> * Dynamic form (put both on the page): * <> * * Typical usage: as actionbar button */ class WikiPlugin_PageDump extends WikiPlugin { var $MessageId; function getName() { return _("PageDump"); } function getDescription() { return _("View a single page dump online."); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array('s' => false, 'page' => '[pagename]', //'encoding' => 'binary', // 'binary', 'quoted-printable' 'format' => false, // 'normal', 'forcvs', 'backup' // display within WikiPage or give a downloadable // raw pgsrc? 'download' => false); } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request)); // allow plugin-form if (!empty($s)) $page = $s; if (!$page) return ''; if (! $dbi->isWikiPage($page) ) return fmt("Page %s not found.", WikiLink($page, 'unknown')); // Check if user is allowed to get the Page. if (!mayAccessPage ('view', $page)) { return $this->error(sprintf(_("Illegal access to page %s: no read access"), $page)); } $p = $dbi->getPage($page); include_once("lib/loadsave.php"); $mailified = MailifyPage($p, ($format == 'backup') ? 99 : 1); // fixup_headers massages the page dump headers depending on // the 'format' argument, 'normal'(default) or 'forcvs'. // // Normal: Don't add X-Rcs-Id, add unique Message-Id, don't // strip any fields from Content-Type. // // ForCVS: Add empty X-Rcs-Id, strip attributes from // Content-Type field: "author", "version", "lastmodified", // "author_id", "hits". $this->pagename = $page; $this->generateMessageId($mailified); if ($format == 'forcvs') $this->fixup_headers_forcvs($mailified); else // backup or normal $this->fixup_headers($mailified); if ($download) { // TODO: we need a way to hook into the generated headers, to override // Content-Type, Set-Cookie, Cache-control, ... $request->discardOutput(); // Hijack the http request from PhpWiki. ob_end_clean(); // clean up after hijacking $request //ob_end_flush(); //debugging $filename = FilenameForPage($page); Header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $filename . "\""); // Read charset from generated page itself. // Inconsequential at the moment, since loadsave.php // always generates headers. $charset = $p->get('charset'); if (!$charset) $charset = $GLOBALS['charset']; // We generate 3 Content-Type headers! first in loadsave, // then here and the mimified string $mailified also has it! // This one is correct and overwrites the others. Header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $filename . "\"; charset=\"" . $charset . "\""); $request->checkValidators(); // let $request provide last modified & etag Header("Content-Id: <" . $this->MessageId . ">"); // be nice to http keepalive~s Header("Content-Length: " . strlen($mailified)); // Here comes our prepared mime file echo $mailified; exit; // noreturn! php exits. return; } // We are displaing inline preview in a WikiPage, so wrap the // text if it is too long--unless quoted-printable (TODO). $mailified = wordwrap($mailified, 70); $dlcvs = Button(array(//'page' => $page, 'action' => $this->getName(), 'format'=> 'forcvs', 'download'=> true), _("Download for Subversion"), $page); $dl = Button(array(//'page' => $page, 'action' => $this->getName(), 'download'=> true), _("Download for backup"), $page); $dlall = Button(array(//'page' => $page, 'action' => $this->getName(), 'format'=> 'backup', 'download'=> true), _("Download all revisions for backup"), $page); $h2 = HTML::h2(fmt("Preview: Page dump of %s", WikiLink($page, 'auto'))); global $WikiTheme; if (!$Sep = $WikiTheme->getButtonSeparator()) $Sep = " "; if ($format == 'forcvs') { $desc = _("(formatted for PhpWiki developers as pgsrc template, not for backing up)"); $altpreviewbuttons = HTML( Button(array('action' => $this->getName()), _("Preview as normal format"), $page), $Sep, Button(array( 'action' => $this->getName(), 'format'=> 'backup'), _("Preview as backup format"), $page)); } elseif ($format == 'backup') { $desc = _("(formatted for backing up: all revisions)"); // all revisions $altpreviewbuttons = HTML( Button(array('action' => $this->getName(), 'format'=> 'forcvs'), _("Preview as developer format"), $page), $Sep, Button(array( 'action' => $this->getName(), 'format'=> ''), _("Preview as normal format"), $page)); } else { $desc = _("(normal formatting: latest revision only)"); $altpreviewbuttons = HTML( Button(array('action' => $this->getName(), 'format'=> 'forcvs'), _("Preview as developer format"), $page), $Sep, Button(array( 'action' => $this->getName(), 'format'=> 'backup'), _("Preview as backup format"), $page)); } $warning = HTML( _("Please use one of the downloadable versions rather than copying and pasting from the above preview.") . " " . _("The wordwrap of the preview doesn't take nested markup or list indentation into consideration!") . " ", HTML::em( _("PhpWiki developers should manually inspect the downloaded file for nested markup before rewrapping with emacs and checking into Subversion.") ) ); return HTML($h2, HTML::em($desc), HTML::pre($mailified), $altpreviewbuttons, HTML::div(array('class' => 'errors'), HTML::strong(_("Warning:")), " ", $warning), $dl, $Sep, $dlall, $Sep, $dlcvs ); } // function handle_plugin_args_cruft(&$argstr, &$args) { // } function generateMessageId($mailified) { $array = explode("\n", $mailified); // Extract lastmodifed from mailified document for Content-Id // and/or Message-Id header, NOT from DB (page could have been // edited by someone else since we started). $m1 = preg_grep("/^\s+lastmodified\=(.*);/", $array); $m1 = array_values($m1); //reset resulting keys unset($array); $m2 = preg_split("/(^\s+lastmodified\=)|(;)/", $m1[0], 2, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // insert message id into actual message when appropriate, NOT // into http header should be part of fixup_headers, in the // format: // // Hopefully this provides a unique enough identifier without // using md5. Even though this particular wiki may not // actually be part of InterWiki, including this info provides // the wiki name and name of the page which is being // represented as a text message. $this->MessageId = implode('', explode('.', PHPWIKI_VERSION)) . "-" . $m2[0] . date("O") //. "-". rawurlencode(WIKI_NAME.":" . $request->getURLtoSelf()) . "-". rawurlencode(WIKI_NAME.":" . $this->pagename) . "@". rawurlencode(SERVER_NAME); } function fixup_headers(&$mailified) { $return = explode("\n", $mailified); // Leave message intact for backing up, just add Message-Id header before transmitting. $item_to_insert = "Message-Id: <" . $this->MessageId .">"; $insert_into_key_position = 2; $returnval_ignored = array_splice($return, $insert_into_key_position, 0, $item_to_insert); $mailified = implode("\n", array_values($return)); } function fixup_headers_forcvs(&$mailified) { $array = explode("\n", $mailified); // Massage headers to prepare for developer checkin to Subversion. $item_to_insert = "X-Rcs-Id: \$Id\$"; $insert_into_key_position = 2; $returnval_ignored = array_splice($array, $insert_into_key_position, 0, $item_to_insert); $item_to_insert = " pgsrc_version=\"2 \$Revision\$\";"; $insert_into_key_position = 5; $returnval_ignored = array_splice($array, $insert_into_key_position, 0, $item_to_insert); /* Strip out all this junk: author=MeMe; version=74; lastmodified=1041561552; author_id=; hits=146; */ $killme = array("author", "version", "lastmodified", "author_id", "hits", "owner", "acl"); // UltraNasty, fixme: foreach ($killme as $pattern) { $array = preg_replace("/^\s\s$pattern\=.*;/", /*$replacement =*/"zzzjunk", $array); } // remove deleted values from array for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++ ) { if(trim($array[$i]) != "zzzjunk") { //nasty, fixme //trigger_error("'$array[$i]'");//debugging $return[] = $array[$i]; } } $mailified = implode("\n", $return); } }; // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>