* * * * * * * * * Updated to use new HTML(). It mostly works, but it's still a giant hackish mess. */ class WikiPlugin_PageGroup extends WikiPlugin { function getName() { return _("PageGroup"); } function getDescription() { return sprintf(_("PageGroup for %s"),'[pagename]'); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array( 'parent' => '', 'rev' => false, 'section' => _("Contents"), 'label' => '', 'loop' => false, ); } // Stolen from IncludePage.php function extractSection ($section, $content, $page) { $qsection = preg_replace('/\s+/', '\s+', preg_quote($section, '/')); if (preg_match("/ ^(!{1,})\\s*$qsection" // section header . " \\s*$\\n?" // possible blank lines . " ( (?: ^.*\\n? )*? )" // some lines . " (?= ^\\1 | \\Z)/xm", // sec header (same or higher level) (or EOF) implode("\n", $content), $match)) { // Strip trailing blanks lines and ----
s $text = preg_replace("/\\s*^-{4,}\\s*$/m", "", $match[2]); return explode("\n", $text); } return array(sprintf(_("<%s: no such section>"), $page ." ". $section)); } function run($dbi, $argstr, $request) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); extract($args); $html=""; if (empty($parent)) { // FIXME: WikiPlugin has no way to report when // required args are missing? $error_text = fmt("%s: %s", "WikiPlugin_" .$this->getName(), $error_text); $error_text .= " " . sprintf(_("A required argument '%s' is missing."), 'parent'); $html = $error_text; return $html; } $directions = array ('next' => _("Next"), 'previous' => _("Previous"), 'contents' => _("Contents"), 'first' => _("First"), 'last' => _("Last") ); global $Theme; $sep = $Theme->getButtonSeparator(); if (!$sep) $sep = " | "; // force some kind of separator // default label if (!$label) $label = $Theme->makeLinkButton($parent); // This is where the list extraction occurs from the named // $section on the $parent page. $p = $dbi->getPage($parent); if ($rev) { $r = $p->getRevision($rev); if (!$r) { $this->error(sprintf(_("%s(%d): no such revision"), $parent, $rev)); return ''; } } else { $r = $p->getCurrentRevision(); } $c = $r->getContent(); $c = $this->extractSection($section, $c, $parent); $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); // The ordered list of page names determines the page // ordering. Right now it doesn't work with a WikiList, only // normal lines of text containing the page names. $thispage = array_search($pagename, $c); $go = array ('previous','next'); $links = HTML(); $links->pushcontent($label); $links->pushcontent(" [ "); // an experiment $lastindex = count($c) - 1; // array is 0-based, count is 1-based! foreach ( $go as $go_item ) { //yuck this smells, needs optimization. if ($go_item == 'previous') { if ($loop) { if ($thispage == 0) { $linkpage = $c[$lastindex]; } else { $linkpage = $c[$thispage - 1]; } // mind the French : punctuation $text = fmt("%s: %s", $directions[$go_item], $Theme->makeLinkButton($linkpage)); $links->pushcontent($text); $links->pushcontent($sep); //this works because there are only 2 go items, previous,next } else { if ($thispage == 0) { // skip it } else { $linkpage = $c[$thispage - 1]; $text = fmt("%s: %s", $directions[$go_item], $Theme->makeLinkButton($linkpage)); $links->pushcontent($text); $links->pushcontent($sep); //this works because there are only 2 go items, previous,next } } } else if ($go_item == 'next') { if ($loop) { if ($thispage == $lastindex) { $linkpage = $c[1]; } else { $linkpage = $c[$thispage + 1]; } $text = fmt("%s: %s", $directions[$go_item], $Theme->makeLinkButton($linkpage)); } else { if ($thispage == $lastindex) { // skip it } else { $linkpage = $c[$thispage + 1]; $text = fmt("%s: %s", $directions[$go_item], $Theme->makeLinkButton($linkpage)); } } $links->pushcontent($text); } } $links->pushcontent(" ] "); // an experiment return $links; } }; // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>