* Reini Urban (local fs) * Thomas Harding (slides mode, real thumbnails) * * Usage: * * * "src": textfile of images or directory of images or a single image (local or remote) * Local or remote e.g. http://myserver/images/MyPhotos.txt or http://myserver/images/ * or /images/ or Upload:photos/ * Possible content of a valid textfile: * photo-01.jpg; Me and my girlfriend * photo-02.jpg * christmas.gif; Merry Christmas! * * Inside textfile, filenames and optional descriptions are seperated by * semi-colon on each line. Listed files must be in same directory as textfile * itself, so don't use relative paths inside textfile. * * "url": defines the the webpath to the srcdir directory (formerly called weblocation) */ /** * TODO: * - specify picture(s) as parameter(s) * - limit amount of pictures on one page * - use PHP to really resize or greyscale images (only where GD library supports it) * (quite done for resize with "ImageTile.php") * * KNOWN ISSUES: * - reading height and width from images with spaces in their names fails. * * Fixed album location idea by Philip J. Hollenback. Thanks! */ class ImageTile extends HtmlElement { // go away, hack! function image_tile (/*...*/) { $el = new HTML ('img'); $tag = func_get_args(); $path = DATA_PATH . "/ImageTile.php"; $params = "'; return $el->raw ($params); } } class WikiPlugin_PhotoAlbum extends WikiPlugin { function getName () { return _("PhotoAlbum"); } function getDescription () { return _("Displays a set of photos listed in a text file with optional descriptions"); } // Avoid nameclash, so it's disabled. We allow any url. // define('allow_album_location', true); // define('album_location', 'http://kw.jouwfeestje.com/foto/redactie'); // define('album_default_extension', '.jpg'); // define('desc_separator', ';'); function getDefaultArguments() { return array('src' => '', // textfile of image list, or local dir. 'url' => '', // if src=localfs, url prefix (webroot for the links) 'mode' => 'normal', // normal|thumbs|tiles|list // "normal" - Normal table which shows photos full-size // "thumbs" - WinXP thumbnail style // "tiles" - WinXP tiles style // "list" - WinXP list style // "row" - inline thumbnails // "column" - photos full-size, displayed in 1 column // "slide" - slideshow mode, needs javascript on client 'numcols' => 3, // photos per row, columns 'showdesc' => 'both', // none|name|desc|both // "none" - No descriptions next to photos // "name" - Only filename shown // "desc" - Only description (from textfile) shown // "both" - If no description found, then filename will be used 'link' => true, // show link to original sized photo // If true, each image will be hyperlinked to a page where the single // photo will be shown full-size. Only works when mode != 'normal' 'attrib' => '', // 'sort, nowrap, alt' // attrib arg allows multiple attributes: attrib=sort,nowrap,alt // 'sort' sorts alphabetically, 'nowrap' for cells, 'alt' to use // descs instead of filenames in image ALT-tags 'bgcolor' => '#eae8e8', // cell bgcolor (lightgrey) 'hlcolor' => '#c0c0ff', // highlight color (lightblue) 'align' => 'center', // alignment of table 'height' => 'auto', // image height (auto|75|100%) 'width' => 'auto', // image width (auto|75|100%) // Size of shown photos. Either absolute value (e.g. "50") or // HTML style percentage (e.g. "75%") or "auto" for no special // action. 'cellwidth'=> 'image', // cell (auto|equal|image|75|100%) // Width of cells in table. Either absolute value in pixels, HTML // style percentage, "auto" (no special action), "equal" (where // all columns are equally sized) or "image" (take height and // width of the photo in that cell). 'tablewidth'=> false, // table (75|100%) 'p' => false, // "displaythissinglephoto.jpg" 'h' => false, // "highlightcolorofthisphoto.jpg" 'duration' => 6, // in slide mode, in seconds 'thumbswidth' => 80 //width of thumbnails ); } // descriptions (instead of filenames) for image alt-tags function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request)); $attributes = $attrib ? explode(",", $attrib) : array(); $photos = array(); $html = HTML(); $count = 0; // check all parameters // what type do we have? if (!$src) { $showdesc = 'none'; $src = $request->getArg('pagename'); $error = $this->fromLocation($src, $photos); } else { $error = $this->fromFile($src, $photos, $url); } if ($error) { return $this->error($error); } if ($numcols < 1) $numcols = 1; if ($align != 'left' && $align != 'center' && $align != 'right') { $align = 'center'; } if (count($photos) == 0) return; if (in_array("sort", $attributes)) sort($photos); if ($p) { $mode = "normal"; } if ($mode == "column") { $mode="normal"; $numcols="1"; } // set some fixed properties for each $mode if ($mode == 'thumbs' || $mode == 'tiles') { $attributes = array_merge($attributes, "alt"); $attributes = array_merge($attributes, "nowrap"); $cellwidth = 'auto'; // else cell won't nowrap if ($width == 'auto') $width = 70; } elseif ($mode == 'list') { $numcols = 1; $cellwidth = "auto"; if ($width == 'auto') $width = 50; } elseif ($mode == 'slide' ) { $tableheight = 0; $cell_width = 0; $numcols = count($photos); $keep = $photos; while (list($key, $value) = each($photos)) { list($x,$y,$s,$t) = @getimagesize($value['src']); if ($height != 'auto') $y = $this->newSize($y, $height); if ($width != 'auto') $y = round($y * $this->newSize($x, $width) / $x); if ($x > $cell_width) $cell_width = $x; if ($y > $tableheight) $tableheight = $y; } $tableheight += 50; $photos = $keep; unset ($x,$y,$s,$t,$key,$value,$keep); } $row = HTML(); $duration = 1000 * $duration; if ($mode == 'slide') $row->pushContent(JavaScript(" i = 0; function display_slides() { j = i - 1; cell0 = document.getElementsByName('wikislide' + j); cell = document.getElementsByName('wikislide' + i); if (cell0.item(0) != null) cell0.item(0).style.display='none'; if (cell.item(0) != null) cell.item(0).style.display='block'; i += 1; if (cell.item(0) == null) i = 0; setTimeout('display_slides()',$duration); } display_slides();")); while (list($key, $value) = each($photos)) { if ($p && basename($value["name"]) != "$p") { continue; } if ($h && basename($value["name"]) == "$h") { $color = $hlcolor ? $hlcolor : $bgcolor; } else { $color = $bgcolor; } // $params will be used for each tag $params = array('src' => $value["name"], 'src_tile' => $value["name_tile"], 'border' => "0", 'alt' => ($value["desc"] != "" and in_array("alt", $attributes)) ? $value["desc"] : basename($value["name"])); if (!@empty($value['location'])) $params = array_merge($params, array("location" => $value['location'])); // check description switch ($showdesc) { case 'none': $value["desc"] = ''; break; case 'name': $value["desc"] = basename($value["name"]); break; case 'desc': break; default: // 'both' if (!$value["desc"]) $value["desc"] = basename($value["name"]); break; } // FIXME: get getimagesize to work with names with spaces in it. // convert $value["name"] from webpath to local path $size = @getimagesize($value["name"]); // try " " => "\\ " if (!$size and !empty($value["src"])) { $size = @getimagesize($value["src"]); if (!$size) { trigger_error("Unable to getimagesize(".$value["name"].")", E_USER_NOTICE); } } $newwidth = $this->newSize($size[0], $width); if ($width != 'auto' && $newwidth > 0) { $params = array_merge($params, array("width" => $newwidth)); } if (($mode == 'thumbs' || $mode == 'tiles' || $mode == 'list')) { if (!empty($size[0])) { $newheight = round ($newwidth * $size[1] / $size[0]); $params['width'] = $newwidth; $params['height'] = $newheight; } else $newheight = ''; if ($height == 'auto') $height=150; } else { $newheight = $this->newSize($size[1], $height); if ($height != 'auto' && $newheight > 0) { $params = array_merge($params, array("height" => $newheight)); } } // cell operations $cell = array('align' => "center", 'valign' => "top", 'class' => 'photoalbum cell', 'bgcolor' => "$color"); if ($cellwidth != 'auto') { if ($cellwidth == 'equal') { $newcellwidth = round(100/$numcols)."%"; } else if ($cellwidth == 'image') { $newcellwidth = $newwidth; } else { $newcellwidth = $cellwidth; } $cell = array_merge($cell, array("width" => $newcellwidth)); } if (in_array("nowrap", $attributes)) { $cell = array_merge($cell, array("nowrap" => "nowrap")); } //create url to display single larger version of image on page $url = WikiURL($request->getPage(), array("p" => basename($value["name"]))) . "#" . basename($value["name"]); $b_url = WikiURL($request->getPage(), array("h" => basename($value["name"]))) . "#" . basename($value["name"]); $url_text = $link ? HTML::a(array("href" => "$url"), basename($value["desc"])) : basename($value["name"]); if (! $p) { if ($mode == 'normal' || $mode == 'slide') { if(!@empty($params['location'])) $params['src'] = $params['location']; unset ($params['location'],$params['src_tile']); $url_image = $link ? HTML::a(array("id" => basename($value["name"]), "href" => "$url"), HTML::img($params)) : HTML::img($params); } else { $keep = $params; if (!@empty ($params['src_tile'])) $params['src'] = $params['src_tile'] ; unset ($params['location'],$params['src_tile']); $url_image = $link ? HTML::a(array("id" => basename($value["name"]), "href" => "$url"), ImageTile::image_tile($params)) : HTML::img($params); $params = $keep; unset ($keep); } } else { if(!@empty($params['location'])) $params['src'] = $params['location']; unset ($params['location'],$params['src_tile']); $url_image = $link ? HTML::a(array("id" => basename($value["name"]), "href" => "$b_url"), HTML::img($params)) : HTML::img($params); } if ($mode == 'list') $url_text = HTML::a(array("id" => basename($value["name"])), $url_text); // here we use different modes if ($mode == 'tiles') { $row->pushContent( HTML::td($cell, HTML::div(array('valign' => 'top'), $url_image), HTML::div(array('valign' => 'bottom'), HTML::div(array('class'=>'boldsmall'), ($url_text)), HTML::br(), HTML::div(array('class'=>'gensmall'), ($size[0]. " x ". $size[1]. " pixels")))) ); } elseif ($mode == 'list') { $desc = ($showdesc != 'none') ? $value["desc"] : ''; $row->pushContent( HTML::td(array("valign" => "top", "nowrap" => 0, "bgcolor" => $color), HTML::div(array('class'=>'boldsmall'),($url_text)))); $row->pushContent( HTML::td(array("valign" => "top", "nowrap" => 0, "bgcolor" => $color), HTML::div(array('class'=>'gensmall'), ($size[0]. " x ". $size[1]. " pixels")))); if ($desc != '') $row->pushContent( HTML::td(array("valign" => "top", "nowrap" => 0, "bgcolor" => $color), HTML::div(array('class'=>'gensmall'),$desc))); } elseif ($mode == 'thumbs') { $desc = ($showdesc != 'none') ? HTML::p(HTML::a(array("href" => "$url"), $url_text)) : ''; $row->pushContent( (HTML::td($cell, $url_image, // FIXME: no HtmlElement for fontsizes? // rurban: use ->setAttr("style","font-size:small;") // but better use a css class HTML::div(array('class'=>'gensmall'),$desc) ))); } elseif ($mode == 'normal') { $desc = ($showdesc != 'none') ? HTML::p($value["desc"]) : ''; $row->pushContent( (HTML::td($cell, $url_image, // FIXME: no HtmlElement for fontsizes? HTML::div(array('class'=>'gensmall'),$desc) ))); } elseif ($mode == 'slide') { if ($newwidth == 'auto' || !$newwidth) $newwidth = $this->newSize($size[0],$width); if ($newwidth == 'auto' || !$newwidth) $newwidth = $size[0]; if ($newheight != 'auto') $newwidth = round($size[0] * $newheight / $size[1]); $desc = ($showdesc != 'none') ? HTML::p($value["desc"]) : ''; if ($count == 0) $cell=array('style' => 'display: block; ' . 'position: absolute; ' . 'left: 50% ; ' . 'margin-left: -'.round($newwidth / 2).'px;' . 'text-align: center; ' . 'vertical-align: top', 'name' => "wikislide".$count); else $cell=array('style' => 'display: none; ' . 'position: absolute ;' . 'left: 50% ;' . 'margin-left: -'.round($newwidth / 2).'px;' . 'text-align: center; ' . 'vertical-align: top', 'name' => "wikislide".$count); if ($align == 'left' || $align == 'right') { if ($count == 0) $cell=array('style' => 'display: block; ' .'position: absolute; ' . $align.': 50px; ' .'vertical-align: top', 'name' => "wikislide".$count); else $cell=array('style' => 'display: none; ' .'position: absolute; ' . $align.': 50px; ' .'vertical-align: top', 'name' => "wikislide".$count); } $row->pushContent( (HTML::td($cell, $url_image, HTML::div(array('class'=>'gensmall'), $desc) ))); $count ++; } elseif ($mode == 'row') { $desc = ($showdesc != 'none') ? HTML::p($value["desc"]) : ''; $row->pushContent( HTML::table(array("style" => "display: inline", 'class' > "photoalbum row"), HTML::tr(HTML::td($url_image)), HTML::tr(HTML::td(array("class" => "gensmall", "style" => "text-align: center; " ."background-color: $color"), $desc)) )); } else { return $this->error(fmt("Invalid argument: %s=%s", 'mode', $mode)); } // no more images in one row as defined by $numcols if ( ($key + 1) % $numcols == 0 || ($key + 1) == count($photos) || $p) { if ($mode == 'row') $html->pushcontent(HTML::div($row)); else $html->pushcontent(HTML::tr($row)); $row->setContent(''); } } //create main table $table_attributes = array("border" => 0, "cellpadding" => 5, "cellspacing" => 2, "class" => "photoalbum", "width" => $tablewidth ? $tablewidth : "100%"); if (!empty($tableheight)) $table_attributes = array_merge($table_attributes, array("height" => $tableheight)); if ($mode != 'row') $html = HTML::table($table_attributes, $html); // align all return HTML::div(array("align" => $align), $html); } /** * Calculate the new size in pixels when the original size * with a value is given. * * @param integer $oldSize Absolute no. of pixels * @param mixed $value Either absolute no. or HTML percentage e.g. '50%' * @return integer New size in pixels */ function newSize($oldSize, $value) { if (trim(substr($value,strlen($value)-1)) != "%") { return $value; } $value = str_replace("%", "", $value); return round(($oldSize*$value)/100); } /** * fromLocation - read only one picture from fixed album_location * and return it in array $photos * * @param string $src Name of page * @param array $photos * @return string Error if fixed location is not allowed */ function fromLocation($src, &$photos) { /*if (!allow_album_location) { return $this->error(_("Fixed album location is not allowed. Please specify parameter src.")); }*/ //FIXME! if (! IsSafeURL($src)) { return $this->error(_("Bad url in src: remove all of <, >, \"")); } $photos[] = array ("name" => $src, //album_location."/$src".album_default_extension, "desc" => ""); } /** * fromFile - read pictures & descriptions (separated by ;) * from $src and return it in array $photos * * @param string $src path to dir or textfile (local or remote) * @param array $photos * @return string Error when bad url or file couldn't be opened */ function fromFile($src, &$photos, $webpath='') { $src_bak = $src; if (preg_match("/^Upload:(.*)$/", $src, $m)) { $src = getUploadFilePath() . $m[1]; $webpath = getUploadDataPath() . $m[1]; } //there has a big security hole... as loading config/config.ini ! if (!preg_match('/(\.csv|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png|\.gif|\/)$/',$src)) { return $this->error(_("File extension for csv file has to be '.csv'")); } if (! IsSafeURL($src)) { return $this->error(_("Bad url in src: remove all of <, >, \"")); } if (preg_match('/^(http|ftp|https):\/\//i', $src)) { $contents = url_get_contents($src); $web_location = 1; } else { $web_location = 0; if (string_ends_with($src,"/")) $src = substr($src,0,-1); } if (!file_exists($src) and @file_exists(PHPWIKI_DIR . "/$src")) { $src = PHPWIKI_DIR . "/$src"; } // check if src is a directory if (file_exists($src) and filetype($src) == 'dir') { //all images $list = array(); foreach (array('jpeg','jpg','png','gif') as $ext) { $fileset = new fileSet($src, "*.$ext"); $list = array_merge($list, $fileset->getFiles()); } // convert dirname($src) (local fs path) to web path natcasesort($list); if (! $webpath ) { // assume relative src. default: "themes/Hawaiian/images/pictures" $webpath = DATA_PATH . '/' . $src_bak; } foreach ($list as $file) { // convert local path to webpath $photos[] = array ("src" => $file, "name" => $webpath . "/$file", "name_tile" => $src . "/$file", "src" => $src . "/$file", "desc" => ""); } return; } // check if $src is an image foreach (array('jpeg','jpg','png','gif') as $ext) { if (preg_match("/\.$ext$/", $src)) { if (!file_exists($src) and @file_exists(PHPWIKI_DIR . "/$src")) $src = PHPWIKI_DIR . "/$src"; if ($web_location == 1 and !empty($contents)) { $photos[] = array ("src" => $src, "name" => $src, "name_tile" => $src, "src" => $src, "desc" => ""); return; } if (!file_exists($src)) return $this->error(fmt("Unable to find src='%s'", $src)); $photos[] = array ("src" => $src, "name" => "../".$src, "name_tile" => $src, "src" => $src, "desc" => ""); return; } } if ($web_location == 0) { $fp = @fopen($src, "r"); if (!$fp) { return $this->error(fmt("Unable to read src='%s'", $src)); } while ($data = fgetcsv($fp, 1024, ';')) { if (count($data) == 0 || empty($data[0]) || preg_match('/^#/',$data[0]) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$data[0])) continue; if (empty($data[1])) $data[1] = ''; $photos[] = array ("name" => dirname($src)."/".trim($data[0]), "location" => "../".dirname($src)."/".trim($data[0]), "desc" => trim($data[1]), "name_tile" => dirname($src)."/".trim($data[0])); } fclose ($fp); } elseif ($web_location == 1) { //TODO: check if the file is an image $contents = preg_split('/\n/',$contents); while (list($key,$value) = each($contents)) { $data = preg_split('/\;/',$value); if (count($data) == 0 || empty($data[0]) || preg_match('/^#/',$data[0]) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$data[0])) continue; if (empty($data[1])) $data[1] = ''; $photos[] = array ("name" => dirname($src)."/".trim($data[0]), "src" => dirname($src)."/".trim($data[0]), "desc" => trim($data[1]), "name_tile" => dirname($src)."/".trim($data[0])); } } } }; // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>