' => 'false', 'autocomplete_list' => 'xmlrpc:wiki.titleSearch ^[S] 4' ), ''); $query = HTML::input(array('name' => 's', 'value' => $args['s'], 'title' => _("Filter by this link. These are pagenames. With autocompletion."), 'class' => 'dropdown', 'acdropdown' => 'true', 'autocomplete_complete' => 'true', 'autocomplete_matchsubstring' => 'true', 'autocomplete_list' => 'xmlrpc:wiki.titleSearch ^[S] 4' ), ''); $dirsign_switch = JavaScript(" function dirsign_switch() { var d = document.getElementById('dirsign') d.innerHTML = (d.innerHTML == ' => ') ? ' <= ' : ' => ' } "); $dirsign = " => "; $in = $out = array('name' => 'direction', 'type' => 'radio', 'onChange' => 'dirsign_switch()'); $out['value'] = 'out'; $out['id'] = 'dir_out'; if ($args['direction'] == 'out') $out['checked'] = 'checked'; $in['value'] = 'in'; $in['id'] = 'dir_in'; if ($args['direction'] == 'in') { $in['checked'] = 'checked'; $dirsign = " <= "; } $direction = HTML(HTML::input($out), HTML::label(array('for' => 'dir_out'), _("outgoing")), HTML::input($in), HTML::label(array('for' => 'dir_in'), _("incoming"))); /* $direction = HTML::select(array('name'=>'direction', 'onChange' => 'dirsign_switch()')); $out = array('value' => 'out'); if ($args['direction']=='out') $out['selected'] = 'selected'; $in = array('value' => 'in'); if ($args['direction']=='in') { $in['selected'] = 'selected'; $dirsign = " <= "; } $direction->pushContent(HTML::option($out, _("outgoing"))); $direction->pushContent(HTML::option($in, _("incoming"))); */ $submit = Button('submit:search', _("LinkSearch"), false); $instructions = _("Search in pages for links with the matching name."); $form = HTML::form(array('action' => $action, 'method' => 'GET', 'accept-charset' => 'UTF-8'), $dirsign_switch, $hiddenfield, $instructions, HTML::br(), $pagefilter, HTML::strong(HTML::samp(array('id' => 'dirsign'), $dirsign)), $query, HTML::raw(' '), $direction, HTML::raw(' '), $submit); return $form; } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); if (empty($args['page'])) $args['page'] = "*"; $form = $this->showForm($dbi, $request, $args); extract($args); if (empty($s)) return $form; $pagequery = new TextSearchQuery($page, $args['case_exact'], $args['regex']); $linkquery = new TextSearchQuery($s, $args['case_exact'], $args['regex']); $links = $dbi->linkSearch($pagequery, $linkquery, $direction == 'in' ? 'linkfrom' : 'linkto'); $pagelist = new PageList($args['info'], $args['exclude'], $args); $pagelist->_links = array(); while ($link = $links->next()) { $pagelist->addPage($link['pagename']); $pagelist->_links[] = $link; } $pagelist->addColumnObject (new _PageList_Column_LinkSearch_link('link', _("Link"), $pagelist)); if (!$noheader) { // We put the form into the caption just to be able to return one pagelist object, // and to still have the convenience form at the top. we could workaround this by // putting the form as WikiFormRich into the actionpage. but thid doesnt look as // nice as this here. $pagelist->setCaption ( // on mozilla the form doesn't fit into the caption very well. HTML($noform ? '' : HTML($form, HTML::hr()), fmt("LinkSearch result for \"%s\" in pages \"%s\", direction %s", $s, $page, $direction))); } return $pagelist; } } // FIXME: sortby errors with this column class _PageList_Column_LinkSearch_link extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_LinkSearch_link($field, $heading, &$pagelist) { $this->_field = $field; $this->_heading = $heading; $this->_need_rev = false; $this->_iscustom = true; $this->_pagelist =& $pagelist; } function _getValue(&$page, $revision_handle) { if (is_object($page)) $text = $page->getName(); else $text = $page; $link = $this->_pagelist->_links[$this->current_row]; return WikiLink($link['linkvalue'], 'if_known'); } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: