> * * You do not have to add '' to the code - the plugin * does this automatically if you do not set wrap to 0. * * If you do set wrap to 0, then you'll have to start and stop PHP * mode in the source yourself, or you wont see any highlighting. But * you cannot use '' in the source, because this * interferes with PhpWiki, you'll have use '< ?php' and '? >' * instead. * * Author: Martin Geisler . * * Added ability to override colors defined in php.ini --Carsten Klapp * * Known Problems: * <> * will swallow "[somearray]" */ class WikiPlugin_PhpHighlight extends WikiPlugin { // Four required functions in a WikiPlugin. function getName() { return _("PhpHighlight"); } function getDescription() { return _("PHP syntax highlighting"); } // Establish default values for each of this plugin's arguments. function getDefaultArguments() { // TODO: results of ini_get() should be static for multiple // invocations of plugin on one WikiPage return array('wrap' => true, 'string' => ini_get("highlight.string"), //'#00CC00', 'comment' => ini_get("highlight.comment"), //'#FF9900', 'keyword' => ini_get("highlight.keyword"), //'#006600', 'bg' => ini_get("highlight.bg"), //'#FFFFFF', 'default' => ini_get("highlight.default"), //'#0000CC', 'html' => ini_get("highlight.html") //'#000000' ); } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request)); $source =& $this->source; $this->sanify_colors($string, $comment, $keyword, $bg, $default, $html); $this->set_colors($string, $comment, $keyword, $bg, $default, $html); if ($wrap) { /* Wrap with "" required by * highlight_string(): */ $source = ""; } else { $source = str_replace(array('< ?php', '? >'), array(''), $source); } $str = highlight_string($source, true); if ($wrap) /* Remove "" again: */ $str = str_replace(array('<?php
', '?>'), '', $str); /* We might have made some empty font tags. */ foreach (array($string, $comment, $keyword, $bg, $default, $html) as $color) { $search = ""; $str = str_replace($search, '', $str); } /* Remove also empty span tags. */ foreach (array($string, $comment, $keyword, $bg, $default, $html) as $color) { $search = ""; $str = str_replace($search, '', $str); } /* restore default colors in case of multiple invocations of this plugin on one page */ $this->restore_colors(); return new RawXml($str); } function handle_plugin_args_cruft(&$argstr, &$args) { $this->source = $argstr; } /** * Make sure color argument is valid * See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.html#h-6.5 */ function sanify_colors($string, $comment, $keyword, $bg, $default, $html) { static $html4colors = array("black", "silver", "gray", "white", "maroon", "red", "purple", "fuchsia", "green", "lime", "olive", "yellow", "navy", "blue", "teal", "aqua"); /* max(strlen("fuchsia"), strlen("#00FF00"), ... ) = 7 */ static $MAXLEN = 7; foreach (array($string, $comment, $keyword, $bg, $default, $html) as $color) { $length = strlen($color); //trigger_error(sprintf(_("DEBUG: color '%s' is length %d."), $color, $length), E_USER_NOTICE); if (($length == 7 || $length == 4) && substr($color, 0, 1) == "#" && "#" == preg_replace("/[a-fA-F0-9]/", "", $color) ) { //trigger_error(sprintf(_("DEBUG: color '%s' appears to be hex."), $color), E_USER_NOTICE); // stop checking, ok to go } elseif (($length < $MAXLEN + 1) && in_array($color, $html4colors)) { //trigger_error(sprintf(_("DEBUG color '%s' appears to be an HTML 4 color."), $color), E_USER_NOTICE); // stop checking, ok to go } else { trigger_error(sprintf(_("Invalid color: %s"), $color), E_USER_NOTICE); // FIXME: also change color to something valid like "black" or ini_get("highlight.xxx") } } } function set_colors($string, $comment, $keyword, $bg, $default, $html) { // set highlight colors $this->oldstring = ini_set('highlight.string', $string); $this->oldcomment = ini_set('highlight.comment', $comment); $this->oldkeyword = ini_set('highlight.keyword', $keyword); $this->oldbg = ini_set('highlight.bg', $bg); $this->olddefault = ini_set('highlight.default', $default); $this->oldhtml = ini_set('highlight.html', $html); } function restore_colors() { // restore previous default highlight colors ini_set('highlight.string', $this->oldstring); ini_set('highlight.comment', $this->oldcomment); ini_set('highlight.keyword', $this->oldkeyword); ini_set('highlight.bg', $this->oldbg); ini_set('highlight.default', $this->olddefault); ini_set('highlight.html', $this->oldhtml); } } ; // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: