* or without any script: (not tested) * * TODO: PloticusSql - create intermediate data from SQL. Similar to SqlResult, just in graphic form. * For example to produce nice looking pagehit statistics or ratings statistics. */ if (!defined("PLOTICUS_EXE")) if (isWindows()) define('PLOTICUS_EXE','pl.exe'); else define('PLOTICUS_EXE','/usr/local/bin/pl'); require_once "lib/WikiPluginCached.php"; class WikiPlugin_Ploticus extends WikiPluginCached { /** * Sets plugin type to MAP if -csmap (-map or -mapdemo or -csmapdemo not supported) * or HTML if the imagetype is not supported by GD (EPS, SVG, SVGZ) (not yet) * or IMAGE if device = png, gif or jpeg */ function getPluginType() { if (!empty($this->_args['-csmap'])) return PLUGIN_CACHED_MAP; // not yet tested else return PLUGIN_CACHED_IMG_INLINE; } function getName () { return _("Ploticus"); } function getDescription () { return _("Ploticus image creation"); } function managesValidators() { return true; } function getVersion() { return preg_replace("/[Revision: $]/", '', "\$Revision: 1.3 $"); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array( 'device' => 'png', // png,gif,svgz,svg,... '-csmap' => false, 'alt' => false, 'help' => false, ); } function handle_plugin_args_cruft(&$argstr, &$args) { $this->source = $argstr; } /** * Sets the expire time to one day (so the image producing * functions are called seldomly) or to about two minutes * if a help screen is created. */ function getExpire($dbi, $argarray, $request) { if (!empty($argarray['help'])) return '+120'; // 2 minutes return sprintf('+%d', 3*86000); // approx 3 days } /** * Sets the imagetype according to user wishes and * relies on WikiPluginCached to catch illegal image * formats. * (I feel unsure whether this option is reasonable in * this case, because png will definitely have the * best results.) * * @return string 'png', 'jpeg', 'gif' */ function getImageType($dbi, $argarray, $request) { return $argarray['device']; } /** * This gives an alternative text description of * the image. */ function getAlt($dbi, $argstr, $request) { return (!empty($this->_args['alt'])) ? $this->_args['alt'] : $this->getDescription(); } /** * Returns an image containing a usage description of the plugin. * * TODO: -csmap pointing to the Ploticus documentation at sf.net. * @return string image handle */ function helpImage() { $def = $this->defaultArguments(); $other_imgtypes = $GLOBALS['CacheParams']['imgtypes']; unset ($other_imgtypes[$def['imgtype']]); $helparr = array( ' ' = "' . $def['device'] . "(default)|" . join('|',$GLOBALS['CacheParams']['imgtypes']).'"', 'alt' => ' = "alternate text"', '-csmap' => ' bool: clickable map?', 'help' => ' bool: displays this screen', '...' => ' all further lines below the first plugin line ', '' => ' and inside the tags are the ploticus script.', "\n ?>" ); $length = 0; foreach($helparr as $alignright => $alignleft) { $length = max($length, strlen($alignright)); } $helptext =''; foreach($helparr as $alignright => $alignleft) { $helptext .= substr(' ' . $alignright, -$length).$alignleft."\n"; } return $this->text2img($helptext, 4, array(1, 0, 0), array(255, 255, 255)); } function newFilterThroughCmd($input, $commandLine) { $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to ); $process = proc_open("$commandLine", $descriptorspec, $pipes); if (is_resource($process)) { // $pipes now looks like this: // 0 => writeable handle connected to child stdin // 1 => readable handle connected to child stdout // 2 => readable handle connected to child stderr fwrite($pipes[0], $input); fclose($pipes[0]); $buf = ""; while(!feof($pipes[1])) { $buf .= fgets($pipes[1], 1024); } fclose($pipes[1]); $stderr = ''; while(!feof($pipes[2])) { $stderr .= fgets($pipes[2], 1024); } fclose($pipes[2]); // It is important that you close any pipes before calling // proc_close in order to avoid a deadlock $return_value = proc_close($process); if (empty($buf)) printXML($this->error($stderr)); return $buf; } } /* PHP versions < 4.3 * TODO: via temp file looks more promising */ function OldFilterThroughCmd($input, $commandLine) { $input = str_replace ("\\", "\\\\", $input); $input = str_replace ("\"", "\\\"", $input); $input = str_replace ("\$", "\\\$", $input); $input = str_replace ("`", "\`", $input); $input = str_replace ("'", "\'", $input); //$input = str_replace (";", "\;", $input); $pipe = popen("echo \"$input\"|$commandLine", 'r'); if (!$pipe) { print "pipe failed."; return ""; } $output = ''; while (!feof($pipe)) { $output .= fread($pipe, 1024); } pclose($pipe); return $output; } function getImage($dbi, $argarray, $request) { //extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request)); //extract($argarray); $source =& $this->source; if (!empty($source)) { $html = HTML(); $cacheparams = $GLOBALS['CacheParams']; $tempfiles = tempnam($cacheparams['cache_dir'], 'Ploticus'); $gif = $argarray['device']; $args = " -stdin -$gif -o $tempfiles.$gif"; if (!empty($argarray['-csmap'])) { $args .= " -csmap -mapfile $tempfiles.map"; $this->_mapfile = "$tempfiles.map"; } $commandLine = PLOTICUS_EXE . "$args"; if (check_php_version(4,3,0)) $code = $this->newFilterThroughCmd($source, $commandLine); else $code = $this->oldFilterThroughCmd($source, $commandLine); //if (empty($code)) // return $this->error(fmt("Couldn't start commandline '%s'", $commandLine)); if (! file_exists("$tempfiles.$gif") ) return $this->error(fmt("Ploticus error: Outputfile '%s' not created", $tempfiles.$gif)); $ImageCreateFromFunc = "ImageCreateFrom$gif"; $img = $ImageCreateFromFunc( "$tempfiles.$gif" ); return $img; } else { return $this->error(fmt("empty source")); } } function getMap($dbi, $argarray, $request) { $img = $this->getImage($dbi, $argarray, $request); return array($this->_mapfile, $img); } }; // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.2 2004/06/02 19:37:07 rurban // extended description // // Revision 1.1 2004/06/02 19:12:42 rurban // new Ploticus plugin // // // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>